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5 Things Positive People Do Differently

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” – Unknown

Having a positive mindset in a seemingly negative world can be challenging, but you can learn techniques and tricks so that keeping positive becomes second-nature. We stress positivity so much because a healthy mindset is the building block of everything else that happens in your life. Remember, you attract what you are, so by filling your mind and body with as much positivity as you can muster, you will start coming across more uplifting, fulfilling people and experiences.

Some people seem to just ooze positivity no matter what, and maybe we could learn a thing or two from these people.

Here are 5 things positive people do differently:

1. They avoid a victim mentality.

Positive people don’t blame anything outside themselves for the events that happen to them; they realize that they have full control over their own lives and emotions. Anytime you place blame on someone or something else, you relinquish your own power. Positive people take full responsibility for their thoughts and actions, and don’t allow negative thinking to slow them down. While mastering the mind can take a lot of time and dedication, breaking past old barriers and leaving behind toxic ways of thinking can totally transform your life.

If you’d like to read more about positive thinking tips, read our article here.

2. They treat themselves well.

Simply put, positive people love themselves. Because they truly have become their own best friend, they treat themselves like a million bucks. They eat things that will nourish them and give them energy, move their bodies daily, make some time for self-care, and hold a job that truly makes them happy. Positive people live a life that feels like home to them, that makes them feel whole. They know happiness begins within, so they have worked tirelessly to transform any blockages within into openings for more light and positivity to shine through.

They don’t put their health on the back burner; they make time each day for eating well, exercising, meditating, and whatever else makes them feel energized and alive.

3. They don’t look for happiness, they create it.

More than anything else, perhaps, positive people don’t search for happiness. They actively create it each day based on their thoughts, actions, and relationships with others. They have filled themselves with so much positivity, that it naturally spills over and spreads to others. Thus, they don’t need anything outside themselves for happiness, because they have created it from within their own hearts. While other people and events can bring them happiness, of course, they don’t depend on these things to feel good. They’ve cultivated this feeling so that they don’t have to rely on anyone or anything else to provide it for them.

This type of freedom seems elusive, but can be achieved through deep meditation, time for self-care, and truly developing a relationship with yourself.

4. They try new things often.

Positive people don’t stay stuck in a bubbly of safety and security; while the comfort zone might feel cozy and familiar, they realize that nothing much happens there. Growth can’t occur in a stagnant environment, so they make sure to put themselves out there often and have new experiences. Positive people feel fear just like everyone else, but the difference is, they push past that insecurity and doubt despite these feelings. They don’t allow their minds to dictate their lives, instead choosing to defy their thoughts and tell themselves that they have every ounce of strength and ability necessary to achieve new things.

5. They don’t sweat the small stuff.

Positive people don’t let trivial matters get in the way of living a happy life. While life might throw them difficult situations from time to time, they take them in stride and work through them as they come. They don’t let those situations throw them off kilter and destroy their inner peace. They ask themselves, “Is this really worth losing my peace over?”

This allows them to keep things in perspective and remember what really matters in life. One late car payment or a blown tire won’t put a huge dent in their happiness levels, because they understand that life requires negatives to appreciate the positives. They see the silver lining in each situation, and allow the difficult times to teach them important lessons about their journey.

5 Things People With Panic Attacks Want You To Know

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 6 million Americans, or 2.7% of the population, suffer from panic attacks. Women have twice the likelihood of developing panic disorder compared to men. People who have panic disorder experience panic attacks seemingly for no reason at all, and have a fear of recurring attacks.

Some sufferers also develop agoraphobia, or a fear of a specific place or situation. People who have these episodes avoid these places or events due to experiencing an attack before, and associate the place or situation with fear. Approximately one in three people with panic disorder develops agoraphobia.

People who have panic attacks usually feel misunderstood by those who have never experienced one before, so we have compiled this short list of some major points that people with panic attacks want you to know.

Here are 5 things people with panic attacks want you to know:

1. There are no warning signs.

This situation happens spontaneously, with no time to prepare at all. One minute you might feel fine, and the next, it feels like you’re in a war zone and have no idea how you got there. Your heart starts racing, palms start sweating, the room begins to spin, your whole body feels weak, and your breathing gets rapid and uneven. More often than not, it an attack happens in a noisy, crowded place, so the sufferer will want to escape for fresh air and to avoid the stressful situation.

Panic attacks occur because of an excess amount of anxiety, and in nature, the fight or flight response would kick in to help protect us from imminent danger. However, in modern society, sometimes the way we perceive a situation can trigger this same response, and even cause a panic attack if the sufferer has extremely heightened levels of anxiety.

2. They can happen anywhere, for no reason at all.

Panic attacks don’t always happen in large, bustling places; they can happen during sleep, while sitting at home in your room, and might not have a precursor. This condition can run in families, but not always. The scariest part for a person with panic attacks is that they can’t predict when another one will come along. This leads many people to avoid places and situations that they feel might trigger an attack, or a place or situation where they’ve experienced an attack before.

3. It feels like your body is fighting against you.

If you haven’t ever experienced a panic attack, then it’s difficult to understand just how terrifying one feels. People who have panic attacks have described it as feeling like a heart attack, dying, a stroke, and other serious complications. While a panic attack can’t really do long-term damage to the brain or heart, but prolonged stress can certainly lead to other problems down the road.  feels like you can’t control your body, like it does whatever it wants and you just have to watch, horrified and scared for five or ten minutes. Panic attacks might not be life-threatening, but they sure feel like it to those who suffer from them.

4. Controlling them is not easy.

People respond differently to healing techniques, but some might not respond to any of them positively, unfortunately. Natural remedies such as meditation, eating a clean, plant-based diet, herbs, essential oils, and other “alternative” medicines can do wonders, but even these remedies might not totally cure someone of panic attacks. Coping techniques can certainly help the sufferer learn how to manage their panic attacks, but that doesn’t magically take them away.

5. They can lead to other issues.

If they don’t find a cure for their panic attacks, many people become drawn to substances such as alcohol or drugs in order to calm their nerves. While this is understandable, it can lead to addiction as the person requires more and more of the substance in order to feel calm. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol only mask the deeper problem. These episodes can also lead to avoiding society altogether in an attempt to protect themselves from further attacks.

More than anything, people with panic attacks just want you to know that they suffer from something real, even if you can’t see it with your own eyes.

Here’s How Facebook Is Helping People With Severe Depression

Seeing troubled Facebook posts from a friend who is suffering from severe depression makes you want to reach through your screen and help them. And now you will be able to get your friend the help that they need. Facebook is making it easier to help those who are having emotional distress, but you have to do your part too.

In a review of social media and suicide prevention as a public health concern, researchers concluded that “Ultimately, proactively using social media to increase public awareness of and education on mental health issues is a logical modern public health approach that can potentially save lives.”

Here’s How Facebook Is Helping People With Severe Depression

Facebook has had a process in place for helping people who are going through depression and contemplating self-harm since 2011. However, they made improvements in 2015 to get help to those who need it quickly.

Previously, users who awe posts from severely depressed friends could upload screen shots and links to the Facebook suicide center through the help center. This is still an option via this link. You provide the full name of the person who is in distress, capture the link to their profile page, and upload a screenshot of the post that caused you to be concerned.

In the future, Facebook will make it easier to report these posts to get faster help to the person who is suffering from severe depression. You will be able to click to report a post to the Facebook safety team. They will have a team of people who will review the post and send a message to the person who posted the suicidal message.

The message from Facebook says “Hi ___, a friend thinks you might be going through something difficult and asked us to look at your recent post.” “What would you like to do? You matter to us, so we want to offer support if you need it. You’re not alone –  we do this for many people every month.” The post also says “Only you can see this. Anything you do there will be kept private.” The user has an option to click ‘See Post’ or ‘Continue.’depression

Facebook will then provide a screen with options for the user. The screen will offer these options:

What would you like to do?depression

Talk to someone – Reach out to a friend or helpline worker.

Get tips and support – Learn how to work though this using some simple tips.

When the user clicks the button they will be connected to either a crisis support line or information for coping with an emotional crises. The user also has an option to skip the help that is offered.

Now Facebook is making it an easier process to help your friends.

How you can help

How to help:

  • Click the drop down arrow in the upper right corner of the post.
  • Click ‘I think it shouldn’t be on Facebook’
  • Click ‘Something else’
  • Click ‘This displays someone harming himself or planning to harm himself’ (Examples: Self-inflicted wound, weapon held to head, suicide note, promotes eating disorder)

The next screen provides a few options to the person who is reporting it.

If the person is in immediate danger of hurting themselves, report the incident to local emergency services right now. Do not wait.

  • Offer help or support – Message ___ to let them know that you care.
  • Reach out to a friend – It’s important for you to feel supported too. Message a friend about this.
  • Chat with a trained helper – People at Lifeline are online right now and can chat with you confidentially about how to support __.
  • Text a trained crisis counselor at Crisis Text Line –They can offer guidance on how to support _ at this moment. Just text TRUST to 741741.
  • Call Lifeline – Talk with a trained helper for free at 800-273-8255. They can tell you how to support __.
  • Ask us to look at the post – If you think we should know about this post, we’d like to take a look at it as soon as possible and offer support to __. Your name will be kept confidential.

Depressing statistics

Does social media help connect us to each other or does it perpetuate our tendency to be critical of others? Researchers found that “Victims of cyberbullying were almost 2 times as likely to attempt suicide than those who were not. These results also indicated that cyberbullying offenders were 1.5 times as likely to report having attempted suicide than children who were not offenders or victims of cyberbullying.”

Suicide prevention

Anytime someone talks about hurting themselves, you should be concerned for their safety and mental well-being. One of the best things you can do is to tell them that you care about them and that you don’t want them to hurt themselves.

If you believe that someone is in immediate danger, call 911. Police and EMTs are trained to handle these situations. You probably aren’t equipped to get your friend the help that they need, but the professionals are.

If you think someone might be going through a severe depression but is not in any danger of hurting themselves, you can read our article here to learn more about the signs of depression. You can also reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255).

5 Signs You Worry Too Much

With everything that life bombards us with nowadays, worry can take over if we allow it. We have to think about bills, raising our children well, keeping the house clean, working each day, and other things that keep our minds running on overdrive. When we’re running on overdrive, it’s easy to worry too much.

A little stress won’t hurt because everyone deals with challenges at one point or another. However, it should raise some red flags when it becomes a daily habit or incessant nagging that won’t go away.

Worrying can help you plan for the future, but too but of it can cause issues. It is a tool that we can utilize to better our lives, but many people allow it to dictate their every waking moment, which is incredibly unhealthy.

“Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” – Van Wilder

5 Telling Signs That You Worry Too Much


1. You Can’t Ever Relax

We all will deal with stressful situations in our lives at some point. Stress can help us make tough decisions and allow us to transform into better people. However, when this stress creeps up and disrupts your daily life, this is a clear indicator of chronic unease or generalized anxiety disorder.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 3.1% of the adult population suffers from this disorder. If you have persistent anxious thoughts that disrupt your daily life, it’s a sign of excessive anxiety. If you worry too much, take deep breaths, ask yourself if this is worth losing your peace, and bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Anxiety creeps up on us when we allow our minds to wander too far into the future, so using our breath to anchor us in the present can do wonders to dispel anxious thoughts.

2. You Have Trouble Falling Asleep

Many people who worry too much also have trouble getting decent sleep. It can cause your thoughts to race uncontrollably, which makes it very difficult to relax into sleep. According to researchers at Duke University, “…insomnia may predispose people to anxiety and depression, just as anxiety and depression may predispose people to insomnia.”

Racing thoughts and anxiety can overtake your mind so much that it keeps you up at night, which can take a toll on your health in the long term. It might help if you learn about natural ways to fall asleep easier at night.

3. You Use Food, Alcohol, or Drugs to Suppress Your Worry

Another sign that you stress too much is using a substance to deal with your emotions. Suppressing your feelings with drugs, alcohol, or food might feel good in the short term, but it can do a lot of damage. It affects your mental and physical health in the long term.

Instead of reaching for that processed snack or bottle of beer when you feel anxious, find a way to gather your thoughts and center your awareness. Read, write, draw, or take a hot bath to calm your nerves healthily. Your mind and body will very much appreciate it!

4. You Always Think of the Worst-case Scenario

Naturally, humans scan our immediate environment for threats to our safety. We have an inborn ability and need to do this to survive. However, this can sometimes be a nuisance and hazard to our mental health.

For instance, if your mom or dad is driving on the highway, you might think of every bad thing that could happen to them while driving. Of course, we want our loved ones to remain safe, but obsessing over events that likely won’t occur only takes away our inner peace.

Any time you catch yourself having these types of thoughts, try to replace them with more uplifting ones, and if you want, send out positive wishes and thoughts to those who you feel might need them.

5. You Have Recurring Health Problems

Worry causes inflammation within the body, which leads to all sorts of ailments, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Sore muscles
  • Stiff joints
  • Weakened immune system
  • And much more

If you get sick quite frequently, first check in with your mind. Diseases begin in your mind, so a scattered, overwhelmed thought process causes this energy to travel into the body.

Always make sure to give yourself time for meditation, yoga, or some other practice you find relaxing to keep your mind centered, healthy, and performing at its best

8 Ways to Reduce Worry in Your Life

If your worries seem to take over your life, it’s time to learn a few new ways to cope. You can reduce troublesome thoughts by implementing a few anxiety-relieving techniques.


1. Practice Self-Care and Relaxation

Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety in your life. Eat nutritious foods, stay active, and do things you enjoy. Spend time expressing your creativity, getting in touch with your spiritual needs, and fostering healthy relationships.

It might help to prioritize your life, determining which activities you need more of. Self-care can help you live a healthier, happier life with less anxiety. Relaxation helps immensely, too.

Learning to relax helps you overcome the overwhelming thoughts that consume your mind. Relaxation allows you to improve your fight-or-flight response as you find ways to work through anxious thoughts.

2. Find Something to Laugh About.

Laughter is the perfect distraction from your worries, allowing you to focus on something else for a while. It eliminates distressing emotions while shifting your perspective. Plus, it helps you realistically see the situation rather than how your anxious thoughts want you to see it.

Laughing triggers the release of endorphins, feel-good chemicals that promote happiness. The feeling lasts even after you stop laughing, helping you maintain an optimistic outlook. It eases anxiety and stress, improves mood, and makes you more resilient to hardship.

Think about what makes you laugh and make it a point to participate. Watch funny videos, a stand-up comedy, or spend time with a friend who makes you laugh. Whatever it is, make sure you don’t hold back.

3. Focus on Something Else

Any positive or beneficial distraction will help you stop worrying so much about things you can’t control. Once you find your distraction, you’ll forget about your problems for a while. Some ideas include going for a walk, watching your favorite show, or reading an intriguing book.

Any activities you enjoy are good ones to focus on rather than thinking about your troublesome thoughts. Sometimes even making lists can distract you enough to forget for a while.

Make a list of all the things you want to do in the future, and focus on things you can easily do. If you want to break it down, you can even make separate lists of what you can do at home, in the car, or at work.

4. Write in a Journal

Studies show that writing in a journal is a beneficial way to handle stress and eliminate anxious thoughts. It helps you release negative and overwhelming thoughts as you write them out and process what’s going on. If it helps, write about your negative thoughts, and then write new positive ones to replace them.

You can also keep a gratitude journal that helps you focus on the good things in your life. When you think about positive aspects of your situation, it’ll help you let go of your worries.

Another positive journal you can keep is a success journal. In this one, you’ll write down all of your successes, no matter how small you think they are. It helps you stay positive no matter what threatens to disrupt your thoughts.

5. Go for a Walk Outside

Walking is an excellent way to relieve stress because it involves repetitive movements of large muscle groups. If you go for a walk regularly, you’ll experience stronger benefits, too, so don’t wait.

Start a walking routine right away, making it a point to go at the same time every day. You can go in the morning before work or in the evenings after dinner. Another option is to go for a walk on your lunch break, which will ease work stress, too.

Regular exercise decreases the number of stress hormones in your body. Plus, it releases endorphins, improving your mood and relieving pain. It also improves sleep quality, helping ease stress and anxiety during the day.

6. Turn to Your Support System

When you can’t stop worrying, turn to people you trust who support you. Anxiety might make you feel like being alone, but it won’t help you overcome the thoughts. When you talk to a friend or family member, you’ll feel more relaxed and optimistic.

Hearing the perspective of someone who wants what is best for you can help change your mindset. However, don’t let your worries consume the conversation, or you’ll continue to feel overwhelmed. Once you discuss the issue, move on to something positive.

If you aren’t comfortable going to a loved one, you can also turn to a support group or therapist for help. They can help you process what you’re going through, allowing you to work it out in a safe space.

7. Spend Time in Nature

Being outside is good for your mind and body, helping relieve anxiety and stress. Nature can distract you from your problems, and studies show that it reduces anger, fear, and stress. The same research indicates that it promotes positive feelings.

Spending time in nature improves your overall well-being, making it easier to push away worrisome thoughts. It reduces blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate, and stress hormone production.

8. Listen to Soothing Music

Music affects your emotions and can reduce stress and anxiety. Soothing music slows your heart rate and pulse, lowers blood pressure, and decreases stress hormone production. It can also serve as a distraction from your worries and fears.

Anytime you feel stressed or overwhelmed, turn on music that makes you feel calm. Even if you don’t think you want to listen to music at that moment, give it a shot and see what happens. However, your mood will improve, and you’ll become more productive.

worryFinal Thoughts on Learning How to Let Go of Worry

Worry is a part of life, but it shouldn’t consume your thoughts and affect daily life. If you notice any signs that you do it too much, it’s time to regain control. When you find ways to stop worrying so much, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in your life. You’ll feel happier and more optimistic, recognizing all the good around you.

10 Brain Tricks That Give You Super Powers

The human brain is the last, and greatest, scientific frontier. It is truly an internal cosmos that lies contained within our skulls. – Joel Davis, ‘Mapping the Mind: The Secrets of the Human Brain & How It Works’

Mr. Davis penned these prophetic words in 1997 – seven years after 41st President George H. Bush declared 1990 “The year of the brain.” Davis’ work was the direct product of a massive amount of research and discovery that had taken place within that seven year span. Despite of the remarkable progress that was made within that timeframe, Davis knew that we had only begun to scratch the surface of this mysterious organ.

However, even he may not have predicted the astonishing advancement that has taken place thus far in the 21st century. This 2014 quote by Michael Stryker – a renowned neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco – says it all:

“I feel really sorry for the people (neuroscientists) who retired five years ago. Neuroscience now is a completely different world from how it used to be.”

Indeed. Consider these fields of scientific discovery and it’s advancements in the last 10 years alone:

– Neurogenetics – doctors can now discover neurological and developmental abnormalities using a simple blood test. This includes testing of fetuses.

Brain mapping – new advanced and detailed imaging of the brain’s structure.

Neuroplasticity – the discovery that the human brain’s structure and function is pliable past childhood; most notably, that we can improve intelligence and recover from debilitating injury.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – utilizing CBT to combat anxiety disorders, bulimia, stress, anger and psychosomatic illness.

– Neural implants – cutting-edge research that focuses on the implantation of prosthetic devices in the human brain. Progress has been made with paralytics and may one day help eliminate mental illness.

Many of these incredible advances were prompted by the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. Given the rapid pace at which these advances were made, many experts’ predictions read like a sci-fi novel: a cure for blindness, the ability to erase memories and Wi-Fi microchip implants.

Despite all of these cutting-edge advancements and futuristic plans, the brain is quite capable at producing some amazing things without them. Scientists have participated in many studies and experiments (some of them noted below) with the specific aim for demonstrating the power of the mind. And some of the results were mind-blowing.

This leads us to 10 ways that we’ve discovered that showcase some of our more interesting brain powers.

Here are 10 tricks that literally give your brain super powers:

1. Our brain can (legally) hallucinate

Well, this brain trick is technically called the Ganzfeld effect, and it works by playing a trick on the mind through reducing sensory input. Some people have reported hearing the voice of a deceased relative or seeing dancing horses. No kidding.

Here are the instructions (required items: a ping pong ball, a radio with headphones, and a red light):

– Tune the radio to a station with static and put on the headphones.

– Cut the ping pong ball in half and tape over each eye.

– Turn on the red light so it’s facing towards the eyes.

– Remain the position for at least a half hour.

2. Raising our eyebrows makes us more creative

According to a study published in the Creativity Research Journal, simply raising our eyebrows can induce creativity. This brain trick is achieved through the activation of our two types of attention – perceptual and conceptual.

Perceptual attention is the type that is responsible for our physical experiences, while conceptual attention relates to our mental processes. Since these two attention faculties are linked, they can be manipulated to produce some interesting effects. When the eyebrows are raised, this results in the stimulation of our perceptual attention. By default, this brain trick also stimulates our conceptual attention, which can result in creative connections that were not present before.

3. Music boosts our immune system

The fact that music reduces cortisol levels in the brain may not be too surprising. What is shocking is the extent to which our brain/body connection can take our favorite tunes and use them to heal our entire immune system.

Our bodies are inseparably linked to the chemical makeup of our brain. By reducing our stress levels, we effectually produce more antibodies to fight off disease and other ailments. Over time, this effect will strengthen as will the body’s ability to resist illness and disease-causing agents.

4. The Apple logo creates divergent thinking

Ever wonder why Steve Jobs created this hallmark of a symbol to represent his brand? Well, we’re not sure if he innately knew that the icon would cause us to “think differently,” but he succeeded regardless. Duke University published this fascinating study that was published in the Journal of Consumer Research.

When the subjects of the study were exposed to Apple’s iconic symbol, the result was an increase in creativity and ingenuity. We’ve now got a “cure” for the creative blues!

5. We’re most productive at the times of day we hate

Most of us have a time of day when we feel at our “peak.” We’re energized, alert and ready to tackle those mundane tasks. Well, here’s science again to tell us we’re wrong.

In a study conducted by the Department of Psychological Science at Albion College and the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University, researchers discovered that our “non-optimal” times are actually ideal for tasks that involve problem solving.

Other published studies have surfaced demonstrating that these non-optimal times are better for creativity and group-related work.

6. Studying music strengthens communication ability

Studying music is widely known for priming the creative juices, but communication skills? According to researchers, the answer is a definitive “Yes!”

More specifically, the practice of studying music strengthens the ability perceive the emotions of others. Musicians are also better at tuning out distractions such as background noise, making them ideal listeners as well. Finally, they’re much more adept at verbalizing their own thoughts and emotions.

7. Mint is a natural cognitive enhancer

With all of the previous discourse on enhancing cognitive ability through technology, medicine and the like, it’s refreshing to find some natural, healthy stuff to help sharpen our senses.

A study at Wheeling Jesuit University reveals that the smell of mint has some powerful mental benefits; among them are improved reasoning, judgment, attention span, memory and conceptualization.

Other studies have demonstrated mint’s positive effect on overall alertness and responsiveness as well.

8. One ear is better than the other (and vice-versa)

Remember that whole “left-brained” and “right-brained” thing? Someone told us at one time or another that logical people predominantly use their left hemisphere while the creative folks use their right. Well, this theory been pretty much debunked. Except for how we interpret sound, that is.

Our right ear is actually better at processing speech, while the left ear is more attuned to music and tone. We’re sure this will come in handy…somewhere. Maybe when the boss is chewing us out or some dreadful music comes on the radio.

9. Touching something makes us want it more

Now we know why retailers have display models for their products – it strengthens the desire to buy. Not only that, but we’re willing to pay more money for something that we’ve physically interacted with.

The reason is that touching or holding something unconsciously creates a sense of ownership. Interestingly, this mindset can even overrule our opinion on whether or not we like or dislike something.

10. Using hand gestures improves memory

Chalk one up for another brain-body connection. This brain trick involves the link between the learning and memory part of the brain and the use of hand gestures. As it happens, we’re more accurate at reciting information when our hands are in motion.

Research has shown that people who are required to remember a significant amount of information are more animated in their gestures. Such physical cues allow memories to surface easier while also naturally improving the effectiveness of their communication.

7 Things That Slow Down Your Metabolism

It’s not much of a surprise when we discover that known “healthy” habits and behaviors are unhealthy.  Many diet myths, health fads, and “slim wear” have been debunked or rendered useless – or at best, limited – at one time or another. This brings us to our metabolism – the chemical process humans use to obtain energy. The body’s ability to use fat as energy instead of storing it is what most people think of when we say “metabolism.”

A well-functioning metabolism is essential to our waistlines and hips, but it’s much more complex.

Metabolism involves all of the chemical reactions that take place within our cells to keep us alive. Without a healthy metabolism, our cellular bodies could not receive the necessary energy to sustain themselves. In short – we’d die. Fortunately, our bodies do not stop metabolizing unless we effectively stop breathing. Our metabolisms can, however, become unhealthy and damaged.

Metabolism plays a vital role in various parts of our lives. Not only does it impact how our cells use energy; but how well we sleep, our energy levels, our mood, and even plays a role in how well we digest food and absorb nutrients.

The impact of a slower metabolism

An unhealthy metabolism creates different types of physiological effects, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Breathing problems
  • Lethargy
  • Cognitive decline
  • Unstable blood sugar levels
  • Organ failure

What causes an unhealthy metabolism? Well, a few different things. It’s quite important that we minimize our exposure to stress, as “stress hormones” such as cortisol and adrenaline counteract the healthy function of our metabolic systems.

So, before we get into the seven “healthy” habits that harm our metabolism, please remember to minimize stress levels and get regular exercise.  These are probably the two best things we can practice for a healthy metabolism.

Here are 7 things that slow down your metabolism:


1. Conforming to a diet

More weight loss products and weight loss systems are on the market now than ever. Want to know why? Well, then follow the money, of course – $6.3 billion. That’s the amount that weight loss company reported making in 2015 alone. Americans climbing rate of obesity – combined with a serious market opportunity – means “Ca-Ching,” at least for these peddlers of the “latest, greatest” weight loss fad.

Despite of their proliferation, its best of abstain from a diet regimen altogether. The reason is that the majority of diets focus on entirely on restriction, not alteration. In other words, diets don’t teach us how to make subtle dietary changes (i.e. more protein, less carbs); they instead focus on eliminating – or severely reducing – food that provides fuel to our bodies. Low-carb diets are notorious for this practice. Instead, focus on making lifestyle changes for the long-term.

2. Hydrating on just water

Don’t get it twisted…hydration is critical. However, the whole “drink eight full glasses of water each and every day” advice is misleading. Allow us to explain.

The body is a complex system that relies upon a steady stream of healthy vitamins, nutrients and other elements. Unfortunately, overhydrating has led to the misbelief that the gallons of water we’ve ingested have supplied what we need (thank the weight loss experts). As healthy as water is, it is not always the best source of hydration for us.

Instead, seek to get a bit of variety. For example, mix some O.J. with water and add a dash of sea salt to get some much-needed electrolytes. If it’s only water, mix in a lime or a lemon.

3. Over-restricting sodium intake

Yes, it is important to keep an eye on our sodium intake. The American Heart Association recommends 1,500 mg, which may still be high. However, sodium plays a key role in maintaining our metabolic rate, lowering stress hormones, and aiding digestion.

A better approach is to limit salt intake via processed foods, which are unhealthy for various reasons. Most of us overeat salt as a direct result of processed foods. Instead, make eating wholesome and non-processed foods a part of your lifestyle.

4. Overeating raw vegetables

As with the previous two unhealthy practices, this must be read carefully. We’re talking only about raw veggies here. Simply lightly steaming vegetables most of the time will render this a non-factor.

Vegetables are an essential source of vitamins and nutrients. They’re also deficient in calories and sodium; most contain no fat. But raw vegetables contain a high amount of cellulose – a fiber that is actually used in making paper and paperboard! Our digestive systems are not meant to handle large quantities of this compound, which can also lead to various digestive problems, creating a slow metabolism.


5. Too much cardio

Part of this is a societal trend. We seem to place more emphasis on sweating all over the elliptical machine or a treadmill as opposed to practicing various exercises.

The truth is there are some health benefits available in other types of exercise that aren’t available in cardio. Besides, High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can give us most of the benefits of an hour-long run without all the added stress hormones.

Muscle-building is also great for achieving upper and core body strength, boosting our moods, improving brain function, etc. The cool thing is that is that it can be a variety, too: weightlifting, bodyweight training, and yoga are all considered muscle-building exercises.

Also, consider mixing in a bike ride, nature walk or hike. This allows us to get in a cardio fix while giving the body a bit of a break so we don’t slow down our metabolism.

 6. Overloading on fiber

Fiber is an important nutrient for our bodies, especially in the digestive system. However, too much fiber contains elements that can prevent the absorption of essential nutrients, thus slowing down your metabolism.

Also, eating too much fiber when having digestive problems can create even more complications. This occurs when there is too much gut flora – microorganisms (i.e., bacteria) that result in digestive problems such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and even dangerous weight loss. When we ingest too much fiber, it feeds this gut flora and further complicates the issue, creating a slow metabolism.

metabolic health

Mass General doctors say short workouts can increase your metabolic health.

7. Eating too much “muscle meat”

Muscle meat is the stuff that many weight trainers trying to add muscle eat a lot of – chicken breast, chicken wings, beef patties, etc. Side note: if these meats are farmed from quality sources, such as grass-fed cows and locally-bred chickens, that’s a much healthier option.

The problem with ingesting too much of this “muscle meat” is not a recipe for a balanced protein intake. Instead, try making some tasty sauce, soup or stew containing a variety of vegetables containing critical amino acids – something these meats generally lack.

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