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5 Traits That Reveal Intuitive Empaths

5 Traits That Reveal Intuitive Empaths

Intuitive empaths have deep, beautiful souls and can easily read the energy of those around them. They tend to have a complex emotional world and wear their hearts on their sleeves. Empaths are highly sensitive beings that have incarnated during these times to spread love and light in the world. Some believe they have a responsibility to help everyone around them heal and upgrade to a higher frequency.

However, they tend to pour so much energy into their relationships that they neglect self-love and compassion. They relate deeply to others’ suffering and want to eliminate it whenever possible. But they sometimes must remember to extend this generosity and nurturing toward themselves.

Intuitive empaths must protect themselves from negative energies if they want to make a difference. Learning how to live in the world without being overwhelmed by it is a lifelong lesson for an empathetic person. Once they figure out how to control their energy, the empath can create positive changes for others.

Do you relate to the intuitive empath? Many people in these times seem to identify as an empath, which isn’t surprising. Lightworkers incarnate in droves when the world appears turbulent and chaotic to help balance the energy field. And many types of empaths exist to bring this dream to fruition. Below, we’ll discuss these intuitive empaths and their typical traits.

4 Types of Intuitive Empaths

intuitive empaths

1. The Highly Intuitive Empath.

This type of intuitive empath utilizes highly evolved intuition to understand and read others’ emotions. They can see right through a person even when they have obvious barriers put up for protection. Because of their innate ability to empathize with people, some might feel overly vulnerable around them. However, intuitive empaths use this gift to their advantage and try to help others when they can.

Unfortunately, this gift can easily become a curse as empaths can become overwhelmed by chaotic or overly stimulating environments. Highly sensitive people must often recharge to feel prepared to meet the world head-on.

2. Claircognizant Intuitive Empath.

People with extrasensory perception can perceive events far into the future and have profound psychic abilities. These empaths have an innate knowing before something happens and can gain insight into people or locations effortlessly. Clairvoyance lets them know if someone has underlying intentions and informs their decisions in challenging situations.

3. Emotional Intuitive Empath.

This type of empath greatly resembles the highly intuitive person because of their ability to understand complex emotions. Even if someone doesn’t say how they feel, they can easily read their emotions from body language and energy. The intuitive empath takes this one step further and can absorb the other person’s feelings as their own. Doing so helps them understand how to sympathize and offer support in difficult times. However, these types of empaths can get lost in others’ emotions if they neglect their instincts and personal needs.

4. Animal and Plant Intuitive Empath.

Empaths don’t just make emotional connections with people — they also have a beautiful relationship with animals and nature. Sometimes, intuitive empaths may have an even stronger connection to nature because of its peace and tranquility. When highly sensitive people feel frazzled in the modern world, they retreat to nature to find themselves again. Many people who meet this type of empath instantly feel at ease around them because of their calm disposition. Animals like dogs, horses, and other creatures with complex emotions may also gravitate toward them.

highly sensitive

5 Characteristics of Intuitive Empaths

Various types of empaths exist, but they all share several traits. Let’s discuss some characteristics that most intuitive empaths tend to exhibit.

1. They’re highly sensitive or shy.

Most empaths have a highly sensitive or introverted personality type, preferring solitary activities. From a young age, they’ve felt different, as if they have a few layers peeled back and can feel everything more intensely. These emotions can become overwhelming for the sensitive person, hence their need to withdraw so much from the world.

2. They have a persistent feeling of not belonging.

Also, highly sensitive people often feel they have landed on the wrong planet. They have difficulty fitting into any particular group and always feel like outsiders looking in on the world. Intuitive empaths may resort to spiritual practices to find purpose and identity.

3. Intuitive empaths feel overwhelmed in large crowds and noisy environments.

Intuitive empaths usually shy away from hectic environments where they can’t even hear themselves talk. Sensitive people prefer activities where they can converse with people one-on-one or in a smaller group. Plus, they like more intimate settings because they’re not as prone to sensory overload.

4. They feel drained easily in social settings.

Even when they’re around a small group of people, intuitive empaths quickly lose their energy and desire to socialize. Just like a battery gets drained after a while, empaths also feel exhausted from expending energy conversing with people. They may leave parties early or even politely decline invitations at times to recharge and decompress.

5. Intuitive empaths prefer spending time in nature or with animals.

It’s not that empaths dislike people — they just prefer the company of trees, mountains, or a furry, four-legged friend. They need ample quiet time in peaceful places to maintain their sanity in our hectic modern environment. After work or on the weekends, you’ll find them communing with nature rather than shopping or hitting the clubs. Empaths are old souls who crave a simple existence and often feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of life.

intuitive empaths

Final Thoughts on Traits that Reveal Intuitive Empaths

You’ll notice several glaringly apparent characteristics if you’ve ever known an empath or identified as one yourself. Intuitive empaths are vulnerable, emotional people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. They don’t hold back when they feel something and can easily relate to others’ emotions. They also tend to steer clear of crowds and noisy places that can throw their delicate nervous systems out of balance.

In short, empaths prefer spending most of their time alone to recharge and find peace. We could take a few notes from them about how to live authentically, helping others in the process.

5 Signs of Emotional Attraction

Something about an emotional attraction keeps you connected with your loved ones. A romantic relationship is more than the physical connection between two people. Sure, that’s an important aspect, and it’s usually what brings people together. You see someone cute at a bar, so you approach them and initiate a conversation.

Not long after, you go on a first date with that person, and the rest is history. But the romantic side of the story can’t be written without the two people creating a connection. And, for that, it’s not enough to be physically attracted to one another. You also need to feel emotional attraction toward one another. Emotional attraction is the feeling you experience when you start bonding with someone on a deeper level.

It doesn’t have to be confined to romantic relationships, but it often is. Still, people can also be emotionally attracted to friends in the most platonic way possible. Fundamentally, emotional attraction is about connecting with someone because you are attracted to their mind and soul, not their body. But this attraction is felt most strongly in connection with people you are romantically interested in.

If you ever meet someone and feel like you’ve known them forever or bonded with them right off the bat, that’s because of emotional attraction. Sure, you can like people because of how smart or fun they are. But that doesn’t mean you’ve bonded with them. When you meet someone and feel you’ve connected with them in a way you’ve never connected with anyone before, this is because of an enhanced level of attraction.

What Is Emotional Attraction?

emotional attraction

Emotional attraction is that feeling that draws you to a person and keeps you feeling connected to them in a lasting way. It doesn’t always develop as soon as you meet someone, especially depending on how you meet them. Sometimes, you meet someone at a party, don’t even get the chance to talk to them, and write them off as a possible partner. And then you meet them sometime later, and you get the opportunity to have a conversation. That conversation can turn out to be the beginning of something special.

Why Emotional Attraction is Special

As opposed to physical attraction, it doesn’t have the same immediate spark. You don’t just lock eyes with someone and are immediately drawn in. You have to talk to someone before connecting on a deeper level. And, sometimes, it can even take a while before you create a bond. Some people don’t open up as quickly because they are shy, don’t trust people easily, or just find it hard to talk about themselves.

So, you must allow these people to feel comfortable around you before bonding with them. But when they finally let their walls down, and you get to know them, you’ll feel that you’ve known them forever. That’s why emotional attraction is so special. Also, as mentioned before, emotional attraction doesn’t need to be something you feel only toward a romantic partner.

More specifically, you don’t need to feel physical or emotional attraction towards the same person. You can, and when you do, it can be the best feeling ever. That’s a sign that you’ve found a potential partner. But you can only feel one or the other type of attraction. For example, you might find someone attractive but then talk to them, and there’s nothing there.

Or you can be attracted to someone’s mind, values, worth ethic, and personality and not be attracted to how they look. Physical attraction is something most people are familiar with, so you probably know how to identify it. But what about emotional attraction? What signs might you be forming a deeper bond with someone?

5 Signs of Emotional Attraction

Here are five signs that someone feels a deep connection with you.

1.      You Feel Like They Get You

You know how there are some people you know so well that you feel like you can communicate with just your eyes or through facial expressions? Well, that’s what it feels like to find someone who truly gets you without having to spell everything out for them. And feeling like someone truly gets you it’s a sign of emotional attraction.

There’s nothing better than meeting someone and clicking right away without any weirdness or forced small talk. A person you are emotionally attracted to will quickly become someone you can talk almost telepathically with. When you first meet someone, chances are the conversation will be slow, and you’ll have to push through a lot of awkward silences.

It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you don’t know that person yet and have no idea what you could ever have together. So, when you can start joking around with someone from the first second you meet them, that shows just how connected you are. It’s not a struggle to have fun together. It’s just something that comes naturally.

2.      You Never Get Sick of Each Other

Even if you’re best friends with someone, you can still get sick of them occasionally. Everyone has turned down an invitation to go out because they didn’t want to see that person on that day. And that doesn’t mean you don’t like that person. It just means you need a break from them for a few days, and then you’ll be happy to see them again.

This might sound bad, but getting tired of people occasionally is not disrespectful. If your personalities don’t mesh perfectly, you won’t always want to be around them. But that doesn’t happen with someone you are emotionally attracted to.

When you are attracted to someone on a deeper level, you’ll always want to be around them. Even if you see them every day, you’ll still want to spend more time with them. That’s because you feel comfortable around them and your personalities match. Instead of getting sick of each other, each time you see each other will make you want to spend more time together.


3.      You Have Compatible Values

Emotional attraction isn’t based on people being exactly the same person. You can be polar opposites, at least in the personality traits you outwardly show. An introverted and an extroverted person can be more emotionally connected than two people who are both extroverts. And that happens when those people have compatible values. Your bond will be strong from the get-go if you are fundamentally similar.

It doesn’t matter as much if you two act the same. After all, you could meet someone as loud or quirky as you are, but that doesn’t mean you’ll click. If that person has completely different values and sees the world in a way you disagree with, you won’t be able to create a bond. But, if you both have the same core values, that will do wonders for your relationship.

4.      They Make You Feel Safe to Open Up

Having fun and light conversations with people is always essential. But you can have fun with people without having an emotional connection. And, likely, you won’t feel comfortable opening up and being vulnerable around those people. You probably have a lot of friends or people you casually hang out with that don’t know all there is to know about you.

It can be hard to open up, and only a handful of people will learn more about you than superficial things. But when you meet someone who you emotionally connect with, you’ll feel comfortable sharing everything about yourself with that person. You’ll find that you’ll have deep, meaningful conversations for hours.

In just a few days, you’ll be able to open up and tell them more things about yourself than you’ve told your own family. And they’ll also be vulnerable around you. This is because a strong connection makes people feel safe. You’ll know deep down that if you open up, it won’t backfire, and you won’t get hurt.

5.      There’s a Lot of Respect in Your Relationship

The people you hang out with probably have a high level of respect. But these people won’t make special efforts to treat you any differently than they would any other person. So they don’t try to learn about your specific boundaries and needs. Any decent person will be able to treat you with respect.

When you meet someone you bond with on a deeper level, that respect will also reach levels you never thought possible. There will be a conscious effort from both parties to make the other happy and ensure that no one gets hurt. Because of that, you’ll have serious discussions about your boundaries and how to ensure they don’t get crossed.

For example, they’ll try to find your triggers so they don’t make you feel bad by mistake. Even if it’s something as small as learning what your food allergies are so that they can take you out is a sign of them respecting you on a deeper level. And this respect will be reciprocated. You won’t ever feel like you are the only one putting in the effort. Both of you will work to ensure that your connection stays at strong as possible.

emotional attraction

Final Thoughts on Some Signs of Emotional Attraction

Whether with a friend or a partner, creating a deep emotional connection with someone is one of the most beautiful things you can experience. Even if you have all the money, nothing compares to having someone who makes you feel safe and happy. And this is precisely how you’ll feel when you meet that person who will attract you with their mind, personality, and soul.

But, sometimes, it can be hard to tell if you have a deep connection with someone. So, you have to be aware of some of the signs. When you have that strong bond, you’ll feel like they get you, and you’ll never get sick of each other. Also, you’ll have compatible values, even though you might seem completely different. This person will offer you a safe space to feel comfortable opening up. And last but not least, there will be a deep level of respect in the relationship.

3 Stretches to Avoid Soft Tissue Injury

Stretches can help increase flexibility and reduce the chances of injury following a workout. Did you know soft tissue injuries are the most common injury in sports? Athletes often complain about sprains and strains of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

That’s because these body regions are vulnerable to contusions caused by sudden trauma such as a fall or blunt force. Also, overuse injuries may occur when the body doesn’t have enough time to heal between workouts. If you’re a serious athlete, soft tissue injuries will inevitably happen at some point.

But you can increase your chances of recovery by stretching before and after workouts. It also helps to get plenty of rest, prioritize self-care, and practice positive affirmations to uplift your mind. Taking care of your mental and physical health ensures that you perform your best and feel ready to conquer the day ahead.

Below, we’ll list a few helpful stretches to promote optimal health and discuss more information about soft tissue injuries.

What is Soft Tissue?

Soft tissue refers to blood vessels, fat, fibrous tissue, muscles, and other tissues that support the body. They connect other tissues and surround the organs within the body, moving fluids from one body part to the other. Because much of our bodies consist of soft tissue, it’s easy to see why these injuries are so common.


Five Common Soft Tissue Injuries

  1. A muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers tear and stretch beyond their limits or contract too strongly.
  2. Hamstring strains happen when you pull the muscles behind the knee. It often occurs due to overuse or overstretching of the three muscles in this area. As the muscles tear, some people experience pain and bruising.
  3. Groin strain — The groin sits on either side of the body where the belly meets the legs. These muscles help pull your legs together and move your hips in various ways. Groin injuries can result in thigh bruises and may take several weeks to heal completely.
  4. Low back pain — Many people today complain about lower back pain due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Low back pain can range from mild to debilitating and may inhibit mobility. Some people also experience pain that radiates into the upper thighs and hips.
  5. Shin pain — Athletes commonly report shin pain after participating in strenuous activities. Shin pain can result from wearing the wrong shoes, blunt force trauma, or exercising on new terrain. For instance, some runners complain about shin pain after running on concrete because of the impact on the body.

Three Stretches to Avoid Soft Tissue Injury

Now that you know more about common soft tissue injuries, let’s discuss a few stretches that help prevent them. Try to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds and repeat three times on each side. Remember to avoid bouncing or moving during the stretch to lower the risk of injury.

Then, when dealing with persistent back pain or muscle tension, it’s crucial to find a specialist who offers comprehensive care. With expertise in areas like manual therapy and rehabilitation, an osteopath in London offering tailored solutions for pain management could make all the difference in recovery. The personalised treatment plans ensure that your individual needs are prioritised, whether for chronic conditions or acute injuries.

1. Hamstring stretches

To perform this stretch:

  1. Start on the floor, lying on your back.
  2. Place an exercise band or towel around the toes of one foot while holding the ends of the band with your hand.
  3. Keep your other leg on the floor and pull the towel toward your head.
  4. During the stretch, ensure your raised leg remains straight and bring it toward your head as far as possible.
  5. Hold your leg in this position until you feel a stretch behind your thigh.

2. Quadriceps stretches

  1. Keep your back and hips aligned in a standing pose and lean forward slightly while contracting your abs.
  2. Stand on one foot, bend your other leg behind you, and hold the lifted foot with your hand.
  3. Pull your foot toward your buttocks, and keep the position on each side for thirty seconds.

3. Calf stretches

  1. Standing several feet from the wall, place your hands on it while pressing your heels firmly into the floor.
  2. Point your toes forward toward the wall and put one leg forward.
  3. Bend your knee over the toes and keep pushing your heels into the floor. Hold for at least thirty seconds.

Other Prevention Tips for Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Condition and train properly. The best way to avoid injuries involves regular exercise to maintain fitness levels. Athletes should still stretch and train during off-seasons to keep their bodies in optimal shape.
  • Wear the right clothes and shoes. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes will prevent injury because they allow you to move more freely. Also, replace shoes with holes or tears to protect your feet during vigorous exercise.
  • Work out at your own pace. If you haven’t exercised in a while, don’t try to bite off more than you can chew. Incorporate new exercises each week until you’ve developed a plan that works for you. Doing too much physical activity at once can lead to injury if you haven’t trained properly.
  • Warm-ups. Before you exercise or even stretch, it’s essential to prime your body for a workout. Typical warmup routines include jogging in place, arm circles, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and breathing exercises. Preparing your body for an activity increases your heart rate and loosens your muscles to prevent injury.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after exercise. Believe it or not, dehydration can lead to injury because it causes muscle tension and cramping.
  • Cool down. Just like you should warm up before exercising, you should also make time to cool your body down. After your workout, take at least 10 minutes to stretch, walk, or even lie down to slow your heart rate and breathing.
  • While it’s essential to exercise, you also need rest days so your body can recover. Set aside at least two days per week for relaxation to recharge your batteries.

soft tissue

Final Thoughts on Stretches That Prevent Injuries

If you want to avoid getting injured during exercise, stretch before and after workouts. Stretching keeps the muscles and joints limber while increasing flexibility. Anyone who works out regularly can attest to the importance of stretching to maintain optimal health. The best stretches for preventing soft tissue injuries include hamstring, quad, and calf stretches.

7 Signs of a Successful First Date

First dates are never easy. And they’ve become increasingly more difficult in the last couple of decades. Even though having a first date is always exciting, it can be the scariest thing you can go through when trying to meet new people. This date can potentially change your life, but it’s not guaranteed to change it for the better. You might flirt and part ways. Or you could meet the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with. You might even meet someone who will make your life extremely miserable.

So, you need to pay a lot of attention to how your first date goes. Even if you think that just one date won’t be that important in the grand scheme of things, it holds a lot of weight.

It’s not just something that decides if you’ll see that person again. Instead, it helps you identify potential red flags and see how you mesh with that person. A few things show a successful first date, but not everyone knows them. That’s not to say that you are shallow if you want to be with someone good-looking because physical attraction is essential.

But many other factors point towards a successful first date besides physical attributes. And it’s essential to learn how to spot them to make sure you can assess if it’s a good idea to see that person again.

7 Signs of a Successful First Date

first date

1.      You Can Be Yourself Around That Person

Not all first dates are created equally, in that sometimes you go out with someone you’ve known for a while, and other times it’s with a stranger. Whether you know that person before dating them plays an important role. It determines how weird things are between you and how easily things flow.

But, no matter how well you know each other, you must ensure that you can be yourself around that person. Some people click from the moment they meet. For others, it takes time to get over the weirdness of sitting at a table with someone you’ve just met. But what you need to look for in a person you’re going on a first date with is their ability to make you feel comfortable enough to open up.

That doesn’t mean you must tell them all your stories from the first date. But if you feel you need to change yourself for that person to like you, that’s a red flag. You don’t need to hide your quirks or the things that make you unique. And if your partner gives you the confidence to be yourself, that’s a sign there’s potential for more.

2.      They Flirt with You

Flirting is very important in all relationships. It’s not just a tactic to be used to pick up someone. Even couples who have been together for decades should still keep things fun and flirtatious. If your date flirts with you, that’s a sign they are attracted to you and are interested in the date going well. It’s a way of letting the other person know you are engaged in the date and want things to progress.

Some people are better at flirting than others. It’s such an intricate behavior that people have even written books about it, and there are seminars dedicated to teaching people how to flirt. But some part of it comes naturally. For example, if your date is smiling a lot, leans towards you, tries to be close to you, and maintains eye contact, those are all signs that the date is going well.

3.      They Are Respectful

Most people have had a first date with someone who acted like a complete buffoon and was rude and disrespectful throughout the whole date. And that was probably enough to make you run away. But not all people show that they don’t respect you so blatantly. It’s not always about how mean they are.

Sometimes, a red flag can be if they don’t make an effort to be respectful and are just indifferent. But, on the other hand, when a date is attentive and respectful, it shows that they want the date to be the beginning of something serious. That it’s not just about trying to get you to sleep with them and are interested in getting to know you.

But a successful first date is one in which both of you are respectful. Even if the other person is very nice, if you don’t make an effort to respect them, it shows that you are not ready for something serious. If the date goes well, you will be attentive and ensure that the other person has just as good of a time as you.


4.      You’re Both Present

In the age of technology, it’s not uncommon for people to be virtually glued to their screens. Even if that’s not a distraction, something else can catch your date’s attention. And, if that happens, that’s a sign the date is going south. A first date is your first opportunity to understand how you bond with the other person.

So, if either of you is doing something other than completely focused, then something’s wrong with the date. For starters, people might allow themselves to get distracted because they are just not interested. If your date is distracted, that’s a clear sign that they’re not interested in you or find something more engaging. If they check their phone every five minutes, they might wait for a call to get them out of date.

Or maybe they are waiting for someone they find more interesting to text. Or they might be distracted because they don’t regard your feelings. And the same things apply to you if you are constantly distracted. A successful first date is one in which you can ignore distractions and focus on each other.

5.      You Make Each Other Laugh

Sure, first dates aren’t just about finding someone to spend your whole life with. Maybe you just want to date casually and are not looking to settle down yet. Still, finding someone you can laugh with is essential regardless of the type of relationship you are looking for.

Humor is considered to be one of the cornerstones of a good relationship. And your types of humor must mesh together well. Everyone is funny in their own way. You have to find someone who understands your humor and you understand theirs. And studies have even shown that laughter is a way to flirt–it does bring people together.

6.      You Lose Track of Time

Everyone knows that horrible feeling of checking the clock every five minutes to see when it’s acceptable for you to leave. No one wants to be stuck at a table with someone they’ve just met, who they don’t click with, for hours on end. But a sign of a successful first date is when you lose track of time and feel like you don’t even want the date to end.

A first date should make you feel giddy and excited. And things should easily flow. Sure, there are bound to be some weird moments. But, as long as the good ones overshadow them, that’s a sign that things are going well. If you don’t even look at your phone through the date, or you feel like time flew by, that shows what a great connection you two have.

7.      You Listen to Each Other

A first date is the first real opportunity you two have to get to know each other. Even if you’re on a date with someone you’ve known for a while, it’s still the first time you’ll be together in a romantic setting. So, you’re bound to have different conversations than you would normally.

Plus, being able to listen to each other is a sign of respect. It shows that you are more interested in the other person than you like to hear your voice. You’ve probably dated someone who talks non-stop and interrupts you when speaking. And you know that’s the worst kind of person you can date.

But, when you can have real conversations as early as the first date, that shows you mesh well together. You know you’ll have enough time to speak and share all your stories on future dates, so you also allow the other person to speak. Not to mention that this behavior is vital in serious relationships. If you can’t listen to each other, you won’t be able to solve any issues that might arise.

first date

Final Thoughts on Some Signs of a Successful First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking regardless of who you’re about to meet or how experienced you are regarding dating. And they can also be risky if you don’t assess them right. You might meet the person you’ll be with for the rest of your life. Or you might meet someone who will destroy your life and wreck your heart.

So, you need to make sure that you watch out for the red flags and focus on the aspects that make a date successful. It’s important to feel comfortable being yourself around that person and like you can open up. Being able to laugh and flirt with them is always a green flag, showing that you can keep the relationship light and fun. But obviously, you need to be able to have serious conversations and listen to each other.

If one or both of you are distracted and seem like you are doing anything other than paying attention to your date, that means the date is going south. One of the most important aspects is finding someone who respects you and can make you feel like time is flying. The most successful first date is the one you never want to end.

6 Foods That Relieve Joint Inflammation

Eating well is an excellent anti-inflammatory strategy and one in high demand. Joint inflammation can occur due to several conditions, including inflammatory arthritis, lupus, and injuries. Joints may become swollen and painful as the immune system releases chemicals to fight infection or irritants. It may impact just one joint or cause swelling throughout the body, depending on the cause.

When joints become inflamed, the blood vessels around them dilate so more blood can reach the affected area. Then, white blood cells travel to inflamed joints to kickstart healing. Acute inflammation helps fight off foreign invaders and threats, but chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the body’s immune system.

In the case of an injury, swelling and pain usually subside after a few days to a week. However, people with persistent inflammation may have to manage symptoms throughout their life using various treatments. Sometimes, a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet can alleviate or reduce the pain from joint inflammation. Below, we’ll discuss a few nutritious foods you can add to your meal plan to promote healthy joints.

6 Foods That Soothe Joint Inflammation

joint inflammation

1. Fatty fish

Add fatty fish such as salmon or trout to your diet if you have joint inflammation. These fish varieties have abundant omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Researchers proved this in a study of 176 people who ate two or more weekly servings. They found that these participants had fewer disease markers than those who ate less than one serving of fish per month.

Other studies show that eating fish and vegetables as part of a balanced diet can reduce rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms. Fish also contains plenty of Vitamin D, which can benefit people with rheumatoid arthritis since they often lack this nutrient.

If you suffer from joint inflammation caused by arthritis, try eating fish at least two to four times weekly to help manage symptoms.

2. Garlic

Garlic contains high amounts of sulfate, a bioactive component crucial to cartilage production and repair. Studies show that taking garlic supplements can help reduce joint inflammation and other symptoms of arthritis. A survey of 70 females with RA who took a 1,000 mg dose of garlic supplement for eight weeks showed promising results. Participants had reduced joint pain and blood markers for the disease following the study period.

Adding garlic to your meals may also reduce joint inflammation, though studies haven’t yet confirmed this. Still, garlic contains powerful antioxidants and nutrients that benefit your health.

3. Broccoli

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli also contain large amounts of sulfate. They have a biologically active compound called glucosinolate, which helps reduce inflammation. One study that analyzed the diets of over 1,000 females found that those who ate broccoli regularly had fewer inflammatory markers. Ensure to cook the broccoli by steaming or boiling it, as raw broccoli can cause digestive issues.

4. Walnuts

Regularly consuming walnuts can also help fight joint diseases because of their high alpha-linolenic acid content. This type of omega-3 fatty acid is commonly found in plant-based foods and can reduce inflammation. One study, including 5,013 people, found that those who ate more walnuts had the lowest inflammation levels.


5. Berries

Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries contain potent antioxidants called anthocyanidins, which help increase collagen production. Did you know collagen comprises two-thirds of the dry weight of cartilage in the knees and other joints? As the body ages, it produces less collagen, contributing to joint inflammation. Therefore, it’s important to consume it in your diet.

Luckily, berries can help boost collagen in the body and reduce inflammation. One small study found that participants who consumed 40g of dried blueberry powder daily for four months had improved knee osteoarthritis. Strawberries can also help reduce inflammation in those who have knee osteoarthritis, as another study discovered.

The plentiful vitamins and minerals in berries may also contribute to their anti-inflammatory effect. Many studies have linked higher consumption of fruits and vegetables to a reduction in inflammatory biomarkers. If you want to reap the benefits, try adding blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries to your daily diet.

6. Olive oil

Finally, olive oil can help decrease joint inflammation and alleviate arthritis symptoms. It’s a staple in the Mediterranean diet for numerous reasons, reduced joint pain being one of them. Other research shows that certain compounds in olive oil could trigger autophagy, a natural process that eliminates dysfunctional cells from the body. In addition, another study analyzed the effects of feeding mice with extra-virgin olive oil for six weeks. Researchers determined that arthritis development stopped and inflammation decreased during the study period.

Foods That Can Irritate Joint Inflammation

Now that you know about anti-inflammatory foods to consume more often, let’s discuss the foods you should avoid.

  • Fried foods
  • White bread, pastries, sweets, sugary cereals, and other refined carbs
  • Dairy
  • Soda
  • Fatty meats
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Saturated fats and trans fats

All these foods and drinks promote inflammation in the body because they’re unnatural. Your body sees these food-like substances as a threat and responds accordingly by releasing inflammatory compounds. Dairy may not cause problems for everyone, but people with lactose intolerance should try to avoid it when possible. Eating plenty of whole, fresh foods such as those we listed above can help reduce joint inflammation and improve general health.

joint inflammation

Final Thoughts on Foods that Alleviate Joint Inflammation

Joint inflammation can flare up for several reasons, such as arthritis or a localized injury. Depending on the cause of inflammation, it can spread throughout the body or just one joint. Most people with chronic inflammation need a variety of treatments to manage symptoms. However, a healthy lifestyle, complete with a balanced diet and exercise, can provide some relief.

Foods like berries, olive oil, fatty fish, walnuts, garlic, and broccoli can lower inflammation because of their powerful antioxidant content. Also, fatty acids are crucial for bone and joint health, so eat fish at least several times per week. Joint pain can be debilitating at worst, but these anti-inflammatory foods will help you manage symptoms more efficiently.

A Loving Partner Does These 7 Things (Without You Asking)

Most people desire a loving partner who will compromise, empathize, and show them basic respect. Of course, no one’s significant other is perfect; it’s a constant effort to keep things afloat. That’s life in a nutshell. It is all a balancing act we must learn to manage as we walk our journeys.

Unfortunately, most relationships get put on the back burner in today’s fast-paced world. We’ve become imbalanced in our personal and inner lives, which creates dysfunction in other facets of life. Our careers and material needs have taken precedence over relationships, and we can see the consequences beginning to manifest.

Despite these challenges, having a loving partner who attends to your needs is still possible. The key lies in how you view relationships and what you expect to receive from them. If you see relationships as a team effort rather than a power struggle, it’s much easier to feel fulfilled with someone.

Perhaps you’ve found the perfect love interest who ticks all your boxes and makes you happy. Below, we’ll list a few traits of a loving partner that you may relate with if you’ve found that special someone.

A Loving Partner Exhibits These Seven Traits

loving partner

1.  They listen to you attentively.

A loving partner practices active listening, so they don’t miss out on essential details. It’s also a sign of respect and adoration when you listen to someone without interrupting.

Studies show that couples who actively listen during periods of stress have better relationships. They give full attention to their partner during conversations because they genuinely care about what they have to say. It would help if you didn’t have to ask a faithful, devoted partner to listen when you speak. They should automatically give you space to express yourself and vent any concerns about your day.

2. They’re not afraid to compromise.

A loving partner also will meet their beau halfway instead of demanding more while giving less. They make sacrifices for their partner because they also care about their happiness. A selfish partner would only prioritize their needs and ignore the desires of their significant other. However, a generous, doting partner will always consult their other half before making decisions. They consider how certain choices affect both people and do what’s best for the relationship overall.

3. A loving partner knows when to put down their phone.

It’s no secret that technology has impacted relationships on a grand scale. The prevalence of smartphones and other devices created a massive shift in how we communicate and express ourselves. Sadly, people have become addicted to instant gratification from technology, and relationships have suffered. But a loving partner knows when to set the devices aside and focus on their relationship. They realize that no relationship can survive if one person checks out and uses technology to escape reality.

4. They learn your love language.

loving partner

Everyone expresses and receives love differently based on their individual preferences and personalities. A loving partner will want to ensure they know the best way to meet your needs. Learning your unique love language allows them to understand you deeper and make the relationship more meaningful. Relationships have less conflict when both people feel loved and appreciated.

Marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman coined the Five Love Languages, which describes how couples give and receive love. These include acts of service, words of affirmation, gift-giving, quality time, and physical touch. Some people have several love languages, while others prefer one expression of devotion. Either way, no act of love goes unnoticed in relationships, and a loving partner will do whatever it takes to make their significant other feel special.

5. A loving partner knows how to balance independence and quality time.

In relationships, everyone needs time alone to recharge and reconnect with themselves. Being with your spouse 24/7 can indicate codependency issues, which usually leads to a breakup eventually. People need room to breathe and explore their own identities away from the confines of a relationship. That doesn’t mean couples should go days without seeing one another, but healthy boundaries should exist. A loving partner realizes when their other half needs space and has no problem spending time alone.

6. They ask questions about your life.

A supportive significant other practices open communication and will want to know everything about their significant other. Both partners feel comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts and insecurities in a healthy relationship. They also ask about the mundane aspects of life, such as how their significant other’s day went. Especially in today’s world, it’s pivotal for couples to keep open lines of communication and support their partners.

7. They accept and cherish you, flaws and all.

A loving partner would never ask you to change anything about yourself. They accept and love you as nature made you, allowing you to express your authentic self without judgment. People in healthy relationships don’t try to fix or control one another. They realize it isn’t their place or job and only want a partnership with someone who will treat them equally.

Sadly, many people today find themselves in controlling or abusive relationships for various reasons. Finding someone who feels comfortable enough in their skin to love another unconditionally is difficult. However, you can attract a stable partnership by opening yourself up to love and doing inner healing.

significant other

Final Thoughts on Things a Loving Partner Does Without You Asking

When you have a loving partner who supports you, everything seems to flow effortlessly. You don’t have to ask or beg for what you need — they already know what to do without prompting. For instance, they take time to learn your love language to meet your needs. They also practice active listening and set aside quality time to strengthen the relationship.

In addition, a supportive relationship involves compromise and dedication, two things a loving partner can give endlessly. Of course, every relationship will encounter obstacles and struggles, but two people who genuinely love each other will make things work. It’s much easier when you have a partner who puts in just as much effort.

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