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7 Reasons You Need To Make 2016 Your Selfish Year

When you observe today’s world, you might conclude that people seem self-absorbed, entitled, and selfish. In the age of selfies, self-promotion, and self-indulgence, we seem to have an obsession with garnering attention and inflating our egos…on the surface. However, if we dive deeper into this idea of focusing on ourselves, we can start to understand why putting ourselves first, having confidence, and loving ourselves serves as the foundation for building a healthy, happy life.

“I choose to honor my feelings, I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met, I choose to make self-care a priority. I choose me.” – Daniell Koepke

Before we continue, let’s first look at some definitions.

  • Self – a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.
  • Selfish – (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.

What if we combined these two definitions to encompass the idea of having consideration for others by becoming better people ourselves? If you still think this sounds selfish, we hope you will hear us out as we explain why you shouldn’t feel guilty about making this coming year all about you.

Here are seven reasons why you need to make 2016 your selfish year:


1. You will have better relationships with others.

Have you ever noticed how many people have rifts and struggles in their relationships? Many relationships become tarnished and weathered by pain, guilt, anger, and just the strain of daily life, whether with their bosses, parents, lovers, or friends. Underlying these seemingly unstoppable issues is one core problem: a lack of love for oneself.

Remember, if you don’t take time and energy to break through your own barriers and become loved, you will always seek it from others. You just have you when you strip away worldly attachments, relationships, desires, and everything else. As you learn how to have a healthy relationship with yourself and not allow your ego to bring you down, all your relationships will start to go through a metamorphosis.

All relationships in life depend on how deeply you can love yourself because you attract what you are. Life is simply a mirror, so if you don’t see love and understanding when you look outside yourself, you have first to correct the blockages and negative thinking patterns within.

2. You will learn unconditional love.

This world could use some more love, but unfortunately, most people look outside themselves for acceptance. We live in an age where we pine for likes and comments on our pictures to give us self-worth, but we do little to garner this feeling ourselves. We don’t spend enough time healing our souls, wrapping our arms around our insecurities, and giving ourselves the love we deserve.

If we don’t offer ourselves affection and compassion, how can we ever expect to receive that from other people? By loving yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally, you will have so much goodness in your heart and soul that it will overflow, attracting others who love themselves.

In the age of self-indulgence, don’t be afraid to indulge in your own love. Nothing feels better than having so much love for yourself that nothing outside of you can possibly take it away.

3. You will uplift the lives of everyone around you.

By loving yourself, others will feel better by interacting with you and being in your presence. If others see you carefree and blissful, it encourages them to act positively and see the good in themselves. Simply put, by putting your needs first and healing past wounds within yourself, you don’t just change your life; you change the world.

4. You will improve your health.

Inevitably, when people begin to search inwardly for answers, they discover that they run the show. They make all the decisions in their lives, including how healthy they choose to be. You will only want to put loving things in your body by loving yourself. You won’t want fake processed foods and sugary carbonated drinks; you’ll want foods that increase your energy and vitality and make you feel more loved and cared for. Taking time to prepare healthy meals full of living foods does not make you selfish; caring for yourself does not make you selfish. It makes you born again, transformed into an improved human being, and nothing about that is selfish.

5. You will get out of your own way.

Many of our problems exist on this planet because we don’t love ourselves or even like ourselves. We allow our minds to control us like puppets, dictating our every move and making us believe we have no value. Therefore, we create chaos and destruction because we feel we cannot control ourselves. The lack of love in our world directly reflects the lack of love for ourselves. We make the world a little less burdened when we step out of our own way, out of the shadows, and into the light. We set ourselves free by putting ourselves first and removing all the old, deflating thought patterns. And the world becomes a little lighter, in turn.

6. You will learn to become your own best friend.

Not only will you attract people who love and care for themselves, but you will also learn to be there for yourself when no one else is. You will no longer feel lonely; you will simply enjoy your alone time, without feeling anxious or depressed. Going deep within yourself and gaining greater understanding will allow you to know yourself, truly increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem.


7. You will start making better decisions for yourself.

Finally, taking time to love yourself will remove everything that no longer serves you, bringing better things and people into your life. Decision-making will seem much easier because you will know exactly who you are and what you want out of life. By knowing and loving the Self, you can make choices reflecting your new state of being, and those decisions will perfectly align with your ultimate goals and desires.

So you see, focusing on the self does not equate to selfishness. True selfish behavior means you only look out for yourself, with no regard for others. However, self-love and care are selfless in nature because you aren’t becoming a better person to obtain anything from others; you’re changing yourself to have a better relationship with yourself and others. See and appreciate yourself for who you truly are so you can do the same for others. And nothing about that is selfish.

So, be selfish in 2016; you have nothing to lose but the thoughts that hold you back from becoming your best self.

5 Signs You’re In A Spiritually Intimate Relationship

When it comes to relationships, most of us want someone that will totally change our lives and shake up our world. However, finding this type of intimate relationship can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack because it requires two people who have evolved past their egos. It takes two people who have gone deep within and conquered themselves, who can offer unconditional love and support to one another.

When you stumble across a relationship like this, it feels like floating on a cloud because both of you lift each other to higher than you ever thought possible.

If you think you might have a relationship like this, read on to find out for sure.

Here are five key signs that you are in a spiritually intimate relationship:

Do you see these signs in your interactions with your loved one?

intimate relationship1. You don’t try to change each other.

In a spiritually intimate relationship, both people will accept each other wholeheartedly. They don’t want to mold one another based on their ideals of how their partner should think, feel, and act; they adore one another as they are.

For a relationship to work, both people must feel secure in themselves to accept and appreciate other people. Once they have met their egos and learned to set them aside, they can genuinely love and understand others, and this makes for a beautiful, intimate, lasting relationship.

2. You enhance one another’s lives.

A relationship shouldn’t shelter you from a storm or serve as a last resort for a happy life. Instead, it should add value to an already amazing life you have built for yourself. People in spiritually intimate relationships already enjoy their lives to the fullest and come together to keep spreading that positivity to others. People in these relationships usually share a common goal or mission in life and have united to carry out their duties here as spiritual beings.

In a spiritually intimate relationship, you can lose yourself in one another’s company and presence without having to compete, tear them down, or bolster your ego. You can savor each moment knowing that both of you have evolved past the need for outward acknowledgment. Therefore, you can fully appreciate one another. You don’t complete each other. Instead, you complement each other. You can teach each other valuable lessons in life and work on improving yourselves together.

3. You share the same outlook on life.

People in spiritually intimate relationships often share a common perspective on many important aspects of life, such as religion, how to raise children, diet, work, sense of humor, etc. Because you have many of the same beliefs, this only strengthens your bond even further. You feel you understand one another at a profound level because you have many of the same opinions and viewpoints on life.

You may not agree on everything, but you can relate to them on a profound level, and you don’t have to spend all your time and energy explaining yourself to them. Your love gets it, and you feel safe and comforted because of this.

4. You have deep, meaningful conversations.

You have a relationship that can last once the initial excitement and newness of the relationship fades. Because you have built your bond on a mental and emotional connection rather than just physical, you don’t tire easily of one another. You don’t just use one another to satisfy a base-level craving. Instead, you appreciate one another’s thoughts and feelings, and actively listen to one another without interrupting.

Besides that, you feel totally comfortable opening up to each other and sharing your most intimate, shocking secrets and dark, abstract ideas. In addition, you don’t even think twice about what you want to say. Your conversations flow easily from one idea to another, and you find that you can talk all night with them and still long for more.

catch your vibe5. You don’t look to your partner to save you.

Most importantly, you feel confident and whole on your own without having someone beside you. You don’t need your partner to validate your existence or accept you. You love having your partner around and know that they have an important role to play in your life. However, you have already done all the dirty work to save yourself. You realized a long time ago that only you could unlock the chains on your soul and free yourself from your mind. Furthermore, you never looked at relationships the same since.

You look to your partner as a superhero in their own way because they have also dug deep within and removed all the barriers from their hearts. You have become the best selves on your own accord, so you spend your time together building each other up, not tearing each other down.

7 Things Optimistic People Do Differently

Personality is complicated, and it takes all kinds of people to move the world. But optimistic people just have a better outlook on life than pessimistic people do. If you don’t count yourself among them, you should definitely try to adopt some of their best practices.

Optimistic people look at every day as a new opportunity to improve themselves and their world. They take accountability for making their lives the best that they can and they know that happiness is their reward. Tomorrow they will be better people than they were the day before because they made the effort to continuously grow as individuals.

Here Are 7 Things Optimistic People Do Differently:


1. Optimistic people don’t take negative words personally

When they are on the receiving end of negative communication, an optimistic person knows that they have a choice. They can accept it at face value or they can choose not to. Just because someone has said something hurtful does not mean that they have to accept that their opinion is the truth and be hurt by it. Optimistic people choose to believe that a negative person is probably hurting inside themselves.

An optimistic person’s self-esteem comes from within, not from the opinions of those around them. If you already accept and love yourself as valuable, you know that someone who does not accept and respect you is not reflecting your values, so you choose to ignore what they have said.

2. Optimistic people say yes to new experiences

Although managing your level of involvement in activities is important so you don’t over extend yourself, optimistic people love embracing new experiences that come their way. If a friend asked them to go for a hike at 6am on a weekend, they’d be more likely to see the excitement of that opportunity and say ‘yes!’

To embrace this optimistic mindset, think more open-mindedly about the next chance to do something new. Optimistic people embrace the chance to learn a new skill or even learn something about themselves. They see the activity as a fun adventure rather than a burden.

3. Optimistic people find joy everywhere

Small moments like a smile on someone’s face are lasting moments of joy for optimistic people. They tend to frame their mindset to embrace what is right in the world rather than what is wrong which keeps them in an uplifted emotional state.

Even in the face of adversity, optimistic breast cancer patients reported their level of distress over the disease to be much lower than those who were in denial. Cancer patients used several techniques to stay optimistic including acceptance, positive reframing, use of religion, and the use of humor.

4. Optimistic people assume good intentions of others

Someone who is having a bad day and says something grouchy to you probably didn’t intentionally try to hurt your feelings. In fact, maybe they are just having a bad day themselves. An optimistic person knows that mistakes happen and everyone is human. Optimistic people assume the best intentions of their fellow humans.

For example, an optimistic person knows that when their mother says something critical of them that she just wants the best for her child. She is probably trying to express concern but it came out sounding like she was nagging.

When you look at someone as having good intentions toward you, it is hard to feel anger at them. Instead, optimistic people assume the best about others. This strategy works well for the optimistic person in social settings since people tend to like other people who are accepting of their flaws.

5. Optimistic people forgive

Letting go of past hurts is the only way for an optimistic person to move forward with their life. Eliminating negative emotions helps optimistic people to feel less stress.

Anger and resentment tend to have an unhealthy physiological effect on people and positive people dislike these negative emotions and the way that they make them feel inside.

6. Optimistic people express gratitude

Waking up every morning grateful for the roof over your head, the food on the table and the loved ones who you hold dear is a wonderful way to start an optimistic day.

An optimistic person can even express gratitude when negative experiences happen. When something bad happens to an optimistic person, they ask themselves what is one good thing they can take away from the experience.

7. Optimistic people have high expectations

Optimistic people expect great things of themselves and others. They set their sights high and believe in their ability to achieve their dreams. When they encounter a setback, optimistic people see a problem is just a chance to find a solution.

Being optimistic really is healthier for you. According to a study in Finland, a positive attitude may help people to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Men who had higher expectations for the future over a four-year period had three times lower risk for hypertension than pessimistic men.

7 Signs of Hormone Imbalances

Feeling off lately? It might be that the change you’re noticing is due to a hormone imbalance. No matter how much you may remember from your biology class, now that you’re focusing on your health and well-being, it may be time to re-learn what your hormones are actually doing for you.

Whether you’re male or female, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, serotonin, thyroid, and other hormones that you’ve never heard of are coursing through your body right now. When all of these work together as they should, our bodies function well.

Although women are more often accused of “being hormonal,” men also experience hormone changes that can affect their physical appearance and behavior. Women go through menopause, men go through andropause, and all of us are going through hormonal changes as we age.

When your hormones are imbalanced, your health and well-being can suffer as a result. Here are 7 signs of a hormone imbalance to talk with your medical provider about.

7 Signs Of A Hormone Imbalance

Keep attuned to what your body tells you. Do you have these symptoms?

1. Trouble sleeping

sleepIf you’ve noticed that your sleep patterns have changed, especially if you sleep less than before, you may be experiencing a hormone imbalance. For women, this could mean low progesterone and for men, this could mean lower testosterone. Women may experience less sleep when they feel uncomfortable from hot flashes or night sweats that are associated with menopause.

Getting less sleep than usual as a result of hormonal changes is more common over the age of fifty. Women can use progesterone cream and men can use nutritional supplements to increase these hormone levels.

2. Libido changes

A reduction in your desire for sexual intimacy usually means a decrease in hormone levels for both men and women. For men, this is due to lower testosterone; for women, lower estrogen levels than normal. Women who are experiencing menopause also may see a decrease in their desire to have sex due to vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse as a result of lower estrogen.

The good news for women is that orgasm was shown to increase estrogen levels according to a study by the University of Michigan. Women can also make dietary changes to increase estrogen or get a prescription from their doctors. Men can increase the amount of muscle-building exercise to improve their testosterone levels.

Women also experience breast changes or pain as well as period changes or pain. These uncomfortable symptoms are also associated with hormone changes. Feeling pain associated with these hormonal changes can certainly have an impact on your sex life.

3. Memory Problems

Having trouble remembering where you left your car keys? Lower estrogen might be to blame. Foggy thinking can also stem from low cortisol levels. Chronic stress can leave the adrenal glands unable to continue to produce cortisol. Stress produces cortisol, which in small doses is healthy for you but chronically high cortisol can deplete your adrenal glands later in life.

4. Digestive problems

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be due to lower levels of serotonin. Women sometimes see IBS symptoms increase close to their periods as a result of changes in estrogen and progesterone.

Gastrointestinal discomfort can also come from low cortisol levels. Cortisol is naturally high in the morning to help you wake up but again, depleted adrenal glands can leave your cortisol lower than usual.

5. Appetite changes

Changes in your sleep habits may have an unpleasant result with regard to your weight. If you are getting less sleep than usual, your levels of the hormone ghrelin are higher than normal. Ghrelin makes you hungrier than usual while leptin and oxyntomodulin, suppress your hunger.

In one study of volunteers who were sleep-deprived, their ghrelin hormone levels were extremely high so they felt hungry. Being chronically tired may result in your tendency to gain weight just as a result of your increased hunger sensation.

6. Mood swings

If you’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster lately, it could be the result of hormonal changes leading up to menopause. Excess estrogen can be a cause of mood swings, whereas anxiety can be due to lower progesterone, and depression could be due to lower estrogen levels.

hormones7. Weight changes

Lower progesterone levels and an excess of estrogen can lead to an unexplained weight gain in women while men can see weight gain as a result of excess estrogen. Weight loss for men can be a result of testosterone deficiency.

Balancing hormones may require diet and lifestyle changes or it may require the intervention of a medical professional. Some herbs have been known to help enhance hormone production as well. In Chinese traditional medicine, for example, horny goat weed or yin yang huo extract has been used to increase libido in both men and women.

You can have a saliva test done to check your hormone levels. Your physician can determine your hormone levels and consult with you about how to make adjustments to restore your hormonal balance.

25 Reasons to Eat a Banana Every Day

Everyone knows that bananas are healthy. They’re a tremendous source of nutrients, and one of the best sources of potassium. Most people who have eaten a banana can also say that they’re pretty tasty too! Would you eat a banana every day? Containing an essential mix of nutrients, vitamins, and fibers, a banana is one of the healthiest fruits at the supermarket. So, what are the benefits of eating this yellow-skinned treat?

“C’est banana! Hahaha! Miam miam!” – Minions

Here are 25 health benefits of a banana, and why you should eat one daily:

1. Bananas help with depression.

Someone with depression usually has a chemical imbalance of serotonin in the brain. Containing a high level of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, bananas can help alleviate symptoms of depression.

2. Boosts energy.

Bananas contain three natural sugars – fructose, glucose, and sucrose, and are a good dose of fiber. This potent combination provides an instant and sustained boost of energy. Just two bananas provide enough energy for a 90-minute workout!

bananas3. Help you lose weight.

At just 100 calories a serving, bananas are a good option for people trying to lose a few pounds. They also contain three grams of fiber, helping us feel more full and keep cravings at bay.

4. They’re great brain food.

Bananas release energy slowly, which helps the brain stay alert for a longer period of time. The high potassium levels keep us more alert and the magnesium helps the brain to focus.

5. Boosts libido.

Containing a high level of potassium and B6 vitamins, bananas are a good source of nutrients necessary for hormone production.

6. Relieves heartburn.

The high potassium level of bananas helps reduce the stomach’s acidity, while the fiber helps aid digestion; both of which are essential to alleviating heartburn.

7. Lowers blood pressure.

Research has shown that eating two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by 10%. For those with blood pressure issues, bananas contain low sodium and high potassium, making them a great dietary choice.

8. They’re good for our blood.

Containing a good amount of iron, bananas are great in keeping the blood healthy and lowing the risk of anemia. Containing high levels of B-6, bananas also aid with the production of white blood cells.

9. They’re good for our bones.

The nutrients in bananas helps build and sustain strong bones by increasing calcium absorption.

10. Protects against illness.

Bananas contain a high level of antioxidants, providing cell protection against free radicals that cause illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and muscular and tissue degeneration.

11. Help you quit smoking.

While potentially a contentious claim, it needn’t be. Bananas contain a potent mix of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6. Together, these nutrients are known to reduce nicotine withdrawal, which is crucial to kicking the habit.

12. Treats stomach ulcers.

While doctors in India have been proclaiming the benefits of bananas to treat peptic ulcers for generations, it wasn’t until recently that doctors in England discovered the same thing: bananas contain sitoindosides (sigh-toe-in-doe-sides), which prevents and heals ulcers.

13. Helps with hangovers.

By containing high levels of electrolytes, bananas are good food choice for somebody that had one-too-many. Thus, they’re great for regulating electrolyte levels and getting the body back to a healthy state.

14. Helps with constipation.

Okay, so perhaps not the most pleasant thing to discuss, but we’re all adults here, right? That said, bananas are high in fiber, and fiber aids in the normalization of bowel movements. Not really a surprise, as we’ve already discussed bananas and their positive effect on digestion.

15. Protects against brain disorders.

Rich in magnesium, bananas aid in the conversion of fatty acids into DHA, an important Omega-3. Scientists have discovered an important link between DHA deficiency and neurological disorders such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease. Containing a high level of B-vitamins, bananas also assist in preventing Parkinson’s disease.

16. Improves memory.

Technically, this should have been filed under #4, but since so many people are worried about their memory it deserves its own number. Yes, bananas can help improve and sustain memory because of high levels of tryptophan, potassium and magnesium.

17. Promotes heart health.

Not really a surprise here, given the banana’s high levels of nutrients and vitamins. Increasing potassium intake and decreasing the intake of sodium is probably the most important thing someone can do to protect their heart, and the banana is a high-potassium, low-sodium food. The fiber, vitamin C and B6 ingredients in the banana also promotes health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

18. Reduces the risk of asthma.

Imperial College of London conducted a study in which researchers found that children who ate at least one banana a day had a 34% less chance of developing asthma.

health memeImpressive. Anything we can do with the peel? Well…

19. Can shine your shoes(?)

Apparently rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a leather shoe and then polishing it with a dry cloth can produce a nice, quick shine.

20. Whitens the teeth.

Another interesting use for a banana peel: rubbing the inside of the peel on the teeth for a quick whitening job! Some ingredients in a banana, including magnesium, manganese and potassium, aids with whitening tooth enamel. Interesting.

21. Soothes itches.

Banana peels can help relieve the itchiness caused by bug bites, such as those caused by mosquitos. Also, the properties of banana peels can relieve the effects of contact with poison ivy.

22. Removes splinters (!)

Woodworkers and clumsy people, unite! So just tape a piece of banana peel to a splinter and within ten minutes, the enzymes will remove the wood shrapnel.

23. Relieves burns and cuts.

Okay, now…parents unite! If the little one falls and cuts themselves or burns something, grab a banana peel and let the little guy or girl rub it on their boo-boo. In short, that pain will be gone pretty quickly.

24. Meat tenderizer.

Adding a banana peel to a roast can add enough moisture to prevent the meat from becoming dry.

25. Helps with the garden.

Banana peels provide a versatile gardening by-product in performing a variety of functions, including tomato plant fertilization, aphid, and pest control, and can be suitable food for roses.

The Top 15 Articles of 2015

As 2015 comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to appreciate our community and the real positive changes people have decided to make in their life. Thousands of messages of positive change have been delivered, and we are excited to see what 2016 will bring.

To reflect, we wanted to share 15 of the most popular articles from the past year, and share what our community has enjoyed the most.  Perhaps one of these will even help you make a great start to 2016!

Here are 15 of Our Most Popular Posts From 2015:

#1. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10AM

morning routine

You don’t have to be a morning person to benefit from morning rituals. Most people hit snooze, roll out of bed and into some clothes while plunging into their day without a plan.

You, however, can choose to approach your day mindfully. Being mindful will increase the odds that you will feel good, be more productive and end up happier when it’s all over.

Click Here to Read the Full Article

#2. 11:11 – Is It Happening To You? Here’s What It Means

Repeating numbers

Our Spirit Guides, angels, or higher selves like to speak to us through various methods, such as playing a recurring song on the radio that may have special significance, answering a prayer, flipping to a certain page in a book we’re reading, or even directing our attention to repeating numbers on a clock or sign, such as 11:11. At first, this occurrence might seem like a silly coincidence, but by looking further into it, you will find that it has a powerful spiritual message hidden within.

Click here to read the full article

#3 5 Gut Instincts You Should Never Ignore

follow your instincts

We c an essentially decode this often indescribable gut feeling we get in certain situations, because that pang in your stomach, sudden bout of fatigue, or strong urge to help the person next to you can reveal more than you think.

Click here to read the full article

#4. 10 Things You Should Never Sacrifice For A Relationship

Relationship sacrifice

Relationships can either bring mutual growth and happiness, or feel suffocating and debilitating after a while. All relationships serve their purpose, whether you stay with someone for a few weeks or for an entire lifetime. Any relationship should support, encourage, uplift, and challenge you to become a better person, not drain you of energy and make you feel bad about yourself.

If you have to sacrifice any of the following things for your relationship, you might need to reevaluate what value the person adds to your life.

Click here to read the full article

#5. 25 Things Creative People Do Differently

Creative People


While most think of creative people as “right-brained” or artsy, creativity exists within all of us – even the most logical, linear thinkers.

However, some of us have honed our creative sides a little more than others, and know how to capture and express that imaginative energy. Creative people cover a broad spectrum of personalities, from the stereotypical starving artist to the entrepreneurial businessman. They share some common traits that allow them to bring that creativity to life, including the following:

Click here to read the full article

#6. 10 Signs You Found Your Soul Mate


Many people believe that we don’t choose our partners, and that destiny puts us together. Whether that’s true or not, it’s important to know if the person you’re in a relationship with truly has the potential to warm your heart forever. To gain a clearer vision when seeking your soul mate, these 10 signs should not go unnoticed

#7. 5 Ways to Make Love Without Having Sex (Click here to read)


If you want to feel the most powerful energy in the Universe, make love. It’s one of the most unforgettable experiences anyone can ever encounter.  Simply put, making love is creating energy, sourced directly from the divine.

Usually this is a collective effort between two people. But contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to get in-between the sheets to “do it”.  There are many ways to create this divine energy, and you can find an outlet for it in many different facets of life.

#8. 9 Signs It’s Time to Let Go of A Relationship (Click here to read)

Broken Heart Center

Letting go of a relationship that we did (or still do) care about is a very difficult thing for us all. Whether it’s a significant other, friend, or family member, we naturally do not want to bring any hurt upon them or ourselves.

There are times, however, where letting go of someone may be the best thing to do – even when it doesn’t feel good in the present. After all, this is your life…and only you can make the ultimate decision whether or not that person fits into it.

#9. 10 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life (Click here to read)


There is usually some catalyst (or several of them) that leads someone to the decision that some serious change is in order. Unfortunately, it is easy to live with these signs for a long time before even noticing what they are trying say. The key to understanding what is going on in our life is recognizing how we feel. If we are feeling anxious, discontent or bitter, it could be our body’s way of telling us it’s time to try something new.

#10. 20 Signs Of An Emotionally Abusive Relationship (Click here to read)

An emotionally abusive relationship is harmful to your confidence and self-esteem, and you may not even be aware of the abuse. Unlike physical abuse that causes physical pain and leaves visible markings, the signs of emotional abuse are not as apparent.

All abuse directly attacks our self-esteem, but emotional abuse does it directly by linking our self-worth to being loved. You might be surprised to learn that several studies show emotional abuse occurs at the hands of men and women at equal rates. It can happen in any relationship.

#11. 20 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone (Click here to read)


How many times have you pretended to feel fine and tried to convince someone of this fact even though it is clear you don’t feel fine at all? We’ve all done it. Instead of faking fine try just being real without the need to apologize or explain. Give yourself the freedom to … Just. Be. Human. Everyone has imperfections, why bother to hide it?

Explaining takes your power and gives it to the other person. The best decisions come when we listen to how we feel and our gut instinct. But those sources aren’t usually well received in an explanation, so we make up an explanation the other person can relate to.

Unfortunately, there are many of us that feel the need to explain even though we know we shouldn’t. An explainer is waiting for someone else’s approval, and there is a lot of wasted energy in the waiting. It’s this waiting period that doubt creeps in; depression begins to expand, and unhappiness takes root. Waiting is wasted time.

When we explain, we move away from our greatest source of wisdom – our inner guide. We stop honoring ourselves and start placing more importance on the other person.

It’s hard to overcome the tendency to explain, but it can be done with focus and intention. Awareness is the key. To help you become more aware, here are 20 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for.

#12. If You See Someone With A Semicolon Tattoo, Here’s What It Means (Click here to read)

Semicolon Tattoo Ideas

The semicolon represents the fact that you have complete power over yourself, and can choose to keep fighting, even if you feel like giving up at times. The entire movement aims to bring people together, to empower one another and show that we can all overcome the obstacles we face, no matter the size. You can always rewrite your story, start a new chapter, and recreate your life even if you feel you have nowhere to turn. Your story doesn’t have to end if you simply believe in your ability to create new beginnings.

#13. 9 Ways to Attract Someone Who Adores You (Click here to read)

Adoration – love, devotion, respect, reverence or strong admiration – is one of the strongest emotions that we feel. To adore someone is to be in awe of their being. Further, it creates very strong feelings of attraction. By exhibiting our qualities, we indeed create feelings of attraction and admiration in someone else.

Perhaps you possess some of the following qualities, perhaps you don’t. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t develop them. Here are nine demonstrable qualities that cause attraction and adoration:

#14: 12 Habits of Unhappy People (Click here to read)

Unhappy People

Happiness is something that we all strive to attain. As human beings we can accept the fact that: (a) life is short, and (b) unhappiness makes our lives difficult. As is common knowledge, our habits have a big impact on the quality of life that we live; specifically, these habits directly impact our happiness (or lack thereof). To make a clear distinction, there is a strong difference between clinical depression and chronic unhappiness. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, while unhappiness is a disposition that is often acquired through how we choose to live our lives. Similar to depression, however, unhappiness can be diagnosed and treated.

#15: 5 Techniques to Quiet Your Mind (Click here to read)


You can actually free your mind, even if it seems impossible in the beginning. Humans are very adaptable creatures, and pick up on new habits throughout their lives. So, in this way, our brains become rewired because we have installed a new operating system in our minds: chaos. To create a peaceful mind, you just need to revert back to your original nature of harmony and balance. Sound difficult? Well, here are some effective techniques to help you regain control of your mind again.

We truly hope you’ve enjoyed 2015 with us, and look forward to being the beacon of light for positivity worldwide for years to come. Happy New Year! – Chris, Kristen, and the entire Power of Positivity team

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