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Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

You have probably heard of the term “empath” before, but this grouping of specific characteristics actually has another name as well: the highly sensitive person, or HSP.

Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist who began studying extreme sensitivity in people in 1991, discovered that around 15-20% of the population carries the traits of HSPs. While researchers continue to study highly empathic people, Dr. Aron says that HSPs simply respond to stimuli differently than others due to variations in the brain. So, if you sometimes struggle with adjusting to certain social situations or feel misunderstood, just remember that roughly 1/5 of the population can relate to your unique personality traits. If you need some reinforcement that you are indeed a highly sensitive person, refer to these surefire signs to give you more insight.

Here are 5 signs you may be a highly sensitive person:


1. You get easily overwhelmed by loud noises and chaotic social situations.

Highly sensitive people react to certain stimuli much more strongly due to the programming in their brains – their frequencies simply pick up noises, emotions, facial expressions, and energy in much more depth than others might. For example, if you go into a grocery store or mall packed with people, you might instantly feel negative energy permeate your body, which will affect your mood and emotions. You just intuitively pick up on the collective energy of certain places, and can become easily overwhelmed by intense emotions and vibrations. As a tip, try practicing grounding techniques, such as root chakra meditations to help you feel secure and connected to source energy at all times.

2. Everyone always comments that you’re “too sensitive.”

As a growing child, you probably felt “different” because of your heightened sensitivity to other’s words and actions. People may have singled you out for this since it’s still a fairly uncommon trait to have. As an adult, you may have grown into your sensitivity and learned how to manage specific stimuli more effectively, but you likely still feel very unlike your coworkers and friends. However, this is nothing to be ashamed of. Empaths serve a very special purpose here on Earth, so just remember to wear your sensitivity proudly. Even if you may feel negative emotions much more deeply, think of just how happy you will feel when positive things happen in your life.

Related article: 5 Great Lessons for Sensitive People

3. You enjoy spending time alone rather than in group settings.

Even though 30% of HSPs are actually extroverts, according to Dr. Aron, that means we can infer that the remaining 70% are introverts. So, most of you reading this probably identify as an introvert, meaning you feel more energized and comfortable spending time alone. As a highly sensitive person, social settings can drain you of vital energy because of the wide range of frequencies emitted by everyone in the room. You tend to absorb all of this energy, and can reenergize and find internal balance once again by reflecting on your thoughts. While introversion is not an inherent trait of all empaths, many times it just tends to go hand-in-hand. Try to do group activities that won’t overwhelm your nervous system with too many stimuli, such as yoga and meditation classes.

4. Violence in real life, as well as in movies and TV shows, deeply upsets you.

Many people can see others getting beat up or killed in a movie and not even bat an eye. You, however, cringe at any sign of people getting hurt, and avoid these types of programming and situations at all costs. You turn down movie invitations if others want to see anything that promotes inflicting harm on others, and you likely stick to comedies or documentaries if you do watch TV shows or movies. Violence sends your energy levels into a downward spiral, and by recognizing this, you know to greatly limit your exposure to it when possible.

5. Others often release their problems onto you.

Because of your innate sensitivity to everyone around you, others might see you as the go-to person to vent to and get advice from. You probably attract people quite often who have problems they can’t seem to solve, and want you to listen and help them sort through things. While you love to help people and give them the best advice you can, remember to nurture yourself as well and stand up for yourself if you feel taken advantage of by someone. You can only give so much advice before the other person must take the initiative to work on his or her own life, so don’t be afraid to politely tell them that if you start to feel overwhelmed.

7 Signs You May Have A B12 Deficiency

You try to eat right and get all of your vitamins and minerals from whole, fresh foods. But vitamin deficiencies can show up as physical symptoms, despite our best efforts to eat right.

We intake vitamins and nutrients from our food as part of our digestion process. Unlike vitamin D, which our bodies can produce, B-12 comes only from outside sources into the body. B-12 is an essential nutrient that your body uses to produce red blood cells, DNA and nerves.

B-12 and Vegans

Unlike many vitamins, B-12 is not often found in plants. As a result, strict vegans or vegetarians are the most susceptible to B-12 deficiency. One solution is to use products that are fortified with B-12, such as fortified soy or nut milks.

Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can produce B-12. Since bacteria can be found in the soil, foods that come from the soil can have small levels of B-12. If you are scrubbing your vegetables too much, you could be removing this good bacteria.

Foods naturally containing small amounts of B-12 include mushrooms and fermented foods like tempeh. Nori, a type of toasted seaweed, will also give you a B-12 boost. Nutritional yeast can also provide a source of B-12 for vegetarians. Ovo-lacto vegetarians should get enough B-12 from eggs, milk and yogurt. You can check the foods you eat for their B-12 levels in this chart.

A Shot of B-12

You may have heard about B-12 injections for increased energy or weight loss. The science behind the effectiveness of these claims is lacking. Basically, taking a single vitamin and expecting to lose weight or triple your energy level is unrealistic.

Should You Supplement?

B-12 supplements come in either liquid or capsule form. You may also see this called cobalamin. If you avoid meat, eggs and dairy, you might be a good candidate for a B-12 supplement.

People who are at risk for B-12 deficiency include the elderly, those with HIV, people who have had weight loss surgery, and people with certain digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, who have difficulty absorbing nutrients.

Pregnant or lactating women have a higher daily requirement for B-12. Due to the need to nourish your child, higher levels of B-12 are usually recommended. Your physician can tell you the right about for you and your baby.

Your diet should give you enough B-12 to avoid health problems, but if you are concerned, ask your doctor for a blood test to check your levels. A good doctor will also be able to recommend a supplement to meet your needs if you are showing signs of B-12 deficiency.

Why B-12 is Important

You don’t need much, in fact the daily requirement for B-12 is the lowest of all of the B vitamins. Most adults need only 2.4 micrograms per day. But it is important in many bodily functions. Deficiencies in B-12 can lead to severe health problems.

An extreme deficiency of B-12 can contribute to cardiovascular disease, anemia, stroke, memory loss, incontinence, paranoia, depression and other serious health problems. By knowing the signs of a B-12 deficiency, you can take action to reverse any negative health effects.

Here are 7 signs you may have a B12 Deficiency

vitamin b12 deficiency

1. Fatigue

Feeling tired? B-12 is important for aerobic energy in the body. Without enough of these vitamins, our bodies do not get the oxygen and energy that we need. Lightheadedness is also a sign that you aren’t getting enough B-12.

2. Tingling and Numbness

Losing sensation in hands and feet, along with the tingling sensation of pins and needles, could be a sign of a B-12 deficiency. Check with your doctor for blood work to determine the cause.

3. Joint Pain

Severe joint pain that isn’t due to injury or chronic inflammation, like arthritis, could cause alarm. Also, slower reflexes have been observed in B-12 deficient patients.

4. Rapid Heartbeat or Breathing

Shortness of breath, heart palpitations and a rapid heartbeat have all been associated with B-12 deficiency. If in doubt, get it checked out.

5. Weakness

In one case study of severe B-12 deficiency, a man had trouble walking due to the weakness that he experienced. In addition to muscle weakness, balance problems and staggering could indicate a problem.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice is a yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes and can indicate several serious medical problems.

7. Swollen tongue

Some patients with B-12 deficiency experience an inflammation of the tongue. Other signs related to the mouth also include a smooth tongue as well as a decreased sense of taste.

Seek the attention of your wellness professional if you experience any of these 7 signs of B-12 deficiency. A doctor can determine if you have a deficiency with a simple blood test. Being aware of the sources of B-12 can help you ensure that you and your family are getting enough and will help prevent potentially serious medical complications.

5 Things Epic People Do Right Before Bed

How you define an epic life for yourself may be different from what someone else would. In some form, we all wish to live an epic life, whether it is in our careers, finances, or personal goals. To really help accomplish this, a strategy for your valuable downtime in the evening helps you to focus time and energy on what’s important during your uptime. Sleep is important to function successfully, but before you head off to bed, check out these things that can put you in a successful frame of mind.

Here are 5 Things Epic People Do Right Before Bed


1. Plan For Tomorrow

People who live epic lives know that they have an important event, project, or presentation tomorrow, so take time before bed to rehearse it in their minds or aloud with the help of family. For example, lay out the clothes that you will wear tomorrow. Visualize yourself wearing that outfit and having people praise you for how successful you were, and how great you sounded and looked.

Planning and preparing before bed set the scene for success. There is a fine line here that could cross over into worrying about the future, but these people focus on the positive. They know they have prepared enough and will shine in the morning.

This is not last-minute cramming to complete a project because people living their dreams don’t procrastinate. This is a time to put the finishing flourish on things so that they run smoothly in the morning.

2. Bond With Family

Before they settle into bed for the night, this group of people realizes that spending quality time with family and friends makes life the most epic. This could be simply some pillow talk with their partner, allowing them to share their thoughts in an intimate environment. Or it might be reading a bedtime story to the kids at night.

Setting aside time for those most important to you show that you care. It strengthens relationships with those whose support is important to your success. Like the Oscar winners who thank spouses and family members during acceptance speeches, you need to thank your support system by giving them your valuable time. You couldn’t do it all without them.

Time, once spent, can never be regained. This is one motto that these people take seriously. They prioritize everything and spend time wisely, even before bed. No one in their old age wishes that they had watched more TV. Make time for the family now.

3. Read

Reading before bed gets your mind into a thoughtful, relaxed state and has been a longstanding habit for many reasons; pleasure, information, inspiration and distraction. Looking to live as big as a top CEO? Here’s a suggested reading list from several of them.

Relaxation is the most common reason that successful people read before bed. According to a study by the University of Sussex, subjects could reduce stress levels by 68% by reading. Only six minutes of silent reading was needed to reduce heart rate and muscle tension.

4. Write Down What’s On Their Minds

Some people have difficulty falling asleep due to the day’s stress. Things play out over and over again in their minds. They try to solve the day’s problems and often lose sleep.

Successful people know that tomorrow is another day and those problems will still be there. Having a good night’s rest will only make them better able to tackle those problems tomorrow.

But sometimes, even the most well-rested minds can forget by the following morning. By quickly jotting down the list of thoughts in their mind, they relieve the memory function of their brain. Now they don’t have to worry about remembering something in the morning.

Make it a practice to keep a notebook and pen by your bed so you can quickly jot down your to-do list, grocery list, project list, etc., and get it out of your valuable brain space. Now you have more room for sweet dreams.

5. Think Happy Thoughts

Even something as simple as being thankful for the warm blanket and comfy bed you’re snuggling into at night puts you in a positive mindset. Successful people look back at what they accomplished for the day with pride. They reflect with gratitude on all that they have learned and accomplished.

Several studies show that making a list of things people are grateful for before bed led to longer, more restful sleep and less worry at bedtime. Positive thoughts replace negative ones and set the tone for a relaxed sleep.

An optimistic mindset is a great way to drift off to sleep. Instead of worrying about what needs to be done, you’re focused on the great things that have already happened. Knowing that great things have already come to you helps set the expectation for more of the same.

People do more when more is expected of them. This is known as the Pygmalion Effect. When we reflect on our past success before bed, we expect great things of ourselves. We create a self-fulfilling prophecy of our greatness.


Final Thoughts on Before Bed Habits

With these five things accomplished before bed, you will unburden your mind, spend time with the important people in your life, and fall asleep with positive thoughts. You’ll successfully achieve blissful rest and awake ready to conquer the world.

Bios Urn Will Turn You Into A Tree After You Die

Is there life after death? That’s one of the big mysteries of life. There are many different beliefs about what happens to our souls after we leave this world. Where there is no debate is what happens to our bodies. Now, you could come back–as a tree.

What happens to the physical form of someone who has passed is a personal choice sometimes made by the person before death and sometimes made by the families after death. Some people donate their bodies to science, some choose a traditional burial, while others prefer cremation, where the ashes remain in a special place or return to the soil in a location that has significance to the family.

There is a new company that is offering a new option. Bios Urn, whose taglines are “back to nature, back to life” and #lifeafterlife, has developed a fully biodegradable urn. What makes this urn special is it includes a tree seed, a specialized soil mixture, and an expansion disc. It provides an environment conducive to growing a tree when loved ones add the ashes and bury it.

Meet the Innovator Behind the Idea of Transforming into a Tree After Death


The idea is the brainchild of CEO Roger Moliné:

“One afternoon my brother was planting some vegetables with my grandmother. They were in the orchard when suddenly our grandmother found a dead bird lying on the floor. Instinctively, without thinking too much, she took the dead bird, made a small hole in the floor and threw on it both the dead bird, with some of the seeds she had on her hand. That action or better said that reaction was what inspired the Bios Urn. A product that could use the remains of someone or something that passed away, and convert it into a new form of life.”

The benefits to our environment are pretty obvious, but the Bios Urn has benefits beyond the tangible. Everyone handles grief differently, but there is something symbolic and spiritual to seeing a loved one live on in nature. The company says, “Bios Urn turns death into a transformation and a return to life through nature.”

The tree resulting from planting a Bios Urn will offset carbon emissions created by the cremation, but that was never the goal.

“We’ve never wanted to be connected to the death care industry,” Moliné told The Huffington Post. “We want people to rethink the concept. That person has just had a bad moment in their life.”

The decision of what to do with a loved one after they pass, especially if their wishes aren’t known, is difficult and often made amid intense grief. It is a vulnerable time and hard to make rational decisions. Bios Urn wants to create a new ritual that takes care of the grief while explaining death from the viewpoint of life.

Moliné is sympathetic to the grief and the process of making such an important and personal decision. He recounts his story:

“When my father passed away a year ago now, I had what’s probably the worst moment of my life. All the process was horrible, from the hospital to the funeral home … everything was so badly designed. Nobody took care of the emotions or the experience and loss of the ones who go through that process. I just felt alone being in front of a company who wanted to take profit from the situation I was living,” 

“That made me realize how much we can change with Bios Urn. Going to a mountain or a forest with family or friends and planting a tree instead of burying a (casket), makes the process much more appealing. With Bios Urn, we can propose a different ritual that takes care of the emotions in a different way and explains that process of death from the side of life. That’s why I will always admire those pioneers who in the middle of the worst moment of their life, they opened a website, bought a Bios Urn and had the strength to replace a cemetery with a forest.”


Final Thoughts on the Bios Urn

When purchasing your Bios Urn, you can choose between one of five different types of trees or supply the seeds for a tree that is indigenous to your area.

On their website, Bios Urn shares a variety of #lifeafterlife stories. One such story is about Little Snowflake, an albino Western Lowland Gorilla, the only one of his kind. What made Little Snowflake different is what kept him in captivity. He touched the lives of many and still does, thanks to Bios Urn.

Like Little Snowflake, we can also continue to live on through nature, providing beauty and positively impacting the planet. We will be able to touch the lives of those we love in physical form and become something that lives on forever.

What Does Your Birth Chart Reveal About You?

Have you ever read your birth chart?  It’s actually pretty interesting.

Our birth charts, or natal charts, can deliver important messages to us about our strengths, weaknesses, relationships, and anything else that serves our souls in this lifetime. Learning about how the stars and planets aligned when you were born and how those placements affect your soul can help you greatly along your spiritual path.

Everyone’s birth charts are unique, and take into account all the planetary alignments on the exact day and time you were born. Many people find them to be astoundingly accurate and helpful, because you can uncover so much about who you are and why you came to Earth in the first place.

Here are 5 incredible things you can learn from reading your birth chart:

1. Your birth chart will teach you what career path suits you best.

Our birth charts can also point us down the right road as far as a career choice goes. If you’re more of a drifter, your natal chart can help you determine how you best fit into the working world, and what you can do to illuminate your path further. It all depends on the alignment and positions of the planets and stars, which means that your career path could be entirely different than anyone you know. Our birth charts help us to recognize our individuality, and feel comfortable within our own skin.

Also, knowing what you should do to make an income will help alleviate any stress you might feel about a possible career for you.

2. Your birth chart will teach you your unique strengths and weaknesses.

In your birth chart, you can uncover what types of activities and work come naturally to you, and what you need to work on more. The detailed information included in your natal chart can help you understand what types of experiences shape you into a stronger person, and what people and places you should avoid.
The best part about the chart is that it’s completely honest, and will tell you both the positive and negative aspects of your personality. Don’t take it too personally, though; it’s only there as a tool to help you grow spiritually and allow you to learn important lessons.

3. Your birth chart will show you that you actually have three signs…

Your birth chart will show you that you are not just your Sun sign, but you also have a Moon and Rising Sign as well.

Our Sun signs quite literally describe the zodiac sign that the Sun occupies during the time we were born. So, if you were born on May 24, for example, you are a Gemini in terms of your Sun sign. However, your Moon and Rising, or Ascendant, signs are equally important.

Your Moon sign represents your instinctual self, which you might keep hidden from others. This can be interpreted as the “darkness” in you, and where you go to find peace and a place to rest your head from the pressures of the world. It also governs emotional development, and can greatly explain your behavior. Some astrologers believe our Moon signs more accurately describe who we are, although the culmination of your Sun, Moon and Rising sign should encompass your true essence.

Finally, your Rising sign describes how people see you at first glance, and how you appear to the world around you. It can either be the same as your Sun sign or completely different. Our rising signs help us determine how we will take action in the world, and what sort of help we can offer to others.

4. Your birth chart explains how the planetary alignments and positions affect your personality and energy.

Just learning about the traits of your Sun sign won’t give the proper depth when it comes to discovering all the secrets about your soul; this is where your birth chart comes into play. It describes the position of each planet and which Zodiac sign it was in at the time of your birth. You will see this listed on the left side of the chart.

Make sure you also pay attention to your North Node, because this represents the experiences you need to have in order to grow spiritually. Your South Node, on the other hand, shows the qualities that come second nature to us that we have likely mastered.

In addition, the Earth’s 24-hour rotation about its axis determines which Houses the 12 zodiac signs will fall under. The Houses govern different aspects of life, and the placement of the Zodiac signs and planets at the time of one’s birth explain the great variations between even twins who are born moments apart. You can read here about what the Houses mean and how they affect your personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

5. Your birth chart reveals the big soul lessons you will face in life.

Your natal chart can also reveal the types of experiences you will have on the Earthly plane that will test your will and transform you from a caterpillar into a butterfly. This is important information to know because the lessons you learn while here will help you heal past karma and show others the way to the Light as well. It can also help you know what’s coming in your soul path, so that you may manifest what you need in order to bring those experiences to you.

How to read your birth chart:

There are many free birth chart calculators online that you can use to read your birth chart. After finding one you prefer, follow these steps:

First, you will need to input your name, gender, date and time of birth, and the city and state in which you are born. Then, you will see a table listing the positions of the planets in your chart, ordered by sign and degree. You will also see your Ascendant sign, or how you appear to others, as well as the signs on the cusp of each house in your chart. We will cover that in further detail below.
After looking at the chart, you will see very detailed descriptions about your Sun sign, as well as what all the planetary alignments mean for you.

What does your birth chart reveal about you? Please comment and share with friends!

5 Things to Never Sacrifice For Love

Love and relationships can either bring mutual growth and happiness or feel suffocating and debilitating after a while. All relationships serve their purpose, whether you stay with someone for a few weeks or an entire lifetime. Any relationship should support, love, encourage, uplift, and challenge you to become a better person, not drain your energy and make you feel bad about yourself.

If you have to sacrifice any of the following things for love, you might need to reevaluate what value the person adds to your life.

5 Things You Should Never Sacrifice For Love


1. Freedom.

If you constantly have to check in with your partner or feel guilty about going somewhere with friends or family, this shows that your significant other lacks confidence within him or herself. Possessive behavior almost always points to extreme internal insecurity, often from unhealed childhood wounds, such as abandonment or neglectful parents. Even though this person deserves love and kindness, you need to cut ties with the person to allow them to heal on their own. Controlling behavior suggests that the person does not feel comfortable with him or herself, and this needs to be worked out before he or she commits to any long-term relationships.

2. Yourself.

Never change yourself for someone else; the right person will love you for nothing less than your full, authentic self. Also, the right person would never want you to change because they genuinely love your genuine essence without you having to change a thing. Granted, relationships all require small compromises, like maybe eating at a restaurant your partner wants to try instead of the one you really wanted to go to. Still, you shouldn’t have to alter your personality or beliefs for someone else. Be yourself unapologetically, and if your partner can’t accept you, you need to go for

3. Happiness.

If someone doesn’t enhance your life and add to your joy, then what purpose do they serve in your life? Bottom line: if your partner drags you down and makes you feel crappy about yourself and life, then it’s time to call quits on the relationship. You need someone who will match your vibration and bring vibrant energy into your life, not someone who leeches the energy from your life. Of course, he or she won’t always feel completely blissful, but if they can’t seem to find happiness on their own or offer it to you at all, then let them go…they need to focus on giving themselves more love for their own inner healing, not a relationship.

4. Your dreams.

An ideal love consists of people on the same mission, supporting each other every step of the way. Or, just two people with different dreams but still encourage and cheer each other on. Don’t hesitate to leave the relationship if you don’t have someone on the same path as you or even someone with your back. What you want out of life makes up a large portion of who you are, and you don’t need someone who dismisses or bashes your goals.

5. Inner peace.

Your guy or girl should make you feel a deep sense of calming love that makes you forget about the chaos around you. If they make you anxious, nervous, or angry most of the time, they will only weaken your vibration and cause you to become vulnerable to negative energy. Your partner should have peace within him or herself and reflect it onto you as well.

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