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5 Signs Your Relationship Is Being Manipulated

5 Signs Your Relationship Is Being Manipulated

According to Preston Ni, M.S.B.A., “In psychological manipulation, one person is used for the benefit of another. The manipulator deliberately creates an imbalance of power, and exploits the victim to serve his or her agenda.”

Manipulators usually have perfected their craft of using people so well that the victim doesn’t even notice their selfish behaviors. The sly manipulator normally possesses these 4 common characteristics: they know how to spot your weaknesses, they use these weaknesses to their benefit, they persuade you to give up a part of yourself in order to fulfill their own selfish desires, and finally, they will not stop their maniacal behavior until you speak up and put an end to it.

If you are in a manipulative relationship, the signs might not jump out at you right away. However, it’s important to recognize this toxic behavior so you can confront the person and put a stop to the exploitation.

Here are 5 signs of manipulation in a relationship:

1. The manipulator puts a guilt trip on you constantly.

If you’re being manipulated, you will probably be made to feel guilty much of the time in the relationship. Manipulators love to place blame on you so they don’t have to take responsibility for their own choices. You will never feel quite good enough in a manipulated relationship, because the person wants to get under your skin and highlight your weaknesses.

He or she wants to tear you apart from the inside out, so that you become weaker, while they become stronger. They are very much energy vampires, using your life force for their personal gain. They need other people to make them feel better about themselves, and just use you as a means to accomplish their selfish goals.

They will make you feel bad about every little thing, whether it’s what you made for dinner, how you got home from work a little later that day, how you forgot to clean the bathroom yesterday, or just any minute thing that normally wouldn’t be a cause for concern.

2. They have deep-seated insecurities.

They will not hesitate to push their insecurities on you, because they want you to feel sorry for them. They use this mind game as a way to control you and your life, so that you have very little wiggle room to make your own decisions. Ever been in a relationship where you couldn’t have any male or female friends because it made your partner jealous? Well, that’s a surefire sign you’ve been manipulated, so watch out for this behavior in any future relationship.

Just because they have insecurities about you having male or female friends, does not make it okay for them to decide who you hang out with. They have to take responsibility for how they feel, and you have to tell them that you cannot be manipulated into letting his or her insecurities run the entire relationship.

3. He or she always points out your weaknesses.

A manipulator will quickly pick apart your “flaws” or “imperfections” as a way to disempower you. If you have more power than them, they will feel threatened and cannot manipulate you. They don’t want you to have confidence in yourself, because this makes them have less self-esteem. Their entire existence depends on stealing energy from people in order to survive.

They make you believe they want to help you become a better person, so they point out your weaknesses and tell you that they will assist you in turning them into strengths. However, they don’t really care about helping you; they just want to help themselves by getting you to trust them so they can carry out their sinister plot. By having people on their side, trusting them and relying on them, it boosts their ego and makes them feel worthwhile. Just know that a person who tears you apart and says they want to help build you back up can only have one motive, and it doesn’t involve helping you.



4. The manipulator blames you for how they feel.

If you’re being manipulated, you may notice that your partner can never take ownership of their feelings; they must always blame you for their emotions. They blame you whether they feel sad, angry, depressed, unworthy, or any other negative emotion. However, they usually won’t let you know that you make them happy, because they’d like to think only they can make you happy. Not the other way around.

A surefire sign of a manipulated relationship is a partner who can’t take charge of their own emotions, and must always make you feel as though you have done something wrong.

5. You always have to give up what you want in favor of their desires.

Remember, manipulators don’t care about what you want; they only wish to use you for their personal gain or enjoyment, and have no desire to ask what you want. If they can continue using you for their benefit, they will do so until they suck you dry. Usually, two people make compromises in relationships, so that each person can get what they want an equal amount of the time, keyword being equal. However, if you have to give up your desires a majority of the time in order for them to get what they want, you can almost be sure you’ve been manipulated in your relationship.

The Lines In Your Palm Can Reveal Secrets About Your Life. I Read Mine and It Was Spot On!

We often look outside ourselves to discover more about who we are, but did you know that something as simple as the lines in your palm can reveal incredible things about you?

If you open up your palms and just take a quick glance, you will probably notice that you have four lines running across your hands with varying lengths. These four main lines are called the heart, head, life, and fate lines, and each reveals something different about you. Called palmistry, palm reading has been practiced since ancient times in parts of Asia, Persia, Israel, and Babylonia, to name a few locations.

While many people regard palmistry as inaccurate pseudoscience, several scientific studies have come out that prove palmistry can reveal things about one’s health, personality, and even sexuality. Many famous people, such as Mark Twain and Thomas Edison, would fly long distances to have their palms read; however, you can read your palm from the comfort of your own home using these simple steps.

Here’s how to read your palm:


1. Look at both your hands side by side.

If the lines look different when you compare them on both your hands, this means you have put in considerable effort to change your original nature. Now, put your focus on the hand you write with, your dominant hand.

2. Locate the 4 main lines in your palm: the heart, head, life, and fate lines.

The lines can be read in either direction depending on which tradition you are following.

3. Turn your attention to your heart line.

  • If the line extends from the side of your hand to below your index finger, you’re happy with your love life.
  • If the line ends below your middle finger, you’re selfish when it comes to love.
  • If the line ends between your middle and ring finger, you fall in love easily.
  • If you have a straight, short heart line, romance doesn’t really interest you.
  • If it’s close to your fingers, you are a passionate, sometimes jealous, person.
  • If it goes all the way across, you keep your emotions locked away.
  • If it touches your life line, your heart gets broken easily.
  • If the line curves up toward your index finger, you don’t shy away from showing affection.
  • If it’s straight and parallel to your head line, you keep your emotions in check.
  • If the heart line is wavy, this indicates that you have had many lovers, but not many serious relationships.
  • If there are gaps in the line, you have had a broken heart at least once.
  • If there are little short lines that cross over the heart line, you have a hard time remaining faithful to your partner.

4. Now, look just below your heart line and find your head line.

  • If the line is short, you enjoy physical challenges over mental ones.
  • If it’s straight and extends all the way across the hand, you are a logical, straightforward thinker.
  • If the line is wavy or zigzags, you tend to flit from one thing to another, and have a hard time remaining focused.
  • If it curves downward toward the wrist, you are a creative, trusting person.
  • If the head line doesn’t touch your life line, you have an adventurous spirit.
  • If it has circles on it, you have experienced much emotional turmoil.
  • If the head line has multiple crosses, this indicates significant, life-altering decisions.

5. Now, it’s time to read your life line.

This is the vertical line closest to your thumb. Contrary to popular belief, it actually says nothing about how long you will live.

  • If the line is deep, you have great enthusiasm for life and long to reach your full potential.
  • If it’s shallow and faint, you don’t have an ambitious drive.
  • If it’s curved, you are a strong individual.
  • If the life line is straight, you take new relationships slowly.
  • If it’s broken, you’ve experienced an unexpected change in your life.
  • If it has circles, you have likely been seriously injured or hospitalized.
  • If you have multiple life lines, you have a lot of vibrancy and life about you.

6. Finally, look at your fate line.

This vertical line can be found in the middle of your palm.

  • If it is deep and straight, you have a very solid, promising career.
  • If it’s faint, you don’t like your job very much.
  • If it has lots of forks coming off it, you’ve had a very turbulent career.
  • If it starts from your life line but later splits off, you’ve been ambitious since a young age, and prefer an entrepreneurial approach to life.
  • If it joins with the life line in the middle, you may have or will later give up your interests and desires for the sake of others.
  • If the fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, your family and friends greatly support you.

Which Zodiac Sign Is Your Perfect Match?

While many skeptics out there dismiss the zodiac as “nonsense”, the study of astrology is actually backed by a growing number of scientific studies.

According to research published in Nature Neuroscience and performed at Vanderbilt University, the position of the planets at the time of one’s birth does have an impact on his or her personality. In this study, a person’s zodiac sign not only influenced their personality but also resulted in significant functional changes in the brain.

The position of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of our birth does have some influence over our personalities, and our innate nature also determines which zodiac sign we will have the most compatibility with. For the most part, Earth signs get along best with other Earth signs, Water signs with other Water signs, and so on and so forth.

So, which zodiac sign are you most compatible with?


People born under the Aquarius zodiac sign require lots of mental stimulation; otherwise, they get bored easily. They are highly independent, and need a good amount of alone time to recharge. They also are the humanitarian sign, and care deeply about helping others. Plus, they are forward thinking people, and are often seen as the sign of visionaries. They need someone who will challenge them intellectually, and offer good conversation. Further, they also need someone who will respect their space and honor their independent nature, as they will do the same for their partner. An Aquarius needs an imaginative, honest, communicative partner, above all else.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Gemini, Libra

Best Relationship Compatibility: Leo


Anyone born under the sun sign Pisces will have a high level of creativity and a gentle nature about them. They are greatly compassionate and intuitive and enjoy their alone time in order to bring their imagination to life. Despite Pisces’ introverted nature, this zodiac sign enjoys getting to know new people, and are fairly approachable, friendly folks. They are highly empathetic and emotional, and will give to others without expecting anything in return. In relationships, Pisces require a deep emotional connection, and will do anything to make sure their partner stays satisfied in all ways. They are very loyal and caring to their partners, and expect him or her to offer the same level of kindness and respect.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio

Best Relationship Compatibility: Virgo


The fiery Ram takes life by the horns, not afraid of the next obstacle or challenge they might face. They act first, and think over their choices later. Aries have a determined, confident, passionate nature, and put on a brave face in any situation. They require speed and competition regularly, and rarely stop to think anything over for too long. The Aries zodiac sign needs excitement and spontaneity in a relationship, and will not hesitate to shower his or her partner with love and affection. They need someone equally as passionate about life, with a headstrong attitude to boot.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius

Best Relationship Compatibility: Libra


Taurus are level-headed, dependable, practical people who don’t let a job go unfinished. They have a stubborn streak about them, but they are also good listeners. They are very overprotective of their loved ones, and can sometimes be possessive of them. The Taurus zodiac sign is very sensual and romantic in relationships and will remain faithful to you. A Taurus needs someone honest and trustworthy who will show patience with him or her and appreciate their hard-working, reliable nature. A Taurus doesn’t like to talk much, but they have a big heart, and need someone who will stand by them no matter what.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn

Best Relationship Compatibility: Scorpio


The Twins have been regarded as a very unpredictable, complicated sign, because you never know which side of their personality will come through at any given time. One one hand, this zodiac sign can be highly social, charismatic and bubbly, but sometimes they get lost in their own thoughts and can come across as very serious and unsociable. However, they have a big heart and a gentle nature, and can adapt quickly to any situation. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which represents the mind and communication, they need someone who can offer them great conversation, and who will stimulate and challenge them. They need excitement and passion in a relationship for it to work long-term.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Libra, Aquarius

Best Relationship Compatibility: Sagittarius


Cancerians can seem very complex and hard to get to know, but underneath their hard shell, they have a whole world living inside them. The Cancer zodiac sign has a very deep, emotional nature, but they also are some of the most creative, imaginative people you will ever meet. They have a motherly, loving energy about them, and care deeply for their friends and family. They are very loyal and require a partner who will not betray them and who will also be patient with them, as it takes Cancers a while to open up. Cancers need someone equally as deep and complex, and don’t do well with shallow or superficial partners.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces

Best Relationship Compatibility: Capricorn


Leos are natural-born leaders, and love to be in the spotlight. They are warm-hearted, amiable, cheerful, and passionate, and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. This is a straightforward zodiac sign, so you will never have to guess what they are thinking or feeling; they will just come right out and tell you. They need a partner with a high level of ambition, a good sense of humor, and an optimistic outlook on life.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius

Best Relationship Compatibility: Aquarius


Virgos have a very analytical, hard-working, practical nature. They scrutinize things to the smallest detail, and have a very methodical approach to life. This zodiac sign can sometimes think too much, however, mulling over things over and over again in order to solve a problem. They are very loyal in a relationship and need someone who will be the same way. They are dedicated to their partner and need to feel important and wanted by their lover. Virgos don’t show affection and emotions very much, but care for their partner deeply nonetheless. They need someone with a level-headed, practical approach to life.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn

Best Relationship Compatibility: Pisces


Libras have a very cooperative, peaceful approach to life and hate being alone. They enjoy a good discussion and interesting people. Additonally, they are fascinated with the arts and anything beautiful. The Libra zodiac sign needs balance and symmetry in their lives in order to feel their best. They also hate inequality and injustice and will stand up for anyone who has been discriminated against. They need a partner with an easygoing manner who also enjoys peace and harmony in life.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius

Best Relationship Compatibility: Aries


Scorpios have a calm and collected behavior, and are great at keeping secrets. This zodiac sign makes a wonderful friend because they are very trustworthy people. They have a mysterious nature about them and don’t usually express their emotions. Scorpios are resourceful, passionate, and have a high level of creativity. They are very sensual people, but need a partner who will be patient with them, as they need time to trust their partner. Scorpios also need someone intelligent and honest who won’t keep secrets from them.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Cancer, Pisces

Best Relationship Compatibility: Taurus


Sagittarians need freedom and the outdoors, and they don’t do well with being told what to do. They are curious about life and have an extroverted nature. They enjoy traveling a lot because they need constant movement in their search for the meaning of life. These folks are highly philosophical, yet express themselves very well. The Sagittarius zodiac sign is playful and funny, so they need someone who is open and lighthearted as well. They need a sensitive, expressive, adventurous partner.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aries, Leo

Best Relationship Compatibility: Gemini


Capricorns are the most hard-working, dedicated zodiac sign. They are very serious, disciplined people, and have a strong work ethic that enables them to do very well in their career. They are highly independent and stubborn and will not let others tell them what to do. Capricorns sometimes can boss people around and impose their ideas on them if they aren’t careful. However, they are very loyal, generous people underneath their tough exterior. They need an honest, sensitive partner who can balance out their headstrong attitude.

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Virgo

Best Relationship Compatibility: Cancer

Which zodiac sign are you most compatible with? Comment and SHARE with everyone you know!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Things You Do That Damage Your Brain

Our brain: the original computer and the most complicated organ in the body. It’s the boss of all that we have going on, with over eighty billion neurons firing to keep things running. It’s important that we take proper care of command central to ensure a long life of good health and mental well-being.

Here are eight things we do that damage our brains:


1. We do not eat breakfast.

Many people either skip breakfast or eat sugary, nutrient-lacking foods that spike their insulin, leaving them feeling lethargic and unmotivated to do much of anything. Go for whole, fresh, ripe fruits and veggies or starches to give your body the energy it craves.

When you wake up each morning, make sure you have a nutritious breakfast of something like a fruity smoothie, oatmeal, whole fruits, or maybe a green juice. Having the essential vitamins and minerals in your bloodstream will give you the energy to tackle everything in your day, and will help keep your blood sugar under control.

2. We avoid exercise.

We are all aware of the benefits of exercise to our body and our health. Think of the brain as you would any muscle in the body. If the body sits still for too long, the muscles get stiff and sore. This fact is true for the brain as well. The longer we avoid exercise, the longer it takes to get back into shape. Our brain benefits from both physical and mental exercises. Get the blood flowing through exercise and then challenge your brain at least once a day. Read something, watch a documentary, or have a stimulating conversation. Let’s become curious to learn new things and exercise our brain in the process.

3. We overload our brain with information.

Information is everywhere. It’s on our phones, on the radio, on our computers, and even on our wrists. We can’t help but read, watch and listen ourselves into a state of information overload. The problem isn’t the information itself; it’s the fact that our brain can only hold small amounts of information in our short-term memory. Knowing that, every time we read an article, we have to lose another piece of information to make room for it. And when we are losing the important information to make room for “news,” we are doing our work and our families a disservice. Our goal should be to disconnect and value the right kind of information so as to not tax our overloaded brains.

4. We multitask.

Along the lines of information overload, multitasking taxes our brain into a fatigued state, making it virtually impossible to be productive. In many work situations, it is a sign of achievement to see how many balls we can keep up in the air at the same time. It is becoming common knowledge that multi-tasking does not lead to better or more work. Give your brain a break and do better work by single-tasking your way to the top.

5. We smoke.

The fact that smoking is bad for you should not come as a surprise. Anything that reduces the supply of oxygen to the body is bad for our brains. Smoking doesn’t just affect the brain and the lungs; it affects other parts of the body that keep our brain healthy. including the carotid artery that supplies blood and oxygen to the brain.

6. We don’t drink enough water.

When it comes to water, unfortunately, a shocking 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration, according to a report by CBS.

Seeing as approximately 60% of our bodies, 75% of our muscles, and 85% of our brains are composed of water, dehydration should not be taken lightly. Dehydration can affect many different functions and parts of the body, leaving you feeling lethargic, sick, and simply exhausted.

Experts say that people don’t need to necessarily drink eight glasses of water per day, but at least half an ounce to an ounce for each pound you weigh, according to an article on WebMD.

Exercise and the climate where you live also come into play when calculating how much water you need to drink per day. If you live in a very hot climate and exercise outdoors frequently, you’d need more than the recommended amount. If you live in a cooler climate and are mostly sedentary, your water intake would fall on the lower end of the range.

7. We aren’t happy.

Sadly, negativity affects the brain. When the brain is happy, it releases endorphins, the same way it does when we exercise. These are our natural stress and pain relieving hormones. They make us feel good about ourselves and, in turn, create more happiness. Do something every day for pure joy. When we foster our playful and creative self, we are feeding our brain what it needs to help us through more difficult times.

8. We fail to get a good night’s sleep.

When we sleep, several important functions are taking place. Our bodies are not only resting, but they are repairing themselves too. There is muscle repair going on, memory consolidation, and there is a release of various hormones relating to growth, appetite and other important activities. When we awaken after a good night’s sleep, we feel relaxed and refreshed, ready to face the day and all it brings. Get a poor night’s sleep and the difference is obvious as we struggle to make decisions and stay alert.

7 Things To Never Do When Tired

Ideally, we spend our days with a plethora of energy to get what needs to be done. More often, though, we end up with insufficient sleep; we skimp on breakfast because we’re late, and we experience an afternoon tired slump that affects our productivity.

We want to do it all, but sometimes we just don’t have enough energy to sustain us through our daily tasks. And when our energy fades, it’s not unusual to make less-than-ideal choices, have ill-timed conversations, or push through our to-do list when it might be better to allow things to carry over.

Here are seven things we should never do when we’re tired:


Give Into Temptation

It can be hard to resist the temptation at the best of times. But at times of low energy, our susceptibility to temptation increases. Our willpower is lower when we are tired than our decision-making powers. When tired, we are more likely to play hooky, give in to spur-of-the-moment purchases and make poor nutrition choices. Avoid giving in to temptation and stay the course until your energy is restored.

Make Important Decisions

The most important decisions require a clear head, which happens when we are well-rested. When we’re tired – we are impatient. We prefer to move on quickly to the next thing, giving us a sense that time is passing by faster than it is. This is not quite what they call ‘decision fatigue,’ it is more like ‘fatigued decisions.’ When we’re tired, our defenses are down, our brain power is lower, and our ability to consider important aspects or details is obviously also lower.

Conduct Business Meetings

When we enter a business meeting, we must be on our A-game. Business meetings can be unpredictable, and it’s important that we can think quickly and logically to protect our interests. We must be ready to think on our feet; we can’t do that when our energy is low.


Drinking isn’t the only dangerous habit when it comes to driving a car. According to America’s National Transport Safety Board, 100,000 crashes yearly involve drowsy driving and result in 1,500 deaths. At sixty miles per hour, a car travels 88 feet in just one second. That means that in just four seconds asleep at the wheel. The car will travel the length of a football field.


What goes up must come down. Sugary snacks, drinks, caffeine, and other junk foods give us an immediate but temporary boost. Unfortunately, these are the types of food we often reach for when we are tired and looking for a quick burst of energy. We get an almighty sugar stream to the cells, which feels good. It’s a short burst of energy, though, with nothing to back it up and keep it going. As soon as that sugar has been exhausted, and there’s nothing to replace it, the inevitable crash will happen. And we usually end up worse than we were before.

And it’s not just sugar, either. Alcoholic beverages and some foods can also give us a short-term energy lift, leaving us crashing when we need the most energy. It is wise to avoid vending machines when we’re tired and hungry. Indeed, hydration and proper nourishment with whole foods are essential for a healthy life.

Have Important Conversations

Having meaningful conversations when we lack energy has a much greater chance of not ending well. Most conversations should be put off at work or home until we are in a better place mentally. It’s hard to engage in a relevant and purposeful conversation when we are tired. Anything less than coming into a conversation well-prepared and ready to support our argument with facts can lead to less-than-desired results.


Stressful Situations

Our day is often made up of various situations, some of which are more likely to increase stress levels if not dealt with appropriately. When we lack energy and patience, dealing with those situations can go awry. We may end up saying something we’ll regret later, or we may agree to take on something at work or in life that doesn’t fit our schedule or plans.

The best thing we can do for sustainable energy is to get a good night’s sleep and even squeeze in an occasional nap when we’re able. Eating well, drinking plenty of water, and spending a few minutes outside in the sun can go a long way to maintaining energy levels.

8 Things To Remember When You Feel Broken Inside

This life certainly likes to push us to our limits. At times, you might feel broken inside. It all seems like too much and we fall into a black abyss of despair and hopelessness.

Feeling broken doesn’t mean that you should just give up entirely, however; it just means you need to take a step back and let those feelings come to the surface.

We all feel broken from time to time, because life can seem heartbreaking and terrifying when we go through certain experiences. These life lessons only make us stronger and more capable of dealing with life, though, so use your brokenness as a gift that will help you grow as a person.

Here are 8 things to remember when you feel broken:


1. Remember that cracks allow light to come in.

If you didn’t become broken occasionally, there would be no place for the light to enter your soul. Basically, it takes awful, heart-wrenching experiences for us to see all the good in the world sometimes, and for us to go through a transformation of the soul. If we just had positive, uplifting experiences all the time, we would have no room to grow and no life experiences that would challenge us to become more resilient, powerful people.

You can’t expect life to grant you an easy ride; if it did, you would miss out on life-changing experiences that would break you open, tear you apart, and rebuild you into a better version of yourself. Many parts of ourselves open up when we feel broken, so remember this any time you feel exhausted and utterly shattered by life.

2. Remember to accept and honor your feelings; don’t fight them.

Don’t feel bad for having negative or heavy emotions; if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be human. Certain experiences warrant a strong reaction from us, and sometimes that means crying, screaming, falling to our knees, and just accepting the waves of emotion that come over us. Keeping all of this balled up inside will only backfire in the end, so don’t ever keep your feelings hidden for fear of other people’s reactions. Fighting off your feelings will only delay the breakdown, and you’ll walk around feeling the world’s weight on your shoulders. You must walk bravely into the place within you that harbors these deep emotions, so you can begin to work through them and figure out what they want you to take from all you’ve been through.

3. Keep remembering your “why.”

During hardships, we often forget what we even want from life in the first place. We all came here to love with all of our hearts, and increase the vibration of this planet in unison. When you feel broken, you can easily overlook or forget your mission here on Earth, but going through hard times actually gives your purpose more depth. If you didn’t go through unpleasant experiences, you wouldn’t be able to relate to so many other people on this planet who go through hard times almost every day. Keep your “why” in mind, and reflect on how the negative situations you’ve encountered allow you to have a more well-rounded perspective and better serve your purpose on Earth.

4. Remember everything that exists beyond your brokenness.

Just because you feel broken, does not mean the whole world shares your perspective. It does not mean the entire planet must go down in flames because of one bad day or experience you had, so remember to broaden your perspective next time you go through bad times. Think of the fact that you still get to breathe fresh air, see the clouds float by on a sunny day, feel the wind on your skin, smile at a stranger..think of all these beautiful little things you can still do even though you feel broken. Remember all of the good things happening on the planet despite your temporary slump, and the whole world won’t look like such a dark place anymore.

5. Remember the friends and family that are there for support.

When you feel down and out about life, your friends and family will comfort you and be your rock when you need them. Don’t hesitate to ask them for help, because we all need some assistance when we go through a rough patch in life. If you feel like a burden on them, just remember all the times you were there for them; the people who care about you would gladly do the same for you.

6. Remember to focus on the things that bring you joy.

So often when we feel broken, we focus entirely on our despair and forget about the things that bring us happiness. Go out and get some sunshine, plant some flowers, ride your bike, catch up with friends over coffee, or do anything on this Earth that makes your heart light up with joy. Just because you feel broken, doesn’t mean you have to spend every waking minute of your life mulling over your feelings and wallowing in a sea of turmoil.

7. Don’t identify so much with your feelings.

Remember that you don’t really own your feelings or thoughts; they just come and go as they please, and you get to watch them appear, even if you didn’t invite them in. Think about this: you consciously invite friends and family to your house, but you don’t knock on the doors of your emotions and invite them to your brain. It just doesn’t work that way, so remember, you don’t have to identify with your feelings. You are SO much more than your temporary emotions, so don’t let them control you.


8. Remember that life is a series of ups and downs, and this is only temporary.

Like your emotions, this whole ride we have been thrown onto since birth only exists briefly. We take it so seriously, yet overlook that we don’t get to spend forever in this existence. Enjoy it while it lasts; yes, even the hardships and despair because when you look back on your life, you will thank your brokenness just as much as your happiness for all it taught you on your journey.

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