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17 Ways To Attract the Right People

You might wonder how certain people seem to attract the right people so easily; maybe they have some magic spells they perform each night to make people like them, or perhaps they have a likable personality.

Even though some people naturally have a more outgoing, friendly personality, that doesn’t mean you need to become the loudest, funniest, most transparent person in the room to make friends.

People gravitate toward others they perceive as good listeners, attentive, kind, and understanding. Also, being genuine and open will make others feel as though they can trust you because you don’t try too hard or put on a mask. In our world today, many of us still hide our faces due to fear of judgment or ridicule or because we don’t know how to act around others, but getting people to like you doesn’t have to feel like learning a new language.

Presenting yourself to the right people in a way that will make them attracted to you may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are seventeen ways to attract the right people:

the right people

1. You Feel Free to be Vulnerable Around the Right People.

Many people feel vulnerable because they fear what other people might think or say about them. However, you can’t get to know someone or let someone know you without opening up a little. Present yourself proudly and confidently, and don’t try to hide certain aspects of yourself or pretend to be someone else. People love realness in a world of insincerity, so put yourself out there. Honesty goes a long way in getting people to like you, so don’t put up your walls to fear what others may think.

2. Call the Person by Their Name to Attract the Right People.

One surefire way to lose someone’s interest and trust is to forget their name. When someone tells you their name, remember it, and call them by it throughout your conversation with them. This might not seem significant, but people love hearing their name; it makes them feel important, unique, and cared for. If you can make someone feel that way, you can quickly gain friends and get them to stick around.

3. Smile! You’ll Attract the Right People.

No one likes to talk with someone who seems too serious, uncomfortable, or stressed. Smiling will quickly dispel any awkwardness or anxiety about meeting someone new because it signals to other people that you have good energy. Smiles act as magnets, drawing people in and attracting others who (hopefully) share similar energy. Frowns do precisely the opposite; they repel people, blocking out potential friends and conversations.

People will notice your smile before they even hear you speak, so emitting positive vibes and good energy will make you appear more open and receptive to people. According to a survey by Delta Dental, a smile is a person’s most important physical feature, so make sure you share it with people when you meet them.

4. Ask More Questions.

People like to feel important. You grant this wish by really listening to their thoughts and ideas. Clarifying what they’ve said to make sure you understand correctly will make the speaker feel valued, so asking some questions makes a conversation go smoothly. This behavior will show that you’re interested and engaged in the discussion, and your exceptional listening skills will not go unnoticed by others. Too many people today check their phones in the middle of a conversation or think so much about what they will say next that they miss the meaning behind another person’s words.

Active listening involves asking questions for greater understanding, and doing so will instantly make you more likable.

5. Laugh at Yourself.

People relate more with those who have a sense of humor and can laugh at themselves despite any shortcomings or mistakes. Laughter temporarily takes the heaviness out of life and allows people to forget about the problems at work, arguments they just had, or anything else that weighs them down. If you can make someone laugh, you’ve made a friend for life. People gravitate towards those who don’t take themselves too seriously because laughing at yourself means you know how to take things in stride and not allow them to control you or your emotions.

6. Give people your full attention.

Most importantly, treat people as if they matter more than anything else in the world while you speak to them. Turn toward them, nod to show them that you’re listening, and put your phone away. Attracting the right people comes down to treating people like human beings, not like objects with no feelings. People want to feel like their voice is being heard, and if you can give them undivided attention, it will go a long way in increasing your likeability.

7. Set a High Standard

Everyone has standards for their life and the pursuit of love. No, it’s not that you look down on others or think poorly of them, but you know your limits. Have firm boundaries because they protect you from getting hurt.

If you want to attract the right people, you will stand by your convictions and limitations. You want someone that does the same and has the power to stand against the crowd when it infringes on their morals—having someone who also has high standards makes for a relationship where you understand and respect one another.

8. Have The Characteristics You Desire

If you want a wonderful life, the ball is in your court. You get to decide your destiny, which requires hard work and dedication. So many people think their life won’t begin until they find the right person, but this is problematic thinking.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, many folks live in codependent relationships as they become dependent on others for their happiness and survival. One party can take on the role of caretaker too, which imbalances the power in the relationship.

Anyone of caliber will look for someone who makes them a better person and not someone they need to survive. So, if you don’t have your life together, they may see you as troubled and wishy-washy. However, if you’re happy, healthy, have a good job, a little nest egg, and have much to offer, you’re not dependent on anyone for your security.

the right people

9. Don’t Try to Impress

So many folks try to be something they’re not to attract the perfect person. You often see this with online dating sites and on social media. Sure, you want to come across as a good catch, but it will haunt you later if you’ve been untruthful. Don’t brag, fib, or exaggerate about your accomplishments, as you’re creating a false persona that isn’t the real you.

10. Take Care of Your Emotional and Physical Wellbeing

When you take care of yourself, it’s only natural that people notice. Your emotional and physical well-being is essential to you and how others perceive you. Toxic individuals will know that they can’t neglect themselves and keep someone like you.

Self-love is essential to both you and the person you want to attract. Sure, you can attract all kinds of people that are all wrong for you, but you want someone who is a good partner.

11. Don’t Act Lonely or Desperate

You’ll have moments when you’re lonely and even desperate throughout your life. However, these are not two qualities you want to bring to the table in a relationship. Never date or seek friendships out of desperation, as you’re only bound to make foolish mistakes.

Additionally, it’s only natural to seek social interaction when you’re lonely, but never let it be the basis for a relationship. People want folks who aren’t lonely or desperate, as they come across as clingy or needy. To attract the right people, you need to come across as someone who has their life together.

12. Realize You’re Good Alone Too

You need to realize that you don’t need a partner to live a good life. When you’re trying to attract the right person, you want to come across that you can make it alone. You become more attractive to potential suitors because people always want individuals who have their lives together.

13. The Right People Understand That You Must Complete Yourself First

So many people look for a partner to complete them. The problem is that once they find such a person, something is still missing. Don’t be an individual who needs a relationship to thrive.

Those folks bounce from partner to partner, looking for the missing piece that only they can provide. When you’re already complete on the inside, having someone else who equally has it together makes you a fantastic pair.

14. See the Best in Others

There’s nothing worse than a person who is negative all the time. If you want to impress someone, why not be optimistic? Look for the positive qualities in a person rather than all the bad ones. You don’t want to ignore obvious red flags, but don’t always be so defensive and look for faults.

Don’t deny the dark side of people and try to make them better than they are either. You need someone in your life who lifts you and sees the good in you just like you see in them.

15. Live with Zest

To get the right people in your life, you need to learn to live a life of zest. You know you need some humor and compassion to have a relationship, but you also need to have fun. Why not step out of your comfort zone to explore new places, broaden your horizons, and go on an adventure?

You will attract the right people to your side when you have a zest for life and have an outstanding work/life balance. According to the Mayo Clinic, people who are workaholics and have no time for fun have more illnesses, and there’s so much lost time with friends and loved ones. It would be best if you had time to spend with people or it’s effortless to attract them.

16. Radiate Warmth to Find the Right People in Life

Have you ever stood over a register in the winter and let the heat penetrate every cold part of your body? It’s refreshing to feel that heat radiating and warming your inner being. This energy is the same way you need to be to attract the right people.

When your life fills with the warmth and love from happiness, you’ll never be lonely. People will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame because the warmth you radiate is refreshing.

17. Love Yourself

Before you can love anyone else, you must first learn to love yourself. What is it about you that makes you unique, and what are the things that you do well? Fall in love with you, and the rest will fall into place.

the right people

Final Thoughts on Attracting the Right People into Your Life

If you want to be a good friend or partner, you must start by loving yourself and getting your ducks in a row. Surround yourself with the right people who elevate your thinking and overall quality of life.

Always strive to look for the positive in others, but never ignore those red flags. When you take control of your inner circle, you set boundaries to enhance your overall well-being.

7 Things Couples Need to Do Everyday

You and your partner are already committed to each other and you love doing things together that help you feel even more connected. Strengthening your bond to each other can only help you to grow as a couple. With that in mind, here are seven things that couples need to be doing more.

Seven Things Couples Need To Be Doing More

Do you and your love exhibit these seven behaviors?


1. Kissing

Of course, you enjoy a nice smooch with your partner. Kissing is a wonderful way to connect with each other or even start something more. Andrea Demirjian, author of Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life’s Sweetest Pleasures, names a few benefits of kissing that will make you want to do it even more.

Demirjian says that kissing can reduce blood pressure. Although heart rate often increases with kissing, blood vessels dilate, reducing the blood pressure. Kissing can help prevent cavities by getting your saliva flowing as well as giving you a mini facelift by working your facial muscles, especially through deep kissing.

Kissing also increases your self-esteem by making you feel loved. This ego boost was studied by Dr. Arthur Szabo, a German researcher who found that men whose wives kissed them before they left for work made more money than those whose wives did not kiss them. A kiss before leaving the house was also correlated with fewer car accidents.

2. Hugging longer than twenty seconds

Hugging comes naturally to couples who are in love, but it gives us many benefits as well. An embrace gives a sense of security and reduces stress. When we hug, we encircle our partner in our arms, which gives them a feeling of protection. This reduction in stress helps our physical health and mental well-being.

Hugging stimulates the release of several neurotransmitters in our brains; serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Dopamine is a pleasure hormone that gives us a good feeling. Serotonin is another naturally produced drug that makes us feel good, reduces pain, and increases feelings of happiness. Oxytocin helps us feel trust and a sense of safety.

3. Listening

We have two ears and only one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we speak, but we rarely do. More often, when our partner is speaking, we are only waiting for our turn to speak rather than listening to what they have to say. Good communication is very important for couples and improving our understanding of each other begins with listening.

Listening is more than just hearing the words that your partner says. When you listen, try to understand your partner. When they have finished speaking, ask yourself, what was the meaning that they were trying to get across? What were they feeling as they spoke? What is important to them? Then ask any questions that you need to that will help clarify their meaning.

4. Cuddling

Both males and females release the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin, in response to cuddling. Oxytocin is linked to positive aspects of pair bonding and it has other fascinating connections as well. Oxytocin is linked to increased trust in strangers, increased eye contact, and also improved ability to accurately interpret subtle facial expressions.

Unlike hugging, cuddling is not defined by arms and bodies connecting in a specific way. Cuddling could be anything from touching foreheads together, leaning against each other, or sitting side by side with an arm around your partner.

The physical closeness of your partner to you is what makes this important to your relationship. Touching is physically intimate. Allowing your partner into your personal space is an act of trust.

5. Forgiving

Mistakes happen and when your partner says “I’m sorry,” harboring resentment will only make you unhappy. Punishing your spouse by withholding forgiveness will eventually eat away at your own inner peace.

Forgiveness releases the tension between you and allows you to start over. You may need a period of rebuilding trust, which can be painful, but you’re starting by accepting that your partner is a human being. Forgiveness is what you would want if you made a mistake, so give your partner this gift.

6. Laughing

They say that laughter is the best medicine and whether or not we need it for healing, we should definitely be laughing more often. You don’t need to perform a comedy routine for your partner, but if you already know how to make them giggle, see if you can increase how often you do it.

Find humor in daily situations and share it with your partner. If you put on two mismatched socks, show your partner your silly mistake and have a laugh at your own expense. Laughter relieves tension and creates an emotional bond of joy with your partner.

7. Saying “I love you”

How often you tell your partner that you love them doesn’t equate to how much you love them, but doing it more will strengthen your bond. Expressing your love out loud is a way of confirming that you care.

More often, you demonstrate your love through your actions, like preparing meals with love or buying your partner’s favorite brand of soap. Actions speak louder than words but don’t forget that words have tremendous power also.

Final Thoughts on Small Signs of Affection Couples Must Show Every Day

These seven things are small actions that loving couples can take to strengthen their relationships. These activities don’t take much time, so see how many you can fit in today. Your partner will love the change and your relationship will enjoy the benefits.

Are You A Type A Or Type B Personality?

Are you ambitious, driven, impatient, or more relaxed about life? Your disposition and personality traits can reveal whether you have a Type A or Type B personality, a theory discovered in the 1950s by cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman.

They believed that having a Type A personality put individuals at a greater risk of developing coronary heart disease, and while many scientists disagree with this correlation, the discovery played a significant role in the health psychology field later on.

Research on the personality types remains ongoing. But the implications of having a Type A or Type B personality are distinct. This article should help you figure out which personality type you have. Read on to learn more about each one.

Are you a Type A or Type B personality?

type a personality

Type A

As you might have guessed from the earlier association of the Type A personality with the risk of heart disease, people with this personality have a great competitive drive and don’t take well to losing. They play to win, and when they don’t achieve the desired results, they usually beat themselves up mentally for it.

Type A’s have a detailed schedule planned out for each day, and when something happens unexpectedly, they tend to freak out about it. Extremely organized and conscientious, they enjoy routine and structure and get anxious when their day doesn’t go as planned. Type A’s also have a tendency to develop anxiety disorders due to their rigid mindset and high expectations of themselves and others.

Type A people have a serious disposition, and because of this, they make great leaders and politicians. They have no problem telling others what to do and will go to almost any lengths to achieve their goals. Type A personalities spend most of their time at work because setting and meeting goals make them the happiest. Their self-worth comes largely from their achievements, so they immerse themselves in anything dealing with winning.

Type A’s usually take on more work than they can reasonably manage. But that makes them prone to a slew of illnesses related to stress and exhaustion. Type A’s also tend to let their anger get the best of them. If you couple extreme impatience and addiction to achievement, this can spell out disaster for people with this personality.

If you believe you have a Type A personality, try to take some time for yourself each day. Please remember that your worth doesn’t come from just your achievements, status, or the money in your bank. Allow yourself to have fun and enjoy life at the moment sometimes because at the end of the day, you will hang on to the memories you make, not the awards you win or goals you achieve.

Type B

As you can imagine, people with a Type B personality fall on the totally opposite end of the spectrum. They have a more relaxed, carefree disposition, and could care less if they win or lose. They live life at the moment and don’t always need to reach a milestone to feel satisfied with their life.

Because they aren’t goal-oriented and achievement-driven, people with a Type B personality enjoy careers that require creativity and can be performed at a slower pace. Many people with a Type B personality choose a career as a writer, artist, musician, therapist, or actor.

They tend to reflect inwardly more than people with a Type A personality and have an abstract mind. They don’t see things in black and white. Instead, they notice all the aspects of life that fall into the grey areas. Because of their ability to slow down and notice the details, they usually shy away from anything that involves a significant amount of stress or pressure.

They prefer to just go with the flow and see where life takes them without getting caught up in knowing all the answers.

Most people fall somewhere in between a Type A and Type B personality; most people do enjoy reaching goals and achieving something in life. But not everyone lets their aspirations and accomplishments totally consume them. If you’d like to know which personality you have, you can take a quiz here to find out.

8 Signs You’re Becoming Depressed

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 280 million people worldwide become depressed, making it the leading cause of disability. Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder during the winter months. That condition comes from a lack of sun exposure, which can reduce circadian rhythms. With winter fast approaching, depression can set in without much warning. So, getting out of that mindset can sometimes seem virtually impossible at times.

Here are eight signs you’re becoming depressed:

Depression can seem debilitating and suffocating. But if you know the signs to look out for, you can take steps to prevent it. At the very least, you’ll understand how to treat yourself well.


1. You’ve lost interest in activities you used to enjoy.

Many people with depression find that they have no interest in doing much of anything. Indeed, just getting out of bed can seem like an insurmountable task most days. People who are depressed try to engage in things they once found enjoyable. However, they don’t find these activities pleasurable anymore. For example, if you once loved to dance, but just the thought of getting up and moving seems like torture, you might be depressed.

If you find you’ve lost interest in almost everything, including friendships, social outings, exercise, food, and sex, consider using positive affirmations, meditation, yoga, and natural remedies to help you regain control of your mental health.

2. You have lost your appetite or overeat regularly.

Another common symptom of depression is either overeating or losing interest in food altogether. Gary Kennedy, MD, director of geriatric psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, says, “A sudden change in weight, either gaining or losing, can be a warning of depression, especially in someone who has other symptoms of depression or a history of depression.”

Both scenarios can lead to severe complications, so if you notice yourself having no appetite or eating to appease your emotions, you could be depressed.

3. You’ve developed insomnia.

Many adults with depression have trouble falling or staying asleep. Patients who have chronic insomnia have triple the chance of developing depression compared to those who don’t suffer from insomnia. Many doctors believe that by treating insomnia, most patients would see a drastic decrease in their depression symptoms. While a couple of nights of tossing and turning don’t signal depression, being unable to fall and stay asleep over weeks or months could point to a deeper issue.

If you find that you have trouble sleeping most nights, and you’ve noticed this happening consistently over a long period, you might suffer from depression.

4. You feel tired all the time.

One of the most significant warning signs of depression is a lack of energy, which stems from the inability to sleep at night or the constant feelings of hopelessness and despair that plague the mind. Both of these can cause severe exhaustion, which makes it difficult for those with depression to get out of bed most days. However, you can combat these feelings by eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising, and socializing even if you don’t feel like it. Also, make sure you don’t schedule too much in one day so that you don’t become overwhelmed.


5. You isolate yourself more often than not.

Many people with depression find that they don’t feel like being around friends and family as much. In fact, socializing with anyone can seem almost painful. That’s because the patient feels as though they cannot connect with anyone anymore. However, isolating yourself will only make the depression worse. So try to go out with a small group of friends fairly regularly, and tell them how you’re feeling.

Most of all, don’t feel ashamed of being depressed. Indeed, many people go through it from time to time in their life. So even if you have chronic depression, you have options for treatment.

Being alone with your thoughts all the time will only perpetuate the illness, so try to socialize even if it feels uncomfortable. Humans are social creatures, and cannot survive without some interaction, so don’t deprive yourself of these experiences.

You should also consider joining a support group for depression, as talking about it can help you to discover new thinking patterns and ways of coping with the illness.

6. You have difficulty focusing and listening to others.

Depression can make you feel like you have a constant fog inundating your brain, making it hard to concentrate or remember important facts and events. You might also find yourself tuning in and out of conversations, and having trouble formulating responses.

“Research has suggested that processing speed — the ability to take in information quickly and efficiently — is impaired in individuals who are depressed,” said Natascha Santos, PsyD, a psychologist and behavior therapist in Great Neck, N.Y.

Without proper treatment, serious cognitive impairments can occur over time. Meditation and relaxation techniques can help greatly with mental clarity and focus, so make sure to give yourself time each day for self-care and mindfulness training.

7. You feel sad, hopeless, and worthless.

Everyone feels these emotions occasionally, but those who are depressed feel them much more frequently. People with depression can get sucked into a vortex of negativity. So finding their way out can seem overwhelming and impossible. Getting a grip on these feelings doesn’t happen overnight. But you can shift into a more positive mindset with proper affirmations, relaxation, and mindfulness meditation.

Also, don’t hesitate to talk about your feelings with loved ones. They can support you through difficult times, and offer advice when you need it the most.


8. You have regular headaches and digestive issues.

According to Everyday Health, 40% of people with migraines also suffer from depression. Many people don’t attribute chronic headaches to depression, but the two go hand in hand in many cases.

“Migraines and depression have common underpinnings in the brain, which can develop due to environmental factors, genetic causes, or a combination of both,” Dr. Lipton, a professor and vice chairman of neurology and a professor of epidemiology and population health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, says. “Migraine pain and depression are also linked because both conditions respond to some of the same medications.”

Also, your brain and gut are connected, and linked together by the vagus nerve. This nerve sends signals from your stomach to your brain, affecting hunger cues and overall appetite. Your emotions have a profound effect on your digestive health. For instance, have you ever noticed that when you feel anxious, your stomach feels tied up in knots, and you might have an upset stomach? This clearly shows that our emotions powerfully affect our mental health. So, by calming our minds and regaining mental clarity, we can control what sort of signals our gut sends to our brain.

5 Things Hopeless Romantics Need to Know

A hopeless romantic is a seeker of love. Their ideal is a love that Shakespeare wishes he could write about. Lovers of love around the world share these 5 great lessons in their hopeful pursuit of enduring romance.

“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” – Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

Hopeless Romantics Need to Know These 5 Things:

1. You don’t want a happy ending, you want a happy beginning.

Hollywood has gotten it all wrong. Hopeless romantics know that when the movie ends, the real romance is just starting. When couples fall in love, that’s just the beginning of their adventure together. The rest of their romantic movie won’t be about how they first got together, but about everything else that happens after.

Drinking coffee, eating breakfast and making the bed don’t make for great movies, but each waking and sleeping moment that a hopeless romantic spends with their partner is like a fantasy to them. The dreamy smile on the face of a hopeless romantic in love makes other romantics sigh with hope and appreciation for their own romance when they see it.

2. You can’t have the love of your life unless you are the love of your life.

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” – Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Loving yourself is the best way to find the love that you are meant to have. Self-love is healthy and it is also important to a hopeless romantic’s mindset. Clinical psychologist Dr. Deborah Khoshaba says that “When we act in ways that expand self-love in us, we begin to accept much better our weaknesses as well as our strengths, have less need to explain away our short-comings, have compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning, are more centered in our life purpose and values, and expect living fulfillment through our own efforts.”

When you know yourself very well, you know what kind of partner is the right fit for you. Knowing your quirks, tastes, values, and beliefs is important before you can connect deeply with someone who is different from you. If you’ve learned from past failed relationships and you know what mistakes not to make again, you’re ready to meet another hopeless romantic.

3. Love really is all around us, if you know where to look for it.

Hopeless romantics are actually full of hope for love and romance. They see it everywhere. They know that the grand gesture of an over-the-top proposal is not what most love is made of. It’s the small everyday gestures that are the most romantic; the husband who lets his wife chose the movie that they’ll see, the wife who presses her husband’s pants with the crease just the way he likes, and the couple who lean against each other waiting in line at the store.

When you look for it, you can see romance happening everywhere. Most people overlook these small things as just a part of daily life. Hopeless romantics know that the small daily things add up to a lifetime of deep love and appreciation for their partner.

Touching, hand-holding, laughing and flirting is just as intimate to the romantic as love-making is. Hopeless romantics don’t cringe at sappy love songs, they serenade their partners with them. Romantics point out the birds cuddling together in the trees and the squirrels chasing each other in the park.

4. Great love is someone who can love you at your worst.

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”  ~Marilyn Monroe

No one is perfect and a hopeless romantic knows that there will be bad times along with the good ones. They will be there for their partner when the going gets rough. When a hopeless romantic finds their match, they are in it for better and for worse.

Working through difficult times can be emotionally stressful, but real romantics know that the bond with their partner will be stronger after they’ve overcome the obstacles that are in their way. Together they will look back at all that they were able to overcome and know that they can handle whatever their future holds.

quote for a hopeless romantic5. Commitment is so romantic.

Those old couples who are dancing at their grandchild’s wedding, so lost in each others’ eyes that the rest of the room disappears to them. Those are traits of hopeless romantics. A true romantic’s vow to their partner is unbreakable and they know that they have what it takes to maintain a powerful love well into old age and beyond.

Honor, integrity, and steadfastness are traits of the hopeless romantic. They value their partner’s love and are hopelessly devoted to that one special person. They will protect their love even across great distances. When they reunite after an absence from each other, hopeless romantics are secure knowing that their partner never even thought of being unfaithful. They can’t wait to celebrate their 50th anniversary together.

21 Things That Should Never Be Accepted In Your Relationship

They say that hindsight is 20-20, and looking back on past relationships, it is often easier to see the things you overlooked at the time but now seem so wrong about your partner’s behavior.

Although emotions are normal, a healthy relationship does not cause hurt, fear, or anger regularly. It might be time to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship if you’ve started to accept these things as usual.

21 Behaviors You Must Not Accept in Your Relationship

Never assume these things as expected from your partner.

1. Broken Relationship Boundaries

You have made it clear to your partner that you have certain boundaries that are important to you, but your partner keeps crossing them. Their lack of respect for what is important to them is not part of a normal, healthy relationship.

Clinical psychologist Ryan Howe says that partners in a healthy relationship “ask permission, take one another’s feelings into account, show gratitude and respect differences in opinion, perspective, and feelings.” Howe says that “Boundaries in romantic relationships are especially critical because, as opposed to other relationships, partners inhabit each other’s most intimate spaces, including physical, emotional and sexual.”


2. Aggression

Physical violence, verbal, sexual, or emotional abuse is never routine in a relationship. If you have said no to sex, but your partner forced it on you anyway, that could constitute rape, even within a marriage. Anything that hurts you or feels wrong should never be considered normal for a relationship.

Fearing your partner’s behavior is a sign that you need to separate yourself from them, get to a safe place and possibly report their actions to the police. Contact the national domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233, document the abuse, and protect yourself from further harm.

3. Controlling Everything in the Relationship

Some people who have a Type A personality will feel more comfortable having significant control over things. But your partner shouldn’t be the only person making all of the decisions for you.

A relationship is a partnership, and you both should have a say in your day-to-day activities, meals, shopping, etc. If your partner feels the need to control every decision that affects you, you should not assume that their behavior is expected.

Talk with your partner to express your frustration over not having control. Pick one or two most important things for you to control, and ask them to let you have a say in those.

4. Accusations

If your partner not only distrusts you but accuses you of cheating without any grounds to do so, their jealous behavior is not normal. If you’ve not given your partner any reason to be concerned, but they accuse you of having a wandering eye or flirting too much with someone, it is most likely their insecurity that is causing them to talk to you this way not your behavior.

5. Lies

Some lying is normal, but not where your security is concerned. In a study where people kept track of how many lies they told for a week, the average was one to two lies per day. Typically, people lied to prevent hurting someone’s feelings, such as telling someone they looked good when they didn’t think they did. Researchers believe that small lies are usual for maintaining positive social relationships.

Being lied to by your partner creates an environment of distrust. It isn’t easy to feel safe, secure, and loved without trust. Whether you’ve caught your partner in a lie by finding evidence that they’ve hidden, or your gut is telling you that something’s not right, your intuition knows that you are being deceived.

You have a right to have an honest relationship. If you believe that your partner is lying about sex, money, or dangerous behavior like drugs or alcohol, your safety is potentially at risk. In this case, the lie could hurt you by exposing you to disease, financial insecurity, or potentially violent behavior.

6. A Relationship Filled With Demeaning Language

No one deserves to be treated disrespectfully. If your partner has used racial slurs, cursing, or belittling language against you, it should never be considered a normal part of a relationship. Sure it’s normal for couples to argue, but putting someone down to win an argument is not okay.

Even if your partner discounts your ideas as silly or stupid, that is not normal in a relationship. You deserve to be with someone who will support and defend you, not put you down and make you feel bad.

Being your advocate in an unhealthy relationship can be difficult. Especially if you feel that you have no power to change things. Communicating with someone who won’t listen is not going to work.

Seek the help of a trusted friend or a licensed counselor as an excellent step to help yourself heal from a bad relationship. Put it behind you and know that your next relationship will be better now that you know normal.

7. Physical or Emotional Abuse

Abuse often creeps up in a relationship, catching the victim off guard. It doesn’t happen immediately, but once it does, it continually intensifies. Many people stay in the situation, but it’s something you should never tolerate.

Physical abuse isn’t the only form, as emotional or mental abuse is also prominent. It destroys your self-esteem, makes you second-guess yourself, and is detrimental to your overall well-being.

8. Gaslighting

It’s never okay if your partner tries to convince you that you’re wrong when you’re not. They might tell you that you’re crazy to make you back down and question yourself. Your partner might also tell you they were joking or imply that you need to let something go.

Gaslighting partners often makes you feel like you’re wrong for having feelings. They’ll dismiss your concerns and continue behavior that hurts you. If you notice these things in your romance, it’s time to end it. You don’t deserve to deal with gaslighting, and it’s detrimental to your well-being.

9. Judging and Shaming

If your partner judges or shames you, it’s a bad sign. It shows that they lack respect for you, and they aren’t being kind. A healthy relationship involves a partner who respectfully helps you improve who you are but doesn’t judge and shame you.

On the other hand, an unhealthy romance involves a partner who constantly points out what’s wrong with you. They might make remarks about your personality, body, or abilities. Judging and shaming are ways for someone to exert control, but you don’t have to tolerate the disrespect.

10. Interrupting or Talking Over You

If your partner constantly talks over you or interrupts, it’s negative. It shows that they lack respect and don’t actively listen. Communication is essential to a healthy relationship, so don’t accept anything less.

11. A Relationship That Isolates You

Anytime your partner tries to control who you spend time with, it’s a sign that this partnership isn’t meant to be. It’s okay if you have close relationships with friends and family members, and it’s not okay for your partner to say otherwise. Independence is essential to a healthy romance, including having a life outside your partner.

If your partner isolates you, it shows that they want to assert their dominance by interfering with your happiness and self-care. When your partner doesn’t want you to spend time with people you love, it indicates they have something to hide.

They might think the people close to you will notice flaws and point them out. Additionally, they might be insecure and get jealous of your other relationships. No matter what their reason is, your relationships still matter.

You might notice that they don’t support your friendships and refuse to spend time with them. Their refusal will eventually result in them asking you to stop seeing that person, too. They might also dismiss or insult your family, creating a barrier that is hard to overcome.

12. Jealousy, Neediness, and Being Clingy

Being in a relationship with someone who is obsessively jealous, needy, or clingy is never desirable. Everyone has moments of jealousy, but it shouldn’t occur constantly or involve them calling you repeatedly while you’re with friends.

Clingy behavior shows a lack of self-esteem and insecurity and can be challenging to handle. You might feel suffocated to the point of exhaustion. It isn’t your job to fix people, and you shouldn’t have to deal with these issues if they don’t seek help.


13. Stonewalling

Stonewalling is a demeaning behavior that ignores your feelings and shuts you out. If your partner does it, they might refuse to answer, or they’ll walk away during a conversation. Your partner should be willing to have an open discussion and improve their detrimental behavior.

14. Lying or Breaking Your Trust

Honesty is essential in a healthy relationship, and you shouldn’t tolerate anything else. There are many ways your partner can break your trust, including bad-mouthing you or not following through on commitments. Additionally, lying is always unacceptable unless they’re throwing you a surprise party.

If your partner cheats, you must address and deal with the problem. Every situation is different, but you must take care of the situation either way.

15. Belittling Your Career Aspirations

You can’t have a healthy relationship with someone who doesn’t believe in you or support your dreams. If your partner continually insults your work, mocks your achievements, or tells you to give up, they’re not the person for you. You want someone who will only provide constructive criticism and constant support.

16. Never Apologizing

Healthy relationships have partners who apologize when they’re wrong. It’s not a good look if your partner thinks the world revolves around them. When something goes wrong, they blame others and never own up. If you allow this behavior, it’ll erode your self-esteem.

17. Invalidating Your Feelings or Experiences

Don’t tolerate your partner trying to convince you that your feelings or experiences are untrue or insignificant. Additionally, if you vocalize how you feel and your partner responds by saying it’s not a big deal. They might also belittle you for not being open enough.

A partner in a healthy relationship should strive to learn about the issues you face. They should want to understand what upsets you rather than telling you to let it go.

18. Irrational Comparisons to a Past Relationship

Everyone doubts themselves sometimes, but your partner should never make it worse by comparing you to others. Your partner should cherish you and your imperfections. Comparing you to others depletes your self-esteem, and it’s something you should never tolerate.

19. Not Publicly Acknowledging Your Relationship

If you’re in a committed relationship, your partner should be willing to acknowledge it publicly. Your romance shouldn’t be a secret, so don’t tolerate hiding your romance. You spend your time on the partnership and deserve it to be public.

If your partner asks you to keep it quiet, consider why they might want that. It could be that they don’t want to be tied down if someone else comes along, or they might have multiple partners. Additionally, you’ll have to wonder if they are embarrassed. Despite the reason, it shows a lack of respect for you, and it’s never okay to behave that way.

20. Constant Negativity

You can tolerate some negativity, but eventually, it’ll drag you down. Constant negativity gets frustrating, leading to yelling and other forms of disrespect. If you don’t tolerate negativity, your romance will become much better.

21. Arrogance and Entitlement

It’s okay to have a certain level of self-pride, but it can go too far. If your partner exhibits self-centeredness and arrogance, it might be time to rethink things. Your partner’s arrogance and entitlement are draining and unhealthy, so make it clear that you won’t tolerate it.

5 Steps to a Healthier Relationship

If there are aspects of your relationship that you can’t or shouldn’t accept, you can make positive changes. These steps will help you build a stronger, healthier, and happier partnership.

1. Focus on Positivity in the Relations

When you focus on the positive, you’ll notice a quick improvement in your relationship. Compliment your partner, acknowledge their hard work, surprise them, or do anything else to make them happy.

Doing simple things like telling your partner that you appreciate them can make a difference. It’ll help them feel satisfied, releasing some negativity between you.

As you focus on positivity, make sure to have a positive relationship with yourself. When you feel good about yourself, your romance will also improve. Identify the good things about yourself and remember that you are worthy.

2. Spend Time Together

Spending quality time together while remaining fully present is one of the best ways to create a healthier relationship. Turn your phone off and limit other distractions so that you and your partner can focus on one another. Choose activities that allow you to engage and have fun, such as taking a nature walk or preparing a meal together.

3. Encourage One Another to Accomplish Your Goals

If your partner wants to lose weight or exercise more, encourage them to make it happen. Be part of their support system by holding them accountable, keeping them motivated, and cheering them on. Encouraging your partner is a sure way to make a beneficial change.

4. Engage in Frequent Physical Contact

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, but you must still engage in frequent physical contact. Hug each other whenever you can, especially when one of you returns home. Hugging improves your relationship, decreases depression, boosts the immune system, promotes sleep, and reduces stress. You and your partner are sure to benefit from the physical contact.


5. Communicate and Express Yourself

Don’t be afraid to talk to your partner about anything, including issues you feel need addressing. A healthy relationship requires communication and self-expression, so don’t hold back. Remember to be kind and respectful as you communicate so that you don’t worsen the problems.

Express your thoughts and feelings without restraint, so your partner knows what you want and expect. Make sure you give your partner the same opportunity for expression so that they feel heard, too.

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