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5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For An Energetic Shift

5 Ways To Prepare Yourself For An Energetic Shift

Energy is all around us and inside us. At the physical and vibrational levels, this energy is changing. When it happens, you will be called upon to awaken to your higher purpose; a higher level of spiritual awakening.

Change can be a scary time for people, but without it, we would be stagnant and unable to evolve into who we were meant to be. Think of this time as a rebirth of a new self and moving into a time of fulfillment.

Some people are more sensitive to the process of metaphysical change than others. In order to manage this shift in a smooth and peaceful way, we recommend these 5 ways that you can prepare yourself for the coming energetic shift.

5 Ways to Prepare Yourself For An Energetic Shift

1. Focus on health.

It’s never a bad time to start a healthy habit, but this is a particularly good time to do so. Find a cleanse that is safe for your digestive system, eat high-quality whole foods, exercise and stretch your body.

Preparing your physical self for the energetic shift helps you to be the healthiest self that you can be. When your physical health is in check, you will have one less stressor to handle when an energetic shift happens.

If possible, spend time in nature while exercising. Being connected to our living Earth and experiencing our place in it, puts us in a broader mindset. Part of the energetic shift that is coming will be a human shift away from destructive patterns and toward protecting Earth. Experiencing nature helps you gain a protective attitude toward our Earth.

2. Meditate.

By using meditation and shifting your awareness, you can find and remove energy blocks. According to Josh Shultz, Certified Hypnotherapist, ‘People have developed techniques to dissolve and work through foreign or blocked energy using this kind of awareness shifting — where you basically become aware of the energy and move through it with your mind — or just passively watch it.’

Meditation for awareness can help you to achieve an awakened state and be more receptive to the coming energetic shift. This link has a good exercises for present moment awareness. Try to meditate daily for a month in order to improve your focus on the present moment and increase relaxation.

3. Evaluate your core beliefs.

People are capable of change, but most often our ideals, morals and values remain the same over time. The essence of your being remains strong no matter what is happening around you. Take time to think about what is most important to you. If you hold key truths within yourself, you know that despite any external change these will still remain true.

Having something to cling to in a time of upheaval is valuable for some people to help them manage the major change of an energetic shift. Remember that you have handled change successfully in the past and that this time of changing energy will be no different. Rely on your capabilities.

4. Listen to your intuition.

That tiny voice inside you, your gut instinct, is important during this time of energetic shift. Go with your instinct, because your first reaction is usually right. When you trust your intuition, you have really made a decision based on subtle cues that you’ve picked up on, like body language.

Teacher and author Brian Johnson, has a video where he offers three exercises to help you tap into your inner wisdom. These exercises are designed to help you reveal the knowledge that you already have within you.

The first exercise that he suggests is to imagine your present self being able to talk to yourself at age 110. Now think about what your future self would say to your current self. The second exercise is to imagine your own personal Board of Directors staffed by people that you really admire. Then imagine how those individuals would advise you in this moment. His third exercise is to imagine yourself advising your own child if they were going through this same situation.

Here’s the video you can watch in full:

5. Be open to change.

Whatever comes, your response to it determines how you will be able to find fulfillment following a shift. You can respond with frustration that things are changing, or you can be at peace with it. Accepting the energetic shift is key to your peace of mind. Fighting it will only increase tension and stress in your body, mind and spirit.

According to Lexie Moon, a Certified Law of Attraction/Spiritual Life coach, ‘We can’t solve our problems with the same mind (thoughts and feelings) that created them. What we resist persists, so it seems illogical then to worry about dreadful possibilities that lie ahead for our world and life as we know it. Rather, if we begin to create our own changes within our own world and within ourselves, we raise our vibration and consciousness, better preparing us for change.’

7 Ways To Show Emotional Intelligence

Being overly emotional is often viewed as a weakness, but managing emotions is an admirable quality. Being aware of our mindset is emotional intelligence. The term means that we can stay in control and make effective decisions. This is especially important in the workplace but equally true in our personal lives.

When we are aware of our emotions and those of other people, we can improve our interpersonal relationships. Emotional intelligence is our ability to be self-aware of our internal, private feelings and how they influence our functioning.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

According to a study in the journal Human Relations, emotional intelligence in the workplace may help us to:pop meme

  • Develop a collective sense of goals and objectives and how to go about achieving them
  • Help others see that we appreciate the importance of work activities and behaviors
  • Generate and maintain excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, and optimism in an organization as well as cooperation and trust between coworkers
  • Encourage flexibility in decision making and change
  • Establish a meaningful identity for an organization

Goal-oriented leaders who are working closely with motivated, goal-oriented followers is a trait that businesses aspire to. The potential for leaders with high emotional intelligence to achieve this is greater than in those who do not possess these qualities.

An effective response to stress enables leaders as well as followers to perform more effectively on the job. Having a leader who shows emotional intelligence can make employees feel understood and appreciated. Ultimately, emotionally intelligent leaders can prevent attrition and can even lead to improvements in sales and other critical metrics for an organization.

Without being perceived as overly emotional, you can show your emotional intelligence in these 7 ways.

Here are Seven Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence

If you practice these positive habits, then you probably enjoy a positive mindset most of the time.

1. Empathy

Sometimes we confuse empathy with sympathy. Sympathy is conveying concern or pity for someone who is experiencing a negative emotion. Remember, you send a sympathy card that says “I’m sorry for your loss” to someone who has had a relative pass away.

Empathy is recognizing emotions in another person, being able to understand how they feel, and sometimes, experiencing the same feelings yourself. If you cried during Titanic, then you showed empathy for Rose when she lost Jack. When we empathize, we can feel her pain.

You don’t have to cry to show empathy. It can be as simple as saying “I understand how you must feel. This must be a difficult time for you.” By doing so, you show that you recognize the other person’s emotions and you connect with them.

2. Service Minded

When you focus on the needs of another person, you are also caring for their emotional needs. Providing good customer service, to both those that you work with as well as external customers, means keeping people happy. Your awareness of the needs of the other person and action to meet that need demonstrate caring and a desire to be of service.

volunteering3. Adaptability: A key component of emotional intelligence

When the situation changes, you can adapt and change with it. For example, if one employee had a relative pass away suddenly, you’d console them and handle the details of their time out of the office. And if, while you were handling that, another employee was dealing with an irate customer that required your immediate action, you’d be on it.

Being able to adapt means that you can be flexible to meet the changing needs of everyone. You can quickly prioritize what needs your attention first, handle that situation and quickly move on to the next.

4. Managing Conflict

When emotions run high, conflicts can quickly get out of hand. Being able to provide a safe place for people to vent, while keeping things under control, is a good first step. Then help resolve whatever brought on the conflict in the first place.

5. Self-Awareness

In order to maintain control of your emotions, you need to be aware of them. Take a moment to sense how your body is physically responding. Is your heart rate higher? Can you feel muscle tension in your neck and shoulders? You may be feeling angry.

6. Self-Control

Once you have identified the emotion, it is easier to stay in control. Focus on the physiological response. If you have tightness in your shoulders, focus on relaxing these muscles and breathe deeply. Talking about your emotions can be as easy as saying “I feel strongly about this.”

emotional intelligence7. Authenticity

Being genuine about your feelings, whether good or bad, shows your emotional intelligence. You can speak honestly and it will be received as a heart-felt connection on an emotional level.

You should never try to demonstrate an emotion that you don’t really feel. Unless you are a great actor, this tiny lie can be picked up on and you’ll lose the trust of those around you. You can offer “I’m not sure how I feel about this yet” as a way to express emotions without being vulnerable.

If there’s such a thing as IQ (Intelligence Quotient), is there also an EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)? Not exactly, but if you’d like to know more, you can check your own emotional intelligence with this quiz.

7 Ways To Fix A Broken Relationship

When you feel stuck in a broken relationship. you have a choice. Youcan either put it out of its misery or nurse it back to health. If the love that you share is worth saving, act quickly to reverse and repair the damage that’s already been done.

7 Ways to Fix A Broken Relationship

1. Listen.

Seek first to understand, then be understood. Couples therapist Dr. Robert Solley says that ‘The listener has to hold back their own emotional reactions and interpretations, and really try to get the essence of what the speaker is putting out.’

Active listening is more than hearing. Your body language should show that you are open to understanding your partner and you shouldn’t be waiting for your turn to speak. Here are some ways to show that you are actively listening:

  • Face your partner and turn your body toward them
  • Make and keep eye contact
  • Uncross your arms and nod when appropriate
  • Mute the TV and your cell phone
  • Summarize your partner’s words to check that you understood them
  • Ask questions to clarify their meaning

2. Compromise helps you avoid a broken relationship, to begin with.

It takes two to tango and when you’re in a relationship, it’s a partnership. You can’t have it your way all of the time and neither can your partner. You have to find a common ground that works for both of you.

Finding a win-win for both of you is ideal, but if that’s not possible, be willing to give ground. Rather than digging in your heels and fighting, first identify the level of importance of this particular issue.

Are we arguing about toast vs. English muffins for breakfast or is it something larger like renting vs. buying a house? Is it something minor that you can live with? Then let your spouse have their way this time. When it’s an important part of your life like your values, safety, or sanity, don’t compromise.

3. Express yourself.

Are you able to communicate your feelings in a way that makes your partner respond the way that you want them to? If you aren’t getting the response that you’d like, try a different tactic. Try saying ‘I have something to tell you that’s important to me. Is it a good time to talk?’ The reply from your partner will let you know how receptive your partner is likely to be.

Rather than starting with what’s wrong, which can out your partner on the defensive, describe your feelings. Try ‘When you (state the specific behavior that you want to change), I feel (state the corresponding emotion).’ This language is less likely to be seen as accusatory.

Psychologist Dr. Terri Orbuch, the author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great, suggests another tactic to express your feelings without pointing fingers. When you say, ‘You do X in situation Y, I feel Z,’ with specific behaviors for X, Y, and Z, you avoid judging either your response or your spouse’s behavior.

4. Soften your heart.

Turning away from your partner when things go bad is easy to do; what’s harder is to turn toward them. Responding with kindness is always better than responding with cruelty.

Think about stories of kindness that have melted your heart in the past. That is the warm-hearted feeling that you’re trying to achieve when you think about your partner. You want to relate to their struggles, feel that there’s hope and take action to be a better partner to them.

Empathy is key to being able to relate to the other person’s perspective. If your partner is angry, think about a time that you were really angry. How would you want someone to treat you if you felt that way? Start by telling your partner that you can understand how they feel and then that you want to help them to feel less angry.

5. Assume the best.

Unless your relationship is beyond fixing due to physical abuse or addiction, assume that your partner has good intentions, even if they say something hurtful. Instead of assuming that they intended to hurt you, assume that they need to express painful feelings.

By assuming positive intent, you can ask questions to uncover the reason for the hurtful comment. Your partner may be in pain themselves, and lashing out in kind is the way they expressed their pain to you. Probe your partner to understand their feelings.

6. Embrace change.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. It’s a cliche, but when things are broken in your relationship, keeping everything the same won’t fix it.

Change can be scary. So prepare for this transition by recalling a time that you had to learn something new in the past. Remember that you came out of that experience a wiser and better person.

relationship7. Be persistent.

If at first, you don’t succeed, don’t give up! If you’ve resolved to make it work, keep trying. Seek the help of a professional if it doesn’t seem that you can fix the broken relationship on your own.

As only half of your relationship, you are not the only person responsible for its’ health. In spite of your best efforts, your partner may need to change their bad relationship habits to help strengthen your bond. If you’ve done your part by working to fix what was broken but they aren’t willing to, you may be resigned to call it quits.

5 Signs You’re Experiencing A Shift In Consciousness

Look to Hollywood for a better idea of what it means to have a shift in consciousness.

“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” – Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi

In the movie Star Wars, Luke Skywalker went from being a simple farm boy to becoming a Jedi with the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi. His entire understanding of the world changed in a short amount of time. Things that he had never before thought possible were revealed to him through his study of the force.

Luke experienced a shift in consciousness that enabled him to reach a higher level of understanding. Once he had shifted his consciousness, Luke was capable of great things.

Your Hidden Superpower

Imagine for a moment that tomorrow you wake up to learn that aliens from another planet have arrived here on Earth. Your complete understanding of the possibilities that you once knew to be true would now be entirely different.

Or maybe you wake up in the morning with a new superpower. Well, it’s true! You do have a superpower of awareness. So you can use your power to shape your world into a more beautiful realm for yourself and the people that you connect with.

You can have your Jedi mind experience by expanding your consciousness. A shift in consciousness can be as simple as looking at your environment in a new way. We are talking about a change of consciousness in a metaphysical or spiritual sense that changes your core belief system.

Your current personal experiences of work, home, people, emotions, and the objects of your daily life are one level of consciousness. There are other deeper levels that we can become aware of. If we shift our focus to these different levels, we expand to a higher level of existence.

5 Signs You’re Experiencing A Shift In Consciousness

Have you ever experienced these things?

consciousness1. You are not who you once were.

Looking back on your life, you think that the person you were in your twenties was immature and a bit selfish compared to who you’ve become today. You’ve made a significant change in what you once thought was important.

Change is complicated and sometimes painful. Occasionally a traumatic loss helps us to gain perspective on our lives. We have to let go of what no longer serves us as we move along the path to enlightenment. This roadblock could be a job holding us back, a relationship that doesn’t allow us to express ourselves fully, or an old pattern of unhealthy behavior.

The evolution of your being is an ongoing process, but you’ve already come so far. You know that the future holds more change and you are prepared to embrace it.

2. You feel motivated to change.

Something is driving you to make a significant change in your life. Your intuition tells you that this is the time to take a brave leap of faith and act. Thus, the new energy you are receiving is vital to keep you moving forward on the path you are meant to be on.

The motivating energy that you now feel will speed up the pace of change. This rush of power feels like it has come at the right time. You are in charge of how you use this guiding energy. Harness this motivation to achieve your goals.

3. You feel hyperfocused during a shift in consciousness.

In the past, you were distracted by things that were not important, but now you have a laser focus on what is genuinely essential to you. As a result, your priorities are clear, and you don’t waste time on unimportant things.

You act with clarity of purpose and intention. Mentor and consultant Jeddah Mall compares this to turn on a mental flashlight. You can see what was always there in front of you even though it was hidden before. With our flashlights turned on, we can shine a light on our experience in each moment so we can see it clearly.’

4. You crave a more meaningful life.

Even though things are pretty good, you are not satisfied with the status quo, e. You know they could be better.

In your search for meaning, you have been reading and learning more than usual. As a result, you are constantly feeding your mind with purpose-driven fuel. The more you know, the more you want to learn and do.

shift in consciousness5. You know sharpening your consciousness will help find your higher purpose.

You were meant for great things. However, your true self is destined for more, and you are ready to receive guidance from the Universe to lead you to where you were meant to be.

You become aware of something greater than yourself that you will be an integral part of shaping. Your legacy to future generations is within your reach. Keep working toward that purpose and share your gift with humankind.

If you are experiencing these signs, you can be at peace knowing that your forthcoming shift in consciousness will lead you to a more fulfilling life. So keep following your intuition as it leads you to become the amazing human you were meant to be.

5 Signs You Have A Scarcity Mindset

When we think of the word ‘scarcity’, many of us will immediately think about money. On some level, this is understandable. After all, it is expensive to live, and many of us concern ourselves by stretching each dollar. However, scarcity is a mindset. It comes in many other forms – time, relationships, health, intelligence, judgment, willpower, etc.

Having thoughts and feelings of scarcity automatically orient the mind towards unfulfilled wants and needs. Furthermore, scarcity often leads to lapses in self-control while draining the cognitive resources needed to maximize opportunity and display judgment. Willpower also is depleted, which makes one prone to feelings of giving up. People in this state attend to the urgent while neglecting important choices that will have a drastic effect on the future.

It’s very important to understand that a scarcity mindset is exactly that: a mindset. We can change our ways of thinking to an abundance mindset while opening up a new world of opportunity. But first, we need to be aware of the pits in order to avoid the fall.

“Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everyone else.” – Stephen Covey

So what are some signs of a scarcity mindset? Here are five important ones:


1. Believing that situations are permanent

Believing that life’s situations are fixed is perhaps the biggest pitfall of the scarcity mindset. We think, “Well, that’s just the way it is” instead of changing our frame of mind and seeking out our happiness. Thinking this way has a negative effect in many regards – it depletes our energy, harms our self-esteem, and makes life a burden.

Nothing is permanent. Again…nothing is permanent. This bad situation, whatever it is, will pass! Is the situation daunting or scary? Maybe…but it’s just that – a situation; a period. There are moments in our lives that will take our breath away and thank the Heavens that we’re alive. An abundant mentality thinks this way. An abundant mentality sees life as dynamic and moldable. It’s something that is ours to shape and make to our liking. Perhaps most importantly, an abundant mentality sees life as an adventure. A scary and uncertain adventure at times, but an adventure nonetheless.

2. Using thoughts and words of scarcity

What we tell ourselves ultimately becomes an extension of us if left unchecked. It’s important to understand that negative thoughts and words alone cannot negatively affect us if we realize them for what they are – innate responses without merit. But when we start believing those negative thoughts or words, they can become an extension of our character.

To this end, it’s essential to refrain from using words or thoughts of scarcity when possible. For example, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I can’t do this”, or “I’ll have to go without”. Instead, start using words of abundance: “I can handle this,” “I can always make more money,” “My mind is a powerful,” and “I’ll always have enough”.

Remember, it’s normal to have negative thoughts from time to time. It’s important to understand that thoughts and words are important only if they’re important to us. When negative thoughts arise, become an observer and refuse to engage with them. Most certainly, please do not allow these thoughts to manifest into words that we tell ourselves or anyone else.

3. Being envious of others


Feeling envious of others is a double-edged sword: it kills gratitude and stokes the fire of scarcity. Envy does absolutely nothing to better personal circumstances in any way.

Why do many of us feel envious, anyways? Does someone have a nicer car, a larger home or a better-paying job? Who cares? These are all achievable things. But they’re only achievable if the mindset of scarcity is systematically replaced by that of abundance. Perhaps the sharper edge of that double-edged sword is the dissipation of gratitude – not appreciating the good things in our lives.

When we stop becoming envious and instead focus on gratitude, we realize that life, for the most part, has been pretty good to us. When bettering our circumstances, we can consciously devote our time and energy to doing so and not waste it on envious thoughts and feelings.

4. Not being generous

When one lives with a scarcity mindset, they’re more apt to “skim off the top” with time, money, relationships, etc. These actions have unintended consequences and make it less likely to generate the positive effects we seek in our lives. Life has a strong tendency to reflect back on us, which is why our energy and actions are so important. If we believe in lack, by default, we believe in giving less of ourselves.

As with other scarcity beliefs, this too can be overcome. They can be overcome by consciously deciding to give more of ourselves, not less. Understand that this does not necessarily mean money, although donating to a worthy cause such as a charity is certainly a noble action. It also means being generous by smiling, saying kind words, investing time in people, and simply serving the greater good.

5. Overindulgence

Oh yes, it is possible to overindulge with a scarcity mindset. When one thinks about scarcity, they are most likely to overeat, overspend, and generally become more gluttonous. This is because of another temptation: instant gratification. There are many examples of this, but let’s use one: overspending.

When we think of money as a scarce resource, there’s a tendency to use that resource for pleasure. But pleasure is not an antidote to scarcity. In fact, pleasure can reinforce the scarcity mindset that one already possesses. Let’s say that we’re having a tough day, feel down on ourselves, and need something positive. As we see it, we have a couple of choices: we could do something constructive like spending some time with the family (abundance)…or…we could put that new, cool gadget that we’ve wanted on our credit card (scarcity).


Final Thoughts on Shifting from a Scarcity Mindset to One of Abundance

Notice that the abundant choice has absolutely nothing to do with money. We’re focusing our time on what matters the most and not succumbing to some temporary pleasure that, while good for a time, does nothing more than add to the notion that we don’t have enough.

Let us choose wisely. Let us give gratitude and think selflessly. Let us have an abundant mindset.

Watch Out For These 10 Things In Your Relationship

Relationship problems don’t develop overnight. More likely, if you’re concerned about something, trouble has been brewing for a while. If you plan to stay with your partner and not separate, you need to resolve issues before it’s too late.

Recognizing the signs of relationship trouble is the first step to fixing things. Once you know where the problem areas are, you can work on fixing them.

Watch Out For These 10 Things In Your Relationship


1. You lost track of how long it’s been since you’ve been intimate

If you’re not in the mood more often than you are, you’re avoiding an opportunity to bond with your partner. Having sex is a way for couples to not only bond physically, but it increases the likelihood of future passion in their relationship.

A study published in Social, Psychological and Personality Science revealed that people who didn’t respond in kind when their partners asked for sex reported lower levels of desire over a 21 day period. In contrast, people who did go ahead with sex even if they didn’t feel up to it later reported increased desire over the same time frame.

2. You never talk anymore.

You go through your routine in the morning, head out to work and come home in the evening; by the time you’re in bed, you’ve barely spoken a whole paragraph to each other. Not having anything to talk about could be a problem.

Couples who stay together long term aren’t leading such adventurous lives that they always have something new to talk about. But old married couples don’t sit in silence either. They chat about little things like the weather, the neighbors, the chores or plans for the holidays. Not having anything to say might be a sign that you’re withholding interaction from your partner out of anger or spite.

3. When you do talk, you argue.

Voices are raised when you do talk to each other and you get on each others’ nerves at the drop of a hat. Your partner does things that irritate you and rather than telling them calmly, you have an emotional outburst that results in both of you storming off.

Neither you or your partner is a mind reader. If something’s bugging you, you have to talk it out or nothing will ever change. Try saying, “When you ____, it makes me feel ___.” Ultimately you are the only person who can control how you respond in any situation, so if your partner says or does something that bugs you, try managing your emotional response with some deep breathing.

4. You’re mentally cheating.

Although you haven’t had sex with anyone else yet, you’re mentally cheating on your partner by confiding in someone else. If you commiserate about your relationship to a potential new romantic partner, you are psychologically cheating.

Confiding in someone who could be a potential romantic partner rather than your spouse, is a type of infidelity. If you can’t tell your spouse what’s wrong, you shouldn’t share private details of your relationship with another person, unless they are a counselor.

5. You think about what you would do after this relationship ends.

If you’ve said, “I’ll never marry again” and you’re currently married, you have a problem in your relationship. You’re already mentally preparing yourself for singlehood. For a shift in perspective, try to think about how you’ll be able to still keep the flame alive when you’ve been together for 20 years.

6. You’re hiding things.

Whether it’s a hidden stash of money or the fact that you’re finding ways to spend time away from your partner, hiding things is a bad sign for your relationship. This is one more way that trust is broken between partners.

7. You’ve stopped caring.

Your spouse asks if you mind if they go hang out with the guys on Sunday for football and you don’t care one way or the other. You’re apathetic to what your partner does, and you shouldn’t be.

8. You tell different stories about your relationship.

When you and your partner have different memories about key events in your relationship, you should be concerned. According to a study by the University of Illinois, “if a couple’s relationship is undergoing a slow and painful death, it no longer serves their purpose to remember the course of the romance accurately.”

9. Your Facebook posts make you look like a happy couple.

Couples who brag about their relationships with cutesy posts on Facebook may be hiding the truth of things offline. A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin revealed that those lovey, dovey posts are more likely to be you putting on the appearance of being part of a happy couple.

10. You handle big problems via text.

Rather than talking it out face to face, you send important communication with a text or emoji. In-person communication gives us so much more information since we have the benefit of body language, tone and eye contact. Without this extra information, we are more likely to have a miscommunication.

If any of these problems are impacting your relationship, talking with your partner is always a good first step to repairing any damage. If you need the help of an impartial professional, you can locate a licensed marital counselor here.

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