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7 Things You Can Eat To Avoid Heart Problems

7 Things You Can Eat To Avoid Heart Problems

Research has shown that eight out of every ten people we know are at risk for heart problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure or stroke. 80 percent…wow.

Anyways, as staggering as this number is, it’s a number that can be reduced dramatically. Researchers at Emory University state that over 50% of deaths that occur each year from heart disease could have been prevented. The five main causes of heart disease and other disorders are: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity. Studies demonstrate that all five of these causes can be eliminated or significantly reduced with subtle dietary changes.

In fact, adding just seven foods to our diets can help manage the five most common factors of heart-related illness.

Here are seven things you can eat to prevent heart problems:


1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a powerful and versatile wonder food. Studies show that flaxseed may help fight off anything from breast cancer to heart disease. Flaxseed is excellent for heart health because of its effect on our cholesterol levels. In studies, flaxseed has demonstrated the ability to reduce bad cholesterol. Further, flaxseeds are a rich source of omega-3 fats and fiber – important nutrients in promoting heart health. Simply adding a few sprinkles to our food each day can help lower cholesterol and decrease our risk of heart disease.

2. Edamame

For most of us, these tasty soybean pods are usually enjoyed with some delicious sushi (a healthy dish by the way). It turns out that we should be munching on them more often, as these beans contain high levels of folate, magnesium, and potassium – all nutrients that lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. Further, they’re an excellent source of fiber, which we already know is important for keeping a full belly.

3. Dark chocolate

Chocolate lovers, unite…again! Dark chocolate once again shows just how versatile of a treat it is for keeping us healthy. Many different studies have shown that individuals who consume cocoa – in any form – are in better heart health than those who do not. A study in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure notes that women who ate one or two servings of quality chocolate every week had a 32 percent lower risk of developing heart failure. One thing to keep in mind though, chocoholics: make sure that the chocolate contains at least 60 percent cocoa in order to get the full health benefits.

4. Sprouted Garlic

“Sprouted” garlic – the old garlic bulbs with green shoots emerging from the cloves – is usually thrown away. However, researchers have discovered that this garlic actually contains more heart-healthy nutrients than the fresh stuff. This comes as a surprise to many in the medical community, as fresh garlic has a renowned reputation for its health benefits. It turns out that sprouted garlic has even higher levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important nutrients in preventing numerous illnesses, including heart disease.

5. Walnuts

According to a study done at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, walnuts are actually the healthiest nut for heart health. Dr. Joe Vinson states that this is due to the fact that walnuts have a higher antioxidant level than any other nut type. However, Dr. Vinson gives his approval for every other nut, saying “Nuts are good for your heart. They can lower cholesterol, reduce the oxidative stress caused by the free radicals, and decrease unhealthy inflammation.” In his study, Dr. Vinson also cites some other nut types, including almonds, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, and pecans.

6. Rooibos Tea

Those who do not respond well to stress are at a higher risk for obesity. This is because stress triggers the “belly fat hormone” cortisol, quickening the storage of fat in our cells. Further, those prone to a negative stress response are more likely to suffer from higher levels of inflammation – and inflammation is directly tied to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Well, this is where Rooibos tea is effective. Rooibos calms the mind by using the flavonoid Aspalathin, which is also effective for reducing cortisol levels. In turn, this checks our inflammation levels while keeping our heart healthy.

7. Tomatoes

It turns out that the fruit that Americans eat the most is also an incredibly nutrient-dense superfood. As it relates the heart health, tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene – a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, tomatoes are packed with vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid. Tomatoes also contain potassium and choline, which has been known to support heart health. In addition to providing all of these wonderful benefits for our heart, tomatoes are also powerful agents against skin disease and cancer.


Final Thoughts on Eating for Better Heart Health

These seven foods offer a flavorful and nutritious arsenal for safeguarding your heart’s well-being. From the cholesterol-lowering prowess of flaxseed to the delightful indulgence of dark chocolate, each item on this list plays a vital role in promoting cardiovascular health. Sprouted garlic surprises with its heightened antioxidant levels, while walnuts emerge as the ultimate nut for heart protection.

Rooibos tea provides a soothing antidote to stress-induced health risks. While tomatoes, the everyday fruit, pack a potent punch with lycopene and a range of essential vitamins and minerals. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you not only enhance heart health but also contribute to overall well-being. Thus, you reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease while savoring a palate of delightful flavors and textures. Remember, your heart deserves the best. So indulge wisely and nourish it for a healthy, vibrant life.

6 Signs Anxiety Is Controlling Your Life

Anxiety afflicts millions of people throughout the world, and is the most prevalent form of mental dis-ease in the U.S., affecting 40 million people, or 18% of the population. Feeling some anxiety surrounding certain events in your life, such as a move to a new city, is totally normal. So it should not cause you any concern. However, when your anxiety starts to disrupt your everyday life, you need to acknowledge it and try to figure out where the feelings are coming from, and what they’re trying to tell you.

Many people live with debilitating anxiety, and don’t speak up out of embarrassment or fear or being judged. However, your mental health is vitally important, and should be taken seriously. If you start noticing these signs, it’s time to take action so you can start enjoying life again.

Here are 6 signs anxiety is controlling your life:

1. You have developed insomnia.

Researchers continue to speculate on whether anxiety causes insomnia, or vice versa; however, scientists reveal a clear association between the two. If you regularly find yourself tossing and turning in bed, have trouble quieting your mind, and just can’t seem to relax, you might have an anxiety disorder. Most people have difficulty falling asleep at one point or another, but if this occurs regularly, you need to examine your life closely and try to pinpoint why you feel so anxious that it keeps you awake at night.

2. You feel anxious about seemingly simple things.

People with anxiety disorders tend to overthink and worry about minor issues, as well as larger ones. Having some fears about traveling overseas or giving a speech or starting a new job is perfectly normal, but when the worry spills over into your every day life and disrupts your routine, the alarm bells should start to go off in your head.

As we grow up, we tend to have more responsibilities and life just gets more hectic. However, worrying about life so much that it becomes unenjoyable and stressful can really do damage to your physical and mental health. When you notice your mind starting that predictable cycle of overthinking, worrying, and stressing, bring your attention back to the present moment. Focus on your breath, your body, and your current surroundings. Surrender to the now, and you will notice the anxiety begin to fade, and your thoughts will start to release their grip on you.

3. You have frequent headaches.

Regular headaches can also point to an anxiety disorder. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, migraines and headaches occur frequently in those who have anxiety disorders. This can indicate that you have an unhealthy amount of stress stored within your body, and overthinking and worrying can cause an overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol. In our hectic world, it might seem very difficult to control your thoughts and clear your mind, but start challenging the thoughts that enter your head. Do they help you, or hurt you? Only pay attention to the ones that encourage you, and counter the negative thoughts with positive ones.

A lot of our stress in life is self-imposed, so changing out outlook can do wonders for our mental health.

4. You regularly cancel plans with people.

This commonly occurs with people who have social anxiety disorder. About 15 million Americans suffer from this disorder, and unfortunately, 36% of sufferers wait 10 years or more before getting help. Of course, people who have other types of anxiety disorders may cancel plans as well, but it occurs most often in those with social anxiety. Cancelling plans once in a blue moon doesn’t indicate a problem, but when you find yourself doing it frequently, you need to ask yourself why you don’t want to socialize with others.

Socializing and building relationships are an important part of life, so depriving yourself of these experiences can really put a damper on your mental state. If your anxiety controls your life so much that you start drifting away from others and distancing yourself from close friends and family, you need to check in with your emotions and try to figure out why you suddenly don’t enjoy social events with others.

5. You have digestive problems.

Anxiety begins in the mind, but you can actually have physical symptoms as well. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 50-90% of people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome also have a psychiatric disorder such as anxiety or depression. The colon is partially controlled by the nervous system, which explains why those with severe anxiety and stress tend to have digestive problems. If you have regular stomach and intestinal problems, you might consider incorporating relaxation techniques into your day to help you calm your thoughts and bring peace into the body.

6. You have muscle/joint pain.

Tight muscles and joints can also indicate an anxiety disorder. Any tightness you feel in your body represents stress that you haven’t let go of yet, so start becoming more aware of your body. Start with your head and work your way down, mentally taking notes of what you find. Meditation, exercise, a massage, and stretching can all combat tight muscles and joints, so make sure to take care of your body, because this will improve your mental health drastically, as well.

10 Signs You Have An Emotionally Unavailable Partner

When you give your all in a relationship, you naturally expect your partner to do the same. Relationships require effort and commitment in order to work. But an emotionally unavailable partner will see a relationship quite differently. Emotionally unavailable people either have relationships with multiple people at a time to avoid serious commitment, or tend to steer clear of relationships altogether, usually due to childhood trauma or fear of emotional intimacy.

Also, emotionally unavailable people normally share an unhealthy upbringing, raised in a controlling or abusive environment. A lifelong study of people in England, Scotland, and Wales found that people who perceived their parents as overly controlling or encouraged dependence had lower levels of happiness and overall mental well-being later on in life. So, if you have an emotionally unavailable partner, this behavior likely stems from problems they faced during childhood that have stuck with them ever since.

However, even if you have an emotionally unavailable partner, the signs might not always jump out at you.

Here are 10 signs you have an emotionally unavailable partner:

Read on to discover some common red flags.

emotionally unavailable partner

1. An emotionally unavailable partner sends you mixed messages.

An emotionally unavailable partner will tell you they want a relationship one second, only to change their mind shortly after. They can’t ever seem to make up their mind, and you can’t wrap your head around their cryptic messages and confusing behavior. An emotionally available person will tell you their intentions up front, and stick to them. If you notice that the person you have an interest in comes on very strongly, only to back away and keep leading you on, you probably have an emotionally unavailable partner.

2. They are already in a relationship with someone else.

This one should definitely raise some red flags – people already in a relationship obviously are emotionally unavailable, but they may not even tell you about their relationship. You will probably have to find out on your own, as this type of person clearly doesn’t care to disclose important information like this from the get-go. In today’s world, many people have open relationships, and as long as everyone involved feels comfortable, then that’s fine.

What we’re talking about here is someone who hides their relationships from others so they don’t have to commit to just one person. An emotionally unavailable partner will keep many aspects of their life from you, as they don’t want to become too emotionally attached or invested in you.

3. An emotionally unavailable partner will only consider their own feelings.

People who aren’t in touch with their emotions will appear very selfish and narcissistic. They don’t ever ask about your own feelings or bother with making sure you feel secure and happy in the relationship. Every action and decision they make in life only serves to fuel their own egotistical desires, and they will always put themselves before you. If this sounds like your relationship, you likely have an emotionally unavailable partner.

4. They only seem interested in the physical side of your relationship.

An emotionally unavailable partner will only seem interested in the sexual part of your relationship, and nothing more. A person out of touch with their emotions can’t offer much else, and they won’t even try. They have decided that shallow, base-level relationships will satisfy them, and they have committed to living a life without true emotional intimacy. An emotionally unavailable partner will avoid deep conversations with you, but won’t reveal their true intentions in the relationship. They will leave that to you to figure out.

5. An emotionally unavailable partner won’t commit fully to you.

They won’t ever offer their full selves to you because they don’t know how. They have only known distant, superficial relationships and keep everyone they know at arm’s length. An emotionally unavailable partner will give you every excuse in the world for why they can’t commit to you.

6. They prefer talking through text and emails rather than on the phone or in person.

An emotionally unavailable partner will avoid talking in an intimate setting the majority of the time. They give you excuses as to why they can’t meet up with you in person or talk on the phone, and prefer texting and emailing instead. If you have a partner like this, it definitely points to emotional insecurity and fear of intimacy because face-to-face interactions require much more vulnerability than they feel comfortable with.

7. You never feel like you can read them.

An emotionally unavailable partner will seem difficult to understand, and dealing with them will often feel like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You try to combine all the pieces, but they don’t seem to fit. Once you feel like you have a handle on them, they will throw you a curve ball and expect you to catch it. They probably aren’t aware of their mixed signals and difficult demeanor, which makes it all the more frustrating to deal with an emotionally unavailable partner.

8. An emotionally unavailable partner will seem cold and distant.

Being in a relationship with them probably feels like having a relationship with just yourself. You might feel alone most of the time because they will show no signs of compassion or care when you need them the most. An emotionally unavailable partner can’t give themselves fully to another, because they have been taught from an early age unhealthy practices. They will distance themselves from you to protect themselves from getting hurt.

9. They give you the green light, only to retreat and take back what they said.

Your partner might say they want a committed relationship one day, only to retract what they said the next day. They don’t seem to know what they truly want, or can’t fully give themselves to the relationship because of their fear of emotional intimacy. An emotionally unavailable partner will take you on a rollercoaster ride, but you will feel like getting off at the next available exit instead of sticking around for more of their games.

emotionally unavailable partner

10. They don’t want to introduce you to friends or family.

An emotionally unavailable partner will avoid encounters where you would have to meet their loved ones. That’s because they don’t want it to seem too serious between you two. They would prefer to lead you on. In fact, they may even give you hope for meeting their family and friends in the future. But beware, it will probably never happen. They wouldn’t want to get in too deep. That’s because they fear of not being able to make it out with their emotions intact.

7 Things You Need To Know About Someone With Depression

Worldwide, approximately 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression, according to the World Health Organization. Depression can fluctuate in severity depending on events going on in a person’s life, and can vary in duration. Depression stems from many different factors, including genetics, diet, environment, personality, and chemical imbalances in the brain.

No one wants to have depression, as it can totally destroy a person’s life. Depressed people tend to lose their motivation and zest for life, and find it hard to do almost anything. They lose interest in activities they used to find enjoyable, and tend to become withdrawn, irritable, and may also suffer from insomnia. Depression can also trigger anxiety in some people, and may even affect a person’s appetite.

Sadly, many people in the world who have depression don’t get the help they need either because they feel embarrassed to speak up about their mental health, or because other people have made them feel guilty or weak when they tried to explain their feelings.

People with depression just want to live normal, healthy lives, but getting back on their feet can seem almost impossible at times. If you know someone with depression, but don’t suffer from it yourself, you may find it hard to understand their struggles.

Here are 7 things you need to know about someone with depression:

depression and anxiety

1. They don’t want to have depression.

Contrary to popular belief, depression is not a choice. No one wakes up and says they would like to lose interest in life and feel overwhelmingly sad the majority of the time. They would do anything to overcome their depression, and likely take steps to combat it the best they can. However, managing it and totally getting rid of it are two different things. A change in mindset can definitely do wonders for depression, as well as relaxation techniques, and even hypnosis.

However, they might still suffer from depression even after trying all of these techniques. As a society, we should become more respectful and compassionate of those who suffer from illnesses that exist whether or not we can see them with our own eyes. No one wishes to have an illness, whether mental or physical. They did not ask for their depression, just as people who wear contacts don’t ask for bad vision. Try to understand each individual’s perspective instead of condemning them for something you may not have been through yourself.

2. They fight a battle in their minds every single day.

Simply getting out of bed can feel like a great accomplishment to those with depression. They may go about their daily lives, but underneath the smiles and seemingly normal behavior, they have a war going on within them. They may not tell you about it so as not to burden you, but it still exists. Constantly fighting with their minds and trying to push themselves through their work or school day can be exhausting, so just be mindful of this if you know someone with depression.

3. They can find it hard to do even simple tasks.

Depression, put simply, feels like someone came along and sucked the life out of you. Not to make light of depression, of course, but if you have seen Harry Potter, the dementors represent exactly what we’re talking about here. Now, imagine trying to pull yourself out of bed and go about your normal day with no feeling of life in you whatsoever. This is the reality every day for those who suffer from depression. And, trust us, they work hard to overcome it themselves, but this can take time. Show compassion, and offer help if they have trouble finishing a task.

We all came here to help each other, and those with depression could definitely use the support.

4. They try as hard as they can to overcome it.

Like we said, they don’t want to have this disorder, and try their absolute hardest to get rid of it. Changing your thought processes takes time, and even so, the chemical imbalance may still exist. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to depression. Sure, some people respond better to meditation, yoga, and introducing supplements into their diet, but this won’t work for everyone. Many people overcome depression using mindfulness, eating healthy foods, and exercising, however, so if this interests you, feel free to read our article about it here. 

5. They don’t “just want attention.”

People with depression don’t just say they have it so people will feel sorry for them and shower them with attention. Understand that they don’t want people to throw them a pity party; they just want some compassion and encouragement to overcome it.

6. Depression doesn’t make them weak.

The stigma surrounding mental health issues makes sufferers feel as though they somehow have less value than others who appear to have good mental health. However, depression doesn’t make someone less of a person; in fact, it shows that they have been fighting a long battle, and have not yet given up. This actually makes them courageous, strong, and beautiful, so don’t discount them just because they have a set of struggles that you may not relate to.

7. They don’t expect you to understand; they just need your love and support.

People who don’t have depression probably won’t understand, because they haven’t walked in a depressed person’s shoes. This doesn’t mean that you can’t offer your support and understanding to those with depression, though. Love can heal the world, so offer it in abundance. People with depression have an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, but the power of love just might save a person in the darkest depths of despair.

5 Ways Being Vulnerable Actually Means You’re Strong

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.” – Brené Brown

A true, genuine bond with someone. In our society that runs on connections and interactions, it seems many people feel desperate for just that. However, many of these same people internally fear getting close to someone, either because they haven’t accepted love within themselves or because they haven’t experienced healthy relationships in the past.

Life requires a certain degree of vulnerability to experience all of its splendors. But in order to get to that point, you have to accept all of yourself first. You have to feel confident with every part of you, the beautiful, the broken, the lost, the found, the wild, everything. For those who have found this sense of inner peace and acceptance, you might still believe somewhere inside you that vulnerability weakens you. However, it does just the opposite, and we want to show you why.

Here are five ways being vulnerable means you’re strong:

If you exhibit these behaviors, you might be stronger than you realize. Do these traits sound like you?

vulnerable people1. You don’t care whether others like you or not.

If you have accepted yourself in totality, it won’t matter so much what other people think of you. Being vulnerable first requires you to unearth the parts of you that you closed off long ago to walk into a room of people unshaken and unaffected by the opinions they give. Vulnerability requires bravery because you no longer hide parts of yourself that you think are too ugly or complicated for others to see.

It doesn’t matter to you how other people see you because you have seen the pure, unfiltered beauty that lies within your soul. You’ve cracked yourself open and let the wounds bleed so that only love exists. Because you love yourself, you don’t need to seek it from others. Of course, this calls for enormous strength that most people don’t even try to muster.

2. You have learned to love yourself so that you may offer it freely to others.

As emotional beings, we absolutely need love to survive. However, most people look everywhere but within themselves to find it. A truly vulnerable person only seeks love within, which already makes them a courageous, resilient person. Because they have opened up all the closed doors within themselves and accepted that they are indeed worthy of self-love and love from others, they can offer it openly and genuinely to other people.

Giving and receiving love is the most vulnerable thing you can do on this Earth because there’s a possibility you will get hurt. And that also makes you a robust and beautiful individual.

3. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

Vulnerable people don’t hide their emotions; whatever they feel, they just let it flow uninhibited through them. They don’t care what others have to say or fear judgment from others. We live in an age where showing emotion seems very rare, as most people have learned to repress their feelings for one reason or another. However, vulnerable people don’t care about societal norms; they know that showing emotion and offering compassion to themselves and others is their birthright, and they exercise it as much as possible.

4. You can show others the darkest parts of yourself.

Vulnerable people have accepted every part of themselves – the darkness, the light, and everything in between. You don’t fear your darkness; you embrace it. Furthermore, you could care less if others run away because they can’t handle your truth. That’s because you realize that they haven’t opened themselves up to actual vulnerability yet. You can find the beauty, the wisdom, and the strength in darkness, so you welcome it. Instead, you share it with others because you feel no shame about any part of yourself, and this kind of honesty shows immense strength.

quiet people5. You have opened yourself up to experience all emotions.

Vulnerability requires you to embrace all emotions, whether good or bad. Actually, you have realized that no feeling, in particular, should be labeled as negative or positive; emotions just exist, and it’s how we handle them that truly matters. You don’t fear sadness, anger, pain, or fear; you welcome them because you know that darkness can quickly transform into the light if you simply shower your shadow self with love. Being vulnerable means accepting yourself thoroughly and being honest about how you feel. You don’t close yourself off to any emotion, because vulnerability means taking whatever may come and expressing that openly.

Strength and vulnerability go hand-in-hand because you can’t be vulnerable without going to battle with the parts of yourself that you once felt ashamed to show.

Here’s Why You Need To Stop Using Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is quite literally everywhere. If the pumps of clear gel fastened to nearly every other wall in America isn’t enough to convince us, maybe the fact that we see many people carrying mini-bottles of it everywhere is.

On the surface, it makes sense. We see the “Kills 99.99-whatever% of germs” label, and it sounds good. Nobody wants germs anywhere near them. The product is usually relatively cheap, we stay healthy, and all is good. Well, that’s not entirely accurate.

In fact, the ultra-clean image that hand sanitizer companies wanted to convey was enough to grab the attention of America’s most prominent public health organization – the Food and Drug Administration (or FDA). The FDA is solely responsible for regulating a multitude of products that affect public health. This organization also approves or denies all kinds of consumable products, from animal feed to tobacco. In other words, companies don’t want to be flagged by these guys.

FDA requirements for hand sanitizer

wellness memeIn April of 2015, the FDA required companies that produced hand soap and alcohol-based sanitizers to produce many safety data. Here are some of the requirements specified by the FDA of sanitizer producers:

  • Proof that the product does not adversely affect pregnant women.
  • Evidence that the product does not aid the development of antibacterial resistance.
  • Proof that the product does not have significant hormonal effects.

All three of these demands from the FDA are severe causes for concern. Understandably, many pregnant women are concerned, although there is insufficient evidence that hand sanitizer is particularly harmful to this demographic.

The FDA is concerned that triclosan – an ingredient in some hand sanitizers – may have hormonal effects. Specifically, that it may alter the thyroid and reproductive systems of newborns. Needless to say, these requirements from the FDA may make one cast a cautious eye upon the multi-billion dollar industry.

It turns out that there are other (and less serious) ways that hand sanitizer may be harmful.

Here are five reasons why you need to stop using hand sanitizer:

These compelling reasons explain why you should reconsider using these sanitizing products.

1. It harms our skin

Sanitizing products contain mostly alcohol, which is known for having a drying effect. Since alcohol increases the skin’s absorption ability, it also allows for chemicals to penetrate – effectively “de-fatting” the skin or disrupting oil production. Aside from the harmful effects created by alcohol, sanitizers also contain glycerin, which can irritate the skin and enhance the sanitizer’s drying effect. There are other ingredients, such as glycol and acetate, that can further damage our skin.

2. It can create resistant bacteria

First of all, don’t get images of “The Walking Dead” here. Bacterial resistance may sound awfully frightening, but it’s certainly not that frightening. Here’s the deal: overuse of antibiotics can potentially lead to the development of bacteria that is resistant to the element. In other words, bacteria can evolve just like everything else. So the more we expose certain bacteria to the same components, the higher the chance that the element will have a diminished effect.

The Center for Disease Control (or CDC) estimates that in 2013, these “superbugs” were responsible for about 23,000 deaths. While indeed not a mind-boggling number compared to the overall population of the United States, the CDC, and other interested groups want to counteract this trend by minimizing any unnecessary risk. This approach includes allowing bacteria to develop resistant qualities.

3. It contains unknown and potentially dangerous chemicals

As stated, sanitizers contain mostly alcohol or triclosan, but other chemicals are also included in the product. Most scented sanitizers use some preservative to prolong the product’s shelf life. However, these preservatives are absorbed into our skin each time that we use the product.

We mention scented sanitizers because they’re far more likely to have these preservatives. Two preservatives – phthalates and parabens – can potentially disrupt hormonal production. Not to mention, some companies do not detail what ingredients are contained.

4. It can increase the absorption of harmful chemicals

We’ve already mentioned that sanitizers increase the skin’s absorption. In doing so, the skin becomes vulnerable to potentially damaging chemicals. One such chemical is called Bisphenol A, which can cause damage to the endocrine system. Studies have linked BPA to cancer, heart disease, infertility, and diabetes.

In a study at the University of Missouri, researchers used thermal receipt paper – the kind many cash registers use – to demonstrate the threat. Thermal receipt paper also contains high levels of BPA. Researchers discovered that in subjects that used sanitizer before touching the form, the absorption of BPA increased by over a hundred times.

toxic hand sanitizer
The government issued a warning about toxic hand sanitizer ingredients on the market.

5. Soap and water work almost as well

Yes, regular soap and water may work as well in many cases. In fact, most experts recommend using soap and water unless it is more beneficial to use sanitizer, such as in a healthcare setting. The FDA even takes this recommendation further, advising people to use regular rather than antibacterial soap, claiming there is no difference. Additionally, antibacterial soap can aid in the bacteria developing resistance.

Bottom line: if we have access to soap and water, we should use them. When we shop for soap, we can avoid the antibacterial type. And we should continue to do the best thing for humanity and not allow bacteria to develop resistance to our defenses! Stay healthy, fellow readers!

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