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What Does Your Aura Reveal About Your Personality?

An aura is an emanation of energy surrounding one’s body, and it changes depending on the experiences the person has and the emotions they feel. In short, it’s basically one’s energy, and can supposedly be captured using something called Kirlian photography, or electrophotography. While many people regard the study of auras as pseudo-scientific and unsubstantiated, people get their auras read all the time, and some feel that this knowledge helps them along their journey.

Your aura can also tell you a lot of information about your personality and characteristics, so read on to find out what your aura says about you.

What does your aura reveal about your personality?



The main traits of those with a predominantly yellow aura are intelligence, logic, and a quick wit. They think with their heads, not their hearts, and can quickly put their emotions aside to deal with problems that arise. They can sometimes work too hard, however, as they are Type A’s who thrive on reaching their goals. People with a yellow aura crave highly intelligent conversations; they don’t do well with small talk. They think with their heads, not with their hearts. The main weakness of these people, however, is that they can sometimes be too judgmental of themselves and others.


As you might have guessed, people with a red aura have a fiery, feisty nature, and cannot be tamed easily. They love freedom, adventure, and excitement, and get bored quickly. People with a red aura have a high level of confidence in all areas of life, and don’t normally suffer from mental or physical illnesses. This is probably because they don’t live in their heads much; they thrive on action, and don’t mull over decisions too long. They are highly competitive, strong-willed, and courageous. They are very honest, blunt people, and won’t keep anything from you. The only downside to people with a red aura is that their need to rise to the top may burn some bridges on their path.


People with a pink aura have a very generous, sweet, approachable energy. They give love freely, and are a hopeless romantic. They also are empaths, with an uncanny psychic ability and creative talents. People with this color aura are idealists, which makes it hard for them to see the world as it is. They want to change it somehow, and feel like it’s their mission in life to do so. They have a bubbly, charismatic personality, and have many friends because of it. People with pink auras are also very honest people, although, they can sometimes bite their tongue to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. They need to learn to stand up for themselves, because people tend to walk all over them due to their gentle nature.


If you have a green aura, then you have an unwavering love for the outdoors, and consider yourself a true nature lover. You also care a great deal about health, and strive to eat nutritious, wholesome foods the majority of the time. You’re very grounded and logical, and people come to you all the time for advice because of your no-nonsense approach to life. Your home and car are spotless, which reflects the way you look after yourself. You enjoy safety and stability, and don’t deal well with changes. However, sometimes you can be too rigid in your approach to life, so try going with the flow more.


People with an orange aura love the spotlight, and enjoy activities with many people around them. They are charismatic, funny, loud people, and are usually the life of the party. However, they have an innate ability to sense other’s emotions, and care deeply for how people feel. Due to their passionate nature, they can sometimes lose their temper, but will quickly apologize if they’ve been out of line. People with an orange aura are confident, approachable, and amiable, but can sometimes make rash decisions and let their impatience get the best of them. They have big hearts, and just want what’s best for their close friends and family.


This color signifies great psychic abilities, and high sensitivity to emotions and energies. People with a purple aura have a mysterious, quiet, contemplative nature. They are considered empaths due to their ability to feel things deeply. They live a lot inside their own minds, but have a beautiful soul. People with this color aura tend to spend a lot of time alone in nature, as they feel misunderstood by most humans. They don’t have many friends, but they adore and cherish the ones they do have. Sometimes, people take advantage of their open, loving nature, so people with this aura need to do a lot of self-care to protect their energy.


This color aura is the rarest of them all, but it symbolizes strength in communication and a balanced persona. As you might have guessed, this aura represents a calm, soothing nature, and so these people make wonderful peacemakers and solvers of problems. They can smooth things over quickly in an argument, and have an honest, highly eloquent way of talking with people. These people seem to have the perfect balance of thinking and feeling, and always say the right thing at the right time. They are very intelligent, and have a gift of communicating in any means necessary.


People with a gold aura have a love for the finer things in life. They thrive on being the center of attention, and have a very colorful social life. They love to entertain people and show others a good time. They have a strong independent streak, and don’t usually ask anyone for help. These people can sometimes come across as superficial due to their extravagant tastes, but they simply enjoy giving people nice things, and decorating their living space with them as well.


Highly talented and versatile, people with this aura can adapt perfectly to any situation. They are a chameleon, able to change quickly based on their environment, and excel in many different areas of life. They attract success easily, and usually make very good leaders and teachers. People are drawn to them because of both their inner and outer beauty, but people with this aura need to take care to keep their egos in check.


People with a light or dark brown aura tend to be lost souls, wandering around aimlessly searching for a place to call home. They might fall back into bad habits, and have a negative self-image. They tend to focus so much on other people’s flaws, that they forget to address and fix their own.


Black points to blockages in the energetic field. It can also signify deep, unresolved issues, depression, anger, rage, stagnation, discontentment, or any other negative emotion. People with this color aura need to make time for self-care, and not be so hard on themselves.


Click here to find out what color Aura you have!

What color is your aura? Take this quick quiz to find out!

5 Reasons You Should Eat Dates Every Day

Ancient cultivation of dates as a medicinal fruit began as early as 4000 B.C. in Egypt. Historically, only the wealthy and elite could enjoy these ancient fruits. Now available to all of us, dates are deliciously sweet and provide many health benefits that should convince you to eat them every day.

Dates come from the date palm tree and have many varieties. Of these, Medjools and honey dates are the most common. Other varieties include halawi, deglet noor, hayani, black khaisab, and thoory. Dates are produced by many countries, including the United States, Israel, Tunisia, and Algeria. Trusted dates supplier Malaysia for premium and fresh dates.

The skin and fruit of the date are both edible and they can be eaten fresh or dried. Usually, dates will be pitted, but if not, be careful biting down on one as you could bite into the hard seed inside.

Nutritional Benefits of Dates

Of course, all food is a source of energy for the body but dates are a superfood that packs a nutritional punch. If you are being selective of what to include in your diet, there are numerous reasons to select dates as one of your regular tablemates.

Dates are naturally high in sugar, so be cautious of this if you are watching your intake of sweets. Sometimes they will be preserved in honey to make them last longer. In spite of their sugar content, dates may be beneficial even for reducing diabetes. Consult with your doctor if sugar in your diet is a concern.

A 100 gram serving of dates contains the following nutrition:

  • Fiber: 6.7 grams. 27% RDA.
  • Potassium: 696 milligrams. 20% RDA.
  • Copper: 0.4 milligrams. 18% RDA.
  • Manganese: 0.3 milligrams. 15% RDA.
  • Magnesium: 54 milligrams. 14% RDA.
  • Vitamin B6: 0.2 milligrams. 12% RDA.


5 Reasons You Should Eat Dates Every Day

With all of these nutritional benefits, there are at least 5 healthy reasons that you should include them in your diet.

1. Improve Digestive Health.

Dates contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber can help relieve constipation and helps with normal bowel functioning. The colon cleansing properties of the insoluble fiber in dates can potentially have colon cancer benefits as well.

Dates may be beneficial for colitis sufferers as well. Dates can even help with hemorrhoids that are caused by irritable bowels. Surprisingly, they can also help with diarrhea, so they are effective at balancing overall digestive function. The soluble fiber in dates may also help with weight loss since it helps to increase the feeling of fullness.

2. Dates Relieve Pain.

Magnesium is an anti-inflammatory and helps reduce swelling of tissues which can help ease the sensation of pain. As the research on inflammation-related diseases continues, dates also help other inflammation-related ailments, such as arthritis, asthma and sinusitis.

Dates are so effective at pain relief that women who are going through labor pains and who ate dates in the last 4 weeks before labor reduced their use of pain medications by 28%. If dates can help with the intense pain of labor, they can help many other minor aches as well.

3. Improve Brain Function.

The vitamin B6 found in dates has been linked to improvements in performance on test scores. B vitamin supplements have been used to prevent cognitive decline in patients who are suffering from dementia.

Researchers found that a combination of B6, B12 and folic acid was ideal for decreasing the rate of progression of Alzheimer’s disease. B vitamins could also play a role in reversing some of the cognitive symptoms of brain degenerative disease.

4. Reduce Blood Pressure.

The magnesium in dates is good for reducing blood pressure. Magnesium helps hypertensive patients by reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Magnesium also helps reduce arterial swelling which helps decrease the risk of heart disease.

Dates have other health benefits beyond magnesium. They also contain potassium, which helps with heart health and reducing blood pressure. Potassium also reduces the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Their soluble fiber can be helpful to reduce cholesterol.

5. Dates Reduce Risk of Stroke.

Since magnesium has benefits for the blood vessels, it should come as no surprise that it can help reduce the likelihood of stroke. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that for every 100 milligrams of magnesium consumed per day, a person’s risk of stroke is reduced by 9%.

Not sure how to use them in your cooking? Try them chopped up with pecans added to a salad with a balsamic dressing. You can add this fruit to many baking recipes or try them blended into a smoothie. You can also freeze this tasty fruit as a yummy substitute for ice cream.

Adding dates to your diet is a tasty way to fight off disease. The many drug-free health benefits that you will receive are reason enough to eat dates every day.

10 Signs You’re Dehydrated

Did you know that 25% of kids and teenagers are dehydrated because they don’t drink ANY water as part of their fluid intake?

Like kids, a surprising number of adults don’t drink enough water, as well. In fact, one study found that half of Americans don’t get their recommended daily intake of water. Not drinking enough water can cause serious health problems, including digestive issues, urinary tract infections, anxiety, and chronic fatigue.

Not surprisingly, 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration, according to a report by CBS.

Here are 10 signs you’re dehydrated:

Because water composes about 60% of our bodies, 75% of our muscles, and 85% of our brains, you should take dehydration very seriously. Dehydration can inhibit the function of many parts of the body, leaving you feeling lethargic, sick, and even depressed. However, if you know what to look for, you can stop dehydration before it leads to more serious complications.

1. Your mouth, skin, and eyes feel dry when dehydrated.

One of the biggest signs you’re dehydrated appears on your skin, believe it or not. If you don’t drink enough water, you won’t sweat out all the internal and external toxins in your body, which means you will be prone to clogged pores, resulting in breakouts.

Also, if you have trouble producing tears, a lack of water could be the culprit. Obviously, having a dry mouth signals to your brain that you need more water, also. Water does so much for our bodies, and in general, that parched feeling you get in your mouth can be felt in other areas of the body, too.

2. You use the bathroom infrequently, and when you do, your urine is dark yellow or brown.

This is a big red flag that you’re dehydrated. Many people don’t eliminate waste enough times throughout the day, which means the toxins just accumulate inside their bodies. Water helps flush out these toxins, not to mention, keep your renal system running smoothly.

If you make trips to the bathroom only a couple times a day, you should really consider drinking more water.

Also, the color of your urine will paint the true picture of how much water you’re consuming. If your urine isn’t clear at the end of the day, make sure to drink a glass or two of water before bed. Yellow or brown urine is a big sign that you’re dehydrated, and means that your body is retaining fluids in order to maintain vital bodily functions.

3. Your back and joints hurt often.

Since your body’s cartilage is composed of nearly 80% water, replenishing water after sweating is essential for keeping bones and joints healthy. Water keeps joints lubricated in order to protect the body during strenuous activities or unexpected movement, such as falling or tripping.

In addition, back pain could indicate a kidney infection due to being dehydrated, so if you have frequent back aches, drink more water throughout the day.

care for your body

4. You feel exhausted and have wild mood swings.

Water brings oxygen into the body. The more oxygenated your cells, the more alive you will feel. However, if you don’t drink enough water, the body must get oxygen from your blood to compensate, which will suck your body of oxygen. This will make your whole system slow down, and make it harder for your body to function properly.

This will inevitably make you more tired, moody, and downright lethargic.

5. You’re ravenously hungry, even if you’ve just eaten.

This might seem confusing, since hunger pangs usually indicate that you need to eat. However, it can also mean that you’re dehydrated. Dehydration tricks the body into thinking it needs to eat, when really, you just need water. Hunger and thirst cues come from the same part of the brain, which could explain this confusion.

Try drinking a glass of water the next time you feel hungry, and if the pain goes away, that means you were just dehydrated. If it persists, it probably means you need to eat something, as well.

6. You have high blood pressure.

Dehydration causes the blood to become thicker, resulting in slower blood flow and a higher sodium content in the blood. All of these factors combined provide the perfect environment and conditions for high blood pressure, which can result in some of the other health problems on this list.

7. You have high cholesterol.

Being dehydrated means that your body will hold onto any water it can find so more water loss doesn’t occur. In this study, 15 people completed a fast under two different circumstances: once without fluid replacement, and another time with salt and water supplementation. The researchers found that when the participants fasted with no fluids, their total serum cholesterol levels were much higher than when they were provided with salt and fluid supplementation.

While most people still drink water during a fast, drinking sugary, nutrient-lacking drinks in place of water throughout the day can cause dehydration, and therefore, higher cholesterol levels.

8. You have trouble digesting food.

Water gets things moving throughout your entire body, including your digestive system. Water serves as a wonderful way to cleanse and detoxify the body. But without enough water, waste moves through the colon much more slowly. As a result, that scenario can lead to constipation or other digestive disorders.

Water helps to get things moving in the digestive system, but when the body is in a dehydrated state, the large intestine soaks up the water from the foods you eat. This increases the likelihood of constipation, acid reflux, ulcers, and other digestive issues.

9. You have frequent rashes on your skin.

The effects of dehydration normally appear on the outside of our bodies, because water detoxifies and hydrates every part of the body, including the skin. Without adequate water, toxins build up on our skin, resulting in many different skin disorders. Acne, psoriasis, eczema, and discoloration can all occur as a result of dehydration.

10. You have migraines and can’t think clearly.

Dehydration actually causes our brain tissue to lose water, resulting in the brain shrinking and pulling away from the skull. In turn, this sends alarms to the pain receptors surrounding the brain, which gives you that nasty midday headache. Being dehydrated decreases blood volume, which means less blood and oxygen will flow to the brain. The blood vessels in the brain dilate to keep the blood flowing, resulting in inflammation and a pounding headache that many people are unfortunately all too familiar with.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Ways To Improve Your Brain Health

It’s become a cultural trend nowadays to postulate how the human brain can be improved. We’re beginning to think of how we can make the brain smarter and healthier, while making ourselves more intelligent. Hollywood has even caught onto this cultural trend, making films about maximizing brain potential (‘Limitless’ and ‘Lucy’, for example).

What many people don’t know is that there are actual, proven methods for improving our brain – many with verified scientific studies behind them. So, we’ve decided to create a list of 10 ways to improve brain health. As we move down the list, we’ll include some techniques that are considered to be backed by more concrete evidence.

Here are 10 ways to improve brain health:

10. Don’t smoke

Smoking is a bad habit, especially for its physical effects. However, evidence accumulated from over 20,000 smokers and published in an Archives of Internal Medicine study showed that those who smoked between a half and one pack a day had a 44% higher chance of developing dementia (specifically, Alzheimer’s Disease).

For those who used to smoke but quit, they showed no increased risk of dementia and had normal brain function into old age. So, quitting apparently showed as good of results as not smoking in the first place.

9. Think positively.

Well, you’re already on the right site for this! Thinking positively helps with brain health and also helps us function to our highest capability.

Consider this famous study, titled “Believing You Can Get Smarter Makes You Smarter.” This research study published by the American Psychological Association suggests that by setting high expectations and standards for ourselves, we then believe that achieving them is possible and are much more likely to have success. On the other hand if we feel inadequate or unworthy, we’re much less likely to achieve our potential.

8. Have positive relationships.

The positive, diverse relationships that you have in life often help strengthen certain cognitive areas. For example, if a friend that you know has a good memory for faces, they’ll often dispense some knowledge about it. This is seen often in married couples, where the woman may have a tremendous memory for remembering someone’s name, job, taste in music, etc. while the man may not. They’ll often work together and are much more skillful in social situations.

The more diverse that your friends are in kind, the more they will expand your creative thinking. In other words, our friends can make us more well-rounded people and keep our minds open.

7. Get good sleep.

Our brains are very active, whether we are awake or asleep. When we sleep, our brains are consolidating the information that we’ve taken in and attempts to sort and store valuable knowledge. This is where the term “sleep on it” came from – we actually make more sense of information if we get a good night’s rest.

Something to consider: when we don’t get a good night’s sleep, it’s a two-edged sword. First, we can’t assimilate knowledge and make sense of the valuable information that we’ve taken in throughout the day. Second, this negatively affects the brain’s ability to perform at its cognitive best the following day.

6. Eat healthy.

No shortage of research on this fact: eating healthy increases cognitive ability. So, let’s get to the meat of the matter. Here are some foods and their respective effects on the brain:

– Ginkgo Biloba: has a good effect on memory.
– Veggies: improve memory and overall brain function.
– Omega 3 oils: improve learning and memory; protects against mood disorders.
– Protein: helps neurons produce the important transmitters’ norepinephrine and dopamine – both responsible for mental alertness.

5. Meditate.

More research continues to accumulate noting the positive effects that meditation has on our physical and mental health. While meditative techniques have a tendency to vary somewhat, they generally focus on three areas: stillness, deep breathing, and staying calm.

Here’s what the research has shown so far:
– Meditation improves concentration and memory.
– Meditation allows the brain to process information quicker.
– Meditation strengthens executive functions of the brain (planning, behavior control, etc.)
– Meditation reduces stress and improves the ability to learn new information.

4. Exercise.

The magical effects of exercise have contributed to significant research findings. Scientists have discovered that the positive effects of exercise extend beyond the physical – to our emotional and mental lives as well.
These positive effects are thought to exist for a couple reasons: (1) exercise increases the amount of blood flow, oxygen and glucose to your brain, (2) exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells and strengthens the connections between existing ones.

Some research has even been done tying physical exercise to gains in intellectual quotient (I.Q).

3. Challenge your brain.

Neuroscientists have suggested that challenging games such as crossword puzzles and Sudoku stimulates your cognitive abilities. Perhaps something a bit more interesting: even when we struggle with certain mental activities – from putting together a piece of furniture to understanding directions to some place – we actually gain from this struggle cognitively.

A good thing to do is give your brain one challenge a day. Try reading a difficult topic or solving a perplexing crossword. When you’re inpatient or are tempted to quit, just remember that your brain is thanking you!

2. Never stop learning.

Research is coming out that suggests that our intelligence is not fixed. As we continue to learn, we can increase something called ‘fluid intelligence’, which relates to the ability to think logically and solve problems independently of acquired knowledge.

A couple of scientists from Norway wanted to test the hypothesis that intelligence increased with further education. At the end of the study, the scientists discovered that Norwegian males IQ had risen nearly four points for every extra year of education received.

The takeaway is this: don’t stop learning. Read books, learn a new skill, or learn a second language…whatever to advance your knowledge. And remember, this can be fun too!

1. Brain train.

There has been a big uptick on the number of brain training games, and for good reason: these games may actually improve cognitive skill levels. For example, some of these games focus on memory, attention or decision-making speed. When we focus on a specific cognitive skill, and work on advancing that skill, there are real, measurable changes that are made to cell density in the brain area responsible for these skills.

Note that some neuroscientists are somewhat skeptical on some of these brain training games. But one thing that nearly all of them agree on: training your brain in a specific cognitive area – attention, memory, etc. – will result in increased ability and higher cognitive functioning.

Little Girl Whose Entire Family Got Killed In An Act of Arson Wants Cards For Christmas

Two years ago, A 5 year old girl named Sa’fyre, lost her entire family in a suspected arson fire. This heinous crime murdered her father David her 3 year old sister Layah and her 2 brothers Micheal (2 yo), Donavan (11 mo).  Sa’fyre survived, but had suffered burns on 75% of her body.


Arson survivor asks for Christmas cards. (Source: Safyre Schenectady’s Super Survivor/Facebook)
Read more:

Despite the turmoil and severity of trauma, Sa’fyre asked for only one thing for Christmas this year, and that’s enough cards to fill her card tree.

Let’s make a Christmas wish for Sa’fyre come true…

We’ve sent ours. If you possibly can take the time to write and send Safyre a Merry Christmas card that she can hang on her card tree, we would be very appreciative to have this community support her wish….

Please mail Sa’fyre’s christmas card to:

P.O. Box 6126
Schenectady NY 12306

Thank you!

5 Reasons To Forgive People Who Don’t Apologize

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

When people apologize for doing something wrong, forgiving them is much easier. But, what happens when you don’t get an apology? 

Many of us would find it hard to go up to someone and grant them forgiveness when they haven’t accepted fault for what they did. However, holding a grudge or plotting revenge against the person will only burden you in the end, and will use up valuable energy. Not to mention, many studies have found that the act of forgiveness can actually benefit your health!

Researchers have found that forgiveness can reduce pain and blood pressure, eliminate or greatly ease anxiety, depression, and stress, lower the risk of a heart attack, and even improve cholesterol levels and sleep quality.

If better health doesn’t inspire you to forgive those who have wronged you, we have found a few more reasons to extend your forgiveness as well.

Here are 5 reasons to forgive people who don’t apologize:

1. People aren’t perfect.

Even though the fact that they didn’t say sorry might make you livid, confused, and hurt, understand that people make mistakes sometimes. Not apologizing doesn’t mean that they don’t love or care about you, but maybe they genuinely don’t see what they did wrong. Or, maybe they have a lot on their plate right now and simply took out their frustrations on you. You have no idea what goes on inside people’s heads or in their lives at all times, so show compassion. Ask if they need help. Offer an ear to listen.

Just because they wronged you, doesn’t mean they deserve a punishment of some sort. Try to put yourself in their shoes and look at the issue from a wider perspective.

2. Forgiveness will improve your life, as well as theirs.

Holding a grudge will only weigh you emotionally, mentally, and sometimes, even physically. Any negative emotions we harbor can quickly transform into physical sickness, so keep this in mind the next time you avoid forgiving someone.

When you do choose forgiveness, you also choose happiness. You have taken responsibility for your emotions and realized that you don’t have to hold on to negative emotions. You can let them go by forgiving someone, regardless of if they have apologized to you or not. In turn, when you forgive someone, you set them free, too. You tell them, “Even though you hurt me, I value our friendship and want to give you a second chance.”

Hearing this will make them understand your friendship or relationship’s importance, and the experience will strengthen your bond.

3. It isn’t your place to judge them.

Judgment only divides people further – when you label someone as a “bad person” just because they haven’t apologized to you, you invite negativity and fear back into your energy field. You allow your ego to consume you, and you only stoop down to their level when that happens. Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right, so instead of judging them for their mistake, use your compassion and understanding. Forgive them anyway, and ask if you can help them with anything.

Your job as a spiritual being having a human experience is simply to love – as much as possible, as often as you can.

4. Karma will take care of their actions anyway.

You don’t have to get revenge on someone who hurts you; karma will do that for you. Karma provides balance to the universe; every action bears a consequence, so any wrongdoing must, by law of the universe, have a repercussion. Don’t trouble your soul with thoughts of getting back at them – let time and the universe do their part, and keep living according to your own truth.

5. When you forgive, you allow a relationship to heal and grow.

Holding grudges and harboring feelings of resentment will only stunt the growth of a relationship. On the other hand, forgiveness acts as the water that nourishes the seed, sprouting it and bringing it to life. So, using this metaphor, holding a grudge causes a relationship to die, while forgiveness breathes life into the relationship. Make sure you do your part to keep your relationships healthy; this way, you can live light-hearted and accessible, knowing you have lived in a way that embodies love and compassion.

However, this doesn’t mean you must let people walk all over you. Suppose you have chosen to forgive the person, but they continue to repeat the actions that hurt you. In that case, you should either walk away from the relationship or sit down and talk seriously with them about their behavior.

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