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6 Telling Signs You Have A Food Allergy

It can be scary when you feel like you have an allergic reaction to a food. Most foods are perfectly safe for you. But there are times that hypersensitivity to a specific food can be life-threatening.

A recent clinical review of food allergies says that approximately 10% of the population has a food allergy, and the numbers may increase. Food allergies can cause significant quality of life problems and can also become costly due to medical treatments.  The causes of food allergy are likely to be a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Pregnant mothers include a variety of foods in their diet to give the infant a chance to develop antigens to fight off allergens in utero.

In fact, one study found that ‘there is no evidence to recommend that women modify their diet during pregnancy or take any supplements such as probiotics to prevent food allergy in their children.’ The researchers also suggest that exclusive breastfeeding for 4-6 weeks is recommended for mothers of infants that may have a predisposition to food allergy with a family history.

Risk factors for food allergy according to a clinical review include:

  • Obesity – already being in an inflammatory state
  • Genetics – hereditary family genes may increase your risk
  • Ethnicity – there is an increased risk for male, Asian and black children compared to white children
  • Prior skin rashes – having atopic dermatitis is a risk factor for food allergies
  • Poor diet – low consumption of Omega-3s, low vitamin D, and low antioxidants

The incidence of food allergy has increased over the past decade. The reason for the increase is still unknown. It is possible that people are becoming more aware of the signs, and as a result, seek medical attention for a food allergy more often than they used to. Let’s look at common warning signs that you may have a food allergy.

6 Telling Signs You Have a Food Allergy

Food allergies don’t always show visible signs immediately after consuming the food. Some reactions can take up to two hours to appear.

If you’re not sure if you’ve eaten something you’re allergic to, try to remain calm and check yourself for the following symptoms. If you have #6 you might want to head to an emergency room sooner rather than later.

Food Allergy Symptoms

1. Hives, itchy skin

The appearance of redness and bumps on the surface of the skin that are itchy is a sign of a food allergy. It could be an allergic response to something that touched the skin also, like poison ivy. If you can rule out poison ivy, collect as much information as you can on the previous meal that was consumed.

2. Feeling an itch in your mouth

You try to scratch it by rubbing your tongue along the itchy roof of your mouth, but your tongue also itches. An itchy mouth could be a sign of a food allergy.

3. Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain

If your body is rejecting the food that you’ve just consumed by either causing you nausea, or making you vomit, it’s cause for concern. It could also be food poisoning, not just an allergy.

4. Swelling of the mouth, tongue, or face

Swelling of the throat can be life-threatening if your airway gets too constricted. Be prepared to head to the emergency room and collect as much information as possible on the previous meal you consumed.

If this is a minor swelling with no bright red color in the mouth, tongue, or throat, you should carefully monitor your food intake and the swelling progress. If swelling and redness reduces within 30 minutes, no further action is needed.

5. Dizziness

Faintness, lightheadedness or dizziness can occur after eating a food you may have an allergic response to. Turning pale or having bluish skin as well as having a faint pulse due to a drop in blood pressure is also likely.

6. Difficulty breathing

Breathing problems like wheezing, coughing, or tightening the throat can be one of the most troubling signs of a food allergy. A severe allergic reaction–called anaphylaxis–can be deadly. Seek medical attention quickly if you have difficulty breathing, dizziness, a rapid pulse or the feeling of a lump in your throat.

If you’re not having breathing problems yet. But you’re concerned, gather as much information as possible about the food you ate. If you have the packaging, that’s best. If not, write down the restaurant’s name, time of day that you ate there, and anything you can recall about the meal.. You’ll have the essential details ready for the doctor’s office if you need it.

Rather than dealing with food allergies by avoiding the foods you suspect, ask your medical professional for a skin test. You can quickly find out if you really have an allergy. Cooking suspected foods can also reduce their allergic potential.

Final Thoughts on Food Allergies

According to the American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology: ‘The most severe allergic reaction is anaphylaxis, a life-threatening whole-body allergic reaction that can impair your breathing, cause a dramatic drop in your blood pressure and affect your heart rate. Anaphylaxis can come on within minutes of exposure to the trigger food. It can be fatal and must be treated promptly with an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline).’

Some people carry an Epipen to deliver a shot of adrenaline in case of a life-threatening food allergy.

People with food allergies have to be vigilant about processed foods and foods at restaurants, potlucks and backyard gatherings. For parents, it is essential to ensure caregivers know the precautions to take. A caregiver who fully knows adverse reactions can take the appropriate precautions for children.

5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Coffee Every Day

Many people worldwide wouldn’t dream of starting their day without a piping hot cup of Joe. Not only does coffee taste great, but it also gives us a burst of much-needed energy first thing in the morning. Besides, the heat from the coffee also gives us comfort and warmth.

So, to all the java aficionados in the world, please feel free to raise your mugs and toast all of your cafe buddies after reading this article.

Here are 5 things that happen to your body when you drink coffee every day:


1. You will increase your metabolism.

This is good news for anyone thinking of starting a workout routine. Also, it’s useful for those with an exercise regimen in place already. The caffeine from the coffee will naturally boost your energy levels, revving up your metabolism so you can kickstart your day. While the effects are short-lived, you can still take advantage of the extra energy while it lasts.

Also, drinking coffee after a workout can even increase metabolism. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that endurance athletes who had a cup of coffee after exercise had a 66 percent increase in muscle glycogen, which helped them to quickly replace energy stores used during exercise.

2. Drinking coffee will make your brain healthier.

Coffee offers a bevy of benefits for your brain – studies have found that drinking three to five cups of java per day can decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by as much as 65% in middle-aged men and women. Other studies have found that drinking coffee daily can lower the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, by as much as 32-60%.

Secondly, drinking coffee can block a particular nucleoside in the brain known as adenosine. Adenosine decreases the firing of neurons and the release of beneficial neurotransmitters within the brain. Because caffeine inhibits adenosine, it increases the production of beneficial chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

Additionally, other studies have found that coffee increases cognitive performance, mood, reaction time, memory, and alertness.

3. It will make you happier.

A groundbreaking study performed by researchers at the Harvard Public School of Health found that adult men and women who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee each day had a 50% lower risk of suicide compared to those who drank decaf coffee or no coffee at all. 

In addition, coffee contains many antioxidants, even more so than fruits and vegetables combined. It also contains beneficial nutrients such as Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5, potassium, and manganese.

All of these factors contribute to the major happiness boost you will feel from indulging in a cup or three of liquid heaven each day.


4. Drinking coffee will reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that older adults who consumed four or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of developing malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer in the U.S. Researchers believe that coffee protects against certain types of skin cancer. That’s a result of the high amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals present.

5. You’ll have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Finally, according to another study led by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, people who increased their coffee consumption by one cup per day over four years had an 11% lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared with those who made no changes to how much coffee they drank. Moreover, the study discovered that those who decreased their consumption by more than one cup per day increased their risk of Type 2 diabetes by 17%.

Now you know about all the incredible health benefits of drinking java. So you have all the more reason to enjoy a few cups daily. Or you may start drinking it if you’ve been skeptical.

“We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re not in great shape. We didn’t get a good night’s sleep. We’re a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.” – Jerry Seinfeld

Editor’s note: We recommend (in moderation of course) selecting fair trade, sustainably sourced organic coffee.


5 Things You Need To Release If You Want To Follow Your Dreams

Most of us had dreams bigger than ourselves as we grew up..we dreamt of becoming superheroes to save the planet from destruction, becoming astronauts to discover new planets, or maybe simply having a loving family when we got a little older. However, somewhere between work, school, and, you know, life, our dreams seemed to drift into the background, and we quickly forgot about them. Luckily, following your dreams comes down to a few key components: determination, patience, and elimination.

“Don’t follow your dreams; chase them…” – Kunal Patel

We’ll explain that last key element in further detail below, so just bare with us.

Here are five things you need to release if you want to follow your dreams:


1. Small goals

So, referring back to the third component of success – elimination – you need to have a monstrous, larger-than-life goal in mind if you want to follow your dreams. Sure, the milestones along the way will help you attain this bigger goal, but you want to keep your focused goal – the one you truly desire – in the forefront of your mind. If you have small ambitions, they can easily take your attention off what you want, thus pushing you further away from your target.

Have the larger goal in mind with every decision you make, and stay focused on it. You can consider focus as another key component to success, as well. Remember, the people who follow their dreams don’t have any more going for them than you – they just know what they want, and go after it.

2. Too much clutter

If you want to succeed and follow your dreams, you must eliminate and release all the clutter and distractions in your life. Our minds can easily lose focus if we have too much going on, so you need to streamline your efforts and remove anything that gets in the way of success. Excess clutter may also add to your stress, inability to get tasks done efficiently, and even feelings of guilt. However, just as you should keep your work environment clean, you must also look after your thoughts and impulses.

Having too many goals at a time will prevent you from focusing on what you want, so to maximize productivity and capture your dreams, make sure to declutter your mind.

3. Indecisiveness

As we hinted before, not knowing what you want can put a damper on your path to success. Our brain constantly gets distracted by external and internal stimuli, and not to mention, we tend to be overly ambitious with what we want to accomplish. For example, we might say, “I want to learn Spanish, start up my own business AND lose 30 pounds in the next six months.” Do you see how counterproductive this is? We can’t possibly accomplish these three things simultaneously, so it works much better to work on one goal at a time. Of course, you can easily work out in your spare time, and you very well may lose those 30 pounds, but you’ll have to decide which of the three things matters most to you, and plan your time accordingly.

Starting up a business would easily take up most of your time, which means the other goals would have to take the backseat for a while if the business is your number one priority.

4. Excess wants

Like we’ve reiterated already, the brain always wants new things, mostly because of external stimuli. Humans naturally want to accomplish things in life, to feel satisfied, fulfilled, and like we have a purpose. However, many of us don’t know how to find our true purpose, instead switching from one skill to another without mastering any of them. To follow your dreams, you’ll have to learn self-control and self-management so that you don’t become distracted by other wants. Of course, wanting things in life isn’t negative, but wanting too much at once can be detrimental to your overarching goals.

manifesting dreams

5. The need for control

Finally, if you want success and the manifestation of your dreams, you’ll have to give up some semblance of control. You can learn to control yourself, but you can’t control what happens outside of your own mind and heart. Sometimes, things just don’t work out like we’d hoped, but instead of getting frustrated that you didn’t reach your goal, take the lessons in stride and express gratitude for what you learned. You can always pick back up where you left off and approach your dreams from a different angle.

7 Warning Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Sociopath

Feelings of joy mixed with anger and pain often are the hallmarks of a relationship with a sociopath. At one point in your relationship, everything was blissful and then it changed and it seemed like it was somehow your fault. Sound familiar?

It was never your fault, but a sociopath wants you to believe that you’ve done something wrong to have caused the pain in your relationship. They are only using you and they want you to believe their lies for their own benefit.

Break the cycle of dependence in a relationship with a sociopath by reaffirming your rights:

* You have the right to set personal boundaries and have your partner respect them.

* You have the right to control your own finances.

* You have the right to make choices for yourself.

* You have the right to leave the drama of the relationship and not feel punished.

* You have the right to be loved, unconditionally.

In a recent mental health report, psychologists say that for a sociopath “Sustaining a marital relationship is often difficult due to expressions of physical aggression, extreme irritability and manipulative behavior. These problems are accompanied by a lack of motivation to change.” If they see that you are not falling for their game, then they will to manipulate you again. If that doesn’t work, they will move on to the next target.

Sociopathy and other personality disorders can be more common that you may imagine. For example, women who experience childbirth are at risk for developing a personality disorder due to the emotional response to giving birth. Up to 20% of mothers may experience a psychological problem according to a study on maternal mental health. Postpartum depression is also a potential mental health risk for women who give birth.

In order for a person to recover from a sociopathic disorder, cognitive-behavioral therapy is prescribed “in which the therapist works with the patient to understand motives and meanings behind their behavior and focuses on strengthening the patient’s capacity to endure frustration, anger and loneliness without acting impulsively on those feelings.”

Psychologists believe that cognitive-behavioral therapy works for sociopathic people. “In general, the aim of this therapy is to focus on the feelings that underlie the associated problems of ‘thinking in black and white.’ Furthermore, the patient’s family may be trained to set limits with the patient, rather than giving in to their threats and unreasonable demands.”

7 Warning Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Sociopath

1. A sociopath will break your boundaries.

Because they have no respect for the rights of others, a sociopath will act like you didn’t tell them not to do that thing that they just did. You may have tried to set boundaries by telling your partner what you like and don’t like, but they won’t respect them. A sociopath is focused on themselves and their desires, not yours.

Getting a sociopath to own up to their inconsiderate behavior is like pulling teeth, that is, painful. The nature of a sociopath makes them infallible in their own eyes. They did nothing wrong as far as they are concerned. A sociopath says that you must be the one who has problems if you want to try to control them like that.

2. A sociopath will use threats and promises to manipulate you.

A sociopath promises rewards to you in exchange for a specific behavior from you. If you do __, they will love you forever, etc. Or alternatively, if you don’t do __, they will tell everyone some horrible secret about you, etc.

Your romantic partner should love you not if or when, but always and unconditionally. It should be a matter of your own free will to love them or not love them and for them to love you. When your partner puts conditions on receiving their love, it’s a warning sign that you’re in a relationship with a sociopath.

3. A sociopath acts aggressively in frightening ways.

Your partner has actually scared you more than once with their behavior that is bordering on violent. Their anger can come from nowhere and erupt like a bomb. This can be one of the scariest parts of being in a relationship with a sociopath.

4. You’re in a relationship with a sociopath if you feel unloved.

A sociopath is not capable of love but they are capable of acting like they are in love. If you’ve ever felt a gut feeling that your partner was not truly happy, you might have a good reason to be worried.

5. You’re in a relationship with a sociopath if your partner has more control than you do.

Your partner has access to the bank accounts, vehicles, keys, passwords, PIN numbers, credit cards, loans, etc. and you do not have control over much at all. A sociopath likes to have power and control over you and they will work to keep the balance of power on their side, not yours.

6. A sociopath lies to everyone, including themselves.

It is not likely that you can argue your way out of a conversation with a sociopath. They know all the right words to say to convince you. Read our related article on 5 Signs You’re in a Relationship With a Narcissist.

7. You’re in a relationship with a sociopath if they don’t seem capable of change.

By now you may have asked your partner to change their behavior because you’ve started to see that they act in ways that you dislike. Unfortunately, a sociopath won’t be likely to see that their behavior is the problem. If your partner is a sociopath, they are only in the relationship for their own personal gain.

Here’s Why You Should Never Reboil Your Water

Boiling water is both a common practice and one that is beneficial to our health. When water is boiled, some harmful substances are effectively removed. However, if for some reason the water cools, should you reboil it?

The answer is no, since reboiling the water allows certain gases and chemical compounds to concentrate. These chemical reactions and the the proliferation of certain gasses can harm our health.

Here’s Why You Should Never Reboil Your Water

If you boil the water too long or reboil it, you risk concentrating certain undesirable chemicals that may be in your water. ­– Dr. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Chemist

There is concern amongst health professionals that reboiled water can cause certain types of cancer. Chemicals that become more concentrated include nitrates, arsenic, and fluoride – these substances are toxic. Further, mineral concentration can also be harmful – concentrations of calcium salt, for example, can lead to the development of kidney stones.

The most significant risks are due to the accumulation of three toxic chemicals mentioned earlier – nitrates, arsenic and fluoride. Let’s delve into what makes these chemicals hazardous to our health.



Excessive intake of nitrates has been lined to conditions such as methemoglobinemia – an abnormal blood disorder – along with certain types of cancer. Another common way that nitrates are ingested is in the form of sodium nitrate – a preservative that is found in some processed meats, such as lunch meats, bacon and jerky. This nitrate is thought to increase the risk of heart disease and other types of illness. Sodium nitrate can potentially damage blood vessels – hardening and narrowing the arteries, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders.

When water is reboiled, nitrates in the water are reheated. This exposure to heat effectively converts nitrates into nitrosamines – a carcinogenic. Nitrosamines are harmful to both humans and animals. Strangely, nitrosamines can be added to certain foodstuffs without restriction. Reboiled water contains nitrosamines, as do certain processed foods, beers and some cheese products.

The dangers of nitrosamines and other variations of nitrates are numerous. Certain studies have demonstrated an increased risk in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Type 2 diabetes. Other diseases linked to nitrates are leukemia and lymphoma, along with cancer of the bladder, colon, esophagus, ovaries and pancreas.


A 1999 study released by the National Academy of Sciences demonstrates that arsenic in drinking water causes bladder, lung, and skin cancer. Arsenic can also potentially cause kidney and liver cancer. This same study shows that arsenic harms the central and peripheral nervous systems, damages the heart and blood vessels, and causes skin damage.

Arsenic is an abundant element from the earth’s crust. As such, occurs naturally and abundantly in rocks and soil, which can leak the chemical into water supplies.  Industrial activities can also produce high levels of arsenic, increasing the risk of water contamination.

Boiling water does not remove arsenic. However, reboiling water increases arsenic’s chemical concentration and health risk. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), certain water treatment methods – reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, distillation, or ion exchange – may be effective to reduce the levels of arsenic.

The CDC recommends contacting a local health department for methods of reducing arsenic levels in drinking water. If drinking from a private well, a state certification officer can provide a list of laboratories that will perform tests on drinking water.  CDC also recommends for you to test water wells at least once of year to prevent and mitigate any problems.



As is the case with arsenic, boiling does not remove fluoride. As with arsenic, reboiling water increases the chemicals’ concentration levels and increases the likelihood of adverse health effects.

To date, many local governments continue adding measured fluoride doses to water supplies. This is an attempt to reduce the risk of dental decay. However, mounting evidence has resulted in cities and towns reevaluating this common practice.

One commonly cited study on the harmful effects of fluoride was conducted at Harvard University, where researchers determined a correlation between increased levels of fluoride and cognitive impairment. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, concluded that children living in areas of highly fluoridated water had lower IQ’s than children who did not.

The study’s researchers wrote this troublesome summarization of their findings:

In conclusion, our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment.

4 Things You Should Never Forget To Do In Life

Before continuing further into the article, we’d like to conduct a little exercise. Please take a minute and write down the answer to this simple question: What three things are most important in life and why? Answering this question will make sure you get the most out of the reading today, so please participate. Got it? Okay, let’s continue.

Now that we’ve written down the answers pertaining to what’s most important in life, we should now ask ourselves if these are indeed priorities. To be clear, a stark difference exists between what’s important and how we choose to spend our time. Sometimes what we value is determined by outside circumstances. For example, our achievement-driven society places a ton of value on what someone does for work, the kind of vehicle they drive, and the type of house they live in. The overwhelming perspective of society is that success is measured by what we achieve and obtain. Is this important?

Our families can also play a role in what we determine to be important. Many parents believe that providing the best life for their children means they must sacrifice and earn as much money as possible. Is this important?

There is no right or wrong answer. We value different things, and that is absolutely okay. Regardless of our answers, we should remind ourselves of one thing: our lives are finite. If we remain consciously aware of life’s determinate nature, it becomes much easier to pinpoint and evaluate what we value and live accordingly.

With that in mind, we would like to share four universally important truths of life. These are not substitutions for answers, but ways that may be helpful in living more abundantly.

Here are four things you should never forget to do in life:


1. Create a positive self-image

Here’s a harsh reality: most of us have a negative self-image. Now, we don’t measure self-image in the same way that we do a census. In other words, it’s difficult to provide concrete data for on an abstract topic in a vast population such as ours. That said, it is estimated – after researching various studies – that anywhere between 60 to 85 percent of people suffer from low self-esteem. Having poor self-esteem directly correlates with having a negative self-image.

Self-image is simply inner monologue relating to our own abilities, appearance and personality. We judge ourselves on an almost endless list of things: weight, intelligence, income, sense of humor, clothing, vocation, etc. etc. etc.

When we possess a negative self-image, we’re far more likely to compare ourselves with others and place too much emphasis on what others think about us. Not to mention, we’re more prone to depression, anxiety and other health conditions.

Embracing self-acceptance and instilling a positive self-image is not simple. But it begins with making the choice to live courageously and on our own terms while refusing to be impacted by outside opinion. Ask family and friends what they love about you – this is a great way to help build a positive self-image.

2. Invest in your life relationships

How many of us have regrets about a current or past relationship? That would be pretty much everybody. Despite this, we still seek out individuals that we can develop a rich connection with. The reason is that human beings are social creatures and always will be.

Think about it: establishing relationships is unavoidable. We’re born into a family with close-knit members; we desire a deep relationship with a partner or significant other; most of us communicate with co-workers that we – on some level – have a relationship with, etc.

So, regardless of a relationship’s nature – close or distant, co-worker or sibling – resolve to invest the time necessary to develop and maintain positive relationships. Quash petty arguments and disagreements that place barriers between us and others. Our personal and professional lives will bear much more fruit.

3. Attend to your health and wellness

Monitoring our health and wellness is a pretty straightforward thing, isn’t it? So why do so many people disregard this important responsibility? The fact is that it’s difficult to excel in any area of our life without taking the time necessary to attend to our health and wellness.

There are various reasons why health and wellness may take a back seat to other issues. Of all the possible reasons, time and stress are probably the two most cited. Of course time is limited and stress is unavoidable, but these truths should serve as motivation, not as an obstruction.

The solution is to realize that it needn’t be arduous simply. Simple steps such as walking briskly for 15 to 30 minutes a day and scheduling routine checkups will help tremendously. Discover or rediscover a fun hobby that involves some physical activity – basketball, biking, tennis, swimming, racquetball, hiking…there are a number of possibilities.


4. Act on your purpose, hopes, and dreams

Not much else matters if we lose sight of our purpose in life. Again, our intention is not to persuade anyone to change course in life. If this article causes someone to make a positive change in their life, terrific. Positive changes are always good.

Instead, let’s remind ourselves of life’s passing nature each day. Encountering this sometimes uncomfortable truth will often serve as an invocation to live our hopes and dreams.

Steve Jobs, in his commencement speech at Stanford University, said it beautifully:

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just call away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

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