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10 Things You Need To Know About Loving A Pisces

10 Things You Need To Know About Loving A Pisces

Dating a Pisces won’t be a walk in the park, but it will certainly be worth it. Pisces have an imaginative, emotional nature, and sometimes don’t say exactly what’s on their minds. They tend to live in the dream world more than in reality. But this makes them child-like and playful. They can let their sensitivity and emotions get the best of them sometimes, so if you want to love a Pisces, you’ll have to come prepared to handle these gentle creatures with the biggest hearts on the planet. If you need a few more tips about loving a Pisces, keep reading below.

Here are 10 things you need to know about loving a Pisces:

Here are some traits you should know…

1. They need a lot of love and affection.

Pisces won’t always explicitly state it or ask for it, but they crave tons of affection and care. A Pisces usually gives more than they take, so in a relationship, they crave a lot of attention, and rightfully so. If you date a Pisces man or woman, prepare to pull out all the stops when it comes to wooing them and winning them over. They’re also hopeless romantics, so if you can exceed their expectations, loving your Pisces partner will be a lot easier in the long run.


2. They have a knack for creativity.

Pisces men and women get bored and uninterested in the modern world – they’d rather create from the worlds they visit inside their own minds. They don’t like mundane and regimented tasks, and prefer activities like drawing, writing, painting, and quiet, imaginative hobbies like these. They probably don’t have a normal job, instead opting for one that allows them to express themselves creatively. Loving a Pisces means accepting and understanding that they need creativity and innovation in their lives, so remember this if you happen to date a Pisces.

3. They are faithful partners.

Pisces won’t just run off with the first man or woman they see outside of their relationship – they are devoted, loyal partners. They enjoy having serious relationships, anyway, so if you have won a Pisces’ heart, expect that they will stick by your side and not have wandering eyes for other potential mates.

4. They love romance and passion in relationships.

If you date a Pisces man or woman, you’d better be prepared to totally sweep them off their feet. Pisces won’t tell you that they crave more passion in your relationship, so you’ll have to read between the lines. However, it doesn’t take much to keep a Pisces happy. A simple candlelit dinner at home, a dozen roses waiting for them on their desk at work, or even just a back massage after a long day will send a Pisces into a state of pure bliss. Just take the time to show your Pisces how much you care, and they will reciprocate.

5. They also love deep conversations.

You can’t get by with just talking about sports and your mom’s amazing spaghetti recipe when it comes to a Pisces – you’ll have to dig a little deeper to keep them stimulated and interested. A natural dreamer, Pisces love delving into topics such as aliens, space, strange ocean creatures, how the universe came into existence, why we came here, and intellectual topics like these. Of course, they don’t mind talking about simple things every once in a while, but make sure to keep them on their toes and offer them a real conversation, too.

6. They are generous.

Pisces will give you everything they have, even the shirt off their back, if it meant keeping you happy. They tend to make sacrifices and great compromises in relationships in order to keep their partner satisfied, so make sure to give back to them to show your appreciation and love for your Pisces partner.

7. They live inside their minds more than in the “real” world.

You might have to grab their attention a few times when you catch them staring off into space. They don’t mean to daydream so often, but they can’t really help it – it’s just in their nature. Loving a Pisces means accepting that they live inside their minds a lot, so you’ll have to make some effort to bring them back down to Earth when you want to chat.

8. They like a quiet evening in more than a noisy night out.

Pisces love to Netflix and chill probably more than any other sign. They’d rather make a delicious dinner at home and cuddle up with you on the couch than get all dressed up and deal with the crowds. Pisces love one-on-one interactions much better, anyway, so a quiet evening on the couch with you and a good documentary or movie seems much more enjoyable to them.

9. They enjoy alone time often.

Even if they love attention and affection, they also need their alone time to recharge. The fast-paced modern world can take its toll on a gentle Pisces, so they need their solitude in order to keep balanced and expel any bad energy they picked up from others. Give them their space, but don’t let them get away. Remind them how much you care, and that you’ll be waiting for them whenever they’re ready to emerge from their sanctuary.


10. They wear their heart on their sleeve.

Pisces have big hearts, and can get hurt easily. If they like you, they will shyly and subtly let you know and will drop everything in order to be with you. A Pisces doesn’t let just anyone in, so take this as a sign of trust and proceed carefully. A Pisces man or woman needs reassurance that you won’t just steamroll their heart, so make sure they know your true intentions and feelings.

5 Things You Never Knew About The Power Of Touch

Do any of us sit around and contemplate our sense of touch? Well, that’s probably a “no”. But when we think about it, our sense of touch truly is a gift. Those of us with families and close friends understand the satisfaction that comes from our ability to hug, kiss, and embrace our loved ones.

Indeed, that gift comes from our ability to touch.

There are also some very interesting factoids about this sense that stimulate newfound appreciation for a powerful human trait we think little about. An underlying commonality that these items share is that touch is an intricate and inseparable part of who we are as human beings.

Here are 5 little-known facts about our sense of touch:

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen to rather share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.” – Henri Nouwen

1. Touch is literally affected by emotion

It’s quite clear that our perception of touch can be affected by the social context of the interaction. We’re much more likely to interpret the interaction positively if it is initiated under positive pretenses. For example, a loving mother’s arm around one’s shoulders creates different emotions than that of a boss we don’t particularly care for. This much is obvious.

What’s not so obvious is that it actually feels different from a purely physical aspect. Dr. David Linden, author of Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart, and Mind, puts it this way:

“It’s not just that the context is different – it will actually feel different. The reason is that these emotional touch brain areas are getting information about the social context from other parts of the brain.”

2. Touch involves the processing of two different brain pathways

The human brain uses two different pathways to process the sense of touch, one is sensory and the other is emotional. The sensory pathway provides the physical interpretation of touch – texture, location, pressure, vibration, etc. The emotional pathway processes the psychological components of touch for our interpretation.

Aside from interpersonal encounters, the majority of sensations created through touch are emotionally-neutral. Thus, we utilize the sensory pathway – the somatosensory cortex – disproportionately in relation to the emotional pathway.

3. Touch is the first sense we develop

Incredibly, human beings begin to develop a sense of touch just three weeks after conception. At eight weeks, the embryo begins to interpret touch and react to its stimulation.

Skin sensitivity quickly extends to other areas of the body, as well. The genital areas sensitize by 10 weeks, the palms by 11 weeks, soles of the feet by 12 weeks, abdomen and buttocks by 17 weeks, and the entire body, with the exception of the head, by 32 weeks.

In a study done at Durham University, 4-D images reveal that the ability to anticipate touch begins in the womb. For the first time, scientists understand that fetuses can predict their own hand movements in the later stages of pregnancy. This breakthrough was discovered in images that displayed the fetus opening its mouth before bringing up its hand.

4. Touch impacts our lives in unexpected ways

The impact that touch has on our personal lives and the world around us are various, and certainly unexpected. Consider some of these now-known facts about the effects of touch:

–  Scratching is “contagious” because of our disease-fighting instincts.

– “Fist-bumping” between athletes can directly affect the outcome of a competition.

– Our brains prefer the subtle pain of scratching over an itching sensation.

– The nature of physical interaction during an interview can increase the odds of being hired.

5. Touch is essential to our development and health

Touch is an important part of our emotional and mental health. This is especially true in the newborn to early childhood stages of life (0 to 8 years old), as this period is when the brain is undergoing its most rapid development. Dr. Linden explains:

“If you don’t get touch right after you’re born, all kinds of terrible things happen, and not just cognitive and emotional. Your immune system doesn’t develop properly, you digestive system tends to have a problem – there’s a whole rack of health problems that can develop if you don’t receive touch in early life.”

After early childhood, touch remains a vital part of our well-being. This is partly because touch plays a key role in human communication, and human beings are social creatures. Touch also has a multitude of physical and psychological effects – from reducing anxiety and lowering blood pressure, to enhancing physical intimacy and forging new bonds.

The takeaway: remember to accept and generously share the power of touch.

5 Things You Can Learn When You Let A Relationship Go

If you’re not sure about whether or not to let your relationship go, read our guide 6 Signs You Shouldn’t End Your Relationship to learn if this really the right time. Once you’ve decided to part ways though, here are 5 things you can learn while you’re letting go of a relationship.

5 Things You Can Learn When You Let A Relationship Go

casual relationships

1. When you let a relationship go you can learn gratitude for the love that you have experienced.

It can be the most difficult lesson to find gratitude in the worst of experiences. Expressing gratitude is a good way to heal your heart. By letting go of the pain, you are able to embrace the healing energy of forgiveness.

Even if the love is long gone now, you can look back at the times that your partner expressed their love for you with happy memories. Love is expressed in many ways; physical, conversational, and actions being just a few of these. Tell yourself about a time that your partner showed healthy, happy love to you and bask in the warm emotions that the memory creates.

2. When you let a relationship go you can learn what role you played in the success or downfall of the partnership.

Did your own actions lead to the end of the relationship or do you really believe that it was all your partner’s fault? Don’t beat yourself up, but this is a good time to be honest about what actions you could take in a future relationship to help make things work.

Behaviors that may have played a role in the ending of your relationship:

  • Nagging
  • Refusing sexual advances too often
  • Holding grudges
  • Not sharing in household work
  • Having high expectations
  • Breaking your partner’s boundaries
  • Poor communication

3. When you let a relationship go you can learn about yourself.

When you end a relationship, you leave with more information about what you like and don’t like in a partner than you had before. Your preferences for your partner’s actions, physical appearance, sexual style and tastes will determine the future choices that you make.

In our article 9 Signs It’s Time for You to Let Go of a Relationship, we discussed how differences between the two of you can become so extreme that you feel the need to let go of your partner because they no longer serve your best interests. When one of you has grown and the other has not or you’ve grown in different ways that move you away from each other, it’s time to either change toward your partner or let go.

4. When you let a relationship go you can learn how to exit gracefully.

Even if the ending of your relationship was like the explosion scene of an action movie, you can learn from that for next time. How would you prefer to have ended things? The end doesn’t have to be painful. Try a different perspective and look at it as another opportunity for growth.

Expressing your favorite parts of the partnership as well as what did not work for you is an honest way to communicate with your partner. When you express your feelings about what did not work, make it about you, not your partner’s actions. For example, you might say ‘I tend to prefer a very clean living space’ rather than ‘Your inability to pick up your laundry off the floor is making me crazy.’

5. When you let a relationship go you can learn to let go of negative emotional baggage.

A breakup is an important life event in the sense that it is usually an event that you will vividly remember for a long period of time. Emotional pain from a bad relationship can leave a scar on your heart. Learning to grieve the hurt and then move on to a hopeful outlook is a skill that people with a positive outlook have already mastered.

In a study on relationship breakups, people were able to decrease the amount of emotional suffering that they experienced by focusing on redeeming things that came out of the relationship. An example of a redeeming statement used by those in the study is ‘Maybe it’s for the best. I am better off without somebody who doesn’t treat me right.’

By looking for the positives, people were able to have less symptoms of depression than those who did not keep a positive mindset. Depression after a breakup can be as simple as being bothered by things that don’t normally bother you, like seeing a happy couple kissing.

In another study of emotional distress after a breakup, researchers developed a scale to measure positive and negative emotions associated with thoughts about the breakup. The scale asked study participants who had been through a recent breakup about how often they thought about the relationship, depression, loss of self-concept, rediscovery of self-concept, negative emotional adjustment, and positive emotional adjustments.

Researchers found that emotional recovery after a breakup was helped by thoughts that had a positive emotion associated with them, for example being happy, satisfied or relieved. This means that positive thinkers were less likely to be preoccupied with the relationship, less likely to have anxiety abut being single and less likely to have regrets.

What Does Your Outfit Color Reveal About Your Personality?

When you get ready in the morning, you may not even think twice about the color of your shirt or the hue of your pants. However, the color of your outfit can actually say quite a bit about your personality and character traits. Also, what you wear also helps others to form opinions about you. As a result, your outfit color can paint a vivid picture of you before you even utter a word to your boss, coworker, or friend.

Similarly, the choice of pants can significantly impact how you’re perceived. For instance, Jack Archer Tech Pants offer not only a sleek and modern design but also a blend of functionality and style. These tech pants come in versatile colors that can convey professionalism, confidence, and a keen sense of practicality. Whether you’re heading to a business meeting or a casual outing, the right pair of pants can help you make a lasting impression, showcasing your attention to both detail and comfort.

Colors play a large role in many different aspects of life, and your outfit color is very telling of who you are as a person. And if you’re in need of fast, accurate, wholesale t-shirts printing, reliable company like screen print warehouse services is standing by and ready to help.

What does your outfit color reveal about you?

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Learn how coloring books can help you meditate.


Wearing blue can make you more employable. According to a Career Builder survey of 2,099 hiring managers, 23% of employers said that blue was the best color to wear to job interviews. They also associated blue with being a team player, which is a definite plus if you’re trying to get a job. The color blue is linked with a relaxed, confident, cool-headed persona. So, if you want to land a job at your favorite company, you should definitely think of pulling that trusty blue blouse out of the closet if you really want to impress the boss.


Nor surprisingly, red is associated with love and romance. If you choose to wear predominantly red, this means that you probably have a desire for love in your life, or want to impress a guy or girl. Aside from love and romance, red is also a way to express energy, passion, anger, adventure, or danger. If you pull red out of your closet today, it could be for a variety of reasons. Maybe you want to take a walk on the wild side, or catch a woman’s or man’s eye. Red is a very vibrant color, and it could even help increase your energy levels if you’re feeling a little down.


Gray is a pretty neutral color, so if you’re trying to blend in or not seem too over-the-top, then you probably wear gray fairly often. Furthermore, gray suggests that you don’t like conflict, and have an even-keeled approach to life. You don’t like to ruffle any feathers, and try to keep the peace whenever possible. People who wear a lot of gray also tend to work too much, and are very business savvy.


Purple has long been associated with power and status, but it also shows that you’re highly individualistic and unique. You are a bold, confident person and don’t ever hide who you are. Purple also shows that you’re very energetic, amiable, and sociable. You approach life with no inhibitions, and don’t ever back down from a challenge.


Black is a very versatile color. Depending on the situation, it can convey authority, elegance, confidence, or even sadness. It has also been linked to aggressiveness, non-conformity, and rebellion. So, if you gravitate toward the color black, you might want to appear chic and elegant, rough and tough, or rebellious. Black can be worn in many different situations and applies to a variety of moods, making it one of the most popular colors to wear.


The color green indicates safety, creativity, and relaxation. Green also symbolizes self-respect and well-being. It’s associated with a love of nature as well. So if you wear green often, you probably have a love for all things natural. You also likely have a knack for inventiveness and a big imagination. Also, since green is associated with well-being, you take care of your mind, body, and soul, and set aside a lot of time for self-care in your daily routine.


White shows organization and cleanliness. It also says that you enjoy simplicity and don’t make things more difficult than they have to be. People who wear white tend to be perfectionists as well, and care a great deal about their work and how others perceive them. You have high self-esteem, and only hang out with people who are fastidious about their work and go after what they want in life.


As you might’ve guessed already, yellow is the color of happiness. If you wear yellow clothing often, you probably have a positive outlook on life, and don’t fall into sadness very frequently. Yellow is also a bold, vibrant color. Therefore, you likely have an outgoing, extroverted personality, and share your thoughts and feelings easily with others. You have a big social life, and don’t enjoy spending a lot of time alone.

6 Things That Happen If You’re An Old Soul

If you feel much older than your actual age, you may have an old soul that has probably traveled here many times before this incarnation.

Old souls (find out if you’re an old soul here) make up about 10% of the world’s population – and even though they’re rare, they serve a wonderful purpose here on Earth.  They use the wisdom they’ve attained through many lifetimes to pass down to others, so that we may have a better, happier world.  They see the world differently than most other people and don’t have an interest in most of the agendas pushed by society today.

An old soul simply is more mature, and so they might find it difficult to relate to other people. They don’t want anything to do with materialism, greed, or other egotistical endeavors. They simply want to enjoy life’s natural treasures without anything obstructing their solitude. Old souls have great potential to uplift our planet and allow new ways of thinking to overtake outdated policies and ideals that no longer serve the greater good.  Old souls have a lot of life experience, and because of this, they can pass down that wisdom and knowledge to others.  Because of this, old souls often live a life behind the scenes, because they are very observant people. They would rather watch life happen and recount to others what they’ve learned than live unconsciously.

If you’ve been told that you have great wisdom and possess a strong spirit, you might be an old soul. Here are six things that you’ll likely encounter along your journey here on Earth.

6 Things That Happen If You’re an Old Soul

signs of an old soul

1.  You may find it hard to fit in with others.

Because old souls have very different interests than most people, they find it difficult to make new friends with either people their age or people of other age groups. This means that an old soul will find themselves alone quite often, but they don’t mind. If you have an old soul, you might want to stay in rather than accompany your friends to a wild party or night at the club or bar. You simply don’t see the point in these types of activities, and would rather relish in the silence and comfort of your own company. Old souls usually have an introverted nature, and don’t like noisy or crowded places. They’d rather spend their time tapping into their inner wisdom, and simply enjoying the little things in life.

2. You crave knowledge and wisdom.

The old soul naturally gravitates toward ideas rather than people or places. An old soul doesn’t see the value in living a superficial life full of unnecessary accumulation of possessions and lusting after men or women only to find themselves in a shallow relationship. They get stimulated by intellect and higher knowledge rather than any material objects or skin-deep encounters with others.

3. You don’t get along with people your age.

If you got along with adults as a child more than you did other children, you may very well be an old soul. An old soul doesn’t take interest in the pursuits of people their age, and therefore, gravitates toward older people with great wisdom about life, love, and the universe. However, this can leave them feeling like an outcast, as they find it hard to make friends.

If you’re an old soul, you’re also probably greatly misunderstood.  For example, some people might’ve considered you shy or awkward as a child, but you just didn’t have an interest in making friends with people you couldn’t relate to. In class, you probably wanted to talk to the teacher or counselor rather than your own classmates, as you had more in common with the adults. You have a great maturity about you, so this means that you’ll probably have much older friends throughout your lifetime here.

4. You prefer to spend time alone.

Old souls have learned many lessons through their lifetimes and need to spend time in reflection and contemplation to allow these teachings to sink in.  If you’re an old soul, you probably have a much deeper understanding of yourself and others, because you have spent time learning self-awareness and working on self-development. Also, you are likely more observant than most people around you, because your time spent alone allows you to simply bask in the beauty of the world and realize how blessed we all really are.

5. You understand what really matters in life.

Like a small cog in a big piece of machinery, old souls realize that they have a small, but vital role to play here on Earth.  They see from a higher perspective when dealing with life, and know that they have come here for an important reason. However, they also know how small they are compared with the vastness of the universe, and this humbles them greatly.  So, if you’re an old soul, you know that you have everything you need in life to be happy, and don’t strive for things that will only weigh down your spirit. You take the good with the bad, and know that this duality is necessary for learning and growth.

6. You would rather spend time in nature than in the “modern world.”

The old soul focuses much more on the joys of the natural world than the very temporary happiness that comes from anything derived from man-made objects. Old souls find it hard to deal with modern society most of the time, so they find solace in nature. If you’re an old soul, you might find yourself attracted to off-the-grid living, a nomadic lifestyle, permaculture, gardening, and other similar lifestyles that allow you to be closer to nature.

Einstein Was Right: Scientists Admit Gravitational Waves Exist

“Until now, we scientists have only seen warped space-time when it’s calm. It’s as though we had only seen the ocean’s surface on a calm day but had never seen it roiled in a storm, with crashing waves.”  – Dr. Kip Thorne, on the discovery of gravitational waves

Mister Albert Einstein created yet another splash.

Einstein produced some incredibly important work during his lifetime; none more so than the Theory of Relativity. Most of the predictions derived from Einstein’s theory materialized in the years following his death. One that hadn’t, until recently, was Einstein’s prediction that gravitational waves – ripples in the curvature of space-time – exist in the universe.

For those of us without a PhD in astrophysics, this story may invoke minimum interest. Here’s just one reason (among many) why this discovery is not only profound, but fascinating – the intimate knowledge and discovery of space was limited in Einstein’s life. The fact that Einstein was able to conceptualize and prove complex theories relating to the physical nature of space is extraordinary.

Consider that we’ve discovered more about the nature of the universe in the last three decades than in all of the previous years combined.

The simplest way to explain Einstein’s view of the Universe is that he believed it to be interwoven with time and able to expand, contract and wobble. He pictured a dynamic and “moldable” Universe as opposed to a static, fixed entity – the prevailing school of thought at the time.

It’s impossible to explain the level of genius and creativity (not to mention, relentless work) that must’ve been required of Einstein to simply imagine this possibility, much less prove.

It’s quite difficult to resist droning on about Einstein’s incredible foresight, especially since scientists have been laboring away in the lab for over a century after the physicist first put pen to paper with his Theory of Relativity, even more so when considering that the premonition of gravitational waves effectually tapped into the deepest and darkest realms of space-time in a period when few resources were available to support such far-sighted claims.

But the writer digresses.

“What happened?”

Einstein Was Right: Scientists Discover Gravitational Waves

An appropriate question at this point. Well, a team of scientists announced that they’d recorded the sound heard of two black holes colliding over 1 billion light-years away. Despite the distance of the collision, the magnitude of its effect allowed the scientists to observe.

The distant sound observed is one of the first evidences of Einstein’s final supposition in his Theory of Relativity: the presence of gravitational waves. In addition, this discovery also provides credence to the nature of black holes, specifically that they’re bottomless, gravitational pits in which even light can’t escape. Dr. Deirdre Shoemaker, a physicist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, explains:

“There’s been a lot of indirect evidence for their existence. But this is the first time we actually detect two black holes merging and we know the only thing that predicts that is gravitational radiation, which comes from a black hole merging.”

Shoemaker is referring specifically to the collision and merging of two black holes that created the gravitational waves. One black hole had the mass of 29 suns, while the other was the equivalent of 36 suns. LIGO (The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) estimates that this event took place approximately 1.3 billion years ago.

Perhaps most significantly, scientists and other great minds can use this discovery as a baseline measurement for future research. This uncovering of gravitational waves offers a previously undetected baseline to find new breakthroughs in space. It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of such a foundational element of Einstein’s relativity theory.

Here’s what David Reitze, executive director of LIGO, said: “What’s really exciting is what comes next. I think we’re opening a window to the universe – a window of gravitational wave astronomy.”

Dr. Shoemaker concurs: “Imagine having never been able to hear before and all you can do now is see. Now we can listen to the universe where we were deaf before. It’s a different spectrum. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever detected before.”

Truthfully, this discovery is a cause for celebration. Not only for the scientists that made it, but once again as affirmation that our universe is a living, evolving entity; one that invites passionate inquiry and reminds us of our connectedness with its very being. It also serves as a reminder of our immense potential to deepen our very relationship with the universe around us.

Ironically, the only resistance encountered stems from Einstein’s precision in depicting the nature of the universe.

Dr. Szabolcs Marka, professor at Columbia University and leader of LIGO, explains: “A physicist is always looking for a flaw in a theory. And the only way to find a flaw is to test it. Einstein’s theory did not present any flaws to us yet, and that is really scary. Physicists are very skeptical of flawless theories because then we have nothing to do.”

In conclusion, Einstein once again made us chuckle. Not only at his revelatory brilliance, but the commonalities the man himself has with the universe he worked tirelessly to discover. The universe’s nature is indeed a replica of Einstein’s own: wildly enigmatic and leaving much to the imagination.

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