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5 Ways to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. Overthinking can create problems that weren’t even there or may not even happen in the first place. Most of the problems or situations we conjure up in our mind are fear and worry based and do not aid us – although we think that by overthinking we are helping or protecting ourselves in some way.  What we are really doing is robbing ourselves of this gift in this very moment.

Once we get started, it’s hard to stop overthinking.

Here are 5 Ways to Stop Overthinking:

1. Stop and focus on the positive things going on right now.

We have become a society that allows overthinking and negative thinking to prevail.  By simply shifting your focus to what makes you happy, or what you’re thankful for, you can start to retrain your mind to think more positively. Remember: It only takes one brick at a time to build a home…

Consequently, you will start to feel more peaceful and stop overthinking, since you no longer put so much emphasis on the negativity you perceive within yourself and elsewhere.

Remember, energy flows where attention goes – you can stop overthinking by creating awareness behind your thoughts.

2. Repeat peaceful words to yourself throughout your day.

Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe?

Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your overthinking centers around what you have to do today, or what someone said that made you angry, or even degrading thoughts about yourself. Don’t feel bad, though; with so much negativity around us, maintaining a consistent positive mindset isn’t always easy. However, you can actually counter the negative, stress-inducing thoughts with simple, peaceful words.

Anytime you feel a bout of anxiety coming on, introduce calming words into your awareness, such as the following: Tranquil. Calm. Peaceful. Serenity. Light. Love. Relaxing. Breeze. Beach. The last two words in the sequence describe scenery, which you can do as well if it makes you feel peaceful. Words carry a lot of meaning and power, so use them to your advantage whenever you feel stressed out.

3. Meditate on a regular basis.

We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason. When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second, and instead move into a space where stillness takes precedence. While you don’t have to turn off your brain to meditate, many people feel that their thoughts slow down incredibly, and they can observe themselves much easier with controlled breaths and closed eyes. Meditation simply brings awareness into the body and makes it much easier to cope with daily challenges.

If you want to cultivate more peace in your mind and life, start meditating, or sitting quietly focusing on nothing but your breath for at least ten minutes a day on a daily basis. You will find that adopting a more peaceful mindset becomes much more attainable.

4. Live in the here and now.

Forget overthinking about the errands you have to run tomorrow after work, or the bills you have to pay next week, or the uncertainty of your future that you haven’t even gotten to yet. When you let thoughts like these ruminate, it can cause great dis-ease within the body, and even lead to anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other serious problems. Most anxiety is caused by simply living in a time other than the one we have right now, so bring yourself back to the present whenever you feel your thoughts taking you elsewhere.

By allowing yourself to flow from one moment to the next, just as you did as a child, you will recapture what it means to feel true peace.

5. Get out in Nature.

Nature is the perfect way to quiet a busy mind. You could do this on a weekend or on your lunch break in a nearby park. If you’re really stressed out, considering going on a vacation somewhere beautiful and away from everything.

Anything you can do to strengthen your bond with nature will greatly benefit your mind, and help you remember that we create most stress we feel in our mind and body. We originated in a place of pure harmony, and most of what we see around us is just a very persistent illusion. Remember that nature doesn’t struggle through life, and you don’t have to, either. Don’t get too caught up with the trivial matters of the material world, because you won’t find peace in numbers or possessions.

Truthfully, peace resides within your heart already, but Mother Earth can help you remember this by providing solace from the strains of modern society.

“There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.” 

overthinkingDo you have any tips to add to the list? Join us on Facebook to discuss the topic of overthinking.

11 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone (Even if You Think You Do)

How many things do you do for others out of guilt or obligation? When we stop doing things out of guilt and instead out of desire we feel more freedom. More freedom in our lives and in our relationships. The truth is, you don’t owe anyone anything. You are here to live your life for you and if that also involves others, great. If not, it’s okay too. You have the choice to build the relationships you desire.

“What other people think of me is none of my business.” – Wayne Dyer

Don’t allow others to make you feel bad or guilty for living your own life.

Here are 11 things you truly don’t owe anything, even if you think you do:

  1. You don’t owe anyone a justification for your values and your priorities.
  2. You don’t owe anyone a yes when you want to say no.
  3. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationships, whether lovers or friends.
  4. You don’t owe anyone a debate or explanation on personal or political views.
  5. You don’t owe anyone an apology for a decision you would make again.
  6. You don’t owe anyone friendship, especially when they do not share your values.
  7. You don’t owe anyone the commitment to try something “new” just because you were asked.
  8. You don’t owe anyone a safe place for constant complaining and dwelling in their poor choices.
  9. You don’t owe anyone an answer other than the truth to prevent them from being uncomfortable.
  10. You don’t owe anyone false compliments just to make them feel better.
  11. You don’t owe anyone anything that doesn’t make you feel good and goes against your gut instinct.

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove.” – Maya Angelou

The next time you are tempted to justify something or act from guilt,  just remember that you can’t control what other people think. You can only control what you think and how you feel.

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is a near-universal trait, which is interesting because procrastinating almost always makes our lives more difficult. So why do we do it? Well, this is where it gets just a bit more complex.

Some people think that one’s personality has much to do with whether or not we procrastinate. It’s generally accepted that deliberative, less disciplined, and underachieve people have a stronger tendency to procrastinate.

Other theories have more of a task-oriented approach. Tasks that are considered tedious, confusing, and stressful are more likely to be put off. This only seems natural; after all, who wants to take the garbage out or go shopping for carpet? (Sorry to those who enjoy these activities!)

The thing is that neither of these “theories” is accurate. The reasons for this are: (1) we don’t always procrastinate, (2) individuals procrastinate for different reasons, and (3) we procrastinate often depending on mood or frame of mind. In other words, the reason for putting things off cannot neatly fit into pre-defined categories.

Seven Reasons for Procrastinating

Dr. Theo Tsaousides, neuropsychologist and author of the book Brainblocks: Overcoming the Seven Hidden Barriers to Success, cites that there are seven reasons for why we put stuff off and five things that we can do about it. Here are the seven reasons that he cites in his writing:

procrastinating#1 – Emotional Temperature

Sometimes, we’re just not in the mood to do something, so we put it on the back burner. Example: making the bed.

#2 – Novelty

Procrastination is often the result of uncertainty, especially when dealing with a new task or situation. Example: learning to change the oil in your car.

#3 – Options

Either having too little or too many options can overwhelm us, leading to us stalling on something. Example: searching for a new job.

#4 – Outcome

Being unsure about what to expect or uncertainty regarding whether or not something is worth the effort. Example: studying for an exam.

#5 – Relevance

Seeing a task as irrelevant towards the pursuit of your goals. For example, the boss assigns some mundane task to be completed by a specific time.

#6 – Resources

Being short on energy, money, time, or other resources required to complete a task. Example: feeling too tired to look for a new place to live, not having enough savings needed to live somewhere else, or feeling overwhelmed to the point that investing time to look for a new home is too much to handle.

#7 – Skills

The task requires a specific skill set that one believes they either don’t possess or think that they don’t have—for example, an artistic or scientific endeavor that one would like to undertake.

With procrastination somewhat defined, it’s abundantly clear that procrastinating saps our productivity and makes us feel worse. The critical question now is: what are we to do about it?

It’s important to understand that procrastination is something that we all deal with; even those who have achieved some of the most incredible feats in history have had to face it.

Also, we must avoid labeling ourselves as procrastinators. After all, there are certain things that we’ve done that may have been difficult and time-consuming, yet we mustered the fortitude to accomplish them anyway. Nobody escapes procrastination, but some get trapped by it.

Five Ways to Help Stop Procrastinating

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” – Charles Dickens

That said, here are five things we can do to defeat this productivity killer:

procrastination#1 Work for the first 30 minutes

How many of us are guilty of waking up, get ready for work, and then jumping on Facebook, Twitter, or E-mail (raises both hands). Yeah, social media and e-mail have a prominent place in many of our lives nowadays.

To get into a work groove, set aside the first 30 minutes of each day for work and work only. The reason for this is simple – it allows us to get into a productive mindset and gets the flow going early. Also, taking on something productive for the first half-hour will make it much easier (and more guilt-free) when we do indeed update our Facebook status or reply to Mom’s email.

#2 Ignore distractions

Here’s something worth thinking about: willpower, much like physical strength, is a depleting resource. Just as we can’t go for a morning run and expect to have much left in us to bike afterward, we can’t continuously satisfy the call of distraction and perform good work throughout the day.

If it’s social media that is the primary culprit, turn off the cell phone. If it’s the chatty secretary, set aside some other time to catch up. Take on the mindset that a “work first, play later” outlook is necessary to maintain our energy reserves and accomplish what we set out to do.

#3 Stronger self-awareness

Difficulties in starting a task or becoming distracted while working on a task are the two forms of procrastination, and usually progresses in this way:

(a) We tell ourselves that the task needs to get started.

(b) We get stressed out.

(c) We find something more enjoyable to do.

The reason why this sequence is so prevalent is that we’ve become so accustomed to it. We rationalize with ourselves and don’t see why checking Facebook for five minutes is a big deal, but it is. It’s a big deal because it sets neural pathways in the brain that seek pleasure instead of doing what’s necessary.

This can all be changed through having a stronger sense of self-awareness.

It looks like this:

(a) We start a task or tell ourselves to start.

(b) We get stressed or bored.

(c) We recognize the thoughts of boredom or stress.

(d) We resist the urge to do something else and engage in the task at hand.

When we appease our base desires by following the first sequence, we become less happy and less productive. When we strengthen our self-awareness and follow the second, we have more time, are more effective, and feel more satisfied as a result.

#4 Maintain a schedule

Schedules are potent things. They let us know when we need to wake up, meet up with friends or pick up the kids. Here’s another thing to schedule: productivity time.

It’s easy to schedule enjoyable things. We don’t need much motivation to set aside an hour’s lunch for a long-lost friend or hit up the local spot in time for happy hour. It’s more challenging to schedule gym time or prospect for new clients.

A good idea is to schedule time to be productive and stick with it, no matter what. We’re doing ourselves a favor, too. Writing down and scheduling productive time reinforces the importance of the task and establishes positive habits. Having something tangible to look at makes us feel organized and on-point, which is great for our productivity.

procrastinating#5 Begin Somewhere

Here’s something to always remember: doing something is better than doing nothing. Often, we don’t want to make difficult decisions or complete a task because we don’t have the motivation to start. This is where a just little extra willpower is needed to get things going.

For example, the kitchen needs to be cleaned because guests are coming over. Instead of itemizing everything that needs to be done and becoming overwhelmed, start putting dishes into the dishwasher or spraying down the countertops.

Confucius said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

This journey can be anything, even the most mundane tasks. As long as we’re willing to begin, the end will come soon enough.

10 Signs You Are An Ambivert

Does this sound familiar? Your friends are heading out for drinks after work and they invite you along. You want to go, but you’ve got a pair of comfy slippers waiting for you at home and your favorite show on the DVR. You’re torn because both sound great. You exhibit one of the classic ambivert signs.

Ambiverts are on the fence when it comes to social interaction. Not quite as withdrawn as introverts and not as outgoing as extroverts, they land somewhere in the middle.

People occasionally fit into neat black and white categories, but more often we fall somewhere along a sliding scale. The amount of social interaction that you desire can vary based on your mood or other environmental factors. For example, you are more likely to choose a night in if you got very little sleep last night.

What’s My Type?

The concept that people fall into either the category of introvert or extrovert was originated by Carl Jung, the 20th-century Swiss psychiatrist. Jung developed the Theory of Temperaments where he identified two different attitudes that people have toward their world; introversion and extroversion.

In general, extroverts like being around other people and are not afraid of unfamiliar surroundings. Introverts, on the other hand, are happier at home alone reflecting on their internal thoughts. Jung did not suggest that either type was better than the other. In fact, he identified potential negatives for each.

For extroverts, Jung said that they are concerned with making a good impression, are less self-critical, and accept the conventions of society. Introverts according to Jung lack confidence and are unsociable.


Better in the Middle

According to a study in the journal Psychological Science, ambiverts may have the best of both worlds when it comes to success in the business world. The ambiverts whose personality test scores were between those for extroverts and introverts had better sales revenue over a three-month period in an outbound call center environment.

The results suggest that ambiverts can be assertive without being aggressive. They have the unique ability to build rapport with people they don’t know that feels genuine to the other person, even when they are soliciting them to buy something.

If you’re still not sure which side you’re on, recognizing the signs that you might be an ambivert might help.

10 Ambivert Signs You Should Know

Here are the main ambivert signs, according to science.

1. At a party, you aren’t the first or the last to leave.

Ambiverts don’t sneak out before everyone else, but they aren’t going to close out the party either. They spend plenty of time visiting and engaging people, but they’re ready to head back home when they see signs that things are winding down.

2. You split your free time between being alone and visiting with friends.

You enjoy a night at home, but you also love to hear what your friends have been up to, so you find time to do both. Ambiverts have the best of both worlds when it comes to being social and capitalizing on downtime.

3. You feel fairly comfortable going to a new place with new people.

Ambiverts aren’t afraid of new experiences, but sometimes they can get a bit anxious in an unfamiliar place with people they don’t know. But ambiverts aren’t going to avoid a chance to try something new either. It’s not their comfort zone, but that’s okay with them.

4. People laugh when you talk, but you aren’t the life of the party.

Ambiverts are equally comfortable getting people to laugh with them or letting someone else take that role. Sometimes they sit back and listen, sometimes they jump in with a clever tidbit.

5. You think about what to say before you say it.

Ambiverts aren’t lost in thought, they’re listening and thinking about how to respond to people. They can speak off the cuff too, but they also like to give their words some consideration.

6. You don’t over-share.

Opening up to other people is fine for ambiverts, but they also prefer to be private about some things. Ambiverts know the perfect conversation is both a give and take. They listen to the other person and share when it’s their turn. Ambiverts don’t monopolize the discussion.

7. You are okay with being bored.

Ambiverts are perfectly happy to entertain themselves or to find a friend to hang out with. Their level of social interaction is a choice that they make. Downtime can help an ambivert to recharge and be ready for the next gathering with friends.

8. You can communicate your feelings.

Because ambiverts spend a little time alone with their thoughts, they are introspective enough to know themselves. They don’t hide their feelings from others and they can talk about themselves with ease. Ambiverts are genuine about themselves and curious about others.

9. You’re not overly sensitive.

Other people might be touchy, but ambiverts don’t take it personally. Ambiverts are empathetic but they don’t dwell on other people’s emotions.

ambivert signs

10. You don’t get discouraged easily.

Ambiverts can handle change and are optimistic about their ability to cope with a setback. They can take on a challenge with confidence and work equally well in a group or independently.

Final Thoughts: Take This Test if You Notice Ambivert Signs in Your Personality

Interested in learning more about your personality type? Here is another personality test with more in-depth questions to help you sort out your tendencies toward introversion, extroversion, and ambiversion.

10 Things You Should Never Do Before 10 AM

We often start our days on autopilot, simply going through the motions of our routines and not paying attention to how we feel. We should do certain things in the morning when we wake up, such as meditating, stretching, listening to calming music while we get ready, or something we enjoy that will get us in the right mindset for our day.

However, some morning activities hinder productivity and overall mood. In fact, they can put a damper on the rest of our day.

Here are ten things you should never do before 10 AM

Some things are better left until later in the day. Take a look.

1. Check your email.

Although emails can contain important information about your life or work, you shouldn’t immediately check them upon waking up. When you wake up, checking your phone will make you feel rushed and take you out of the present moment. According to an IDC Research Report, 80% of smartphone users check their phones right when they roll out of bed in the morning.

In particular, checking emails will prompt you to take some action. Nothing is so urgent that it requires you to immediately answer emails instead of having your breakfast, working out, or getting your mind ready for the day ahead.

billionaire meme2. Make a big decision.

When we wake up in the morning, we usually feel dizzy and out of sorts until having some coffee and nutritious breakfast. However, even after getting some food in our bellies and wiping the sleep from our eyes, making essential decisions in the morning can be a recipe for disaster.

It would help if you waited until you feel fully awake before making any significant decisions, so you don’t make a choice that you will later regret.

3. Browse social media.

Social media already takes up a large portion of people’s time these days, but checking it in the morning can further inhibit our productivity. With most people checking their phones right when they wake up, social media likely accounts for most of what smartphone users do on their phones in the morning. Checking notifications and reading updates about your friends’ lives can seem tempting, but wait until you have gotten all your tasks done for the day before getting lost in social media.

It can easily take away valuable time and serve as a huge distraction when getting essential things done.

4. Check your bank account.

Who needs added stress in the morning when getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school, and everything else that comprises our morning routines? According to reports by the American Psychological Association, finances continue to top the charts as the most significant stressor in people’s lives. With that said, mornings don’t make the best time to check your bank statements, as this might start your day on the wrong note.

If you need to check your finances, try to do it when you can sit down and take the time to analyze your expenses.

5. Watch the news.

We all know the news rarely paints a positive picture of the world, so why start your day with so much negativity and fear? Not only that, but checking the news headlines and reading the newspaper can take up a good chunk of your morning if you get carried away, which means you’ll have less time to get ready for work or spend time with your family. If you enjoy keeping up with the news, try reading just a few of the main stories, and save the others for later in the day.

6. Make a significant purchase.

Mornings usually don’t make the best time to buy something, especially if it involves a car, home, or something else. You should have ample time to consider all possibilities before making a big purchase and not fork over a large amount of money when you feel groggy in the morning. Wait until you feel more energized and awake before making any significant purchases.

7. Play games on your phone.

Another big time waster, playing games on your phone can eat away at your time in the morning. Sure, Candy Crush might seem fun, but save it for a time when you don’t have a million things to do. You can always play games when you get your errands and work done, or maybe at in-between times during the day, like waiting for a doctor’s appointment or sitting in the car waiting on your kids to get out of school.

8. Get in a debate with someone.

When you still feel slightly grumpy and tired, arguing with someone can only have one outcome, and it doesn’t look good. Debating with someone takes energy and logic to get your points across clearly. If you get into a debate with someone before you’ve had time to wake up and adjust to the day properly, it might lead to saying things you don’t mean and discussing based on emotions rather than facts.

9. Sleep through your alarm.

We set alarms for a reason – to wake up at a particular time to fit everything into our day and make it on time to work or school. Even pressing snooze once can start your day off on the wrong note because you’ll have to hustle a little more to get ready. No one likes mornings that feel rushed and frantic, so make sure to wake up when your alarm goes off to get your day started on a positive note.

10. Eat unhealthy foods or skip breakfast entirely.

It’s not new knowledge that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, plenty of people don’t treat it as such. They either opt for a quick, easy meal from a fast-food chain or skip breakfast altogether. Skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain, as people eat larger meals later to make up for breakfast. Make sure you take the time to have a nutritious, good-sized breakfast so you have the energy to get through your day.


10 Things You Should Do Before 10 AM

While you should avoid certain activities in the morning, some habits can add value and productivity to your day. Below, we’ll give you a few pointers to brighten up your mornings and feel ready to tackle the day ahead.

1.     Get out of bed before 10 AM.

It may feel tempting to keep hitting snooze on your alarm and lay in bed for a while longer. However, many studies have shown that waking up early benefits health in various ways. We’re biologically wired to rise with the sun and sleep when it gets dark outside, for starters.

We’ve been following this pattern for thousands of years because sunlight allowed us to farm, hunt for food, and do other vital activities. When the sun began to set, we naturally knew to retreat into our shelters and sleep to protect ourselves from predators and prepare for the next day.

Nowadays, modern devices such as smartphones and TVs tend to keep us up well past sunset. Many people suffer from sleep disorders due to artificial lighting, stress, and other factors. However, waking up early could help ward off depression and reset your circadian rhythm, according to this study.

Getting up earlier will also allow you to accomplish more throughout the day. You also won’t have to rush around in the mornings and can ease into your day slowly. So, in general, being an early riser can improve your mental health and lower stress levels. Add this to your list of things to do before 10 AM to enhance your quality of life.

2. Take a cold shower.

You might cringe at the thought of a cold shower, but it can help you wake up if you’re feeling groggy. According to a meta-analysis of prior studies on cold water benefits in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, cold showers cause physiological changes such as:

  • increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • higher respiratory rate, activating the sympathetic nervous system
  • elevated metabolism

A 2007 study in the journal Medical Hypotheses found that cold showers increase the availability of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and endorphins, both of which can alleviate depression symptoms.

3. Eat a hearty breakfast.

A list of things to do before 10 AM wouldn’t be complete without mentioning breakfast. People call it the most important meal for a reason since it provides energy for the body and mind. Waking up early will allow you to prepare a healthy breakfast instead of reaching for processed foods or quick meals. Some options for a nutritious breakfast include oatmeal with fruit, whole grain cereals with no added sugar, toast with peanut butter, or a green smoothie.

4. Make your bed before starting your day.

Another critical thing to do before walking out the door is to make your bed. You may not feel like doing so after rolling out of bed, but it can boost your mental health and help you feel accomplished before your day even begins. You’ll feel more inclined to complete other tasks once you’ve tackled the basics, such as making your bed.

5. Exercise.

We all know the benefits of exercise, but many people still don’t make time for it. However, working out in the mornings will make it easier to incorporate into your routine. By knocking out physical activity early in the day, you’ll have more stamina and a clearer mind for work or school. You don’t have to worry about hitting the gym after a long day if you exercise in the morning.

Some options for morning workouts include intense yoga, running, dancing, or a YouTube home workout.

6. Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.

Most of us want to get through our days smoothly and avoid excess stress. However, in today’s world, some amount of stress is inevitable due to the complexity of life. We can increase our mental fortitude and resilience by practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation to combat these stressors.

Make sure to begin your mornings with at least fifteen to thirty minutes of meditation or other mindfulness techniques. Becoming more aware of your mind and body will help you feel more prepared to face the world each day.

7. Talk to a friend or family member.

Sadly, most people today suffer from loneliness or isolation due to our individualist society. We no longer live in small tribes that rely on each other for connection and survival. So, we have to actively seek out relationships and put in more effort to maintain friendships.

Before starting your day, call a friend or family member and chat for a few minutes. Simply checking in on someone or hearing their voice can boost your emotional wellbeing and quell negative thoughts.

8. Make a to-do list.

Before starting your day, one of the things you should do is prioritize essential tasks. Making a to-do list can help you get organized and provide a visual aid for what needs to get accomplished. Start with the most demanding tasks first when you have the most energy, and save the easiest things for the latter part of the day.

9. Put some tunes on.

We have so many things to do each day that it can get mentally and physically overwhelming. However, music has a way of healing a troubled mind and providing an outlet to process emotions. If you start your day listening to upbeat tunes, it will help you approach work or school with a positive mindset.

10. Get some fresh air.

Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, getting out in nature can improve your mental health. Plus, exposing your skin to the sun will ensure you get your recommended Vitamin D for the day. So, before you get in the car for your morning commute, take a few moments to slow down, center your mind, and immerse yourself in nature.


Final Thoughts on Timing Things to Do During the Day

Accomplishing things before you even begin your work or school day may not seem feasible. However, if you wake up before 10 AM, you can knock a few critical items off your to-do list. Exercising, taking a cold shower, eating a healthy breakfast, meditating, and practicing general self-care will help you start your day on the right note.

7 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Reaching Out to You

The loss of a loved one is devastating. As part of the grieving process, we have many unanswered questions, and we long to speak with the deceased loved one again.

In our grief, often we experience things that rational minds cannot explain. Others interpret the supernatural or paranormal experiences we may encounter as coincidence, but they feel differently. We are hopeful that the loved one is reaching out to us.

The existence of the human spirit after death has religious implications. Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, sometimes there is no explanation for experiences that seem connected to our deceased loved one.

7 Telling Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Reaching Out to You


1. Dreams

Having dreams of your loved one is natural, since you have many memories of them. If you can recall your dreams upon waking, jot down the details that you can remember in a notebook. What meaning can you gather from the details of the dream? Is there a message your loved one is trying to send you when you are unconscious?

After death, communication can also be experienced as an out-of-body experience, whether asleep, awake or meditating. These may seem very vivid, and your loved one may seem to glow with light. Sometimes this is like lucid dreaming, when you know that you are dreaming and can control what happens in the dream.

2. Random Thoughts

When your thoughts suddenly shift from one subject to your loved one, that can be a sign that they are reaching out. The fact that your thoughts are about your loved one is significant. Embrace the thought as you would your loved one, and relive the memory of them. It is natural to experience emotions along with the thoughts.

3. Unusual Occurrences

When something moves on its’ own when no one was near it, this seemingly unexplained movement could be attributed to your deceased loved one. If you place the object back again and it again moves without explanation, you may be more certain of it.

Lights flickering, the phone ringing, or animals behaving strangely can all be signs that your loved one communicates in whatever way they can. Your loved one is making their presence known by getting your attention.

4. Physical Reminders

An object that reminds you of a uniquely special moment between you and your loved one is revealed. For example, you see a black feather lying across your path as you walk down the sidewalk, reminding you of the time you and your deceased loved one watched The Crow in your pajamas on Halloween.

This specific physical object, which holds meaning for you, could easily be interpreted by anyone else as a coincidence. The fact that it happened to you and brought to mind your loved one means they are reaching out to you. Otherwise, it would have reminded you of how you always liked “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe.

5. Sensations

Physical sensations on your body such as tingling, the hairs on your skin rising, or feeling a breeze when there was none, can all be signs of a departed loved one contacting you. Or you may smell a familiar scent that reminds you of your loved one.

6. Hallucinations

Seeing things that aren’t there can be scary, since we usually associate this with mental illness. If you have had a vision of something that no one else saw, it is possible that it is the presence of your loved one trying to connect to you.

Rather than feeling fear, take a moment to close your eyes and remember what you saw. Then pay attention to your body and any physical sensations. Are there any scents, sounds, or sensations of touch that you feel that also remind you of your loved one? Open your eyes again and speak their name aloud while focusing again on all of your senses.

Sometimes people report hearing a voice when no one was there. Again, this could be a sign to you. Did you recognize the voice? Try to respond aloud and see if your loved one can speak with you.

7. Coincidences

An increase in connections that seem to happen by chance is a sign that your loved one is reassuring you that they are looking out for you. This synchronicity in your life could be brought about by your loved one acting on your behalf.

It is natural to feel fear when we experience signs from the spirit of a deceased loved one. Your lost one will continue to love you even beyond death, so respond with love in mind, rather than fear. Keep an open mind and remember that this isn’t the ghost of an unknown person; this is your friend or relative reaching out to you.

Although many people have claimed to communicate with the dead, most remain skeptical. There are psychics or mediums (also called channelers) that you can contact if you wish to reach out to your loved one, but beware of scam artists who will only tell you what you want to hear.

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