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10 Things You Need To Know About Loving An Aquarius

10 Things You Need To Know About Loving An Aquarius

To love an Aquarius is to love someone who is as changeable as the liquid that this water-bearer pours without end. When your partner is an Aquarius, you would be smart to learn the 10 most important things to know about how to best love your Aquarian.

10 Things You Need to Know About Loving An Aquarius

meditation methods

1. Aquarius has emotions that run as deep as a puddle

The image of Aquarius is of a water-bearer who pours water from a bottomless vessel into a river or sea that also seems to be never-ending. With all that water around, there is bound to be a corresponding amount of tears that flow from the eyes of your love, right?

Actually, no, that’s a common misconception about Aquarius. They actually don’t tend to be very emotional, but they do have an earnest love for you. Fortunately, you’ll never have to wonder how Aquarius feels, because they will just come out and tell you, if you ask. And then they will be brief about it. Now knock off the touchy-feely stuff or you will make your Aquarian lover uncomfortable.

2. Aquarius is an ideal lover

The Aquarian lover is idealistic. They have lofty standards and if they have chosen you, it means that you live up to their ideal. Lucky you. Your Aquarius is a choosy lover who knows exactly what they are looking for in a perfect mate. You can read about compatibility and astrological signs in our article What Does Your Sun Sign Reveal About Your Personality?

3. Aquarius has their own unique style

You won’t think that your Aquarius is like any other lover you’ve had because Aquarius prides themselves on being special. They want to be the one and only person on the planet who does that one thing that you like. Make them feel unique and that will be a great way to show your Aquarius that you love them.

4. Aquarius wants freedom AND commitment

Your Aquarian lover will want the freedom to express themselves and live life on their own terms, but they also expect your eternal, undying, devoted commitment. They don’t want freedom from a monogamous relationship but they sure don’t want to be tied down and controlled either.

5. Aquarius wants to learn from you

The thirst for knowledge is never going to be quenched by all that water that your Aquarius is carrying around. If you can teach them something new and hold their interest with a lifetime of continued exploration and learning, they will love you for loving their brain.

Although Aquarius carries water as a symbol, they are actually an air sign. As a sign of the air, they value intellect and the pursuits of the mind above all else. Stroke your Aquarian’s libido by playing to their love of words. Show your love by reading or writing a poem.

6. Keep it interesting to keep an Aquarius

Aquarius likes a challenge and they hate a routine. Do not use one and only one position in bed with your Aquarius or they won’t be loving you for long.

7. Your Aquarius might need help connecting

Because they are unemotional, Aquarius needs you to know that they just have a hard time with feelings and as a result, they know what they need but saying emotion words is hard for them. Can’t you just read their mind and see that they really need a hug right now? Don’t make them come out and ask for it.

Oddly enough, Aquarius can get lonely because they do such a good job at shutting off emotional connections to others. This is true not just with you, their partner, but with friendships as well.

8. Talk dirty to your Aquarius

Again, you need to know that your Aquarius finds the brain sexy so show your love by flipping that passionate mind-switch in their heads. Aquarians love to talk and they will return the favor to keep their information-loving brains engorged.

9. Be mysterious, confident and a bit unavailable

Loving an Aquarius requires the realization that you can never fully possess that which you love. To hold the attention of an Aquarian lover, you can’t be overly available. Project confidence and a bit of aloofness around your Aquarian.

Disappear one night a week and tell them that you have a ‘thing’ to go to. This one tiny bit of mystery will drive your Aquarius insane with wanting to know all about what you are doing without them. What could possibly be so interesting as to tear you away from them?

10. If you love an Aquarius, set them free

Don’t worry, Aquarius doesn’t want to stray but they dislike the bondage of a tight grip on their freedom. If you tell your Aquarius that they can do whatever they want to, they will just be so happy to have their freedom that they will never use it.

Read about what 2016 holds for your sign and the sign of your partner in our guide What Does Your Zodiac Reveal for 2016?

This ONE Thing Will Help You Live Longer

What if you could do one thing right now to help yourself live longer? Well, you can, and it’s definitely worth learning about. As our scientific knowledge grows, we learn more and more about our DNA, what it is capable of, and how we have more control over our lifespan than we knew was possible before.

Living longer is possible, and much of that is due to the immortality gene. The immortality gene can help you live longer, and it is inside every cell with a nucleus, but it’s turned off until you activate it.

In 2009 the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Elizabeth Blackburn, Jack W. Szostak, and Carol Greider, pioneers in the science of longevity. They discovered ‘how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.’ Telomeres are at the end of your chromosomes. According to Dr. Dave Woynarowski, who spoke in 2011 at The Longevity Now Conference, telomeres are the parts of our DNA like a biological time clock that determines how much time you have left to live.


Telomeres are responsible for every cellular mechanism. We can live longer and slow down the aging process by doing 2 things:

1) Slow down the loss of telomeres and

2) Add length to the telomeres

Aging can be considered an imbalance of cell damage and repair. When we have more damage than repair, we are in a state of declining health.

Dr. William Andrews discovered the immortality gene, telomerase, which can help us to reverse biologic aging. There are some genetic functioning terms that you need to know to help you live longer:

  • Phenotype – how a cell acts and behaves
  • Geneotype – the genetic expression of the cell, what is read in the DNA and what is not read
  • Epigenetics – the ability to determine how your DNA is read which can reprogram your DNA

This ONE Thing Will Help You Live Longer

live longer

How to rejuvenate cells

Dr. Dave Woynarowski says that we must ensure effective levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in our bodies. This is the one key thing that will help us to live longer.

In a study of Omega-3s and longevity, people who took supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids had a reduced likelihood of death, less incidence of heart attack and fewer strokes than people who did not take Omega-3s.

Another study found that Omega-3’s were associated with less telomere shortening, and among patients with coronary artery disease, there was a relationship between blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids from fish and the rate of telomere shortening over a 5-year period.

In addition to this one thing (Omega-3 fatty acids) that will help you live longer, we need to:

* create a strong anti-oxidant defense and

* preserve the telomere length that we currently have.

The telomeres are at the ends of our DNA and they act like a biological time clock that determines how much time we have left to live. They are also responsible for every cellular mechanism, including rejuvenating stem cells.

Stem cells are important because they can help repair our bodies when damage occurs. For example, if you cause damage to your liver by drinking too much alcohol, the stem cells can help make more liver cells to repair the damage.

Why focusing on cells is so important

There are about 9 trillion cells in the body, give or take a few. The most important part of the cell that we need to focus on is the cell membrane. The cell membrane controls what gets into and out of the cells.

The cell membrane also has cell receptors that determine how you interact with the outside world. This can help with everything from how we sleep to how we get the nutrients that we eat, how we deal with stress, and how much toxins and pollution we absorb from the outside world.

The most important component of cell membranes is fatty acids. Without them, the membrane gets stiff and dysfunctional and will release inflammatory chemicals inside and outside the cell. Dr. Woynarowski says that we need to take care of the cell membrane or nothing works well in our bodies.

Vitamin D is used inside the cells to support the mitochondria, which are the cell’s powerhouse. They are also important in aging because they make free radicals and use them appropriately inside the cell. When the cell membrane leaks, free radicals go out of the membrane and cause damage to other cells. Free radicals do good things inside the cells but not outside of them.

You can get a blood test to determine your blood level of Vitamin D. However, you might actually need to know your intracellular level of Vitamin D as well. Vitamin D is also important because it affects genes and causes protein synthesis.

live longer

The exciting field of Epigenetics

Epigenetics came about recently after discovering that we only use about 20% of our DNA. When scientists sequenced the entire human genome they learned that only 20% of our genes were actually part of what makes us human. The other 80% of the DNA was called ‘junk DNA’; scientists did not know what it did.

You can read more about ‘junk DNA’ in our article here. The extra 80% of our DNA has recently been discovered to play an important role in how genes are expressed. Rather than determining if you get blue or brown eyes, these pieces of extra DNA determine whether you will develop glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Queen bees are larger, live longer than other bees, and are the only ones producing eggs to make baby bees. But all bees actually have the gene that could make them a queen; their cells just haven’t been given the right signal to express that queen gene. Baby bees fed a diet of royal jelly changed the expression of over half of genes involved in the signaling pathway that creates queen bees. In other words, not just humans but other animals have genes that are not being expressed and if we can find the right way to trigger them, we can unlock the healing power of our DNA.

If your parents had Alzheimer’s disease or other illnesses, there’s a chance that you could also develop that. However, there’s also a good chance that you can do something about it by reducing the likelihood that that gene will be expressed in yourself.

What Does Your Favorite Vacation Spot Reveal About Your Personality?

Where you decide to spend your vacation may actually reveal something about your personality that you didn’t know. It seems that different types of personalities prefer different places for a relaxing getaway.

Your favorite vacation spot is probably your favorite because it helps relieve anxiety that you otherwise feel when you are not on vacation. The last thing you want on vacation is stress. Let’s examine what your favorite vacation spot reveals about your personality.

What Does Your Favorite Vacation Spot Reveal About Your Personality?

Introverts and Extroverts on vacation

Although any vacation seems like it should be good for our mental relaxation, for people who are introverted, they dislike the idea of a vacation spot on the beach. There may be multiple reasons for this but introverts tend to avoid the open feeling of a beach, crowded area, and knowing that they will be wearing a bathing suit in front of others can be something that produces anxiety for them.

The personality of extroverts is outgoing, friendly, and up to a challenge so the beach provides opportunities to be social as well as outdoor enjoyment. The beach also provides extroverts the opportunity to do several activities such as surfing, kayaking, snorkeling and watercraft activities. For introverts this can be overwhelming. They prefer to retreat to a quiet, undisturbed location.

In a study of introverts and extroverts, researchers tested the link between personality and geography. They found that ‘mountain-lovers were more introverted than ocean-lovers. People preferred the ocean over mountains when they wanted to socialize with others, but they preferred the mountains and the ocean equally when they wanted to decompress alone.’ Those who are planning to visit a national park and explore mountains and the wilderness may book national park hotels so it’ll be easier for you to explore the park.

The researchers also found that ‘this difference was explained in part by extroverts’ perception that it would take more work to have fun in the mountains than in the ocean.’

Beyond that, researchers then looked at people who live in mountainous regions of the United States. They found that ‘residents of mountainous U.S. states were more introverted than residents of flat states.’

And in a follow up study, they ‘tested the link between introversion and the mountains by sending participants to a flat, open area or a secluded, wooded area. The terrain did not make people more introverted, but introverts were happier in the secluded area than in the flat/open area, which is consistent with the person-environment fit hypothesis.’

You might be an introvert who wants to spend some time around others but you don’t like the feeling of being overwhelmed. If that is the case, read our guide 5 Recharging Techniques for Introverts.

Mountains or the beach? The person-environment fit hypothesis.

When you want to get away for a relaxing vacation, would you choose to go to a cabin in the woods or a sunny beach destination? The answer reveals quite a lot about your personality on the scale of introversion and extroversion. If you’re an introvert who wants to be able to relax and enjoy the beach, read our guide 5 Ways to Be An Extroverted Introvert.

The research around personality having an impact on where you prefer to be has to do with your perceived level of stress and how you manage that. Your environment can play a factor in how you perceive stress and you will be more likely to avoid places that you associate with a high level of stress.

The authors of another study of passion and the person-environment fit say that ‘The Person-Environment (P-E) fit approach proposes that the fit between individual characteristics and environmental contexts can have important psychological repercussions for the individual. A P-E fit is achieved when there is a match between personal characteristics of the person and characteristics of the environment.’

These researchers looked at personality and passion with regard to how we choose an environment that meets our desires, but that does not cause us an enormous investment of personal psychological resources. They hypothesize that ‘highly competitive environments that promote a rigid and inflexible type of persistence and involvement, and which require individuals to be overly involved in the activity at the expense of other life domains, can be seen as fitting well with an obsessive type of passion. Conversely, less competitive environments, while still being demanding, do not require an inordinate investment of time and energy in the activity. Such environments should fit better with individuals holding a harmonious passion who may have more diversified interests.’

When you go on vacation, the last thing you want is for there to have to be a significant psychological adjustment for you to make. You want to just be able to relax and decompress in your favorite vacation spot. This coping technique helps us choose the perfect vacation spot for us based on our perceptions of what will be the easiest and most comfortable environment.

The tendency to live and work in places that fit your personality makes sense. If you feel comfortable in the country, you would feel a lot of stress, pressure, confusion and anxiety by living in a dense metropolitan area. The same is true for where you spend your free time on vacation.

7 Signs You May Be Having An Anxiety Attack

The signs in your body can definitely be frightening when you think you might be having an anxiety attack. You have a sense that a major physiological change has happened in your body, but there doesn’t seem to be any obvious cause. It could be an anxiety disorder.

When you feel the symptoms of an anxiety attack, the response of your body is just that, a physiological reaction. Fear is a natural emotion to have when you are threatened. When we attribute the cause of the reaction to something that could cause us harm, it is a normal fear response.

The problem with an anxiety attack comes when there is no logical cause for the sensation of fear in the body. When there is no cause for the biological sensation of fear, it can be even more frightening than if there really were something to be afraid of.

When you have an anxiety attack, your body literally goes into what’s known as “fight or flight” mode. This happens because fear has historically been used as a signal that warns us of danger and motivates us to protect ourselves.”

7 Signs You May Be Having An Anxiety Attack

Signs of an anxiety attack usually last about ten minutes or less. Anxiety attacks can happen more than once and they can even happen during sleep. Repeated  attacks or the fear of having another panic attack can be a sign of panic disorder.

anxiety disorder

1. Rapid heartbeat often signifies an anxiety disorder

A racing heart beat is commonly associated with signs that you may be experiencing an anxiety attack. Most people will feel this in their chest rather than by actually testing their heart rate via a pulse point.

2. Shortness of breath

Feeling like you are panting or taking rapid, shallow breaths can be associated with having an anxiety attack. You may feel a sensation of pressure on your chest or as if you cannot inhale your normal lung capacity.

If you notice these first two signs, remember these  breathing practices that can relax anxiety immediately

3. Tight feeling in the stomach

A feeling of a ball or fist in the stomach is a sign of an anxiety attack. This tightness may feel deep, rather than muscular, as if your organs are tightening. The uncomfortable physical symptoms of a panic attack are biologically the same as what happens in an actual life threatening situation.

The body responds to a fear-provoking event by reducing the flow of blood to the stomach. This is so that more blood is available to activate the muscles in the event of the need to run or fight from the danger.

4. An anxiety disorder often causes dizziness, change in blood pressure, or tingling

The rush of blood that goes along with an anxiety attack is usually due to an increase in blood pressure. As a result, you may experience dizziness along with the attack. Some people experience this rush as a tingling sensation in arms, hands and fingers.

5. Feeling a loss of control

Feeling out of control is something that people with anxiety attacks have to deal with. Also, feeling out of control is something that you may have read about in our article 5 Things People With Anxiety Need You to Know.

6. Chills or sweating

Sweating on the palms of your hands, armpits or arms is a sign that you may be having a panic attack. When something happens that frightens you, your usual response is fight, flight or freeze. says ‘When you respond to panic as if it’s danger, by struggling against it, holding your breath, fleeing, and getting more upset, you will find that “the harder I try, the worse it gets”, because you are getting tricked into trying methods that will sabotage your hopes for recovery.’

Panic attack infographic

7. Muscle tension reveals an anxiety disorder

Tightness in your neck and shoulders can also be a sign of having an anxiety attack.

People who experience a panic attack often end up at the emergency room thinking that they are having a heart attack. The anxiety of a panic attack may be undiagnosed for years before someone properly diagnoses it.

Even a single panic attack that happens outside of the home can lead a person to develop agoraphobia, or the fear of going outside the house. Now that you are aware of the signs of a panic attack, here are 7 ways to manage anxiety.

If this article about anxiety attack signs helped, please like and share so we can create more for you 🙂

7 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Contacting You In Your Dreams

You awake from a vivid dream where your loved one who passed away seemed to be trying to contact you. Could it be possible that someone deceased would be able to talk to you through your dreams?

When you dream, you access your brain’s subconscious and unconscious parts. You have access to other levels of memory and emotion than you have during your waking hours. Sometimes a dream is just that, a memory you had of a deceased loved one.

But it is possible that your dream was a visitation from your loved one. More than half of Americans believe in life after death. Many also believe that the deceased can contact us after passing away. In this article, you can read about other possible ways that a deceased loved one is sending you presents.

When your loved one passes on, you go through a grieving process. Mourning your loved one can take weeks, months, or years. Often, the loss is never fully healed, and pain continues for the ones they left behind.

Visitation dreams have been seen as a healthy part of the grieving process. The dreamer recalls the person who has passed and for a brief time, can feel less pain and grief over their loss. It’s as though the presence of their friend or family member in a dream helps them feel like they didn’t leave.

If you are experiencing dreams of a deceased loved one, here are seven signs that they are trying to make contact with you.

7 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Contacting You In Your Dreams


1. You wake with a sense of having been watched

So many people feel that loved ones watch over us after they leave us here on Earth. When you awaken after a dream and have a sense that someone was in the room with you, your deceased loved one may be trying to let you know just that; they are watching over you.

Although the feeling of being watched can be disturbing, it should make you feel safe in this case. You may have had a dream that someone was watching you too. Again, this could be your loved one letting you know they are nearby.

2. Vivid memories of your loved one were in your dreams

Sometimes when you’re awake, you remember your loved one, but having memories in your dreams is a sign that they may be trying to contact you. This is especially the case if your loved one helps you remember something you don’t usually think about, like a forgotten memory of them. There may be a message in the memory that they also want you to pay attention to.

3. Your loved one appears in a different way than normal

If your deceased loved one appears to you In your dreams, but they do it unusually, it may be a sign that they are sending you a warning. Pay attention to clues that your loved one is trying to give you. They may be trying to help you avoid a harmful situation or warn you of an upcoming change.

4. You awake with a sense of peaceful well-being

What a wonderful feeling to wake up feeling peaceful and well-rested. It doesn’t often happen enough, but if your loved one was worried about your health and well-being, they may have tried to help you by sending you restful sleep.

A review of 20 after-death communications that people reported found that having encounters with the deceased helped people to cope with grieving. One of the ways that these visions helped people cope was that they felt that their spiritual beliefs were supported by contact with their deceased loved one.

This spiritual peace helps you cope with the loss and continue functioning in your daily life. Knowing that there is a life beyond death and that your loved one is waiting for you helps you to feel comforted.

5. Your dream feels so real

Visitation dreams can be very vivid, and the dreamer may feel that the deceased loved one was present. These dreams are so realistic that you can smell, feel, and hear your loved one. These real-feeling dreams are likely examples of your deceased loved one reaching out to contact you.

These dreams can be emotionally intense because you feel their presence so strongly. Often this will reawaken your grief. Your loved ones did not mean to cause you pain, but they did want to be near you again. This type of dream signifies that your loved one was trying to contact you.

6. Your loved one looked younger and healthier than they were when they passed

Your deceased loved one will often appear younger than they did when they passed. They appear healthy and vibrant like you prefer to remember them. They want you to know that there was no suffering when they passed, and now they can appear whole and happy to you.

precognitive dreams

7. Your deceased loved one tells you that they are okay and still with you

In your dreams, sometimes your deceased loved one can speak to you. You may hear their voice or understand what they are saying. Most often, they know that you have been worried about where they are now, so they will appear to you in a dream to tell you that everything is alright where they are now.

Here’s How Gemstones and Crystals Can Heal Your Body

Gemstones and crystal healing is not just a new age philosophy; in fact, this alternative method of treatment has been around for centuries, dating back to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. This ancient wisdom says that gemstones and crystals carry with them a strong vibrational energy that allows healing to take place in the body, and each crystal contains unique properties that correspond to different areas of the mind and body.

We have gathered information about some of the most powerful, therapeutic gemstones and crystals below so that you can start using them in your daily life to raise your vibration and just feel better overall. However, make sure to get raw gemstones and crystals if possible, as these have the greatest healing power since they haven’t been polished or altered in any way.

Here’s how gemstones and crystals can heal your body:


Abalone Shell

These unique gemstones helps increase feelings of peace, compassion, love and beauty. It also helps to create harmony and balance in relationships. It corresponds with the solar plexus chakra and the astrological signs of Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio.


Agate increases mental clarity and stability. It carries a gentle energy with it, and infuses love into all the chakras. It corresponds with various chakras and astrological signs depending upon the color of the gemstone.


This powerful crystal works to eliminate negativity from the mind and body, and assists in the transformation of the collective consciousness of humanity. This mineral merges the heart and throat chakras so that one can speak from his or her heart. It corresponds with the throat chakra and the zodiac sign Virgo.


Alexandrite assists with regeneration, courage, and self-esteem. Aligns with the heart and throat chakras and the astrological signs Scorpio and Gemini. This is a very rare gemstone that opens up love in one’s life and makes dreams more powerful. It also allows the Law of Attraction to work more quickly and seamlessly in one’s life.


This stone helps with expression, balance, and inspiration. Aligns with heart, throat, and third eye chakras as well as the zodiac sign Virgo. It attracts success and abundance, and can also block electromagnetic pollution from phones and computers. Can be used to connect with Spirit Guides, as well.


Amethyst corresponds with third eye and crown chakras, as well astrological signs Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Provides protection and purification, as well as assistance in falling and staying asleep. It relieves stress, promotes inner peace, and can alleviate headaches, nightmares, and eyestrain from working long hours on a computer.


This beautiful, spiral-shaped earth healing fossil helps activate Kundalini and increases strength. Corresponds with the third eye chakra and Aquarius and Cancer zodiac signs.

Apache Tears

Made of volcanic glass, this translucent variety of obsidian assists with forgiveness, grounding, and protection. It offers release from emotional trauma, a shield from energy vampires, and allows one to move on from past pain. Corresponds with the root chakra and zodiac signs Aries and Capricorn.


These gemstones provide protection and safety on long voyages, helps with communication, and enhances intuition and knowledge. Corresponds with the heart and throat chakra, as well as Aries, Gemini and Pisces zodiac signs.


Aragonite helps with grounding and connecting to the Earth, as well as increasing concentration. Helps those who struggle with patience and stability. Primary chakra – root. Astrological sign – Capricorn.


These gemstones assist with releasing old, harmful thinking patterns and programming, and increases spiritual awareness. Helps with astral projection and lucid dreaming. Chakra – crown. Astrological signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.


These gemstones help heal all chakras and corresponds with the zodiac sign Aquarius. It helps with visualization, resilience, and loneliness.


These gemstones work to purify and detoxify the body. Removes energy blockages, increases energy levels, intensifies creative energies, and reduces fatigue and mental fog. Great for working the the root chakra and Aries, Libra, and Pisces.


Calcite increases ambition and removes old energy patterns. Cleanses all chakras and increases mental awareness, performance, and clarity. Great for distance healing and those born under the Cancer zodiac sign.


Carnelian helps dispel fears about death and the afterlife, and boosts creativity and compassion. Chakra – sacral. Astrological signs – Cancer and Leo.


This stone assists with inspiration, intuition, and self-reflection. Astrological sign – Aquarius. Primary chakra – throat. A beautiful teal stone that increases the connection to the Divine Oneness in us all.


Covellite activates the third eye and increases frequency of dreams and feelings of unconditional love. Helps with harmony and the cultivation of a positive mindset. Primary chakra – third eye. Astrological signs – Libra and Sagittarius.


Cuprite encourages one to become more generous and altruistic. Helps one become more independent and resilient. Primary chakra – root. Astrological sign – Aquarius.


This stone eases pain and mental stress, increases prosperity and attracts abundance. Opens up a channel for remembering past life memories. Primary chakra – heart. Astrological sign – Sagittarius, Scorpio.


Emerald is a vibrant green stone that attracts love and loyalty into one’s life. Encourages bonding, deeper communication, and courage. Primary chakra – heart. Astrological signs – Aries, Gemini, Taurus.


There are many different types of fluorite, but in general, this stone helps with cleansing negative energy, balancing the chakras, and provides mental clarity and access to higher levels of intuition. Primary chakra – varies by color. Astrological signs – Capricorn, Pisces.


This gem illuminates the darkness in the soul, transforming it into light. Helps ease depression and ignite the fire in the soul that drives the will to live a prosperous, happy life. Primary chakra – root. Astrological signs – Aquarius, Capricorn, Leo, Virgo.


Gold attracts positive energy and abundance. Increases self-confidence, wealth, and creativity. Chakra – sacral. Astrological sign – Leo.


This is where salt comes from, and in addition to providing valuable nutrients for the body, it cleanses the aura and absorbs negative energies. Primary chakra – heart, sacral. Astrological signs – Cancer, Pisces.


Hematite helps one realize his or her life purpose by aiding in the Ascension process, protects against electromagnetic pollution, and provides overall protection and grounding. Primary chakra – root. Astrological signs – Aquarius and Aries.


Jade assists with the ability to lucid dream, attracts abundance and prosperity, and provides harmony. Chakra – heart. Astrological signs – Aries, Pisces.


Jasper provides protection, balance, and enhances creativity. Reduces stress and helps turn visions into action. Chakra – varies by color and type. Zodiac sign – Leo.


This stoneenhances intuition and provides greater access to psychic abilities. It can help heal old emotional wounds and assist one in recalling past life memories. Increases self-esteem and assists in creating positive change. Chakra – third eye. Astrological sign – Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio.


Malachite amplifies positive energies and cleanses all chakras. Aids in manifestation and bringing toxic emotions to the surface. It’s also a highly protective stone, absorbing pollution and guarding from radioactivity. Primary chakra – heart. Astrological signs – Capricorn, Scorpio.

Meteorite, Canyon Diablo

This stone aids all chakras and astrological signs. Completely metallic and therefore emit a strong frequency that is helpful in evolution of spirituality and consciousness. Used frequently to communicate with those who have already passed, or spirit guides in other realms. Regarded by many cultures as a sacred gift from the gods.

Mexican Fire Opal

Mexican Fire Opal attracts more zest and prosperous ventures into one’s life; enhances vitality and vigor. Increases intuition and helps with life transitions. Chakra – solar plexus. Astrological signs – Aries, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius.


Moonstone activates the Divine Feminine within and aids with inspiration and intuition. Encourages one to go deep within and uncover previously hidden strengths and wisdom. Chakra – sacral. Astrological signs – Cancer, Libra, Scorpio.


Obsidian volcanic glass, and although the colors vary, black is the most popular for grounding and healing. It protects one from hostile and negative energy, and blocks low, harmful frequencies encountered in energy vampires. Releases old emotional pain and past wounds, and allows the wearer to begin truly healing and reaching his or her full potential. Chakra – root. Astrological signs – Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio.


Onyx is a stone of strength and protection, as well as support in difficult times. Aids in transforming negative energy and upgrades emotional and physical stamina. Chakra – root. Astrological signs – Capricorn, Leo.

Quartz, Clear

Clear quartz is a wonderful for all chakras and zodiac signs. Thus, this is one of the most popular and versatile among all gems and crystals. It helps to connect you to your highest self, enhances the user’s vibration, and assists in manifesting intentions.

Quartz, Rose

Rose quarts corresponds with the heart chakra and zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Facilitates empathy and forgiveness within the heart, and is the master stone of unconditional love. Opens the heart to all forms of love, and can assist in healing a broken heart. Many use this stone to attract romantic love in particular.


Another powerful heart stone, ruby increases emotional awareness and empathy. It helps the user see the Divine Love present in everything in the Universe, and can help one express their love more freely and openly. Chakra – heart. Astrological signs – Aries, Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio.


In general, this gem provides inner tranquility and uncovers hidden spiritual knowledge. It is also used for protection against negative energies, and can open up a channel to connect with angels. Chakra – throat. Astrological sign – Virgo.


Selenite is a wonderful for activating the third eye and for anyone with the zodiac sign Taurus, this stone provides protection and peace, as well as access to the higher realms.

Which gemstones are best for you? Share in the comments below and share this post so we can create more!

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