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How to Spot a Fake Person in Five Minutes or Less

How to Spot a Fake Person in Five Minutes or Less

If you consider yourself highly sensitive or empathic, you can sniff out a fake person from a mile away. Fake people may not try to act phony or disingenuous; they might have insecurities or low self-esteem. Certain mannerisms or manipulative behaviors can make them seem insincere, but they probably don’t mean anything by it.

However, some fake people have bad intentions and prey on others’ weaknesses. They seek out highly sensitive, compassionate people and try to take advantage of their kindness. Empaths wear their hearts on their sleeves and would never hesitate to help someone else. A fake person knows this, so they purposely make friends with kind souls for their benefit.

Unfortunately, some empaths get burned when someone they view as a friend has ulterior motives. To avoid this scenario, we’ll offer some tips on spotting manipulative people.

7 Warning Signs of a Fake Person to Watch Out For


1.  A manipulative person will embellish stories and lie frequently.

A hallmark behavior of a fake person involves saying one thing while meaning another. An insincere person feels unconfident, so they exaggerate or lie to reassure themselves. They also care deeply about people’s perception of them and want to make a good impression. For instance, they might embellish their salary if they recently got promoted at work and someone asks what they make.

Watch their mannerisms when they reveal information about their life. They’re likely lying if they fidget, touch their face incessantly, blink frequently, or change their speech patterns. These behaviors indicate a heightened stress or fear response, which happens when we want to escape uncomfortable situations.

2. A fake person uses others for their benefit.

Fake people tend to have one-sided relationships and take much more than they give. They’re never satisfied and will suck a person dry before moving on to their next victim. A fake person manipulates others into giving them what they want, never thinking about the consequences of their actions. They have no respect for anyone else and only look out for themselves.

Manipulators have narcissistic tendencies and use their charm to influence others. Once you’re under their spell, it’s challenging to return to your senses and realize you’ve been duped.

3. A fake person is a people pleaser.

You might not think of a self-centered person as a people pleaser. However, those with narcissistic qualities have low self-esteem and depend on others for validation. Therefore, they will do anything to get on someone’s good side, but not because they genuinely care about people. They want to please people, so it’s easier to manipulate them into doing their dirty work.

If you meet someone who seems overly charming or friendly, the alarm bells should go off in your mind. Being nice is one thing, but overdoing it can point to an underlying motive.


4. They constantly gossip about others.

A fake person talks about people behind their backs without remorse about their behavior. Since they have low self-esteem, they can only feel positive about themselves by dragging other people’s names through the dirt. Plus, it helps them feel accepted by the group who started the rumors about the person.

Think about high school cliques, and you’ll understand the importance of belonging to a group. In adulthood, you’d think this immature behavior wouldn’t exist, but it’s common in workplaces. People naturally want to identify with a group; unfortunately, gossip and rumors give them a fast track to acceptance.

If you notice someone gossiping about people frequently, keep guard, and don’t divulge too much about yourself. They won’t hesitate to use this information against you later if you get on their bad side.

5. A fake person judges people and rarely dishes out compliments.

Fake people thrive on compliments from others because it boosts their self-esteem. However, they hardly ever reciprocate since they don’t want the attention taken off of them. They’re deeply insecure and need validation from others to feel worthy.

They spend plenty of time judging others for their mistakes or work performance because it makes them feel less threatened. They also offer backhanded compliments that seem nice on the surface but leave you confused. For instance, they might congratulate you on a promotion but follow it up by saying they didn’t expect you to get it.

6. They hardly ever listen when you talk.

They might pretend to listen to you while scrolling on their phone or multitask in some other way. However, when you converse with them, your words go in one ear and out the other. A good friend practices active listening by asking you to clarify what you said and giving you their full attention. They listen to understand rather than reply, but a fake person only pretends to listen. Their mind always seems elsewhere when you talk to them, and they may act bored or uninterested during conversations.

7. A fake person is a fair-weather friend.

Have you ever had a friend who only sticks around during the good times but disappears during the challenging moments? A fake person can’t tolerate deep emotions or difficult situations, so they hide until the skies clear again. When things seem calmer, they will seem interested in your friendship and not even mention or ask about the hard times. Users think the world revolves around them, so they only consult you when they need something.


Final Thoughts on How to Spot a Manipulative, Fake Person

Most of us have probably encountered a fake person at some point. Whether they’re a fair-weather friend, a gossiper, or a manipulative narcissist, it’s not always easy to spot a dishonest person. You have to know the warning signs to look out for so you don’t get caught in their trap of lies and deceit.

For instance, someone who constantly embellishes or seems to overcompensate probably has something to hide. Also, a person who never listens and only comes around when they need something doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Try to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who genuinely care about your well-being. You deserve it!

Solar Provider Powers 1400 NJ Homes by Installing Panels on Storage Units

Solar Landscape, New Jersey’s largest community solar provider, recently completed construction to power over 1,400 homes. It’s the first solar project approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) in Year 2 of the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program.

For the project, the solar provider installed panels on an Extra Space Storage facility in Neptune, New Jersey. The storage unit company partnered with Solar Landscape to host community solar projects at ten locations, including the one in Neptune. Extra Space Storage’s impressive 6.5-megawatt (MW) community solar reserve spans 800,000 square feet of rooftop solar.

“We are thrilled to be involved in this community solar project. At Extra Space Storage, we have been equipping our locations with solar for over a decade, and this new effort to bring solar power to the local community is an exciting development,” McKall Morris, Senior Manager of Communications and Sustainability, Extra Space Storage, said in a press release.

“Partnering with Solar Landscape on this project aligns perfectly with our commitments to be good corporate citizens and to participate in environmental initiatives that are positive for our communities, customers, employees, and shareholders,” she added.

Community solar projects allow residents to subscribe to a local solar grid on a commercial property. When residents sign up with a solar provider, they receive the electricity produced at a discount. Low- to middle-income households benefit from additional savings.

NJBPU’s Community Solar Energy Pilot Program approved 105 Year 2 community solar projects as part of Governor Murphy’s renewable energy initiative. The projects aim to make renewable energy more accessible to residents who can’t install rooftop solar panels. Due to income constraints, inadequate sunlight, or lack of roof control, many residents require a community solar provider for sustainable energy.

Solar Provider Powers 1400 NJ Homes With Community Solar Project

solar provider

“Community solar is a vital part of Governor Murphy’s clean energy initiative, which is aimed at reaching 100 percent clean energy by 2050,” Joseph L. Fiordaliso, President, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, said in a statement.

“We are extremely proud of our rapidly growing Community Solar program and special congratulations to Solar Landscape for becoming the first Year Two project in our program to go online. We are particularly excited that projects such as this enable us to provide access to solar energy for residents who have been unable to access solar energy, because of barriers like cost or where they live,” he added.

Solar Landscape partnered with many schools, community organizations, and nonprofits for the community solar program. These include Asbury Park’s Interfaith Neighbors and the Affordable Housing Alliance. The solar provider also has informed over 1,000 New Jersey residents and students about solar energy careers. In addition, the company granted $20,000 in scholarships to high school seniors through its Community Sustainability Challenge scholarships.

Communities That Will Benefit From This Solar Energy Project

The Neptune community solar installation will produce around 500 kilowatts of energy. The locations of the solar energy sites include the following towns:

  • Egg Harbor
  • Ho Ho Kus
  • Jersey City
  • Lawrence
  • Parlin
  • Old Bridge
  • Iselin
  • Neptune
  • Hazlet
  • Toms River

All of these towns have distinct features, showcasing the resourcefulness of New Jersey’s community solar project. The massive undertaking allows the commercial real estate industry to get involved in reducing greenhouse gases. Installing solar panels on their whole roof, rather than just the area required for the building’s energy, provides more clean energy for the community.

Plus, the program promotes energy equity by helping lower-income residents connect with a solar provider. Powering homes with clean energy will significantly impact climate change mitigation.

Company Aims to Make Solar Power More Accessible

“Community solar is a central piece of our state’s clean energy infrastructure. New Jersey has prioritized the development and deployment of community solar to improve access to clean energy for thousands of New Jersey families, reduce energy costs, and generate good-paying jobs and workforce development opportunities in the growing clean energy industry,” Jane Cohen, Director of the Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy in a statement.

“We recognize this project as an important step forward in the expansion of Community Solar to our coastal communities and congratulate Solar Landscape for bringing this project online.”

The solar provider agreed to have 70 MW of clean energy available through the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program. The company owns and operates over half of New Jersey’s community solar programs. It’s the nation’s most expansive renewable energy project that serves low- and middle-income (LMI) households.

So far, the community solar programs have produced over 22.63-gigawatt hours of clean electricity. This sustainable energy generation equals removing 9,790 tons of CO2 from the air.

In 2021, the solar provider completed its first community solar project in New Jersey. After finishing every project, the company’s 54 community solar locations will provide over 11,000 homes with renewable energy.

Solar Landscape CEO Shaun Keegan said this in a press release:

“Thanks to Governor Murphy, the NJBPU, community leaders across the state and our installers, New Jersey has become a national model for clean energy equity,”

“The promise of community solar in New Jersey has arrived, and it’s bringing guaranteed savings to residents at a time when many other costs are increasing. We’re proud to be partnering with Extra Space Storage on this project, which connects business leaders with the local community and saves residents money,” he concluded.

The solar provider estimates the projects will shave $20 million off energy bills for New Jersey residents. They will see the savings over the next two decades.


Final Thoughts on Largest Community Solar Project in Nation

The community solar project launched by Solar Landscape marks the largest in the nation to benefit low-income residents. So far, the company has provided clean energy to 1,400 New Jersey homes. The solar provider partnered with Extra Space Storage to host community solar projects at ten locations.

The other sites span seven counties throughout New Jersey, making it one of the most ambitious solar projects. Upon completion, the company hopes to power over 11,000 homes in New Jersey with sustainable energy.

Science Explains 5 Exercises That Make You Age Slower

You know that you need to exercise to keep your body in top shape, but did you know that a lack of movement can result in a disorder? It’s called exercise deficit disorder or EDD. That term refers to someone who lacks sufficient levels of physical activity. However, you will find a silver lining: add exercise to your daily routine and increase your odds of staying healthy for longer.

There’s an urgency for physicians to identify children who are predisposed to conditions like obesity, as good habits start in childhood. According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, pediatricians who see this trend suggest more exercise to offset the extra pounds.

Though this is a literature diagnosis only, the growing rate of obesity among children and adults is an issue doctors should not ignore. Another article published by the National Library of Medicine explains that one in five children is obese. The diagnosis grows more severe in minority communities, where children have less access to healthy foods.

Adult statistics are even worse. Since 1975, the rate of adult obesity in this country has tripled. The CDC states that seven out of every ten adults fit into the obesity category, and some of these folks are higher on the spectrum in the super morbidly obese weight range. To be overweight means your BMI must be between 25-30, but doctors consider you obese when it’s above 35.

Those who are super morbidly obese have a BMI greater than 50. While a big part of the problem is that adults and children don’t eat healthy meals, the other significant component is that they don’t exercise. Genetics plays a role in the equation, but moving your body more is the most powerful way to combat genetic elements.

Five Common Ailments Caused by Exercise Deficit Disorder

exercise deficit disorder

You’re not burning calories and fat when you don’t move your body. It’s easier to reach for a bag of chips or a soda while binge-watching your favorite shows or playing video games, and thus a sedentary lifestyle is born. Here are five common diseases caused by a lack of physical activity.

1. Exercise Deficit Disorder Causes Type 2 Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes, and juvenile or type one comes from genetics. You can’t develop type one from a lack of exercise. However, type 2 diabetes is usually a direct result of obesity. Understandably, some people with diabetes aren’t overweight, but carrying more weight around your midsection increases your risk factors.

In type 2 diabetes, the body makes insulin, but the insulin absorbs into the fat cells rather than controlling your glucose. Thus, it cannot be used efficiently. The pancreas produces insulin and combats the sugars and starches in your foods. Doctors measure the glucose in your system using the hemoglobin A1C or HbA1c test, which takes a reading based on the past three months.

According to the CDC, your numbers need to be below 5.7 percent to be considered within range. When you’re above 7 percent, you’ll be officially diagnosed. The first course of treatment is to get more exercise and eat better meals.

Simple things like cutting carbs can make a huge difference. Many people can put their type 2 diabetes in remission by simply making lifestyle changes.

2. Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a deadly disease. Indeed, it often accompanies exercise deficit disorder because the excess weight causes more strain on the heart. Your blood pressure will vary throughout the day as it rises and falls with activity.

However, you’ll be diagnosed with hypertension when your number consistently stays above 140/90. Any blood pressure above 180/100 is considered an emergency, especially if it remains this high for an extended period.

The top number is the systolic pressure, and the bottom is diastolic. The top number shows how much force is in the arteries as your heart pumps. The bottom number indicates the power in between each beat of your heart.

Hypertension is nothing to mess around with, and it’s often an indication of something else in the body. Your heart is a muscle, and muscles must work harder under stress, so it’s only natural for this major organ to enlarge when working overtime. Having an enlarged heart is another common problem with high blood pressure and artery issues.

3. Heart Disease

Heart disease is confusing for some people as it doesn’t encompass just one condition. Instead, heart disease is several issues that can develop within the heart. According to the CDC, the most popular one is coronary artery disease or CAD, and more than 382,820 people died in 2020 from this condition.

CAD is a condition where the blood flow to your heart is compromised due to a narrowing of the arteries. The arteries cannot get the appropriate amount of blood to the heart, so it puts you more at risk for a heart attack or a stroke. Other conditions include arrhythmias and diseases of the heart muscle.

The heart can only take so much strain, and the more weight you have on your system, the harder it must work to keep up. Exercise deficit disorder causes the heart to become diseased over time, leading to untimely death. Heart disease can cause shortness of breath, palpitations, and even fainting as the blood flow slows down due to the illness.

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply is reduced, and the heart cannot function properly. These attacks can be mild or massive, and many people don’t survive these myocardial infarctions. Even diabetes can weaken the heart, so eating and exercising are imperative to prevent heart disease.

4. Stroke

The brain is a significant organ that you need to live. It’s like your central processing unit or hard drive for your body. If something short circuits in your brain, you feel the effects.

The brain needs plenty of blood flow to keep things working, as the blood provides oxygen. A stroke occurs when blood can’t reach the brain due to a condition with the arteries or a blood clot. A TIA or transient ischemic attack may occur if some blood is getting through but not sufficient. These are mild strokes that don’t cause permanent damage.

However, a massive stroke is inevitable when a clot blocks the brain. According to the Mayo Clinic, a patient may have many TIAs that try to warn them that there’s a problem, such as a blocked artery. These may occur as much as 24 hours before a significant episode occurs.

Exercise deficit disorder puts you at greater risk for dangerous conditions, but the remedy is easy. All you need to do is move more and eat healthier, and you can combat many of these grave issues.


5. Mental Health Disturbances

When considering the effects of exercise deficit disorder, one thing many people don’t think about is their mental health. A sedentary lifestyle can cause significant mental disturbances as your body needs fresh air, oxygen, and exercise to keep your feel-good hormones flowing. Many people who struggle with anxiety and depression think the answer is in medication, but the truth is that many people need to move more.

Exercise deficit disorder comes from simply not moving enough. Sitting for more than eight hours of your day can cause you to feel fatigued, have uncontrolled stress, and fight other mental disturbances. Your body needs activity and motion; sitting for long periods will cause significant issues like diabetes.

When you have a desk job that requires you to be immobile, you need to get up every hour or so and move your body. Exercise deficit disorder doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a process of living a lifestyle that’s not healthy and destroys your body. It will catch up with you if you get by in your twenties or thirties.

Five Exercises That Can Reverse Exercise Deficit Disorder and Help You Live a Long and Healthy Life

Dr. Marwa A. Ahmed, M.D., M.S., from Harvard University, writes the following about the value of exercising 150 to 300 minutes per week:

“Exercise provides a remarkable variety of health benefits, which range from strengthening bones to positive effects on mood and helping to prevent chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Research dating back to the late 1980s has consistently shown that aerobic fitness may help extend lives.”

Try These Five Exercises:

Dr. Ahmed suggests these cardiovascular exercises and strength training activities for a healthier heart and longer life:

  1. Walking: A JAMA study of treadmill walkers showed increased health for participants of every age, from eighteen to eighty. No treadmill, no problem. Put on a pair of sturdy walking shoes and cruise your neighborhood on foot.
  2. Resistance band training: Adding resistance training twice weekly can help you maintain better health by strengthening your muscles. Resistance bands are affordable and empower you to train at home–no extra cost for a gym membership or bulky weight equipment. The key to resistance band training is consistency–a study found a group of older adults showed overall reduced frailty after using resistance bands after 24 weeks.
  3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): If you have little time and are physically able, a HIIT workout uses brief rounds of strenuous activity and short rest periods instead of longer, sustained workouts. A study showed participants reaped the same health benefits of a longer cardiovascular workout.
  4. Swimming: Do you have access to a pool? Then consider swimming or water aerobics. Water cushions you from the impact of exercise, making it ideal for those with joint pain. One study also suggests that a regular swim can decrease inflammation.
  5. Bicycling: Riding a bike can get your heart pumping. But an NIH fact sheet notes that it also provides stress relief, general physical fitness, and supports healthy weight goals–all necessary for a fitter life.

exercise deficit disorder

Final Thoughts on Exercise Deficit Disorder and the Activities Necessary for a Longer, Healthier Life

The physical inactivity epidemic sweeping across this country is shortening the lifespan of many. Never in all of history have Americans been so obese. The numbers keep going up as the number of fast food, and unhealthy offerings keep increasing.

People are too busy to make time for their health, but it’s coming at a severe cost. Exercise deficit disorder is not a medical condition yet, but it’s certainly gaining more attention from medical professionals. If physicians can be proactive and stop obesity from childhood by prescribing more exercise, it’s possible they can combat many of the issues caused by being overweight.

The average age for EDD appears to begin around six and continues into adulthood if not addressed. Researchers continue to explore this recently-identified condition. Once a child develops terrible habits in early childhood, it’s hard to break them. A parent that teaches their kids to eat healthily, move more, and not live a sedentary lifestyle is showing them tips for a successful, healthy life.

7 Ways to Beat A Sugar Addiction

It’s no secret that many people today suffer from sugar addictions and their subsequent weight gain. But can you blame people for loving sugar when almost every food contains it in some form? Even if you renounce sweets, you may inadvertently eat hidden sources of sugar in packaged or processed foods.

For instance, honey, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, and molasses all contain sugar. But advertisers know they can trick people into consuming foods if they don’t list sugar in the ingredients. Of course, we need sugar to survive, but only from whole food sources. Added sugars have contributed significantly to the disease burden because of their toxic effects on the mind and body.

Sugar acts like a drug in the mind because it increases dopamine and serotonin levels. Once our reward system becomes activated, we associate the stimulus with feelings of happiness and comfort. Our brains don’t know the difference between sugar, drugs, food, or other rewards. Therefore, beating a sugar addiction becomes difficult when you crave it, much like a drug.

Sugar even causes withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and fatigue, just like prescription pills or hard drugs. In addition, studies have shown that fructose, in particular, can alter brain activity and intensify hunger. With all this stacked against you, it might seem easier never to give up sugar. But continuing to consume high amounts of processed sugars can wreak havoc on your health and weight.

7 Ways to Conquer a Sugar Addiction

If you’re serious about limiting or avoiding sugar in your diet, we’ll offer a few pointers on beating your sugar addiction.

sugar addicition

1. Drink plenty of water to beat your sugar addiction.

Did you know some people mistake the feeling of thirst for hunger cues? If you don’t drink enough water, it can make you feel hungrier than usual. Clinical studies show that this often happens, with around 37% of people confusing hunger and thirst. Since our hunger signals are much stronger, they overpower cues to drink water. So, stay hydrated throughout the day to help beat cravings, satisfy your appetite, and control your weight.

2. Get regular exercise.

When you want a quick dopamine hit, why not walk around your neighborhood instead of reaching for a candy bar? It may take longer to exercise, but your brain will still release the feel-good hormones you crave. When you realize our brains are hard-wired for rewards, you can understand how to manage primitive instincts. The modern world capitalizes on our base desires, but that doesn’t mean we have to give in to them.

Exercise provides a healthy way to balance your neurotransmitters without unwanted side effects. Plus, once you begin a workout routine and start seeing results, you look forward to physical activity.

3. Eat regularly throughout the day.

Did you know one of the causes of sugar addiction involves irregular eating habits? When you don’t consume balanced meals throughout the day, you set yourself up for intense cravings. The body demands quick energy sources when it feels depleted, so your mind naturally searches for convenient options. That’s why you see people lining up at fast food restaurants after work since they have no energy left.

But you can combat cravings for sugar by regularly eating throughout the day and not skipping meals. This habit helps keep your blood glucose levels balanced, making it easier to control your sweet tooth.

4. Please don’t cut out sugar cold turkey.

sugar addiction

Beating a sugar addiction won’t happen overnight, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Gradually cutting back on sugar consumption will ensure healthy habits stick around longer. If you gave it up immediately, you would likely return to your old ways after a short time. The body and mind need time to adjust, so give yourself some leeway when beating a sugar addiction.

Start with something simple, like skipping your morning Starbucks with three pumps of syrup. Or, opt for a breakfast of eggs and toast rather than a donut. Swapping out unhealthy foods for nutritious ones can help you form better habits and prepare you for giving up sugar altogether.

5. Eat high-protein snacks to overcome a sugar addiction.

It helps to eat as much protein as possible when overcoming sugar addiction. Protein increases satiety and gives you stable energy throughout the day. Where carbs provide quick bursts of energy, protein offers long-term nourishment. Foods such as nuts, seeds, cheese cubes, or beef jerky make great snacks to munch on throughout the day. If you’re vegan, consider trying plant-based jerky or protein bars.

Also, consume protein with every meal, such as tofu, eggs, fish, chicken, or beef. Make it a balanced meal by combining it with a grain like quinoa and a hearty serving of vegetables.

6. Avoid buying foods with added sugars.

If you want to overcome sugar addiction, you shouldn’t keep tempting foods around the house. Eating candy, cookies, and sugary snacks will only hinder your progress and may lead to weight gain or diabetes. You can eat these foods in moderation, but you should avoid them for a few weeks. Allow your palate to readjust to simpler foods so that you won’t crave sweets as often. Then, you can reintroduce them into your diet when you feel ready.

7. Prioritize sleep to beat sugar addiction.

People in the modern world suffer from sleep deprivation in record numbers. We stay up too late, wake up far too early, and don’t sleep soundly in between. As a result, we feel sluggish and reach for convenient calories to boost us. A lack of sleep intensifies sugar addictions because it stimulates the hunger hormone ghrelin, making you crave calorically dense foods.

So, make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night and stop eating about two hours before bed. Your mind and body will thank you later when you can easily overcome cravings, thanks to a restful night’s sleep.

gain weight

Final Thoughts on How to Overcome A Sugar Addiction and Consequently Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you’re addicted to sugary snacks or drinks, you might feel helpless to change your deeply ingrained habits. But you can feel free of pressure about giving up your favorite foods overnight. Gradually cutting back on sugar can help you make healthier decisions about what foods to eat. Also, regular exercise and prioritizing sleep make it easier to curb cravings and maintain a healthy weight.

Finally, eating a balanced diet full of protein, fat, and complex carbs will fuel your body with the proper nutrients. When you feel satisfied, you won’t succumb to sugar cravings so often.

3 Signs of High-Functioning ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as high-functioning ADHD, is a serious mental health condition that affects children. Usually, this disorder is diagnosed before a child turns twelve. Adults don’t develop this condition. You’re either born with it, or it’s developed during childhood. But, many people with ADHD don’t get the proper diagnosis until they become adults–and notice that they cannot focus. And that’s when the term high functioning ADHD is most often used.

But high functioning ADHD is not a medical term. It’s slang to describe someone with ADHD who isn’t affected by this disorder’s symptoms. Given that, it’s the form of ADHD most likely to fly under the radar. Not to mention that ADHD is one of the mental health issues that the general public knows least about. So, its symptoms are oven misconstrued as disrespectful behavior.

If you’ve ever read someone’s story about their journey getting diagnosed with ADHD, you’d know it’s a bumpy road. Most kids who get tested get the wrong diagnosis and are prescribed the wrong treatment. It doesn’t take a medical degree to understand that taking medication for something you don’t have is either redundant or dangerous. So these kids do not get the proper treatment, and their health degenerates.

So, not getting a diagnosis is better than getting the wrong one. And undiagnosed kids become adults who have high-functioning ADHD. Fortunately, psychology has made some strides in the last few years, and the risk of getting the wrong diagnosis is much smaller. So, if you have high-functioning ADHD, you need to know the symptoms. That way, you know it’s time to see a psychologist and get professionally diagnosed.

What is High-Functioning ADHD?

As mentioned previously, ADHD is the acronym for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is a condition that falls under the spectrum of neurodiversity. Its symptoms are most evident in children and usually become less noticeable with age. So, it’s not that ADHD only affects kids. As people grow up, they tend to mellow and exhibit symptoms of high-functioning ADHD. Alternatively, the symptoms don’t become less severe; they just become less noticeable to the naked eye.

As the name suggests, the main symptoms of this condition are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Even though around eight percent of kids have ADHD, it often goes undiagnosed because most parents think the symptoms are just normal behaviors for kids. While kids are more hyperactive than adults are, that’s nothing compared to the hyperactivity caused by ADHD.

high functioning adhd

Three Main Types of ADHD:

  • Predominantly inattentive presentation,
  • Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation, and
  • Combined presentation.

And the symptoms differ depending on the type of ADHD you’re dealing with.

Inattentive Presentation

Inattentive ADHD is difficulty focusing, staying on task, and being organized. There’s a lift of symptoms for this condition. A person needs to experience six (or five for people over 17) of them frequently. Inability to pay attention to details and focus and follow through on instructions, losing things often, and getting easily distracted are just a few.

Hyperactivity refers to fidgeting, being overly talkative, and having excessive energy. Impulsivity regards decisions that are taken without thinking about the consequences. When these two are combined, you get hyperactive or impulsive ADHD.

Hyperactive / Impulsive Presentation

Like in the previous case, you must regularly present at least six (or five for those over 17) of these symptoms. Fidgeting, being unable to sit still and be quiet, constantly interrupting people, and always being on the go are some of the symptoms.

Combined Presentation

The combined type is when criteria for inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive ADHD are met.

Many conditions are similar to ADHD, so most people don’t get the proper diagnosis. These are learning and mood disorders, anxiety, substance use, and even head injuries or thyroid conditions. ADHD is often accompanied by other mental health conditions, particularly anxiety. Because of this, you need a complete psychiatric evaluation to get the proper diagnosis.

ADHD didn’t even have the proper name until recently because it’s a condition that researchers have only recently started to look into. Until the 1960s, it wasn’t even recognized as a mental health disorder, and it was called a hyperkinetic reaction of childhood. In 1980, the condition got its official name, that’s still being used today. There’s still a big debate over whether ADD and ADHD are different diseases.

Some specialists argue that ADD is an outdated term for inattentive ADHD. Others say that ADD is different from ADHD, as it’s used for people who struggle with focus without presenting other ADHD symptoms. Still, in the Statistical Manual IV (the official manual for psychological disorders), the official term is “ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type.” That being said, ADD is still used as slang, even by many psychologists.

Specific Causes of High-Functioning ADHD

Because of the rocky journey that ADHD has had until it was recognized as a mental health condition, there is not enough research that analyses this condition. As a result, scientists haven’t yet settled on the specific causes of ADHD. The existing research has managed to link several genes to the condition. Yet, no specific gene or gene combination has been identified as the cause. That suggests that genetics play a role, but it can’t be concluded whether it determines the apparition of the condition or it’s simply something that enhances it.

Some non-genetic factors, such as low birth weight, premature birth, and exposure to toxins during pregnancy (cigarette smoke, lead), have also been linked with ADHD. ADHD symptoms seem less noticeable as people get older, but they never go away without treatment. The symptoms of high-functioning ADHD are the same as the ones for ADHD but manifest differently. Medication is needed to manage the condition for adults and children struggling with ADHD.

3 Signs of High-Functioning ADHD


1.      Inattentive Symptoms (Lack of Focus)

High-functioning ADHD is often linked to inattentive behaviors. But they don’t manifest in the same way as they do in children, mostly because people learn how to mask them. Also, many of these inattentive behaviors of high-functioning ADHD are counteracted by learned behaviors. Still, these people are disorganized and messy.

In their home, they might have things thrown all over the place. They are also people who often lose or misplace things. In the workplace, they might struggle with following instructions. Or they could fall into the trap of taking on too many tasks and never finishing them. If a task is too detailed, it might make people with high-functioning ADHD anxious.

They don’t do well with details and try to avoid such tasks. This is also true for tasks that require a lot of mental effort and focus. Another sign of this condition is forgetting to do chores and run errands. This is why such a person is likely to have a pile of dirty laundry that’s been there for at least a couple of weeks.

2.      Hyperactive Symptoms

Although impulsive ones almost always accompany hyperactive symptoms, they are still different. So, if you suspect you have high-functioning ADHD, it might help to group them into different categories. Many people can be hyperactive for other reasons besides having high-functioning ADHD. For example, even having too much coffee can boost energy, making you fidget or lose focus.

Plus, hyperactive symptoms are linked with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and other mood disorders. Hyperactivity makes people fidget with their hands and feet. Leg bouncing is one of the more common signs of a mental health condition, but people fidget in other ways. Besides that, hyperactivity makes it hard for people to stay seated for an extended period.

Because of this, people with high-functioning ADHD avoid working office jobs that require sitting in a chair for eight hours per day. It’s also common that they feel the need to walk around even when they are talking to someone. They often do many things at a time because they can’t be focused on a single task. Even when they speak to you, they might need to read an article or even scroll through social media.

3.      Impulsive Symptoms

While symptoms from the last two groups can be masked somewhat efficiently, impulsivity is harder to hide. The main reason is impulsivity means not thinking before deciding or taking action. So, logic doesn’t help you avoid being impulsive. You can force yourself to stop fidgeting, but you can’t stop yourself from being impulsive. You can only try to learn how to pause and think before making up your mind.

So, people with high-functioning ADHD are very likely to make impulsive decisions. They might accept a job before even considering if it’s a good fit for them, but they are also very likely to quit on a whim. This means they are likely to switch jobs often. It’s also likely that they talk before thinking about what they are saying.

They might find it hard to create lasting connections because they sever ties with people even when the smallest issue arises. So, you might need to fight for a relationship or friendship to keep a person with high-functioning ADHD in your life. Or, if you have ADHD, you need to learn healthy habits that stop you from making such hectic decisions.

high functioning adhd

Final Thoughts on Some Signs of High-Functioning ADHD

As an adult, you might believe it’s not possible to have ADHD. But that’s not accurate. Sure, ADHD appears during childhood. But, seeing as there’s no cure, only treatments, it stays with you through adulthood. But symptoms manifest differently, which is why this condition is known as high-functioning ADHD when referring to adults.

Symptoms of this condition fall into the same categories as the ones for childhood ADHD, which are inattentive or a lack of focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. But they are better managed or masked once you reach a certain age. Someone struggling with high-functioning ADHD is likely disorganized, fidgets struggles to complete tasks, and makes rash decisions. But the good thing is that it’s never too late to get the proper diagnosis and start treatment to manage these symptoms.

New Studies Recommend Everyone Under 65 Be Tested for Anxiety

Getting diagnosed with a mental health disorder is not something that people want to do on a random Tuesday, but still, everyone under 65 should get tested for anxiety, or at least that’s what new studies suggest. That’s because anxiety is a prevalent disorder and can cause many issues if left untreated. Being anxious doesn’t just affect your mental health, as many people might think.

It also affects your physical health and impedes you from doing daily tasks. Specialists suggest that you should treat anxiety screening the same way you’d treat any other screening. You probably get yearly blood tests to ensure you’re in top physical shape. If that seems normal to you, there’s no reason why you should shy away from getting tested for anxiety. You should do yearly anxiety tests as a precaution, even if you don’t have symptoms.

Anxiety is becoming more and more common. In the past few decades, the percentage of people struggling with anxious feelings has increased. And people have evolved to take this disorder more seriously. But there are still people who hold wrong beliefs about this disorder. This is especially true for older people, who tend to believe anxiety is either an invented issue or a sign that someone is insane.

As you probably know, neither of these beliefs is based on facts and are just stereotypes that people don’t care to change. So, for those people, it can seem unimaginable to get tested for anxiety. Even those who know that anxiety is a real issue might be afraid to get tested.

What is Anxiety?


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders. It’s also something that people usually brush off and never get the treatment they need. This happens for two main reasons. First, people find it hard to imagine they would ever struggle with something like this. Historically, all mental health disorders were heavily misunderstood by society. People who struggled with such issues were often marginalized, so it used to be better to hide it.

The shame surrounding mental health disorders leads to misinformation, creating countless stereotypes. Still, some of those stereotypes linger and are one of the reasons why people don’t look after their mental health. The second reason is that anxiety is not exactly something people experience exclusively if they have a disorder. Anxiety is a normal feeling everyone experiences when they are stressed or overwhelmed.

The issue isn’t whether you have anxious feelings or not. It’s how persistent that feeling is and how much it interferes with your daily routine. When anxiety becomes something you almost always feel, it’s a real issue. But people aren’t aware of the subtle differences between having a stressful day and struggling with a mental health issue. So, more often than not, they write off any symptoms as normal.

Sometimes, they even go as far as to find excuses for obvious symptoms. Consider that many people have anxiety but don’t experience obvious symptoms. In that case, they don’t need to gaslight themselves into believing they don’t suffer from a disorder because nothing points to that.

How Anxiety Manifests

So, anxiety often flies under the radar; that much is clear. But why does it appear in the first place, and how does it manifest? Anxiety is an emotion people have dealt with throughout history. The feeling comes from a reflex known as the “fight-or-flight” response. Before modern society existed, people lived in conditions that put their lives in danger daily.

They risked being mauled by wild animals every day, had to survive countless natural disasters, and so on. So, the “fight-or-flight” response was meant to keep people safe from such situations. When the body senses danger, it triggers this response which determines the release of stress hormones, the main one being cortisol. Certain functions, such as heart rate and respiratory system, are heightened. The heart beats faster, the breathing rhythm increases, and the muscles are tighter.

At the same time, other functions, such as the digestive system, are shut off or slowed down temporarily. This is meant to conserve energy. All these changes are designed to help you fight off the danger or run away from it. People don’t have to fight off wild animals anymore. But triggers and stressors still kick-start the “fight-or-flight” response. And that’s when you feel anxiety.

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the most common anxiety disorder. This happens when people feel overwhelmed and stressed about many issues. Even if one of the things that cause anxiety goes away, another appears to take its place. Instead of being anxious only when they are in tense situations, people struggling with GAD almost always feel anxious. This anxiety is often severe, and there’s no way to manage it without therapy or treatment.

Symptoms vary from person to person and range from physical to psychological. On the physical side, anxiety makes people dizzy, and it causes excessive sweat and pounding headaches. It can also make people experience labored breathing and erratic heartbeat. Amongst the psychological symptoms are a general state of restlessness and constant worry. It can also make people have trouble concentrating, which interferes with one’s ability to do even the simplest task. If severe cases, people experience anxiety attacks.

Why Should People Under 65 Get Tested for Anxiety?


1.      You Can Diagnose Those Anxious Feelings Before They Get Too Bad

If anxiety is left untreated, it can become worse and worse. What once were fleeting moments of stress can turn into full-blown panic attacks. Anxiety isn’t always something you are born with. Genetics plays an important part, but the environment is an even bigger determinant. So, no matter if you were born with anxiety, you can still struggle with it throughout your life. And even the mildest of cases can degenerate and become crippling in time.

So, studies recommend that people under 65 get tested for anxiety to start managing it as soon as possible. That doesn’t mean that older people aren’t susceptible to anxiety. It’s just that there are higher chances of preventing a severe case if you get tested as early as possible, ideally before you turn 65. That doesn’t mean that young people don’t struggle with crippling anxiety.

Quite the opposite, people under 65 seem to struggle with severe cases of anxiety. But, as a general rule, the sooner you discover you have anxiety, the better you can manage anxious feelings. And, if you do yearly testing, as suggested, you ensure you always know what’s going on with your mental health. That’s when you have your best shot at avoiding dealing with a disorder altogether.

2.      You Become Aware of the Importance of Looking After Your Mental Health

When you get tested, you can have first contact with the psychological side of health care. Many people who get tested won’t be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. But you’ll have the opportunity to sit down with a specialist who will tell you some basic facts about mental health, and you’ll answer a questionnaire.

This is not as scary as going to a therapy session. If you find out that you are struggling with anxiety, you can decide what course of action is best for you. An anxiety test can be something as routine as any other medical test. And it doesn’t have the same heavy connotation that booking an hour with a therapist has.

Testing is an opportunity to enter the medical health world and understand its importance without committing to anything serious. Plus, most people wouldn’t even think about going to therapy without knowing if they have a mental health issue. So, this testing is also an incentive for people to start looking after their mental health.

Seeing a paper confirming or denying you have anxiety is a reality check. No matter the diagnosis, it makes you more aware of how fragile the mind can be. And this is necessary so that people start to take their mental health seriously.

3.      You Can Start Managing Your Anxiety

Even though many people struggle with some kind of anxiety disorder, only a minority seek treatment. Given that therapy is helpful even if you don’t struggle with mental health issues, you can only imagine how important it is for people with anxiety. But you won’t get a diagnosis if you don’t get tested. Thus, you don’t think about going to therapy.

You will never get the treatment you need if you don’t see a specialist. Therefore, your anxiety will only get worse. Even if you try to manage your symptoms, you can always benefit from the help of a specialist. You don’t even have to go to weekly therapy if your issue isn’t that severe. But, no matter how intense your anxiety is, you can always benefit from a specialized treatment and management plan.

Not to mention that, in some cases, anxiety can only be managed through medication. Getting tested for your anxiety is the first step toward getting your needed help. You can still benefit from getting a professional diagnosis even if you aren’t what people would traditionally call anxious.


Final Thoughts on Why People Should Under 65 Get Tested for Anxiety

Anxiety is not something to take lightly. It can impact all areas of your life, even your physical health. For that reason, specialists recommend that all people under 65 get tested for anxiety. Of course, that doesn’t mean older people don’t struggle with this issue. It’s just that studies haven’t yet concluded that the benefits of testing for people over 65 outweigh the risks.

It might seem scary to visit a doctor’s office and get the test done. No one wants to get diagnosed with any anxiety disorder. But it’s the first step towards taking your mental health seriously. Even if this test says you don’t have anxiety, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t monitor it. So, a yearly examination is the best option. And it’s better to get your diagnosis sooner rather than later. That way, you can avoid the degeneration of your condition. And you can get the treatment you need to manage your anxious symptoms.

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