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5 Things Couples Who Stay Together Do Often

5 Things Couples Who Stay Together Do Often

‘Till death do us part is a commitment that takes more than a little effort from both partners. If you’re hoping to stay together with your partner long-term, then hopefully you’re up to that challenge. Arming yourself with a positive attitude, devotion and a willingness to put in the effort to make it work is a good part of what keeps couples together.

Couples who are successful at staying together have found a way to blend two unique personalities into one united family. Whether you yourself are part of a long-term couple or you’d like to be, here are 5 things that couples who stay together do often.

5 Things Couples Who Stay Together Do Often

couples who stay together

1. Embrace New Experiences

Couples who play together stay together.

A German study found that couples who were more open to new experiences were more likely to be married longer term. The researchers looked at openness as a personality trait which both members of the couple shared. Personality similarity seemed to be an important factor for couples who stay together.

One of the challenges that long-term couples face is maintaining the spark that initially brought them together. When they choose to seek out new experiences, the excitement of that challenge helps them to bond in a new way. For example, couples who try a sport together for the first time learn good sportsmanship which can help them during their next argument.

2. Communicate Positively.

No one wants to stay in a relationship where arguing happens too often. Anger and resentment are emotions that drive couples apart. Disagreements will happen in any partnership, but fighting fairly in a positive way is something that couples who stay together have learned to do. You can read more about how to fight fair here.

Even if you aren’t fighting with your partner, the way in which you communicate can help or hurt the likelihood of you staying together. A positive communication style is one where each person acknowledges, respects and learns from the other. Couples who stay together don’t use demeaning language or make their partner feel like they are less than themselves.

Not only is positive communication important when speaking, it is also important non-verbally. In a study in the journal Human Communication, researchers found that communicating non-verbally in a positive way also increased relationship satisfaction and longevity. These non-verbal behaviors include touching, smiling, nodding, and making eye contact.

3. Listen For Understanding.

“It’s not at all hard to understand a person; it’s only hard to listen without bias.” – Criss Jami

It’s difficult to listen to someone without automatically thinking of what we want to say in response. Couples who stay together long term work to understand their partners, then after they know their partner’s meaning, they work on being understood themselves. Listening to understand someone fully requires us to put aside our own agenda until we really know what feelings and meaning our partner is trying to communicate.

Rather than being a give and take, listening deeply is a gift that you give to your partner. Your full attention should be focused on your partner when they speak. Your body language should also show that you are listening with eye contact, nodding and appropriate facial expressions. You can read more about effective listening here.

4. Find a Win-Win Compromise.

Couples who stay together know that neither of them can have things their way all the time. When disputes pop up in a relationship, it’s time to find a compromise that works for both partners. Couples who stay together compromise effectively to make sure that both of them have their needs met. They may sacrifice a little in the negotiating process, but they work together to make sure that both of them are happy in the end.

Compromise is a way for couples to solve problems creatively. They ask themselves, “How can we solve this so we are both happy?” By having a discussion that is focused on solutions, they can often find one that will benefit both partners.

5. Enjoy Spontaneous Fun.

Couples who stay together know that quality time that they spend together is more important that the quantity of time together. When they are together, loving partners make an effort to pack as much teasing, playing, flirting, touching, smiling and laughing into each hour as they possibly can.

You know these couples when you see them because they have inside jokes that no one else could possibly understand. They share a laugh over burning the dinner and having to order take out. Other people admire the playful way that they tease each other as they tell their shared stories.

Final Thoughts on the Things Couples Do to Stay Together for the Long Haul

For couples who stay together, fun is its’ own reward; the more fun that couples have, the more often they want to spend time together. The positive interactions that they share work like a reinforcement of their behavior. They feel good when they are with their partner, so they want more of that positive emotion. The reward for both of them is a stronger relationship.

6 Foods That Make You Lose Sleep

Most people know that drinking two cups of fully caffeinated coffee before bed will leave you tossing and turning all night. However, many don’t realize that even healthier foods can keep you up for hours past your bedtime. Thus, some foods might cause you to turn to higher fat, higher calorie foods to compensate for excess stress caused by sleep deprivation.

According to a study, a survey on sleep deprivation and insomnia in more than 1.1 million participants revealed that regularly getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep resulted in a higher BMI. Therefore, you can infer that getting a good night’s sleep can help you stave off unwanted pounds, and also, avoid cravings for unhealthy foods.

In order to maintain a healthy weight and feel good overall, you will need to get adequate sleep. Unfortunately, many people indulge at foods at night that do anything but send them off to dreamland, instead, keeping them alert and awake well into the night.

Here are 6 foods that are making you lose sleep:

1. Cruciferous vegetables may cause sleep loss

Who would’ve ever guessed that broccoli and cauliflower could cause you to pull an all-nighter? These types of veggies have tons of important minerals and phytochemicals that greatly benefit your health, as well as tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to produce serotonin. Thus, they induce sleep. However, cruciferous vegetables are among the hardest to digest, containing a high amount of insoluble fiber. Of course, these veggies take longer to move through your system. By eating these veggies too close to bedtime, your body will have to work on digesting the food instead of getting you ready for sleep, meaning hours of potential sleep time down the drain.

2. Dark chocolate

While dark chocolate contains tons of antioxidants and minerals, lowers the risk of heart disease, decreases blood pressure, and even protects the skin from the sun, eating it too close to bed will leave you staring at the ceiling all night long. Some dark chocolate contains almost as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee, with the darker varieties having the most caffeine. They also contain tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates the body, making it even more difficult to fall asleep.

3. Cured meats and aged cheeses

Many people snack on these foods at a party or other special event, but while they taste good, they don’t do much for your beauty rest. Cured meats and aged cheese contain an amino acid called tyramine which releases norepinephrine, another stimulant that will do anything except make you feel sleepy.

4. Tomato sauce can cause you to lose sleep

Tomato sauce accompanies many dishes, especially Italian ones such as spaghetti, pizza, lasagna, or other similar favorites. While most people love a steaming bowl of pasta covered in marinara sauce, indulging in this delicious comfort food could keep you awake longer than you’d intended. Tomatoes contain a slew of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. However, they also are very acidic. Therefore, they may lead to heartburn and indigestion late at night. Try to consume tomatoes a few hours before bed to avoid any symptoms of acid reflux.

5. Red meat

According to research, high fat foods such as red meat take longer to digest than high fiber, high carbohydrate foods because fattier foods send signals to the stomach to empty it slowly. On average, it takes meat-eaters 24 hours longer for food to exit their digestive system due to their higher fat intake. However, if you do choose to eat meat, try to avoid eating heavier meats, such as beef and pork, close to bedtime. Opt for chicken or fish instead, which are much easier to digest. Keep in mind that high-protein diets have been linked to sleep apnea, however, so make sure to eat an adequate amount of fiber to keep your diet balanced.

6. Spicy foods

Just like tomatoes, spicy foods can trigger heartburn and indigestion, making it very difficult to get a sound sleep. They also boost the metabolism and raise your body’s core temperature. So that makes for a very uncomfortable situation when you get ready to drift off at night. If you do eat spicy foods, make sure to eat them at least a few hours before bed, to give them time to digest properly.

5 Signs You May Have An Iron Deficiency

Did you know that a staggering 2 billion people, or 30% of the world’s population, have anemia caused by an iron deficiency?

Iron plays a vital role in many bodily functions. Primarily, they carry oxygen in the blood to all cells in the body. Additionally, iron helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails. Iron makes up an important part of the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.

Women, especially during childbearing, have the highest risk of iron deficiency because of blood loss during menstruation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 18mg of iron per day for 19-to-50-year old women and 8mg per day for men.

You can get iron from two different sources: plants and animals. Animal-based sources contain heme iron, and plant-based sources contain non-heme iron. While heme iron gets absorbed more easily by the blood, some studies have found a link between heme iron consumption and coronary heart disease.

Plant-based sources of iron include the following:iron deficiency

  • Fortified cereals
  • White beans
  • Dark chocolate
  • Lentils
  • Spinach
  • Tofu
  • Chickpeas

Add a serving of one of these foods to your menu each day to keep from becoming deficient in this vital nutrient.

Here are 5 signs you may have an iron deficiency:

With so many people worldwide showing signs of iron deficiency, you should know what to look for to prevent any serious health problems from occurring.

1. You constantly feel tired.

Extreme exhaustion can signal many different ailments and conditions. So consider having your iron levels checked if you feel this way for prolonged periods of time. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, fatigue is the most common symptom associated with iron deficiency and occurs because the body can’t efficiently carry oxygen to your blood. If you don’t have enough oxygen in your blood, you will quickly become lethargic and weak.

In addition, the red blood cells in your body may contain less hemoglobin than normal, and this can cause fatigue as these cells will have trouble carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

2. You notice significant hair loss.

Another telltale sign of iron deficiency is hair loss; while losing around 100 strands per day is normal, a significant amount of hair loss can point to a serious underlying problem. According to Marilyn Murr, MD, clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine at the School of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, “When hair follicles don’t get enough oxygen, they go into a resting stage, and hair falls out and doesn’t grow back until anemia is improved.”

If you notice excessive hair loss, make sure to up your intake of iron-rich foods, or consider taking iron supplements.

time to relax3. You frequently become ill.

When our bodies have any nutritional deficiency, our immune systems naturally become weaker, because they don’t have what they need to fight off infections efficiently. Dr. Murr said that red blood cells assist in carrying oxygen to the spleen, a key location where the body fights off infections. Not having enough iron in the blood can severely inhibit the body from warding off infections. Also, red blood cells carrying oxygen to the lymph nodes contain powerful infection-fighting white blood cells.

If you have an iron deficiency, your body won’t produce enough white blood cells. This nutritional lack might make you more prone to infections.

4. You have pale skin.

Though many people have pale skin and no illnesses or deficiencies, a lack of color in the skin could point to an iron deficiency. Hemoglobin in the blood contributes to the skin’s rosy color. So having low levels could make the skin appear ghost-like. Dr. Murr says this:

“When red blood cells become low with iron, they become smaller and paler in the center so skin also becomes paler.”

In particular, keep an eye on the inside of the bottom eyelid. You can pull it down at home to examine this area of your eye. If it looks red, you probably don’t have an iron deficiency. You might want to schedule a doctor’s visit for further testing if it’s white or pale.

healthy well balanced5. Your tongue is swollen.

When the body doesn’t have enough oxygen, the muscles can become swollen and sore. You might also notice cracks along the side of your mouth if you have this deficiency.

Remember, if you think you have an iron deficiency, you’ll want to see a doctor first and foremost. He or she can help you figure out which nutrient-dense foods to include more of in your diet, or suggest some iron supplements to help you restore your body’s natural levels.

7 Signs You Need To Chill Out

Unfortunately, most people feel an enormous amount of stress in today’s world, with mounting responsibilities and not enough time in the day to take care of them all. According to the American Psychological Association, more than half of working adults in America feel that they cannot manage their stress levels effectively. Not only do stress and anxiety take a toll on one’s mental health, but they can also make their presence known in the body.

The stress epidemic in this country, and all around the globe, seems to only keep growing as time wears on. Some people feel stressed the majority of the time, but don’t even realize it because they now run on an operating system of fear and anxiety. Because it seems normal to them now, they don’t recognize the warning signals that their body and mind need a break. If this sounds like you, read on for the most common warning signs of excess stress.

Here are 7 signs you need to chill out:

chill out

1. You have nightmares often.

Having an occasional nightmare is a normal part of being human; however, having bad dreams most nights of the week can signal a serious imbalance in your nervous system. Some people believe that our dreams mirror our dominant thoughts in our everyday lives, so if your dreams consist of mostly darkness and negativity, this means that your thought processes need some tending to. Stress presents itself in our lives in a variety of ways, but most people don’t think about stress interfering with our dreams.

Nightmares can wake us up in the middle of the night, making it difficult to go back to sleep. Try to spend some time each day in meditation or some other form of relaxation to counteract excess stress. This will help you have a more restful night’s sleep.

2. You have trouble falling asleep at night.

Even if you don’t have nightmares, you might just have a lot of difficulties getting to sleep at night. Maybe you lie awake for hours, thinking about all the bills you have to pay or the speech you have to give for school or why and how the universe came about and what we have to do with it all. It seems many people’s brains become most active at night, maybe because they can finally have some alone time with their thoughts after a long day of work or school.

However, if your thoughts inhibit your sleep too often, the lack of sufficient rest can take a serious toll on your health.

3. Your mind constantly feels clouded and foggy.

Brain fog occurs when we don’t give our minds the rest they deserve. With all the responsibilities, noise, and chaos in everyday life, our brains seem to absorb it all and make our mental clarity fade. However, the noise in the outside world doesn’t have to replicate itself within your mind; you can control the state of your brain by taking time for self-care and relaxation. If you find it hard to focus or think clearly, this is a clear sign you need to chill out.

4. You get sick a lot.

Getting sick frequently means your immune system is overwhelmed and cannot do its job to eliminate harmful toxins and bacteria. Many people attribute sickness to just “something going around,” but often don’t think about how their mental state plays a part in contracting a cold or flu. If you experience stress for prolonged periods of time, it can weaken your immune system, inhibiting the function of cortisol in the human body. Cortisol helps to regulate immune cells during a stressful situation, but if the stress continues, it loses its effectiveness over time.

5. You use food to drown out your problems.

So many people eat food not when they’re actually hungry, but when they feel too many negative emotions that they cannot process or deal with. Emotional eating can become a very detrimental habit, and using food as a crutch will only exacerbate the real problem at hand. Feeling full acts as a way to temporarily forget about emotions and problems in life, and gives us a quick dose of dopamine to make us feel relaxed and happy. However, many foods people reach for to appease their emotions are highly addictive and harmful to the human body in large quantities.

Next time you feel stressed, make some hot tea, take a bubble bath, meditate, or do something to truly relax your mind and nourish your soul.

6. When you actually have time to relax, you don’t know how.

With cell phones constantly beeping and buzzing, and hundreds of shows we can binge-watch on Netflix, many people don’t even know what it means to relax anymore. To truly clear the mind, surrender to the nothingness when the mind is quiet, and just breathe. Relaxing doesn’t mean drowning out your thoughts and emotions in food, shows, social media, or other distractions; it means giving in to the now and enjoying your own company. If you don’t enjoy alone time, and instead feel stressed or anxious when you have time alone with your own thoughts, this might mean that you have too much stress in your life.

chill out

7. You have frequent skin flare-ups.

Like we said before, stress can show up anywhere in the body, including on the skin. According to WebMD, stress causes your body to produce excess cortisol and other stress hormones, which in turn, signal to your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Excess oil can lead to acne and other skin rashes, so if you feel stressed, make sure to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, practice mindfulness, and relaxation techniques, and remember to always make time for yourself!

5 Ways To Stop Binge Eating

Binge eating is far too common, and is actually one of the foremost eating problems, affecting thousands of adults yearly. What’s worse it is thought that of those people on a diet, up to 30% of them can be considered binge eaters.

“When you’re bingeing, you’re out of control,” says Dori Winchell, Ph.D., a psychologist in private practice in Encinitas, California. “It’s not so much the amount or what you eat, but what it feels like. Is the food in control? After the first bite, can you stop?” If you can’t stop eating even when you know you should, then you may be on an eating binge.

The signs of binge eating may include:

  • Eating an extremely great amount of food within a brief period
  • Doing it frequently, at the very least once every week
  • Feeling a lack of control, meaning you can’t manage to stop what you are eating, or the quantity
  • Hiding your eating behaviors

Here are 5 ways to stop the habit of binge eating

Try these tips to help interrupt your urge to eat.

binge eating disorder1. Eat enough to remain satisfied.

Dieting enhances your chances of bingeing. Individuals with binge eating problems are likely to seek food because they are not eating enough to sustain their energy levels.

While extreme calorie restrictions can help shed weight quicker over the short term, in the long run, massive calorie deficits could force us into a process of restrictive or binge eating to keep our body functioning.

Eat enough calories to eliminate the hunger pains and make the calories count. Sugar is addictive, so if you are eating a lot of processed foods, then you might develop cravings based on your addiction, not on nutritional needs.

Instead of going on a diet, we should focus on eating nutritious foods that are not processed, are low in sugar, and that support our goals. When we focus on our well-being instead of the weight we are trying to lose, we develop healthier habits that support our overall objectives.

2. Remove as many limitations from your diet as possible.

When we are overly restrictive on our food choices, we tend to binge on those foods. Completely removing a food group, unless there is a medical reason, is many times more harmful to us because we compensate by resorting to unhealthy eating choices.

Become a versatile eater. Let’s enjoy our preferred foods moderately throughout our nutrition plan to stop cravings from becoming binges. An eating plan that comes from nature, rather than a box and is full of variety will satisfy our hunger, provide essential nutrients and help eliminate the need to binge.

3. Love yourself enough to stay in action.

It’s easy to eat the whole carton of ice cream when we are sitting on the couch watching an entire season of Game of Thrones. Stay busy and do things that keep your hands and your mind engaged. Something as simple as reading a book, taking a walk, dancing around your apartment, writing letters or chatting with friends on Facebook will keep your mind off the need to eat when you aren’t really hungry.

Make a to-do list of things that you like to do that don’t involve food. Whenever you feel like binge eating, ask yourself if you are really hungry and if the answer is no, then open your to-do list and get to work.

4. Exercise.

Not everybody loves to exercise, but getting your heart rate up can curb your appetite. The journal Metabolism recently published a study where participants indicated a higher level of perceived fullness after participating in aerobic training.

Of course, there are many other benefits to exercising, including an increase in energy plus the natural tendency of our bodies to want healthy, natural foods as fuel. Eating better, drinking more water and an increase in energy is a good recipe to help stop binge eating.

Begin with just ten minutes of aerobic exercise a day and aim to do the exercise about thirty minutes before the time of day when you typically head for the refrigerator. Be consistent, and you will see a difference in just a few short weeks.

pop meme5. Keep a food journal.

As mentioned earlier, binge eating is often associated with elevated emotions and mood swings. Understanding why you are eating and watching for triggers can help us make better food decisions.

The best way to get a good understanding of why you eat and when is to log your food activity. Make sure and include the good, the bad, and the ugly and any triggers that may have set off a food binge. Patterns will begin to emerge, and it’s this awareness that can help you stop future binges.

Binge eating can become dangerous to your health. If you feel out of control or that you can’t stop the behavior, it might be necessary to seek professional help for binge eating disorders.

17 Ways To Attract the Right People

You might wonder how certain people seem to attract the right people so easily; maybe they have some magic spells they perform each night to make people like them, or perhaps they have a likable personality.

Even though some people naturally have a more outgoing, friendly personality, that doesn’t mean you need to become the loudest, funniest, most transparent person in the room to make friends.

People gravitate toward others they perceive as good listeners, attentive, kind, and understanding. Also, being genuine and open will make others feel as though they can trust you because you don’t try too hard or put on a mask. In our world today, many of us still hide our faces due to fear of judgment or ridicule or because we don’t know how to act around others, but getting people to like you doesn’t have to feel like learning a new language.

Presenting yourself to the right people in a way that will make them attracted to you may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are seventeen ways to attract the right people:

the right people

1. You Feel Free to be Vulnerable Around the Right People.

Many people feel vulnerable because they fear what other people might think or say about them. However, you can’t get to know someone or let someone know you without opening up a little. Present yourself proudly and confidently, and don’t try to hide certain aspects of yourself or pretend to be someone else. People love realness in a world of insincerity, so put yourself out there. Honesty goes a long way in getting people to like you, so don’t put up your walls to fear what others may think.

2. Call the Person by Their Name to Attract the Right People.

One surefire way to lose someone’s interest and trust is to forget their name. When someone tells you their name, remember it, and call them by it throughout your conversation with them. This might not seem significant, but people love hearing their name; it makes them feel important, unique, and cared for. If you can make someone feel that way, you can quickly gain friends and get them to stick around.

3. Smile! You’ll Attract the Right People.

No one likes to talk with someone who seems too serious, uncomfortable, or stressed. Smiling will quickly dispel any awkwardness or anxiety about meeting someone new because it signals to other people that you have good energy. Smiles act as magnets, drawing people in and attracting others who (hopefully) share similar energy. Frowns do precisely the opposite; they repel people, blocking out potential friends and conversations.

People will notice your smile before they even hear you speak, so emitting positive vibes and good energy will make you appear more open and receptive to people. According to a survey by Delta Dental, a smile is a person’s most important physical feature, so make sure you share it with people when you meet them.

4. Ask More Questions.

People like to feel important. You grant this wish by really listening to their thoughts and ideas. Clarifying what they’ve said to make sure you understand correctly will make the speaker feel valued, so asking some questions makes a conversation go smoothly. This behavior will show that you’re interested and engaged in the discussion, and your exceptional listening skills will not go unnoticed by others. Too many people today check their phones in the middle of a conversation or think so much about what they will say next that they miss the meaning behind another person’s words.

Active listening involves asking questions for greater understanding, and doing so will instantly make you more likable.

5. Laugh at Yourself.

People relate more with those who have a sense of humor and can laugh at themselves despite any shortcomings or mistakes. Laughter temporarily takes the heaviness out of life and allows people to forget about the problems at work, arguments they just had, or anything else that weighs them down. If you can make someone laugh, you’ve made a friend for life. People gravitate towards those who don’t take themselves too seriously because laughing at yourself means you know how to take things in stride and not allow them to control you or your emotions.

6. Give people your full attention.

Most importantly, treat people as if they matter more than anything else in the world while you speak to them. Turn toward them, nod to show them that you’re listening, and put your phone away. Attracting the right people comes down to treating people like human beings, not like objects with no feelings. People want to feel like their voice is being heard, and if you can give them undivided attention, it will go a long way in increasing your likeability.

7. Set a High Standard

Everyone has standards for their life and the pursuit of love. No, it’s not that you look down on others or think poorly of them, but you know your limits. Have firm boundaries because they protect you from getting hurt.

If you want to attract the right people, you will stand by your convictions and limitations. You want someone that does the same and has the power to stand against the crowd when it infringes on their morals—having someone who also has high standards makes for a relationship where you understand and respect one another.

8. Have The Characteristics You Desire

If you want a wonderful life, the ball is in your court. You get to decide your destiny, which requires hard work and dedication. So many people think their life won’t begin until they find the right person, but this is problematic thinking.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, many folks live in codependent relationships as they become dependent on others for their happiness and survival. One party can take on the role of caretaker too, which imbalances the power in the relationship.

Anyone of caliber will look for someone who makes them a better person and not someone they need to survive. So, if you don’t have your life together, they may see you as troubled and wishy-washy. However, if you’re happy, healthy, have a good job, a little nest egg, and have much to offer, you’re not dependent on anyone for your security.

the right people

9. Don’t Try to Impress

So many folks try to be something they’re not to attract the perfect person. You often see this with online dating sites and on social media. Sure, you want to come across as a good catch, but it will haunt you later if you’ve been untruthful. Don’t brag, fib, or exaggerate about your accomplishments, as you’re creating a false persona that isn’t the real you.

10. Take Care of Your Emotional and Physical Wellbeing

When you take care of yourself, it’s only natural that people notice. Your emotional and physical well-being is essential to you and how others perceive you. Toxic individuals will know that they can’t neglect themselves and keep someone like you.

Self-love is essential to both you and the person you want to attract. Sure, you can attract all kinds of people that are all wrong for you, but you want someone who is a good partner.

11. Don’t Act Lonely or Desperate

You’ll have moments when you’re lonely and even desperate throughout your life. However, these are not two qualities you want to bring to the table in a relationship. Never date or seek friendships out of desperation, as you’re only bound to make foolish mistakes.

Additionally, it’s only natural to seek social interaction when you’re lonely, but never let it be the basis for a relationship. People want folks who aren’t lonely or desperate, as they come across as clingy or needy. To attract the right people, you need to come across as someone who has their life together.

12. Realize You’re Good Alone Too

You need to realize that you don’t need a partner to live a good life. When you’re trying to attract the right person, you want to come across that you can make it alone. You become more attractive to potential suitors because people always want individuals who have their lives together.

13. The Right People Understand That You Must Complete Yourself First

So many people look for a partner to complete them. The problem is that once they find such a person, something is still missing. Don’t be an individual who needs a relationship to thrive.

Those folks bounce from partner to partner, looking for the missing piece that only they can provide. When you’re already complete on the inside, having someone else who equally has it together makes you a fantastic pair.

14. See the Best in Others

There’s nothing worse than a person who is negative all the time. If you want to impress someone, why not be optimistic? Look for the positive qualities in a person rather than all the bad ones. You don’t want to ignore obvious red flags, but don’t always be so defensive and look for faults.

Don’t deny the dark side of people and try to make them better than they are either. You need someone in your life who lifts you and sees the good in you just like you see in them.

15. Live with Zest

To get the right people in your life, you need to learn to live a life of zest. You know you need some humor and compassion to have a relationship, but you also need to have fun. Why not step out of your comfort zone to explore new places, broaden your horizons, and go on an adventure?

You will attract the right people to your side when you have a zest for life and have an outstanding work/life balance. According to the Mayo Clinic, people who are workaholics and have no time for fun have more illnesses, and there’s so much lost time with friends and loved ones. It would be best if you had time to spend with people or it’s effortless to attract them.

16. Radiate Warmth to Find the Right People in Life

Have you ever stood over a register in the winter and let the heat penetrate every cold part of your body? It’s refreshing to feel that heat radiating and warming your inner being. This energy is the same way you need to be to attract the right people.

When your life fills with the warmth and love from happiness, you’ll never be lonely. People will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame because the warmth you radiate is refreshing.

17. Love Yourself

Before you can love anyone else, you must first learn to love yourself. What is it about you that makes you unique, and what are the things that you do well? Fall in love with you, and the rest will fall into place.

the right people

Final Thoughts on Attracting the Right People into Your Life

If you want to be a good friend or partner, you must start by loving yourself and getting your ducks in a row. Surround yourself with the right people who elevate your thinking and overall quality of life.

Always strive to look for the positive in others, but never ignore those red flags. When you take control of your inner circle, you set boundaries to enhance your overall well-being.

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