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Ten Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re a Sagittarius

Ten Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re a Sagittarius

If you have a Sagittarius in your life, you know all about their irresistible, charismatic personalities. Those of this zodiac sign can charm anyone they meet with their quick wit and sense of humor. As a fire sign, Sagittarians have a vibrant, passionate demeanor and are a force to be reckoned with. They make a lasting impression on new friends and acquaintances who easily fall in love with this intense fire sign.

Their curiosity and brazen spirit excite them, but only some can handle their bold personalities. With Sagittarius season coming up from November 22 – December 21, we wanted to help you understand this dynamic zodiac sign in more detail. Whether you’re an archer or know someone born under this sign, you’ll surely relate to these Sagittarius characteristics.

Ten Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re a Sagittarius


1 – They have no problem speaking their mind.

A Sag will always tell the truth no matter what and never beat around the bush. You never have to worry about Sagittarians harboring hidden feelings because they express themselves freely. This sign enjoys being brutally honest and loves hanging around people with the same straightforward mentality. They can sometimes seem brash, but their childlike playfulness more than makes up for it.

2 – They don’t hold back in life.

A person with this horoscope believes in taking charge and being the change they wish to see. They live life to the fullest and would rather have memories than regrets. A Sagittarius will try almost anything once and has many interests in life.

This zodiac sign actively pursues new opportunities and loves to expand its knowledge. While they have deep emotions, they have an equally beautiful minds and enjoy pondering the big questions about life.

They thrive on adventure and spontaneity, so they only stay in one place for a short time. They’re also known to hold many different jobs because of their restless energy. Some might see this as bad, but Sagittarius believes in trying on many different hats. They don’t define or label themselves and prefer moving through life more freely.

3 – A Sagittarius can feel trapped after a while.

Sagittarians like to explore the world on a whim and detest any schedule. As you might expect, they don’t thrive in normal nine-to-five environments because this makes them feel like caged animals. An earth sign like Virgo does best with a routine, whereas most fire signs feel weighed down by the monotony.

Fire signs have so much passion for life and need to have jobs that match their interests. Otherwise, they may become depressed or withdraw from friends and even responsibilities. Sagittarians have extremely short attention spans and require frequent mental and physical stimulation to feel fulfilled. If you want to keep up with a Sagittarius, ensure you have a true love for exploration!

4 – They love to socialize frequently.

Sagittarians are deep thinkers but don’t like to spend too much time alone. They prefer doing fun activities or conversing with people to pass the time. They’re a paradox because of their fierce independence yet love for socializing. As long as the archer can get away for a few adventures alone, they can balance solitude with an active social life.

Sagittarius makes friends quite easily because of their outgoing, bubbly personalities. They will talk about anything under the sun and don’t shy away from difficult or controversial topics.

5 – Spontaneity is their middle name.

Sagittarians rarely plan anything because they live life on the edge. As a deeply emotional and passionate sign, they prefer doing things on a whim and seeing where the wind takes them. Sagittarius thinks with their heart rather than their head. People of this zodiac sign need to have new experiences frequently to feel alive, or they can lose their spark.

Their love of adventure and spontaneous nature makes them unpredictable yet incredibly alluring. If you have a Sagittarius in your life, make sure you’re prepared for a wild ride!


6 – They have an irresistible charm about them.

As we said, Sagittarians know how to work their charm and win people’s hearts. They have such complex and dynamic personalities that they can get along with everyone. People generally love Sagittarians because they always seem in a positive, happy mood. They can make people laugh even on their worst days, and this gift makes them wonderful friends to have.

7 – A Sagittarius has a naturally flirtatious side.

Sagittarians love their freedom and may have difficulty committing to a relationship. They enjoy flirting with people because it adds excitement and spontaneity to life. Additionally, Sagittarius feels more fulfilled when they make others feel wanted and appreciated. They won’t hesitate to spill their guts if they feel a true connection with you.

8 – Sagittarians are eternal optimists.

A Sagittarius doesn’t like to keep up with news and current events. Frankly, mass media can overwhelm them because of the constant negativity. They steer clear of fearmongering and prefer to look at the bright side of life. Since they’re so empathetic and emotional, so they can’t bear too much bad news. A Sagittarius will still look for the silver lining even if something tragic happens.

9 – They have a wild side.

Most people know that a Sagittarius carves their own path and doesn’t conform to social norms. They don’t mind walking alone if they follow their ultimate truth. These free-spirited, wandering souls feel most at home while traveling or working on a creative project. However, even with a new job, those with this zodiac sign always have their sights on the next endeavor.

10 – They become fascinated and obsessed easily.

As you might have guessed, Sagittarians don’t know how to do anything halfway. They either feel transfixed by something or completely uninterested and uninspired. A Sagittarius has an innate curiosity and will ask plenty of questions to understand something fully. Whether it’s a new relationship or a philosophical question, a Sagittarius will dive in wholeheartedly and never look back. They’re unstoppable once a person or idea catches their attention.


Final Thoughts on the Traits of a Sagittarius

The archer gets less limelight than some of the other zodiac signs. For instance, Virgos, Geminis, and Scorpios tend to get more attention for whatever reason. However, the Sagittarius deserve an equal opportunity to shine because they have much to offer. They’re warm, caring, and passionate about the people and interests they hold close to their hearts. If you want to go on the adventure of a lifetime, look no further than a Sagittarius to fulfill your desire.

Dogs Can Detect Human Stress, According to Study

Many people have dogs as pets because it’s a well-known fact that they help relieve stress. Nothing compares to the feeling of coming home to a loving, furry friend after a hectic workday. As emotional creatures, dogs can understand subtle changes in how humans feel. They’re insanely attuned to humans since domestication allowed them to connect with people on a much deeper level. According to a new study from Queen’s University Belfast, they can detect human stress hormones using their noses.

The study, which appeared in the journal PLOS ONE, discovered that dogs use their sense of smell to differentiate between a relaxed and stressed human. The study included four dogs from Belfast — Fingal, Soot, Treo, and Winnie — along with 36 people.

How Researchers Tracked Dog Responses to the Human Stress Hormone

Researchers collected sweat and breath samples from volunteers before and after they did a math problem. They took the samples just four minutes apart during an exercise where people had to count backward from 9,000 in increments of 17.

If the participant responded correctly, the researchers didn’t give feedback and expected them to continue. The team only interjected when a participant gave an incorrect answer, in which case they provided it.

Participants self-reported their stress levels on a questionnaire before and after the activity. However, the scientists only used samples from people with elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Then, they trained the dogs to ensure they could distinguish between a “stress” sample and a “baseline” sample.

Next, the researchers presented the samples to the dogs, some of which came from people who had just finished math problems. The other samples came from the same participants before they attempted the equations.

To test the dogs’ accuracy, the team placed three items in a container: a new piece of gauze, a sample from a stressed person, and one from the same person when relaxed.

stress hormone

Study Shows Dogs Use Their Noses To Identify Stress

Incredibly, the dogs accurately identified the stressed sample in 675 out of 720 trials, or roughly 94%.

Clara Wilson, a Ph.D. student in the School of Psychology at Queen’s, explained: “The findings show that we, as humans, produce different smells through our sweat and breath when we are stressed and dogs can tell this apart from our smell when relaxed — even if it is someone they do not know.”

The team said that dogs could sense physiological changes in our sweat and breath triggered by stress hormones. One of the main chemicals that dogs can sniff out is volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We emit these compounds daily through breath, sweat, skin, urine, and feces. Having a healthy amount of VOCs in the body keeps it functioning well.

However, a high VOC level can indicate heightened stress and anxiety, and dogs often detect these changes. Excess VOCs cause the body odor to change, and since dogs primarily use the sense of smell, they pick up on it quickly. Researchers said that even untrained pet dogs might notice odor changes when a human feels stressed.

The findings don’t reveal whether the dogs perceived the stress samples as indicative of a negative emotional state. In most settings, dogs probably utilize other senses and environmental cues to assess a situation. For instance, they might read the emotions on their owners’ faces or listen to their voices. The study does prove that dogs can detect a stress odor in the given samples, though.

Since dogs can identify an odor linked to human stress, it proves the importance of our relationships with canines. The researchers believe the findings could lead to future scent-based training for PTSD or psychiatric service dogs.

People With Service Dogs May Benefit From the Findings

Psychiatric service dogs assist their owners in performing everyday tasks that otherwise might be too challenging. In addition to providing emotional and mental support, service dogs can:

  • reduce anxiety through tactile stimulation
  • nudge/paw at their owner to bring them back to the present
  • interrupt undesirable behaviors
  • provide constant body contact and deep pressure stimulation
  • block contact with others
  • bring medication
  • assist with balance
  • fetch a phone or device

While medical alert service dogs undergo scent training, only some service dogs receive this training. The findings will likely lead to a larger pool of service dogs able to sniff out stress in humans.

Researchers added that they couldn’t determine whether the dogs in the study felt empathetic toward stressed humans. Wilson said they trained the dogs using positive reinforcement to locate their target. So, they showed excitement upon finding the stressed hormone sample rather than feeling tense.

Nonetheless, the fact that dogs can detect subtle physiological changes in hormones means they can respond accordingly after training. After all, they don’t necessarily need to understand the emotion to react to it.

And since dogs have so many smell receptors, they can detect odors that humans might miss. This innate ability makes them able to respond quickly, proving useful in life-threatening situations.

“The research highlights that dogs do not need visual or audio cues to pick up on human stress. This is the first study of its kind and it provides evidence that dogs can smell stress from breath and sweat alone, which could be useful when training service dogs and therapy dogs,” Wilson added.

“It also helps to shed more light on the human-dog relationship and adds to our understanding of how dogs may interpret and interact with human psychological states.”

Treo, a two-year-old Cocker Spaniel, was one of the super sniffer dogs involved in the study. His owner Helen Parks said: “The study made us more aware of a dog’s ability to use their nose to “see” the world. We believe this study really developed Treo’s ability to sense a change in emotion at home. The study reinforced for us that dogs are highly sensitive and intuitive animals and there is immense value in using what they do best — sniffing!”

stress hormones

Final Thoughts on Dogs Detecting Stress Hormones Through Sense of Smell

A new study shows that dogs can identify stress using their noses to detect subtle hormone changes. For instance, humans have a higher level of VOCs in their breath and sweat when stressed. Dogs can easily smell these differences and help their owners relax by cuddling or pawing at them. Researchers hope the findings will lead to future scent-based training for psychiatric service dogs.

20 Hilarious Posts from the Internet’s Funniest Grandma

The hilarious internet grandmother Myrna Tellingheusen has been tweeting about life lessons since 2015. She’s been making over 150K followers laugh daily with her sarcastic, witty quotes and satirical wisdom. In fact, Myrna mostly enjoys making fun of the stereotypes that older people encounter in life.

For instance, she jokes about making jello molds for holidays and the audacity of single-ply toilet paper. If you need something to brighten your day, this wisecracking grandma won’t disappoint!

She’s earned a reputation as one of the virtual world’s most charming, entertaining personas. However, no one knows the true identity behind the account. Some of her followers believe the lovable woman dishing out life lessons actually exists somewhere. Of course, a few others think she’s simply an imaginary character.

Whatever the case, the mystery surrounding the user’s identity makes the posts even more likable. It’s fun to imagine if some famous comedian or retired English teacher runs the account. On the other hand, perhaps it’s really a grumpy, snarky old grandma wanting to share her opinions with the world.

No matter who runs the hilarious Twitter account, it will surely put a smile on your face. Below, we’ll share some of her best quotes, life lessons, and humorous puns.

20 Amusing Life Lessons from This Hilarious Internet Grandmother


1. We can all do our part to make this world a better place. Let’s start by ditching the brightly colored and plaid golf pants!

2. Most grandparents remember the good old days without smartphones. At least you can never lose a landline!

3. One of the most difficult life lessons to learn involves the art of listening. This grandma knows it doesn’t get any easier as you get older.

4. Who said progress means making everything noisier and faster? Maybe going back to the past wouldn’t be so bad after all.

5. There’s nothing like shopping from the comfort of your recliner. Young people could take some advice from this wise grandmother!

6. It’s always awkward trying to tell visitors to leave politely. Saying, “We should probably go to bed so our guests can get home,” can clear the room in no time.

7. We often make fun of older adults for going to bed so early. But maybe we could take a few life lessons from them.

8. We live in an era of technological advancements, which comes with a few downsides. Perhaps we need to remember the important life lesson of appreciating simple things.

9. This grandma knows the importance of releasing pent-up emotions. You should always keep a can of anger next to the coffee, just in case.

10. The world’s funniest grandmother is full of life lessons to share. Slathering more butter on something can solve even the toughest problem.

11. We’ve all heard that chocolate comes from plants, technically making it a salad. The sage grandma offers us a similar life lesson: eating more bacon obviously makes you healthier.

12. Maybe he’ll learn how to make “special” brownies next! We don’t doubt they’ll be delicious, just like the jello shots.

13. Does anyone remember when we started needing a code to eat somewhere, anyway? Old-fashioned paper menus need to make a comeback soon!

14. It seems the world’s funniest grandma caught us red-handed. But are you even living life if you don’t drink on weekdays?

15. We all remember seeing this story on the news. Since our elders know a thing or two about surviving deadly pandemics, we should probably listen to their advice.

16. Doctors undoubtedly have stressful jobs, and some patients only add to their burdens.

17. Grocery stores everywhere should learn a few life lessons from this grandma’s advice. Laundry detergent never goes in the same bag as tomatoes, for starters.

18. Young Grudge has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? What would your rap name be? Let us know in the Facebook comments!

19. Most people learn the valuable life lesson of keeping their homes clean at an early age. We have a feeling this grandma’s home is spotless.

20. Life moved so much slower when everyone cooked at home. Maybe it’s time we get back to a life without meal kits!

A Little More About Myrna’s Twitter Persona

Her Twitter account offers a few details if you’re wondering about the comical grandma’s background. Retired from a job as the executive secretary for Mr. Stanley Bogenshoots, Senior Vice President at Hughes Aircraft. She retired from the company and now lives a simple, quiet life in Southern California.

She bought a home in the sleepy town of Rainbow, just north of San Diego. Her mission on Twitter involves making social media more fun and less serious. Myrna hopes to remind people about the importance of humor because of all the hurt in the world.

Myrna credits her nephew Lyle with helping her gain a following on Twitter. He downloaded the app onto her computer one day so she could share her no-nonsense advice. One thing led to another, and she was tweeting almost every day. She seems to have endless opinions and life lessons to offer her audience. And it doesn’t appear that she will stop tweeting anytime soon!

Indeed, this grandma believes that she can provide answers for every problem plaguing society. She said, “if people would only heed [her] advice,” perhaps the world would make more sense.

life lessons

Final Thoughts on Tweets from Grandma to Make You Laugh

We could all stand to laugh more in our stressful world. Thankfully, the internet’s funniest grandma came to the rescue with her witty, carefully crafted tweets. She’s been posting sarcastic quotes and opinions since 2015 and seems to have plenty more to share. She likes to spend most of her time making fun of the stereotypes older people face.

Myrna also enjoys calling out young people for their poor choices and venting about those who use margarine instead of butter. You’re sure to find something relatable in her tweets. On the other hand, maybe her wit will remind you of your grandmother. Make sure to share your favorite post from Myrna with us on Facebook!

17 Flirting Fails That Never Ever Work

Some flirting methods don’t work, and people keep using them anyway. The techniques might send mixed signals or push potential partners away altogether.

When you like someone, you might be unsure how to interact with them. Being face-to-face leads to coming up with flirting techniques quickly, without much time to think them through.

Everyone makes flirting fails sometimes, so don’t beat yourself up if it happens to you. Likewise, consider giving someone grace if they make a mistake when flirting with you. However, don’t put up with harmful or toxic behavior, no matter who the person is.

Dating isn’t easy, and we all learn as we go through it. While these flirting fails might work sometimes, they usually turn others off and can ruin your chances with a potential partner. Understanding how you shouldn’t flirt can help you learn new ways to talk to someone you want to get to know better.

Flirting Fails That Don’t Work


1 – Self-criticism

You might think it’s funny to criticize yourself, but it shows a lack of confidence instead. A potential partner won’t enjoy listening to you saying bad things about yourself. They’ll view it as not believing in yourself, which is usually the problem when you express self-criticism.

Even when you’re afraid of rejection, self-criticism isn’t the way to go. Laughing or making it into a joke doesn’t make it a more enticing way to flirt.

It might be best to avoid self-criticism and spend time working on yourself before putting yourself out there. Or you can take a little time before seeing the person you’re interested in to practice positive affirmations and feel better about yourself.

2 – Trying too Hard

Impressing someone you’re romantically interested in can be nerve-wracking, but you don’t want to try too hard. Trying too hard might involve bragging about accomplishments or telling lies to make yourself look good. It can also make you look desperate and like you’ll do anything to spend time with the other person.

Dropping all your plans or waiting around for your crush shows that you don’t have any other essential aspects of your life. It’s not a good look, and likely won’t impress your romantic interest.

3 – Tickling

For some reason, many people think tickling someone is a beneficial way to flirt. However, it’s not a good look and rarely works at winning over a potential romantic partner. It’s immature and can make other people feel weird.

.4 – Whining About Being Alone

Being whiny is never a good look, and whining about being alone is even worse. It won’t make the other person feel good about themselves as it seems like you’ll take company from anyone. Whining can also make it seem like you’re begging for a date.

5 – Insults or Mean Teasing

Putting someone down won’t make your romantic interest like you. Avoid saying mean things, even if you intend it as a joke. It won’t come across that way and can ruin your chances.

Teasing can be different, only if you don’t cross the line and say mean things. Flirtatious teasing involves inside jokes and things you both find funny. Mean teasing hurts the other person’s feelings, and they won’t find it funny or cute.

6 – Intimidation

Bullying or intimidating someone into dating you isn’t a good look. Even if your crush gives in and agrees to a date, it doesn’t mean the person likes you. Instead, they’re likely scared or trying to think of a way to avoid you next time.

7 – Acting Disinterested

Some people think acting disinterested in someone they like will get their attention. However, it only sends the message that you don’t want to talk to them.

Ignoring someone won’t help your situation, and it can be frustrating for the other person if they receive mixed signals. They might give up and find someone else to pursue.

8 – Talking About Other Romantic Interests

Your crush doesn’t want to hear about other people you’re dating or who wants to date you. If you want someone to like you, discussing other romantic interests isn’t the best way to flirt. They might think you play games or jump between relationships.

Talking about other people who want to date you isn’t a good look. Healthy people won’t see it as a competition they want to win. This type of flirting often only works on those with low self-esteem.

9 – Begging

Begging for a date is a flirting failure that doesn’t work. The other person might give in and accept the date to make you feel better, but it likely won’t go anywhere. It not only won’t make your crush like you, but it’ll also make you feel worse about yourself.

Remember that you are worth more than begging someone to like you anyway. You are worthy of love and happiness, and you can find someone who truly wants you for who you are.


10 – Saying or Implying They Owe You

When you do something nice for someone, implying that they owe you is rude. You might say it in a joking manner while flirting, but it still won’t get the person to find a romantic interest in you. Giving someone something or doing something kind doesn’t mean anyone owes you anything.

Dating is about connecting with someone, not keeping score or demanding something in return for your kindness. If you think buying someone a drink or dinner means the person owes you, you shouldn’t do it in the first place.

11 – Being Mean to Others

Being mean to others isn’t impressive, and it’s not a beneficial way to flirt with someone you like. A positive person won’t think it’s cute when you’re mean to those around you. Avoid being mean or rude to people because it’s a red flag when it comes to dating.

12 – Too Many Sexual Jokes

Sexual jokes might be funny in moderation, but they can become annoying and creepy if you use too many. The person you’re interested in might even begin to find it offensive or weird. It can quickly shift a situation from light-hearted to uncomfortable, potentially ruining your chances.

13 – Bragging About Your Money or Assets

Some people think talking about their money or assets will make others like them. However, a good partner won’t like you for those things. Instead, they’ll be more interested in your personality and how you treat others.

People who only want to spend time with you after finding out about your money and assets aren’t in it for you. It’s a sign that they are only interested in what you can give them.

14 – Liking Everything They Post on Social Media

Some people might like it when someone interacts with everything they post. However, other people might find it clingy or creepy. This flirting method might backfire and make people feel like you’re coming on too hard.

15 – Waiting too Long to Reach Out

You might think waiting a while to contact someone will make them want you more, but it’s not always true. While you shouldn’t send a bunch of messages right away, you can send a text or call them. Waiting too long can send the message that you’re not interested or not thinking of them at all.

16 – Comparisons

Comparing someone to others isn’t flattering, even if you say they’re better. A romantic interest won’t want your thoughts on other potential partners. It can also make them feel bad about themselves or wonder if you say the same things to others.

Another comparison they won’t like is if you say they’re like everyone else of their gender. It’s not flattering and won’t work if you want to develop a relationship or get to know them better.

17 – Only Flirting Through Messages

When interested in someone, you shouldn’t only flirt with them through a messaging app. Getting to know someone requires seeing them in person, and it won’t work if you act differently than you do virtually. Take the time to show them that you’re interested in real life.

Flirting That Works

Now that you know flirting fails that won’t work, you can focus on the ones that do. Some tips for singles looking to flirt with a crush include the following:

  • holding eye contact
  • smiling
  • giving meaningful compliments
  • making them laugh
  • using positive body language
  • brushing against their arm
  • asking about them
  • answering questions about yourself
  • being confident
  • picking up on their cues
  • keeping the conversation flowing
  • going out of your way to say hi
  • sending texts that make them smile
  • keeping it light unless they indicate they want something deeper
  • avoiding flirting with other people in their presence
  • finding ways to connect


Final Thoughts on Flirting Fails

Flirting isn’t always easy, but avoiding these fails can help you. If you mess up, don’t beat yourself up over it or give up altogether. Try again, keeping at it until you become comfortable and make it work.

Once you know flirting fails to avoid, you can start using methods that can work. Remember not to try too hard, and don’t give up if it doesn’t work out with one person. There’s someone out there for you, and you’ll find them when the time is right.

How to Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation in 12 Steps

Progressive muscle relaxation can help relieve stress and tension held in the body. We may not realize it, but we carry a lot of anxiety in our muscles. If we don’t relax to relieve the stress, it can cause various mental and physical health problems.

The root cause of so many modern diseases stems from toxic levels of chronic stress. We work too much and don’t make enough time for self-care, which keeps us running on empty. Everyone deserves to feel healthy and vibrant, and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) can help achieve this goal.

Also known as Jacobsen’s relaxation technique, Dr. Edmund Jacobsen invented the stress-relieving method in the 1920s. He initially came up with the process to help patients reduce their anxiety. After testing the technique, he discovered that it also calmed the mind. The therapy involves tightening and relaxing different muscle groups in a sequence.

Science-Backed Benefits of PMR

By tensing each muscle and then releasing it, you can recognize where you hold tension within the body. Becoming more aware of any discomfort helps you reconnect to yourself and soothe your mind. Research shows that relaxation techniques can offer the following benefits, to name a few:

Progressive muscle relaxation, in particular, can improve sleep quality in people with insomnia. One study found that participants who practiced the technique before sleep felt more rested the following day.

Another 2020 study found that PMR positively impacted eighty burn patients. They exhibited high anxiety levels and disrupted sleep because of their physical and mental stress. Researchers told the patients to practice PMR for twenty to thirty minutes daily for three consecutive days. After three days, researchers found that the patients had significantly lower anxiety and improved sleep quality.

Below, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process so you can reap the benefits of progressive muscle relaxation. Note that this will involve your whole body, beginning with your toes and ending with your head.

progressive muscle relaxation

How to Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Twelve Steps

  1. Begin in a relaxed, comfortable position, either lying or sitting down. Allow your whole body to relax. Then, take several slow, deep breaths. Let go of restless or troubling thoughts and bring total awareness to your body.
  2. Now, bring your attention to your feet. Point your feet downward, curling your toes underneath. Gently tighten your toe muscles, notice the tension, and release after a few moments. Repeat a few times, observing the sensation difference between relaxed vs. tensed muscles.
  3. Next, tense and relax your calf muscles. Repeat this three times, once again noticing how your muscles feel in each state of progressive muscle relaxation.
  4. Bring your awareness to your knees. Hold your knees together for several seconds, feeling the muscle and joint tension. Release for a few seconds and repeat three times.
  5. Tighten your thigh muscles. Tense your thighs for a few seconds and allow any stress to leave the muscles. You can do progressive muscle relaxation on one thigh at a time or both if you prefer.
  6. Move to your hands, clenching them into fists. We use our hands for numerous daily tasks, from typing to cooking and everything in between. They deserve a break, so give them the gift of progressive muscle relaxation. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, this will feel like heaven.
  7. Tense and relax your forearms and upper arms. We also hold a lot of anxiety in our arms since we use them for every activity. Repeat the steps above to perform progressive muscle relaxation on this body part.
  8. Squeeze your glute muscles, releasing any tension in this area. Believe it or not, this body part also carries monumental stress. Especially if you have a desk job, this muscle can become tight and strained after a while. Relaxation techniques will help you unwind and reduce stress levels.
  9. Now, move up to your abdominal muscles. Gently tighten the abdominal muscles, hold for five seconds, and release. Repeat three times.
  10. Tighten and release the chest muscles. We also tend to have tight chests in our modern world. Progressive muscle relaxation can alleviate tension in this area and make you feel much lighter.
  11. Next, move on to your shoulders and neck. This area of the body probably harbors more anxiety than any other region. Staring at the computer for hours on end can easily cause tension in the neck and shoulders. Shrug your shoulders toward your ears, hold for a few moments, and release to relieve stress.
  12. Let’s do progressive muscle relaxation on the facial muscles. Starting with the lips, bring your lips into a “kiss” position, hold for several moments, and release. Then, open and close your mouth several times to reduce tension. Next, move up to your eyes, closing them gently for several moments. Allow any stress to leave the eye muscles, and then open them. Finally, move up to your eyebrows, raising them for a few seconds and lowering them again. Repeat this at least three times on each part of your face.

Hopefully, this relaxation technique helps relax your body and improve your overall health. You can also try other stress relievers such as meditation, yoga, Tai chi, or a warm bath. Whatever brings relaxation to your body, mind, and soul, please do it as much as possible. You deserve it!


Final Thoughts on Progressive Muscle Relaxation to Reduce Your Anxiety and Stress

Studies prove that a self-care therapy called progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety and tension. The technique calms the nervous system as you tense and release the muscles, relieving any pent-up emotions. We hold trauma in our bodily tissues, but performing relaxation exercises can help us process these events.

Modern life sometimes seems impossible to manage, but we can regain our power with this simple therapy. Remember that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a necessary part of being human on this planet. Indulge as much as your schedule permits so you can feel your best!

Science Explains How Insomnia Can Make People Selfish

Many people complain that modern society encourages selfish behaviors. They might blame social media, materialism, and perhaps the rise of individualism for these self-centered tendencies. But did you know insomnia, a sleep disorder, can also cause people to focus more on themselves?

You’ve probably heard that sleep deprivation can cause many health problems, from heart disease to obesity. Now scientists have learned that lack of sleep can also lead to behavioral issues.

Throughout much of human history, we lived in tribes and helped one another to survive. We still have this basic primitive instinct, but modern lifestyles encourage more competition than cooperation.

People still help one another in the civilized world, of course, but myriad stressors in the environment have dampened this evolutionary trait. One of these stressors includes chronic sleep deprivation, as scientists have found in a recent study.

A study by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered that insomnia dulls prosocial behaviors. We can see the effects every day, from burnout at work to aggressive driving.

Regarding health consequences, insomnia can cause an increased risk of heart disease, depression and anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, and all-cause mortality. However, the latest study found that insomnia also blunts our social conscience, making us less willing to help others.

In one part of the study, the scientists demonstrated that charitable giving decreased in the week after Daylight Saving Time (DST). During this time, people in most states (aside from Hawaii and Arizona) lose one hour of daylight.

The team found that donations declined by 10% in states that observe DST, indicating a rise in selfish tendencies. Interestingly, this decrease didn’t occur in states that didn’t spring forward or when they returned to standard time during the fall.

Science Explains How Insomnia Can Cause Selfish Behavior


UC Berkeley research scientists Eti Ben Simon and Matthew Walker, a UC Berkeley professor of psychology, led the study. The findings add to the mounting evidence that sleep deprivation harms individual health and weakens connections between people. Lack of sleep can even reduce the altruistic spirit across nations and make people more selfish.

“Over the past 20 years, we have discovered a very intimate link between our sleep health and our mental health. Indeed, we’ve not been able to discover a single major psychiatric condition in which sleep is normal,” Walker said.

“But this new work demonstrates that a lack of sleep not only damages the health of an individual, but degrades social interactions between individuals and, furthermore, degrades the very fabric of human society itself. How we operate as a social species — and we are a social species — seems profoundly dependent on how much sleep we are getting.”

“We’re starting to see more and more studies, including this one, where the effects of sleep loss don’t just stop at the individual, but propagate to those around us,” said Ben Simon. “If you’re not getting enough sleep, it doesn’t just hurt your own well-being, it hurts the well-being of your entire social circle, including strangers.”

The findings appeared in the open-access journal PLOS Biology.

Three Studies Prove the Connection Between Sleep And Selfish Tendencies

The recent report includes three studies analyzing how sleep loss impacts generosity. In the first study, scientists placed 24 healthy participants in a functional magnetic resonance imager (fMRI). They scanned their brains following eight hours of sleep and a night of no sleep.

They discovered that the brain regions that form the mind network theory had less activity after a restless night. This part of the brain becomes active when people empathize with others or try to understand their needs.

“When we think about other people, this network engages and allows us to comprehend what other person’s needs are: What are they thinking about? Are they in pain? Do they need help?” Ben Simon said. “However, this network was markedly impaired when individuals were sleep deprived. It’s as though these parts of the brain fail to respond when we are trying to interact with other people after not getting enough sleep.”

A second study tracked over a hundred people online for three or four nights. During the study period, researchers measured their sleep quality in terms of sleep duration and how often they awoke. Next, the team assessed their willingness and desire to help others by volunteering or holding a door open for someone. This data gave them a good idea of how sleep quality may result in selfish behaviors.

“Here, we found that a decrease in the quality of someone’s sleep from one night to the next predicted a significant decrease in the desire to help other people from one subsequent day to the next,” Ben Simon said. “Those with poor sleep the night prior were the ones that reported being less willing and keen to help others the following day.”

The impact of daylight savings time

Finally, the last part of the study involved analyzing data from three million charitable donations in the US between 2001 and 2016. The scientists wanted to know if the number of gifts changed after Daylight Savings Time. They discovered a 10% decline in donations, but gift-giving did not decrease in the two states that do not follow DST. The data proves that selfish actions increase when people lose sleep.

“Even a very modest ‘dose’ of sleep deprivation — here, just the loss of one single hour of sleep opportunity linked to daylight saving time — has a very measurable and very real impact on people’s generosity and, therefore, how we function as a connected society,” Walker said. “When people lose one hour of sleep, there’s a clear hit on our innate human kindness and our motivation to help other people in need.”

Researchers Say Proper Sleep Can Help Unite People Again

A prior study by Walker and Ben Simon found that insomnia resulted in social withdrawal and increased feelings of loneliness. People become more socially isolated when they don’t get proper slumber, likely because it leads to depression.

Moreover, when sleep-deprived individuals talked with others, their peers also felt more lonely. According to Walker, this indicates that lack of sleep can cause psychological issues that spread to others like a virus.

“Looking at the big picture, we’re starting to see that a lack of sleep results in a quite asocial and, from a helping perspective, anti-social individual, which has manifold consequences to how we live together as a social species,” he said. “A lack of sleep makes people less empathetic, less generous, more socially withdrawn, and it’s infectious — there is contagion of loneliness.”

“The realization that the quantity and quality of sleep affects an entire society, caused by an impairment in prosocial behavior, may provide insights into our societal state of affairs in the present day,” Walker added.

We need to value rest.

The study highlights the importance of prioritizing sleep in modern society. Artificial lighting, technology, and stress have caused people to stay up later during the workweek. But this doesn’t bode well for creating a more compassionate world.

“Promoting sleep, rather than shaming people for sleeping enough, could very palpably help shape the social bonds we all experience every day,” Ben Simon said.

“Sleep, it turns out, is an incredible lubricant to prosocial, connected, empathic, kind and generous human behavior. In these divisive times, if there was ever a need for a strong, prosocial lubricant to enable the very best version of ourselves within society, now seems to be it,” said Walker, author of the international bestseller, Why We Sleep. “Sleep may be a wonderful ingredient that enables the alacrity of helping between human beings.”

“Sleep is essential for all aspects of our physical, mental and emotional lives,” Ben Simon said. “When sleep is undervalued in society, not only do we get sleep-deprived doctors, nurses and students, but we also suffer from unkind and less empathic interactions on a daily basis.”

In developed countries, over 50% of all people report inadequate sleep during the work week.

“It is time as a society to abandon the idea that sleep is unnecessary or a waste and, without feeling embarrassed, start getting the sleep that we need,” she added. “It is the best form of kindness we can offer ourselves, as well as the people around us.”


Final Thoughts on Study Linking Insomnia to Selfish Behavior

Scientists have observed a worrying trend in modern society — an increase in selfishness caused partially by sleep deprivation. We slumber much less than we did even a few decades ago. Technological advancements and long work hours have led to a sleep loss epidemic. Researchers found that the fewer hours people slept, the more selfish and withdrawn they became. However, they believe that educating the public about the importance of getting enough rest could help increase empathy.

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