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25 Mind Blowing Psychology Quotes From Carl Jung

25 Mind Blowing Psychology Quotes From Carl Jung

Carl Jung was a psychological genius who expanded on our understanding of the mind, and his writings contain some of the most thought-provoking ideas you’ve read recently. Jung expanded on the ideas of Sigmund Freud and developed his own psychological theories.

Carl Jung also pioneered the thought-provoking concept of the introvert and extrovert personality types, which you can read more about in our articles Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert? and 7 Life Changing Lessons to Learn From Introverts. Jung believed that dreams were a way for us to make up for missing parts of our personality.

Jung was the founder of the idea of a collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is a group-mind that we all share; something we are born with that contains humanity’s shared concepts, called archetypes. Archetypes are things like having parents, finding a mate, having children, and confronting death. Jung was also interested in the way we use myths to tell stories about these archetypes with a shared meaning.

According to Charles Cowgil of,

“Jung wanted to investigate the similarity of symbols that are located in different religious, mythological, and magical systems which occur in many cultures and time periods. To account for these similar symbols occurring across different cultures and time periods he suggested the existence of two layers of the unconscious psyche. The first of the two layers was the personal unconscious. It contains what the individual has acquired in his or her life, but has been forgotten or repressed. The second layer is the collective unconscious which contains the memory traces common to all humankind. These experiences form archetypes.”

You can see some of Carl Jung’s thought-provoking ideas reflected in these 25 quotes.

25 Of The Most Thought-Provoking Carl Jung Quotes

1. There is no coming to consciousness without pain.

2. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

3. The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

4. In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

5. The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.

6. A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.

7. It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.

8. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

9. Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.

10. It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.

11. Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.

12. The collective unconscious consists of the sum of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes. Just as everybody possesses instincts, so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images.

13. Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?

14. The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.

15. Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.

16. For a young person, it is almost a sin, or at least a danger, to be too preoccupied with himself; but for the ageing person, it is a duty and a necessity to devote serious attention to himself

17. Understanding does not cure evil, but it is a definite help, inasmuch as one can cope with a comprehensible darkness.

18. Our heart glows, and secret unrest gnaws at the root of our being. Dealing with the unconscious has become a question of life for us.

19. All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.

20. Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.

21. Everyone knows nowadays that people ‘have complexes’. What is not so well known, though far more important theoretically, is that complexes can have us.

22. Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.

23. Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.

24. Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?

25. If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool.

8 Things You Shouldn’t Believe About Being An Adult

What does being an adult mean anyway? Does it mean going to a 9-5 job, rushing out to the grocery store afterwards while trying to get the kids to behave, and paying our bills on time? Does it mean having a certain amount of money in our bank account, owning a house, and slowly paying off our student loans? Unfortunately, most of the world probably agrees with these definitions of being an adult. After all, we can’t really avoid responsibilities as we grow older, but should we let these obligations define us?

I mean, most of us don’t really know what we’re doing anyway – we’re just making choices, and hoping they’re the right ones for us, whatever that means. We all just kind of get thrown onto this planet, and have to adjust and try to make sense of it all as we go along. So, maybe being an adult means nothing more than getting older, and trying to have some fun along the way.

“I am convinced that most people do not grow up…We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old. We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias.” – Maya Angelou

Here are 8 things you shouldn’t believe about being an adult:


1. That you need to have it all figured out

Newsflash: no one knows all the answers. They might act as they do, but we never got a guidebook on how to live life. We never had a class in school called “How to Make the Right Choices and Not Screw Up.” If we did, life probably still wouldn’t make that much sense because at the end of the day, we all live in a way that feels best to us. No one can teach us how to feel good about our decisions, or how to make the right ones. Just because you have a degree and a nice job, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t question your life from time to time. Having doubts doesn’t mean you are totally lost – it means you’re human.

Perfection doesn’t exist, and knowing all the answers to life’s questions doesn’t, either. Forget about knowing, and instead, focus on being. All the rest will work itself out.

2. That you need to own a house

Who said you need to shell out $150,000+ on a piece of property? Who said to be a successful, upstanding citizen of society that you need to have ownership of a giant box? It doesn’t make you any less of a person to either rent for your whole life, or have roommates until you turn 60, or whatever other living situation makes sense to you. Having a house sounds nice in theory, but it doesn’t come cheap most of the time, and the maintenance fees can really add up. According to a survey carried out by Hart Research Associates, over half of Americans can’t actually afford their house. Meaning, they’ve had to make major sacrifices or take a second job in order to cover their mortgage.

So, does it still sound appealing to have your own house?

3. That other people know how to adult better than you

Comparing yourself to others won’t get you anywhere, except in a depressed state of mind. Also, you don’t know what happens behind closed doors just because people appear to have it together on the surface. They might have crippling debt, rising mortgage payments, and other struggles that they don’t tell you about. So what if they make more money than you? That doesn’t equate to more happiness. In fact, a groundbreaking global study including 54 countries confirmed this fact back in 2010.

So, even if people seem to have more than you or appear to know all the answers, this doesn’t mean they have mastered adulting. They probably just know how to pretend really, really well.

4. That you should get married and have kids

Again, no one said that to have a happy, successful life, you need to tie the knot with someone and reproduce. Society might pressure us to do these things, but we don’t have to listen. If you want these things, by all means, go for it, but you can have a fulfilling life without bearing children or having a life partner.

5. That you have to work at a 9-5 job

What if you want to own a business? What if you want to draw and paint for a living, out of your own home? If you want a 9-5 job, then great! But if not, don’t feel like you have failed in adulthood or life. People follow different paths in life; maybe yours doesn’t involve a 40 hour workweek. Your dream might involve something different, so just allow it to manifest without feeling guilty about carving your own path.

6. That you have to deal with life on your own

When we grew up, we had our parents or guardians to help us with life’s hurdles. They taught us to tie our shoes, to stand up to bullies, to take out the garbage at night, and other important things about life. However, when we become adults, we are expected to do everything independently. However, we are social animals, so sometimes we will inevitably need some help and support. Don’t hesitate to speak up and ask questions or reach out to someone when you feel alone. This actually makes you more of a mature adult because you know your limits and don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help when you need it.

7. That you should never make mistakes or struggle

Mistakes allow us to learn and grow. If we didn’t make them, we would never transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly. We would stay in one spot, and never know what it means to overcome challenges. Adulthood DOES NOT equal perfection, so don’t expect everything to go smoothly. The bumps in the road make the journey worth it, as you’ll discover when you look back on the hard times and realize how much you grew because of them.


8. That you have to pretend to be okay

Adulthood also doesn’t mean putting on a fake smile and hiding your true feelings from the world. If you need to cry, scream, and throw things, then do it (as long as you don’t hurt yourself or others). Pretending and putting up walls doesn’t make you more of an adult; it just means you are suppressing your true emotions. Remember, we’re all just kids running around in adult bodies, stumbling around and trying to make good lives for ourselves. You don’t have to smile every day if you don’t feel like it. Some days will be harder than others, and if that means crying over a pint of ice cream and asking your best friend to come over, then so be it. You’re under no obligation to pretend, because humans have all sorts of emotions, and you don’t have to feel guilty for feeling them.

This ONE Thing Can Help Reverse Lung Damage

You take over 23,000 breaths per day. And you should count every one of them as a blessing if you are concerned about reversing lung damage. Your breath must carry oxygen to help your metabolism and other bodily functions work effectively.

If you aren’t or weren’t a smoker, an asthmatic, or someone with a lung problem already diagnosed, you might not believe you have lung damage. You might not have anything to worry about. But you might also be ignoring warning signs of lung damage.

The American Lung Association says, ‘ Cigarette smoke can narrow air passages and make breathing more difficult. It causes chronic inflammation, or swelling in the lung, which can lead to chronic bronchitis. Over time cigarette smoke destroys lung tissue, and may trigger changes that grow into cancer. If you smoke, it’s never too late to benefit from quitting.’

Exposure to pollutants like ‘Secondhand smoke, outdoor air pollution, chemicals in the home and workplace, and radon’ can all lead to lung damage that you may need to work to heal and reverse. If you are concerned about home pollutants, many houseplants can help purify your air. See the link to our article below for more information.

Outdoor pollutants like ozone, dust and particulates, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and 200 other air pollutants can really take a toll on your lungs’ health. Get smart about your local air quality rather than buying personal air filtration systems and walking around in a bubble of filtered air. Watch your local weather for warning about high pollution days and avoid outdoor exercise on these days.

Symptoms of Lung Damage

The American Lung Association, a premier authority in respiratory health, highlights some early symptoms that may suggest an underlying lung condition. This information is critical as it could be the first step in detecting and treating lung diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, and lung cancer.

If you have previously battled conditions such as COPD, Asthma, Pneumonia, or Influenza, it’s essential to know that these diseases could have left some damage to your lungs. Don’t be alarmed by these symptoms. Instead, they should warn you to be vigilant about your respiratory health. Remember, early detection and treatment is key in managing these conditions.

Now, let’s jump into the specific symptoms that may indicate lung disease. Understanding these signs could differentiate between identifying a potential problem early or missing it until it’s more advanced.

lung damage

Shortness of breath may signal lung damage

Shortness of breath is one such symptom. If you find yourself out of breath, even after doing simple tasks that you used to handle easily, it could be a signal that your lungs are not operating at their full capacity.

Closely related to this is the experience of having trouble catching your breath after mild exertion. Whether you’re climbing a flight of stairs or simply doing some light household chores, if you’re struggling to regain your breath afterwards, it’s a sign you should not ignore.

Wheezing may indicate lung damage

Wheezing is another common sign of possible lung disease. If your breaths also have awhistling or hissing sound, it may indicate that your airway constriction or inflammmation. That’s a common characteristic of diseases like asthma or COPD.

A persistent cough may mean trouble with your lungs

Persistent coughing is a symptom that some overlook. That’s because it’s commonly associated with less serious ailments such as the common cold. However, a continuous cough, especially one that doesn’t seem to improve over time, may suggest an underlying lung condition.

Overproducing mucus may be a sign of unhealthy lungs

Overproduction of mucus is another warning sign. While it’s normal for your body to produce mucus to trap and eliminate foreign particles, an excessive amount could be your body’s way of telling you that something is not quite right in your respiratory tract.

Coughing up blood means something is wrong with your lungs

Lastly, and perhaps most critically, coughing up blood should never be ignored. This is a serious symptom that warrants immediate medical attention. Although there are several possible causes, one of them could be lung disease, including a severe condition like lung cancer.

Remember, these symptoms are not a definitive diagnosis but potential warning signs that should prompt you to seek medical advice. Listening to your body and taking these symptoms seriously can lead to early detection and treatment, thereby improving the prognosis of these respiratory conditions. Your health and well-being are always worth the attention and care, so please, don’t delay if you notice any of these symptoms.

This ONE Thing Can Help Reverse Lung Damage

Vitamin A or beta carotene can help reverse lung damage. However, this may be only true for men who are nonsmokers. In a study of the use of beta carotene and retinol supplements to reverse lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, women and smokers had an increased risk with the use of vitamin A supplements, even at a 6 year follow up.

The authors of one study say that ‘Increasing evidence suggests that beta-carotene, retinol (vitamin A), and alpha-tocopheral (vitamin E) may have important protective effects in the lung.’ Research into the mechanisms of how vitamin A help with reversing lung tissue is still ongoing.

Other Things That Can Help Reverse Lung Damage

  • Quitting smoking: Not only can stopping smoking stop further lung damage. But the lung heals itself as you reverse the damage!
  • Humid air: Living in a desert climate means living in a dusty area. Dust particulates suspend in the air for you to breathe. That causes allergic reactions and irritations in lungs. So try a humidifier in your home to reduce the dust in the air.
  • Salt air: Breathing salt air is known as halotherapy or speleotherapy. If you live near the beach, you already get this benefit. You can use a salt crystal lamp or saltwater aerosol at home. says that “Salt water aerosols have been found to be effective in treating cystic fibrosis and at 3% have been shown to be effective in treating infants with acute viral bronchitis.”
  • Eucalyptus: That vapor-rub feeling of inhaling a big whiff of eucalyptus is refreshing and feels cleansing.
  • Breathing exercises: You can strengthen your lung capacity by using breathing exercises.
  • Get checked: See a medical practitioner to check for esophagus, sinus, or other issues
  • Houseplants: Read about how houseplants help purify your air at home.
salt therapy
Read how visiting a salt cave can improve your breathing.

For your next exotic vacation, look into a visit to a salt cave, like the ones in Moldavia and Cacica, Romania. Salt caves have been used therapeutically for lung health for centuries or longer. The air of a salt cave is humid and saturated with salt. Breathing this therapeutic salt air is beneficial for lung heath and may help reverse lung damage.

A recent Wall Street Journal article says salt rooms have been popping up in cities such as New York, Orlando, Naples, Fla., Boulder, Colo., Chicago and Los Angeles. While most of us associate salt air with the beach, from a medical standpoint, the experience mimics salt caves. These facilities are a long-time therapeutic in Eastern Europe. Salt room owners say salt can help skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema and a range of respiratory ailments, including colds, asthma, allergies and bronchitis.’

This Ancient Breathing Technique Can Help Relieve Anxiety

Yogic breathing techniques are an ancient technique that can help you with anxiety, depression, metabolism, and more. Practicing cyclical breath control and breathing techniques is familiar to yoga practitioners.

When you try this ancient breathing technique, you will be surprised at how quickly you will notice a change in your bodily tension. It only takes a minute, or more if you have the time, to notice a reduced sensation of anxiety. Let’s explore this breathing strategy in more detail.



The practice of controlling one’s breath is part of the calming of the mind that accompanies yoga. Pranayama is the Sanskrit word for control of the breath. There are different types of controlled breathing that accompany the practice of yoga.

Drawing conscious attention to the breath is an awareness technique that helps keep you centered and at the moment rather than focusing on the future or the past. Some believe that those who have depression live in the past. Conversely, those who suffer from anxiety live in the future. Practicing breathing techniques helps keep our minds on the here and now.

Researchers who reviewed the practice of breathing techniques called Sudarshan Kriya Yoga, or SKY, found that the cycles of breathing and awareness may work on many biological systems in the body at once. One of the benefits of this ancient breathing technique is ‘strengthening, balancing, and stabilizing the autonomic and stress response systems.’

Other researchers have found similar benefits for stress and anxiety and improving metabolism. In a study of alternate nostril breathing, researchers found an 18% increase in metabolic function for the study participants who used this technique. Researchers came to the same conclusion as the other study mentioned above; ‘These results suggest that breathing selectively through either nostril could have a marked activating effect or a relaxing effect on the sympathetic nervous system.’

This Ancient Breathing Technique Can Help Relieve Anxiety

Controlling your breathing through one nostril at a time is known as Nadi Shodhana in Sanskrit. says that it is also called “the “Sweet Breath,” “Sukha Pranayama” (Sukha translates as comfortable or happy), “Channel Purification Breath,” or “Alternate Nostril Breath.” This breathing technique is also good for promoting clear thinking, balancing the brain hemispheres, and relieving anxiety.

To do alternate nostril breathing, curl your index and middle finger of wither hand into your palm, with your thumb, ring and pinky fingers sticking out. The ring finger and thumb are what you will use to close each nostril. Use this hand as a pincher to gently press the outside of each nostril.

How to Do Alternate Nostril Breathing: suggests the following pattern to achieve alternate nostril breathing:

“Curl index and middle finger of the right hand into the palm, forming a “pincer” with thumb and ring finger (little finger is “superfluous”). Take a deep inhale and exhale, then gently close the right nostril with the thumb, and inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. In the moment of pause after the inhale and before the exhale, gently close the left nostril with the ring finger, release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril just as slowly.

Observe the moment of pause after the exhale and before the next inhale, then inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril. In the moment of pause after the inhale and before the exhale, gently close the right nostril again with the thumb, release the ring finger from the left nostril and exhale through the left nostril just as slowly. Again, observe the moment of pause after the exhale and before the next inhale, then inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Continue breathing alternately through one nostril only, closing the other nostril and releasing the one that was just closed in the moment of pause after an inhale and before the next exhale.”

Other breathing techniques to relieve anxiety

Another yogic breathing technique that can help anxiety is “ocean breathing,” which some call “Darth Vader breathing.” This technique is simply deep inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils but with the throat slightly constricted to allow the air to make a sound as it comes in and exhales.

Regular abdominal breathing can also expand to give further relaxation and stress relief benefits. Continuing the inhale after the abdomen rounds, so that the collar bone rises, and then inhaling even further, uses the total lung capacity. Then, on the exhale, continue pulling the abdomen toward the spine to fully contract the diaphragm and expel all of the air from the lungs. These deeper, controlled breaths can also help bring awareness to the present and quiet the mind.

These TWO Ingredients Can Heal Your Colon

Have you run a gamut of colon remedies without any relief?

Amazingly, pharmaceutical companies rake in millions of dollars on pills that either (a) don’t work very well or (b) have natural replacements. This is not to say that some medications aren’t necessary – some are. But natural remedies that work just as well – if not better – have been around for thousands of years.

Holistic medicine has built a tremendous following because it works, it’s cheap (at least much cheaper than traditional medicine), and we aren’t forced to ingest some unknown pill. The following quote by Mark Hyman – bestselling author and renowned physician – is a testament to how the doctor’s trained in traditional “diagnose and prescribe” medicine have circumvented the entrenched money-hungry establishment of Modern Medicine:

It’s more important to understand the imbalances in your body’s basic systems and restore balance, rather than name the disease and match the pill to the ill. – Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.

New combinations of well-known ingredients that heal or relieve common maladies are materializing every day. A simple Google search will produce thousands of remedial ingredients for headaches, muscle pain, arthritis, and countless other health conditions. Take apple cider vinegar and raw honey, for example.

You Just Need These Two Household Items


Two common household items – apple cider vinegar and raw honey – can strengthen our immune system, counteract aging properties, and regulate blood pressure, among many other things.

The mixture can also help heal our colon – cleansing it of toxic substances that produce many unhealthy symptoms. Combining apple cider vinegar and raw honey can help reduce inflammation, counteract infection and aid digestion.

Among the numerous areas of our body, the colon is one that doesn’t receive much attention. Although we can’t “feel” pain in the colon as often relative to our other muscles and certain regions of the body, it nonetheless requires care. Also known as the large intestine, a healthy colon is vital for proper digestion and the removal of waste.

What Happens to an Unhealthy Colon

Various adverse health conditions can arise if the colon is not properly cared for. Among these conditions are:

  • Colitis: colon inflammation, usually resulting from a bowel disorder or infection.
  • Chron’s disease: ulceration of the colon, which results in inflammation.
  • Diarrhea: frequent, liquidated release of stool.
  • Polyps: small, irregular growths that can potentially develop into cancer.
  • Colon cancer: cancer of the colon area that affects more than 100,000 Americans each year. Most cases are avoidable through proper care and screenings.

So, how exactly does apple cider vinegar and honey assist in caring for our colon? Explaining this cumulative effect requires a breakdown of each ingredient’s properties.

These TWO Ingredients Can Heal Your Colon

The apple properties of cider vinegar provide a multitude of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Combining these properties with vinegar – preferably of the raw and unfiltered variety – helps to ease digestion and protect colon health. More specifically, apple cider promotes the relief of acid reflux, effectively breaking down fats and safeguarding the colon of potent stomach acid. Further, apple cider vinegar binds to toxins and expedites these toxins removal from the body.

Honey not only sweetens the bitter taste of vinegar, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. In a 2013 study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research, honey’s abundance of antioxidants also helps to defend against illness. The study also states that honey is effective in alleviating sinusitis and other oral problems. Further, honey is also a valuable nutrient that aids in reducing the symptoms of reflux by providing a protective coating of the esophagus.

Mixing these two potent ingredients yields a variety of health benefits for the colon. As stated, a vinegar-honey mixture is a terrific anti-inflammatory formula. Inflammation of the colon is one of the most prolific causes of colon disorders, which is counteracted through the ingestion of vinegar and honey. Secondly, this mixture accentuates the cider vinegar’s anti-toxin properties and aids in ridding the body of toxic substances that can damage the colon.

Benefits of a Colon Cleanse

To recap, the cumulative health benefits of apple cider vinegar and honey for the colon:

  • Reduces inflammation of the large intestine.
  • Binding to and elimination of numerous toxins within the colon.
  • Promotes natural and healthy digestion, a vital function of the colon.

One last thing…the recipe, of course!


  • 2 tablespoons of raw honey
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • A glass of warm water



  • Mix the honey and vinegar in the warm water.
  • Continue to mix the ingredients until the honey is completely dissolved.

That’s it! A glass or two daily is recommended to achieve maximum health benefits. Apart from the mixture’s healthy effect on the colon, it also:

  • aids healthy blood circulation
  • soothes parts of the throat
  • fights fatigue and promotes energy
  • helps fight age-related symptoms
  • promotes vitality in those with exhaustion

If You See Someone With This Piercing, This Is What It Means

People who have frequent migraines often turn to a Daith piercing to try to relieve the agony.

If you have ever had a migraine before, you know exactly how unbearably painful it can feel. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, approximately 18% of American women and 6% of American men suffer from migraines on a regular basis. Migraines don’t just mean a bad headache. Indeed, they can completely debilitate the sufferer. Some cause extreme pain on either one or both sides of the head.

They occur due to a complex assortment of neurological symptoms. These signs can include nausea, vomiting, disorientation, dizziness, and extreme sensitivity to light or sound. Attacks can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours, on average.

Many people turn to pharmaceutical drugs for help. But did you know that getting a particular ear piercing can help to alleviate your migraines? You might wonder how a piece of jewelry attached to your ear could possibly aid in eliminating your migraines, so allow us to explain below.

Here’s how this ear piercing is helping people with migraines:


If you love piercings and also happen to suffer from migraines, you will love this idea. Daith piercings have existed for around three thousand years. But the name wasn’t coined until the 1990’s. The daith piercing goes through the cartilage nearest to the ear canal, appearing to actually enter it if you look at it from a distance. It works in the same way as acupuncture to relieve pain, and actually, acupuncturists target this pressure point during treatment if the patient suffers from migraines.

Simply put, piercing the skin allows blood vessels around the needle to open up, stimulating blood flow to the tissues in the area. While daith piercings haven’t been formally studied in regard to relieving migraines, countless people who have gotten the piercing have reported little to no migraines after getting their ear pierced.

Acupuncture works to relieve pain since your body releases endorphins after having the needles penetrate the skin. In the same way, your body releases endorphins after getting a piercing. That explains why the daith piercings seem to work for so many people.

However, even though acupuncture might work to alleviate your migraines, you might want to go ahead with the daith piercing if you also enjoy a little bit of ear jewelry. So, the daith piercing serves as a stylish way to relieve migraines.

Symptoms of a Migraine

Symptoms of migraines can vary depending on severity, frequency, and stage of migraine. These are the most common signs of an impending migraine:

  • intense, throbbing headache, usually isolated to one side
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • trouble speaking
  • light and sound sensitivity
  • numbness and/or tingling
  • fatigue
  • sleep disruptions
  • visual disturbances such as bright lines, flashing dots, or lights
  • temporary loss of vision
  • dizziness
  • pale skin color
  • loss of appetite
  • sweating or having chills

As you can tell from these symptoms, a migraine isn’t just a bad headache. This neurological condition can result in crippling pain that leaves the sufferer bed-bound for days! While migraines can cause all of the above symptoms, the telltale sign of migraine involves an intense, throbbing pain. It can affect the whole head or just one side, and even shift from one side to the other.

It’s rare that a migraine comes on suddenly; most people experience symptoms in the days prior to a migraine. Migraines tend to occur in four phases: prodrome (preheadache phase), aura, headache, and postdrome (migraine aftermath), which can take between 8-72 hours to go through. Around 30% of people will experience symptoms before their headache becomes noticeable.

Four Phases of a Migraine

1.     Prodrome

This first phase can last anywhere from a few hours to several days. You may not even experience it since it doesn’t occur with every migraine. Also known as the preheadache phase, common symptoms include difficulty concentrating, irritability, depression, trouble speaking, sleep disruptions, nausea, fatigue, light and sound sensitivity, food cravings, muscle stiffness, and increased urination.

2.     Aura

The aura stage usually lasts between five and sixty minutes. However, most people don’t experience auras; only 15-20% of people get them. Auras refer to a group of sensory, speech, and motor symptoms that warn of an imminent migraine. While it usually occurs before the headache, it can also happen during and after. Aura symptoms can include:

  • Blind spots in your vision
  • Seeing bright, flashing lines, dots, or lights
  • Numbness or tingling in the skin
  • Slurred speech
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Temporary loss of vision
  • Seeing wavy lines
  • Changes in smell or taste
  • A “funny” feeling

daith piercing

3.     Headache

A migraine headache can last anywhere from four to 72 hours. However, the term “headache” doesn’t accurately describe the condition since it can cause excruciating pain. Most people report a throbbing, pulsating sensation on one side of the head, but it can spread to the other.

Other symptoms during this phase include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting, difficulty speaking, loss of appetite, stomach pain, fatigue, a tender scalp, and pale skin. You may also experience dizziness, blurred vision, sweating, and chills. Diarrhea and fever may also occur, but rarely.

4.     Postdrome

The postdrome or migraine “hangover” stage may last one or two days. Around 80% of migraine sufferers report experiencing this phase, with symptoms including difficulty concentrating or understanding information, depression, fatigue, and euphoria.

Other Ways to Manage Headache Symptoms (Besides a Daith Piercing)

Not everyone wants to get a Daith piercing, especially those with a low pain threshold. Luckily, you don’t have to get your ears pierced to manage headache symptoms effectively. Below, we’ll go over a few ways to keep migraines at bay, or at least make them less painful.

1.     Keep a Migraine Diary

Maintaining a regular migraine journal can help you understand and avoid triggers. Some people find that eating certain foods or being exposed to bright lights can cause a headache. Others are sensitive to loud sounds, weather changes, or highly stressful situations. If you can identify a pattern before a headache occurs, it will help you sidestep the triggers.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

According to the American Migraine Foundation, certain dietary habits can make headaches more likely. Many migraine sufferers report that skipping meals or going long periods between meals can trigger headaches due to low blood sugar. Also, drinking excess caffeine or sugary drinks like sodas instead of water can worsen symptoms.

Commonly reported food triggers for migraines to include alcohol, caffeine, cured meats, aged cheeses, chocolate, smoked fish, yeast extract, artificial sweeteners, and certain preservatives like nitrates. This is where the migraine journal would be useful, so you can pinpoint which foods contribute to your headaches.

3. Minimize Noise Exposure

A report by the National Institutes of Health found that many migraine patients have sound hypersensitivity; in fact, it affects around 70-80% of patients. Common sound triggers include ambulance and police sirens, and railroad crossing bells. If you live in a busy city, consider purchasing noise-canceling headphones, or soundproofing your home to block out excess sound.

4. Keep Your Stress Low

According to the American Migraine Foundation, many patients also suffer from anxiety and/or depression. These conditions may exacerbate headaches, worsening anxiety symptoms, creating a vicious cycle. However, keeping your stress at a minimum can improve your mental health and reduce headache severity.

Research published by the National Institute of Health says chronic stress may trigger migraines. You can lower stress naturally by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, aromatherapy, or walking in nature.

If you notice, virtually every ailment can be cured by returning to our roots. Exercising, eating well, getting outside, prioritizing sleep, and taking care of ourselves, in general, will improve mental and physical well-being. In this modern world, you can regain your power by reconnecting with nature, the most powerful healer.


Final Thoughts on the Ear Piercing That Relieves Migraines

Research shows that an ear piercing called a Daith could reduce migraines in some people. It works like acupuncture to relieve headaches, and many people report having fewer migraines after getting the piercing. However, if ear jewelry isn’t your cup of tea, you can alleviate headaches in other ways, such as exercising, eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, and minimizing noise exposure.

Also, make sure to keep a migraine diary to record your triggers, as this can help you avoid them in the future.

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