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Science Explains What Sleep Paralysis Does To Your Body (And Why It Happens)

Sleep paralysis is the sensation of being conscious but physically unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between the two stages of wakefulness and sleep.

Of all the weird sensations that one can experience, perhaps there is nothing stranger than being unable to move, more specifically, being unable to move while being consciously aware of one’s surroundings.

If You’ve Ever Awakened At Night Unable To Move, Here’s What It Means…

Sleep paralysis is a strange and potentially frightening phenomenon. Essentially, the person experiencing sleep paralysis can’t move any body part. Still, it remains conscious. Those that experience sleep paralyses are often terrified. That’s an understandable reaction to not having voluntary control over one’s movements.

Fortunately, this is a relatively common occurrence and does not cause any physical harm to the body. Sleep paralysis happens during one of two stages -“hypnagogic” and “hypnopompic.” Hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs before falling asleep, while hypnopompic sleep paralysis occurs as one wakes from REM sleep.

As we fall asleep, our body becomes deeply relaxed while our minds become less aware. However, when hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs, the mind remains aware while the body achieves an involuntary state of relaxation. The person then realizes that they’re unable to move despite their efforts, often leading to feelings of panic.

During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, our muscles are paralyzed, so we don’t act out our dreams. When one experiences hypnopompic sleep paralysis, a specific part of the brain wakes sooner. This wakeful state does not affect the part of the brain responsible for REM paralysis, however. The result is a certain degree of wakefulness and no voluntary control over muscles.

sleep paralysis

Who does sleep paralysis happen to?

Some people are fortunate enough to experience this situation just once or twice in their life, if ever. Unfortunately, some people experience this phenomenon often – even multiple times a week. A study undertaken at Penn State University discovered that approximately 8 percent of the population has frequent issues with sleep paralysis. Individuals with mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are more prone to frequent episodes of sleep paralysis.

People affected by sleep apnea, people on specific types of medication, and those with an underlying sleep condition may experience more frequent episodes of sleep paralysis.

Here is a list of some of the most prominent risk factors.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Frequent changes in sleep schedule
  • Mental conditions, such as stress or bipolar disorder
  • Sleeping on the back
  • Sleep problems such as narcolepsy or nighttime leg cramps
  • Certain types of medication, such as those with ADHD
  • Substance abuse

What are the symptoms?

Under almost every circumstance, individuals who experience sleep paralysis is unable to move or speak from a few seconds to a few minutes. As mentioned, this usually occurs during the initial stages of falling asleep and almost immediately after waking up.

While sleep paralysis often requires no treatment, a doctor may further inquire into other areas that pertain to sleep health. Should sleep conditions linger or worsen, the medical professional may then refer to a sleep specialist.

sleep paralysis

Final Thoughts on Seeking out treatment for sleep paralysis?

Because this sensation occurs naturally, there is generally no prescribed treatment. However, a treatment regimen may be in order if a medical professional detects an underlying condition in the diagnosis process. Such prescribed treatments are:

  • Implementation of a sleeping schedule
  • Prescription for an anti-depressant
  • Referral to a mental health professional
  • Referral to a sleep specialist
  • Treatment of any underlying sleep disorders
  • Prescription for sleeping aids

Often, prioritizing adequate sleep while limiting unnecessary stress (especially before bedtime) will suffice to prevent sleep paralysis. Because of the enigmatic nature of the condition, the effectiveness of formal and informal treatments to alleviate it is ambiguous at best.

As a rule of thumb, one episode does not usually mandate a trip to the doctor’s office. Health professionals recommend that those with rare episodes of sleep paralysis pay particular attention to their sleeping habits, as sleep deprivation almost assuredly increases the likelihood of an episode.

Other recommendations include avoiding or severely restricting alcohol/drugs, nicotine, and caffeine. Keeping electronic devices out of the bedroom is also recommended to establish healthy sleep patterns.

Of course, a sleep paralysis episode may occur regardless. If that’s the case, remember to stay calm and realize it will pass.

5 Signs You May Have Depersonalization Disorder

We have more ways to stay in touch now without any in-person contact. However, it can make you feel depersonalized, like you’re on autopilot. If this sounds familiar to you, it could be a sign that you have depersonalization disorder.

In an era of automated devices and advancing robotics and electronic gadgets that are supposed to be for social purposes but end up keeping us apart, we can easily feel robotic as we move through our lives. Let’s look at some common signs of depersonalization disorder.

5 Signs You Might Have Depersonalization Disorder


1. You might have depersonalization disorder if you can’t remember the last time you were mindful of your body.

In a study of patients diagnosed with depersonalization disorder, psychologists found significant correlations between mindfulness and symptoms of depersonalization, depression and anxiety. Being aware of your own physical form and its wonderfully complex muscles and organs walking around in the world is something we sometimes stop paying attention to.

That’s perfectly normal, of course, but depersonalized people, they feel like a mannequin more often than they feel human. The researchers believe that mindfulness may serve as a valuable component in treating such disorders. This can be achieved in several ways, for example by self-massage, meditation and via isolation chambers and floatation chambers.

2. You might have depersonalization disorder if you suppress your emotions.

That late delivery of something you needed hours ago might have made you livid, but no one would ever know it. They see someone keeping their cool. On the inside, you’ve managed to stuff those curse words down inside and although your heart is pounding and you’re perspiring, you’re ignoring it.

Hypoemotionality is the under-expressing of emotions and people with depersonalization disorder may intentionally repress their emotional responses. It is possible that people with this disorder may be incapable of the typical emotions that normal people have. It is also possible that they don’t recognize that their body is responding physiologically to a stimulus.

Researchers studying depersonalization disorder and emotional response found that the ability to regulate emotion in depersonalized participants was increased. In other words, depersonalized people are really good at leveling out their blood pressure and heart rate. They calm themselves down quickly.

The depersonalized patients could not increase their heart rates when they tried, but they could decrease them. This discovery gives hope to people who feel numb because if they can learn to respond physiologically to emotions, they can also improve their mental health.

3. You might have depersonalization disorder if things seem unreal to you.

You’re moving through your world on autopilot. At times, your life seems like you are watching a movie, not living the events of your life. If you feel like you’re watching your own Youtube channel, that can be one of the signs of depersonalization.

4. You might have depersonalization disorder if you feel a little depressed.

Unfortunately, due to the suppressed emotions, we mentioned in #1, feeling a little depression could be a major depressive episode due to those with depersonalization disorder. You might be numb to your actual feelings of sadness.

If depression concerns you, it is a great idea to seek out a counselor to talk to. Counseling is now available in remote video or text sessions and through apps on your phone like Talkspace, so finding help is easier than ever. You don’t even need insurance to see a counselor, but it can help pay the cost of your visits, especially if you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

5. You might have depersonalization disorder if you have a high pain tolerance.

Numbness is often associated with being depersonalized. You may be a superhero when it comes to your tolerance for pain. It might seem good, but it is normal for humans to experience pain.

Physical, as well as emotional numbness, is possible for people who feel separated from their bodies. They may be able to lift more weight at the gym, run in spite of an injury or brush it off when they twist an ankle playing basketball.

Risk factors for depersonalization disorder:

  • Alcohol dependence
  • Stressful work
  • Relationship breakup
  • Caring for a family member
  • Not using vacation time
  • Too many responsibilities


Final Thoughts: What helps depersonalization disorder:

  • Spend more time in natural sunlight – Absorbing Vitamin D is good for your mental and physical health.
  • Avoid crowded, stressful places – too many people means even more stress
  • Get frequent physical exercise – activity seems to help those who feel dissociated from themselves because they can see the movement of their arms and legs.
  • Avoid overindulging in alcohol or other substances – those who feel numb have a tendency toward self-harm
  • Do a self-massage, meditate or try an isolation tank to quiet the mental noise and become aware of your body again.
  • Seek counseling – a counselor can help you talk through the normal and appropriate emotional responses

5 Signs You Have A Zinc Deficiency

­Zinc is one of those minerals that we don’t think too much about. Zinc is classified as an essential nutrient and serves many important roles in the human body. Such functions that zinc supports are: cellular metabolism, immune functioning, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cellular division. Zinc also supports growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence; it is also needed for a normalized sense of taste and smell.

Something to be aware of is that deficient levels can manifest into physical and mental abnormalities. In fact, zinc deficiency is the 5th leading risk factor in causing disease worldwide – many of these cases originating in underdeveloped countries.

Being an essential mineral, your body cannot produce this nutrient. However, a variety of foods exist that can provide a good dose. We’ll list these food sources and the recommended daily intake of later in the article.

Here are 5 signs that you may have a zinc deficiency:

Research conducted during the past 10-15 years suggests that zinc deficiency is widespread and affects the health and well-being of populations worldwide…the estimated global prevalence of zinc deficiency is 31%.  – The World Health Organization

1. Poor cognitive function

Supplementing zinc into our diet is important for optimal brain function. Researchers have discovered that zinc regulates communication between neurons and the hippocampus – improving memory and learning ability.

In one interesting study, scientists at Duke University Medical Center effectively eliminated zinc from the brains of mice. Researchers discovered that the absence of zinc inhibited communications between neurons and slowed the cognitive functioning of test subjects.

Neurons in the hippocampus are a particularly important area that requires sufficient amounts of zinc. This area of this brain plays important roles in the area of communication, as well.

If experiencing problems with learning, memory and/or communication, it may be due to diminished levels of zinc in the body. Having a case of “brain fog” may also be a telltale sign of zinc deficiency.

2. Thinning hair

Deficient levels in the body can manifest into hypothyroidism – a condition in which the thyroid is not producing sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones. This condition can often lead to thinning of the hair.

Not only do low levels connect to increased likelihood of hypothyroidism, researchers believe that normal functioning of the thyroid is essential for zinc absorption.  In other words, zinc levels have a “cause and effect” impact on thyroid health, making it even more important to supplement zinc into our diets.

3. Immune system problems

According to a study published by Harvard Medical School, zinc is a trace element that is essential for cellular health. This mineral deficiency interferes with the ability of T cells and other immune system cells to function as they should.

Zinc is thought to aid other immune system functions as well, including:

  • T-cell growth and differentiation
  • White blood cell count and health
  • Apoptosis functioning (killing off illness-causing viruses, bacteria and other foreign agents)
  • Protective traits of cell membranes
  • Gene transcription, an important phase of gene expression

Hormone receptors and proteins that contribute to a healthy functioning of the immune system also require adequate supplementation.

4. Diarrhea

Since low amounts of zinc in the body negatively affect the immune system, it can lead to other problems and promote infection. Persistent diarrhea is actually a major health concern, affecting approximately 2 million children in developing countries each year. Children that are part of this risk pool are also more likely to contract coli and other types of bacterial infections.

It is apparent that supplementation is necessary to ward off infections and other immune system disorders. Health professionals recommend seeking advice from a physician before administering zinc to an infant less than six months old.

5. Food and environmental allergies

Deficient levels of zinc can cause histamine levels to increase. Zinc serves as a “storage unit” for histamine. Thus, less zinc means less storage. As a result, the release of excess histamine can produce or exacerbate allergy symptoms. High levels of histamine also make one more susceptible to allergic reactions.

Recommended Daily Zinc Amounts

  • 0-6 months: 2 mg
  • 7-12 months: 3 mg
  • 1-3 years: 3 mg
  • 4-8 years: 5 mg
  • 9-13 years: 8 mg
  • 14-18 years: 11 mg (male); 9 mg (female); 12 mg (pregnant); 13 mg (lactation)
  • 19+ years: 11 mg (male); 8 mg (female); 11 mg (pregnant); 12 mg (lactation)

Good sources include beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified breakfast cereals.

10 Warning Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Are you stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship?

Emotional abuse can be detrimental to your confidence and self-esteem. The difficult part of being a victim of emotional abuse is that it is difficult to tell whether or not it is happening. Unlike physical abuse, the signs of emotional abuse are not nearly as apparent as those of physical abuse.

Research reveals that emotional abuse can affect someone just as much as physical and even sexual abuse. Following 846 at-risk children for 14 years shows that the psychological threat to safety and security is the most common type of abuse.

Emotionally abusive people are so harmful because of their negative effect on self-esteem. Actions, attitudes, and words that mean to degrade others are the primary form of emotional abuse, and the abuser often uses it to manipulate others, leaving them feeling confused and powerless Several studies have also shown that emotional abuse is equally distributed between men and women, and can happen in any relationship.

Here are 10 warning signs of an emotionally abusive relationship (and how to protect yourself):

emotionally abusive relationship

The offender in an emotionally abusive relationship tries to make your dreams and accomplishments seem insignificant.

The Fix:  Don’t fall into their trap.

People who enjoy toying with others’ emotions will use any tactics. They’ll try confusion, blame, and interrogation in order to really get under your skin. If you have to deal with these types of people often, like in your workplace, ignore them or surprise them by saying something nice instead of meeting them with a combative attitude. Emotional manipulators thrive off getting a rise out of you, so make sure you don’t give them what they want. In fact, after several failed attempts, they may begin to leave you alone.

They try to be in control of everything, including your actions.

The Fix: Call them out on their behavior.

These people have probably bossed around others for so long and have never been confronted for it. Stand up for yourself and let them know they make you uncomfortable and take advantage of. Even if they deny their behavior or try to turn it back on you, at least you can rest easy knowing you defended yourself and stood up for the truth. Maybe they will begin to change their tune if you struck a nerve with them; after all, once they scare everyone away. Therefore, they will have no one to manipulate anymore, anyway.

They try to justify their unhappiness by reminding you of something you did.

The Fix: Develop a strong mentality.

Never let their insults or outbursts get inside your head; laugh at them or entertain their thoughts without agreeing with them. Nothing they say will ever bring you down if you know what kind of person you are and have a strong sense of self-worth.

They constantly call or text to check up on you, who you are with, and what you are doing when you are not together.

The Fix: Inspire them to learn something new.

It’s important to “be the change”, and in this instance, it will inadvertently protect you because they won’t be so insecure after becoming inspired by your own non-manipulative, positive actions. Bring up the benefits of meditation, taking responsibility for their own life, etc. Use all the knowledge you have gained about becoming your best self in order to help them become their best self, too.

Maybe, just maybe, they’ll learn about the value of trust.

They insist on always being right while you are always wrong.

The Fix: Tell them “you’re right.”

As hard as this might be for the ego, your soul will give you a round of applause and possibly a standing ovation. Emotional manipulators feed on drama, so agreeing with them will leave them speechless and quickly extinguish their delusions. Just for the sake of keeping your peace of mind, let them win the argument. You know deep down that their behavior and accusations were wrong, but they will have to deal with that karma later, anyway.

emotionally abusive relationship

Emotionally abusive relationship partners constantly humiliate others

The Fix: Call them out on their behavior.

These people have probably bossed around others for so long and have never been confronted. Stand up for yourself and let them know they make you uncomfortable and take advantage of. Even if they deny their behavior or try to turn it back on you, at least you can rest easy knowing you defended yourself and stood up for the truth. Maybe they will begin to change their tune if you struck a nerve with them in public; after all, once they scare everyone away, they will have no one to manipulate anymore.

They constantly remind you of your shortcomings and failures.

The Fix: Give yourself positive self-talk throughout the day.

An emotional manipulator can completely tarnish your otherwise peppy mood, so make sure you restore yourself with uplifting affirmations and messages during the day. They thrive on seeing your mood go down the drain, so they won’t have a reason to torment you any longer when they see you unaffected by their brash remarks.

Get smart about protecting yourself from their wrath; they may soon get discouraged from using you as their emotional toy.

They accuse you of things that are not true, so you are forced to prove your love.

The Fix: Avoid emotional attachment with them

This may sound easier said than done, especially if they are acting everything but authentic.  Look for the moment they steamroll entirely your emotions, and slowly back away from the relationship. Make sure to let them know your boundaries. Emotionally abusive people constantly look for their next victim, and if you must talk to them, be civil – but don’t let it go any further than that, for your own protection’s sake.

Remember that this is not your fault, and there’s nothing wrong with recognizing this for what it is – abuse.

A partner in an emotionally abusive relationship doesn’t value your feelings and often will tell you that you are wrong.

The Fix: Start writing down what they say during conversations.

While this might seem a little overboard, emotional manipulators habitually make you look like the bad guy. So they won’t hesitate to twist their words to fit any agenda. You might actually start to believe sometimes that you have done something wrong when in reality, you have fallen victim to their terrible scheme. To make sure you can actually show them what they said in prior conversations, jot down any details you think they might conveniently change later to justify their behavior. They may also try to convince you they never said a certain thing, but you can actually prove they did with your notes you take.

emotionally abusive relationship

They make you feel as if you aren’t good enough for them and that you should be thankful to be in the relationship.

The Fix: Let go of emotionally abusive relationships if necessary.

If you notice these emotionally abusive relationship tendencies in your partner for a repeated period without change, you should leave that relationship behind in favor of your own well-being. You can’t force a person to change, no matter how often you have brought up their volatile behavior. You deserve someone who will nurture and balance your emotions. Rest assured, you don’t need someone who wants to use you for their enjoyment.

Left alone, the stress of an emotionally abusive relationship can manifest in illness, depression, and even long-term emotional trauma. That’s why it is important first to recognize the behavior and then seek help. Recognizing the behavior can be difficult. That’s because we are so attached to the relationship, that we don’t want to think about letting it go. That’s why we need to know some key signs that the relationship isn’t serving us.

10 Warning Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life

There is usually some catalyst (or several of them) that leads to knowing it’s time to change your life. Unfortunately, it is easy to live with these signs for a long time before even noticing what they are trying to say.

The key to understanding what is going on in our life is recognizing how we feel. If we are feeling anxious, discontent or bitter, it could be our body’s way of telling us it’s time to try something new.

Here are 10 signs it’s time to change your life:


1. You dread going to work more days than you don’t.

So much of our day and week is spent at work, that feeling of dread when you wake up or as the weekend nears its end is a sure sign that something is not right.

Take some time to figure out what it is about your day at work that you are dreading and devise a plan for changing it.

2. You live life in the past or dreaming about the future.

Staying focused on better times, whether it’s the past or the future, might be a sign of trying to escape the now. It is not uncommon to dream about a better life and dreaming can be good. It’s when dreaming takes the place of doing that a problem exists.

3. People are constantly telling you to relax.

If the same message keeps appearing from friends and acquaintances alike, it might be time to figure out what is behind it. “You need to relax” is slang for “get over it” in today’s world. So when we hear it over and over again, we are probably holding onto something we need to let go of.

4. You are jealous of other people’s successes.

Jealousy is a sign of discontent with our lives and has nothing to do with the other person’s accomplishment. It is hard to be happy for other people’s successes when we are feeling stuck in our life. It is time to ask ourselves what is jealousy telling us.

5. You wake up tired.

Waking up tired is a sign of discontent, not necessarily with work but with life in general. It is hard to get proper rest with worry and angst in our lives. When we live in a constant state of tiredness, it can signify struggle and strife in our life.

It also indicates we are tired of fighting and are ready to admit defeat. Instead of giving up, figure out what you can do to get back on track. Life is meant to be lived happy and happy isn’t tired.

6. You are antsy.

The feeling of the need to do something or go somewhere is a clear sign that creativity is being stifled, and something must change.

The inability to be content and sit still can suggest there is something else you are meant to be doing. If you are antsy, it’s your job to figure out what your body is telling you.

7. You gossip.

Gossiping is a way of deflecting the work we need to do in our lives to someone else. It is avoidance at its best.

When we find ourselves gossiping, it is important to ask what we are avoiding in our life and then realize that facing it is the best thing we can do.

8. Everyone in your life seems to annoy you.

Having a hard time living by the “don’t sweat the small stuff” motto might indicate some extra angst and negativity around.

Nitpicking and always finding something wrong with what everyone is doing is a hint that there are some underlying issues. The issues can be anything but it usually indicates an unhappiness with your life somehow.

9. You have a constant sense of foreboding.

Waiting for something bad to happen will eventually lead to something bad actually happening

. The other shoe doesn’t always have to drop and to know that can go a long way. Stop the worry and the predictions and start focusing on what you are doing right now.

10. You keep thinking, “there has to be something more to life than this.”

Thinking there is something more or something bigger usually means there are new opportunities on the horizon. Be open to the things that are stirring up the passion and creativity and follow them. The destination will most likely be exactly what you need.

Deciding to make changes can be immediate but the change itself doesn’t always happen that fast. Don’t let that stop you from moving forward.

Even the smallest of steps can help reduce the negative feelings and keep the motivation for change high.

The important thing is to do something right now because your only options are to embrace change or accept things as they are.

Either way, it is important for us to pay attention to how we feel and do more of what makes us feel good.

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” ~ Joseph Campbell

What signs have told you it was time to change your life? Share in the discussion below:

Trying This Ancient Herb Can Relieve Your Next Headache

You may have already read about one natural herbal ingredient that can help relieve headaches, but this article will give you another herb that could help fight cancer as well.

Medicinal herbs were used long before pharmacists began refining compounds into pill form for use against illness and disease. Midwives, medicine men and healers have cultivated herbs found in nature to heal sicknesses and reduce pain. In the garden or forest, plants provide a wealth of available healing sources for us. Many parts of the plant can be used and in many different ways, Leaves, flowers and roots can be dried, crushed into powder, made into a tea, eaten, pressed to extract oils and essences, or mixed with a base of oil to apply to the skin.

As we move further away from the local herbal lore that once healed people, we appreciate the advances of modern science, but we still desire the products of nature that we know are healthy, whole sources of healing. People are looking for organically grown, locally sourced and sustainable products to keep them well.

This ONE Herb Can Naturally Relieve a Headache (and May Even Fight Cancer)

Headaches can come in different forms but all of them are painful. There are tension, sinus, and migraine headaches. Headaches can give you a dull ache or a sharp, stabbing pain. Headaches can also cause other symptoms like ringing in the ears, blurry vision, seeing spots, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

Scientific evidence that this herb prevents and relieves a headache

In the garden, tiny white daisies with yellow centers and vivid green leaves and stems look delicate and pretty. These little flowers are called many names; Bachelor’s Buttons, Featherfew, Featherfoil, Flirtwort and most commonly, Feverfew. There are multiple different species of feverfew. The scientific names for this herb are in the parthenium strain; Chrysanthemum Parthenium, Pyrethrum Parthenium, and Tanacetum parthenium just to name a few.

The leaves of the feverfew plant are used to make the medicine that heals headaches. They can be used dried or fresh, and typically are packaged as capsules for headache remedy.

In a study of migraine headache patients who ate fresh leaves of feverfew daily as a way to prevent migraines, evidence was found that the herbal remedy was able to prevent attacks of migraine.

Another survey of 270 patients with migraine who treated themselves with fresh feverfew leaves, 70% of those who ate the leaves daily had reduced headache symptoms. The people who tried feverfew leaves said that it helped them either with shorter headaches or less frequent headaches or both.

Incredible evidence that this one herb can fight cancer

The ability of this delicate flower to help prevent or relieve headaches and to fight cancer is incredible. The medicinal herb feverfew has long been used as a folk remedy for the treatment of migraine and arthritis. Parthenolide is considered to be the primary bioactive compound in feverfew that has anti-migraine, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.

In a study of feverfew and its ability to fight cancer, researchers determined that parthenolide and golden feverfew extract inhibited the growth of two human breast cancer cell types and one human cervical cancer cell type. They also found that feverfew ethanolic extract inhibited the growth of all three types of cancer cells that were tested.

Other medicinal uses for this herb

In herbal lore, feverfew was also used for reducing fever, hence the name of the plant. Here is a list of other health problems that WebMD lists that feverfew has been used for:

Irregular menstrual periods





Ringing in the ears/tinnitus







Intestinal gas

Preventing miscarriage

Common cold


Liver disease

Muscle tension

Bone disorders

Swollen feet


Insect repellant

Preparing fresh herbs and a warning for allergy sufferers

Allergies can be severe and those who are allergic to ragweed should avoid using feverfew. Unfortunately, the herb can bring on an allergic reaction for some people. Please check with your medical provider before working with herbs to check for interactions with anything else that you are currently taking.

As it is bitter in taste, most people using fresh feverfew combine it with honey to make it taste better. Typically, leaves from the feverfew plant are collected to equal one ounce of the plant then the leaves are crushed slightly with a mortar and pestle. Add 16 ounces of boiling water to the crushed leaves and allow the mixture to cool slightly. For headaches, drink 3-4oz of the liquid.

To make a tincture or extract of feverfew:

* Use a drinkable alcohol of at least 80 proof, like vodka or rum.

* Use a clean glass jar, such as a mason jar.

* Fill the jar at least halfway with dried feverfew leaves.

* Boil a small amount of water (2 ounces or so) and dampen the leaves slightly in the jar, but do not cover them with water.

* Fill the rest of the jar with the drinkable alcohol and seal it up tightly. Shake the jar and store it in a cool pantry or cupboard for 3 weeks.

* After 3 weeks, strain the herbs and save the liquid.

The liquid can be consumed directly by teaspoons or added to boiling water to evaporate the alcohol before drinking.

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