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10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa may have passed on years ago, but her incredible love and wisdom still live on today. She shared many life lessons throughout her time on Earth, many of which centered around love, compassion, helping others, and maintaining humility. She embodied a wonderful example for all of us to follow – to simply love and give help to others without asking of either in return. We invite you to read over some of her most famous quotes that will hopefully inspire you to love more, give more, and help more.

Here are 10 life lessons we can learn from Mother Teresa:

1. Speak as little as possible about yourself

“These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one’s self. To mind one’s own business. Not to want to manage other people’s affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on one’s dignity. To choose always the hardest.”

“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.”

2. Keep busy with your own affairs, not those of others

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

“Live simply so others may simply live.”

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”

3. Avoid curiosity

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

4. Accept small irritations with good humor

“People are unrealistic, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway.”

5. Do not dwell on the faults of others

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

“Intense love does not measure; it just gives.”

“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”

6. Accept censures even if unmerited

“I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.”

7. Be courteous and delicate even when provoked

“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

“Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action.”

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

“A life not lived for others is not a life.”

8. Do not seek to be admired or loved.

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”

9. Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity

“One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.”

“There must be a reason why some people can afford to live well. They must have worked for it. I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things that we could use.”

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

10. Always choose the more difficult task

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.”

“Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.”

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

8 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Shiitake Mushrooms Every Day

Sure shiitake mushrooms are savory and delicious, but now there are scientifically proven reasons to eat them every day. If you are one of the lucky people who ate shiitake mushrooms at breakfast this morning, you are well aware of the tasty reasons to eat them.

Shiitake mushrooms are one delicious variety of fungi that not only taste good, but that help heal your body. Let’s look further at the edible bounty of shiitake mushrooms and why science has proven that eating them every day is deliciously good for you.

8 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Shiitake Mushrooms Every Day

A half cup of  these particular shrooms only has 41 calories and packs the following nutritional daily values:

  • Copper 72%
  • Pantothenic acid 52%
  • Selenium 33%
  • Vitamin B2 9%
  • Zinc 9%
  • Manganese 8%
  • Vitamin B6 7%
  • Vitamin B3 7%
  • Choline 6%
  • Fiber 6%
  • Vitamin D 5%
  • Folate 4%

shiitake mushrooms

1. Science proves that shitake mushrooms can kill bacteria that cause disease.

Chitosan is a type of natural sugar that is found in a few foods, including the shells of crabs and the stems of shiitake mushrooms. The chitosan found in shiitake mushrooms has antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria.

One study found that chitosan from shiitake stems showed excellent antimicrobial activities against eight species of disease-causing bacteria. Scientists also discovered that shiitake chitosan was more effective at killing bacteria than the chitosan taken from crab shells.

2. Science has proven that shitake mushrooms can kill tumors

Keeping yourself cancer-free is certainly a great reason to eat mushrooms and the scientific research backs up this claim. The same study mentioned above also found that the chitosan in shiitake mushroom stems helped prevent tumors from spreading.

Chitosan can also be found in crab shells, but the researchers found that shiitake chitosan was better at stopping the spread of tumors than the chitosan taken from crab shells. Although we can’t say that shiitake mushrooms prevent cancer form occurring in the first place, reducing the spread of tumors is a great reason to add them to your meal plan every day.

3. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can reduce inflammation and improve immunity.

Yet another scientific study showed that eating whole dried shiitake mushrooms in a daily diet helped reduce the inflammation for 52 male and female study participants over 4 weeks. Scientists showed improved immune function for the people who ate the shrooms every day. Another incredible health benefit of shrooms is an improved immune response.

4. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can help fight obesity.

In a study of mice that were fed a diet of shiitake mushrooms, scientists showed that the mice that ate the mushrooms had much healthier body weights than those that did not. The shiitake-fed mice had reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels and also had fewer fatty liver deposits.

The researchers say that supplementing diet with shiitake mushrooms could be a way to help control obesity in humans as well. Whether you suffer from a weight problem or not, adding  this food to your diet is a way to add a healthy, high-nutrient, low calorie food that you will enjoy.

5. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can prevent insomnia.

Some scientists believe that Vitamin D deficiency is responsible for many of the chronic insomnia sufferers in the world. 100 grams of fresh shiitake mushrooms provide 100 IU of Vitamin D daily, which helps your body repair itself at night while you get restful sleep.

6. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can prevent autoimmune diseases.

Adding this fungus to your diet can decrease the risk of autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia and arthritis. Shiitake naturally contain beta glucans, which are a type of natural sugar.

Beta-glucans have many health benefits, including protection from colds and flu.

Gaining resilience against autoimmune diseases and preventing the immune system from attacking the body is a scientifically proven reason to eat shiitake mushrooms every day.

7. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can improve overall nutrition in your diet.

Science has shown that those who have mushrooms in their diet are more likely to have a higher quality diet concerning total nutrient content than people who do not have mushrooms in their diet. Researchers analyzed and measured nine years of data on healthy eating for groups who either had mushrooms in their diets or did not. The mushroom-eating group surpassed the others for total vegetables, dark greens, and grains.

shiitake mushrooms

8. Science has proven that shiitake mushrooms can prevent and correct hypertension.

Researchers evaluating alternatives to high-blood pressure medication say that ‘Synthetic anti-hypertensive drugs have been blamed for side effects of various sorts. Thus, the search for natural, safe, and food-based anti-hypertensive agents has gained momentum. Mushrooms, abundant in bio-active components, had been recognized for its use as therapeutics in alternative and complementary medicine as well as functional food.’

Mushrooms contain terpenoids, peptides, lentinan, pipecolic acid, and potassium, which researchers have shown can prevent a high-cholesterol diet from causing high blood pressure. The compounds in shiitake mushrooms also have the potential to reverse hypertension for patients who prefer non-drug therapy.

5 Love Stories You Should Never Listen To

Everyone adores a good love story…and if they don’t they should. Why are these love stories so treasured? Is it because we love drama and the bubbly feelings that love incites? A rhetorical question, of course, as to appreciate these movies requires such. There’s always that point in the plot where something happens that tests the connection between two people. Will they beat the odds and come together or will they bid each other farewell? (It’s almost always the former, isn’t it?

Give Hollywood this: they at least introduce a bit of conflict in the love story. Sure, some of the plot points are laughable at best but that’s for another discussion. Perhaps even more laughable (delusional?) than Hollywood’s scriptwriting is the script repeated by some other misguided people about love.

Romantic fairytales exist only in the movies. In reality, relationships can be difficult on a number of different levels. So why do people still tell lies about love – or, worse yet, believe them?

We’re here to do a bit of myth-busting, love story style.

Here are 5 stories you should never listen to:

Love Lie #1: “The One…”

Now, there may be one person you’ve met that is your soulmate (here are the signs). But it’s disingenuous to pretend that having millions of people out there don’t increase the odds of finding that one true love. If two people compliment and bring out the best in each other than that is a perfectly happy courtship. However, odds are that some envious third-party will chime in with “well, he/she found his/her one…when is it my turn?” In truth, there are plenty of viable options that, if discovered, would help to increase the odds of finding someone that fulfilled them.
In other words, true love is determined by compatibility, not exclusivity. There is no truth to the contrary.

Love Lie #2: “Sincerity will win her/him over…”

This is a love lie that is far too commonplace, especially in the “men seeking women” arena. Men are prone to turn up the sincerity dial, as they believe that an exceptional ability to be sincere is valued when courting women. On a limited scale, this is true. Women love when men hold the door open, pick up the check and compliment their dress. Women don’t love when men buy them jewelry on the first date, say “I love you” after a week and cry at every sad movie. They also don’t appreciate men without the ability to articulate their words without sounding like an uninhibited jerk.

The reason that unabashed sincerity doesn’t bode well is two-fold: (1) it reeks of disingenuousness, and (2) it bypasses flirting, an important part of the courting process.

Love Lie #3: “This initial spark means something…”

Yeah, it means that two people just met. Who hasn’t heard of the “honeymoon phase”? Also, two people are almost always going to have different perspectives on one another’s attractiveness or lack thereof. In other words, that “initial spark” means little else than some person is attractive in some way. It doesn’t mean they’re attracted to you or that there is any type of future.

The only real way to test the connection between two people is to court. In reality, attraction can be a dynamic thing; something that changes as two people begin to know each other.
But first, it’s probably best to go over and say “Hello.”

Love Lie #4: “It’s only been a day/week/month, but we’re meant for each other…”

Do we really need to cover this? At this phase, there is no way that any rational conclusion can be made about the long-term viability of a relationship. We already know that people are complex beings… so what makes us think that we can know them in a day, a week, a month, or even a year?

Yes, we all want to love and be loved. It’s a beautiful thing. But at the expense of exploring and uncovering more about someone else? That’s part of the fun. Why this intense desire to jump right to the finish line?
Explore the other person and savor the little things. There is no need to rush to judgment here, despite of our desire to settle. Even if the relationship doesn’t continue to bear fruit, they had a presence in your life for a period of time.

Love Lie #5: “Life will be a dream, as long as we’re together…”

The other person will probably make life seem more like a dream, and that’s great. Truth is, this one is difficult to criticize – not because it’s true, but because our ideal mate will always make us contemplate what’s possible.
It is true that anything is possible with two people that love and believe in each other. We’re all innately attuned to the fact that life will have its turbulent moments. We’re also aware that the other person makes these moments worth living and then some.

13 Toxic Things You Can Replace With Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to treat several different conditions. Perhaps best known for its skin benefits, tree oil has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Further, tree oil has shown to be just as if not more effective in treating certain conditions than over-the-counter products and/or prescription medicines.

Here are 13 things you can throw away and replace with tea tree oil:

tea tree oil

1. Acne medication

For those prone to breaking out, tree oil can be a great solution. As opposed to traditional chemical-laden skincare products, tree oil is also natural and nourishes the skin. Dilute a few drops of tree oil with 20 to 40 drops of witch hazel and apply to the skin once or twice daily.

Tree oil makes skin more sensitive to UV rays, so avoid long stretches of sun exposure.

2. Toxic nail chemicals

Combined with some other oils – jojoba, avocado, and lavender – tree oil is good for softening cracked nail cuticles.


  • One tablespoon avocado oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • Ten drops of tea tree oil
  • Ten drops of lavender oil

First, combine the jojoba and avocado oils into a small, dark-colored bottle – this helps to preserve the oil beforehand if using the mixture later. When ready, simply add the other oils and shake the mixture to combine ingredients.

3. Chemical laden antiseptics

Tree oil is a natural and healthy antiseptic. It is also the perfect homemade wound ointment. For deeper cuts, it’s recommended to rinse the wound with a water and hydrogen peroxide mix before applying.

For an additional soothing effect, consider adding lavender oil.  Apply the tree oil (and lavender, if desired) to a clean wound once or twice a day.

4. Toenail fungus medications

Tree oil is a potent yet healthy, anti-fungal substance. Some even state that tree oil is more effective at killing toenail fungus than traditionally prescribed anti-fungal medication.

Simply dab a cotton swab into undiluted tree oil and apply it to the affected once or twice a day.

5. Deodorant

Healthy, natural deodorant can be made using tree oil. In addition to tree oil’s other qualities, it is also an antimicrobial – it can kill or inhibit microorganism growth, including the ones that cause body odor.

To make this deodorant, you will need coconut oil and baking soda. You can find the recipe here.

6. Psoriasis medication

Tree oil is effective in reducing the inflammation of the skin. As such, it can be a natural remedy for psoriasis and eczema.

Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil, five drops of tea tree oil, and five drops of lavender oil to create this healthy mixture.

7. Toxic shampoos

Tea tree oil has proven beneficial for hair and scalp health. The oil can heal flaked skin, remove dandruff, and even be used as a lice treatment.

To create a tree oil solution for hair, mix several drops of tea tree oil with aloe vera gel, coconut milk, and essential oils (if desired).

8. Toxic cleaning products

Because of tea tree oil’s antimicrobial properties, it’s also a perfect ingredient for a homemade household cleaning solution. Use it anywhere in the home – kitchen, shower, toilet, sinks, and countertops – to thoroughly clean.

Mix ½ cup of white vinegar, 3 cups of water and 10 drops of tea tree oil. For added scent, add essential oil.

9. Commercially prepared toothpaste

Naturally, tree oil’s anti-bacterial properties make for a great toothpaste ingredient. Combining this trait with tree oil’s ability to reduce inflammation makes it a terrific solution for reducing bleeding of the gums. It also helps to fight tooth decay.

There are a couple of recipes for making tree oil toothpaste, both of which you can find here.

 10. Tea tree oil replaces makeup removers

Makeup remover. Although some readers do not need for it, this may grab our female reader’s collective attention.


  • ¼ cup canola oil
  • Ten drops of tea tree oil
  • Four oz. glass container

After pouring all ingredients into a sterilized glass container, seal it with a tight lid and then shake until blended. Make sure the mixture is stored in a cool, dark area.

11. Athlete’s foot medicine

Tree oil is a powerful solution for people who deal with the burning, scratching, and scaling of athlete’s foot. Add a few drops to a tablespoon of witch hazel and apply with a cotton swab twice daily.

12. Tea tree oil can replace yeast infection medicines

Some studies have shown that tea tree oil can interfere with the chemical makeup of yeast, which makes it ideal for treating this condition. When combined with lavender – which eliminates candida – yeast is effectively eliminated.

To make this cocktail, you’ll need a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of lavender oil, and a few drops of distilled water. Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to the affected areas.

tea tree oil

13. Tea tree oil can replace ear infection medications

Combining all of the essential properties of tree oil – as an antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral – it can greatly assist in alleviating ear infections. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties can help with the pain and irritation that surface when the ear is infected.


  • Three drops of tea tree oil
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil
  • One teaspoon of colloidal silver
  • One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

Combine all ingredients in a pan and place over low heat until warm. Fill a dropper with the solution. Lie on your side with the head on a towel and drip the solution into one ear. Allow five to ten minutes to pass, let the ear drain and then repeat. Do this three times a day for three days.

7 Ways to Attract Someone Who Adores You

Who are the people in your life you adore and are inspired by? What is it about these individuals that stimulate your inspiration? Perhaps it’s a mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent; could be someone who is not related, or a romantic interest. Is it their humor, strength, intelligence, honesty, energy, resilience, or something else? You can probably think of at least one person that has influenced you in this way.

Have you ever thought about the parts of your personality that make you adorable?  Your mind may be too distracted by the day-to-day processes of life, but the truth is, you do in fact possess the qualities that people adore and admire. You may have even already inspired someone with these qualities without knowing it.

Adoration is one of the strongest emotions, and it creates strong very strong feelings of attraction. By exhibiting these qualities, we can indeed create feelings of attraction and admiration in someone else.

You may already possess some of the following qualities, or you may not. Either way, it doesn’t mean you can’t develop qualities that attract someone who adores you. Here are 7 ways you can create that attraction and adoration from someone special:

7 ways to attract someone who adores you:

“True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone, it is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.” – Ellen G. White


1. Be Yourself

Nothing is more attractive than someone who is comfortable with being their authentic self both alone and in public.  Attracting someone by being someone other than your true self, your true self will eventually shine through, and could set you up for failure.  Simply put, people realize, respect, and adore what makes you who you are.

We are all nothing more than an embodiment of pure love, and to create something outside of that only creates a temporary shell. Don’t be afraid of who you are, you’re absolutely, authentically beautiful

2. Be honest

Even the most uncomfortable honesty shows that you have confidence, and that is a very attractive feature. Being a dishonest person is a selfish, manipulative, and egocentric behavior.

There may be someone who disagrees with your unfiltered honesty. They may not demonstrate compassion, and may even act ignorant or judgmental. No matter how people react to your honesty, the truth is that you’ll attract the right people – those who adore you for being your authentic self.

Bottom line: be honest your actions. Anything else will not give you a desirable result in the long-term.

 3. Have a sense of humor

Life can be very overwhelming sometimes, but a good sense of humor is a tremendous asset that causes attraction and adoration. For women, there’s a biological reason why they view humor necessary in their relationships.

In a study done at Stanford University, 22 children aged six to 13 were shown a series of video clips – some of which were funny and some not. The children were hooked up to an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging machine) to measure their brain’s activity. The results were that girls showed more positive feelings and a sense of reward in response to humor than the boys did.

Bottom line: When you make people laugh, it’ll make a big difference

4. Practice selflessness

Being selfless in a selfish world isn’t easy for everyone. Selfless people change the world, and often carry the heaviest burden for the greater good. Selfless people continue to earn the respect and adoration of people worldwide.

In fact, some of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen like Jesus; Buddha; Ghandi; Mother Teresa; Nelson Mandela; Martin Luther King, Jr. – have all been some of the most selfless people we’ve ever known about.

Is selflessness one of your qualities? If not, it may be time to make an adjustment to your ends.

5. Be open-minded

We’re constantly evolving as a species, and along with it comes an evolved state of thinking that challenges the conventional norms that have been set into society in past years. Issues like marijuana use, global warming, armed conflicts, and so on are all being challenged with a new train of evolutionary thought.

Regardless of where you stand on any of the above issues, staying open-minded is essential in attracting someone who adores the authentic view you have. Challenging the conventional line of thought and opening your own perspective demonstrates intelligence and fluid thinking as well – two more traits that make people adore you

6. Be helpful

Have you ever met someone who only has time for themselves? How did that make you feel?

Most likely, you weren’t too attracted to that person. Being a helpful person is an incredible trait that this world desperately needs.  Problems like poverty, hunger, and other social ills could be solved quickly if only more people would decide to use their time for others when they have it. Sometimes, two to three hours of your time can make a difference in the community.

If you don’t have the time, simply donate a few dollars where you can when you can. Many volunteer organizations in your community always look for help in any way they can get it.


7. Practice humility

Being around people who don’t assume and remain humble is most certainly one big fresh breath of air. Much of the western civilization and beyond has come to idolize boastful people that shout their own success from the rooftops. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten the adage of “Actions speak louder than words”.

The rare trait of being humble is an attractive quality far more authentic than being brash and domineering. Those who quietly and unpretentiously make the world a better place are truly adorable to many.

Humility is an attractive quality because it’s becoming increasingly rare. There will always be the crowd that idolizes the brash and domineering qualities of successful people. However – for us – true admiration and respect is best reserved for those who quietly and unpretentiously make the world a better place.

Join the discussion:  How many of these traits do you have, or how many would you like to possess?

9 Things to Remember When You Feel Like Quitting

To succeed, we must also remember what to do when we feel like we want to quit.

Success means different things to different people. For some, it means building relationships with people and making long-lasting connections. For others, it means climbing the corporate ladder and running a profitable company. And for the rest of us, maybe it just means doing our best each day with what we’ve been given, and making small steps every day toward our full potential.

Most of us have a hard time settling on just one thing we love to do every day. Sure, we all have jobs, but do they really serve our passion? Probably not. However, when it comes to living our dreams and serving our highest purpose, most of us get lost trying to find what that really is, and ultimately, we end up quitting.

What if you love the idea of something but haven’t really mastered the skill yet? For example, what if you absolutely live and breathe painting abstract pictures but feel like you have average talent levels? But what if you also have average marketing and communication skills? Couldn’t you combine all these “average” talents into something of a masterpiece?

This is what we’re getting at here – you can still find success even if you feel like you’ll never be successful, and we’ll explain this theory in more detail below.

Here are nine things to remember when you feel like quitting:

feel like quitting

1. Remember the things you do well

Obviously, to succeed in life, you’ll need to focus on what you feel you can offer the world better than most others can. If you love to paint but don’t see the returns coming in financially, keep on working at it, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Maybe you could take some lessons to improve your skills; this way, you’ll feel more confident selling your work to people because you’ve further developed your talents.

2. Remember a list of things you can improve on

So, maybe you have excellent communication and marketing skills, but the actual service or product you’d offer others needs some work. So, the strategy you’d want to follow in this case is to put the things you do well on the back burner for now and focus all your attention on improving your weaknesses. You don’t need to be the absolute best at one thing; you can have average skills at many things, but combined, they can be a powerhouse.

3. Don’t sell yourself short

Most importantly, don’t assume that you can’t make something of yourself because you aren’t Einstein or Picasso in this life. Not to mention, comparing yourself to others won’t get you anywhere. It’s important to lift yourself and see yourself positively if you ever want to succeed.

4. Keep a positive attitude

Also, don’t let complaining and negative thoughts creep into your brain and steal your happiness. Remember, your attitude and energy attract like energy, so if you put out positive vibes into the world, they will return to you. And, of course, the opposite is true as well. In keeping a positive attitude, success will more easily come your way. Think about it: what successful person in history do you know had a negative attitude about themselves or life in general? Let us know if you can think of any, because we’re drawing a blank here.

5. Have encouraging friends

Just as important as having a great relationship with yourself, you must surround yourself with people who will uplift and motivate you. Don’t keep friends around who complain and drain you of energy – they will distract and discourage you from your own goals and drive for success. According to renowned businessman Jim Rohn, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Meaning, you become like who you hang around. So, surround yourself with people who inspire you and who you’d like to emulate if you’d like to reach success.

6. Stop beating yourself up over supposed shortcomings

As we said before, don’t sell yourself short. Believe in yourself, focus on your strengths, improve upon your weaknesses, and realize that we all don’t really know what we’re doing here. We’re just winging it, and doing the best we can. You have just as much opportunity and potential as anyone else to achieve your goals, so remember this next time you feel discouraged about your dreams.

7. Don’t give up

Also, you might jump through thousands of hurdles before you achieve success. The difference between those that are successful and those that aren’t is that one group didn’t give up. Successful people don’t have more intelligence, money, possessions, or anything else that sets them apart from others most of the time – they have incredible drive and perseverance. No matter what you want, keep jumping those hurdles until you’ve gotten where you want to be.


8. Remember that you can always learn something new

Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking you can’t ever learn something new. All it takes is the willingness and a little dedication to learning new skills. Suppose you want to improve at painting, drawing, writing, or anything else. In that case, you can always take classes, search for a respected leader in the field you’re interested in for some advice or counseling, or even watch YouTube videos or other online mediums to acquire new knowledge.

9. Get rid of negative influences

Finally, stop surrounding yourself with negative people. They will only bring you down, discourage you from your dreams, and infect you with negative energy. Don’t be afraid to cut ties with those who don’t share the same vision as you.

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