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What You Need To Know About The Planetary Alignment on January 20th

What You Need To Know About The Planetary Alignment on January 20th

For the first time in a decade, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be in planetary alignment beginning tomorrow, January. They will remain this way through February 20.

The best part is they will be visible to the naked eye!

According to Dr. Alan Duffy, a research fellow at Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia, people in the Northern Hemisphere can view this phenomenon by 6:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time. He said to look toward the south sometime before sunrise for the best viewing experience.

Dr. Duffy said this alignment is a “quirk of the universe,” as they have different yearly cycles. As rare as this planetary alignment is, you certainly won’t want to miss it!

Dr. Tanya Hill, a senior curator at the Melbourne Planetarium, explained that another planetary alignment would occur in August. But it won’t occur again until October 2018. Unfortunately, distant Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune won’t appear to us in the sky, at least without a telescope. However, if you have a keen eye, you might spot Uranus close to the horizon.

Jupiter and Venus will appear most vividly in the sky. However, Mars should be fairly easy to spot with its bright red glow.

Some tips for seeing the planetary alignment are to go out of the city where the horizon is clear and avoid any place with trees or buildings obstructing your view. Also, hold your arm up straight from the horizon to the moon, and the planets should fall along that line. If you don’t see the planetary alignment the first time, try going out on a less cloudy night if possible.

Another interesting thing to note is that the planets will appear in a different order than they do from the sun. Starting from the eastern horizon, Mercury and Venus will appear first, then Saturn, then Mars, and finally, Jupiter.

At first, Mercury will be hard to spot since it will sit very low near the horizon. But in February, it will rise higher in the sky, making it easier to view.

While you will have to wake up quite early to enjoy the planetary alignment, this rare event in our beautiful sky will make you grateful to have rolled out of bed an hour or two earlier than usual!

12 Telling Signs Someone Is Attracted to You

Are you reading these signs of attraction correctly? When you’re interested in someone romantically, you’ve probably been watching them closely for signs that they are attracted to you.

Flirting can be fun. But usually, you are hoping that the object of your attraction will notice your efforts and they will return your interest. If you’ve been putting your best foot forward and making obvious moves. But if your potential romantic partner is less obvious, you may wonder if they are interested in you.

Reading the signs of attraction can be complicated. In a study of nonverbal attraction cues in opposite-sex couples, researchers found that signals can have multiple meanings, which is on purpose. For example, when it comes to signs of attraction from a woman, laughter can send a playful message, or its meaning can be modified by another body language. Researchers say that laughter from a woman, together with its accompanying body postures and movements, can mean anything from sexual solicitation to aversion, depending on which and how many different signals are used.

In the same study, men seem to communicate interest in women during laughter with only a few body language signals, such as body orientation and dominant postures. There are not so many subconscious signs of male attraction — men tend to be more straightforward in their flirtation. Unless they are shy, if they are attracted to you, they will make sure that you know.

Here are 6 signs that will tell you whether that man or woman you’ve had your eye on is also attracted to you.




As mentioned, when it comes to women, generally speaking, the signs of attraction may be a little more subtle. Rather than direct, obvious body movements, they may show telltale signs in smaller ways. Here are a few of the most common signs of attraction from a woman.


Have you exchanged some long, smoldering glances? That is a good sign that she’s attracted to you. Maybe you turned your head toward her and caught her watching you, only to see her quickly turn away in embarrassment? Another very positive sign of attraction.

Maybe you had a conversation over the file cabinet, and neither looked at the file drawers? That is another good sign. Direct, sustained eye contact of more than ten seconds is a sign that she is attracted to you. Her eyes may briefly break away from your gaze to check out your body as you talk, which is also a good sign.


When a woman is interested in you, she will find a way to touch you often. It could be a sign of attraction if she briefly touches your shoulders or your knee as you sit near each other. If you find that her touch lingers longer than might be normal or that she finds excuses to touch you when most people wouldn’t, she may send you some nonverbal cues that she is attracted to you.


Giggling, especially with eye contact and touching, are good signs that a woman is attracted to you. Laughter is a great way to break the ice and get you in a happy, positive, and receptive mood. It means she notices your interest in her. If a woman doesn’t find something funny, she’s not likely to laugh, so if you say something that you don’t think was necessarily very funny and get a big response, that may hint that she is interested or flirting with you.


Women tend to use a higher vocal pitch when interested in a potential romantic partner. Their voices get higher in acoustical tone, not in volume when they find an attractive mate. By changing the pitch of her voice, a woman is signaling her feminine traits to the object of her affection. This could be a telltale sign for some people, particularly if you notice that her voice is higher than her normal pitch.


She might push her hair back behind her ear, showing you some skin on her neck. This is a gesture of trust and also one that may indicate interest in you. She might cover her mouth when she laughs or put her hand up to her mouth when she is quiet. These hand gestures may just be out of nerves, but they could also be good signs that she is attracted to you.


Facing you is a good sign, but that could be a courteous way of giving you attention when talking. If her legs and feet are all turned toward you, especially in combination with some of the above signals, it is a good sign that she is attracted to you. This signal is one to look for in a group setting. If there are several people, but she is facing toward you or only talking to you, this can signify attraction.


instant attraction

Again, the signs of male attraction tend to be more apparent, as most societies encourage men to speak their minds and make the first move. But if you are dealing with a shy guy or maybe just one who wants to be respectful, here are some more subconscious signs of male attraction.


Does he straighten his tie, smooth his hair, or buttons his coat when you appear? Then it’s a good sign that he is attracted to you. Before you came into view, he checked for food in his teeth, popped a breath mint, and applied a splash of cologne. Especially if a guy does not typically put extra care into his appearance, this can be a telling sign of attraction.


The term ‘peacocking’ describes how men display their attraction to someone. This is a showy behavior that is designed to attract your attention. They are saying “look at me” with their behavior.

The behavior could be anything from wearing showy clothing, like a brightly colored tie, to challenging other men to physical contests, like arm wrestling. Just like a male bird tries to make a show for the female, you can tell he is attracted to you if he makes these showy gestures with you around.


He slouched until you showed up. Then he sat up straight or stood a little taller when you came around. He probably pushed his chest out and sucked in his gut too. These body posture adjustments to look more attractive are a good sign.


He can’t sit still when you’re around. If he touches his watch repeatedly or buttons and unbuttons his jacket or brushes his hair away from his face repeatedly, it’s a good sign that he’s attracted to you.


You notice his arms bend, he balls his hands into fists, and he appears to be tightening his chest and arm muscles for you. He’s putting on a display of his best masculine traits to attract your approval.



Raised eyebrows, open lips, wide eyes, and smiling are all open facial expressions. Combine these with sustained eye contact and his eyes checking out your body. That is a sure sign that he is attracted to you.

75 Truths I’ve Learned About Life

In somewhat of a deviation from the norm, we thought it’d be fun to talk about some “universal truths.”

“All truth is eternal. Truth is nobody’s property; no race, no individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. Truth is the nature of all souls.” – Swami Vivekananda

In fact, here’s universal truth numero uno: finding universal truths is a difficult task. In most ways, it’s terrific that we don’t all have common thoughts and beliefs; it makes our world much more diverse and culturally rich. Divergent thinking is an asset that has led to some of the world’s greatest advancements. There are a common set of thoughts, beliefs and guiding principles that have made both us and our world better.

Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at 75 truths I’ve learned about life (hopefully, you’ll agree with most)!

1. Time is our most valuable asset – we can never get it back.

2. Wishing for circumstances to be different is a waste of time and energy…and

3. Taking action is much more satisfying!

4. The fewer things one has, the more they have meaning.

5. Success is a journey, not a destination.

6. Every circumstance – good or bad – has something to teach us.

7. Finishing a boring book is a waste of time; find the next one.

8. Watching the stars or ocean always has a tranquil effect.

9. People we know that don’t add to our betterment subtract from it.

10. Some relationships are not worth keeping.

11. We can’t always show happiness to others, but we can always show politeness.

12. Most things that we worry about will never happen.

13. Discipline is a lot less painful than regret.

14. If we can picture our dreams, we can find the motivation to achieve them.

15. Thinking about our problems causes much more fear than addressing them.

16. Trying new things is always a journey.

17. Most food that is packaged, bagged and canned is not healthy.

18. Very few things are worth the cost shown on the price tag.

20. Buying experiences rather than items is more fulfilling over the long-term.

21. People born in California rarely move to the east coast.

22. Immigrants have made developed nations better – almost every time.

23. Words carry incredible power, for the good and the bad.

24. Indiscriminately cursing makes one sound ignorant.

25. The best education for life takes place far away from the classroom.

26. Giving a smile to someone who’s hurting is an inspirational act.

27. Children don’t have a very good attention span.

28. Taking action in the name of “justice” often brings out the worst in people.

29. There are lessons to be learned from the past, but not too many.

30. A great mind doesn’t matter if one is idle.

31. Giving our word is not to be taken lightly.

32. We are much more resilient than we think.Starting late is a slight better than never starting at all.

33. Most reality television shows are worthless.

34. Life is far too short not to live out our passions.

35. The best people often arise from the worst circumstances.

36. A high-quality mattress is one of your best investments.

37. We’ll never know what the future holds.

38. Worrying is one of life’s most useless activities.

39. When thinking back a hundred years ago, we all think “How did they live like that?”

40. Mindfulness and meditation are immensely powerful practices.

41. Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.

42. Our animals are very much our family.

43. Distractions are the #1 killer of productivity.

44. We should all give a little time to something greater than ourselves.

45. There’s always someone smarter or better at something than you.

46. The rights of minorities are something to be preserved and fought for.

47. Most suffering in the world is caused by man and can be overcome by man.

48. Father Time will win any matchup.

49. Contemplating the Universe is a mind-bending experience.

50. Nearly every marketing message is misleading in some way.

51. We’re all entitled to our own opinion; nobody is entitled to be ignorant.

52. Self-mastery is a long, difficult fight…but worthwhile.

53. Taking responsibility for oneself is an absolute necessity for success.

54. There can never be too many environmentalists.

55. Good teachers, firefighters, and police are all underpaid.

56. Too many people go to bed hungry every night.

57. Feeling too uncomfortable hinders advancement.

58. A great artist at work is an amazing sight to behold.

59. Honesty is always the best policy.

60. Our Universe is one of laws – we are no different; what we give, we get back.

61. Kids do not get outside enough anymore.

62. Nobody likes political ads.

63. People that litter are clueless.

64. There is too much dogma and not enough tolerance.

65. Hating someone is the worst type of negative energy.

66. We don’t have the right to judge anyone; all paths are different.

67. We can’t control the things that happen to us, but we can control how we respond.

68. People often think about their legacy much too late in life.

69. Children should be encouraged to daydream more, not less.

70. An afternoon nap is always awesome.

71. Good food makes almost everything better.

72. Having the ability to focus on the task is one of life’s most valuable skills.

73. The energy of the Universe is limitless.

74. Reading a good book is one of the best investments of our time.

75. Our world needs more selfless people.

5 Truths That Will Make You A Better Person

Uncovering truths can be painful if we think there’s a chance that our beliefs may be proven false. On some level, we see this with people who never admit they’re wrong regardless of evidence to the contrary. This is essentially the type of thinking that Nietzsche advocated against; though the man was certainly guilty of closed-mindedness in his own life.

“People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The point here is that a tendency to deflect simple truths in favor of our preconceived notions is counterproductive. When we consistently deny truths, we’re consciously affirming that living in denial is our reality. Notice the sad irony in that last statement?

As logical beings blessed with an immense capacity for thought, we possess the unique ability to embrace the truth as its revealed and live accordingly. To be clear, this is not pertaining to spiritual beliefs (despite what Nietzsche may say on the subject).

Instead, the truths that follow pertain to the world as it is now. As we know, living in a fallible world can be an uncertain, difficult journey. Let’s dissect some of these simple truths and make ourselves better people in the process!

Here are five tough truths that will make you a better person:


1. There are forces against us that fight self-improvement

We’re not talking about transcendent forces that religious dogma subscribes to. This relates specifically to the inner and outer resistance encountered when trying to become a better person.

Inner resistance to change is perhaps our biggest obstacle. The human mind is an absolutely incredible, powerful force – but it’s not without flaws. Perhaps the mind’s most conspicuous fault is its ability to manipulate our thoughts and actions. People experience this resistance all the time with failed resolutions to get in better shape, quit smoking, eat healthier, spend less, etc. The human brain is equipped with defense mechanisms that vehemently oppose any effort to tame it.

Then there are those around us that inexplicably don’t want us to succeed. Strangely, these individuals feel threatened when they see someone else trying to become a better person – often out of envy and insecurity. When these folks see someone else’s improvement, feelings of inadequacy and guilt often surface since they haven’t taken the same initiative for themselves. Ideally, we would celebrate each other’s victories and empathize with their setbacks. Unfortunately, this is often not the case.

2. Most people don’t care about us on the inside

A fact about most people: they don’t care about our “inner person.” The majority only cares about what we produce. Thank heavens for friends and family, right? Without them, the world would be a much more difficult place to tolerate, much less thrive in.

While we would all love for people to accept us for our inner selves, this is simply (and unfortunately) not the case. At work, we’re measured by what we’ve done lately. Society judges us based on what we possess. Physical appearance often takes precedence over innate qualities. We’re critiqued on our clothing, houses, cars and balance in our bank accounts. People make assumptions about our intelligence, motives, and personalities.

Here’s the question we need to ask ourselves: do we give others a reason to judge? In other words, are we behaving in a way that is conducive to our inner self or not? Whether someone is aware of our character is irrelevant – we’re aware. Our inner conscious – our better selves – should manifest itself in our deeds.

If others are judging us without reason that’s their problem; if our inner selves and our actions contradict each other, it’s up to us to change that. We deserve nothing less than striving to become better people.

3. We’re prone to defeatism

In going back to that resistance theme earlier: it can defeat us if we’re not diligent. The truth is that there are millions and millions of people around the world who are – in their own minds – defeated. They may not label what they’re experiencing as defeatism; in some cases, they’re not even conscious of it. They’re just passively resigned to their current predicament.

So, how do we defeat defeatism? We overcome a defeatist attitude through diligence and action. We must first become aware of its presence, and then take the necessary action to effectively counteract its negative influence. In short, we can’t rationalize or will a defeatist mentality out of our lives. We have to take the initiative in order to become a better person.

Whether it’s our finances, relationships, health or something else, we can change our mentality simply by coming up with a plan and then taking one step at a time. Action will take care of resistance.

4. We’re not entitled to everything

For reasons unknown, some people still continue to think that they’re entitled to something they haven’t earned.  The topic of entitlement is discussed in multiple arenas – business, government, and personal life included. The question of entitlement has been debated repeatedly and has even led to political uprisings, wars, famines, rebellions and other societal upheavals.

There are many different ways people feel and act entitled – far too many to be listed here. This sense of entitlement can be physical, psychological and behavioral in nature. It can be monetary or non-monetary. It can be in public or in private. There is one common denominator in nearly every circumstance: the misguided belief that one deserves preferential treatment over another.

Here’s what the world has repeatedly said: nobody should believe they’re entitled to anything…at all, ever. If a person has the capability to produce something, they should produce something. When we’re a member of society, we should expect to play by the rules. When out in public, we must be respectful and treat others as equals.

Naturally, a sense of entitlement feeds our susceptibility to self-sabotage and daily resistance that we’re all faced with. Just remember: there are millions of people that have overcome tremendous odds and left the world a better place. We owe it to ourselves, our fellow human beings and our planet to do no less.

5. Shortcuts are a myth

When the Powerball jackpot reached $1.5 billion recently, local grocers and gas stations had to contend with hordes of people waiting to get their “lucky ticket.” Some spent hundreds of dollars on multiple tickets, only to be hundreds of dollars poorer the next day. The odds of winning the Powerball: 1 in 292,201,338 – roughly the same odds of being killed by an asteroid. No kidding.

On many levels, it’s understandable. A lot of folks are enticed by the prospect – no matter how small – of winning an exorbitant amount of money and living worry free for the rest of our lives.

Aside from a very select few, one of life’s main rules has always remained constant: if we want to achieve success in anything, we have to work at it and we must be persistent. The vast majority of the world’s most successful authors, actors, businesspeople and so forth achieved their goals only after years of diligent work, rejection and failure.

If we’re to achieve our own version of success, there must be mindset of “do whatever it takes.”

10 Gifts A Deceased Loved One May Be Sending You

Could it be possible that a deceased loved one is leaving gifts for you? Maybe you came across something that reminded you of them and it seemed like more than just a coincidence.

What do these signs from someone who has passed mean?

According to a Pew Research study, about 74% of Americans believe in life after death. 20% of Americans believe that it is possible to communicate with our deceased loved ones after they are gone.

Mediums, fortune-tellers, and psychics are those who specialize in contacting the dead. Their specialty is communicating with them on behalf of the living.

There are also ghost hunters who seek out the deceased in abandoned places or homes where someone has reported unexplained phenomena, like things being moved about.

There are many ways for a loved one to reach out to you, and you can read more about them here:

Gifts from a deceased loved one are one way that they may try to contact you.

You may or may not believe in the ability for your loved one to speak to you from beyond death. But you may have had the experience of finding an object that reminds you of that person so strongly that you are sure it is from them.

10 Gifts A Deceased Loved One May Be Sending You

deceased loved one


Feathers, of any color, can be a gift that your deceased loved one is sending you.

The wings of birds are nearer to heaven than we are. Thus, your deceased loved one may be using them as messengers.

When a feather is in your path, look up. Then think of your loved one and speak their name aloud if you dare.

Your deceased loved may be sending you this gift to remind you that they are still watching over you.


Seashells out of their ordinary place near the beach are as uncommon as it is for someone to communicate with the dead.

When you see shells in your path or aren’t expecting them, this could be a gift your loved one is sending.

Enjoy and value them. For their appearance will surely remind you of a fond memory of a loved one.


The phrase “pennies from heaven” is based on the belief that some people have that a found penny is actually a message from a deceased loved one.

Psychic medium Amanda Linette Meder says that pennies and dimes both mean that you are valuable, loved, and being watched over by your deceased loved one.



Graffiti, a shop sign, a street sign, or an advertisement can speak to you when you aren’t expecting it.

The word or words that you see immediately make you think of your deceased loved one.

Signs like these words are a gift from your loved one that is being sent to you as a sign of action that you may need to take.

Your loved one is looking out for you. In fact, they may try to get you to go in a certain direction, literally.

If it was a street sign, go ahead and turn down this road and see where it leads. If it was a shop, go in.

See what your deceased loved one was trying to send you.

Butterflies, bees, dragonflies, or hummingbirds

The lovely, hovering wings of nature are a gift to the eyes when we see them but they also could be a message from your loved one. Angels are the messengers of God but these smaller creatures send messages for the deceased.

When you see them, think of your loved one for a moment. By making that mental connection, you are receptive to the message that they are sending you. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions to uncover the message that is meant for you.


Hearing a song that reminds you of your deceased loved one is common, but when there is no explanation for the song, it is a sign from your deceased loved one. Music usually has associations with a time and a place. Your loved one is sending you the gift of this memory of them.


Most of us dream. But when you have a dream that reminds you of someone who has passed, it is a gift your loved one sends you. Try to interpret the meaning and look for other signs to guide you.

Orbs in photos

Was there dust on your lens or was it a sign from your deceased loved one? Check your camera but if there’s nothing there, this is your loved one being near and protecting you.

Body double

If you think that you have spotted your loved one, approach and find out that it wasn’t them of course, it is a message from your deceased loved one.

The message from your loved one is simply a gift of love and fond remembrance of their time here with you.

deceased loved one


A deceased loved one is sending you a message when you see either repeating numbers or numbers with special meaning to them, like their birth date.

The meaning of this gift can vary, depending on the numeral.

Psychic medium Amanda Linette Meder says this:

“The meaning of the number one is significant, as number one is usually associated with the meaning of a Oneness, as in a One God, a One Spirit, or of One Body and One Spirit united.”

15 Lazy Ways to Be Healthier

If you’re searching for ways to be healthier without trying, it’s a matter of making small changes in your environment. If you had to take 3 flights of stairs for some M&Ms but veggie snacks were right in front of you, the lazy person would choose the healthy snack that was closer, right?

Think about your own habits and the small changes that you can make to put a healthy option in front of you rather than an unhealthy option; then, you’ll be able to get healthier without really trying.

Here are 15 ways to be healthier (without any real effort):

1. Cook more and freeze the extras

While you’re busy making dinner, triple your recipe and freeze 2 full meals for the next time you are craving fast food or don’t have the energy to cook a healthy meal. This can also serve as a lazy way to lose weight, because you won’t have to cook for a few nights, and the food will be much healthier than what you could get at a restaurant.

2. Sleep in your workout clothes

Want to workout in the morning but find it hard to get moving? When you wake up wearing your gym shorts and sports bra, you’ll be more likely to slip on your sneakers and get going, making it one of the best lazy ways to lose weight.

3. Tell people you are going to the gym

The more people who know about it, for example on social media, the more people you will feel accountable to. You don’t want to let them down or have them call you a liar so you are more likely to follow through on your commitment. You don’t really have to do much extra for this to work, making it a lazy way to lose weight without really trying.

4. Park farther away

Just a couple parking spaces further from the door will give you extra steps every day. That little bit of extra walking adds up over time, making it one of the easiest lazy ways to lose weight. We could suggest the same for stairs, but after all, if you’re reading this you might be a little lazy.

5. Sleep more

One of the lazy ways to lose weight without trying is to sleep more. Get at least 7 hours per night to stay healthy; but not more than 8 hours per night. Researchers have shown that both too little and too much sleep are risk factors for obesity.

6. Flex while you sit

Another one of the lazy ways to lose weight fast is to squeeze different muscle groups while you sit at your desk or watch TV. Squeeze your buttocks and hold for a count of 8, release and squeeze again. You can repeat this for your thighs, abs, etc.

7. Eat with your non-dominant hand

Eat with your left hand if you are right-handed. Another option for easy ways to get healthier, it will slow down the speed that you are able to put food in your mouth. Slowing your rate of eating can help you to feel full faster. Hopefully the extra time will lead you to stop eating before you clean your plate.

8. Picture something gross on whatever you’re craving

Craving movie popcorn? Imagine a roach crawling over that buttery stuff and you might just change your mind about that craving. See, you can find ways to be healthier without trying, even if those methods seem a bit strange at first.

9. Fidget

Even tiny movements can add up to big results over time, and plus, these are easy, lazy ways to lose weight. Fidgeting is better than sitting still when it comes to calorie burning. Constant, low-level activity over a long duration is like endurance training on a tiny level.

10. Eat off of blue plates

There are very few foods that we naturally eat that are blue in color. Our brains are programmed to associate certain colors with food and appetite than others. Green, red, yellow, orange and brown are more common food colors and these are more likely to trigger our salivary glands and food desires than blue.

11. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry, not when you’re full

After a Thanksgiving meal you feel so full that you can hardly think about pie. Clearly you should stop eating before you feel that level of overly full. Think about your hunger on a sliding scale from haven’t eaten anything for 2 days to after a Thanksgiving meal. Instead of stopping when you are full, stop eating when you are no longer hungry; a very simple action, but nonetheless, an easy way to get healthier.

12. Eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch

Have you ever noticed how you eat much more food at a buffet than you would at home? The more variety we have in our diet, the more we tend to eat. Make your meals boring and you’ll want them less. For example, restrict yourself to soup only for lunches all week; it might take some getting used to, but it is still an easy way to get healthier.

13. Eat off of smaller plates

If you went to an antique store for dinner plates you would see that the size of our dinner plates has grown in the last 50 years or so. What we would call a salad plate today was the size of a normal dinner plate at in the 1950’s. The same is true for coffee cups, bowls and even glassware.

14. Go high tech

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier so enlist the help of some apps on your phone to keep you on track. You can find apps for healthy eating, physical activity, and personal health and wellness as well apps to help with mental and emotional health. Set up push notifications for reminders to get active or stay on track with your diet. This requires little work on your part, making it a truly lazy way to lose weight fast.

Wearable digital technology like the Fitbit increases your awareness of your activity level as well as other measurements of your health like heart rate. One study found that the more game-like fitness technology was, the more likely someone was to use it regularly. Find a device that you can have fun with and let it do the work of a personal fitness assistant for you.

15. Blame something else, not your lack of motivation

In a study of reasons why people might not exercise, those who gave reasons that were external, like a car breaking down or the gym not being open were more likely to exercise than those who blamed their own lack of energy or motivation.

It seems that if you don’t consider yourself too lazy to work out, you are more likely to make the effort. Change your attitude about exercise, and you’ll find this is one of the best ways to improve your health.

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