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5 Ways to Recall Your Past Lives

Our lives before this incarnation can teach us so much about our ultimate soul journey and what we came here to accomplish on the path to remembering our highest selves. The more you know about your own soul, the clearer your road becomes. So much comfort and wisdom exists in recalling memories of ourselves before we even became humans. This knowledge can provide you with valuable information about the steps you should take on your spiritual journey.

Although many people desire to know more about their past incarnations, it can be difficult to start this journey alone. Luckily, many healers out there can help you out, such as specialists called past life regressionists, who have undertaken the incredible feat of discovering who they once were so they can guide others to do the same.

However, even if you don’t have a past life regressionist near you, the following tips can get you started on the path to knowing yourself in greater detail:

Think of what places or people seem oddly familiar to you.

You know that weird feeling of déjà vu we all experience at some point or another? Well, these feelings that you have met someone long before this lifetime or gone through that exact situation before might be memories of your past lives. In this life, we are automatically drawn to people and places that we have known before, because that makes discovering ourselves much more effortless. The universe conspires to make events and people come into your life that will assist you on your soul journey, so it often brings you to familiar people and places so that you will remember who you are.

Don’t dismiss these seemingly random moments of déjà vu; they actually serve a purpose and can help you identify yourself from past lives.

past lives

Sit in a quiet, dimly lit room, and meditate.

Meditation serves as a wonderful tool to uncover hidden truths about yourself because once you quiet the chatter of your mind, you can more easily tap into the endless energy and wisdom of the soul. Your soul existed way before your physical body did, so it has been through many incarnations. As you go deeper within, pay attention to what comes into your stream of consciousness.

Do you remember certain faces, places, or experiences? What seems familiar to you? Maybe you have vivid memories of living in a different part of the world or meeting a spiritual master in a foreign land. Whatever comes to mind, if it resonates with your soul, you probably have experienced it before.

Don’t try too hard.

If you make learning about your past lives into more of a chore rather than a fun undertaking or hobby, you won’t really get anywhere with it. The more you look for the knowledge, the less you will find it. Just accept whatever comes into your stream of consciousness naturally, and allow it to flow through you. If you put too much effort into it, you might become misguided and recall memories of experiences that you didn’t actually have.

Relax, breathe deeply, and don’t focus too much on remembering. Focus more on Being, and the wisdom will naturally come to you.

Start off by thinking of your current existence. What might have happened in your past lives to get you to this point?

Think of everything you have been through. The pain, the struggles, the heartaches, your upbringing, your family life…anything that has shaped you into the person you are today. Maybe you haven’t had the best relationships with people in your past and wonder why things just don’t seem to go your way. Maybe you have parents that work a lot, and didn’t get to spend much time with them as a child.

Take everything in your life into consideration because this life happened directly from experience in a past life. We come here to learn from the past, and some people think of this planet as a deliverer of karma.

So, maybe in the past you got what you wanted from people by manipulating and conniving, and in this existence, you have to work through that karma by experiencing unsatisfying, hurtful relationships. Maybe you neglected others in the past and valued your work over your relationships. In a way, having a lonely childhood could be the universe’s way of dishing out karma.

These are just examples, but whatever you have experienced in this lifetime, try to put all the pieces together. The culmination of events and people you’ve encountered have played an important role in your journey, and it’s your job to find out what could’ve led your soul to these experiences.

Pay attention to how you feel when you conjure up old memories.

Sometimes, the “memories” will really just be realities we have created in our heads. However, you will feel differently when you simply imagine something rather than actually remember it. If something clicks within your soul and you get a sensation of bliss, awe, or some other powerful emotion moving through your body, you likely have remembered an important part of your soul as it existed in a past life!

11 Signs There’s A Toxic Person In Your Life

As you may have noticed by now, not everyone is a delight to be around. This doesn’t make them a bad person necessarily; it just means that they don’t necessarily serve as a healthy influence. Let’s call it, perhaps, toxic.

Even stating that someone is toxic can be a bit harsh. However, if a person displays behavior that has a negative impact on us in any way, it is unhealthy (toxic) for us. Quite frankly, we shouldn’t have to subject ourselves to someone else’s toxicity. Despite our tendency to want to give someone the benefit of the doubt, we don’t need to do so. Especially if we are using all of our energy to maintain the relationship. So, what are the signs of a toxic person? We’ve come up with 11…

Sign #1: They’re bad listeners

Something to address quickly: it’s normal to want to think of something to say while someone else is talking. After all, nobody likes sounding “unsure” or “dumb”.

Two things: (1) trying to think of something to say when another person is speaking is not effective (2) this is not what makes somebody a bad listener.

A lack of acknowledgment, lack of response, and just plain disinterest are what make someone a bad listener. Many times, they’ll just continue talking about themselves anyway.


Sign #2: They’re always the victim

To them, any adverse situation is the result of someone else’s actions. Have a breakup? It’s always their evil partner. Came in late to work? Well, it’s the traffic (always (despite nobody else seeing it). Flop on the exam? Well, the questions didn’t match the study guide!

It doesn’t matter if they are at fault – they’ll never admit it. These people have usually gotten so good at making up excuses that they’re uttered semiconsciously.

Sign #3: Toxic people judge others unfairly

Ever been somewhere and heard a toxic person make a rude comment about someone in the room that they’ve never even met? It’s weird and shocking at the same time – weird because it’s so out of nowhere and shocking because 99% of people don’t do that.

But some toxic people will say they have the magical ability to innately “feel” when something is wrong with someone else. Worse yet is when they make a crack on someone else’s physical appearance.

Sign #4: They’re attention seekers

Then we have this group – the ones always needing attention. The easiest way to detect this is in a conversation: they’re always interrupting, dominating, and controlling.

The only time they’re happy in a conversation is when they are turning it back onto themselves. They’re also the ones who always seem to always find themselves in the middle of the group picture while simultaneously being the loudest one anywhere.

Sign #5: Toxic people are disrespectful of everyone

It’s still shocking to people watch and witness how some folks act. People still litter, graffiti property, cut people off in traffic, don’t say thank you, etc. These misguided, socially wretched behaviors are very disturbing.

(Does anybody else ever wonder who raised these people?)

Sign #6: They’re constantly interrupting

Interrupting conversations, interrupting traffic, interrupting with their phone; these folks are constantly in “me mode” and to heck with anyone else that tries to get in their way. They’ve got better things to do than display some empathy or patience.

In seriousness, this is really annoying. It’s human nature to interject someone and apologize. It’s downright rude to be so self-centered and clueless.

Sign #7: Toxic people inflate their own ego

Quick question: how do most people come to the conclusion that someone is exceptional (as a person or at something)? Well, we simply observe and come to a conclusion.

Michael Jordan never had to tell us he was a great basketball player. Mother Theresa never had to tell us she was a loving, kind person.

So, when we hear someone talk about how they’re great without being asked and without merit, it’s (again) weird and shocking. Most people are modest about their qualities, but toxic people are not “most people.”

Sign #8: They’re physically or emotionally abusive

This goes without saying, but physically and/or emotionally abusing another person or animal is an unconscionable and toxic act. Nothing else really needs to be said on the subject, except that if we’re being abused or know of another person or animal being abused that it should be reported to authorities immediately.

Sign #9: They can’t admit that they’re wrong

In other words, they always have to be right. No amount of evidence to the contrary can sway a toxic person’s illogical conclusion that they are right.

Some people will go to the extreme of a loud, vocal argument to “prove” they’re right. Mind you, there is nothing of substance that is being said – they’re trying to “win” the debate on noise level alone.

Bottom line: not being able to admit that they’re wrong and not being able to admit when someone is right are undesirable characteristics in a person.

Sign #10: They don’t take any responsibility

A close cousin of #2 and #10, some people don’t take responsibility for anything. Unfortunately, these people can’t see that their own actions yielded an undesirable result.

As for examples, we see this when someone is arguing with an authority figure – a cop, teacher, judge, etc. – and illogically pleading a case without actually having a case. For rational folks, we see this as a childish attempt to deflect responsibility from where it belongs.


Sign #11: They’re still “cliquish”

Ever seen the movie Clueless with Alicia Silverstone? If so, it’s quickly apparent that Cher (Silverstone’s character) and their group look down on pretty much everyone. Everyone else is dirty, badly dressed, or otherwise unworthy of their recognition.

There are still people who act “as if” (get it?) it’s still high school. If someone else isn’t driving the newest car, flashing the latest threads or populating the same neighborhood, they’re simply not worth the time. Toxic people consider themselves in another class that only a few, if anyone at all, deserve admittance.

3 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Secretly Unhappy

You have begun noticing small differences in your partner’s behavior. And you think it’s time to get to the bottom of what’s causing it. It’s not a secret that your partner is acting strange lately, but are they really secretly unhappy in your relationship? If you are happy, shouldn’t your partner be happy?

In a romantic relationship, you learn about your partner and can usually pick up on their emotions. There are subtle facial expressions, changes in their tone, and their body language that tell you when they are angry with you. The same is true for signs of depression and unhappiness.

What are the causes of your partner’s unhappiness? Are they unhappy enough to leave the relationship, or is this just a minor depression that they are going through? If they are unhappy with you, why won’t they say something rather than keeping it a secret?

Worrying about the state of your relationship is causing tension for you. Moreover,  your partner might be sensing some as well. Ideally, you will be able to have a conversation about your concerns and whether or not your partner is unhappy won’t be a secret to you anymore.

Well-being and happiness are dependent on a lot of factors, but studies show that being a part of a couple tends to make people happier than being single. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University surveyed 691 people on their relationship status and the quality of their relationships. They concluded that “In general, people appear to feel better about themselves and their lives when they are in a romantic and committed relationship. “

Communication with your partner is important. If you’re not yet ready to have a serious conversation with your partner and you think that your partner is showing any of these 3 warning signs, it is possible they are secretly unhappy.

3 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Secretly Unhappy

secretly unhappy

1. You notice changes in your partner’s behavior

You find out that your partner has bought a video game console and they have never showed an interest in video games before. Your partner is showing changes in their weight, either up or down. Your partner is dressing in a different or younger style than they used to.

These types of changes can be warning signs that your partner is secretly unhappy and also looking to make a relationship change. Adapting their style, behavior, grooming, or hobbies to someone else’s preferences might be what your partner is doing.

Your partner’s change in behavior might not be a sign of them finding another romantic partner, but clearly they felt the need for a change.

If they are moody, trying to get you to change, spending more time alone or spending more time with other people, you should definitely take it as a warning sign that your partner is secretly unhappy.

2. Your partner is emotionally unavailable

Emotional cheating is one way that your partner can withdraw from you. Emotional cheating, cyber cheating, virtual affairs; these are all real possibilities if your partner is not available to you. Your partner is sharing their feelings, thoughts, and attention with someone who is not you.

Many people see this as a betrayal that will lead to the end of a relationship, even if there was no sex involved with the online person involved.

Researchers who look at online relationships and real relationship believe that:

“Online relationships have a certain seductive appeal which in some ways could be potentially more damaging to an offline relationship than an offline affair .”

The feeling of betrayal comes from knowing that your partner is sharing things with someone else that they did not share with you.

Your partner may also be unavailable emotionally to you. When you ask how they’re doing, they respond with “Fine.” Not wanting to communicate and the lack of emotional connection to you are warning signs that your partner is secretly unhappy.

3. You or your partner is losing sleep

Insomnia is a common sign of depression. Not being able to sleep can also be a sign of anxiety. Not being able to sleep through the night or waking up multiple times during the night is another sign of depression. As a result of the lack of sleep, your partner may have a lack of energy.

One study found that bad sleep affect relationship quality and vice versa; a bad relationship affects sleep quality. If either of you are dealing with chronic fatigue, it can impact your work, family, mental and emotional life.

Sleeping on the couch or in the guest bedroom is another troubling warning sign. Your partner is signaling that they need space. It is also possible that their feelings toward you have changed and the intimacy of sleeping together is uncomfortable to your partner.

The best way to know if your partner is secretly unhappy is to ask them. Need to know more before you have that talk? Read our article 7 Warning Signs Your Relationship is About to Be Over.

Here’s What Would Happen If Everyone Meditated at the Same Time

Could we achieve world peace if everyone meditated at the same time?
Would we love unconditionally?
Could we unlock the mysteries of the universe?
Could we tap into our psychic potential?
What if we could solve all the problems of the world just by collectively meditating at the same time?

We are human sentient beings who have been gifted with consciousness. Our consciousness is a tremendous force, power, and tool that we can chose how to use. When we meditate, we calm the clutter of our consciousness and find the core of our truth.

Meditation helps you reveal the wisdom of your soul. Your own truth lies hidden until you are able to be still and see inside yourself. With meditation you can connect to your higher purpose, your guiding spirit, and your essence.

If all of this sounds perfectly wonderful to you, you can read about more good news in our article Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Meditate. Now let’s look at what would happen if everyone meditated at the same time.

Here’s What Would Happen If Everyone Meditated At The Same Time

We become aware

Awareness of self is one thing, but awareness of how your actions impact others, awareness of others’ needs, and awareness of a world full of humans that share so much in common is available to us in a meditative state. If everyone meditated at the same time, we would reveal these truths to ourselves.

When we meditate, we eliminate selfishness and greed. When we are calm and at peace with ourselves, we know that we are enough. We have enough. We no longer need that new purse or cell phone.

Our awareness of our emotional state becomes clear. We can sense and eliminate tension in our bodies. We can eliminate negative or defeating thoughts. When we have done this for ourselves, we are able to give more to others, knowing that inside, we have all that we need.

We can eliminate crime and create a more peaceful world

Researchers found that crime could be lowered if less than 1% of the population meditated. A town in England where Transcendental Meditation was taught and practiced was studied for their relative crime rate to those who meditated.

Over a five year period, the crime rate went from being the third highest to the lowest of the eleven metropolitan areas studied. If we can reduce crime through meditation, perhaps world peace is within our reach.

We can pick the winning lottery numbers

No, really, there has been research on the ability of group meditation to make statistically significant changes in a random number generator, which is basically what the lottery uses to choose the winning numbers. Group consciousness working toward a common goal can change what computers do.

In a study of the effect of human intention and human/machine interactions on a random number generator, a group practicing transcendental meditation was found to have a significant effect on the performance of the machine. In other words, meditation caused the machine to produce different results than it would have if the meditation influence was not present.

The fact that vibrations from meditative focus can cause unexplained changes in machinery is a little strange. But the fact that we have this potential power is incredible.

These changes have also been measured during other group gatherings; during a silent prayer, full moon ceremonies, sacred sites in Egypt, and a prayer vigil. The researchers say that “Meditation involving a large number of people worldwide practicing an assortment of types of envisioning, prayer and meditations at the same time reached significance.”

The Global Consciousness Project has Random Number Generators (RNGs) at various places worldwide and they post results of these monitoring stations after significant world events. For example, you can see the effect that the Paris terror attack had on the RNGs through this link.

We learn our higher purpose

Have you ever felt that you were meant for something more? Fulfilling your life?s work before you leave this earthly life is a goal that we all hope to achieve.

Do you even know what your higher purpose is? What were you put on this Earth to do with your life? When you are ready to seek your destiny, read our guide to 9 Ways to Reconnect With Your Higher Self. Hint: Meditation plays a key role in revealing your higher purpose.

If we all knew our higher purpose and were all seeking fulfillment, we would be achieving more than we are now. None of us would be sitting for hours on end in cubicles pushing paper around while our destiny is waiting for us.

Now imagine millions of people working together to accomplish shared goals. Our capacity to focus would be greater, and our mood and energy would be higher. If everyone meditated at the same time, we would unleash the power of supermen and superwomen on the world.

We connect with the divine

You may not be a person of faith, but there are billions of people on this planet who are. There are approximately 2.2 billion Christians, 1.6 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus, 500 million Buddhists, 400 million followers of folk or traditional religions, and 14 million Jews.

Many of our diverse faiths have similar beliefs, messages, and lessons. Connecting those who think they are enemies based on their religion by the common bond of love, belief in a divine presence, and kindness to others would be a wonderful achievement for everyone meditating at the same time.

If you haven’t given faith much thought lately, read our guide on 5 Reasons We Need to Take Faith More Seriously. Faith is a deeply personal journey, but it is one that you share in common with so many other people.

When you meditate as a believer in the divine, you can find that spark of life within yourself that was put there by your creator. You know with certainty that a divine force made your spirit to live full of peaceful love here and now at this moment.

Scientists Reveal ‘Ghost Organs’ For People Who Need Transplants

When you have a disease that requires you to have an organ transplant, why wait on a donor list when you can make the organ that you need? With the new ghost organs that are being created in the lab, the risk of rejection is eliminated for transplant patients.

Scientific discoveries can be scary, and the implications for possible misuse of this new technology have been compared to Dr. Frankenstein making a person from parts. Scientists have no plans to create new humans. They just want to use this technology to help people live longer, healthier lives.

The Reality of the Organ Transplant Wait List

Kidneys, livers and hearts are the 3 most needed organs for patients on organ donation wait lists. A living, breathing person can donate one of their two kidneys and continue living a normal life. A living donor can also donate a part of their liver.

Currently, around 100,000 people are waiting for kidney donations and over 17,000 are waiting for a donor liver. Hearts on the other hand mean that a person has to be 3 things: a registered organ donor, deceased, and a match for the person on the wait list.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that an estimated 22 people die each day waiting for donor organs. There are an estimated 3500 people in the United States alone waiting for donated hearts. Candidates for transplants can wait anywhere from days to years for an organ to become available.

Donated hearts are rare because the failure of the heart from disease or damage is often a cause of death so these organs cannot be donated. Currently, more than 120 million people in the U.S. are on the organ donor registry. You can register to become a donor through this link.

Scientists May Be Able To Grow Organs For People Who Need Transplants

ghost organ

Stem cells extracted from embryos are cells that haven’t been given a function yet. They can be made to grow into any bodily cell when scientists prompt them to develop with cellular material for the cell type that they need. In the lab, scientists have been able to make heart muscle cells that were created from stem cells beat to a rhythm when they are given electrical stimulation.

Bioengineered ghost organs use the protein structure from a donor heart that is sterile to create a shell. The donor heart can be from a human or an animal. Pig hearts are the most similar in size and structure to human hearts.

The scientists remove all of the existing cells from the donor heart, which leaves behind an empty, white, ghostly shell organ. They then use cells from the person who will receive the transplant to grow heart tissue which is a biological match to the recipient.

However, an adult does not have embryonic stem cells to use to create the cells for the donor tissue. So researchers have to use adult cells that are then reprogrammed to mimic embryonic stem cells by using growth hormones.

Tracheas and bladders are easier to build than kidneys or lungs. This is because of the different cell types that make up our more complex organs. Organs have to be grown correctly and blood vessels need to be developed to keep them alive until they can be transplanted.

Imagine a child who needs a heart transplant. The heart has to be the right size for the child now, but also grow with them as they grow into adulthood. The same would be true for anyone who is not fully grown, for example teenagers.

Not only does the engineered ghost organ have to stay sterile, the scientists have to keep it healthy by artificially pumping fluid through it with the rhythm of a heart beat. Then they have to delicately transplant it into the recipient and keep it beating for the lifespan of that person.

Stem Cell Controversy

The use of human embryos for stem cell research has caused controversy due to the need for fertilized eggs in the research. Beliefs regarding conception, the ethical treatment of human life, religious traditions, and the morals of society are all factors to be considered when pursuing this research.

In order to ethically obtain stem cells for research, scientists use eggs that have been fertilized by artificial means and that are voluntarily donated by couples who did not use them for their fertility treatments. Scientists remove the inner cells from the embryos which prevents them from developing.

Some people support the rights of the fertilized embryo, while others support the rights of the couple who produced the embryo. Still others support the importance of furthering scientific discovery to save lives. These are the ethical issues regarding stem cell use that remain contentious.

When Will Ghost Hearts be Available?

So far, researchers developing ghost organs have had limited success with animal studies in rats. Lung, kidney and heart trials have been undertaken but all had significant problems. For hearts, the ability to pump a large volume of blood for a long period of time seems to be the most difficult challenge.

In the meantime, the focus on research is on rebuilding partial organ structures. This technology could be used to repair a heart valve defect rather than replacing the entire heart. One researcher estimates 5-7 years before a person would be ready to receive a partial ghost organ transplant.

7 Signs You’re In A Karmic Relationship

A karmic relationship can be a painful experience for one or both of you. The idea of a karmic relationship is that we need to be taught a lesson before we are ready to find our true soulmate.

Karma has been compared to a wheel where what comes around goes around. Our past actions are partly the cause of our present state. If you hurt someone else, the same will be done to you in time.

In the karmic belief, our souls do not die but are reborn to learn more lessons each lifetime. As you learn, you ascend to higher levels as a soul until you no longer need to be reborn but have become a pure being of love.

The karmic relationship in question doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic one either. It could be with a coworker, friend, or neighbor. The important thing to remember is that you are supposed to learn something important about yourself from this painful experience.

Is karma trying to teach you a lesson via your relationship? Here are seven signs that you’re in a karmic relationship as well as what you can learn from it

7 Signs You’re In A Karmic Relationship

karmic relationship

1. Repeating a pattern

If you find yourself and your partner repeating the same arguments over and over again, you might be in a karmic relationship. You may have broken up with your ex only to get back together again.

These repeated patterns mean that you have not learned from the karmic lesson that is being shown to you. The opportunity for personal growth is to break the pattern and learn from what caused you to go back and repeat the lesson over again.

2. Selfishness

When you or your partner are unable to focus on the needs of the other person then you are in a karmic relationship. Learning to be generous and giving is what you can take away from this experience.

Can you change your behavior if you have been selfish or express your feelings to your partner about how it feels to be with a selfish person? Can you give selflessly to your partner? These are the lessons that you can take away from this karmic relationship.

3. Jealousy

Jealousy is fear, fear of loss. Being unable to control what may or may not happen to you in a relationship can be scary. Your partner could leave you for someone else. They might not need you anymore.

These feelings of fear restrict your ability to fully love and support the person that you are with. Release the need to control your partner and let them be the free soul that they are. Your fear either has a rational basis or it does not. By letting go of jealousy, you will learn which it is.

4. Anger

The emotion of anger can be frightening in a karmic relationship because it can involve raised voices, accusations, threats and violence. Anger is usually in response to a perceived hurt. It can be expressed easily by saying just that; “I feel hurt when you…”

5. Substance abuse

Dependency on something that you believe makes you feel better but is actually harmful to your health is a painful karmic lesson to learn. Withdrawal from an addiction often requires the intervention of a counseling or substance abuse program. Whether it is you or your partner who needs the help, find it quickly so that you can move out of addiction and into recovery.

6. Physical abuse

This is one karmic relationship that you should get out of immediately. If violence has happened once, it will happen again. Get immediate help if there have been threats of abuse or actual abuse. Domestic violence is a serious problem that is best left to professionals to handle.

Find a safe place where you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) and report the violence or threats. The police can handle the abuser better than you can. The only lesson to be learned in this type of relationship is to always protect yourself from harm.

mentally abusive

7. Sexual abuse

Again, do not stay in a relationship where your partner uses threats, causes you harm, or has sex with you without your consent. It is your partner who needs to learn a karmic lesson if they are abusing you this way. Keep yourself safe and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233).

Learning forgiveness over the hurt that was caused you by the karmic relationship is an excellent lesson to walk away with. In a study on forgiveness, participants were guided through a 6-week program, mental health and existential well-being were higher than before the program. Those who were able to forgive the wrongs committed against them were able to maintain these emotional and spiritual benefits when the researchers checked with them 6 weeks after the program had ended.

Do you plan to try to work out your differences and stay in the relationship? Read up on how to create good karma in our related article 6 Ways to Create Good Karma. Not all relationships will work but if you can become a better person as a result of the breakup, you’ll be moving yourself higher up on the karmic spiral.

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