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5 Ways To Find Yourself When You Feel Lost

Sometimes, you have to lose yourself somewhere along the way to find yourself. You might feel confident and content with your path one day but feel lost, confused, and conflicted. The path to the top might look clear one day, but it can easily slip out of view depending on what circumstances you face. All of us have different ways of approaching life, and what makes us feel happy can change drastically from moment to moment. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t know which direction to turn sometimes – this is just a normal part of life.

However, you can pull yourself out of the trenches and find your way back to the light again whenever you feel lost in life.

10 Signs You Feel Lost in Life

Do you see any of these signs?

1.     You Feel Hopeless Most of the Time.

If you’re feeling lost, you probably don’t have much hope for the future. You may look around and feel exasperated about the state of the world, leaving you mentally paralyzed. If you knew your purpose, you could quickly achieve great things. However, lost souls wander to discover their calling in life, and if they haven’t found it, they start to become desperate.

The toll of daily living could also make you feel hopeless. Grinding away at your job and taking care of endless responsibilities wears away at the strongest souls. Give yourself permission to get away and go on a nature retreat sometimes; it will replenish your spirit and perspective on life.

feel lost

2.     You’re Unsure of Your Path.

Even people who work in their dream career may question their path sometimes. It’s normal to reevaluate your place and purpose on Earth after a while because we all want to feel settled and secure. We also want to know that we’re making the right choices for ourselves and others. However, when you feel lost, your vision becomes blurry, and you’re constantly second-guessing your decisions.

3.     You’ve Lost Touch With Your Intuition.

When you disconnect from your intuitive side, you rely on your analytical, logical mind to navigate life. However, studies show that intuition is just as crucial as right-brained thinking in making decisions. Ideally, both parts of our brain would work in unison, creating a perfect balance. If you’re confused in life, you can’t hear that inner voice through all the static.

4.     You Fall Back Into Bad Habits.

Those who feel adrift in life may try to mask the pain with drugs, alcohol, food, or other unhealthy habits. When you’re feeling depressed and hopeless, you naturally want comfort and an escape from your mind. Most people in this world struggle with these feelings, so know that you’re not alone.

However, try going for a jog or talking with a loved one about your emotions instead of indulging in addictions. This way, you’ll get the same feel-good hormones without the adverse side effects.

5.     If You’re Lost, You Probably Feel Disconnected From the World.

Those who feel disassociated from themselves and others may perceive the world as a movie because it isn’t real. They don’t feel a connection with themselves or others or belong in any particular group. Lost souls may withdraw from others frequently because it’s more soothing to their spirit to be alone. They don’t have to pretend or put on a mask; they can be without worrying what others think.

6.     You’re Always Searching for Something, But Can’t Find It.

A disoriented soul may wander to the edges of Earth, searching for something to fill the void. However, no matter how persistently they search, they never seem satisfied with what they’ve found. There’s always something missing that they can’t put their finger on. If you’re astray in life, you may feel desperate for answers, but remember that you can only find them within.

Feeling lost is your soul crying out for attention when you’ve been focused too much on outer experiences.

7.     You’re Not Content in Life.

Feeling discontent in life means that you’re out of touch with your true self. We’re all wired for bliss, but most seek it through external means. Ideally, you’d feel complete and whole on your own, without needing anything material to appease you. Of course, it takes many lifetimes for most people to achieve this inner contentment.

For now, it’s essential to follow your heart and learn to trust your intuition. Perhaps changing up your career, relationships, or even where you live could bring renewed happiness.

8.     You Have No Goals or Ambitions.

A confused soul may feel so hopeless that they’ve given up on life goals or dreams. They may go through the motions of daily life without feeling connected to what they’re doing. Unfortunately, most people live on autopilot, not seeing a more profound meaning or purpose in their work. They live for the weekends or vacations instead and try to forget about the drudgery of the workweek.

9.     If You’re Lost, You See No Point to Life.

If you contemplate deeply enough the meaning of life, you may conclude that it doesn’t have an obvious purpose. We’re all trying to find our reason for living, so it’s understandable to feel this way. Truly lost souls may fall into a deep depression if they ponder the big questions too often, however. If you’re feeling empty or hopeless, talk to someone you trust or focus on helping others somehow.

Sometimes, any action can take your mind off an existential crisis, especially if it involves making others’ lives better.

10.  You Dislike Yourself and Others.

Sadly, many confused or hurting souls intensely dislike everything about life, including its inhabitants. If you don’t see a point or purpose in life, you may grow to hate existence itself. Most people struggle with self-loathing, but it can become a problem if you can’t see anything positive about yourself. Remember, how you view yourself affects every facet of your life, including your overall perception.

feel lost

Here are five ways to find yourself when you feel lost

Now that you know the signs of being lost in life, what do you do?

1. Don’t fight your feelings

First and foremost, you can’t ever climb out of the hole you’ve found yourself in if you try to suppress your feelings. To get to know yourself again, you have to walk through the darkness – not avoid it. You might not see the point in evaluating your feelings, but you have to become aware of how you feel to get anywhere in life. Your emotions at any given time can tell you a lot about your current situation and can catalyze change.

So, when you feel lost, go deep within and learn to listen to your feelings. Your intuition always serves your highest good – you have to learn how to tune into it.

2. Trust yourself

Secondly, you can’t ever find yourself again if you don’t trust both yourself and the process of knowing yourself. At some point in life, all of us will lose touch with ourselves somehow. However, the key to finding ourselves once again is to believe in ourselves and know that we have everything we need to thrive. If you turn your back on yourself and your faith in your abilities, where else will you turn?

Remember, the most important relationship you have in life is with yourself because you can’t ever run away from yourself. So, learning how to trust your inner voice and intuition will go a long way in finding yourself again.

3. Remember to engage in things that you enjoy

When you feel lost, try to remember what truly makes you happy. Get outside and get fresh air, join a gym or yoga studio, work in the garden, or do any activity that brings a smile to your face. Simply doing these little things that make our hearts happy can dispel any feelings of hopelessness that might creep up. As humans, we naturally worry about if we’re living “the right way,” but keep in mind that everything is subjective.

There is no rule book to life; we get to create it as we go along. So, it only makes sense to use our time wisely and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion whenever we feel lost. Frequently, we feel lost because we’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere in life, so going down the wrong path can usually help us find the right one eventually.

4. Try new things

Are you feeling lost? Why not shake things up a bit and get out of that boring daily routine? As contradicting as it sounds, you can quickly lose yourself inside the mundane and familiar. Inside our comfort zones, we can start to lose touch with our spirit, with what makes us indeed come alive.

We all need some variety every once in a while. Maybe by learning a new skill or keeping ourselves occupied with new activities, we can reinvent ourselves and become even better than the person we once knew.

5. Dispel negative thinking patterns

The easiest way to start feeling lost and alone is to engage in negative thinking. That voice inside your head telling you that you can’t accomplish something and won’t ever find your way in life only exists because your ego feels too scared to let go. So, to quiet your ego, you need to feed your soul. You need to breathe in the good, breathe out the bad, and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Easier said than done, but starting the day with just one positive affirmation can put things into perspective and eliminate those pesky, nagging negative thought patterns.

Don’t allow your mind to overtake your life – feeling lost doesn’t mean you have to give up on yourself. You can do whatever you set your mind to in life, and you didn’t come here to worry and feel worthless. You have a purpose here, even if you can’t always see it. Trust yourself and never give up, and you’ll start to notice beautiful things unfolding in your life.

feel lost

Final Thoughts on Finding Yourself if You Feel Lost

No one wants to feel disconnected from themselves, but unfortunately, many people in this modern world do. Getting caught up in the daily grind can easily make you feel like a machine just carrying out functions, not a human being with emotions. However, you can get back in touch with yourself by doing activities that bring you joy, reconnecting with Mother Earth, and slowing down a bit.

We’re not here to hurry through life, pay bills and earn a piece of paper that says we learned something in college. We are souls in temporary human form, here to rediscover our divine origins. Never forget this higher purpose as you carry out your daily duties because your transformation is the greatest gift you can give the world.

10 Ways to Detox Your Life

The need to detox your life is a direct result of an overworked, overscheduled, and overwhelmed lifestyle that has (somehow) been accepted by most people as ‘normal’ and ‘fact-of-life’, which is far from the truth. We have less time while taking on more responsibilities. As a result, we also make fewer healthy choices for our body and mind.

‘The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon its own mechanisms’ – Andrew Weil

10 Ways to Detox Your Life

If you’re not sure if your life needs a detox, these signs will tell you.

soda detox

1. Cleanse with oil

From oil pulling to castor oil packs, from healthy, virgin, cold-pressed mono-unsaturated cooking oils to essential oils for home remedies, oils have got a lot of health benefits that help detox your body.

One study found that sesame oil (a natural edible oil) and sesamol (an active antioxidant) are potently beneficial for treating lead- and iron-induced liver and kidney toxicity and have no ill effects on the body. Researchers found that sesame oil reduced inflammatory responses in the body and also helped reduce lead and iron toxic metals. Sesame oil also helped reduce tumor necrosis factor’à and it might also be helpful with removing mercury from the body.

2. Clear the clutter

Then there is “stuff”…meaningless, excessive, pointless “stuff” that seems to just pile up on us. Where is your “stuff” currently? Whether it’s on your desk, in your closet, in the living room, on a table, or in your car, get rid of it.

Usually, clutter results from having an excessive amount of anything – books, papers, toys, shoes, clothes, food, antiques (Mom!) – that occupies space for no particular reason. But it occupies more than just space in your home; it takes up space in your brain.

2. Eat cruciferous vegetables

As you read in our article about armpit detoxing, eating your greens is a great way to remove cancer-causing toxic agents from your body. Cruciferous veggies like Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which helps your body clear out excess estrogens.

Excess chemicals that act like estrogen in the body come from our beauty products, BPA plastics, hormones given to animals that we eat, and even some pesticides. These estrogen-like chemicals are called xenoestrogens. Over time, they can lead to early hormonal changes in developing teenage girls and boys and can also contribute to the development of breast and other cancers.

3. Herbal tea cleanse

Herbal teas with milk thistle or burdock (for liver) and dandelion or artichoke (for bile excretion) have been used for centuries to detox and cleanse the body.

4. Digestive cleanse

From enemas to suppositories to laxatives and dietary cleanses, your colon and digestive system would appreciate a good detox. Senna herbal tea is a healthy and natural digestive cleanse that you can try that can help detox your body.

5. Pay attention to your spiritual needs

Religious or spiritual needs are something that ought not to be neglected. Whether you meditate, read scripture, pray, attend church, enjoy the beauty of nature, or do something else, doing the things that uplift your spirit is important to your balance and wellbeing.

Try to take at least twenty to thrity minutes a day to tend to these needs. If this is not possible for whatever reason, spend ten to fifteen minutes meditating, reading scripture, or enjoying some solitude before hitting the pillow.

6. Massage

Stimulating the energy meridians of the body and enhancing circulation with a massage is a good way to improve the body’s natural detox system, the lymphatic system. Read more about how your lymphatic system helps detox your body in our recent article: 10 Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System.

7. Disconnect and reconnect

We strongly believe that overuse and overdependence on technology is toxic. If you don’t believe us, just think: How many people have you seen driving while on a cell phone? Have your kids pulled out a tablet or cell phone at the dinner table? Has a co-worker ignored you or someone else while replying to their 100th text message?

Technology certainly has its role. Advances in technology have resulted in medical advances, educational improvements, scientific discoveries, and more. But it’s had a negative impact on our actual connection with each other. Families drift apart, parents bring their work home, and kids tap away on Facebook instead of opening their textbooks. There’s no real presence of mind with excessive technology use. Be mindful of how and when you use technology.

8. Exercise

Movement helps to stimulate your circulatory system and blood flowing helps the other organs to process toxins. Toxins embed in fat cells, so losing fat will release toxins. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking some clean, filtered water whenever you are exercising, using a sauna, or taking an Epsom salt bath since these can be dehydrating.

9. Epsom salt soak

Soak in a natural mineral hot spring if you can or seek out a flotation therapy tank. If you can’t find these excellent natural cleansing baths near you, then the next best thing is a bathtub with piping hot water and some Epsom salts. Add some lavender essential oils for aromatherapy cleanse as well.


Dr. Laura K. Thompson of Furman University says that bath salts improve cleaning or the experience of bathing, provide medical improvement, or serve as a vehicle for cosmetic agents. Bath Salts have been developed that mimic the properties of natural mineral baths or hot springs. The earliest writings concerning bath salts were published in China around 2700 years BCE.’ Dr. Thompson suggests making your own bath salt blend that combines Epsom salts, natural mineral salts, baking soda, moisturizing oil, and essential oils for fragrance.

10. Sweat

One of the easiest ways to detox is by sweating. Any exercise that gets you sweating will help naturally detox your body through the skin. Sweating with sauna therapy is another way to increase circulation, sweat out toxins, and improve lymphatic flow for cleaning. After a good sweat, make sure to clean your skin with a shower. That’s because the toxins that you sweat out of your system will wash away.

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Need to Detox Your Life

Once you realize you have the need for a clean start, make it a priority. You deserve the best! Try one of these methods to detox your life, and you will continue to lead a full and happy life.

7 Things You Need to Do For Yourself

Life is a precious commodity. It’s a privilege to be breathing and experiencing this amazing journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow and someday are tall-tail myths. Start your list and follow through on these things you must do for yourself.

Enjoy every second of taking chances and leaving your comfort zone. Make the space to create your list today and start checking things off.

Here are seven things you must do for yourself in life

Add these to-do list items to your bucket list.

1. Travel far and wide, or just outside of your zip code.

Traveling does something to our spirit. It expands our awareness to all that is available in life. The journey is truly the gift and the destination is a bonus. Each adventure is a new link to learning something about yourself through other cultures or even in your own backyard.

Take a train across Canada and then a cruise to Alaska to go whale watching. Go on a spiritual retreat in India, visit the Taj Mahal, and then the Hogenakkal Falls in the South. Book a safari in Africa and visit Victoria Falls. While on that side of the world, hop over to Egypt and take a camel ride to the Pyramids of Giza. Take a trek in South America to explore Machu Picchu in Peru, and take a jungle night walk in the forest with a shaman.

overcome a fear2. Do what scares you.

Ride a motorcycle, go zip-lining, parachute, climb a mountain, go surfing, go skiing, or purchase road legal quad bikes for sale UK and ride around the country. If you want to learn how to surf, you may take beginner lessons and visit a surf shop to purchase the necessary equipment. Overcoming your fears is one way to live life on the edge. Get in front of an audience in Open-Mic night at any local cafe or bar. Join a meet-up group and explore an area near where you live. Take a cruise alone. Go to a homeless shelter and help for a day. Take flowers to a stranger in a hospital. Leave a sweet note on a neighbor’s door. To get over fears, you must tackle them head-on…you cannot go around them.

3. Learn something new.

Pick up an instrument. Finish that novel on your computer with the help of a writing group. Take classes and learn a new hobby. Take a cooking class at a local school, an art lesson, or learn martial arts. Learning to do new things is a lot safer than reaching for the substance to fulfill you. Your brain will thank you for it. Play a video game if you’ve never tried it before. Take a meditation class or an online motivational course.

4. Learn a new language.

Physiological studies have shown that when you learn a new language, it is a great asset to cognitive processing. You become smarter and sharper in your thinking. Scientists have found that bilingual young adults and children perform better on tasks dictated by the brain’s executive control system. This system is “the basis for your ability to think in complex ways, control attention, and do everything we think of as uniquely human thought,” said Ellen Bialystok, a psychologist at York University in Toronto, Canada. Other studies have shown that there is a decrease in Alzheimer’s when you take on other languages. Language is a connection to the world. It’s also useful for those trips you will be making to Europe, India, and other parts of this great world.

5. Focus on your health.

Make healthy choices now. Don’t put them off. Start jogging or hiking. Join a gym. Your health is a priority over anything else. Give up smoking, drugs, and alcohol. Drink more water. Add more vegetables to your diet while reducing the intake of red meats and other processed foods. You don’t have to be drastic, but small, moderate, changes in your diet can change your life. When you feel good you also do good.

6. Fall in love unconditionally.

Keep your heart open and available. You’ve been hurt, it’s gonna be okay! Now it’s time to take your love life into account. You are only responsible for yourself and the way you love. Love yourself first. When others see how you love your life they begin to love you with the same respect. We are constantly waiting on another person to love us unconditionally but it starts with the self. Fall in love every day with your gifts. Find a mind-body-spiritual connection to Oneness through you. You are here to love recklessly and in full abandonment.

“Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.” ~ Mandy HaleThe Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

You have the innate power to live life to the fullest. No one else can do this for you. Make all those small changes one day at a time. Your soul will thank you for doing these things.

things weigh down quote7. Make Love (without having sex)

If you want to feel the most powerful energy in the Universe, make love. It’s one of the most unforgettable experiences anyone can ever encounter.  Simply put, making love is creating energy, sourced directly from the divine.  Usually, this is a collective effort between two people. But contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to get in-between the sheets to “do it”.  There are many ways to create this divine energy, and you can find an outlet for it in many different facets of life.

This 5 Minute Foot Massage Relieves Cold And Flu Symptoms

Reflexology: The application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears…these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person’s general health. – The University of Minnesota, Center for Spirituality & Healing

When institutions such as the University of Minnesota are studying alternative and natural health, it’s a big deal. The studies coming out of academic institutions that scientifically demonstrate the health benefits of natural healing and wellness have proliferated. As a result, many leading medical practitioners are now practicing natural treatment; some have even left traditional “diagnose, prescribe, repeat” cycle of traditional medicine for a more holistic/wellness approach.

What is “reflexology”?

This leads us to another important and beneficial practice: reflexology. For the uninitiated (yours truly), reflexologists achieve positive health outcomes for patients by manipulating certain pressure points that correspond to certain areas of the body. This pressure is then applied to help alleviate symptoms of various types.

Practitioners of reflexology are either using the treatment exclusively or as a complement to other methods for an assortment of conditions. These conditions are wide-ranging and include: anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, kidney function, PMS and sinusitis, among others.

Key areas of the body – including the hands, feet and ears – affect specific bones, organs and bodily functions. Our feet, which we’ll focus on, correspond to different areas of the body affected by cold and flu. Pressure points in the left foot parallel the function of all organs and valves on the left side of the body, while pressure points in the right foot affect the right side.

Practitioners of Chinese reflexology (more on this later) have discovered that certain areas of the foot correspond with life’s energy, or “qi” (pronounced “chee.”) When certain spots of the foot are sore, this is likely because of an internal imbalance of energy. Cold and flu symptoms are notorious for causing soreness of the feet, and these are the areas that need attention.

How can it help with my cold and flu?

Here’s how this 5 minute foot massage relieves cold and flu symptoms:

Well, Chinese reflexology practice helps in different ways. First, it’s effective, which is the most important part of any treatment regimen. Second, it’s very quick – the entire process will take about 15 minutes (five minutes, three times a day.) Third, in addition to being quick and effective, the practice is incredibly relaxing to others areas of the body.

Given the fact that many of us will continue our lives despite of fighting a cold (sometimes, even a flu), simple practices that promote relief are often preferential to chasing our malady with medicine and simply waiting it out. A targeted, quick massage may indeed substitute for this “drug and sleep” ritual.

Furthermore, those that practice Chinese reflexology will testify to the effectiveness. Chest congestion and pain is often alleviated, as are headaches, muscle pain and other unpleasant symptoms. To be clear, this technique probably won’t create feelings of euphoria (wouldn’t that be nice?), but it will likely result in noticeably more tolerable symptoms.

Chinese Reflexology, although very powerful, the practice does require a little time. Please don’t expect to be cough and headache-free after one session, in other words.

Let’s get to it!

First, note that rubbing sore areas of the feet may cause some unpleasantness at first – this is completely normal. As such, progressively rub despite of this, as the subtle pain will eventually reside. Second, try this practice on an empty stomach or, at minimum, an hour before eating.

The primary areas we’re seeking to affect are the lungs, tonsils and throat, sinuses, and lymph (or lymph nodes). As mentioned, each area correlates with different parts of the foot.

Area #1: The Lungs

In Chinese medicine, a balance exists between the lung meridian (energy) and the presence of germs. When we’re sick, this balance shifts and requires intervention to achieve equilibrium.

The lung meridian’s pressure point is located on the ball of the foot, between the little and big toe. As cold and flu symptoms tend to wreck some havoc on our lungs, it’s normal for this area to feel somewhat tender.

Massage this area by pressing deeply with the thumbs. If a certain spot is tender to the touch, rub even deeper in smaller circles.

Area #2: The Sinuses

When one’s head is “stuffy,” this is almost always a sign of sinus congestion. Massaging the foot area corresponding with sinus function is one of the best ways to help alleviate a cold.

This area is located on the underside of the big toe. Use the thumb and forefinger to pinch and rub the bottom of the toe gently. Continue this motion for about 30 seconds.

Area #3: Throat and Tonsils

This is an area where the pain/benefit line is momentarily blurred. Rubbing the foot area connected with the throat and tonsils can be painful. Despite of the discomfort, this technique has been known to work wonders on a sore throat.

There are actually four pressure points for the throat and tonsils – side-by-side on the bottom of each big toe, just below the knuckle. To massage these four points, make a fist and then place the knuckles of the middle and index finger on top of the big toe. Move the wrist back to apply pressure to all four areas simultaneously. Continue for about 30 seconds.

Area #4: Lymph

No, we don’t generally feel lymph congestion or pain, but attention to this area can help speed up recovery from a cold or flu. This is because the lymphatic system is responsible for transporting white blood cells (read: healthy immune system) and eliminating waste – two essential functions for fighting off (and preventing) sickness.

The pressure point for the lymph system is in the webbed area between the bones of the big toe and second toe. To massage this area, use the knuckle of the index finger and apply strong pressure from the base of the toe to the “V” area when the bones meet (roughly 3 inches). Repeat this stroking motion 30 times.

Rub these points on both feet four times a day at these times:

– After first waking up

– 1 hour before or after lunch

– End of the workday

– Before going to sleep

Perform this ritual for at least two consecutive days. As symptoms reside, it’s okay to decrease the daily frequency (four times a day down to two, for example). For good measure, stick with the message for a couple days after feeling better.

As always, drink plenty of fluids and get adequate amounts of rest.

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Depressed

Even if you don’t have a mental disorder, you can still feel depressed from time to time through the ebbs and flows of life.

mental disorders

Sadly, many people suffer from depression worldwide. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 350 million people have some depression.  No matter how down you feel, however, you can always pick yourself back up again and forge on through the pain and difficulties you may face.

To help you stay afloat in life, we’ve collected some inspirational quotes that you can start your days off with to keep your mind in a positive place.

Here are eleven quotes to remember when you feel depressed:

These quotes can help to uplift you on days when you feel depressed.

depressed1. “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” — Joyce Meyer

You cannot control the world around you. However, you can stay composed to tackle circumstances one at a time. This positive mindset empowers you to regain control of your response. Indeed, you’ll learn how to make the best of every situation.

Even when you don’t “win,” you will know you did your best.

2. “Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.” — Fyodor Dostoevsky

Sadly, we often focus on the negative and play down the positive. Instead, we should be adopting a grateful attitude. This quote reminds us to count our blessings. So whether you thank God in prayer, write in a gratitude journal, or meditate, practice being thankful daily.

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3. “The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.” — Tenzin Gyatso

Serving others is one of the kindest acts we can do as part of the human experience. When someone volunteers, they often gain a fresh perspective and see that things are not as bleak as previously believed.

So get out and volunteer, serve at a food bank, deliver meals to the elderly, or collect supplies for needy school children. You will feel better about your circumstances.

4. “Character cannot be developed in ease, and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” — Helen Keller

If we learn how to listen to our intuition, we can learn from our own experiences. Whether we fail at a task, fight an illness, or suffer a loss, the experience offers a chance for growth. As we heal from these traumatic experiences, we gain the opportunity to grow into more empathetic individuals.

5. “A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl.” – Stephan Hoeller

We all gain emotional scars throughout our lives. We face failed relationships, dealing with unkind people, and other challenges during our lifetimes. But just as the pearl from the imperfection of an oyster, you can grow wisdom through these experiences.

depressed6. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Has everyone ever told you to smile at yourself in the mirror so you will sound happier? It works! If you are feeling down or depressed, try smiling. After all, a smile is just a frown turned upside down.

7. “Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.” – Greenville Kleisser

When you feel depressed, try listening to a comedy sketch. Or call a funny friend to lighten your mood. You will likely find that it’s almost impossible to remain sad when you are rolling on the floor laughing.

8. “And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin

Are you depressed because of external forces? Or are you holding back your feelings and a chance to shine? If you are struggling with internal pressures, let them blossom. You can work through the emotional struggle and eventually blossom fully, reaching your full potential.

growth quote

9. “Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Of course, you have heard the adage about time being the greatest healer of wounds. Unfortunately, that also requires you to be patient and let situations unfold for the best.

Remember that the Universe holds the ultimate authority and accept life. Make the best of taking charge of your emotional responses and adapt as you please. Don’t force the situation.

When you take the pressure to shape outcomes off of your shoulders, you might feel less depressed.

10. “Self-pity gets you nowhere. One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world: making the most of one’s best.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

If you feel depressed because you doubt your self-worth, then this quote might resonate with you. Work on overcoming your feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, and you will also make inroads towards beating the blues.pop meme

11. “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Depressed people have particular empathy, kindness, and concern for other people. Remember that you are walking through this struggle for the reason that you don’t understand fully. But know that at the end of the battle, you will emerge a whole, healthy, and robust version of yourself.

6 Ways To Move On From A Major Breakup

Are you reeling from the pain of a major breakup?

Relationships end in painful ways, whether they are mutual or not. When a marriage ends, or the relationship with a significant other comes to a giant halt, it hurts in ways that fracture the spirit. It’s not just the heart that aches. We begin to reflect and compare. We stumble across self-pity, anger, resentments and depression. There are many ways to cope. Here are some points to remember during a breakup while you allow your heart to grieve for the loss.

6 Ways to Move On From A Major Breakup


1. Pay attention to your inner guidance.

We tend to get lost in the emotional roller coaster of worth and self-loathing. Jealousy enters into your life while watching your mate move on quickly. Hatred for what was left behind embraces you until you can’t breathe. Doubt begins to play a huge role. You begin to question if you should have walked away. It’s in those moments that faith comes in. Sit and truly allow your spirit to be guided by something extraordinary.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they’re right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”- Marilyn Monroe

2. Follow a routine as you recover from the breakup.

Divorce or breakups disrupt all areas of normal waking life. It’s in these moments that stress becomes amplified. Make sure you have a daily routine whether it’s a spiritual practice, exercising, reading, writing or creating. Make a “new normal” for yourself. In a relationship, so much surrounds the other person that when it’s over, we forget what we need. Your identity gets clouded. Routine allows for stability to return to a place of home. As Dr. Phil McGraw says, “You create your own experiences. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” Familiarity and routine help heal the mind, body and spirit.

3. Do not reach for the bottle or the pills.

Avoidance is an instinct when we are hurt. Reaching for anything that numbs the pain seems to be first and foremost. This is an excellent time to reach for friends, a therapist, or anyone who can help you get through the healing process. Spend time with people who support and lift you. Go out and make new friends. Life gets turned upside down…momentarily. It is essential to find healthy ways to get through the sadness. Alcohol, food, pills, and any other addiction only mask the underlying issue. It’s best to be gentle with yourself and allow for the emotions to rise and release without stopping them with substance abuse. Don’t stop or cover up your emotions.

4. Allow the breakup grieving process to take its course.

You shouldn’t try to overlook the loss by jumping into another immediate relationship. Rebound love rarely works out. Grieving has no set date. It has no perfect timing. When you can look back at the relationship and the person, without crying, finding a healthy place to begin another relationship is safe. Don’t let grief be substituted by sex or deep depression that shuts you down. Know the difference between a deep depression and sadness. You are allowed to break and then get back up. You are allowed several pity parties, but don’t reside there permanently. Depression is triggered by the continuous involvement of participating in the hurt and memories. A chemical imbalance can also trigger it.

“Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.”   – José N. Harris, MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love

5. Change your hair and/or your bedroom.

Redecorate your surroundings while having fun with your persona. Enjoy the possibilities of having new things around you. Spark up that wardrobe. Get new bedding. Make space for you. Clean out closets. Throw stuff out. Rearrange your home to match your new life. You get to restart, and at times that requires radical decorating.

6. Take a trip or attend a retreat.

Being alone while taking the first trip is essential. This allows you to get to know yourself again. We identify with our partners. We lose ourselves in relationships, oftentimes romanticizing past events. You are divorced or in a breakup because you tried to give it your all and it didn’t work. It’s time to enjoy the space of being alone and finding your center. Don’t confuse being alone with being lonely. A trip to a new place will realign your worth and the fun of truly loving yourself again. Retreats are also places of sacredness and returning to self-love.


Final Thoughts on Healing Your Heart After a Major Breakup

You get a new beginning. Treat yourself as if you were getting over an illness, a cold, or the flu. Allow for healing. Pamper yourself in the process. Every ending is an opportunity for a new beginning. The ending of a relationship doesn’t need to determine who you are because you are the ultimate love of your life, and many things can be learned when you let a relationship go.

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