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8 Signs Your Partner Is Trying to Control You

When did this relationship go from being a loving romance to an emotionally draining combat zone? If you’re wondering how to escape from the toxic partner that you’re with, it could be a sign that your partner is trying to control and maybe even command your relationship. Here are some red flags to look out for.

8 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Trying to Control You

Do you spot any of these signs of a controlling loved one? If so, it might be time to examine the relationship more carefully.

1. They put conditions on their love.

Your partner should give love effortlessly without making rules about whether or not you deserve their affection. When someone uses language like “If you’d only act differently, I could love you,” they are putting a limit on their love.

In a healthy relationship, your partner would recognize that we are all working on becoming better people, and although you may have things that you want to change about yourself, they love you just the same.

control2. They restrict your interactions with others.

When your partner limits who, when, or where you can talk to other people, they are trying to control you in an unhealthy way. You should have the freedom to have an active social life without being made to feel guilty for talking to others, whether they be of the same or opposite sex.

Healthy partnerships allow each person the freedom to grow and develop within the boundaries of a supportive relationship. Restricting your social interaction is a sign of an insecure partner who wants to control you.

3. They manipulate your emotions.

Your partner is trying to control you if they try to make you feel guilty, anxious, jealous, afraid, or depressed. Although you control your emotions and how you respond to someone’s actions or words, a manipulative person will act in ways that attempt to elicit these negative emotions from you.

A manipulator can be very good at hiding their tactics. You can read more about how to recognize a manipulator here.

4. They have trust issues.

In a study of couples who experienced a significant conflict, those who felt less secure in their relationships perceived more conflict with their dating partners and reported a tendency for conflicts to escalate in severity. An insecure partner can quickly make an argument go from a minor one to an intense one.

If you haven’t given your partner any reason to not trust you, but they spy on you or check your phone and computer when you aren’t looking, they are attempting to control your level of privacy.

Your partner may make assumptions about who you spend time with and make accusations about your unfaithful behavior, even if they do not have any reason to suspect it. The only way this type of controlling person feels comfortable is when they know what you are doing at all times.

Don’t let someone control your actions. A healthy partnership has a foundation of trust and honesty. If you or your partner cannot trust each other, the relationship may be unable to survive.

5. They put you down.

There are healthy ways to disagree with your partner. Use of language that is belittling or insulting is uncalled for, even during an argument. The use of hurtful language to each other is a sign that your partner wants to control you by keeping you in a negative emotional state.

6. They are hostile toward you.

Signs of extreme anger, violent actions, threats of violence, threats of punishment, or violent sex are all very concerning signs in a relationship. For the sake of your safety, get to a safe location immediately. A person who uses physical violence to control another person is dangerous to themselves and others.

According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, the lifetime prevalence of physical assault by a partner was 22.1% for women and 7.4% for men. You can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) and speak confidentially to someone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

7. You feel emotionally drained.

When you notice that feelings of sadness, depression, or thoughts of being trapped in this controlling relationship have been happening to you, it’s time to seek help or exit the relationship.

A healthy partnership should make you feel safe, secure, happy, and emotionally fulfilled most of the time. All couples will experience conflict and times of sadness, but those should be less frequent.

toxic partner8. You have low self-esteem.

Suppose you take your partner’s actions or words personally and have begun to feel like you are less critical as a person than you were before the relationship started. In that case, that is a sign that you’re in a controlling relationship.

When you notice that you have changed, but it’s not for the better, your mental well-being is at stake. If this is the wrong relationship for you, make a change now for your health and happiness.

The ONE Thing That May Be Causing Your Back Pain

What if that backache pain that you feel is easily fixed by increasing your intake of one vitamin? You may not realize it, but it’s easy to mistake lower back pain as a sign of an injury. Joint pain can also mimic symptoms of this vitamin deficiency.

In the winter, most of the northern hemisphere gets less sun than it will during the Spring, Summer and Fall. The temperatures are also lower, so we cover up and stay inside our heated homes and workplaces as much as possible.

As a result, we leave our homes bundled up, get into our transportation, enter our workplaces, and return home having rarely had any skin exposed to the sun. We lose the benefit of direct sunlight on exposed skin which produces our Vitamin D quota for the day.

We have been told that skin cancer is such a high risk that we should cover up or apply sunscreen to any exposed skin. But it that really necessary? The risk of sunscreen versus the benefit of naturally absorbed Vitamin D in one health decision where we tend to err on the side of caution.

Since we would rather avoid skin cancer from too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun, we lose the benefit of Vitamin D that natural sunlight provides.

This Common Vitamin Deficiency Causes Back and Joint Pain

When we lack adequate Vitamin D, we reduce our body’s ability to absorb calcium which strengthens our bones. Something as correctible as a Vitamin D deficiency can cause back and joint pain to such a degree that we might seek the help of a medical professional.

Thai massage pain

Pain and Vitamin deficiency

In a study of 360 patients (90% women and 10% men) who reported lower back pain and visited a spinal and internal medicine clinic over a 6-year period, 83% of the study patients had an abnormally low level of vitamin D.

These were patients, ages 15 to 52, who had low back pain with no obvious cause for longer than 6 months. After treatment with Vitamin D supplements, measurable improvement in symptoms was seen in all the groups that had a low level of vitamin D, and in 95% of all the patients.

Bone and joint pain as a result of Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of dietary calcium. When someone is deficient in vitamin D, the amount of calcium absorbed is less than what is needed to satisfy the body’s calcium requirement. This results in an increase in the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathyroid hormone conserves calcium by increasing the reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys. The kidneys then produce a hormonally active form of vitamin D.

When we are deficient in vitamin D, not of the hormonally active form of Vitamin D is produced to maintain calcium absorption. When this happens, the skeleton becomes the source of calcium for the body. This results in osteopenia and osteoporosis.

When we lack enough Vitamin C to properly mineralize our bones and help them be solid, there is an effect of outward pressure on the membrane that covers our bones which has sensory pain fibers. This explains why patients with a Vitamin D deficiency often experience dull. aching pain in their bones.

Many patients with this general bone pain are misdiagnosed by their doctors as having fibromyalgia. The symptom of generalized whole-body bone and joint pain as a result of vitamin deficiency is easily correctible.

In a study of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, one of the typical treatments (with aromatase inhibitors) led to reports of severe joint pain to the point that the women felt disabled. Supplementing with 50,000 units of Vitamin D per week reduced the frequency of women reporting this severe joint pain.

Prevention of back and joint pain from Vitamin D deficiency

The amount of sun exposure needed to correct this deficiency in Vitamin D is minimal. It is estimated that as little as 10 minutes in the sun, with skin exposed on the face, arms, and legs is enough for a fair-skinned person in the summer months to produce 10,000 units of Vitamin D.

However, if you live north of Atlanta, GA in the winter, you aren’t getting enough sunlight. Darker-skinned people are less able to absorb UVB radiation from the sun which is required to produce Vitamin D. Elderly people are also at higher risk for Vitamin D deficiency.

Treatment of Vitamin D deficiency

A Vitamin D deficiency can be treated easily by giving the patient a dose of 50,000 units of vitamin D once a week for 8 weeks. Long-term treatment of vitamin D deficiency can be accomplished by giving 50,000 units of vitamin D once or twice a month.

Many of our grocery items are fortified with additional Vitamin D. Adding a supplement in the winter of 2,000 units per day may be required to maintain bone and joint health.


8 Ways to Increase Your Vitamin D (and Avoid Pain)

If a vitamin D deficiency causes your back pain or discomfort, there are things you can do to alleviate it. Increasing your Vitamin D intake can make all the difference, and it’s easier than you think.

1. Eat Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are a great source of Vitamin D, and they’re easy to add to your diet. Try to get your eggs from pasture-raised or free-range chickens. They offer up to 15% more of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin D than eggs from a conventionally raised chicken.

If you can find chickens that eat vitamin D enriched grain, their eggs could offer over 100% of your recommended daily intake. However, no matter where you get your eggs, you’re sure to consume more vitamin D than if you didn’t eat egg yolks.

2. Eat Mushrooms

Mushrooms make vitamin D when exposed to UV light, making them a beneficial source to add to your diet. Mushrooms produce D2 or ergocalciferol vitamin D, and humans produce D3 or cholecalciferol. While D3 is more beneficial, both types raise levels in your body.

The Vitamin D content varies for different mushroom types, but wild maitake mushrooms tend to have the highest amount. They provide nearly 300% of your recommended daily intake, ensuring you reach your goal. If you can’t find wild mushrooms, you can typically buy mushrooms treated with UV light.

3. Spend Some Time in the Sun

The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D, so get outside as often as you can. Your skin contains a type of cholesterol that turns to vitamin D upon exposure to the sun. Research shows that vitamin D derived from the sun stays in your body twice as long as that from food sources or supplements.

If you have darker skin, you’ll have to spend more time outside to produce the vitamin D. Darker skin has more melanin, making vitamin D production harder. Age impacts vitamin D production, as well, because it becomes less efficient as you get older.

Additionally, your proximity to the equator makes a difference in vitamin D production. The closer you live to the equator, the more time of the year you’ll be able to bask in the benefits of sunshine. If you live close to it, you’ll have year-round proximity, but living further away means you’ll only reap the benefits part of the year.

When you spend time in the sun, don’t forget to protect yourself with sunscreen. However, some types of sunscreens can hinder the production of vitamin D. Experts say that you can spend 8-15 minutes in the sun without protection to ensure you receive the vitamins.

4. Eat Foods Fortified with Vitamin D

There aren’t many foods that naturally contain sufficient amounts of vitamin D. Some foods are fortified with the nutrient, making it easier to find it in food sources. Some common fortified foods include:

  • Orange juice
  • Milk, including cow’s, soy, almond, and hemp
  • Cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Tofu

Be sure you read the ingredients list to ensure it’s a fortified product. Many options will make it clear on the front of the container, but you might have to look a little harder for others.

5. Sit by a Window

If you sit near an open window, you can receive the benefit of the sun without going outside. The window must be open as many windows block the kind of sunlight you need. If you work from home, move your desk near a window. Otherwise, place your favorite chair near a window you can open and sit in it whenever the sun shines through.

6. Eat Seafood and Fatty Fish

Seafood and fatty fish contain up to 50% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin D. As one of the richest natural sources of vitamin D, these foods are a great addition to your diet. The amount of nutrients you receive in the food depends on the type and species, but they’re all beneficial.

Some types of seafood and fatty fish that contain vitamin D include:

  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Anchovies
  • Cod

Additionally, cod liver oil is a good option for taking in more Vitamin D. It contains high amounts of the nutrient, and you can consume it with warm water or by taking a capsule.

7. Use a UV Lamp

You can invest in a lamp that emits UV-B radiation, boosting your vitamin D levels. Exposure to this radiation triggers your skin to produce vitamin D just like it would in sunlight. If you live far from the equator, you could benefit from having a year-round option.

Using a UV lamp comes with some concerns, so you must be careful. Too much exposure can cause sunburn, so don’t use it for more than 15 minutes at a time.

8. Take Supplements to Decrease Pain

Sometimes it’s best to take a vitamin D supplement to reach your recommended daily intake. Look for a high-quality supplement that contains vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol for the best results. However, if you don’t want supplements from animal sources, you might want to choose D2 instead.

Your supplements should be tested for purity and quality, and the United States doesn’t require this of all products. Make sure you take the time to choose the best and safest supplements.


5 Other Ways to Decrease Back Pain Without Medicine

Increasing your vitamin D intake isn’t the only way to decrease back discomfort. There are many other natural remedies to soothe your discomfort without taking medication.

1. Reduce Pain by Sleeping in a Comfortable Bed

Research shows that your back won’t hurt as much during the day when you get enough sleep at night. Restorative sleep has healing benefits that leave you feeling refreshed. Sleep disturbances can cause or worsen your discomfort, and a lack of sleep affects your pain tolerance.

According to the CDC, adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. If you can’t seem to reach that goal, find some ways to get more sleep, including implementing a routine.

Your mattress or pillows can affect your sleep, so make sure they’re comfortable. Choose pillows that are the right size, allowing your back and neck to align. If you sleep on your side, you should also place a pillow between your knees to ensure bodily alignment.

2. Stretch or Do Yoga to Relieve Pain

Stretching your joints and soft tissues can effectively alleviate your back pain. Simple stretches such as touching your toes can help loosen your back muscles. Additionally, doing yoga is a beneficial way to stretch, and there are many poses you can try.

It stretches your back, improves your muscle and joint health, and distributes healing nutrients throughout your body. When you start doing yoga, stretch your body slowly and stop if you experience any discomfort. Do it in the morning to loosen your spine, reduce stiffness, and alleviate aches in your back.

3. Wear Different Shoes

Shoes that don’t fit properly or offer no support could lead to back pain as it causes muscle strain. High heels throw off your alignment, causing lower back discomfort. If you frequently wear them for long periods, it might be best if you find a more practical option.

Flat shoes with no support can also cause feet and back strain, leading to back pain. Instead, choose shoes that fit well and offer support.

4. Use Heating Pads and Cold Packs

Alternating heat and cold can effectively alleviate back pain. Ice packs are best after an injury or muscle strain. Wrap a towel around your ice pack for protection before applying it to your skin.

Cold packs can reduce inflammation and can provide a numbing effect for discomfort. If you don’t have a cold pack, you can use frozen vegetables, but don’t forget to cover them to protect yourself. Leave the ice on your back for no more than twenty minutes at a time.

A heating pad alleviates pain from stiff or aching muscles. Ensure the temperate is comfortable because some heating pads can get too hot.

If you don’t have a heating pad, a hot water bottle will do the trick. You can also fill a cloth bag with uncooked rice and heat it in the microwave. Additionally, you can use self-activating heat patches to get relief at work or anywhere else you can’t easily use a heat pack.

5. Avoid Pain That Comes From Sitting in the Same Position for Too Long

Avoid excessively sitting for long durations to prevent stress on the muscles and joints of your hip and spine. If you work at a desk, consider using a standing desk part of the day. Otherwise, get up and walk around every hour to alleviate the load on your spinal discs.

Additionally, check your posture throughout the day and adjust your body. Your neck, shoulder, and back should align to prevent or alleviate back pain.

You should also rotate activities often to give your muscles and joints a break. When you use different parts of your body, it prevents certain areas from being over-fatigued. Let your muscles and joints relax before returning to the previous activity.

shoulder pain

Final Thoughts on Decreasing Pain by Increasing Your Vitamin D

Back pain is a struggle and can be debilitating. Determining the cause and finding ways to alleviate the discomfort can make all the difference in your life. Increase your vitamin D intake, and you’ll notice a quick improvement in how you feel. Additionally, try some other tips to alleviate and prevent back pain.

5 Things People With Anxiety Need You To Know

Unfortunately, many people in the U.S. and worldwide suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. In the U.S. alone, approximately 18.1% of people age eighteen and older have anxiety, which equates to about 40 million people. If you have never had anxiety, you may not understand what people who do suffer from it go through on a daily basis. This mental health disorder can affect every aspect of someone’s life, and treatment doesn’t totally eliminate the symptoms, in some cases.

People with anxiety can often feel very alienated and misunderstood, as the percentage of the population without anxiety often make incorrect assumptions about them.

Here are five things people with anxiety need you to know:

Understanding these points can help you understand people who struggle with this disorder a little better.

anxiety1. The symptoms of anxiety affect us both mentally and physically.

Anxiety doesn’t just affect our brains and the way we process the world around us – we can actually feel physical symptoms from the disorder. This mental health disorder occurs due to a combination of genetics, personality, environment, diet, and chemical imbalances in the brain. All of these factors can make anxiety feel like a burden on the physical body, and can induce headaches, cold sweats, flushing of the face, insomnia, stiff muscles, and more.

Mentally, anxiety causes us to obsess over small things, and fixate on certain situations. We try to manage our anxiety as best we can, but many of us suffer silently because we think others won’t understand.

2. We might also suffer from depression.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, about one-half of people with an anxiety disorder also suffer from depression. Having both of these disorders feels like being pulled in two different directions, to explain it simply. Anxiety makes us feel like we want to do everything at once, and depression makes us not want to do anything. Managing both of these disorders can feel completely overwhelming at times, and according to the Mayo Clinic, anxiety often occurs as a symptom of depression.

3. We aren’t antisocial – we just need time alone sometimes.

Anxiety can make it difficult for us to leave the house some days. So if we cancel plans on you at the last minute sometimes, don’t take it the wrong way. We actually love people, but being around others can actually exacerbate our symptoms and increase the anxiety we already feel. Of course, those who suffer from social anxiety tend to have the hardest time socializing with others, but even those with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder can feel anxious in social situations.

If we do go out with others, we prefer a quiet, intimate environment over a loud, crowded one.

4. Anxiety doesn’t make us weak or decrease our value in any way.

Many people label those with mental disorders as somehow less valuable or less of a person. But this stigma surrounding mental illness needs to be addressed and put to rest.

People with mental disorders have simply been too strong for too long, and anxiety and depression can occur as a result. Genetics play a part as well. However, people often can’t help what situations they grow up with and how experiences shape them. We acknowledge that overcoming anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders begins with us, but overcoming them takes time, and great effort.

Maybe because people can’t actually see our pain and suffering, they dismiss these disorders as psychosomatic and overstated. However, we go about our lives even with our mental imbalances, making us fighters, warriors, and survivors. Trying to overcome our minds and live happy, healthy lives once again makes us even more valuable, in our opinion.

people in therapy5. We don’t say we have anxiety just to get attention.

People who don’t suffer from mental problems often say that those who do just want attention and people to feel sorry for them. This couldn’t be further from the truth – people with anxiety want love and understanding, not attention. We don’t claim a mental disorder just to put on a show and have people throw us a pity party. In fact, we have real symptoms that can often be debilitating. We just want to live normal lives, but struggle to figure out how. It often feels as if our brains are on attack against us, and we have to fight back just to keep up with our everyday lives.

Anxiety feels like an ongoing battle, a constant war zone. We try everything we can to feel balanced and at peace with ourselves, but we may not ever totally get over anxiety – we can just learn to manage it. So, if you know someone with anxiety, give them compassion and a shoulder to cry on if they need it.

Often, people with anxiety have a higher sensitivity to energies than others. Therefore, they have a harder time processing our increasingly chaotic and stressed out world. Everyone struggles with something, so don’t condemn those who happen to have anxiety. They don’t want the disorder, but they have to learn how to live with it and overcome it anyway. And this makes them some of the strongest people you will ever come across.

5 Signs You’re Exhausted

We know that sleep is vital to our health, but so many of us put the rest on the back burner and essentially become exhausted.

In fact, it is a national epidemic. Because of the sheer number of people in the U.S. who don’t get adequate sleep, the CDC has even gone so far as to call it a “public health problem.”

Between work, family, friends, cooking meals, and running errands, most of us feel pressed for time, and don’t get the rest we need to function optimally. According to the National Institutes of Health, most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. However, most get seven or fewer, which might explain our nation’s coffee and energy drink addiction.

Most people have been running on empty for so long that they might not even realize how exhausted they genuinely are. We will go over common signs of exhaustion and how you can combat it to feel your best.

Here are five signs you’re exhausted (and what to do about it):


1. You hit the snooze button several times each morning if exhausted.

We have all been there – the alarm goes off, and we don’t want anything to do with it. We wish we could throw it across the room and never have to hear its not-very-pleasant dinging and ringing ever again. Hitting the snooze button might seem harmless, but it probably means you haven’t gotten the rest you need to make it through the day.

What to do to awaken without the snooze alarm: 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but try to head off to bed earlier each night. Even fifteen minutes can make a big difference, so you won’t have to rush so much during your morning routine.

2. You can’t get through the day without multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks.

If you find yourself reaching for coffee during your breaks at work or downing energy drinks to stay awake, you probably have surpassed being tired, and entered into the realm of sheer exhaustion. Don’t feel bad about drinking coffee – many studies have proven the health benefits of coffee – it’s the amount of coffee you should pay attention to. Drinking too much coffee leads to dehydration, which results in feeling lethargic and exhausted.

What to do to cut back on excessive reliance on caffeine:

Drink water instead of coffee or energy drinks. Water naturally increases your energy levels and makes you more alert, eliminating exhaustion.

3. You feel like taking a nap in the middle of the day.

If you have a healthy, balanced diet consisting of high-energy foods, drink enough water, and get adequate sleep, you should make it through the day without feeling too tired. However, if you have trouble keeping your eyes open and regularly feel your body crashing shortly after lunchtime, you might need to reevaluate your sleeping schedule. Naps have beautiful benefits, and taking an occasional nap doesn’t usually point to some serious health problems. However, needing a nap every day might mean you need some more shut-eye.

What to do to stay alert during the afternoon slump: 

Start bringing high-energy snacks with you to work. Not only will the food’s nutrients help you stay awake, but countless studies reveal that eating a balanced diet can improve sleep. Eat natural, whole foods from the Earth, which will help regulate your sleep, give you energy, and much more.

sleep and energy

4. You have trouble concentrating.

A surefire sign you’re exhausted is difficulty focusing. Missing out on rest makes your mind fuzzy, vulnerable to forgetting important dates and facts, and susceptible to making mistakes. During sleep, your body regenerates cells, restores the chemical balance in your brain, and regulates hormones. By losing sleep, you miss out on all these vital processes, making your brain feel foggy and disoriented.

What to do to increase your focus on your daily tasks: 

Try light yoga or meditation before bed if you have trouble sleeping at night. Many people can’t fall asleep due to racing thoughts that prevent them from easing into relaxation, so calming the mind can significantly improve one’s sleep.

5. You have frequent cravings for junk food.

You generally feel irritable and cranky when you don’t get adequate sleep. Your brain seeks quick fixes for pleasure, and junk food is a very easy way to obtain that feeling. Also, when you feel exhausted, your body naturally craves calorie-dense foods that will give you a quick energy boost, according to studies. An occasional indulgence in junk food won’t kill you, but eating it frequently can damage your health and make it difficult to sleep at night. So, eating heavily processed foods puts you in a vicious cycle of obtaining quick energy, losing sleep at night due to the lack of nutrients and difficulty in digesting these unnatural foods, and then starting again the next day.

What to do to curb your junk food cravings: 

In this case, you’d be much better off taking a quick nap or packing fruit or nuts for work. Nuts and certain fruits have surprisingly high calories and contain nutrients vital to your health. You will still get energy from the food without all the adverse side effects of junk food.

mentally exhausted

Final Thoughts on Overcoming Feeling Exhausted

Try these tips to help overcome that exhausted feeling. You’ll be able to ditch energy drinks and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

5 Sentences Successful People Avoid

“Being successful is the result of an overwhelming passion that endures through your journey’s pain.” – Chris Butler

Every successful person will tell you that their dreams didn’t just fall into their lap and actualize out of thin air; they had to work day in, day out with sheer dedication and willpower. They had to sacrifice time, money, and maybe even relationships to achieve their dreams, and most importantly, they allowed their failures to carry them to success.

Successful people come from all walks of life, but they have one thing in common: they never gave up. Many people think that they don’t have what it takes to reach their goals if they hit a setback or two and leave their dreams in the clouds. However, successful people power through the obstacles and do whatever it takes to see their goals through to the finish line.

Also, successful people don’t dwell in a negative mindset. They know that by becoming aware of their thoughts and replacing negative ones with positive affirmations, they can start focusing on what matters and directing their mind to what they wish to achieve. If you talk to most anyone successful, they will tell you that they have some ritual they do each day to relax their mind and increase mental clarity, whether through meditation, yoga, or some other mindfulness practice.

Here are five sentences successful people avoid:

successfulSuccessful people will not utter these words–it’s all part of a positive mindset.

1. “I can’t do this.”

First of all, successful people don’t have doubts about their dreams. They believe in them so much that they follow them into both the storms and the sunshine; they follow them no matter what they might face on the way to the top. Success never comes easily, and they know this, but they realize that it all starts with them and their mindset. If they have no faith in themselves, they know that their goals will come to a standstill, as dreams can’t come to life in the midst of a negative mind.

No matter how much money they have, successful people, where they grew up, or who they know have a fire burning in them that no one can put out. So they fuel that fire by believing in themselves and knowing wholeheartedly that they have everything within them that they need to succeed.

2. “I hate [insert person, place or thing here]…”

Successful people don’t fixate on things that they hate; instead, they emphasize the things they love. They talk, think, breathe, and sleep love and kindness because they know that focusing on the negatives will only pollute their mind and put them two steps backward. Simply put, they direct their attention so much to the things that lift them and excite them that they have no time or energy to focus on things and people that bring them down.

Successful people choose to see the good in other people because they realize that everyone around them is their reflection. As a result, love expands, and hate contracts. Which emotion do you think will bring you closer to success?

3. “I’m not good enough.”

Like we said in the first point, successful people don’t ever doubt themselves. If they do, they quickly dismiss those thoughts and replace them with more loving, compassionate ones. Once you can learn to master your mind, the path to success becomes much clearer. You can never attain success by shrinking down into what the world wants you to become; you have to stand mighty and strong, not letting anything (including your own thoughts) hinder your journey.

Successful people know their worth and believe that they have every right to attract abundance into their lives in every way.

4. “I’ll never achieve my dreams.”

This type of negative thinking doesn’t sit well with successful people. Why? Well, once you think your dreams are beyond your reach, you have already set yourself up for failure. The most successful people worldwide know that they can’t predict the future, but they run boldly into the unknown territory anyway. They charge ahead with bravery, not even seeing failure as an option.

successful5. “I don’t have time.”

Many people shut the door to success with this simple statement. But, of course, our time is valuable, and when we have to spend most of it at our jobs, it seems that we won’t have enough time to work on our dreams. However, successful people set aside time each day to work on what really makes their hearts happy, even if they only have fifteen minutes a day to devote to their dreams. A lack of time doesn’t stop anyone from achieving success; however, what you do with your spare time can undoubtedly prevent your dreams from coming to life.

Successful people greatly value their time and prioritize what matters most to them.

5 Predictions About The Future From Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is undoubtedly brilliant. Since creating Facebook from his Harvard University dorm in 2004, Zuckerberg has amassed a social media empire:

  • 1.5 billion Facebook users
  • Over $40 billion in assets
  • Annual revenue of around $13 billion
  • A virtual takeover of anything and everything related to social media.

Yet even with enormous success, Zuckerberg isn’t nearly done. Since making Facebook a Silicone Valley and worldwide-renowned success, “Zuck” has purchased the Virtual Reality (VR) Company Oculus for $3 billion. Zuckerberg has also invested heavily in his passion – education companies – putting $150 million of his own money into four different organizations.

Zuck then tugged people’s heartstrings, pledging to donate nearly all of his wealth (99% of it) into the newly-created Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, a charity investment initiative founded with his wife, Doctor Priscilla Chan. According to the organization’s Facebook page, the purpose of the Initiative is to: “Advance human potential and promote equality in areas such as health, education, scientific research, and energy.”

So, clearly, Zuck is a forward-thinking guy. This vision, combined with his technological and business expertise, has made it that if Mark Zuckerberg speaks, people listen.  He’s a relatively introverted figure, but he does talk passionately about topics that are important to him.

Here are five predictions about the future from Mark Zuckerberg:

mark zuckerbergRecently, Zuck gave his strong opinions on what he thinks will be the technology wave of the future with some pretty wild predictions.

1. Virtual Reality (VR)

This is most certainly not a surprise, given Facebook and Zuck’s huge investment into Oculus VR. Zuck believes that VR headsets will further advance video games, film, and other technologies by immersing the individual into the action.

One of the fascinating tech developments that Zuck foresees is sharing experiences with loved ones via VR headsets. In other words, VR technology will become so advanced that people will communicate and share moments while feeling physically present.

Zuckerberg also foresees the widespread use of augmented reality glasses. According to Zuck, “We’ll be able to capture whole 3-D scenes and create new environments and then share those with people… (People) will be wearing augmented-reality glasses to assist them on an everyday basis.”

2. “Superhuman” abilities

In one of his wilder predictions, Zuckerberg believes that human beings will one day exceed their natural mental and physical capabilities. He believes that there are undiscovered ways that human beings can enhance their intelligence and fortify their health. It is through these methods, Zuck believes, that we will eventually rid the world of diseases.

If this sounds too Spiderman-like, it, in fact, isn’t. Many scientists believe that technologies can be developed to increase human life spans and eradicate many of our diseases today. Increasing intelligence and physical abilities through technology may be far off, though.

3. Worldwide Internet Access

One of Zuckerberg’s biggest passions is to give internet access to everyone in the world eventually. This led Zuck to create Facebook’s first non-profit organization,

According to the site, “The internet is essential to growing the knowledge we have and sharing it. And for many of us, it’s a huge part of our everyday lives. But most of the world does not have access to the internet. is a Facebook-led initiative to bring internet access and the benefits of connectivity to the two-thirds of the world that doesn’t have them.

Zuckerberg’s team is exploring various technologies to make this vision a reality, including high-altitude planes, satellites, drones, and lasers. Early in its operations, the subsidiary has already brought internet access to over 15 million people worldwide.

mark zuckerberg

4. Telepathic Communications

Out of every prediction, this one may be the most far-fetched. Zuckerberg believes that one day far into the future, we’ll be able to communicate with each other with our minds. This would be a point where we’re well beyond smartphones and Facetime, in other words.

Zuck says: “One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full, rich thoughts to each other directly using technology…You’ll be able to think of something, and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you’d like. This would be the ultimate communication technology.”

Unsurprisingly, brilliant scientists have already superseded this prediction by working on a similar technology that translates body and facial movement into spoken language. Oh, and this work began over ten years ago!

5. Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Some of this AI technology currently exists, which is exciting for Zuckerberg. Now, he’s looking to expand it. According to Zuck, he’s making it a priority where advanced AI systems can interpret information as well as, or even better than human beings can.

One great example of this advanced AI is personal computers having the ability to “describe images.” Here’s how Zuckerberg puts it: “If we could build computers that could understand what’s in an image and could tell a blind person who otherwise couldn’t see that image, that would be pretty amazing.” Indeed.

Mark Zuckerberg says that he’s hoping to deliver many of these advanced technologies within the next ten years.

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