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8 Signs You May Have A Blood Clot

8 Signs You May Have A Blood Clot

Just like a scab that heals when you cut your finger, a blood clot is a mass of blood that is moving along your bloodstream. Clotting is normal for our blood because it is a natural part of the healing process. Unfortunately, when a blood clot happens inside your body, it can be dangerous.

According to the American Society for Hematology, these are a few risk factors for blood clots:

  1. Obesity
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Being sedentary for more than 4 hours (a long plane trip)
  4. Smoking
  5. Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
  6. Cancers
  7. Injuries
  8. Certain surgeries
  9. Being over age 60
  10. A family history of blood clots
  11. Chronic inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis)

A blood clot that is being pumped along your veins can get stuck and block tissues in your legs, arms, or even your brain or other organs. This can cause those parts of your body to die from a loss of oxygen-rich blood slowly. Let’s look at eight warning signs you may have, when to seek medical attention, and what you can do to prevent it.

8 Signs You May Have A Blood Clot

blood clot

1. Swelling

Just like a kink in a garden hose, it puts pressure on the vein behind the clot. This pressure can build and push outward, stretching the surrounding tissues. Swelling occurs most often in the legs.

2. Unexplained pain

In the chest, pain can feel like a weight resting on your chest rather than an intensely piercing pain. A feeling of pressure or a dull pain that accompanies other symptoms is a sign that you may have one.

3. Skin appearing blue or pale

The lack of blood supply from a blood clot is what makes your skin turn pale and then blue as the oxygen leaves the blood.

4. Sensation of warmth

A feeling of warmth is usually felt in the arms or legs. This may be accompanied by sweating or tenderness in the affected area.

5. Loss of feeling

Tingling or numbness in your legs or arms can be a sign. Since blood is cut off to the region by the clot, the blood is not able to circulate to the area. This is similar to how you feel when your hand falls asleep after you fall asleep with your wrist bent.

6. Headache with loss of vision or ability to speak

A blood clot in the brain is called an ischemic stroke. A headache is common enough that you shouldn’t worry if that is your only symptom. However, a clot in the brain can cause eye problems and may affect your ability to speak.

7. Vomiting and diarrhea with abdominal pain

With symptoms of vomiting, it could be food poisoning, or it could be a blood clot in your abdomen. An abdominal one can cause severe pain, unlike the dull pain with other types of clots.

8. Shortness of breath with pain

A blood clot in the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism or PE. The same symptoms may occur with one in the heart. Shortness of breath, feeling like you are unable to catch your breath, chest pain, racing pulse, sweating, fever, and coughing up blood are all signs of one in your lungs.

It is critical to seek medical attention quickly, especially with the symptoms of a blood clot in the brain, heart, abdomen or lungs. Your doctor can use a non-invasive ultrasound to check for any blood clots in your extremities and a blood test to check for the clotting factor in your blood.

Treatment for blood clots typically includes the use of medications to thin the blood and break up clots. Drug therapies and blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven), dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), and heparin can significantly decrease your risk of a serious blood clot.

This does not mean that you should take a non-prescription medication like aspirin to prevent a blood clot. Please seek counsel from your health care professional before taking aspirin as you may have other health complications that could be a concern when combined with a blood thinner.

a blood clot

Final Thoughts: You Can Act Now to Prevent Blood Clot

According to the Mayo Clinic, you can also take action to prevent these. They recommend:

-Avoid sitting for long periods. If you travel by airplane, walk the aisle periodically. For car trips, stop and walk around frequently.

-Move. After you’ve had surgery or been on bed rest, the sooner you move, the better.

-Change your lifestyle. Lose weight, lower high blood pressure, stop smoking, and exercise regularly.

Other ways to reduce your risk for this situation include increasing your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids with fish oil supplements. Omega-3s have numerous benefits, as you may have already read in our article This One Thing Will Help You Live Longer. Vitamin E and Evening Primrose oil are also anti-coagulants for the body, making blood less likely to clot.

Massage, exercise such as walking, and eating a healthy, low-fat diet that is high in healthy grains and vegetables will also keep your blood moving more easily. Garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, ginkgo, bilberry, cayenne, and pepper are all excellent ingredients to add to your cooking to reduce the likelihood of blood clots.

7 Signs You Have A B12 Deficiency

You try to eat right and get all of your vitamins and minerals from whole, fresh foods. But vitamin deficiencies can show up as physical symptoms, despite our best efforts to eat right.

We intake vitamins and nutrients from our food as part of our digestion process. Unlike vitamin D, which can be produced by our bodies, B-12 comes only from outside sources into the body. B12 is an essential nutrient that your body uses to produce red blood cells, DNA, and nerves.

B12 and Vegans

Unlike many vitamins, B-12 is not often found in plants. As a result, strict vegans or vegetarians are the most susceptible to B-12 deficiency. One solution is to use fortified products such as fortified soy or nut milk.

Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can produce B-12. Since bacteria can be found in the soil, foods that come from the soil can have small levels of B-12. If you are scrubbing your vegetables too much, you could be removing this good bacteria.

Foods naturally containing small amounts of B-12 include mushrooms and fermented foods like tempeh. Nori, a type of toasted seaweed, will also give you a B-12 boost. Nutritional yeast can also provide a source of B-12 for vegetarians. Ovo-lacto vegetarians should get enough B-12 from eggs, milk and yogurt. You can check the foods you eat for their B-12 levels in this chart.

b12A Shot of B12

You may have heard about B-12 injections for increased energy or weight loss. The science behind the effectiveness of these claims is lacking. Basically, taking a single vitamin and expecting to lose weight or triple your energy level is unrealistic.

Should You Supplement?

B-12 supplements come in either liquid or capsule form. You may also see this called cobalamin. If you avoid meat, eggs and dairy, you might be a good candidate for a B-12 supplement.

People who are at risk for B-12 deficiency include the elderly, those with HIV, people who have had weight loss surgery, and people with certain digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, who have difficulty absorbing nutrients.

Pregnant or lactating women have a higher daily requirement for B-12. Due to the need to nourish your child, higher levels of B-12 are usually recommended. Your physician can tell you the right about for you and your baby.

Your diet should give you enough B-12 to avoid health problems, but if you are concerned, ask your doctor for a blood test to check your levels. A good doctor will also be able to recommend a supplement to meet your needs if you are showing signs of B-12 deficiency.

Why B12 is Important

You don’t need much. In fact, the fact the daily requirement for B12 is the lowest of all of the B vitamins. Most adults need only 2.4 micrograms per day. But it is important in many bodily functions. Deficiencies in B-12 can lead to severe health problems.

An extreme deficiency of B-12 can contribute to cardiovascular disease, anemia, stroke, memory loss, incontinence, paranoia, depression and other serious health problems. By knowing the signs of a B-12 deficiency, you can take action to reverse any negative health effects.

Here Are 7 Key Warning Signs of a B12 Deficiency

fatigueIf you have any of these symptoms, ask your doctor to do a blood test.

1. Fatigue

Feeling tired? B-12 is important for aerobic energy in the body. Without enough of this vitamin, our bodies are not getting the oxygen and energy that we need. Lightheadedness is also a sign that you aren’t getting enough B-12.

2. Tingling and Numbness

Losing sensation in hands and feet along with the tingling sensation of pins and needles, could be a sign of a B-12 deficiency. Check with your doctor for blood work to determine the cause.

3. Joint Pain

Severe joint pain that isn’t due to injury or chronic inflammation, like arthritis, could cause alarm. Also, slower reflexes have been observed in B12 deficient patients.

4. Rapid Heartbeat or Breathing

Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and a rapid heartbeat have all been associated with B12 deficiency. If in doubt, get it checked out.

5. Weakness

In one case study of severe B-12 deficiency, a man had trouble walking due to the weakness that he experienced. In addition to muscle weakness, balance problems and staggering could indicate a problem.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is a yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes and can indicate several serious medical problems.

deficiency7. Swollen tongue

Some patients with B12 deficiency experience an inflammation of the tongue. Other signs related to the mouth include a smooth tongue and a decreased sense of taste.

Seek the attention of your wellness professional if you experience any of these seven signs of B12 deficiency. A doctor can diagnose your deficiency with a simple blood test. Knowing the sources of B12 can help you ensure that you and your family are getting enough and will help prevent potentially serious medical complications.

How much vitamin B12 should you consume daily?

Vitamin B12 keeps your blood and nerve cells healthy and functioning properly, making DNA the genetic material of all your body’s cells. It also prevents anemia, a condition that makes you feel weak and tired. If you’re unsure how much vitamin B12 you should consume, here is a chart to help you.

Age Male Female Pregnant Lactation
Birth to 6 months 0.4mcg 0.4mcg
7 to 12 months 0.5 mcg 0.5mcg
1 to 3 years 0.9 mcg 0.9mcg
4 to 8 years 1.2 mcg 1.2 mcg
14-18 years 2.4 mcg 2.4 mcg 2.6 mcg 2.8 mcg
19+ 2.4 mcg 2.4 mcg 2.6mcg 2.8mcg

Certain groups of people don’t get enough B12 because their bodies don’t absorb it properly. These include the following:

  • Older adults: As you age, you lose the hydrochloric acid in your stomach that helps you absorb vitamin B12 from your food. If you’re over 50, try to consume foods high in vitamin B12. You can try a supplement, but these aren’t always the most effective way to increase your B12.
  • Individuals with autoimmune diseases also have too little hydrochloric acid, making it difficult for them to absorb B12.
  • Individuals with pernicious anemia: If you have this condition, your healthcare provider may suggest getting B12 shots for the best absorption.
  • People who have had stomach surgery: If you’ve had stomach surgery, for instance, to lose weight, you need extra vitamin B12.
  • People with disorders such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease
  • Vegans: If you’re on a strict diet with no animal products, you’ll likely need to take Vitamin B12 supplements plus increase foods that contain it.

What Foods Are Best to Beat a B12 Deficiency?

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animals such as fresh fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. They fortify certain foods with B vitamins to enhance health. Food that is naturally high in vitamin B12 includes these:

  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Fortified cereals
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Beef
  • Shellfish
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Fortified non-dairy milk

What Are the Effects of Vitamin B12?

Here are several things doctors know about this vitamin and its effect on your body.

  • May help fight cancer: Recent studies show there is growing evidence that B12 and other B vitamins can protect you from certain cancers. The research continues how this happens, but it’s known that B vitamins affect your cell’s function and regulate your immune functions.
  • Help fight heart disease: Vitamin B12 reduces blood levels of homocysteine which have been linked to increased risk for certain conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. Even with this proof, it’s not clear whether B12 vitamins can reduce your risk of developing heart problems or having a stroke.
  • May help fight dementia: B vitamins may help reduce your risk of getting dementia, but the results have been inconsistent.
  • Energy: Adequate amounts of B12 from the foods you eat can help you maintain your energy levels.


Final Thoughts on Beating a B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin you need for your body. If you notice any of these 7 signs, be sure to talk with your health care provider. They can do tests to determine if you are low in B12. Eating foods that are high in B12 should be enough for you to maintain a healthy level of this vitamin. But, there are certain groups of people who don’t absorb vitamin B12. If you’re in one of these groups, you’ll need a supplement or B12 shots.

What Does Your Valentine’s Day Card Reveal About You?

People shell out big bucks for Valentine’s Day gifts, one of the most popular being a sweet, romantic card for someone special.

According to an article on, people exchange 151 million cards on Valentine’s Day, but this number has likely risen in the past few years. You can choose from a wide variety of greeting cards for this romantic holiday, and the type of card you choose says more about your personality than you would think.

Valentine’s Day gifts come in all shapes and sizes, reflecting the diverse ways people express their love and appreciation. Beyond traditional cards, gifts range from classic chocolates and flowers to more personalized gestures that speak directly to the recipient’s interests and preferences.

For those looking to add a touch of creativity and intimacy, options like custom panties can make a memorable statement. These personalized gifts not only showcase thoughtfulness but also create a unique connection between partners, emphasizing individuality and shared moments.

Whether opting for a heartfelt card or a personalized gift, the choice reflects not just the occasion but also the giver’s personality and the bond they share with their Valentine.

So, what does your Valentine’s Day card reveal about your personality?

Valentine's Day

Cartoon Animal Card

Animals can convey feelings that we can’t quite express. For example, a cute, cuddly bear or chipmunk can tell your lover that you absolutely adore them (and think they’re adorable, as well). While a cartoon animal card might seem a bit childish, the idea behind it is that the cute creature on the front will tell your lover all they need to know about your feelings before they even open the card. You don’t hold back your feelings and want your partner to know exactly what you feel in your heart.

Poetic Card

If you buy a card with a poem inside, this says that you have great patience. It also reveals that you choose words carefully and don’t just pick any old card off the shelf for your lover. You spend a long time finding the card that says exactly how you feel about your lover, and it shows. You also are extremely romantic, and might even choose to write out a poem yourself instead of buying a pre-made card.

Elaborate Card

Buying a card with lots of decorations, ribbons, glitter, and the whole shebang usually means you hold back with sharing your feelings. You’d rather catch your lover’s eyes with the aesthetics of the card rather than the words themselves; however, this doesn’t mean you don’t care about him or her. It just means you show love and affection in a different way, and don’t need to buy an over-the-top, mushy card to explain how much you care.

Blank Card

You don’t want to buy a card with a scripted message that someone possibly thousands of miles away wrote for Hallmark. Instead, you want to express in your own words how you feel, because it makes it much more personalized and special. You like to follow your own path, and probably have a knack for expressing your emotions on paper.

Cupid Card

While Cupid does convey love and affection, the symbol has been greatly overused, so your lover might think you don’t really care to tell them how you feel. A card with Cupid on it typically has a generalized message, so if you buy this card for your Valentine, tell them in some other way that they hold a special place in your heart.

Nature Card

A Valentine’s Day card with nature pictures shows that you appreciate simplicity and beauty. You don’t need to pour your heart out to your lover or show them through grandiose gestures how you truly feel. These cards usually have a short sentence or two inside, but that’s enough for you to express what’s in your heart. Your lover will likely have a great connection with nature for you to pick this type of card.

“Just Words” Card

You don’t want distractions – the frilly bows, glitter, big hearts, and Cupid pictures. You just cut right to the chase and don’t hold back. On the other hand, you probably are a bit mysterious, letting your lover figure out how the text within the card applies to your relationship. You might pick a simple card with just a few words, which allows your partner to use their imagination to fill in the blanks.

Singing Card

You have an outgoing, friendly personality. You probably like talking more than writing, so choose a card that sings how you feel about your lover rather than just using written words to convey emotions.

Humorous Card

You don’t like overly sappy, cheesy cards. You use humor to express your emotions, not to cover them up or deflect them. Humorous cards appeal to those with a lighter, less serious approach to life. Not to say one outlook is worse or better than another, but you gravitate towards cards that take the pressure off a little bit, and can express emotions without going overboard.

Valentine's Day


If you’re a busy person, emails can be the way to go for telling your lover how you feel. Maybe you don’t have time to write out a lengthy message on a card, so sending a cute, sentimental Ecard can still make him or her feel just as special. You probably also like to surprise people, and your lover will enjoy getting an email from their special guy or gal in the middle of the workday.

The Tragic And Uplifting Story of Sylvester Stallone Revealed

To say that Sylvester Stallone has had a difficult life would be an understatement of immense proportions. Of all the touching and inspiring “rags to riches” stories, Stallone’s own story has to be right near the top.

Many know Stallone from his brilliant portrayal of a small-time boxer in the multi award-winning film Rocky, where a down-and-out Rocky Balboa struggles to survive on the mean streets of Philadelphia. To make a living, Balboa works as a loan shark’s enforcer and small-time fighter, managing to just get by.

Stallone’s character ultimately overcomes tremendous odds to become the heavyweight champion of the world. While there are various takes on where the inspiration for the movie comes from, it’s not far-fetched to believe Stallone, the lone writer of the movie’s script, incorporated a manifestation of some of his own struggles into the film.

I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world. But I succeed because I keep going and going and going. – Sylvester ‘Sly’ Stallone

To understand Stallone’s relentless drive, it is necessary to examine the uplifting story of the Oscar-winning actor’s background.

The Tragic and Uplifting Story of Sylvester Stallone Revealed

Stallone’s struggles literally began at birth. Complications during labor resulted in partial paralysis of his left face, including parts of his chin, lip, and tongue. As a result of these complications, Stallone was left with his notorious snarling look and slurred manner of speaking.

Growing up in New York’s ‘Hell’s Kitchen,’ a name derived from the neighborhood’s poor and violent nature, Stallone dealt with the constant fighting between his mother and father. As he bounced around from house to house, Stallone was incessantly victimized because of his odd appearance and difficulty speaking. He received multiple suspensions from school, a result of poor grades, frequent fights and behavioral issues.

Fast-forwarding to Stallone’s young-adult life, constant financial problems resulted in Stallone being evicted from his apartment. Homeless for three weeks, the actor was desperate for money, which resulted in him accepting a part in a soft-core pornography film. For his work, he received just $200 for over two days of filming; according to Stallone: “It was either do that movie or rob someone, because I was at the end, the very end of my rope.”

After a brief stint in college, Stallone decided to move to New York to pursue an acting career. Auditioning for role after role, he constantly faced rejection from one casting crew after another. Effectively disenfranchised by casting agents, Stallone decided to delve into scriptwriting.

Eventually, Stallone ended up broke once again. Out of desperation, Stallone heartbreakingly sold his beloved dog for just $50. Devastated, Stallone somehow found the wherewithal to continue on. At this point, most would realize the need to find a job, any job that would provide some semblance of hope in destitution.

However, this was not Stallone’s mindset. He somehow steeled his resolve and continued to look for work, once again auditioning for multiple roles in whatever casting call he could find. Despite of his valiant efforts, Stallone continued to face constant rejection.

After continuously walking the frigid streets of New York, Stallone wandered into a local library to warm up. Browsing the library’s shelves, he once again found the inspiration to write screenplay. To buttress his writing efforts and refine his style, Stallone implemented various works of many famous authors. Through these books, Stallone once again found much-needed motivation to venture forth despite his circumstances.

In 1975, after watching the Muhammad Ali and Chuck Wepner fight, Stallone began to form an idea for a screenplay. Using this idea and an unprecedented surge of motivation, he wrote the script for Rocky in just three days.

With his script in-hand, Stallone proposed the idea to multiple producers. All he received after numerous months of pitching the idea was more rejection. Pressing on, Stallone eventually found one director that embraced the idea, Robert Chertoff, who would ultimately produce multiple award-winning films, including Raging Bull.

However, the studio that accepted the script, United Artists, was adamant in finding an A-list actor to play the role of Rocky Balboa. Needless to say, Stallone detested the idea of someone else starring in a role that he tirelessly created. Despite their incessant reluctance, the directors eventually signed off on Stallone playing the character of Rocky.

With Stallone being cast as the lead character, United Artists deemed it necessary to hedge the film against potential losses in ticket sales. Eventually, executives of the studio decided that the anticipated blockbuster film New York, New York would cover any losses. Ironically, Rocky would serve as the hedge film, covering the other film’s disappointing ticket revenue.

Rocky was given a miniscule $1 million budget, forcing the movie to accelerate production. This was made more difficult from injuries sustained by both Stallone and Carl Weathers (who played Apollo Creed) during a fight scene.

Despite of these setbacks, Rocky managed to complete filming in just 28 days.

In its opening weekend, the film grossed over $5 million. When final ticket sales were counted, Rocky had produced $117 million at North American box offices. Overseas, international showings accounted for over $107 million in ticket revenue. Total ticket sales yielded a return of over 11,000% of the film’s budget. Rocky was the highest-grossing film of 1976 in the United States.

What did this mean for Sylvester Stallone?

Well, he was nominated for Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay at the 49th Academy Awards – only the third man in history to be nominated for both awards in the same film. In 2015, the movie Creed – the last sequel of Rocky – would result in Stallone’s first Golden Globe award and third Academy Award nomination.

Today, Stallone has a net worth in excess of over $400 million and has appeared in more than 50 films, starring in most of them.

“No one likes to fail at anything,” Stallone says “but I believe I’m a better person for it. I learned life’s lessons. You’re given certain gifts and that’s what you should try to be.”

Well said, Sly…and very well done.

5 Warning Signs of Early Vision Loss

According to Prevent Blindness America, twice as many people will be blind in 2030 as there are today. The projections are based on estimates of self-reported vision impairment from The Lighthouse National Survey on Vision Loss. –

The prospect of losing one’s vision is an admittedly frightening one. However, unlike many other health conditions, eyesight tends to worsen quite gradually. Many people that end up in the optometrist’s office recognize that their worsening vision has become a frustrating physical barrier – and one that affects their ability to enjoy life.

While many eye-related conditions are not a serious detriment to one’s health, it’s still important to err on the side of caution when a loss of vision is noticed. Most eye care experts recommend having a comprehensive eye exam every year or two.

Here are five early signs of vision loss

Worsening vision can be very subtle, almost to the point that it’s barely noticeable. That said, there are still signs to be aware of. Of course, if detected, a trip to the eye doctor should be in order.

poor vision
Poor vision reveals many health issues.

1. Vision is repeatedly clear/fuzzy/clear/fuzzy

Not only is intermittent visual acuity frustrating, but it can also be a sign of an underlying condition. A chronic disease – such as Type 2 diabetes – is a potential culprit. High blood pressure is also possible, as both states restrict and ultimately damage the retina’s blood vessels and create vision loss.

If noticing such symptoms, it’s necessary to schedule a doctor visit. Diabetes and high blood pressure are severe health conditions. Thus, it is paramount that your eye doctor makes a diagnosis to mitigate collateral health problems.

As for inconsistent vision patterns, attempt to pay attention to when it occurs. Some people complain that performing specific tasks – reading, writing, knitting, etc. – is when such patterns are more easily recognizable. It’s important to understand that the longer this continues without medical intervention, the more serious the health consequences.

2. Blurred central vision

Often appearing as a dark or empty patch, this could be a symptom of macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most prolific cause of vision loss in people over 50. The root cause of AMD is physical changes to the retina (macula) that directly affects visual acuity.

One way to check for AMD is to look at any straight line. If the line appears wavy, macular degeneration is a strong possibility. In addition, those diagnosed with AMD often complain of difficulties with reading signs and performing tasks that require near-sighted vision.

Schedule an eye exam right away to determine the root cause. Some forms of macular degeneration can be treated, though such variations are rare.

3. Fading or yellowing of colors

When the lens of one or both eyes is obstructed, colors can appear to fade or take on a yellowish tint. Such symptoms can result from cataracts – a “clouding” of the usually transparent lens of the eye. Those with cataracts often compare their vision to looking through a fogged-up window. Unfortunately, cataracts are also a common condition – by age 80, more than half of all Americans will have cataracts or have undergone surgery to correct them.

As with many eye conditions, cataracts tend to worsen gradually. This is because small portions of protein bind together and attach to the retina – this results in images losing their sharpness. At later stages, the lens takes on a brownish/yellowish tint rather than a clear one. Again, cataracts are treatable, so please seek out an eye doctor.

Other symptoms of cataracts are decreased night vision, sensitivity to light, seeing “halos” around lights, and double vision.

4. Eyelids appear irregular

This particular sign, though not on or in the eye, can create visual distortions. Though there are a few different possible root causes, one of them is skin cancer. Tissue areas around the eyes are very delicate, making these areas especially prone to initial signs of cancer. Different strains of carcinomas can alter the typical appearance of a person’s eyelids, which makes it imperative that medical guidance is sought.

Generally, if skin cancer is indeed the underlying cause, these cases are very rarely fatal. However, severe visual problems – even blindness – can result if not treated. As such, please see a doctor if one or both eyelids appear irregular.

pop meme5. Flashes of light or debris in vision

This is the only sign that is of a sudden (and very noticeable) nature. When seeing sudden “debris” in the field of vision – spots, flashes, strings, etc. – it could precede retinal detachment. While this certainly sounds painful, there’s no pain at all. Yet, retinal detachment is an emergency and one that requires surgery.

Getting down to the physiological aspects, retinal detachment occurs when the retina separates from a nourishing bed of oxygen and blood vessels. If it sounds terrible, that’s because it is. The longer one goes without surgical intervention, the longer the retina is deprived of oxygen necessary to sustain normal function. In worst cases, vision loss is possible without the appropriate care.

Eliminating This ONE Ingredient Can Completely Clear Your Skin

Even when you’re confident, having skin that is completely clear and healthy-looking can give you that one extra ingredient that can help you be successful. Clean, clear skin is a sign of good hygiene and good health.

If you’re working to improve your skin’s appearance from the outside in with creams and cleansers, try flipping your approach. Making yourself beautiful from the inside out is even better for your whole body, which includes completely clear skin.

An entirely balanced diet that’s full of healthy grains and plants is going to provide the right ingredients for our physical health. Most of us know this, but even by eating healthy you may have accidentally overlooked one ingredient that is keeping your skin from being completely clear.

Eliminating This ONE Ingredient Can Completely Clear Your Skin

rice water for skin

Skin problems can appear even when you take good care of yourself with nutrition, skin cleansing and hydration. Here are some common skin problems that eliminating this one can help clear up:

  • Pimples or acne
  • Dryness and flaking
  • Patchy redness
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Puffiness
  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Oiliness
  • Dullness
  • Wrinkles

When you eat refined sugars, your body uses a process called glycation to process the sugar. Sugar attaches to proteins in our bodies as it is eliminated, which causes damage. The damage to skin comes from the sugar-protein molecules attacking collagen and elastin, the important supporting structures beneath our skin’s surface.

The effects of this one ingredient on your skin

In the book The Saccharine Disease: Conditions Caused by the Taking of Refined Carbohydrates Such as Sugar and White Flour, Dr. T.L. Cleave writes that refine sugar can lead to skin diseases such as acne, chronic boils, and eczema. He instead recommends that any added sugars be avoided and suggests only raw or dried fruit or juice to be used to add sweetness.

Dr. Cleave says that although honey is a natural sugar, it should be consumed with the same infrequency as it was when we were hunter-gatherers in the past. Honey was difficult to get and often resulted in getting stung so our ancient ancestors may have had it every few months and less often in the winter.

In a study of diet and the effects on severe atopic dermatitis (red, itchy eczema that can blister), both male and female patients with skin problems reported higher refined sugar intake than those with clear skin.

How best to eliminate this one ingredient that will help clear your skin

Some people suggest removing refined carbohydrates completely cold turkey to see the best improvements. Unfortunately, refined sugar can be habit-forming and removing it completely can result in withdrawal and cravings, just like with drugs.

If you’re a refined sugar addict, withdrawal means that you will probably get angry about not being able to have sweet treats. You can read more about what craving sugar means in our article here. Rather than send yourself into craving mode, add honey to your tea, oatmeal or desserts rather than refined sugar.

Try honey over sugar in your recipes for a week and then see if you can do without it in one of your daily sweet meals. Keep reducing the amount of honey until you’ve eliminated it completely and are free of added sugars. Monitor your skin to see how quickly it can become completely clear without the one ingredient of processed sugar.

Other ingredients that can help clear your skin

Natural, raw ingredients that Cleopatra would have used in her beauty routine are some good things you should look for in your skin care strategy. Think of going to the kitchen rather than your bathroom for these:

  • Raw brown sugar – researchers found that the non-sugar ingredient of brown sugar helped prevent wrinkles, and helped skin thickness and elasticity.
  • Rose water – a non-clogging moisturizer that balances skin’s pH and adds antioxidants.
  • Kaolin clay – clay comes in many varieties and when mixed as a mask it can help draw out pore-clogging oil and dirt.
  • Aloe Vera gel – hydrates skin, helps with wrinkles and can help clear blemishes
  • Yogurt – use yogurt as a mask that sloughs off dead skin
  • Raw honey – honey can be used as a moisturizer and blemish treatment and when it is rinsed off it will leave your skin feeling soft and tighter, without dryness
  • Tea tree oil or Melaleuca oil – helps treat blemishes

Here’s a skin-cleansing scrub recipe that you’ll love:


4 tablespoons ground coffee (fresh is best)
2 tablespoons cornmeal
3 tablespoons sea salt
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 drops lavender essential oil

You can also blend honey and yogurt for a blemish-fighting mask that you can also eat, in moderation.

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