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5 Signs You’re Exhausted

5 Signs You’re Exhausted

We know that sleep is vital to our health, but so many of us put the rest on the back burner and essentially become exhausted.

In fact, it is a national epidemic. Because of the sheer number of people in the U.S. who don’t get adequate sleep, the CDC has even gone so far as to call it a “public health problem.”

Between work, family, friends, cooking meals, and running errands, most of us feel pressed for time, and don’t get the rest we need to function optimally. According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. However, most get seven or fewer, which might explain our nation’s coffee and energy drink addiction.

Most people have been running on empty for so long that they might not even realize how exhausted they genuinely are. We will go over common signs of exhaustion and how you can combat it to feel your best.

Here are five signs you’re exhausted (and what to do about it):


1. You hit the snooze button several times each morning if exhausted.

We have all been there – the alarm goes off, and we don’t want anything to do with it. We wish we could throw it across the room and never have to hear its not-very-pleasant dinging and ringing ever again. Hitting the snooze button might seem harmless, but it probably means you haven’t gotten the rest you need to make it through the day.

What to do to awaken without the snooze alarm: 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but try to head off to bed earlier each night. Even fifteen minutes can make a big difference, so you won’t have to rush so much during your morning routine.

2. You can’t get through the day without multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks.

If you find yourself reaching for coffee during your breaks at work or downing energy drinks to stay awake, you probably have surpassed being tired, and entered into the realm of sheer exhaustion. Don’t feel bad about drinking coffee – many studies have proven the health benefits of coffee – it’s the amount of coffee you should pay attention to. Drinking too much coffee leads to dehydration, which results in feeling lethargic and exhausted.

What to do to cut back on excessive reliance on caffeine:

Drink water instead of coffee or energy drinks. Water naturally increases your energy levels and makes you more alert, eliminating exhaustion.

3. You feel like taking a nap in the middle of the day.

If you have a healthy, balanced diet consisting of high-energy foods, drink enough water, and get adequate sleep, you should make it through the day without feeling too tired. However, if you have trouble keeping your eyes open and regularly feel your body crashing shortly after lunchtime, you might need to reevaluate your sleeping schedule. Naps have beautiful benefits, and taking an occasional nap doesn’t usually point to some serious health problems. However, needing a nap every day might mean you need some more shut-eye.

What to do to stay alert during the afternoon slump: 

Start bringing high-energy snacks with you to work. Not only will the food’s nutrients help you stay awake, but countless studies reveal that eating a balanced diet can improve sleep. Eat natural, whole foods from the Earth, which will help regulate your sleep, give you energy, and much more.

sleep and energy

4. You have trouble concentrating.

A surefire sign you’re exhausted is difficulty focusing. Missing out on rest makes your mind fuzzy, vulnerable to forgetting important dates and facts, and susceptible to making mistakes. During sleep, your body regenerates cells, restores the chemical balance in your brain, and regulates hormones. By losing sleep, you miss out on all these vital processes, making your brain feel foggy and disoriented.

What to do to increase your focus on your daily tasks: 

Try light yoga or meditation before bed if you have trouble sleeping at night. Many people can’t fall asleep due to racing thoughts that prevent them from easing into relaxation, so calming the mind can significantly improve one’s sleep.

5. You have frequent cravings for junk food.

You generally feel irritable and cranky when you don’t get adequate sleep. Your brain seeks quick fixes for pleasure, and junk food is a very easy way to obtain that feeling. Also, when you feel exhausted, your body naturally craves calorie-dense foods that will give you a quick energy boost, according to studies. An occasional indulgence in junk food won’t kill you, but eating it frequently can damage your health and make it difficult to sleep at night. So, eating heavily processed foods puts you in a vicious cycle of obtaining quick energy, losing sleep at night due to the lack of nutrients and difficulty in digesting these unnatural foods, and then starting again the next day.

What to do to curb your junk food cravings: 

In this case, you’d be much better off taking a quick nap or packing fruit or nuts for work. Nuts and certain fruits have surprisingly high calories and contain nutrients vital to your health. You will still get energy from the food without all the adverse side effects of junk food.

mentally exhausted

Final Thoughts on Overcoming Feeling Exhausted

Try these tips to help overcome that exhausted feeling. You’ll be able to ditch energy drinks and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

5 Sentences Successful People Avoid

“Being successful is the result of an overwhelming passion that endures through your journey’s pain.” – Chris Butler

Every successful person will tell you that their dreams didn’t just fall into their lap and actualize out of thin air; they had to work day in, day out with sheer dedication and willpower. They had to sacrifice time, money, and maybe even relationships to achieve their dreams, and most importantly, they allowed their failures to carry them to success.

Successful people come from all walks of life, but they have one thing in common: they never gave up. Many people think that they don’t have what it takes to reach their goals if they hit a setback or two and leave their dreams in the clouds. However, successful people power through the obstacles and do whatever it takes to see their goals through to the finish line.

Also, successful people don’t dwell in a negative mindset. They know that by becoming aware of their thoughts and replacing negative ones with positive affirmations, they can start focusing on what matters and directing their mind to what they wish to achieve. If you talk to most anyone successful, they will tell you that they have some ritual they do each day to relax their mind and increase mental clarity, whether through meditation, yoga, or some other mindfulness practice.

Here are five sentences successful people avoid:

successfulSuccessful people will not utter these words–it’s all part of a positive mindset.

1. “I can’t do this.”

First of all, successful people don’t have doubts about their dreams. They believe in them so much that they follow them into both the storms and the sunshine; they follow them no matter what they might face on the way to the top. Success never comes easily, and they know this, but they realize that it all starts with them and their mindset. If they have no faith in themselves, they know that their goals will come to a standstill, as dreams can’t come to life in the midst of a negative mind.

No matter how much money they have, successful people, where they grew up, or who they know have a fire burning in them that no one can put out. So they fuel that fire by believing in themselves and knowing wholeheartedly that they have everything within them that they need to succeed.

2. “I hate [insert person, place or thing here]…”

Successful people don’t fixate on things that they hate; instead, they emphasize the things they love. They talk, think, breathe, and sleep love and kindness because they know that focusing on the negatives will only pollute their mind and put them two steps backward. Simply put, they direct their attention so much to the things that lift them and excite them that they have no time or energy to focus on things and people that bring them down.

Successful people choose to see the good in other people because they realize that everyone around them is their reflection. As a result, love expands, and hate contracts. Which emotion do you think will bring you closer to success?

3. “I’m not good enough.”

Like we said in the first point, successful people don’t ever doubt themselves. If they do, they quickly dismiss those thoughts and replace them with more loving, compassionate ones. Once you can learn to master your mind, the path to success becomes much clearer. You can never attain success by shrinking down into what the world wants you to become; you have to stand mighty and strong, not letting anything (including your own thoughts) hinder your journey.

Successful people know their worth and believe that they have every right to attract abundance into their lives in every way.

4. “I’ll never achieve my dreams.”

This type of negative thinking doesn’t sit well with successful people. Why? Well, once you think your dreams are beyond your reach, you have already set yourself up for failure. The most successful people worldwide know that they can’t predict the future, but they run boldly into the unknown territory anyway. They charge ahead with bravery, not even seeing failure as an option.

successful5. “I don’t have time.”

Many people shut the door to success with this simple statement. But, of course, our time is valuable, and when we have to spend most of it at our jobs, it seems that we won’t have enough time to work on our dreams. However, successful people set aside time each day to work on what really makes their hearts happy, even if they only have fifteen minutes a day to devote to their dreams. A lack of time doesn’t stop anyone from achieving success; however, what you do with your spare time can undoubtedly prevent your dreams from coming to life.

Successful people greatly value their time and prioritize what matters most to them.

5 Predictions About The Future From Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is undoubtedly brilliant. Since creating Facebook from his Harvard University dorm in 2004, Zuckerberg has amassed a social media empire:

  • 1.5 billion Facebook users
  • Over $40 billion in assets
  • Annual revenue of around $13 billion
  • A virtual takeover of anything and everything related to social media.

Yet even with enormous success, Zuckerberg isn’t nearly done. Since making Facebook a Silicone Valley and worldwide-renowned success, “Zuck” has purchased the Virtual Reality (VR) Company Oculus for $3 billion. Zuckerberg has also invested heavily in his passion – education companies – putting $150 million of his own money into four different organizations.

Zuck then tugged people’s heartstrings, pledging to donate nearly all of his wealth (99% of it) into the newly-created Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, a charity investment initiative founded with his wife, Doctor Priscilla Chan. According to the organization’s Facebook page, the purpose of the Initiative is to: “Advance human potential and promote equality in areas such as health, education, scientific research, and energy.”

So, clearly, Zuck is a forward-thinking guy. This vision, combined with his technological and business expertise, has made it that if Mark Zuckerberg speaks, people listen.  He’s a relatively introverted figure, but he does talk passionately about topics that are important to him.

Here are five predictions about the future from Mark Zuckerberg:

mark zuckerbergRecently, Zuck gave his strong opinions on what he thinks will be the technology wave of the future with some pretty wild predictions.

1. Virtual Reality (VR)

This is most certainly not a surprise, given Facebook and Zuck’s huge investment into Oculus VR. Zuck believes that VR headsets will further advance video games, film, and other technologies by immersing the individual into the action.

One of the fascinating tech developments that Zuck foresees is sharing experiences with loved ones via VR headsets. In other words, VR technology will become so advanced that people will communicate and share moments while feeling physically present.

Zuckerberg also foresees the widespread use of augmented reality glasses. According to Zuck, “We’ll be able to capture whole 3-D scenes and create new environments and then share those with people… (People) will be wearing augmented-reality glasses to assist them on an everyday basis.”

2. “Superhuman” abilities

In one of his wilder predictions, Zuckerberg believes that human beings will one day exceed their natural mental and physical capabilities. He believes that there are undiscovered ways that human beings can enhance their intelligence and fortify their health. It is through these methods, Zuck believes, that we will eventually rid the world of diseases.

If this sounds too Spiderman-like, it, in fact, isn’t. Many scientists believe that technologies can be developed to increase human life spans and eradicate many of our diseases today. Increasing intelligence and physical abilities through technology may be far off, though.

3. Worldwide Internet Access

One of Zuckerberg’s biggest passions is to give internet access to everyone in the world eventually. This led Zuck to create Facebook’s first non-profit organization,

According to the site, “The internet is essential to growing the knowledge we have and sharing it. And for many of us, it’s a huge part of our everyday lives. But most of the world does not have access to the internet. is a Facebook-led initiative to bring internet access and the benefits of connectivity to the two-thirds of the world that doesn’t have them.

Zuckerberg’s team is exploring various technologies to make this vision a reality, including high-altitude planes, satellites, drones, and lasers. Early in its operations, the subsidiary has already brought internet access to over 15 million people worldwide.

mark zuckerberg

4. Telepathic Communications

Out of every prediction, this one may be the most far-fetched. Zuckerberg believes that one day far into the future, we’ll be able to communicate with each other with our minds. This would be a point where we’re well beyond smartphones and Facetime, in other words.

Zuck says: “One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full, rich thoughts to each other directly using technology…You’ll be able to think of something, and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you’d like. This would be the ultimate communication technology.”

Unsurprisingly, brilliant scientists have already superseded this prediction by working on a similar technology that translates body and facial movement into spoken language. Oh, and this work began over ten years ago!

5. Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Some of this AI technology currently exists, which is exciting for Zuckerberg. Now, he’s looking to expand it. According to Zuck, he’s making it a priority where advanced AI systems can interpret information as well as, or even better than human beings can.

One great example of this advanced AI is personal computers having the ability to “describe images.” Here’s how Zuckerberg puts it: “If we could build computers that could understand what’s in an image and could tell a blind person who otherwise couldn’t see that image, that would be pretty amazing.” Indeed.

Mark Zuckerberg says that he’s hoping to deliver many of these advanced technologies within the next ten years.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Honey Water Every Day

Are you a fan of honey? Honey has been sweet nectar of healing for centuries and can be used as a food, medicine, and beauty treatment. You have a tasty, sweet beverage with several excellent nutrition and health benefits when you drink honey water.

To start, honey contains many essential nutrients, and it is a supersaturated solution of sugars. Honey contains small amounts of proteins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, aroma compounds, and polyphenols, which help support our health and well-being.

A tablespoon of honey has small amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, riboflavin, folic acid, selenium, and other essential trace nutrients to your diet.

The main nutritional components of honey are carbohydrates, mainly fructose and glucose. Although honey is a high carbohydrate food, its glycemic index varies depending on the type of honey source that the bees use to produce it.

This is What Happens When You Drink Honey Water Every Day

Because honey contains a high amount of natural sugar, people with diabetes should consult their doctors before adding honey to their diets. When we combine the nutrition of honey with the hydrating power of water, we get a sweet, nutritious drink that gives you enough health benefits to add to your daily diet.

honey water

1. Honey water can improve digestive health

The antioxidants of honey are helpful for the prevention, cure, and treat some stomach disorders such as ulcers, gastritis, and gastroenteritis. Researchers believe that honey intake stimulates the sensory nerves in the stomach, which helps reduce ulcers. Other researchers are studying how honey helps relieve diarrhea in children and rats. Drinking honey water can also help reduce gas and bloating.

2. Get an immune system boost from honey water

Honey can be applied topically to minor wounds and burns to help heal as an anti-inflammatory. In one study, honey healed infected post-operative wounds more quickly than antiseptic washes followed by gauze and was associated with fewer adverse reactions after treatment.

Honey also stimulates antibody production to help fight off illness. Honey’s health potential has even been studied concerning fighting cancer. Drinking honey water can also help with your oral health by helping to prevent the buildup of dental plaque and gingivitis.

3. Honey water helps the body flush toxins

A glass of honey water will keep you hydrated, but it will also help flush toxins from your system. Manuka honey is a variety that has particularly potent antifungal, antibiotic and antibacterial properties.

Adding lemon to the honey water adds citric acid, which will help the body naturally flush out unwanted toxins.

4. Clear up acne with honey water

The antibacterial nature of honey makes it an excellent remedy for acne. Drinking honey water helps clear your skin from the inside, but you can also apply it directly to the skin.

5. Honey water can assist weight loss

Honey keeps blood sugar more stable than other sources of carbohydrates like refined sugar. As a result, your body has energy on hand to use, but your regular blood sugar should help stave off cravings. Some sports nutritionists recommend honey water before, during, and after sustained periods of intense exercise.

Also, a tablespoon of honey in a 12 oz glass of water has about half the calories of any drink sweetened with sugar. Saving calories on a sweet beverage that is healthier for you will help reduce your overall caloric intake.

6. Regulate blood sugar with honey water

Although honey is high in sugar and carbohydrates, the effect on blood sugar is much reduced compared to refined sugar. Some researchers believe that a synergistic effect of both the fructose and glucose in honey might contribute to the relatively low glycemic response after consuming honey.

People with diabetes should still exercise caution, but drinking honey water could be a way to keep the sweetness in your diet without being concerned about having a spike in blood sugar.

7. Soothe a sore throat (Grandma’s classic use for honey water!)

Honey is a remedy for sore throat that has been used for centuries. Try warm honey water when you are feeling under the weather. Add a slice of lemon to the warm water for an added vitamin C boost.

Some people drink a hot toddy when they are feeling sick. A hot toddy would be the same honey, hot water, and lemon recipe as above with an added shot of whiskey. This is an old remedy that your grandmother may have recommended for a cold.

10 Types of Honey Water to Try

You may automatically think of the processed honey sold in plastic containers shaped like bears when you think of honey. You’re in for a treat when you discover the different types available. Flavor and color all depend on the bees and the flowers’ nectar they choose.

It’s also important to consider the quality of the honey you use. Overly processed honey often losses some of its nutrients and other benefits. Instead, opt for the “raw” honey coming from the bees in its purest form.

Generally, lightly colored honey has a milder taste, while the darker varieties have more of a bolder flavor. Some may have a higher concentration of specific vitamins and minerals depending on the pollen. Here are some popular honey varieties for you to consider.

1. Acacia

This is probably one of the most popular varieties you’ll find. It’s golden with light floral notes obtained from acacia blossoms or black locust trees. Since these trees are so prominent across the United States, it makes sense that honeybees often visit them.

Acacia honey may be a good choice if you have diabetes because it has a lower sucrose content. Its anti-inflammatory properties also may help those with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. This variety also stores well since it stays in a liquid form longer than most other types.

2. Alfalfa

If you like baking or cooking with honey, you’re probably a fan of this delightful variety. It’s produced from the purplish-blue blossoms of alfalfa, a flowering legume that’s often grown to feed livestock. Alfalfa honey has a mild flavor that’s subtly floral.

3. Basswood

Do you want a honey variety with a distinctively bold flavor? Its pure, almost transparent color is derived from the cotton-white flowers of basswood trees. You’ll appreciate this honey’s rich, woodsy flavor that makes it ideal for adding to tea or making honey water.

4. Clover

Clover honey is a cherished variety all over the world. It’s usually the variety that’s processed and sold in cute little bottles. However, raw clover honey retains more of the sweet floral essence of clover blossoms.

honey water

5. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is your pick if you want a honey variety with high iron content. It’s one of the darkest varieties with color and thickness, almost like molasses. It’s produced from buckwheat blooms and is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

6. Dandelion

Here’s another reason you may embrace the abundance of dandelions on your lawn. Bees that visit these sunny yellow flowers produce honey that’s a dark amber hue. Dandelion honey also provides possible health benefits for the host flower, like antioxidants and antibiotics.

7. Eucalyptus

Maybe you would like to try a honey variety with herbal flavor notes. Eucalyptus honey comes from Australia, home to the eucalyptus tree. It has a subtle aftertaste of menthol and is favored for soothing coughs and sore throats.

Eucalyptus honey also has related varieties like jarrah and ironbark. Each has its flavor profile as well as possible health benefits. Any of these would make a tasty addition to your healthy concoction.

8. Orange Blossom

Here’s another popular honey variety that gets its delightful zing of citrus flavor from orange blossoms. While it originated in Mexico and Spain, it’s now also produced in California, Florida, and Texas.

Its golden hue and orangey aroma are instantly familiar and energizing. Orange blossom honey provides antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin C. It may be a good choice if you need a boost in your energy or immunity levels.

9. Manuka

This unique honey variety continues to be a buzzword in nutrition and alternative medicine. You’ll understand why if you’ve read about essential tea tree oil. Honeybees produce this honey from the blossoms of tea trees, which are called manuka in New Zealand coastal areas.

Tea tree oil’s same possible health benefits may be obtained from eating or drinking manuka honey. It has marked antibacterial properties that may help with conditions from acne to digestive issues. Depending on the manuka source, this honey has a full, earthy flavor that’s not as sweet as other varieties.

10. Tupelo

You needn’t look further than the American Southeast for one of the sweetest honey varieties available. Tupelo honey comes from blooms native to swamps in those areas. It has a glorious golden glow with a faint touch of green, hence its nickname “Southern gold.”

The Importance of Hydration for Your Health

According to an article published by the USGS, your body is composed of at least 60 percent water. It stands to reason that you need proper hydration to keep your body strong, healthy, and working at optimal levels. There’s just no substitute for a refreshing glass of honey water.

When you drink water and other fluids, your body feels the benefits almost immediately. In fact, by the time you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. These are some of the essential benefits of hydration for your body.

1. It Can Give You More Energy

Since your blood and other essential body fluids are mostly water, you need to stay hydrated to keep them flowing. Your blood may not circulate as quickly if you get dehydrated, and your heart will work harder. So, you can feel tired and cranky.

Drinking enough water throughout the day keeps your blood moving and gives you energy. Suppose you’ve been exhausted lately and don’t know why you’re dehydrated. Try drinking more water or honey water to boost your energy.

2. Keeps Your Joints Limber

Just like a machine, your body needs regular lubrication to work correctly. Water conditions the cartilage in your joints just like lubricants. You can bend, stretch, and stay active with less pain from achy bones and joints.

3. Detoxification

Your body has an ingenious system for ridding itself of toxins and other wastes. Water helps flush your kidneys and bowels from liquid and solid wastes. Plus, it helps your liver and lymphatic symptoms detoxify your entire body.

4. Weight Management

Are you trying to lose a few pounds? Keeping your body hydrated can help you in several ways. First, drinking enough honey water can make you feel more satisfied and won’t eat as much.

Proper hydration can also boost your metabolism. You’ll have more energy to exercise and burn more calories. The more calories you burn, the more weight you can lose.

5. Fewer Headaches

Did you know that frequent headaches may signify that you’re not drinking enough water? According to the Cleveland Clinic, headaches are often the first sign of dehydration. Your brain has a high-water composition and can shrink away from your skull, causing headaches. When you stay hydrated enough, you may discover that you don’t have headaches as often.

honey water

Finals Thoughts on Adding Honey Water to Your Daily Routine

Keeping your body hydrated is necessary for your overall well-being. When you consider enjoying a glass of honey water each day, your health may get a boost. Honey is loaded with antioxidants which help protect your heart by lowering bad cholesterol. Darker honey contains even more health benefits, so aim for these varieties when you shop. There are also other options like raw, local, wildflower, manuka, etc., each with its unique healing properties.

Research a bit and see which type is best for you.

Disclaimer: One word of caution, do not feed raw honey to infants under one year old. Non-sterilized raw honey may contain bacteria that adult immune systems can handle, but infant immune systems are not yet developed enough to fight.

The ONE Question You Need To Ask Yourself Every Morning

When we wake up each morning, oftentimes we stumble out of our beds, hurriedly get ourselves ready for work, grab a quick breakfast (if we have a moment to spare), and then rush off to our jobs. But, what if we could approach the day more mindfully? What if we took a few minutes each morning to set our intentions for the day, work on some deep breathing exercises, tell ourselves positive affirmations, and center ourselves for the day ahead?

Indeed, most people don’t take the time to evaluate their emotions and work on self-care. As a result, their lives seem to control them rather than the other way around. We all deal with similar challenges and issues in life. But if we just asked ourselves one question before our daily routines begin, we can allow for more peace and abundance to flow through us.

The ONE Question You Need To Ask Yourself Every Morning

Of course, you will probably want to preface this question with quiet meditation or yoga, just to get your mind centered and focused first. After you have silenced the chatter in your mind and you feel ready, ask yourself this simple question:

What can I learn from today? 

You might ask, “What will this really do for me?” Well, before you get bombarded with life’s craziness for the day, you will have already set the intention that you want to learn something from the experiences you encounter. You will have told the universe that you want to become an active participant in your life rather than just allowing it to control you like a puppet.

You will set the intention that you wish for the universe to send you people and events that will challenge you to push past barriers in your mind. Consequently, you learn important lessons.

We all have things we could work on within us. Maybe some of us struggle with feeling comfortable in conversations with people. Others battle addictions, and still others long to find their life purpose. Even if you have conquered the demons within you, you probably still have something you wish to learn from this life.

Until the day our souls leave our bodies, we all are a work in progress. Each day, we can decide to become better than we were the day before, or spiral backwards into bad habits. We can make a conscious choice to continue growing, aspiring, learning, and opening our hearts. Therefore, we can decide to learn all we can from every experience.

Instead of attempting to butt in and dictate what will happen, allow life to simply flow. Become both the active participant and the observer. Let go and push past your self-imposed limitations, but also, remember that life is our greatest teacher. You can still surrender to life while participating in it fully; in fact, once you learn to just show up and see what happens, you say to life “I no longer want to fight you; I want to embrace you, and learn from your lessons, both difficult and easy.”

None of us knows everything about life, and most of us wouldn’t want to, anyway. So you might say, “Well what’s the point of learning anything new if we all know nothing in the end?” A very valid question, indeed. However, I think we can all agree that if we lived from a place of love and understanding, this world would become a much brighter place. So, if you take anything from this life, learn to crack open your heart and allow love to leave and enter uninhibited.

This doesn’t require any sort of critical thinking or complex formula; love represents our natural state of being, before we become indoctrinated into society and programmed with messages of hate and violence. If you set your intention to learn whatever you can from today, remember that behind every lesson, love exists. Everything that life sends your way exists in order to make you love more than you could ever imagine.

Question Your Openness to Change

If you become receptive to life’s lessons, and accept them without jumping in and trying to change the situation, you can begin to open all the locked doors inside your heart.

We all want to become more free, loving, and open, but it begins with ourselves. You can’t control life; if you try to, you will only exhaust yourself. Focus on learning to control your breath, your thoughts, and your intentions, instead. Take charge of what you wish to learn in this life, and commit to absorbing the knowledge.

In this very moment, you can control how you wish to see life. You can see it as a continuous cycle of anguish and unfairness. On the other hand,  you can view it as a constant and overflowing stream of knowledge and an opportunity for incredible growth.

You get to decide, but posing the question “What can I learn from today?” will always give you the answers you need to move forward. You just have to choose what you will do with these answers. Will you ignore them and continue allowing life to control you? Or will you take charge and incorporate these lessons into creating a more meaningful, empowering life?

Remember, you are writing your story every day, either consciously or unconsciously. So, all you have to do, is own the pen.

Here’s How Weighted Blankets Are Helping People With Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 40 million adults in the U.S. age 18 or older suffer from an anxiety disorder, equating to 18% of the population. Depending on the severity of the anxiety, it can completely disrupt one’s life, coming between relationships, jobs, and general well-being.

Many people turn to either pharmaceutical drugs, alternative remedies such as herbs and supplements, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), or yoga and meditation to heal their anxiety. However, weighted blankets have shown promise as a remedy for many anxiety disorders.

Here’s How Weighted Blankets Are Helping People With Anxiety

Weighted blankets have plastic poly pellets sewn into compartments throughout the blanket, which helps to distribute the weight evenly. The deep pressure from the weighted blanket acts to calm the person under it. The added weight sends a message to the brain to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, inducing relaxation.

Initially, occupational therapists used weighted blankets on children with sensory disorders, anxiety, stress, or autism. However, they help adults with anxiety disorders as well.

“In psychiatric care, weighted blankets are one of our most powerful tools for helping people who are anxious, upset, and possibly on the verge of losing control,” says Karen Moore, OTR/L, an occupational therapist in Franconia, N.H. “These blankets work by providing input to the deep pressure touch receptors throughout the body,” Moore says. “Deep pressure touch helps the body relax. Like a firm hug, weighted blankets help us feel secure, grounded, and safe.”

How Heavy Should Your Weighted Blanket Be?

weighted blanket

As far as the weight of the blanket, most adults prefer 15 to 30 pounds, but you should seek the advice of a doctor or occupational therapist before purchasing one. However, those with respiratory or circulatory conditions should not use a weighted blanket unless a doctor approves first.

We want to mention that weighted blankets can help people suffering from insomnia as well, in addition to anxiety. Many people with insomnia may also have mental imbalances due to the lack of sleep, so a weighted blanket can not only calm anxiety but help you get a better night’s sleep at the same time.

Because of the added weight from the blanket, make sure to keep the temperature in your room relatively calm so you don’t get overheated during the night. As cozy and comforting as the blanket may seem, it won’t work as well if you feel too uncomfortable to go to sleep.

In addition to the weighted blanket, you might also want to use a grounded sheet or bed beneath you to maximize the calming effect. Grounding means allowing your body to contact the Earth directly or using a device that creates the same result while indoors. Until modern times, we spent most of our days outdoors, soaking up negative electrons from the Earth.

In today’s world, exposure to EMFs, Wi-Fi, mobile phone waves, and other forms of technology have increased our positive electrons, which have the opposite effect of grounding. Preliminary studies on grounding have found that it can reduce cortisol levels, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. Furthermore, it can help improve sleep and energy levels, lessen menstrual cramps, normalize biological rhythms, and much more.

Five Other Reasons to Try a Weighted Blanket (Besides Anxiety!)

While most people use weighted blankets to alleviate anxiety, they also have other benefits. Weighted blankets can help with various conditions, such as the following.

1.     Decreases insomnia severity.

Getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t come easily when you have insomnia. All the tossing and turning can take a toll on your mental and physical health. However, one randomized, controlled study by Swedish researchers found that weighted blankets significantly improved participants’ insomnia symptoms.

After four weeks of sleeping with a weighted blanket, participants reported reduced insomnia severity, improved sleep quality, and less daytime sleepiness. In addition, their mental health improved as they reported fewer symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and depression, likely due to enhanced sleep quality.

Participants who used weighted blankets had a 26 times higher chance of experiencing a 50%+ reduction in insomnia severity than the control group. In addition, they had a 20-fold greater chance of achieving remission from insomnia. During a 12-month follow-up period, researchers discovered that the participants maintained these positive results.

2. Reduces chronic pain.

Deep pressure therapy can induce a calming effect and reduce pain perceptions for people with chronic pain. Using a weighted blanket mimics deep pressure from a massage or tight hug and can trigger the release of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine.

A 2021 study by researchers at UC San Diego found weighted blankets reduced broad perceptions of chronic pain in 94 participants. For one week, they used either a light (5-lb) or heavy (15-lb) weighted blanket. Those in the weighted blanket group showed improvements in pain perceptions, especially with high trait anxiety. However, their pain intensity levels remained the same.

Still, a weighted blanket could offer relief to those suffering from chronic pain.

3. Improves ADHD symptoms.

While weighted blankets aren’t a treatment for ADHD, they can help manage symptoms and improve sleep quality. For example, a 2021 qualitative study found that children with ADHD experienced better sleep after using weighted blankets. Their parents reported that the children had improved sleep routines, sleep duration, and reduced anxiety after 16 weeks.

In addition, aspects of their everyday lives, such as school participation and family interaction, improved after using weighted blankets.

A 2014 study found that weighted vests improved attention and reduced hyperactivity in children with ADHD. The researchers found that participants who used the weighted vests during a performance task enhanced in several areas.

Specifically, their attention and processing speed improved, and they remained seated for long periods. They also fidgeted much less and showed enhanced executive management function.

weighted blankets

4. Improves outcomes of medical procedures.

Most people feel nervous about an upcoming surgery or medical procedure, whether minor or severe. However, researchers have found that using a weighted blanket during the operation could alleviate anxiety.

For instance, a 2016 study found that participants who used a weighted blanket during wisdom tooth surgery had lower anxiety and stress. A follow-up study on adolescents who used a weighted blanket during a molar extraction had similar results.

5. Increases feelings of security and safety.

Weighted blankets mimic the feeling of being hugged or swaddled, which helps calm the nervous system. Whether you have sleep anxiety, panic disorder, or other mental health conditions, a weighted blanket can induce relaxation and reduce restless thoughts. In today’s highly stressful world, almost anyone can benefit from a weighted blanket, especially those who struggle with insomnia.

Symptoms of Anxiety?

As with most mental disorders, anxiety stems from genetics, personality, lifestyle, and environmental conditions. Anxiety can cause many uncomfortable or debilitating symptoms, such as constant fear or worry, insomnia, and gastrointestinal issues. Other common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Feeling nervous or tense, usually for no reason
  • Having a sense of impending doom or danger
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Having cold extremities
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Brain fog
  • Having difficulty controlling worry
  • Avoiding anxiety triggers

Five Key Causes of Anxiety

Most experts agree that causes of anxiety include the following:

  1. Genetic Predisposition. Mental health issues such as anxiety tend to run in families, so if your parents have anxiety, it increases your risk of developing it. However, scientists have found that anxiety disorders have a heritability of only 26%, so other factors such as traumatic events and brain chemistry, likely play a more significant role.
  2. Brain Chemistry. An ancient part of the brain called the amygdala helps process emotions. When you feel anxious consistently, the amygdala grows larger, reinforcing feelings of fear and worry. Other parts of the brain, called the hypothalamus and hippocampus, play a role in emotional processing.
  3. Childhood Trauma or Environmental Stress. Childhood abuse or traumatic events can cause anxiety from an early age. In addition, living with long-term stress can lead to chronic anxiety.
  4. Drug or Alcohol Misuse. Substance abuse can cause or exacerbate existing anxiety symptoms.
  5. Medical Conditions. Medical problems like heart disease, diabetes, or thyroid problems could trigger anxiety. By treating these underlying conditions, anxiety symptoms may disappear without additional treatments.

weighted blanket

Final Thoughts on How Weighted Blankets Could Alleviate Anxiety

Anxiety can have a devastating impact on someone’s life, causing them to shut themselves off from the world altogether. People with severe anxiety may have difficulty maintaining their daily routine, jobs, or relationships. No one should suffer to this extent, but many people find it easier to cope with the modern world by simply avoiding it.

Treatments for anxiety include psychiatric medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. These have been proven to help, but it often isn’t enough for people with debilitating anxiety.

Thankfully, researchers have found that weighted blankets can significantly improve anxiety symptoms. In 32 adults, 63% reported lower anxiety after using a weighted blanket. If you struggle with insomnia or racing thoughts at bedtime, a comforting blanket may help calm your mind.

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