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5 Signs You’re Experiencing A Shift In Consciousness

Look to Hollywood for a better idea of what it means to have a shift in consciousness.

“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” – Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi

In the movie Star Wars, Luke Skywalker went from being a simple farm boy to becoming a Jedi with the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi. His entire understanding of the world changed in a short amount of time. Things that he had never before thought possible were revealed to him through his study of the force.

Luke experienced a shift in consciousness that enabled him to reach a higher level of understanding. Once he had shifted his consciousness, Luke was capable of great things.

Your Hidden Superpower

Imagine for a moment that tomorrow you wake up to learn that aliens from another planet have arrived here on Earth. Your complete understanding of the possibilities that you once knew to be true would now be entirely different.

Or maybe you wake up in the morning with a new superpower. Well, it’s true! You do have a superpower of awareness. So you can use your power to shape your world into a more beautiful realm for yourself and the people that you connect with.

You can have your Jedi mind experience by expanding your consciousness. A shift in consciousness can be as simple as looking at your environment in a new way. We are talking about a change of consciousness in a metaphysical or spiritual sense that changes your core belief system.

Your current personal experiences of work, home, people, emotions, and the objects of your daily life are one level of consciousness. There are other deeper levels that we can become aware of. If we shift our focus to these different levels, we expand to a higher level of existence.

5 Signs You’re Experiencing A Shift In Consciousness

Have you ever experienced these things?

consciousness1. You are not who you once were.

Looking back on your life, you think that the person you were in your twenties was immature and a bit selfish compared to who you’ve become today. You’ve made a significant change in what you once thought was important.

Change is complicated and sometimes painful. Occasionally a traumatic loss helps us to gain perspective on our lives. We have to let go of what no longer serves us as we move along the path to enlightenment. This roadblock could be a job holding us back, a relationship that doesn’t allow us to express ourselves fully, or an old pattern of unhealthy behavior.

The evolution of your being is an ongoing process, but you’ve already come so far. You know that the future holds more change and you are prepared to embrace it.

2. You feel motivated to change.

Something is driving you to make a significant change in your life. Your intuition tells you that this is the time to take a brave leap of faith and act. Thus, the new energy you are receiving is vital to keep you moving forward on the path you are meant to be on.

The motivating energy that you now feel will speed up the pace of change. This rush of power feels like it has come at the right time. You are in charge of how you use this guiding energy. Harness this motivation to achieve your goals.

3. You feel hyperfocused during a shift in consciousness.

In the past, you were distracted by things that were not important, but now you have a laser focus on what is genuinely essential to you. As a result, your priorities are clear, and you don’t waste time on unimportant things.

You act with clarity of purpose and intention. Mentor and consultant Jeddah Mall compares this to turn on a mental flashlight. You can see what was always there in front of you even though it was hidden before. With our flashlights turned on, we can shine a light on our experience in each moment so we can see it clearly.’

4. You crave a more meaningful life.

Even though things are pretty good, you are not satisfied with the status quo, e. You know they could be better.

In your search for meaning, you have been reading and learning more than usual. As a result, you are constantly feeding your mind with purpose-driven fuel. The more you know, the more you want to learn and do.

shift in consciousness5. You know sharpening your consciousness will help find your higher purpose.

You were meant for great things. However, your true self is destined for more, and you are ready to receive guidance from the Universe to lead you to where you were meant to be.

You become aware of something greater than yourself that you will be an integral part of shaping. Your legacy to future generations is within your reach. Keep working toward that purpose and share your gift with humankind.

If you are experiencing these signs, you can be at peace knowing that your forthcoming shift in consciousness will lead you to a more fulfilling life. So keep following your intuition as it leads you to become the amazing human you were meant to be.

5 Signs You Have A Scarcity Mindset

When we think of the word ‘scarcity’, many of us will immediately think about money. On some level, this is understandable. After all, it is expensive to live, and many of us concern ourselves by stretching each dollar. However, scarcity is a mindset. It comes in many other forms – time, relationships, health, intelligence, judgment, willpower, etc.

Having thoughts and feelings of scarcity automatically orient the mind towards unfulfilled wants and needs. Furthermore, scarcity often leads to lapses in self-control while draining the cognitive resources needed to maximize opportunity and display judgment. Willpower also is depleted, which makes one prone to feelings of giving up. People in this state attend to the urgent while neglecting important choices that will have a drastic effect on the future.

It’s very important to understand that a scarcity mindset is exactly that: a mindset. We can change our ways of thinking to an abundance mindset while opening up a new world of opportunity. But first, we need to be aware of the pits in order to avoid the fall.

“Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everyone else.” – Stephen Covey

So what are some signs of a scarcity mindset? Here are five important ones:


1. Believing that situations are permanent

Believing that life’s situations are fixed is perhaps the biggest pitfall of the scarcity mindset. We think, “Well, that’s just the way it is” instead of changing our frame of mind and seeking out our happiness. Thinking this way has a negative effect in many regards – it depletes our energy, harms our self-esteem, and makes life a burden.

Nothing is permanent. Again…nothing is permanent. This bad situation, whatever it is, will pass! Is the situation daunting or scary? Maybe…but it’s just that – a situation; a period. There are moments in our lives that will take our breath away and thank the Heavens that we’re alive. An abundant mentality thinks this way. An abundant mentality sees life as dynamic and moldable. It’s something that is ours to shape and make to our liking. Perhaps most importantly, an abundant mentality sees life as an adventure. A scary and uncertain adventure at times, but an adventure nonetheless.

2. Using thoughts and words of scarcity

What we tell ourselves ultimately becomes an extension of us if left unchecked. It’s important to understand that negative thoughts and words alone cannot negatively affect us if we realize them for what they are – innate responses without merit. But when we start believing those negative thoughts or words, they can become an extension of our character.

To this end, it’s essential to refrain from using words or thoughts of scarcity when possible. For example, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I can’t do this”, or “I’ll have to go without”. Instead, start using words of abundance: “I can handle this,” “I can always make more money,” “My mind is a powerful,” and “I’ll always have enough”.

Remember, it’s normal to have negative thoughts from time to time. It’s important to understand that thoughts and words are important only if they’re important to us. When negative thoughts arise, become an observer and refuse to engage with them. Most certainly, please do not allow these thoughts to manifest into words that we tell ourselves or anyone else.

3. Being envious of others


Feeling envious of others is a double-edged sword: it kills gratitude and stokes the fire of scarcity. Envy does absolutely nothing to better personal circumstances in any way.

Why do many of us feel envious, anyways? Does someone have a nicer car, a larger home or a better-paying job? Who cares? These are all achievable things. But they’re only achievable if the mindset of scarcity is systematically replaced by that of abundance. Perhaps the sharper edge of that double-edged sword is the dissipation of gratitude – not appreciating the good things in our lives.

When we stop becoming envious and instead focus on gratitude, we realize that life, for the most part, has been pretty good to us. When bettering our circumstances, we can consciously devote our time and energy to doing so and not waste it on envious thoughts and feelings.

4. Not being generous

When one lives with a scarcity mindset, they’re more apt to “skim off the top” with time, money, relationships, etc. These actions have unintended consequences and make it less likely to generate the positive effects we seek in our lives. Life has a strong tendency to reflect back on us, which is why our energy and actions are so important. If we believe in lack, by default, we believe in giving less of ourselves.

As with other scarcity beliefs, this too can be overcome. They can be overcome by consciously deciding to give more of ourselves, not less. Understand that this does not necessarily mean money, although donating to a worthy cause such as a charity is certainly a noble action. It also means being generous by smiling, saying kind words, investing time in people, and simply serving the greater good.

5. Overindulgence

Oh yes, it is possible to overindulge with a scarcity mindset. When one thinks about scarcity, they are most likely to overeat, overspend, and generally become more gluttonous. This is because of another temptation: instant gratification. There are many examples of this, but let’s use one: overspending.

When we think of money as a scarce resource, there’s a tendency to use that resource for pleasure. But pleasure is not an antidote to scarcity. In fact, pleasure can reinforce the scarcity mindset that one already possesses. Let’s say that we’re having a tough day, feel down on ourselves, and need something positive. As we see it, we have a couple of choices: we could do something constructive like spending some time with the family (abundance)…or…we could put that new, cool gadget that we’ve wanted on our credit card (scarcity).


Final Thoughts on Shifting from a Scarcity Mindset to One of Abundance

Notice that the abundant choice has absolutely nothing to do with money. We’re focusing our time on what matters the most and not succumbing to some temporary pleasure that, while good for a time, does nothing more than add to the notion that we don’t have enough.

Let us choose wisely. Let us give gratitude and think selflessly. Let us have an abundant mindset.

Watch Out For These 10 Things In Your Relationship

Relationship problems don’t develop overnight. More likely, if you’re concerned about something, trouble has been brewing for a while. If you plan to stay with your partner and not separate, you need to resolve issues before it’s too late.

Recognizing the signs of relationship trouble is the first step to fixing things. Once you know where the problem areas are, you can work on fixing them.

Watch Out For These 10 Things In Your Relationship


1. You lost track of how long it’s been since you’ve been intimate

If you’re not in the mood more often than you are, you’re avoiding an opportunity to bond with your partner. Having sex is a way for couples to not only bond physically, but it increases the likelihood of future passion in their relationship.

A study published in Social, Psychological and Personality Science revealed that people who didn’t respond in kind when their partners asked for sex reported lower levels of desire over a 21 day period. In contrast, people who did go ahead with sex even if they didn’t feel up to it later reported increased desire over the same time frame.

2. You never talk anymore.

You go through your routine in the morning, head out to work and come home in the evening; by the time you’re in bed, you’ve barely spoken a whole paragraph to each other. Not having anything to talk about could be a problem.

Couples who stay together long term aren’t leading such adventurous lives that they always have something new to talk about. But old married couples don’t sit in silence either. They chat about little things like the weather, the neighbors, the chores or plans for the holidays. Not having anything to say might be a sign that you’re withholding interaction from your partner out of anger or spite.

3. When you do talk, you argue.

Voices are raised when you do talk to each other and you get on each others’ nerves at the drop of a hat. Your partner does things that irritate you and rather than telling them calmly, you have an emotional outburst that results in both of you storming off.

Neither you or your partner is a mind reader. If something’s bugging you, you have to talk it out or nothing will ever change. Try saying, “When you ____, it makes me feel ___.” Ultimately you are the only person who can control how you respond in any situation, so if your partner says or does something that bugs you, try managing your emotional response with some deep breathing.

4. You’re mentally cheating.

Although you haven’t had sex with anyone else yet, you’re mentally cheating on your partner by confiding in someone else. If you commiserate about your relationship to a potential new romantic partner, you are psychologically cheating.

Confiding in someone who could be a potential romantic partner rather than your spouse, is a type of infidelity. If you can’t tell your spouse what’s wrong, you shouldn’t share private details of your relationship with another person, unless they are a counselor.

5. You think about what you would do after this relationship ends.

If you’ve said, “I’ll never marry again” and you’re currently married, you have a problem in your relationship. You’re already mentally preparing yourself for singlehood. For a shift in perspective, try to think about how you’ll be able to still keep the flame alive when you’ve been together for 20 years.

6. You’re hiding things.

Whether it’s a hidden stash of money or the fact that you’re finding ways to spend time away from your partner, hiding things is a bad sign for your relationship. This is one more way that trust is broken between partners.

7. You’ve stopped caring.

Your spouse asks if you mind if they go hang out with the guys on Sunday for football and you don’t care one way or the other. You’re apathetic to what your partner does, and you shouldn’t be.

8. You tell different stories about your relationship.

When you and your partner have different memories about key events in your relationship, you should be concerned. According to a study by the University of Illinois, “if a couple’s relationship is undergoing a slow and painful death, it no longer serves their purpose to remember the course of the romance accurately.”

9. Your Facebook posts make you look like a happy couple.

Couples who brag about their relationships with cutesy posts on Facebook may be hiding the truth of things offline. A study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin revealed that those lovey, dovey posts are more likely to be you putting on the appearance of being part of a happy couple.

10. You handle big problems via text.

Rather than talking it out face to face, you send important communication with a text or emoji. In-person communication gives us so much more information since we have the benefit of body language, tone and eye contact. Without this extra information, we are more likely to have a miscommunication.

If any of these problems are impacting your relationship, talking with your partner is always a good first step to repairing any damage. If you need the help of an impartial professional, you can locate a licensed marital counselor here.

10 Ways To Reignite Your Relationship

When you have a partner who loves you, that’s all you need for a successful long-term relationship, right? Unfortunately, love is not all you need. As humans, we have physical needs that include sex. If the passion has gone out of your relationship, rekindle the fire with these relationship reminders…

10 Ways To Rekindle The Fire In Your Relationship:


1. Play hard to get.

In a long-term relationship, you no longer have the thrill of the chase. We’re not discussing withholding sex from your partner, but try being slightly less available to them.

Become a moving object of desire by having your own personal interests that you enjoy separately from your partner. If you spend a bit of time away from your partner doing things that you love to do, you spark your own creativity and have something new to share with them.

2. Try something new together.

If you’ve never had sex in the shower, invite your partner in to get frisky. Have you ever gone to an adult store? Even if you just laugh the items you find there, you’ll have a new shared experience that connects you.

Even if you don’t try something new sexually, you can have a shared adventure together. For example, go horseback riding or sailing. You’ll have an enjoyable day together, and the change is good for when you’re in a rut.

3. Use sexy words to spice up the relationship.

The brain is an often overlooked erogenous zone. If you haven’t coupled for a while, start by telling your partner how much you miss being physical. Try ‘Honey, the way that shirt hangs open a bit gets me all worked up. I’d love to take you in my arms and show you how much I need you.’ You two need a moment alone now, don’t you?

4. Watch TV in bed.

It almost sounds like bad advice, but a survey of 2431 people revealed that those with a television in their bedrooms had sex twice as often as those who did not. It’s possible that with the increasing number of steamy sex scenes on TV, it would put both partners in the mood for love.

5. Touch your partner to display physical interest in the relationship.

Another study suggests that ‘couples may find it difficult to rebuild intimacy if they define intimacy too narrowly or rely on only one dimension of intimacy to sustain their relationship.’ You or your partner can start to rekindle the fire with a massage, cuddle, foot rub by holding hands or with a kiss that lasts longer than 5 seconds.

6. Rebuild trust in each other and the relationship.

Being intimate with someone is very difficult unless you trust them. When one partner feels that the level of trust in the relationship has changed, they may withdraw.

Major betrayals, such as infidelity, can be very difficult to overcome. You may need a couples therapist if something has happened to break the trust in your relationship and you can’t figure out how to get it back.

7. Communicate your needs.

According to a study in the Journal of Family Psychology, partners who neglect each other’s feelings had lower overall relationship satisfaction. This lack of listening and understanding creates an obstacle that can put out the fire in a relationship.

If your partner can’t meet your needs outside of the bedroom, how can you expect them to meet your needs in the bedroom? Talk to your partner about what you need by saying ‘I need you to ___, which will help me feel ___.’

8. Avoid criticism.

You may feel that critiquing your partner’s performance in bed or out is helpful, but your partner might stop trying altogether if they hear too much of it. Licensed marriage counselor Dr. Frank Gunzburg says, ‘You want to attract your spouse to rekindle love and desire, rather than chase him or her away.’

9. Spend time together.

Having time together allows partners to talk and learn about each other. No matter how long you’ve been together, there’s always something that your partner has yet to learn about you. Dr. Gunzburg suggests spending special time with a candlelit meal, a moonlit walk or sitting together after putting the kids to bed can all be ways to rekindle the fire.


10. Find a relationship therapist.

When all else fails, and you need professional help, seek a licensed therapist to help you figure out how to reconnect physically. You can find a licensed marriage and couples counselor here or a licensed sex therapist here.

It is perfectly normal to be afraid of talking to a counselor about your sex life in your relationship, but you have nothing to fear. According to Laurie Watson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of Wanting Sex Again, most couples who seek help wonder why they waited so long,

Seeking the help of a therapist can be difficult to bring up with your partner, so try saying, “I feel I haven’t responded well to you lately, and I know I can do better. I want to learn new strategies of responding to you, but I need you to be a part of that, giving me your input and feedback. I’d like you to come to a counseling session with me.”

7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the anti-aging market in the U.S. is projected to be worth $191.7 billion by 2019People will obviously pay a high price to keep their skin youthful and radiant, but they often don’t consider that their food choices can make all the difference between dull and glowing skin.

What we put into our bodies affects every single part of us, from our internal organs to our fingernails to our skin. While we should enjoy our food, it plays a bigger biological purpose – to give us the proper energy and nutrients to make it through our day. Foods should fuel us and make us feel vibrant, not make us lethargic and unhealthy.

Here are 7 foods that are making you age too quickly:

1. Refined sugar

When you eat excess amounts of refined sugar, it kickstarts a process known as glycation. In this process, the sugar attaches to proteins in your bloodstream and forms new, toxic molecules called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, for short. “As AGEs accumulate, they damage adjacent proteins in a domino-like fashion,” explains Fredric Brandt, MD, a dermatologist in Miami and New York City and author of 10 Minutes 10 Years.

Too much sugar damages collagen and elastin, which help to keep skin firm and radiant. When collagen becomes damaged, it causes skin to become dry, brittle, and loose, accelerating the appearance of aging. Not to mention, AGEs lower your body’s natural ability to produce antioxidant enzymes, which makes the skin more susceptible to sun damage, a major contributor to skin aging.

2. Alcohol

Drinking a glass of wine or two with dinner a few nights a week probably won’t hurt you, but drinking excessively can damage many parts of your body, including your skin. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so your skin will appear dry and brittle after consuming one too many drinks the night before. Not to mention, alcohol greatly taxes the liver, which normally would help to carry toxins out of the body. However, when you consume a lot of alcohol, the liver can’t break it down properly, which means those toxins will spread throughout your body, including to your skin. Many people who drink regularly have skin issues such as acne, rosacea, or wrinkles.

3. Barbecue

While many celebrations and festivities center around this all-American food, a slab of heavily burnt meat doesn’t exactly do your body good. Because barbecued meats have to slow cook for hours on end, this produces a multitude of carcinogens and pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons, which can cause inflammation in the skin. Peter Guengerich, a biochemistry professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, says that “our bodies have enzyme systems that convert these into reactive compounds, things that get stuck irreversibly on your DNA and can cause mutations and potentially cancer, most commonly colon cancer.”

4. Salt

While we need salt to survive, consuming about 1,500 milligrams a day can leave you feeling bloated and lethargic, and make your body retain water. If you continuously eat a high salt diet and don’t drink adequate water to flush out the excess salt, it can really take a toll on your skin, as it will cause dehydration. Make sure to eat foods that have naturally occurring salt, and add a minimum amount on to foods if you enjoy a salty taste.

5. Processed meat

Recently linked to cancer by the World Health Organization, processed meats such as bacon, ham, and sausage have been proven to also accelerate aging. These meats have a slew of chemical additives, such as nitrates, monosodium glutamate, and other dangerous substances that only lower the immune system and create disease. Processed meats usually contain a great amount of salt also, which can make the skin brittle and puffy looking.

If you still eat meat, make sure to get organic, grass-fed meats without added chemicals and preservatives.

6. Caffeinated beverages

While it seems our world runs on coffee, the caffeine in it has a very drying effect on the skin. Drinking too many cups a day can leave you dehydrated, causing your skin to lack luster and look dull. Dr. Deborah Wattenburg, a dermatologist from New York City, says, “Alcohol and caffeine … act like a diuretic and prevent you from holding on to water, so your skin looks sort of prune-like. It can get dry and get washed out.”

Try limiting your coffee intake to one or two cups a day, and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

7. Trans fats

While many reasons exist to avoid trans fats, the fact that they can accelerate aging should be enough to steer clear of them. According to a study on PubMed, trans fats can increase the risk of UV radiation induced oxidative damage, which makes you more vulnerable to harmful rays from the sun. Trans fats have been removed from many foods due to the dangers associated with consuming them, but make sure to read all labels just in case.

Foods that slow down aging

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5 Signs Someone is Manipulating You

The hardest part about relationships is that when we open ourselves up, we also open of someone manipulating us.  It’s a chance we take to build healthy, loving relationships.

Sometimes the most loving and kindest people are the ones who fall into the trap of manipulation. It’s those people who are too trusting that often don’t know it’s happening. They don’t participate in it themselves and they don’t realize that some people are addicted and truly live and thrive off of manipulating others.

It’s important to recognize the signs so that you can be more aware of it in your own life.

5 Signs Someone Is Manipulating You


1. They drain your energy if manipulating you.

Manipulators carry a dark cloud around with them, but sometimes you cannot immediately tell.  When they enter a room, they make a point of making sure everyone notices. Instead of working the room in a normal fashion, they are looking for everyone to display sympathy and work to make them “feel better.” They want to be the “cause” because it is more likely to get them what they want.

2. They use passive aggressive methods to undermine us.

Master manipulators do not want to be seen in a bad light, so they avoid being direct and honest. Instead, they will have others do their dirty work so they can avoid the “bad guy” syndrome. They talk behind our backs, rally the support of our closest friends, and mount a campaign to prove they are right, and we’re wrong. They are verbally supportive but act in very unsupportive ways.

3.  They use your words against you and to their benefit.

A manipulator is often trying to sell us on something. They interrupt our thoughts and speak over us when we’re talking all in the hopes to get us off our game. When we notice the behavior and call them on it, then they find a way to use our words to make us feel guilty.

Instead of apologizing for forgetting to stop at the store on the way home, a manipulator might respond, “I am so overwhelmed with work right now. I know you would never have asked me to stop at the store if you knew how much pressure I’m under.”

4. They seek out and use our sensitive and trusting nature.

Manipulators play on the fact that we are trusting and sensitive in nature and seek out our vulnerabilities and use them to their advantage. They use a false sensitivity to connect with us and to help shield their true intentions and motives.

5. They use guilt trips while manipulating you.

A manipulator that is good at playing the mental game knows how to play the role of victim to get what they need. They use triggers to pull at our heart strings, so we feel as if we have no choice but to give in. They play on guilt, sympathy, and our sensitivities as a way to emotionally blackmail us into serving their needs.

It can be difficult to pull away from a master manipulator because they have dug deep and created a strong emotional hold on us. We may need to seek the help of a loyal friend to break free.

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