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What Does Your Bed Reveal About Your Personality?

What Does Your Bed Reveal About Your Personality?

If we are getting the right amount of sleep, then we are spending about a third of our day in bed. It’s the space in our lives that is most personal and intimate. It is one of the few places we can let our hair down and be our true selves without fear of judgment or criticism.

It’s fair to question what we can learn about someone from their bed. Well, the answer is a lot.

What Our Bed Reveals About Our Personality

Here is what your bed says about you.

new mindset growth mindset1 – Are You Happy or Unhappy?

People that don’t make their bed are in the majority.

As reported in an article over at Psychology Today:

“In a survey of 68,000 people by, 59 percent of people don’t make their beds. 27 percent do, while 12 percent pay a housekeeper to make it for them. Here’s what disturbed me: 71 percent of bed makers consider themselves happy; while 62 percent of non-bed-makers admit to being unhappy. Bed makers are also more likely to like their jobs, own a home, exercise regularly, and feel well rested, whereas non-bed-makers hate their jobs, rent apartments, avoid the gym, and wake up tired. All in all, bed makers are happier and more successful than their rumple-sheeted peers.”

Bottom line, those of us who make our beds are happier, more productive, and more successful than those of us that don’t.

2 – Are You an Introvert or Extrovert?

The color of your space can help determine whether you are an introvert or extrovert. An introvert recharges their batteries and gets energized from spending time alone and in quiet. On the other hand, an extrovert gets their energies from others in a more social atmosphere.

Well, the colors that indicate the difference between an introvert and an extrovert seem to follow suit. A bedroom space surrounded by warm, colorful hues like oranges, yellows and cheerful and welcoming pinks suggests an extroverted personality. On the other hand, mild and neutral hues like blues, greens, and browns that give off a calming and tranquil vibe suggest more of an introverted personality.

3 – Are You Spontaneous or a Planner?

How a bed and bedroom space are arranged says a lot about how you go through your day and life in general. A more put-together space with everything in its place indicates an organized, in control, planner type of person. Conversely, a more chaotic, disheveled space where things appear to be thrown around supports someone who is more spontaneous and “goes with the flow.”

4 – Are You Modern or Traditional?

It’s pretty easy to determine whether you embrace modern, minimalist, technology-enhanced style choices or true to the traditional antique design. Just look around, and it will be hard to deny your preference.

What does a design aesthetic say about someone’s personality? Someone attracted to traditional design and color palettes wants to put down roots, values family and works hard to maintain a family-work balance.

Someone who selects a more contemporary and modern look for their bedroom space is often more adventurous, willing to change, and gets excited by the newness of things.

5 – Do You Seek Attention of Feel That Less Is More?

Feminine and bold colors indicate an outgoing personality who thrives at being the center of attention. On the other hand, a minimalist approach to the bedroom says the person is open-minded and direct.

It should come as no surprise that our choices in decor, color palettes, and even how we leave our bed in the morning can say a lot about who we are. We make those choices based on what we’re feeling and the experiences we’ve had.

As we grow and evolve, so does our personality, and to keep a dated look in the bedroom may be the cause of poor sleep, feelings of restlessness, and a lack of passion and intimacy. If our bedroom doesn’t fuel us, it may be time to rearrange and redecorate our space to fit our evolved style and personality.

bedFinal Thoughts on What Your Bed Says About You

It might be as simple as starting to make our beds. Admiral William McRaven, US Navy, said this in his commencement speech at the University of Texas, Austin:

“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

9 Things To Never Say To A Strong Woman

Wherever you go, you meet them. Strong women are in every town on the planet and comprise a diverse group. She can be anything and anyone she wants to be, so you’d better not tell her otherwise.

From your Grandma who won’t take any backtalk to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, strong women are the backbone of the world. They bring the next generation into being, and the weight of that tremendous responsibility rests on their strong shoulders.

Strong women are empowered, accountable, visionary, resilient, and have high integrity. You’re dealing with a superwoman, and with that comes super responsibility. She has a long to-do list and works harder than anyone you know to get everything done.

When to Just Be Quiet

A strong woman always values your input. She respects your opinion, although she may not always agree with you. She’d instead work with you than against you, so, like a lawyer, she’s always prepared with her opening argument to help you see things from her perspective. If you can’t see eye to eye, you’d better get out of her way.

Some things are better left unsaid, whether you know a strong woman or are one. Telling her any of these ten things are going to escalate the conversation rapidly.

Here are nine things to never tell a strong woman:

strong woman

1. “Just stop.”

You can’t stop a strong woman, so why try? You might want her to finish if she’s in the middle of something. Whether venting her feelings or working overtime on a project, she has energy and will use it. If she’s hard at work, ask if she wants help or get out of her way.

If you tell her to stop and she’s midstream in speaking, that will be seen as rude. Tell your strong woman that when she’s had her say, you’d like to add your views, and she’s more likely to wonder what’s on your mind. She’ll stop and let you have your turn.

2. “What were you thinking?”

Even if you think she should have done things differently, this is certainly not how to get your point across. It comes off as accusatory, and a strong woman will likely take a defensive position in response. She had several thoughts on the matter, and now you can hear them all.

3. “You’re crazy.”

She may be emotional and you might not like it, but she’s not crazy. Strong women speak and act with strength and conviction. Interpreting her actions as crazy was an error in judgment on your part.

4. “You can’t.”

This one might be a good motivator if you need her to do something because a strong woman will fight to do what she’s been told can’t be done. Just because you think it can’t be done doesn’t mean she can’t do it. She’s likely to show you a lot of “can do” attitude and back it up with action.

5. “Why can’t you be more like __?”

Because she’s a strong individual woman like no other. So quit comparing her to anyone else. Strong women hold themselves to their standards. She’s unlike your old boss, girlfriend, lover, mother, sister, aunt or friend.

A strong woman can change, but she’ll do it for herself, not for you. Never tell her to be someone that she’s not.


6. “Get your priorities straight.”

Her priorities are on her mind constantly. A strong woman puts first things first. Just because you aren’t her priority right now does not mean she isn’t focused on what is most important.

7. “You don’t need that.”

As if you’ve never bought something just because you wanted it. A strong woman has the right to something that she wants. She probably even knows exactly how her budget can afford the purchase. Just let her enjoy it and bask in the glow of her smile. Even better, note her preferences and get it for her next time.

8. “You ask too many questions.”

Strong women ask because they need to know. Whether it’s to inform her of strong opinions or to clarify what you said, never tell her to stop asking questions. She has a mind to learn, and telling her to stop won’t limit her inquiring mind.

9. “Calm down.”

It’s like poking an angry bear, throwing gasoline on a fire, and pulling the pin on a grenade simultaneously. If you thought she wasn’t upset, you haven’t seen anything yet. The strong woman to whom you just said this will show you some powerful emotions.

You should handle this differently. You might try “You seem very passionate about this” or “What do you think we should do about it?” Diverting her energy to focusing on a solution is fine as long as she’s had time to express herself fully.

strong woman

Final Thoughts on the Things You Never Tell a Strong Woman

Now that you are armed with what never to say to a strong woman, what do you say instead? How about “I love the strong woman that you are. I support you and want to help you accomplish your goals.” That might leave her speechless.

6 Types of Headaches You Should Never Ignore

We all get headaches from time to time. Sometimes they are self-induced through stress, diet, or lack of movement, and other times they signal that something else might be going on inside our bodies.

It’s important to know that not all headaches are created equal. Listening to our bodies and understanding our headaches, including their triggers, can help us treat them more efficiently.

More importantly, it can signal that something more serious is going on and prompt us to seek medical attention. Please know the information in this article is for education purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or be used as a course of treatment without medical guidance. It is always advisable to see your doctor when you experience any unusual, unexplainable, or persistent symptoms.

What is a headache?

Headaches are a pain in a part of your head. Most headaches (96%) are benign, but some less common types of headaches require immediate medical care.

Headaches are classified as either primary or secondary headaches. A primary headache has no identifiable cause, while a secondary headache results from some abnormality. Secondary headaches can cause disabilities or be life-threatening.

Common types of headaches include the following:

  • Tension headaches
  • Migraine headaches
  • Cluster headaches

Secondary headaches include

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Conditions that affect your circulatory system

Headaches may be a sign that you have an underlying health problem. Other conditions that can cause types of headache include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Tumors or cysts
  • Blood clot in your sinus region that prevents blood flow out of the brain
  • Meningitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Stroke
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

Six Types of Headaches You Should Not Ignore

Seek help if you have severe pain or the aching does not go away within a few hours.

1 – Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. It’s reported that 90% of people will experience one in their lifetime. They result from tightness, or tension, in the muscles of the upper back and neck, usually caused by stress and fatigue.

The pain is mild to moderate and manifests itself through a dull pressure or tightness in the forehead. You can treat these headaches through natural relaxation methods like yoga, meditation, massage, or even a nap. If they persist, over-the-counter pain relievers are also an option.

health quotes

2 – Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches happen as a result of an acute sinus infection. The symptoms of a sinus headache are pain around the nose and eyes, a runny nose, and fever. The pain can range from mild to severe, and the best treatment is OTC pain relievers and sinus medications.

3 – Migraine Headache

Many people with migraines might not even be aware that they have one because less severe migraine headaches are often mistaken for tension or a sinus headache. A migraine is a neurological condition that results in throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.

Specific triggers such as sensitivity to climate changes, hormonal imbalances, reactions to certain foods, and visual disturbances may help predict oncoming migraine pain that ranges from moderate to severe.

People suffering from chronic migraines are usually under a doctor’s care, which includes a remedy and lifestyle changes.

4 – Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are rare, affecting only .1% of the population. They tend to occur simultaneously every day, so doctors believe the hypothalamus is involved, as it’s responsible for controlling our body’s clock.

They are called cluster headaches because they come in clusters daily over several weeks. It begins with excruciating pain behind the eye and usually starts shortly after sleep.

Cluster headaches are triggered by alcohol and are also more common in smokers.

Cluster headaches are treated through your wellness professional and include medications, nerve blocks, and even melatonin.

5 – Sport Headaches

There has been a lot of discussion in the news lately regarding concussions and sports, specifically within the NFL. It’s hard to avoid headaches in many contact sports, including hockey, boxing, football, and rugby.

The headaches can manifest themselves through tension or migraine-type symptoms. The National Headache Foundation says, “Serious diseases may cause early morning awakening headaches.

These diseases may include brain tumors, sleep apnea, and severe high blood pressure.”

The pain and symptoms are varied, so it’s vital to seek a proper diagnosis if you are experiencing frequent headaches following exercise or playing a sport.

6 – Thunderclap Headaches

Thunderclap headaches are named for their sudden, explosive pain. These severe headaches peak within 60 seconds, but the pain can linger for more than a week.

It’s essential to pay attention to the warning sign of a thunderclap headache because it is usually a sign of a more severe illness. It is imperative to seek medical help right away when experiencing one.

Thunderclap headaches are attention-getting and dramatic, and its symptoms include pain that:

  • Strikes severely without warning
  • Starts to diminish after 60 seconds
  • Is constant, lasting anywhere from an hour and ten days
  • Involves the neck, lower back, or head
  • Can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or loss of consciousness

relieve headache symptoms



How to Relieve Most Types of Headaches Naturally

There are natural remedies for common types of headaches that many people swear by. Try one of these natural remedies the next time you have a headache. Natural remedies for common types of headaches include these:

Peppermint oil

Dab a little peppermint oil on your finger and massage it into the back of your neck, your temples, your chest, and shoulders. These areas of your body are susceptible to tension.

Lavender oil

This essential oil is good for migraines due to stress or lack of sleep. Lavender has calming properties that help relieve stress and anxiety. Inhale a little lavender when a migraine hits.

Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10)

This is an enzyme that helps remove the symptoms of a headache. Be sure to ask your doctor if CoQ10 is safe for you to take. Individuals with chronic diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes, or liver problems shouldn’t take CoQ10.


Low magnesium has been linked to migraines and headaches. Taking a magnesium supplement may help treat your migraine nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. Eating foods high in magnesium may help to prevent migraines. Add these foods to your diet.

  • Black beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cereals

Folate, a Vitamin B

Folate makes the red and white blood cells located in the bone marrow. If you’re low in folate, you can end up with anemia. This can lead to migraines, fatigue, low appetite, and pale skin. Taking 2 mg. of folic acid and B vitamins can reduce your migraine symptoms.

Speak with your health care provider before you start taking any vitamins or supplements, especially if you take medications. Some supplements interact with medications and could make you ill.

Exercises That Can Relieve Some Types of Headaches

What activities will help relieve headaches?

Certain activities can help elevate most types of headaches. Many activities relieve stress, which is often a trigger for a headache. Activities you can do to help get rid of your headache include.

  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Relaxation techniques

Other things you can do, include these things:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle-Staying healthy can help get rid of headaches. Maintain regular exercise and healthy foods in your lifestyle.

  • Get enough sleep
  • Find ways to alleviate your stress.
  • Get regular check-ups-During your check-up, your health care provider will do blood work to check your blood pressure, cholesterol, both of which can contribute to headaches,

stress headaches

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Types of Headaches

When seeing a doctor for a thunderclap or another headache, prepare by bringing as much information about the episodes as possible.

Note the symptoms, triggers, any medications, and write down questions for the doctor. The more information we have, the better equipped our doctor is to formulate a course of action.

Headaches are a warning sign, trying to tell us something. Whether they are saying slow down and relax or alerting us to a more severe condition, it will do us good to pay attention to what they are saying and seek professional help when severe and persistent.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

You have probably heard of the term “empath” before, but this grouping of specific characteristics actually has another name as well: the highly sensitive person, or HSP.

Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist who began studying extreme sensitivity in people in 1991, discovered that around 15-20% of the population carries the traits of HSPs. While researchers continue to study highly empathic people, Dr. Aron says that HSPs simply respond to stimuli differently than others due to variations in the brain. So, if you sometimes struggle with adjusting to certain social situations or feel misunderstood, just remember that roughly 1/5 of the population can relate to your unique personality traits. If you need some reinforcement that you are indeed a highly sensitive person, refer to these surefire signs to give you more insight.

Here are 5 signs you may be a highly sensitive person:


1. You get easily overwhelmed by loud noises and chaotic social situations.

Highly sensitive people react to certain stimuli much more strongly due to the programming in their brains – their frequencies simply pick up noises, emotions, facial expressions, and energy in much more depth than others might. For example, if you go into a grocery store or mall packed with people, you might instantly feel negative energy permeate your body, which will affect your mood and emotions. You just intuitively pick up on the collective energy of certain places, and can become easily overwhelmed by intense emotions and vibrations. As a tip, try practicing grounding techniques, such as root chakra meditations to help you feel secure and connected to source energy at all times.

2. Everyone always comments that you’re “too sensitive.”

As a growing child, you probably felt “different” because of your heightened sensitivity to other’s words and actions. People may have singled you out for this since it’s still a fairly uncommon trait to have. As an adult, you may have grown into your sensitivity and learned how to manage specific stimuli more effectively, but you likely still feel very unlike your coworkers and friends. However, this is nothing to be ashamed of. Empaths serve a very special purpose here on Earth, so just remember to wear your sensitivity proudly. Even if you may feel negative emotions much more deeply, think of just how happy you will feel when positive things happen in your life.

Related article: 5 Great Lessons for Sensitive People

3. You enjoy spending time alone rather than in group settings.

Even though 30% of HSPs are actually extroverts, according to Dr. Aron, that means we can infer that the remaining 70% are introverts. So, most of you reading this probably identify as an introvert, meaning you feel more energized and comfortable spending time alone. As a highly sensitive person, social settings can drain you of vital energy because of the wide range of frequencies emitted by everyone in the room. You tend to absorb all of this energy, and can reenergize and find internal balance once again by reflecting on your thoughts. While introversion is not an inherent trait of all empaths, many times it just tends to go hand-in-hand. Try to do group activities that won’t overwhelm your nervous system with too many stimuli, such as yoga and meditation classes.

4. Violence in real life, as well as in movies and TV shows, deeply upsets you.

Many people can see others getting beat up or killed in a movie and not even bat an eye. You, however, cringe at any sign of people getting hurt, and avoid these types of programming and situations at all costs. You turn down movie invitations if others want to see anything that promotes inflicting harm on others, and you likely stick to comedies or documentaries if you do watch TV shows or movies. Violence sends your energy levels into a downward spiral, and by recognizing this, you know to greatly limit your exposure to it when possible.

5. Others often release their problems onto you.

Because of your innate sensitivity to everyone around you, others might see you as the go-to person to vent to and get advice from. You probably attract people quite often who have problems they can’t seem to solve, and want you to listen and help them sort through things. While you love to help people and give them the best advice you can, remember to nurture yourself as well and stand up for yourself if you feel taken advantage of by someone. You can only give so much advice before the other person must take the initiative to work on his or her own life, so don’t be afraid to politely tell them that if you start to feel overwhelmed.

7 Signs You May Have A B12 Deficiency

You try to eat right and get all of your vitamins and minerals from whole, fresh foods. But vitamin deficiencies can show up as physical symptoms, despite our best efforts to eat right.

We intake vitamins and nutrients from our food as part of our digestion process. Unlike vitamin D, which our bodies can produce, B-12 comes only from outside sources into the body. B-12 is an essential nutrient that your body uses to produce red blood cells, DNA and nerves.

B-12 and Vegans

Unlike many vitamins, B-12 is not often found in plants. As a result, strict vegans or vegetarians are the most susceptible to B-12 deficiency. One solution is to use products that are fortified with B-12, such as fortified soy or nut milks.

Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can produce B-12. Since bacteria can be found in the soil, foods that come from the soil can have small levels of B-12. If you are scrubbing your vegetables too much, you could be removing this good bacteria.

Foods naturally containing small amounts of B-12 include mushrooms and fermented foods like tempeh. Nori, a type of toasted seaweed, will also give you a B-12 boost. Nutritional yeast can also provide a source of B-12 for vegetarians. Ovo-lacto vegetarians should get enough B-12 from eggs, milk and yogurt. You can check the foods you eat for their B-12 levels in this chart.

A Shot of B-12

You may have heard about B-12 injections for increased energy or weight loss. The science behind the effectiveness of these claims is lacking. Basically, taking a single vitamin and expecting to lose weight or triple your energy level is unrealistic.

Should You Supplement?

B-12 supplements come in either liquid or capsule form. You may also see this called cobalamin. If you avoid meat, eggs and dairy, you might be a good candidate for a B-12 supplement.

People who are at risk for B-12 deficiency include the elderly, those with HIV, people who have had weight loss surgery, and people with certain digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, who have difficulty absorbing nutrients.

Pregnant or lactating women have a higher daily requirement for B-12. Due to the need to nourish your child, higher levels of B-12 are usually recommended. Your physician can tell you the right about for you and your baby.

Your diet should give you enough B-12 to avoid health problems, but if you are concerned, ask your doctor for a blood test to check your levels. A good doctor will also be able to recommend a supplement to meet your needs if you are showing signs of B-12 deficiency.

Why B-12 is Important

You don’t need much, in fact the daily requirement for B-12 is the lowest of all of the B vitamins. Most adults need only 2.4 micrograms per day. But it is important in many bodily functions. Deficiencies in B-12 can lead to severe health problems.

An extreme deficiency of B-12 can contribute to cardiovascular disease, anemia, stroke, memory loss, incontinence, paranoia, depression and other serious health problems. By knowing the signs of a B-12 deficiency, you can take action to reverse any negative health effects.

Here are 7 signs you may have a B12 Deficiency

vitamin b12 deficiency

1. Fatigue

Feeling tired? B-12 is important for aerobic energy in the body. Without enough of these vitamins, our bodies do not get the oxygen and energy that we need. Lightheadedness is also a sign that you aren’t getting enough B-12.

2. Tingling and Numbness

Losing sensation in hands and feet, along with the tingling sensation of pins and needles, could be a sign of a B-12 deficiency. Check with your doctor for blood work to determine the cause.

3. Joint Pain

Severe joint pain that isn’t due to injury or chronic inflammation, like arthritis, could cause alarm. Also, slower reflexes have been observed in B-12 deficient patients.

4. Rapid Heartbeat or Breathing

Shortness of breath, heart palpitations and a rapid heartbeat have all been associated with B-12 deficiency. If in doubt, get it checked out.

5. Weakness

In one case study of severe B-12 deficiency, a man had trouble walking due to the weakness that he experienced. In addition to muscle weakness, balance problems and staggering could indicate a problem.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is a yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes and can indicate several serious medical problems.

7. Swollen tongue

Some patients with B-12 deficiency experience an inflammation of the tongue. Other signs related to the mouth also include a smooth tongue as well as a decreased sense of taste.

Seek the attention of your wellness professional if you experience any of these 7 signs of B-12 deficiency. A doctor can determine if you have a deficiency with a simple blood test. Being aware of the sources of B-12 can help you ensure that you and your family are getting enough and will help prevent potentially serious medical complications.

5 Things Epic People Do Right Before Bed

How you define an epic life for yourself may be different from what someone else would. In some form, we all wish to live an epic life, whether it is in our careers, finances, or personal goals. To really help accomplish this, a strategy for your valuable downtime in the evening helps you to focus time and energy on what’s important during your uptime. Sleep is important to function successfully, but before you head off to bed, check out these things that can put you in a successful frame of mind.

Here are 5 Things Epic People Do Right Before Bed


1. Plan For Tomorrow

People who live epic lives know that they have an important event, project, or presentation tomorrow, so take time before bed to rehearse it in their minds or aloud with the help of family. For example, lay out the clothes that you will wear tomorrow. Visualize yourself wearing that outfit and having people praise you for how successful you were, and how great you sounded and looked.

Planning and preparing before bed set the scene for success. There is a fine line here that could cross over into worrying about the future, but these people focus on the positive. They know they have prepared enough and will shine in the morning.

This is not last-minute cramming to complete a project because people living their dreams don’t procrastinate. This is a time to put the finishing flourish on things so that they run smoothly in the morning.

2. Bond With Family

Before they settle into bed for the night, this group of people realizes that spending quality time with family and friends makes life the most epic. This could be simply some pillow talk with their partner, allowing them to share their thoughts in an intimate environment. Or it might be reading a bedtime story to the kids at night.

Setting aside time for those most important to you show that you care. It strengthens relationships with those whose support is important to your success. Like the Oscar winners who thank spouses and family members during acceptance speeches, you need to thank your support system by giving them your valuable time. You couldn’t do it all without them.

Time, once spent, can never be regained. This is one motto that these people take seriously. They prioritize everything and spend time wisely, even before bed. No one in their old age wishes that they had watched more TV. Make time for the family now.

3. Read

Reading before bed gets your mind into a thoughtful, relaxed state and has been a longstanding habit for many reasons; pleasure, information, inspiration and distraction. Looking to live as big as a top CEO? Here’s a suggested reading list from several of them.

Relaxation is the most common reason that successful people read before bed. According to a study by the University of Sussex, subjects could reduce stress levels by 68% by reading. Only six minutes of silent reading was needed to reduce heart rate and muscle tension.

4. Write Down What’s On Their Minds

Some people have difficulty falling asleep due to the day’s stress. Things play out over and over again in their minds. They try to solve the day’s problems and often lose sleep.

Successful people know that tomorrow is another day and those problems will still be there. Having a good night’s rest will only make them better able to tackle those problems tomorrow.

But sometimes, even the most well-rested minds can forget by the following morning. By quickly jotting down the list of thoughts in their mind, they relieve the memory function of their brain. Now they don’t have to worry about remembering something in the morning.

Make it a practice to keep a notebook and pen by your bed so you can quickly jot down your to-do list, grocery list, project list, etc., and get it out of your valuable brain space. Now you have more room for sweet dreams.

5. Think Happy Thoughts

Even something as simple as being thankful for the warm blanket and comfy bed you’re snuggling into at night puts you in a positive mindset. Successful people look back at what they accomplished for the day with pride. They reflect with gratitude on all that they have learned and accomplished.

Several studies show that making a list of things people are grateful for before bed led to longer, more restful sleep and less worry at bedtime. Positive thoughts replace negative ones and set the tone for a relaxed sleep.

An optimistic mindset is a great way to drift off to sleep. Instead of worrying about what needs to be done, you’re focused on the great things that have already happened. Knowing that great things have already come to you helps set the expectation for more of the same.

People do more when more is expected of them. This is known as the Pygmalion Effect. When we reflect on our past success before bed, we expect great things of ourselves. We create a self-fulfilling prophecy of our greatness.


Final Thoughts on Before Bed Habits

With these five things accomplished before bed, you will unburden your mind, spend time with the important people in your life, and fall asleep with positive thoughts. You’ll successfully achieve blissful rest and awake ready to conquer the world.

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