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10 Ways To Reignite Your Relationship

10 Ways To Reignite Your Relationship

When you have a partner who loves you, that’s all you need for a successful long-term relationship, right? Unfortunately, love is not all you need. As humans, we have physical needs that include sex. If the passion has gone out of your relationship, rekindle the fire with these relationship reminders…

10 Ways To Rekindle The Fire In Your Relationship:


1. Play hard to get.

In a long-term relationship, you no longer have the thrill of the chase. We’re not discussing withholding sex from your partner, but try being slightly less available to them.

Become a moving object of desire by having your own personal interests that you enjoy separately from your partner. If you spend a bit of time away from your partner doing things that you love to do, you spark your own creativity and have something new to share with them.

2. Try something new together.

If you’ve never had sex in the shower, invite your partner in to get frisky. Have you ever gone to an adult store? Even if you just laugh the items you find there, you’ll have a new shared experience that connects you.

Even if you don’t try something new sexually, you can have a shared adventure together. For example, go horseback riding or sailing. You’ll have an enjoyable day together, and the change is good for when you’re in a rut.

3. Use sexy words to spice up the relationship.

The brain is an often overlooked erogenous zone. If you haven’t coupled for a while, start by telling your partner how much you miss being physical. Try ‘Honey, the way that shirt hangs open a bit gets me all worked up. I’d love to take you in my arms and show you how much I need you.’ You two need a moment alone now, don’t you?

4. Watch TV in bed.

It almost sounds like bad advice, but a survey of 2431 people revealed that those with a television in their bedrooms had sex twice as often as those who did not. It’s possible that with the increasing number of steamy sex scenes on TV, it would put both partners in the mood for love.

5. Touch your partner to display physical interest in the relationship.

Another study suggests that ‘couples may find it difficult to rebuild intimacy if they define intimacy too narrowly or rely on only one dimension of intimacy to sustain their relationship.’ You or your partner can start to rekindle the fire with a massage, cuddle, foot rub by holding hands or with a kiss that lasts longer than 5 seconds.

6. Rebuild trust in each other and the relationship.

Being intimate with someone is very difficult unless you trust them. When one partner feels that the level of trust in the relationship has changed, they may withdraw.

Major betrayals, such as infidelity, can be very difficult to overcome. You may need a couples therapist if something has happened to break the trust in your relationship and you can’t figure out how to get it back.

7. Communicate your needs.

According to a study in the Journal of Family Psychology, partners who neglect each other’s feelings had lower overall relationship satisfaction. This lack of listening and understanding creates an obstacle that can put out the fire in a relationship.

If your partner can’t meet your needs outside of the bedroom, how can you expect them to meet your needs in the bedroom? Talk to your partner about what you need by saying ‘I need you to ___, which will help me feel ___.’

8. Avoid criticism.

You may feel that critiquing your partner’s performance in bed or out is helpful, but your partner might stop trying altogether if they hear too much of it. Licensed marriage counselor Dr. Frank Gunzburg says, ‘You want to attract your spouse to rekindle love and desire, rather than chase him or her away.’

9. Spend time together.

Having time together allows partners to talk and learn about each other. No matter how long you’ve been together, there’s always something that your partner has yet to learn about you. Dr. Gunzburg suggests spending special time with a candlelit meal, a moonlit walk or sitting together after putting the kids to bed can all be ways to rekindle the fire.


10. Find a relationship therapist.

When all else fails, and you need professional help, seek a licensed therapist to help you figure out how to reconnect physically. You can find a licensed marriage and couples counselor here or a licensed sex therapist here.

It is perfectly normal to be afraid of talking to a counselor about your sex life in your relationship, but you have nothing to fear. According to Laurie Watson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of Wanting Sex Again, most couples who seek help wonder why they waited so long,

Seeking the help of a therapist can be difficult to bring up with your partner, so try saying, “I feel I haven’t responded well to you lately, and I know I can do better. I want to learn new strategies of responding to you, but I need you to be a part of that, giving me your input and feedback. I’d like you to come to a counseling session with me.”

7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the anti-aging market in the U.S. is projected to be worth $191.7 billion by 2019People will obviously pay a high price to keep their skin youthful and radiant, but they often don’t consider that their food choices can make all the difference between dull and glowing skin.

What we put into our bodies affects every single part of us, from our internal organs to our fingernails to our skin. While we should enjoy our food, it plays a bigger biological purpose – to give us the proper energy and nutrients to make it through our day. Foods should fuel us and make us feel vibrant, not make us lethargic and unhealthy.

Here are 7 foods that are making you age too quickly:

1. Refined sugar

When you eat excess amounts of refined sugar, it kickstarts a process known as glycation. In this process, the sugar attaches to proteins in your bloodstream and forms new, toxic molecules called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, for short. “As AGEs accumulate, they damage adjacent proteins in a domino-like fashion,” explains Fredric Brandt, MD, a dermatologist in Miami and New York City and author of 10 Minutes 10 Years.

Too much sugar damages collagen and elastin, which help to keep skin firm and radiant. When collagen becomes damaged, it causes skin to become dry, brittle, and loose, accelerating the appearance of aging. Not to mention, AGEs lower your body’s natural ability to produce antioxidant enzymes, which makes the skin more susceptible to sun damage, a major contributor to skin aging.

2. Alcohol

Drinking a glass of wine or two with dinner a few nights a week probably won’t hurt you, but drinking excessively can damage many parts of your body, including your skin. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so your skin will appear dry and brittle after consuming one too many drinks the night before. Not to mention, alcohol greatly taxes the liver, which normally would help to carry toxins out of the body. However, when you consume a lot of alcohol, the liver can’t break it down properly, which means those toxins will spread throughout your body, including to your skin. Many people who drink regularly have skin issues such as acne, rosacea, or wrinkles.

3. Barbecue

While many celebrations and festivities center around this all-American food, a slab of heavily burnt meat doesn’t exactly do your body good. Because barbecued meats have to slow cook for hours on end, this produces a multitude of carcinogens and pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons, which can cause inflammation in the skin. Peter Guengerich, a biochemistry professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, says that “our bodies have enzyme systems that convert these into reactive compounds, things that get stuck irreversibly on your DNA and can cause mutations and potentially cancer, most commonly colon cancer.”

4. Salt

While we need salt to survive, consuming about 1,500 milligrams a day can leave you feeling bloated and lethargic, and make your body retain water. If you continuously eat a high salt diet and don’t drink adequate water to flush out the excess salt, it can really take a toll on your skin, as it will cause dehydration. Make sure to eat foods that have naturally occurring salt, and add a minimum amount on to foods if you enjoy a salty taste.

5. Processed meat

Recently linked to cancer by the World Health Organization, processed meats such as bacon, ham, and sausage have been proven to also accelerate aging. These meats have a slew of chemical additives, such as nitrates, monosodium glutamate, and other dangerous substances that only lower the immune system and create disease. Processed meats usually contain a great amount of salt also, which can make the skin brittle and puffy looking.

If you still eat meat, make sure to get organic, grass-fed meats without added chemicals and preservatives.

6. Caffeinated beverages

While it seems our world runs on coffee, the caffeine in it has a very drying effect on the skin. Drinking too many cups a day can leave you dehydrated, causing your skin to lack luster and look dull. Dr. Deborah Wattenburg, a dermatologist from New York City, says, “Alcohol and caffeine … act like a diuretic and prevent you from holding on to water, so your skin looks sort of prune-like. It can get dry and get washed out.”

Try limiting your coffee intake to one or two cups a day, and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

7. Trans fats

While many reasons exist to avoid trans fats, the fact that they can accelerate aging should be enough to steer clear of them. According to a study on PubMed, trans fats can increase the risk of UV radiation induced oxidative damage, which makes you more vulnerable to harmful rays from the sun. Trans fats have been removed from many foods due to the dangers associated with consuming them, but make sure to read all labels just in case.

Foods that slow down aging

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5 Signs Someone is Manipulating You

The hardest part about relationships is that when we open ourselves up, we also open of someone manipulating us.  It’s a chance we take to build healthy, loving relationships.

Sometimes the most loving and kindest people are the ones who fall into the trap of manipulation. It’s those people who are too trusting that often don’t know it’s happening. They don’t participate in it themselves and they don’t realize that some people are addicted and truly live and thrive off of manipulating others.

It’s important to recognize the signs so that you can be more aware of it in your own life.

5 Signs Someone Is Manipulating You


1. They drain your energy if manipulating you.

Manipulators carry a dark cloud around with them, but sometimes you cannot immediately tell.  When they enter a room, they make a point of making sure everyone notices. Instead of working the room in a normal fashion, they are looking for everyone to display sympathy and work to make them “feel better.” They want to be the “cause” because it is more likely to get them what they want.

2. They use passive aggressive methods to undermine us.

Master manipulators do not want to be seen in a bad light, so they avoid being direct and honest. Instead, they will have others do their dirty work so they can avoid the “bad guy” syndrome. They talk behind our backs, rally the support of our closest friends, and mount a campaign to prove they are right, and we’re wrong. They are verbally supportive but act in very unsupportive ways.

3.  They use your words against you and to their benefit.

A manipulator is often trying to sell us on something. They interrupt our thoughts and speak over us when we’re talking all in the hopes to get us off our game. When we notice the behavior and call them on it, then they find a way to use our words to make us feel guilty.

Instead of apologizing for forgetting to stop at the store on the way home, a manipulator might respond, “I am so overwhelmed with work right now. I know you would never have asked me to stop at the store if you knew how much pressure I’m under.”

4. They seek out and use our sensitive and trusting nature.

Manipulators play on the fact that we are trusting and sensitive in nature and seek out our vulnerabilities and use them to their advantage. They use a false sensitivity to connect with us and to help shield their true intentions and motives.

5. They use guilt trips while manipulating you.

A manipulator that is good at playing the mental game knows how to play the role of victim to get what they need. They use triggers to pull at our heart strings, so we feel as if we have no choice but to give in. They play on guilt, sympathy, and our sensitivities as a way to emotionally blackmail us into serving their needs.

It can be difficult to pull away from a master manipulator because they have dug deep and created a strong emotional hold on us. We may need to seek the help of a loyal friend to break free.

5 Ways to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. Overthinking can create problems that weren’t even there or may not even happen in the first place. Most of the problems or situations we conjure up in our mind are fear and worry based and do not aid us – although we think that by overthinking we are helping or protecting ourselves in some way.  What we are really doing is robbing ourselves of this gift in this very moment.

Once we get started, it’s hard to stop overthinking.

Here are 5 Ways to Stop Overthinking:

1. Stop and focus on the positive things going on right now.

We have become a society that allows overthinking and negative thinking to prevail.  By simply shifting your focus to what makes you happy, or what you’re thankful for, you can start to retrain your mind to think more positively. Remember: It only takes one brick at a time to build a home…

Consequently, you will start to feel more peaceful and stop overthinking, since you no longer put so much emphasis on the negativity you perceive within yourself and elsewhere.

Remember, energy flows where attention goes – you can stop overthinking by creating awareness behind your thoughts.

2. Repeat peaceful words to yourself throughout your day.

Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe?

Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your overthinking centers around what you have to do today, or what someone said that made you angry, or even degrading thoughts about yourself. Don’t feel bad, though; with so much negativity around us, maintaining a consistent positive mindset isn’t always easy. However, you can actually counter the negative, stress-inducing thoughts with simple, peaceful words.

Anytime you feel a bout of anxiety coming on, introduce calming words into your awareness, such as the following: Tranquil. Calm. Peaceful. Serenity. Light. Love. Relaxing. Breeze. Beach. The last two words in the sequence describe scenery, which you can do as well if it makes you feel peaceful. Words carry a lot of meaning and power, so use them to your advantage whenever you feel stressed out.

3. Meditate on a regular basis.

We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason. When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second, and instead move into a space where stillness takes precedence. While you don’t have to turn off your brain to meditate, many people feel that their thoughts slow down incredibly, and they can observe themselves much easier with controlled breaths and closed eyes. Meditation simply brings awareness into the body and makes it much easier to cope with daily challenges.

If you want to cultivate more peace in your mind and life, start meditating, or sitting quietly focusing on nothing but your breath for at least ten minutes a day on a daily basis. You will find that adopting a more peaceful mindset becomes much more attainable.

4. Live in the here and now.

Forget overthinking about the errands you have to run tomorrow after work, or the bills you have to pay next week, or the uncertainty of your future that you haven’t even gotten to yet. When you let thoughts like these ruminate, it can cause great dis-ease within the body, and even lead to anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other serious problems. Most anxiety is caused by simply living in a time other than the one we have right now, so bring yourself back to the present whenever you feel your thoughts taking you elsewhere.

By allowing yourself to flow from one moment to the next, just as you did as a child, you will recapture what it means to feel true peace.

5. Get out in Nature.

Nature is the perfect way to quiet a busy mind. You could do this on a weekend or on your lunch break in a nearby park. If you’re really stressed out, considering going on a vacation somewhere beautiful and away from everything.

Anything you can do to strengthen your bond with nature will greatly benefit your mind, and help you remember that we create most stress we feel in our mind and body. We originated in a place of pure harmony, and most of what we see around us is just a very persistent illusion. Remember that nature doesn’t struggle through life, and you don’t have to, either. Don’t get too caught up with the trivial matters of the material world, because you won’t find peace in numbers or possessions.

Truthfully, peace resides within your heart already, but Mother Earth can help you remember this by providing solace from the strains of modern society.

“There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.” 

overthinkingDo you have any tips to add to the list? Join us on Facebook to discuss the topic of overthinking.

11 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone (Even if You Think You Do)

How many things do you do for others out of guilt or obligation? When we stop doing things out of guilt and instead out of desire we feel more freedom. More freedom in our lives and in our relationships. The truth is, you don’t owe anyone anything. You are here to live your life for you and if that also involves others, great. If not, it’s okay too. You have the choice to build the relationships you desire.

“What other people think of me is none of my business.” – Wayne Dyer

Don’t allow others to make you feel bad or guilty for living your own life.

Here are 11 things you truly don’t owe anything, even if you think you do:

  1. You don’t owe anyone a justification for your values and your priorities.
  2. You don’t owe anyone a yes when you want to say no.
  3. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationships, whether lovers or friends.
  4. You don’t owe anyone a debate or explanation on personal or political views.
  5. You don’t owe anyone an apology for a decision you would make again.
  6. You don’t owe anyone friendship, especially when they do not share your values.
  7. You don’t owe anyone the commitment to try something “new” just because you were asked.
  8. You don’t owe anyone a safe place for constant complaining and dwelling in their poor choices.
  9. You don’t owe anyone an answer other than the truth to prevent them from being uncomfortable.
  10. You don’t owe anyone false compliments just to make them feel better.
  11. You don’t owe anyone anything that doesn’t make you feel good and goes against your gut instinct.

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove.” – Maya Angelou

The next time you are tempted to justify something or act from guilt,  just remember that you can’t control what other people think. You can only control what you think and how you feel.

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is a near-universal trait, which is interesting because procrastinating almost always makes our lives more difficult. So why do we do it? Well, this is where it gets just a bit more complex.

Some people think that one’s personality has much to do with whether or not we procrastinate. It’s generally accepted that deliberative, less disciplined, and underachieve people have a stronger tendency to procrastinate.

Other theories have more of a task-oriented approach. Tasks that are considered tedious, confusing, and stressful are more likely to be put off. This only seems natural; after all, who wants to take the garbage out or go shopping for carpet? (Sorry to those who enjoy these activities!)

The thing is that neither of these “theories” is accurate. The reasons for this are: (1) we don’t always procrastinate, (2) individuals procrastinate for different reasons, and (3) we procrastinate often depending on mood or frame of mind. In other words, the reason for putting things off cannot neatly fit into pre-defined categories.

Seven Reasons for Procrastinating

Dr. Theo Tsaousides, neuropsychologist and author of the book Brainblocks: Overcoming the Seven Hidden Barriers to Success, cites that there are seven reasons for why we put stuff off and five things that we can do about it. Here are the seven reasons that he cites in his writing:

procrastinating#1 – Emotional Temperature

Sometimes, we’re just not in the mood to do something, so we put it on the back burner. Example: making the bed.

#2 – Novelty

Procrastination is often the result of uncertainty, especially when dealing with a new task or situation. Example: learning to change the oil in your car.

#3 – Options

Either having too little or too many options can overwhelm us, leading to us stalling on something. Example: searching for a new job.

#4 – Outcome

Being unsure about what to expect or uncertainty regarding whether or not something is worth the effort. Example: studying for an exam.

#5 – Relevance

Seeing a task as irrelevant towards the pursuit of your goals. For example, the boss assigns some mundane task to be completed by a specific time.

#6 – Resources

Being short on energy, money, time, or other resources required to complete a task. Example: feeling too tired to look for a new place to live, not having enough savings needed to live somewhere else, or feeling overwhelmed to the point that investing time to look for a new home is too much to handle.

#7 – Skills

The task requires a specific skill set that one believes they either don’t possess or think that they don’t have—for example, an artistic or scientific endeavor that one would like to undertake.

With procrastination somewhat defined, it’s abundantly clear that procrastinating saps our productivity and makes us feel worse. The critical question now is: what are we to do about it?

It’s important to understand that procrastination is something that we all deal with; even those who have achieved some of the most incredible feats in history have had to face it.

Also, we must avoid labeling ourselves as procrastinators. After all, there are certain things that we’ve done that may have been difficult and time-consuming, yet we mustered the fortitude to accomplish them anyway. Nobody escapes procrastination, but some get trapped by it.

Five Ways to Help Stop Procrastinating

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” – Charles Dickens

That said, here are five things we can do to defeat this productivity killer:

procrastination#1 Work for the first 30 minutes

How many of us are guilty of waking up, get ready for work, and then jumping on Facebook, Twitter, or E-mail (raises both hands). Yeah, social media and e-mail have a prominent place in many of our lives nowadays.

To get into a work groove, set aside the first 30 minutes of each day for work and work only. The reason for this is simple – it allows us to get into a productive mindset and gets the flow going early. Also, taking on something productive for the first half-hour will make it much easier (and more guilt-free) when we do indeed update our Facebook status or reply to Mom’s email.

#2 Ignore distractions

Here’s something worth thinking about: willpower, much like physical strength, is a depleting resource. Just as we can’t go for a morning run and expect to have much left in us to bike afterward, we can’t continuously satisfy the call of distraction and perform good work throughout the day.

If it’s social media that is the primary culprit, turn off the cell phone. If it’s the chatty secretary, set aside some other time to catch up. Take on the mindset that a “work first, play later” outlook is necessary to maintain our energy reserves and accomplish what we set out to do.

#3 Stronger self-awareness

Difficulties in starting a task or becoming distracted while working on a task are the two forms of procrastination, and usually progresses in this way:

(a) We tell ourselves that the task needs to get started.

(b) We get stressed out.

(c) We find something more enjoyable to do.

The reason why this sequence is so prevalent is that we’ve become so accustomed to it. We rationalize with ourselves and don’t see why checking Facebook for five minutes is a big deal, but it is. It’s a big deal because it sets neural pathways in the brain that seek pleasure instead of doing what’s necessary.

This can all be changed through having a stronger sense of self-awareness.

It looks like this:

(a) We start a task or tell ourselves to start.

(b) We get stressed or bored.

(c) We recognize the thoughts of boredom or stress.

(d) We resist the urge to do something else and engage in the task at hand.

When we appease our base desires by following the first sequence, we become less happy and less productive. When we strengthen our self-awareness and follow the second, we have more time, are more effective, and feel more satisfied as a result.

#4 Maintain a schedule

Schedules are potent things. They let us know when we need to wake up, meet up with friends or pick up the kids. Here’s another thing to schedule: productivity time.

It’s easy to schedule enjoyable things. We don’t need much motivation to set aside an hour’s lunch for a long-lost friend or hit up the local spot in time for happy hour. It’s more challenging to schedule gym time or prospect for new clients.

A good idea is to schedule time to be productive and stick with it, no matter what. We’re doing ourselves a favor, too. Writing down and scheduling productive time reinforces the importance of the task and establishes positive habits. Having something tangible to look at makes us feel organized and on-point, which is great for our productivity.

procrastinating#5 Begin Somewhere

Here’s something to always remember: doing something is better than doing nothing. Often, we don’t want to make difficult decisions or complete a task because we don’t have the motivation to start. This is where a just little extra willpower is needed to get things going.

For example, the kitchen needs to be cleaned because guests are coming over. Instead of itemizing everything that needs to be done and becoming overwhelmed, start putting dishes into the dishwasher or spraying down the countertops.

Confucius said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

This journey can be anything, even the most mundane tasks. As long as we’re willing to begin, the end will come soon enough.

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