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10 Signs You’re In A One-Sided Relationship

A one-sided relationship can be exhausting for the person who is not in control. You begin to feel like things are unfair when it comes to the balance of your love. If you’re feeling a bit off-balance, here are 10 possible signs that you’re in a one-sided relationship.

10 Signs You’re In A One-Sided Relationship


1. You’re tired of giving

A relationship should be give and take, but one of you is doing all the giving and the other takes more than their share. You remembered your partner’s birthday but they forgot yours. You brought home a surprise take out dinner but they never return the favor.

The one-sided giving doesn’t have to be monetary either. Are you the one always giving your partner pleasure in the bedroom, but when they have their fun they roll over and go to sleep?

2. Trust in a relationship is a one-way street

Your partner told their work colleague about that part of your anatomy that you are self-conscious about and it got back to you. Even a small betrayal of trust can hurt a relationship dramatically. How can you trust your partner with small secrets if you can’t trust them with bigger ones?

3. Your friends or family don’t approve of the relationship

Your relationship is one-sided if you know that your friends and/or family don’t approve of your mate. They have probably observed selfish behavior and a pattern of disrespect and do not want that for you.

4. You are the keeper of the relationship history

You know when your first date was, your first kiss, and the anniversary of the first time you made love, but your partner is oblivious to these significant events. If you are the event-planner for your relationship, it could signify a one-sided relationship.

5. You know nothing about your partner’s family

Although you have made an effort to bring your romantic relationship and your family together, your partner has never done the same for you. It’s as though you’ve been kept a secret from any of their relatives.

6. You do all of the emotional work in the relationship

Researchers call caring for others’ emotions the “emotional work” of relationships. A study in the Journal of Family Issues reported that in a study of the psychological health of 102 couples with children:

  • Family members do work to meet people’s emotional needs, improve their well-being, and maintain harmony.
  • When emotional work is shared equally, both men and women have access to emotional resources in the family.
  • However, like housework and child care, the distribution of emotional work is split into male and female roles.

Keeping the relationship in an emotional balance is difficult work. If your partner isn’t supporting your feelings as you support theirs, you are in a one-sided relationship.

7. You do more than your fair share of housework.

You walk the dog, do the dishes more, clean the house, and prepare dinner far more often than your partner does; why are things so one-sided when it comes to whose responsibility it is for getting things done?

Your partner should want to display their love for you through the little things. Saying “I love you” is far more than just expressing it verbally. Some of the truest “I Love You’s” come in the form of these daily chores that they don’t mind helping with.

8. You spend more money on your partner than they do on you

When it comes to the finances of your relationship, you pick up the check more often than your partner does. Not that you are keeping track of how much you have spent on them, but you get a general sense that there is a lack of balance between your level of contribution and your partner’s.

Sometimes one of you feels the need to control the finances, which according to one study can affect the level of satisfaction in a relationship. When one person controls the economics of the partnership, the other one has less control and tends to place blame on their partner for restricting their ability to make decisions with money.

9. Your partner doesn’t seem to care.

You were gone all day but your partner never bothered to ask you where you were or what you were doing. Did they even notice you were gone? When your partner seems unconcerned about what you did with your day, they are treating you more like a casual roommate than a romantic partner.

Partners care for each other and they demonstrate that by expressing an interest in their mate’s activities. No, your partner shouldn’t be grilling you for information, but they should at least be curious about what they encountered out in the world without them.


10. You suspect you may love your partner more than they love you.

The relationship had felt one-sided in your heart too. With fewer signs of caring than you had hoped for from your partner, you start to wonder if they don’t love you as much as you love them.

Romantic partners who see their lover flirting with another potential romantic partner shouldn’t feel jealous if they have a decent sense of self-worth, however, it is natural to be curious about the nature of their relationship. If your partner hasn’t even noticed that you were kind of flirting with the cashier, it’s a sign that you are in a one-sided relationship.

15 Ways To Improve Your Eye Health

According to a Gallup survey, seven out of ten Americans wear some type of corrective lenses. 40% of those people have considered laser eye surgery to correct their vision, but this surgery can permanently damage vision, as well as cause chronic dry eyes, and other complications. Instead of opting for a dangerous, irreversible surgery, what if you could use natural remedies to at least improve your eye health and eyesight, even slightly?

Many natural herbs and plants have been proven to increase eye health, and while you might not have 20/20 vision after using them, you may have better eyesight than before, and save yourself from costly bills and a dangerous surgery.

Here are 15 natural remedies that will improve your eye health:

1. Saffron

Saffron, used in many traditional Indian dishes, can also help save your eyesight and prevent UV radiation damage. It can also slow the progression of macular degeneration, which eventually leads to blindness. Two compounds found in saffron believed to improve eye health include safranal and crocin, members of the carotenoid family. Carotenoids include beta carotene, a type of Vitamin A that can improve eyesight and also protect against cancer.

2. Pycnogenol

The powerful antioxidant found in France can repair capillaries in the eyes, and therefore reduce leakage into the retina. Other studies have found that pycnogenol can also improve microcirculation, increase visual acuity, and prevent retinal edema.

3. Silymarin

You can find this compound in milk thistle, which can help maintain a healthy liver. The liver stores fat soluble vitamins, glutathione, and B vitamins, which all support healthy eyes.

4. Bilberries

Anthocyanides found in bilberries might improve eye health by protecting the retina, and including bilberries in your diet may also prevent macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.

5. Gingko biloba

The gingko plant and its extracts have been used to treat a variety of different ailments. They’ve shown promise in treating vision problems in people with diabetes, improving color vision when patients take the extract orally. Also, it might help improve existing damage to the visual field in people with glaucoma.

6. Bentonite clay

Bentonite clay can pull toxins from the body, reduce eye strain, and even help heal eye infections. In some cases, people have used it to treat cataracts.

7. Fennel

According to, fennel contains many nutrients that can improve eye health. These include Vitamin A and C, powerful antioxidants that can protect against macular degeneration and cataracts.

8. Cayenne

Cayenne, a potent anti-inflammatory, can increase blood flow to the eyes and relieve swelling around mucus membranes.

9. Jaborandi

Jaborandi, an herb found in the rainforest, has been used for many years to treat patients with glaucoma. It contains pilocarpine, an alkaloid compound which prompts the constriction of the pupils and decreased pressure in the eye.

10. Coleus

According to WebMD, forskolin, a chemical found in the roots of the Coleus plant, can be used in drop form to treat people with glaucoma. These drops also have the potential to decrease intraocular pressure and increase blood flow in the eyes.

11. Endive juice

Endive, which contains high levels of Vitamin A, can help restore poor eyesight in people with myopia, or nearsightedness. You can also combine it with carrot or parsley juice for even better results.

12. Raw garlic

Garlic contains high amounts of selenium, which can help to increase antioxidants in the body and improve eye health. Some people use it to heal macular degeneration, eating two or three cloves per day for the best results.

13. Carrot juice

Carrots have been associated with healthy eyes for quite some time now, as carrots contain a high amount of Vitamin A, a vital nutrient for good vision. You can either juice carrots to get the nutrients, cut them up and eat them as a snack, or whichever way you prefer to enjoy them.

14. Coriander

Coriander contains a high amount of antioxidants as well, making it a great natural remedy for maintaining eye health and preventing diseases of the eye.

15. Raw almonds

Almonds are loaded with Vitamin E, which can slow down macular degeneration, protect the eyes from free radicals, and delay cataract formation, according to research.

In addition to these natural remedies, make sure you take breaks from technology throughout the day, as staring at one object for hours at a time can strain your eyes and harm your vision. Also, make sure you eat a balanced diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables, and try to perform relaxation techniques, which will help reduce stress in and around the eyes.

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain

For those who haven’t heard of the name, Michio Kaku is a world-renowned theoretical physicist and futurist who has penned multiple books on science matters. One of the books that Kaku wrote, ‘The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind,’ delves into what the future holds for the human brain.

Kaku covers topics including telepathy, telekinesis, consciousness, artificial intelligence and transhumanism. This last topic – transhumanism – is actually a movement that aims to advance the human condition through the development and creation of technologies. Ideally, those that subscribe to this school of thought want to see humans enhance their intelligence, physical nature, and psychology with technology.

“We have learned more about the brain in the last fifteen years than in all prior human history, and the mind, once considered out of reach, is finally assuming center stage.” – Michio Kaku

What Is Biohacking?

brain health

Cognitive enhancement is likely to be the next significant scientific breakthrough in human health. Multiple legal and illegal products already on the market promise to increase one’s brainpower and intelligence.  In other words, brain hacking via technology is becoming a reality.

Let’s provide the definition of “brain hacking” quickly. Brain hacking (or “neurohacking”) is simply the alteration – usually improvement – of the normal functioning of our brain and central nervous system (CNS).

This leads us to our next point: it’s already possible to hack your brain. Maybe not through bleeding-edge technology just yet, but it’s possible nonetheless.  This is because of the brain’s own ability to enhance its functionality and structure – also called neuroplasticity.

It’s already been discovered that our brains can create new neural pathways. At one point not long ago, it was a “fact” that brain functionality was fixed – we were born with our intelligence and capabilities and that was it. Not so. As it turns out, the human brain has this remarkable ability to reshape and adapt itself. What does this mean for us?

Simply put, it means that we can enhance our cognitive ability while fundamentally changing ourselves in the process. This inherent malleability of our brain is a tremendously exciting and potentially life-changing concept that can be applied in every area of our lives. We can be happier, work more efficiently, improve our productivity, strengthen our spirituality and so forth. The possibilities are indeed endless; limited only by our own imagination. If we’re willing to embrace this concept and put in the required effort, we can reap extraordinary benefits.

What follows are five different ways to implement the revolutionary idea of brain hacking that we may find directly applicable to our daily lives.

Here are 5 ways to hack your brain:

brain myths

1. Eliminate stress through laughter

Laughter is an incredibly powerful action. When we laugh, our stress hormones and blood pressure drop; blood flow and oxygenation to our cells and organs increases, and endorphins – the “pleasure” chemical – in the body and brain spikes.

We’ve all been in highly stressful situations – it feels as if all the oxygen in the room has completely vanished. Laughter has the magical effect of restoring normalcy to chaos because of the multitude of positive changes that takes place within our brain and body. In effect, this is a hack that alters our chemical state.

However, there are times when the last thing we feel like doing is laughing, right? Well, do it anyway. Here’s why: our body has a difficult time discerning between our actions that are authentic and those that are not. Here’s what one psychology expert said after conducting a study on artificial laughter:

“Once the brain signals to the body to laugh, the body doesn’t care why. It’s going to release endorphins; it’s going to relieve stress as a natural physiological response to the physical act of laughing.”

2. Create better thoughts through a “stop doing” list

Most of us, at one time or another, have created a to-do list. Some people religiously subscribe to such a list to keep them organized and productive, while others absolutely detest the idea. Many a productivity expert state that a to-do list is beneficial, citing it as a valuable tool that helps to manage both time and stress levels.

A “stop doing” list may be a welcome addition for those that appreciate lists to keep them on track. The reason: every one of us has habits of thinking or behaving that we want to eliminate. A “stop doing” list is designed to get to take note of these habits and replace them with more productive ones.

To create this list requires complete objectivity on our part. It’s uncomfortable to write down the deeply ingrained and undesirable habits that we’ve acquired. However, this list creates a tangible reminder of our situation and prompts our brain into action.

So write down those habitual bugaboos and post the list some place (or multiple places) around the house. Look at the list every day and make the decisions necessary to overcome what’s on it!

3. Use a pen and paper for better memory

With the rapid advances in technology, the pen and paper have somewhat gone by the wayside. For those of us with smartphones and other mobile devices, an app has been created for pretty much every administrative task imaginable – from banking to shopping lists. Although convenient, an overreliance on digital devices to remember information can weaken our memory.

Writing down information engages the memorization circuitry of our brain, whereas digitally inputting information has minimal effect. This is especially true for lists, or when trying to remember multiple pieces of information.

In a 2008 study at Indiana University, researchers brought together preschool students that were trying to learn and memorize the alphabet. The first group was shown the letters and told what they were; the second group additional instructions to write the letters down. When placed in an fMRI machine, researchers noticed the difference immediately: children who had written the letters down had far more activity in the brain responsible for memory.

4. Use the opposite hand to reduce anger

Okay, so this may be the oddest (but true) hack of the bunch.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales in the U.K. instructed people with anger management issues to perform basic tasks with their non-dominant hand for two weeks. The premise behind this experiment was simple: in writing with their non-dominant hand, the subjects would have to exercise self-control – the ingredient often missing in emotional outbursts.

After just two weeks, the group had better control over their angry emotions. This remained the case even under intentional duress from the experimenters.

brain scan

5. Single task for better focus

According to neuroscientists, multitasking is a drain on our cognitive resources. Although it may feel “productive,” it’s actually much less effective than focusing on one task at a time. Physiologically, the brain is not capable of efficiently processing two different stimuli at once, with the only exception being for rote tasks that require little effort.

Dr. Josh Davis – renowned neuroscientist and Director of Research for the NeuroLeadership Institute – explains:

“It (multitasking) is a bad practice. Having said that, here’s when multitasking can be okay: when you don’t care about the quality of the work…let’s say you’re doing something fairly routine and uninteresting. You put on the TV in the background just to make it so you’re at least enjoying the time (while doing the routine task)…you’re more likely to make errors, but it might not matter for the task.”

In short, single-task when the work is important for the best results!

What Does Your Hair Reveal About Your Personality?

Your personality is one of those things that your hair can reveal about you. Your crown of hair is one of the first things that people notice about you when you meet. What is your hair telling other people about you?

Some hairstyles have changed over the years, and our acceptance of them has too. In the 1970’s, a man with long hair was less socially acceptable than it would be today. A study from 1978 showed that college students had more negative impressions of a picture of a long-haired man than they did of a short-haired man. These results reflect a stereotypical personality impression of the long-haired hippie that was pervasive at the time.

The Studies on Hair Color

For the same study, facial hair was the opposite for people’s impressions. Consistent with prior research, the bearded male was regarded more positively than the clean-shaven male.

Other studies from the 70’s looked at peoples’ preferences for hair colors as determined by their own hair color. They found that dark-haired men preferred brunette women. Blonde men though were equally divided in preference for blonde or brunette women. Red-headed women had a preference for dark-haired men, while blondes who were not naturally blonde had no preference for blonde or brunette men.

Researchers also found that stereotypes based on hair color were widely held by the participants and that stereotypes differed based on the hair color and sex of the subject in the study.

Clearly our society has progressed since this research was done. However, certain personality traits are more strongly associated with certain hair colors.

For example, if you complete the following by filling in the blank, you can see what we mean: ________ blonde. Did you fill in the blank with ‘ditzy’ or ‘dumb?’ Most people do, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are some of the other personality traits that people think of when they see a certain hair style or color.

What Does Your Hair Reveal About Your Personality?

favorite color

Straight, wavy, or curly

Curls have more fun. or at least that’s the personality trait that people most often associate with curly hair. People with curls are more likely to be seen as wild, exciting and energetic.

A wavy hairstyle is viewed as a fun personality too. Those with waves are more likely to be dreamers and creative personalities. They are often physically active and outdoorsy too.

Those with straight hair seem to be viewed as more refined personality. They are sociable, elegant, and calm.

Natural or processed

Those who go with their natural hair color have personalities that are unconventional. This is especially true for women whose hair is turning grey. There is a social expectation that older women will color their hair to maintain a younger appearance. This is also becoming more true for men as well.

If you choose to color, perm, straighten, or otherwise spend hours at the salon getting just the right look, your personality tends to be more perfectionist. You want your appearance to reflect your preference for control.

Wash and go or Style it

Those who style their hair by curling it, straightening it, drying it or other activities involving small appliances tend to reveal that they long for what they don’t heave already. These personalities don’t mind the time that it takes to achieve a perfect look. They are patient, prefer to be in control and care about other people’s impressions of them.

If your hair personality is more wash and go, you are ready for whatever happens. You are more likely to be sociable and ready to hang out with friends with little advanced notice. You are casual, relaxed, and easygoing. Your hair reveals that very little upsets you.

Loose or updo

You leave your hair down or do you braid it, put it or up in a ponytail or bun’ If you have a hairstyle that is more up than down it reveals that you tend to like control, order, and organization. Those with updos are usually bound to a desk in the corporate world where they have to maintain a well-polished appearance.

There’s a reason that the phrase ‘letting your hair down’ means cutting loose.

The personalities of people with hair that is worn loose are more carefree and open to new possibilities. They are more likely to say yes when you suggest a hike or a weekend road trip.

Blonde, red, brown, black or silver

What does your hair color reveal about your personality? These are some traits that people commonly associate with your personality:

  • Red: Passionate, sexy, vivacious, outgoing, temperamental, and unique
  • Blonde: fun-loving, bold, charming, sexy, outgoing, and physically active
  • Brown: introverted, calm, smart, kind, funny, and successful
  • Black: exotic, sensual, a go-getter, quick-witted, charming, and smart
  • Silver: intelligent, bold, powerful, successful, and confident

Thick or fine

Not everyone can be born with plenty of follicles. Those who have fine hair generally have to work a little harder to achieve a style that’s anything other than the way they look right after a shower. The personality of those with fine hair tends to be patient.

6 Signs You Need To Clear Negative Energy

A fact about life that we quickly learn is that energy ebbs and flows. Something else that we learn quickly is that outside influences can affect our energy state. Positive energy is absolutely contagious, but so is negative energy. It’s this understanding that allows us to be proactive in determining our state of mind and energy.

Energy also has a multiplier effect. If we are in good spirits and in a positive state of mind, we’re much more likely to remain in this state. But then again, the same applies for negative energy. This is why it’s so important to vigilantly guard ourselves from being sucked into a “vortex” of negativity.

“I realized that if my thoughts immediately affect my body, I should be careful about what I think. Now if I get angry, I ask myself why I feel that way. If I can find the source of my anger, I can turn that energy into something positive.” – Yoko Ono

For those that have been in a negative work environment, for example, they’ve felt the underlying tension and collective unhappiness that permeates a group of people. It’s no coincidence that over 75% of people disdain what they do for work – many workplaces are dreaded by the vast majority that occupies it.

Unfortunately, a cycle of negativity happens to nearly everyone. The great thing is that we can all learn to clear this energy. Ask any advanced practitioner of meditation or mindfulness – these people are masters at not allowing their environment or other circumstances to dictate their frame of mind.

With that said, let’s discuss some signs it may be time to clear away negative energy. We’ll also provide some advice on what one can do to counteract the effects of negativity.

Here are 6 telling signs it’s time to clear negative energy:

attracting negativity

1. Constant complaining when in a certain situation

Certain situations can invoke more toxic energy than others. The workplace is probably the most common environment where this happens. It can also be in a relationship or while in the company of certain people. These folks find complaining to be a form of relief and a way of “blowing off steam.”

Solution: Get out of the situation ASAP

Simply put, complaining drains our positive energy and replaces it with negativity. Whatever situation that may be causing us to take on a more pessimistic, gloomy outlook should be expelled from our lives. If the workplace happens to be the source of this negativity, refuse to become absorbed by the complaining of other people. If we find ourselves complaining, we should refuse to engage in such thoughts.

2. A consistent feeling of being angry or on-edge

When anger becomes a persistent emotion, it’s detrimental to our physical and mental health. The stress caused by feeling angry or on-edge surpasses that of any other emotion. Therefore, it’s important to either eliminate or minimize anger by taking some kind of action.

Solution: Become emotionally aware

We all have the ability to identify and label an emotion before it takes hold. We do this by actively monitoring our emotions and taking action if necessary. Taking ownership for our thoughts and feelings is the first step. Then, we need to relax our body and mind in order to ward off the “fight or flight” response. Finally, assess what prompted these feelings and take the appropriate action.

3. Persistent feelings of anxiety and/or depression

Feelings of anxiety and depression are among the most two commonly reported symptoms in the world. Physicians are seen by people suffering from anxiety and depression more than all other illnesses combined. Constantly feeling anxious or depressed is a force of negative energy that needs to be addressed.

Solution: Practice mindfulness meditation

While doctors are all too eager to prescribe some kind of anti-depressant or anxiety drug, it’s often not necessary. In fact, The Journal of the American Medical Association (or JAMA) published a groundbreaking study that found meditation to be as effective, if not more so, than prescription medication in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

4. Interactions with people becoming difficult or exhausting

When we’re in a negative cycle, normal interactions with other people can become mentally, physically and emotionally taxing. This is because we’re too wrapped up and engaged with our own inner monologue to accommodate the added stimulus brought forth through conversation.

Solution: Practice active listening

On the surface, this may appear to be somewhat of a strange recommendation. However, the practice of active listening is beneficial in a couple of different ways. First, the practice diverts our attention outward as opposed to inward, which is where the negative energy lies. Second, it can effectively replace the underlying anxiety encountered by making us more prepared (to respond, ask questions, etc.)

5. Increasingly becoming more critical of self and others

Negativity has a deviously deceptive effect on how we view ourselves and others. The simple explanation is that negative energy requires a release and since we’re often among others, people become easy targets. When we’re alone, this negative energy can often cause us to critique ourselves down to every last perceived flaw.

Solution: Recognize and then stop

As with so many other forms of negative energy, criticism has a multiplying effect. When we’re actively criticizing ourselves or others, we’ll often just function off auto-pilot, effectively ceding control. In recognizing and labeling the presence of criticism, we take back this control. We can then refuse to engage with the fruitless thoughts and emotions that criticism summons.

clear negative energy6. Seeking isolation more frequently

When caught up in a negative energy cycle, many people have the desire to isolate themselves from loved ones. While some alone time is healthy, it’s not healthy to experience a sudden desire for seclusion, especially if this was not the case before.

Solution:  Knowing that people care

Perhaps the most unfortunate effects of being in a negative cycle are the feelings of separation from everyone else. This often results in family and friends becoming increasingly worried about the state of their loved one. Understanding and acknowledging the love and concern felt by those close to us is often enough motivation to reciprocate those feelings, as difficult as it may be.

6 Signs You Shouldn’t End Your Relationship

Your relationship is not perfect and you’ve been wondering if the grass is possibly greener elsewhere, so should you end it? If you haven’t come to a decision about whether or not to break up with your partner, we have a little advice for you.

It is always easier to break something than to fix what is broken, but you don’t throw away a car because it has a broken window; you pay to get it fixed. The same is true of a relationship.

When a relationship ends, there is a period of time where we need to grieve the loss of the connection to that person who was a part of our lives for so long. Researchers who conducted brain scan imaging of people who are grieving the loss of a romantic relationship found that the patterns of activity in the brain are similar to that found in people suffering from depression.

In your relationship, you have made an investment in time, energy, emotion, and other parts of your life. Maybe you shouldn’t end your relationship yet. Here are six signs to help you make a decision about whether breaking it off should be your next move.

6 Signs You Shouldn’t End Your Relationship

professional relationship

1. You have great chemistry

You shouldn’t end your relationship of boring sex life has never been a problem for you two, even now that you’ve been together for a while. If that’s the case, you are indeed lucky to have such amazing chemistry and an innovative partner.

Being able to keep things interesting in the bedroom is a good sign that you shouldn’t end your relationship. No one wants to grow old with someone that they are tired of making love to, but if you and your partner have what it takes to keep things passionate, you may have found a keeper. Read our related article to be sure.

2. You fight over little things

He has the remote and won’t let you watch your show. You made a salad for dinner and he’s a carnivore. The fighting sometimes seems endless in your relationship and you just want it to end.

But do you argue over the big things that matter? If you aren’t fighting over your values, beliefs, or morals then you may be more compatible than you thought. Learn to compromise on the unimportant things and you’ll be much happier in the relationship you already have rather than ending things.

All couples have arguments. You can learn to live with having separate preferences for dinner but at least you share a common set of values that would help you raise an amazing family together.

3. You’re stronger together than apart

Are you a better person when you’re with your partner or when you’re apart? Does your partner challenge you? Do they encourage you and inspire you to be your best? If your partner helps you be your best self, ending your relationship is not a good idea.

Few people can say that they have found someone who is a match for them spiritually, in the sense that their partner helps them to be fulfilled. If your partner looks after your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, you can hardly ask for anything else in a relationship.

4. Your partner supports your dreams

When you told your partner that you wanted to quit your job and be a pastry chef, they said ‘That’s amazing!’ rather than ‘Why on earth would you want to do that?’ you should not end your relationship with this supportive person.

5. You have built something together

When you and your partner have worked toward building a loving family, a business, or a project you intend to keep working on, it’s a sign that you shouldn’t end your relationship.

Ending your relationship now would mean that you will have to keep seeing your ex as you continue to focus on what you are both passionately involved in. That could get quite awkward.


6. Your partner is willing to work at the relationship

If you have someone who makes an effort to tend to your needs, it’s probably a sign that you shouldn’t end your relationship. Having that drive to do what it takes to make a relationship work is indeed a rare thing. Hang on to this one.

On the other hand, if your partner is not willing to make an effort, read our article to see if it’s time to end things after all.

If you decide to end your relationship, at least walk away having learned something. Personal growth can be a part of a unhealthy romantic relationship.

Researchers found that after a breakup, women more often than men reported being able to improve their own characteristics, traits, and beliefs. For example, one person reported that they learned to admit that they were wrong.

Deciding that you should end your relationship is difficult. Once you have grieved for a time, you may wonder if it’s time to find another partner. Read our article 7 Signs You’re Ready for a Relationship Again for advice on your next step.

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