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10 Signs You’re With a Sensitive Woman

10 Signs You’re With a Sensitive Woman

Dating a sensitive woman is different than having a relationship with someone else. Understanding their characteristics can help you find success and happiness in the relationship. Not taking the time to understand her personality and feelings can do the opposite, ruining your chances of success.

Being a highly sensitive person isn’t a disorder, malfunction, or way of being dramatic. Instead, it’s a trait that people are born with.

Understanding the signs of a highly sensitive person can help you identify if you’re dating a sensitive woman. It can help you understand your partner and make positive moves in your relationship when you know the traits.

Seven Typical Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

Experts indicate that the percentage of highly sensitive people is about 15-20%. Some people don’t know they are sensitive, and the number could be higher.

You can’t always recognize a highly sensitive person (HSP) until you know them better. It’s a temperament that isn’t as obvious as physical characteristics. Being a highly sensitive person affects all areas of life, including the following:

  1. thoughts
  2. feelings
  3. behaviors
  4. senses
  5. work
  6. recreation
  7. relationships

High sensitivity involves an increased processing depth, over-arousal, empathy, and sensory sensitivity. A highly sensitive woman will often be cautious and take in any necessary information before acting. They don’t rush into things without thinking deeply about them first.

sensitive woman

Signs You’re with a Sensitive Woman

Their differences lead to them experiencing the world differently than other people. They are often more creative and insightful but can also be more likely to experience stress. Being a sensitive woman isn’t bad and only requires those in their lives to learn about the trait.

1 – A Sensitive Woman Tends to Become Emotionally Hurt Easily

Sensitive women get easily hurt by the words and actions of people in their lives. Sometimes the other person won’t mean to hurt her, but it affects her negatively either way. She responds best to people who are empathetic and kind.

2 – She Is Easily Overwhelmed

A sensitive woman will become overwhelmed by things that don’t always bother others. Her thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and perceptions lead to over-arousal. Becoming overwhelmed so easily causes them to worry more often.

An HSP might create a lifestyle that helps them avoid becoming overwhelmed. They can do things that promote peace of mind, but only if they understand they are highly sensitive. It’s a sign that you’re dating a sensitive woman if she likes to stick to her typical lifestyle and avoids switching it up.

3 – A Sensitive Woman Is Selfless

A sensitive woman will often drop everything to help someone else. She will want to help people physically and emotionally because she likes everyone to be happy and feel good. An HSP often puts other people before themselves, sacrificing whenever necessary.

4 – Her Emotional State Shifts Based on Those Around Them

When a sensitive woman is around others, she might shift her emotional state to fit theirs. She might have trouble being happy if someone close to her is upset. It leads to her crying with someone when they’re upset or getting angry along with another person.

Shifting her emotional state means she’s good at consoling others and helping them through their problems. She understands what people are going through, even if she’s never personally been through it.

While this sign can be beneficial, it can emotionally drain an HSP. Constantly absorbing other people’s emotions makes them emotionally exhausted, and they’ll need time alone to recover.

5 – She Despises Violence or Cruelty

Highly sensitive people don’t like seeing or even hearing about violence. It can be unsettling and overwhelm them quickly.

They typically can’t watch scary, gory, or violent movies or shows. Even news stories about violence or cruelty can trigger them. Sometimes it affects them so much that they become physically ill.

6 – A Sensitive Woman Feels Things Deeply

A sensitive woman often feels things so deeply that you can see her emotions in her eyes. She might cry over things she can’t control, like children starving on the other side. Sometimes even a beautiful sunset will make her cry.

Conflict or tension is troubling for an HSP, and they feel that deeper than others. They might feel sick during or after experiencing conflict and could experience anxiety. A sensitive woman might avoid conflict altogether, doing whatever they can to keep people happy.

They also take criticism harder than others. It might knock their self-esteem to a point where they want to withdraw and give up.

On a brighter note, a sensitive person finds beauty in all good things, even when others don’t. They might experience deeply positive emotions when seeing art, eating delicious meals, or smelling specific scents. Sometimes they’ll feel the music deeply or get emotional about how the sunlight reflects on the water.

highly sensitive person

7 – She Loves Others Deeply

Just like a sensitive woman feels deeply, she also loves deeply. She knows how to care for the people she loves and is okay with being vulnerable around them. A sensitive person can also easily express their love and will let you see them for who they are.

You’ll also notice that they are willing to do the work it takes to make a relationship thrive. They continue to believe in love despite being hurt in the past. You’ll know you’re dating a sensitive person when you see that she believes in love and does whatever she can for the people she cares about.

8 – She Sometimes Withdraws, and People Think She’s Shy

Sensitive people often like to spend time alone, and people might think they’re shy. When your partner needs plenty of time to be alone, you might be with a sensitive woman. She likely needs time to decrease her stimulation levels and ease her senses.

Other people might think she’s shy, but it’s often a misconception. She might not be shy but needs time to recuperate or adjust to social situations.

9 – A Sensitive Woman Overthinks

Sensitive people often deeply overthink everything. They want to make sense of everything before speaking or acting.

Don’t think of it as a negative trait because if your partner does this, it shows that they care. They overthink so they don’t hurt the people they care about. Another reason they do it is to say and do rational things they won’t regret later.

10 – She Doesn’t Like Time Pressure

Time pressure bothers a sensitive person. They might get anxious during timed tests, even when they know the information well. Likewise, they’ll clam up when they must finish a project before a specific time. You might know that you’re with a sensitive woman if she can’t perform well under time pressure.

How to Improve Your Relationship with a Sensitive Woman

You can learn some beneficial tips If you recognize any signs of a sensitive woman in your partner. These tips will help you make the most of your relationship and embrace your partner’s personality.

Be Conscious of Overstimulation

Dating an HSP might require learning to recognize early signs of overwhelming feelings. It can help you focus on their needs and desires, allowing you to intervene when they are overstimulated. You can offer quiet time alone so that they can recuperate from overstimulation, allowing them to de-stress.

During this time, avoid initiating sex because it is stimulating, adding to the overwhelm. You should also avoid starting a heated discussion or argument during this time.

Think Before You Speak

A sensitive woman can be offended or hurt by things you say, even when you don’t mean them negatively. Before you say something, please take a moment to consider how she might process your words. Consider changing how you say things if you know certain words or phrases trigger her.

Don’t Force Her to Watch Cruel or Violent Things

Now that you know sensitive people despise violence, consider avoiding them when you’re with your partner. Decide on a different TV show or movie, and avoid discussing the situations around them.

You might like these things but can enjoy them alone or with another person. Choose options you and your partner like instead to build your relationship.

Plan Dates That Involve Beautiful Sights

Winning the heart of a sensitive woman is possible if you plan dates they’ll love. They love breathtaking sights and beautiful environments, so use them to your advantage. Dates involving beautiful sights will make her happy, and you’ll be thrilled knowing you made it possible. She’ll never forget the date, no matter what happens in the future.

sensitive woman

Final Thoughts on Signs You’re with a Sensitive Woman

These signs can help you recognize if you’re with a sensitive woman. Understanding her traits and what she likes or dislikes can help you make the most of your relationship. Being thoughtful of who she is will make her happy and benefit your relationships in ways you couldn’t imagine.

Being a highly sensitive person isn’t a negative trait. Instead, it can help the person enjoy the little things in life while making good decisions by thinking ahead. When you date someone like this, it can improve your life if you tap into their positive qualities.

Study Finds Second-hand Smoke May Cause Generational Asthma

A new study by University of Melbourne researchers found that secondhand smoke may contribute to generational asthma. They discovered that children were more likely to develop asthma if their father had exposure to cigarette smoke during childhood. Moreover, the findings revealed that children’s asthma risk increased if their father lived in a smoker’s house and began smoking.

The researchers said the findings reveal how smoking can cause declining health in multiple generations, not just the smoker themselves. The study, led by University of Melbourne researchers Mr. Jiacheng Liu and Dr. Dinh Bui, appeared in the European Respiratory Journal. 

The team gathered data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study (TAHS), led by the University of Melbourne Professor Shyamali Dharmage. Founded in 1968, TAHS remains one of the world’s most extensive, longest-running respiratory studies.

For the smoking study, researchers analyzed data from 1,689 children who grew up in Tasmania, along with their fathers and paternal grandparents. Next, they wanted to determine the relationship between instances of childhood asthma and whether their fathers lived in a smoking household.

They compared data on whether the children had asthma before turning seven and whether the fathers lived with smokers before they turned fifteen. Also, the researchers included data on whether the fathers currently or formerly smoked cigarettes. Surprisingly, they found a strong association between childhood asthma and secondhand smoke exposure.

Study Finds Secondhand Smoke May Cause Generational Asthma

asthma researchers

Mr. Liu said: “We found that the risk of non-allergic asthma in children increases by 59 percent if their fathers were exposed to secondhand smoke in childhood, compared to children whose fathers were not exposed.

“The risk was even higher, at 72 per cent, if the fathers were exposed to secondhand smoke and went on to smoke themselves.”

Dr. Bui said the research reveals how smoking doesn’t just impact the smoker’s health. It affects their children and grandchildren as well since it causes DNA damage. However, men abstaining from smoking will have a better chance of having healthy children.

“For men who were exposed to secondhand smoke as children, our study suggests that they can still lower the risk they pass on to their own children, if they avoid smoking,” Dr. Bui said.

Researchers still don’t know precisely how the damage from smoking gets passed down through generations. However, Professor Dharmage believes epigenetic changes may lead to a higher risk of asthma.

“This is where factors in our environment, such as tobacco smoke, interact with our genes to modify their expression. These changes can be inherited but may be partially reversible for each generation,” Dharmage said.

“It’s possible that tobacco smoke is creating epigenetic changes in the cells that will go on to produce sperm when boys grow up. These changes can then be passed on to their children.”

Next, researchers will examine whether the higher asthma risk lingers into adulthood. Also, they want to understand if fathers who lived with smokers as children pass an increased risk of allergies or lung diseases to their offspring.

Other Causes of Asthma

According to the American Lung Association, genetics and exposure to environmental toxins strongly contribute to asthma development. Some of the most significant risk factors for asthma include:

  • Family history. A parent with asthma makes you three to six times more likely to develop it.
  • Many indoor and outdoor allergens can trigger asthma symptoms. The most common allergic conditions linked to asthma include pollen, mold, dust mites, cockroaches, pet dander, and rodents. People with allergic conditions like eczema and hay fever also have a higher risk of developing asthma.
  • Viral respiratory infections. Infants and children with respiratory illnesses that cause wheezing have a higher risk of chronic asthma.
  • Environmental irritants. Exposure to industrial chemicals and vapors in the workplace, such as paint or harmful gases, can trigger asthma symptoms. Wood fires, charcoal grills, and dust particles in the air may also cause breathing problems.
  • Air Pollution. Regular exposure to air pollution, such as smog and ozone, can trigger asthma symptoms or cause it to develop. People living in urban areas have the highest risk for asthma. Sadly, researchers have observed a disturbing increase in pediatric asthma due to traffic pollution. Their study found that nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant in vehicle exhaust and industrial sites, contributed to nearly two million pediatric asthma causes in 2019. Studies have also discovered a link between air pollution and reduced lung function in adults.
  • Overweight or obese children and adults also have a greater asthma risk. Scientists believe that chronic inflammation in the body due to excess weight may lower lung capacity. Research shows that obese patients experience more severe symptoms and have more difficulty managing the condition than patients with a healthy weight.
  • Certain weather conditions can exacerbate or bring about an asthma episode. Dry wind, cold air, or sudden changes in the weather usually have the strongest link to asthma. For instance, thunderstorms can trigger breathing issues because rain releases pollen particles, and wind spreads them around. People with asthma who inhale pollen may find it harder to breathe.

Tips on Managing Asthma Symptoms

  • Take medications as prescribed. You might need long-term asthma control medications and a quick-relief inhaler to manage symptoms. If allergens worsen your asthma, take biologics (medicines for people with severe asthma) or allergy shots.
  • Get regular exercise. Physical activity can strengthen the heart and lungs, which will help reduce asthma symptoms. Also, maintain a healthy weight to ensure your airways don’t become obstructed.
  • Avoid or limit exposure to your triggers. Use your air conditioner to lower humidity and reduce indoor pollen levels. Consider using a dehumidifier to prevent mold from forming, and clean your home regularly. Also, stay indoors on days with poor air quality or wear a face mask while outside to avoid inhaling environmental irritants.

smoking cessation

Final Thoughts on Study Linking Secondhand Smoke to Generational Asthma

University of Melbourne researchers discovered that secondhand smoke could lead to generational asthma. They found that children’s risk increased by 59% if their father grew up with parents who smoked. Children had a 72% risk of developing breathing issues if their fathers were exposed to secondhand smoke and also became smokers. The research shows that abstaining from smoking lowers the chance of passing health problems to future generations.

Researchers Reveal Drinking Coffee Links to Living Longer

Drinking coffee does a lot more than wake you up each morning–and it might help you enjoy a longer life. Research shows that drinking two to three cups of coffee daily can increase longevity and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. According to the findings, ground, instant, and decaffeinated varieties all produce these benefits.

“In this large, observational study, ground, instant and decaffeinated coffee were associated with equivalent reductions in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and death from cardiovascular disease or any cause,” said study author Professor Peter Kistler of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia.

“The results suggest that mild to moderate intake of ground, instant and decaffeinated coffee should be considered part of a healthy lifestyle,” he added.

Before this research, few studies examined the link between various java preparations and heart health. This study investigated how different types of beans impacted incident arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease, and mortality rates.

Study Measured Health Benefits of Decaf, Ground, and Instant Coffee


Researchers gathered data from the UK Biobank, which recruited adults between 40 and 69. They defined cardiovascular disease as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, and ischemic stroke.

The study included 449,563 participants who didn’t have arrhythmias or other cardiovascular diseases when the research began. Participants had a median age of 58; women comprised 55.3%.

They filled out a questionnaire asking how many cups they drank daily. Researchers also asked what variety they typically drank: instant, decaffeinated, or ground (ex., a cappuccino or filtered variety).

Next, the team placed them into six categories based on their daily intake. The categories included none, less than one, one, two to three, four to five, and more than five cups daily. One hundred ninety-eight thousand sixty-two participants drank instant coffee (44.1%), followed by 82,575 who preferred ground (18.4%), and 68,416 who consumed decaffeinated coffee (15.2%). The control group consisted of 100,510 (22.4%) participants who didn’t drink coffee.

They compared arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease, and death in coffee drinkers and non-drinkers. Researchers adjusted the data for age, sex, ethnicity, obesity, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, smoking status, and tea and alcohol consumption. They obtained participants’ health information from medical and death records. The team followed participants for a median of 12.5 years.

Researchers Find That Drinking Coffee Leads to Longer Life

During the follow-up period, 27,809 (6.2%) participants died; researchers determined that all coffee varieties reduced all-cause mortality. They noticed the most significant risk reduction in participants who drank two to three cups daily. Compared to non-coffee drinkers, these participants had a 14%, 27%, and 11% lower mortality rate for decaffeinated, ground, and instant varieties.

43,173 (9.6%) of participants had cardiovascular disease during follow-up. All types of coffee reduced incidents of cardiovascular disease, with the lowest risk again observed in those who drank two to three cups daily. Compared to abstinence from coffee, two to three cups led to a 6%, 20%, and 9% reduced cardiovascular disease risk for decaf, ground, and instant, respectively.

Doctors diagnosed 30,100 (6.7%) of participants with an arrhythmia during the follow-up period. Ground and instant coffee, but not decaffeinated, led to decreased arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation. Compared with non-drinkers, participants who drank four to five cups of ground coffee had a 17% reduced risk of arrhythmia. Also, those who consumed two to three cups daily for instant coffee had a twelve percent lower risk.

Professor Kistler said: “Caffeine is the most well-known constituent in coffee, but the beverage contains more than 100 biologically active components. It is likely that the non-caffeinated compounds were responsible for the positive relationships observed between coffee drinking, cardiovascular disease and survival. Our findings indicate that drinking modest amounts of coffee of all types should not be discouraged but can be enjoyed as a heart healthy behaviour.”

The research appeared in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, the European Society of Cardiology journal.

Other Benefits of Drinking Coffee

  • It contains powerful antioxidants. This beverage has more antioxidants than any other food or beverage in the world. Antioxidants help lower inflammation and protect the body from free radicals, which can damage DNA. The most abundant antioxidants in coffee include polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids, both of which reduce oxidative stress.
  • Caffeine enhances energy levels. Most people enjoy a cup of joe in the morning because it makes them feel alert. Coffee stimulates the central nervous system, helping fight drowsiness and increase focus. Caffeine blocks the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel lethargic. This reaction causes an increase in dopamine and serotonin, two chemicals that enhance our mood and energy levels.
  • Coffee reduces type 2 diabetes risk. A meta-analysis of 30 studies found that each additional cup consumed daily led to a 6% lower type 2 diabetes risk. Researchers believe that coffee improves the functioning of beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin to manage blood sugar.
  • Caffeine boosts cognitive health. According to a review of 13 studies, people who consumed coffee frequently had a dramatically lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Another review of 11 observational suites in over 29,000 people discovered a link between higher coffee consumption and reduced Alzheimer’s disease risk.
  • Coffee lowers the risk of depression. Drinking a cup of joe can put you in a better mood. One study found that drinking at least four cups daily greatly lowered depression risk. Moreover, another study, which included over 200,000 people, revealed that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of death by suicide.

longer life

Final Thoughts on Study Linking Coffee to a Longer Lifespan

The new European Society of Cardiology found an association between drinking coffee and longevity. Their study of nearly 450,000 participants revealed that decaf, ground, and instant coffee had essential health benefits. They found that participants who drank two to three cups of ground coffee significantly reduced mortality.

Drinking this beverage daily also led to a lower likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Researchers determined that participants who drank four to five cups of joe daily had a dramatically reduced risk of arrhythmias. Instant and decaf varieties also improved health, but ground beans had the most pronounced effect.

So, please keep drinking your daily cup of coffee because it might save your life!

If You See Bumblebees Often, This Is What It Means

Do you notice bumblebees flying around your home or in your garden frequently? If so, it could mean the spiritual world wants to send you a message from beyond–it is your spirit animal! Despite their small size, bees have much to teach us about life.

For instance, they’re some of the hardest workers in the animal kingdom, buzzing around from flower to flower, collecting nectar. They also work together to maintain their hives, which usually contain fifty to five hundred bees. In addition, bees have exceptional courage and strength for such tiny creatures. They don’t worry about predators crossing their paths and work tirelessly to perform necessary tasks.

We should deeply respect bumblebees since they help pollinate many crops we consume. They’re important pollinators of plants like strawberries, eggplants, peppers, melons, blueberries, and potatoes, to name a few. Honeybees also pollinate flowers and plants, but bumblebees have longer tongues and faster wing speeds, making them more efficient.

So, if you see bumblebees often, take it as a spiritual sign from the universe. Seeing bees flying near you can mean several things, which we’ll discuss below. Perhaps you’ll even identify with the bumblebee as your spirit animal after learning more about its unique qualities.

Seven Spiritual Meanings of Bumblebees


1. Bumblees Represent Patience

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu.

We can learn patience by observing nature in all its beauty. Many of us have become disconnected from our natural world by living in fast-paced cities. We’ve forgotten about nature’s graceful, quiet rhythm, carrying out all necessary tasks at her own pace. Bees provide the perfect example of living in harmony with nature; luckily, we can find them in our backyards.

Bees have a methodical approach to collecting nectar, flying slowly from one plant to another. Before picking flowers, they observe the behavior of other bees to determine the most popular ones. Figuring out which colors produce the richest nectar helps them learn which flowers to visit.

Once they find attractive flowers, they use “buzz pollination” by vibrating their wings to extract more pollen. During this process, they typically beat their wings 130 times per second. While they move quickly to collect nectar, they systematically choose the best flowers.

So, if you see a bumblebee, the universe wants you to remember the importance of patience. As the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race.

2. This Spirit Animal Shows Bravery

Any small creature in the animal kingdom will have its cards stacked against them. But the bumblebee doesn’t allow their size to phase them. They carry out their duties with courage and strength, never worried about the predators that lie in wait. Bumblebees follow the ebbs and flows of nature, providing balance to many ecosystems.

The next time you see a bumblebee, the universe wants you to remain courageous in the face of adversity.

3. Bumblebees Represent Focus

Bees have exceptional concentration skills and are never distracted by the sights and sounds of nature. They have one main goal in life: pollinating plants and collecting nectar. Watching them work tirelessly to achieve something many don’t consider is fascinating. However, this very process allows us to survive on this planet. Humans might grow bored of doing the same task repeatedly, but bees do their work humbly and quietly.

When you notice bees in your yard, it’s a sign to remember the power of focus.

4. Responsibility

Bumblebees want you to remember that you hold the keys to changing your life. No one can stop you from achieving something except yourself if you want something. Bees don’t look to any other creature for approval or allow anyone else to make decisions. When you see bees, it’s a reminder to take responsibility and believe in your abilities.

5. Spiritual Awakening

Bees must be highly attuned to their external environment to survive. They observe the slightest cues and stimuli to determine which flowers contain the best nectar. So, if you see bumblebees, the universe may want to prepare you for a spiritual awakening. Bees help remind us of the subtle energies in life that we often overlook. Becoming aligned with these higher frequencies will help further our spiritual evolution.

6. Bumblebees Represent Self-Discovery

Have you had a dream about bumblebees recently? Dream meanings about bees vary, but one interpretation involves self-inquiry and discovery. Having visions or dreams about bees might mean you need to reconnect with your higher self. Bees are associated with the changing seasons and represent inner transformation. So, if you’ve been feeling lost recently, let the bee guide you to rediscover yourself.

7. This Spirit Animal Represents Building Relationships

Many of us have forgotten the importance of fostering close relationships in the modern world. We might live in a more individualistic time, but we still need each other to survive. The universe may tell you to prioritize relationships by putting bumblebees in your path. Bees symbolize the power of working together and building connections, inspiring us to reach out to others. They all work harmoniously to complete a shared goal, providing humanity with a beautiful example of what’s possible.

Many people have lost touch with one another in the last few years because of the pandemic. Whether or not you see bees outside your home, you don’t always need a sign to connect with people. Your loved ones will appreciate it, especially if they live alone.

spirit animal

Final Thoughts on the Symbolism of Seeing Bumblebees

Bumblebees have so much to teach humans about living in balance with nature. They represent virtues such as patience, hard work, focus, and building relationships with others. Bees work endlessly to collect nectar for themselves and other bees in their hive. They also help pollinate plants we eat regularly, making them tiny heroes in the animal kingdom. Bees deserve our love and respect, so if you see one, please appreciate its presence.

The universe may want to message you through this tiny yet powerful insect. Perhaps it’s telling you to reconnect with yourself or focus on responsibilities more. Or, maybe the bee wants you to remember your power to overcome obstacles. No matter the reason for seeing a bee, seeing these fuzzy friends is a gift from the universe.

How to Make Homemade Oven Cleaner With No Chemicals

If you don’t like using commercial cleaning products, you might prefer making a homemade oven cleaner. Using all-natural ingredients ensures you can keep your home spotless while avoiding potential toxins. Of course, you could always buy eco-friendly cleaning products at the store, but they’re often costly. Making them yourself will save money and a few extra trips to the store. Better yet–no chemicals here!

You probably clean your kitchen weekly, but how often do you clean your oven? A dirty oven may seem harmless, but it can release toxic smoke into your kitchen and home. Leftover food or grease will burn when you turn on the stove, producing fumes that contain sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide.

An unclean oven also releases carbon and methane into the atmosphere, contributing significantly to climate change. Therefore, keeping a clean range protects not only yourself but everyone else as well. Finally, the continuous burning of leftover food in the oven may affect the flavor of anything else you bake or cook.

Regular oven maintenance can prevent unpleasant odors and potential health risks associated with a dirty appliance. A buildup of food particles and grease not only affects the taste of your meals but also creates a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

To ensure a spotless and hygienic kitchen, incorporating a thorough oven cleaning into your routine is essential. If you prefer to have professionals handle the job, Melissa & A Mop offer expert cleaning services that can tackle even the toughest grime, allowing you to enjoy a sparkling clean oven without the hassle.

Maintaining a clean oven helps preserve the efficiency of your appliance, reducing energy consumption and prolonging its lifespan. By removing residues and spills, you can avoid the risk of fire hazards and ensure that your oven operates safely.

In summary, a polished oven will make your meals taste better and improve the air quality in your home. And it doesn’t require expensive cleaners to get the job done. People have been using baking soda and vinegar for hundreds of years with positive results.

You probably already have these ingredients lying around your home for other purposes. Below, we’ll show you how to make a homemade oven cleaner with a few simple ingredients. But first, let’s discuss the dangers of cleaning your oven with commercial products.

Why Many Storebought Cleaning Products Are Toxic

oven cleaner

Many commercial oven cleaning products contain lye and ammonia, which can cause health problems. For one, they may irritate and even remove layers of skin because they’re so harsh. Breathing in these chemicals can lead to breathing problems and lung damage in concentrated amounts. And the consequences remain long after you’ve cleaned the oven. The odors from the substances may linger and contaminate anything else you bake or cook.

Research shows that some oven cleaners, such as Mr. Muscle and Easy-Off brands, contain poisonous ingredients called corrosive alkalis. You don’t have to swallow the cleaners to experience adverse side effects. For instance, the research found that even breathing in the fumes of these cleaners can cause:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Throat swelling
  • Severe pain in the throat

Other harmful ingredients in most home cleaning products include monoethanolamine (MEA), glycol ethers, and alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APEs). Research shows these chemicals can contribute to asthma and reproductive harm with regular exposure. Finally, many oven cleaners contain butane, a highly flammable and odorless gas that can lead to devastating medical consequences.

For instance, research shows that highly concentrated chemicals in solvents or aerosol sprays can cause an irregular heartbeat. It may even lead to heart failure within minutes of exposure to the chemicals. Other common ingredients in oven degreasers include methylene chloride and trichloroethylene. With frequent exposure, these chemicals can cause:

  • reduction of oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood
  • changes to the heart muscle and heartbeat
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • reproductive complications
  • hearing and vision damage

Self-Cleaning Ovens Also Have Drawbacks

If you don’t want to make a homemade oven cleaner, you may decide to use the self-cleaning feature on your oven. One advantage of this feature is that it doesn’t release toxic chemicals like commercial cleaners. However, following the directions closely when using the self-cleaner is crucial since it can produce carbon monoxide.

If you decide to clean the oven this way, you should leave your home during the process, just in case. The Teflon coating inside the range can produce fumes at high temperatures during the self-cleaning cycle. Self-cleaning ovens can reach 600 degrees, a high enough temperature to release dangerous fumes.

So, if you want a genuinely chemical-free, safe solution, follow this recipe for a homemade oven cleaner.

How to Make a Homemade Oven Cleaner With No Chemicals

First, make sure to have a glass bowl, pastry brush, scrub sponge/brush, spoon, and gloves handy. Next, remove the oven racks, so they don’t get in your way while cleaning. You can wash them off in the sink if you want to clean them.


  • Two tablespoons of Castile liquid soap
  • 1 1/3 cup baking soda
  • 10 drops orange or lemon essential oil (optional)
  • ¼ cup organic white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • water


  1. Mix the castile soap and baking soda into the glass bowl. Since it’s a vegetable-based soap, it contains no harmful ingredients or chemicals. It works as a homemade oven cleaner because it can easily remove stains and caked-on food. Baking soda also cleans ovens well due to its slightly coarse texture and ability to dissolve grease.
  2. Next, add the vinegar and essential oil of your choice. Add water and blend until the mixture forms a thick paste. People have used vinegar to clean their homes for centuries since it’s antibacterial. That makes it an excellent ingredient for a homemade oven cleaner as well. The essential oils will add a pleasant fragrance to your home while providing antimicrobial benefits.
  3. Using your pastry brush, apply the homemade oven cleaner until the surface is completely coated. Allow it to sit for six to eight hours or overnight for the best results. If you see foam building up, don’t worry — this happens as a normal part of the process.
  4. After leaving it on for the recommended time, you can clean off the mixture. Fill a separate bowl with water and grab your sponge and gloves. Dip the sponge into the bowl each time you wipe the oven, changing out the water as needed.

no chemicals

Final Thoughts on Homemade Oven Cleaner With No Chemicals

Do you want to clean your oven but dislike harsh chemicals? Luckily, you can make a homemade oven cleaner with just a few inexpensive ingredients that work just as well. Using only castile soap, baking soda, white vinegar, water, and essential oils, you can create an all-natural cleaner at home. If you try this out, let us know how it works on Facebook!

25 Kristen Butler Quotes to Refill Your Positivity

Kristen Butler quotes can help you find positivity, motivation, and inspiration. When negativity overwhelms your thoughts, and you feel yourself shifting from positive thinking, these motivational quotes can help. The words are inspiring and can help you refocus on the good things again.

Kristen Butler founded Power of Positivity because she wanted to help others. She strives to spread positive messages and offer inspiration to others.

These Kristen Butler quotes can help refill your positivity. Life can get hard, and you might find yourself experiencing negative thoughts. Reading quotes can help you regain hope and excitement.

Kristen Butler Quotes to Refill Your Positivity

Kristen Butler

1 – “I believe, with all my heart, that anyone can improve and create a life they love from where they are right now.”

Things might not be how you want them, but don’t lose hope. You can improve your life and create something you love no matter where you are. Remember this quote so you can focus on your next steps.

2 – “Hey, what others think about you doesn’t matter. Be who you truly are, say what feels right to you and live in accordance to your own beliefs. When you live and act from the heart, you can never go wrong. Look at life through your own eyes and follow your unique souls journey. Soar towards your own vision and destiny. You have infinite potential and there are no right or wrong ways, only your own right way. Ultimately, the people who truly matter will love and respect you for living your truth.”

Don’t fixate on what other people think about you because the only opinion that matters is yours. When you focus on what you want and need without negative influence from others, you’ll find positivity and discover the people who love who you are.

3 – “Self care isn’t just treating yourself from time to time. It’s choosing peace during an argument. It’s not feeling guilty for saying “no.” It’s spending less time with negative people. It’s prioritizing mental health. It’s praying. It’s choosing not to take things personally.”

Practicing self-care is one of the best ways to refill your positivity. This Kristen Butler quote reminds you that taking care of yourself requires putting yourself first without feeling guilty.

4 – “Live your truth. Love yourself. Do what you were uniquely created to do.”

When you want to refill your positivity, look within. Think about your beliefs and how you want your life to turn out. Love who you are and embrace your purpose.

5 – “For a good life, stay in good company. Negative people awaken negative parts inside of us.”

The people you spend time with contribute to your mindset. For more positivity, surround yourself with people who embrace happiness and growth.

6 – “Spend less time trying to change someone and more time trying to love and understand them.”

Caring about someone doesn’t mean you should spend time trying to change them. Instead, love who they are and try to understand why they behave how they do. When you shift from trying to change someone, you’ll notice positive improvements in your life.

7 – “Never allow a struggle to turn your sky into a ceiling. You must believe there’s always a way.”

There will be struggles and hardships, but it doesn’t mean you should give up. This Kristen Butler quote explains that there’s always another way to make things happen.

happiness journal

8 – “Give yourself permission to envision a big life, a happy life. Accept your greatness. Don’t settle! You didn’t come here to play small or make someone else’s dreams come true. You’re meant for everything that’s written in your heart, but it’s up to you.”

Thinking of your dreams and accepting your strengths can help you live the life of your dreams. Focus on what you want rather than building your life around what others want. It can make all the difference.

9 – “Journaling is the perfect way to shift your emotions immediately and process your feelings without judgment, so you don’t get stuck in unpleasant experiences.”

You can find positivity by writing in a journal because it can help you process your feelings. It helps you get your thoughts out and shift away from negativity.

10 – “In solitude, I find my answers.”

Sometimes finding positivity is possible by sitting in silence. Finding a quiet place to be alone can help you work through your thoughts and feelings.

11 – “To get where you want to be is simply a switch in thinking and elevation in vibration. Release old habits and thoughts that do not serve you. Then, be what you want to become.”

When negativity takes over, consider where you want to be and how you can get there. This thought process can help you release habits that don’t serve you and develop ones that encourage growth.

12 – “Instead of looking at what’s depressing, look at what’s a blessing.”

You can find positivity by focusing on the good things around you. Shift your thought process, pushing away thoughts that make you depressed and replacing them with joy.

13 – “Don’t let anyone break you. There may always be people who secretly want to see you fail. That’s okay. Just stay strong and stand tall.”

Some people don’t want to see you find success or happiness. They’ll do whatever they can to interfere, but you don’t have to let it affect you. Remember this Kristen Butler quote so you can focus on staying strong and positive.


14 – “You’ll never get from where you are to where you want to be if you keep your focus on the fact that you are not there yet. See it the way you desire and feel it ‛‛as if’’ it is happening.”

You might not have achieved all your goals yet, but you’re on your way to accomplishment. Remind yourself that it’s happening even if you aren’t there yet.

15 – “May you be filled with love, peace, patience, strength, and courage to face the rest of the day. No matter what happens you can restore balance through taking a moment to focus on your breath, gratitude, and positive thoughts.”

Having a negative moment doesn’t mean you can’t recover and find positivity the rest of the day. Take a moment to focus on the good things in your life so that a single moment doesn’t ruin your time.

16 – “The words we use shape our reality. They are the blueprint for our experiences.”

How you talk to yourself can make a difference in having a positive or negative mindset. Make a conscious effort to focus on positive self-talk to prevent getting caught up in negativity.

17 – “Some people can’t handle your level of awesome. That’s okay. Just keep being you. There are people who can and will.”

Don’t worry about what other people think or say about you. Focus on being yourself, and you’ll find all you want.

18 – “In the age of speed, there’s something to be found in slowing down.”

Slowing down can help you embrace all the good things. It’ll help you learn to appreciate the world around you and let go of negativity.

19 – “Focus more on people who inspire you rather than annoy you. You’ll get much further in life.”

Focusing on annoyances can trigger a negative mindset. Rather than allowing these people to affect you, think about people who inspire you instead.


20 – “The challenge is… learning to be my own best friend instead of my own worst critic.”

You can be your best friend if you love yourself enough. Being your best friend means you’ll always recognize your greatness and worth.

21 – “Instead of planning for the worst case scenario and feeding your anxiety, how about expecting the best case scenario and restoring your peace.”

Thinking that the worst thing will always happen triggers anxiety and negativity. Shift your thoughts and assume things will work out for the best.

22 – “Trying to please everyone, in every way, is a race you’ll never win. You can spend all day measuring what people like and don’t like, but don’t let it change who you are. You are unique for a reason. Every single person is not going to vibe with everything, and that’s ok.”

Push away the urge to make everyone happy because it’s an unachievable goal. Instead, focus on being yourself and accepting that not everyone will appreciate it. You’ll feel better and experience more positivity when you know you’re true to yourself.

23 – “While you might be doubting yourself, someone else is admiring your strength.”

Remember that someone admires what you do and who you are. It can help you push away your self-doubt and find positivity moving forward.

24 – “Life is not happening to you. It’s happening for you in response to what you’re saying and feeling.”

Things happen based on what you say and feel. If you don’t love how things are going, consider shifting your thoughts and refraining from saying negative words.

25 – “Don’t give up. Good people just like you still exist.”

You’re sure to experience toxic or negative people, but good people are out there. Don’t lose hope as you look for those who will bring joy to your life.

kristen butler positivity

Final Thoughts on Reading Kristen Butler Quotes to Restore Your Positive Thinking

These Kristen Butler quotes can help you refill your positivity when things get hard. They offer inspiration and motivation to live your best life. Of course, negative thoughts will creep in sometimes, and you can turn back to these quotes for a reminder of the good parts of life.

Consider placing these quotes in a place you’ll often see, such as on your mirror or desk. Reading them throughout the day can prevent negativity from setting in altogether. You can live a positive life if you remain hopeful and focus on the good all around you.

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