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24 Ways To Find More Hours In A Day

Our lives are busy, and overscheduled and there is never enough time in the day to get what we need done, done. So many of us struggle with two or more jobs, running kids from one activity to another, and just trying to fit it all in. Wouldn’t it be nice to find some extra time?

Since adding hours to the day won’t happen anytime soon, it’s time to try some strategies to get our time back.

24 Ways to Find More Hours In A Day


1. Say no more often.

Finding more time might come down to saying no to things that don’t lend value. It’s up to us to stop the automatic yes and start being more protective of our schedule.

2. Identify time wasters.

In a day where binge-watching entire seasons of television shows is a thing, identifying time wasters can add many hours to a day. In addition to TV, look at the internet, social media, and game habits.

3. Find the priorities of each day.

Knowing our priorities makes it easy to identify and eliminate those activities that aren’t.

4. Pad the schedule.

It’s easy to fill a daily schedule with work activities, household chores, and errands. A full schedule doesn’t allow for unexpected challenges without disrupting the day. Padding the time needed for each event allows the unexpected to happen and keeps everything running smoothly.

5. Combine and consolidate.

Evaluate your weekly schedule and find places to combine and consolidate your to-do list. Instead of running errands throughout the week, take an afternoon and do it all at once. Or, instead of tackling emails as they arrive, set a time to answer them in batches. Consolidate and become more efficient while saving time.

6. Eliminate or shorten meeting times.

While not possible for everyone, minimizing meeting times or, at the very least, making them more efficient will add valuable time to the day.

7. Change your routine.

Habits keep us going most of the time, but it’s possible to grow out of a routine. Create a more efficient one.

8. Phone more.

Email and texting have become the norm for communication, but so much gets lost in translation. A 2-minute phone conversation is more efficient than a chain of ten emails trying to clarify a problem.

9. Use email more efficiently.

If email is necessary, use it wisely. Send it only to the people that need it, and keep one thought per email. It will help keep things clear and concise.

10. Shorten your to-do list.

Sometimes our to-do lists are so long it’s impossible to complete. And in trying to complete them, we focus more on crossing things off. Which means we can overlook the most important items. Try making a to-do list of the three biggest priorities for the day.

11. Start big.

Tackle the biggest task first. We often procrastinate our time away, trying to avoid things that will take a lot of time or are more difficult. By crossing them off the to-do list first, our day will be easier as we go, and as a bonus, we’ll feel more accomplished

12. Delegate or outsource.

For some reason, we get it into our minds that we must do everything ourselves. The reality is, we should be spending time on the things we enjoy and that are in our area of expertise. Delegate or outsource everything else when possible.

13. Disconnect.

Simply disconnecting every day will give us time back. It’s addicting and a huge time drain when we are connected to our computers, phones, tablets and other devices all day long. Disconnect and bring some quiet and calm back to the day.

14. Shut the door.

Eliminate distractions by shutting the door and focusing on the task at hand. It takes much longer to complete a task when we are constantly being interrupted by visitors, the phone, email notifications, and open browser tabs. Close them all down and do the work.

15. Keep a clean workspace.

Spending time finding a file and locating notes make it hard to be efficient. Create a place for everything and put everything in its place.

16. Reclaim bridge time.

Bridge time is the time spent between appointments. It’s too little to start something new, and too much to just let it pass. Use this time to return calls, emails,  manage files, or shred. This is a great time to do some small tasks that never seem to get done.

17. Get proper sleep.

It’s hard to be efficient and productive when we are tired and lack focus. Getting the proper rest will allow us to work smarter, giving us back lost time.

18. Become a morning person.

Morning hours are the most productive, provided we heed the number 17 above. Becoming a morning person allows us to get more done earlier in the day, giving us a more leisurely and less hectic afternoon and evening when fatigue usually sets in.

19. Handle things once.

Take instant action on tasks that take less than two minutes. Things like opening mail, paperwork, email, and voicemail. Read, answer, delete, and file. It’s surprising how much time will be added back into the day when you aren’t visiting something more than once.

20. Remember the value of your time.

Time is something you can never get back – once it’s gone, it’s gone. Imagine that 1 dollar goes into your pocket for every minute that passes.  That’s 1,440 dollars per day. Would you want to miss, or waste the opportunity for any of these resources that could be used?  Think of your time in this fashion and you’re guaranteed to value it more.

21. Repeat Affirmations

Some people say that things are “more easier said than done”.  We truly believe that when things are more often said, they become done much easier. You will surely find “free time” coming out of the woodwork when you repeat positive affirmations and put a positive association with time.  Try repeating these affirmations daily:

I make the best of my time because it is truly valuable!

I am efficient. Time is on MY side!

Every precious second of my time is dedicated to thinking, feeling and doing my best!

I can accomplish all of my daily tasks. I am prosperous in time!

22. Remember that no matter what time it is, it is always NOW.

No matter what time it is, how much time you have left, or how much time there is to go, it is always happening NOW.  You can’t go back, and you can’t leap forward – the time you have is always the present moment.  When you learn to live in a present presence, you’ll quickly see that you can only manage this very moment. Digest this knowledge, and you’ll see a laser sharp focus come into view.

23. Stop multitasking

Physiologically, the human brain is not designed to process more than one thing simultaneously. Actually, to be more specific, the human brain is incapable of effectively handling more than one task. What is taking place is the “switching” of one task to another. In other words, there is no “multi” anything going on. This switching from one task to another is harmful to the brain’s natural makeup.

24. Remember that you have as much time as anyone else.

What do Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, and every other epic person who ever lived all have in common?  They all had the same amount of time to get things done.  Realizing that you’ve got the same amount of time as the people who get the biggest and most things done will help put into perspective that everyone has the same 24 hours, they use their time well.

7 Quotes To Remember When You’re Surrounded By Negativity

Negative things happen. It’s part of life, no matter how many quotes we read or how positive we strive to become. Tough times strengthen us and wake us up to the things we weren’t paying attention to. When we allow things to stack up and then add negative people to the mix, this is how we become surrounded by negativity.

Here we feel completely overwhelmed, lost, tired and defeated. Positive quotes annoy us and we stop caring about the things we once loved because we feel like we are constantly putting out fires.

It can be hard to get out of such an emotional roller coaster. Especially when we are surrounded by negative, critical, judgemental people.

We often hear quotes saying, “stop caring about what other people think.” Well, most people agree that’s a lot easier said than done. Quotes can be good, but how do we put it into action?

We are here to help. In fact, we want to inspire you with quotes, yes, but also help you switch that belief system. There’s power in knowing that your thoughts can change your situation. When your thoughts, attitudes and actions are in positive alignment, negativity dissolves.

It starts with keeping positive, support relationships around you. It’s tough to get out of negative situations if you have a daily negative critic in your life – yourself included. It’s easy to be a critic.

We are usually surrounded by negativity, or at least feel like we are, when we are living living for others.  How do we break free and stop becoming surrounded by negativity? These quotes will help!

7 Quotes To Remember When You’re Surrounded By Negativity

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1. Not everyone will understand you.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”— Albert Einstein

2. Don’t change for others.

“If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that… I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it.”  John Lennon

3. Dream big…really big.

“So many people along the way, whatever it is you aspire to do, will tell you it can’t be done. But it all it takes is imagination. You dream. You plan. You reach.”- Michael Phelps

4. People will disagree with you.

“Don’t waste your energy trying to educate or change opinions; go over, under, through, and opinions will change organically when you’re the boss. Or they won’t. Who cares? Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it.” – Tina Fey

5. Sometimes you are alone, but you don’t have to feel lonely.

“Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” – Cynthia Kersey

6. You are perfect just the way you are.

“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”  -Marianne Williamson

7. And when all else fails, remember this quote…

Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully. -Kristen Butler

negative thinker

Final Thoughts

Let’s face it, we can’t please everyone. It’s an impossible task to live up to the expectations of someone who will end up judging us regardless of what we do.

It’s up to us to start standing up for what we believe in – our own happiness. It’s time we change our focus to the people that matter in our lives and surround ourselves with positive people. When we focus on the people we love and who love us, the other stuff seems to fade into the background. Positivity become part of our every day. We attract more positive people and situations. Negative things happen, but it doesn’t surround us anymore.

Walk, talk, associate yourself with people who are positive. In case you find yourself among people having a negative conversation, remain neutral, or you can refuse to participate in the discussion. Be around like minded individuals who are smart and driven.

Have friends who are proud of what you are doing, respect and love you, and make your day brighter than it already is.

No matter what, remember this: True success comes when we know we are being judged and then realize we don’t care. When that happens, we know we are living our best life.

Let’s switch that old adage around. If negativity is surrounding you, it’s easier done when repeatedly said with positive affirmations and quotes. 😉 Let us know in the comments which # is your favorite!

10 Signs You’re A Lost Soul

In this crazy life, we all go through periods where we feel lost, hopeless, and simply at our wit’s end. However, truly lost souls go through more intense periods of disassociation and confusion than the rest of us, and sometimes, they feel like their true path in life has evaded them. Lost souls genuinely have so much potential to uplift the planet’s energy, but they have to cut through all the pain and false beliefs to find themselves again.

If you are a lost soul, you might look around the world and not understand your place here. You might feel like you can’t connect with others and wander around aimlessly, searching for the answers you desperately seek. Lost souls are pretty prevalent in this lifetime, as we all have to learn how to navigate the mysteries of life and figure things out on our own.

Here are ten signs you may be a lost soul:

emotional immaturity

1. You feel disconnected from others.

Lost souls feel like it’s them against the world and feel very threatened by other people. They don’t have much desire to connect with anyone else and put their walls up anytime someone tries to get too close. They live through their ego, so they cannot offer themselves unconditional love and, therefore, can’t give it to others either. You feel you walk this world alone and have little to no faith that anyone will understand you. Lost souls take longer to find their true selves than others, so if you feel this way most of the time, don’t become discouraged.

Go within more, and all the answers will come to you quickly.

2. You fall back into bad habits repeatedly.

Since lost souls feel they have no purpose here on this planet, they use their time to engage in bad habits to take their minds off reality for a while. You might find yourself running back to drugs, alcohol, sour foods, or other harmful substances to mask the pain of isolation and confusion you feel, but this will only put a bandage over the real problem. Lost souls don’t feel like they even belong on this planet, so they do everything to forget about their existence here. However, it would be best if you used all that energy on something more productive and helpful to you, such as creative outlets like drawing or writing. Using toxic substances will only block your energy further and backfire.

3. You feel you have nowhere left to turn.

Lost souls have searched themselves and this planet far and wide for answers but still feel stuck in life. They don’t have the motivation to continue looking and feel any further attempts are futile. Lost souls can easily get sucked back into negative thinking patterns and would rather stay put in this state of misery than work on creating more positive habits. Lost souls hold onto their pain dearly because they fear what would happen if they let it go. They feel they would be nothing without their past, so they cannot venture into the future.

However, a lost soul must understand that to thrive on this planet. They must reopen their wounds and truly let them heal this time. Masking the pain will only perpetuate feelings of emptiness and hopelessness, so you must put on a brave face and look your ego in the eye. Tell it that it no longer can hold the reigns because it doesn’t serve your best interest. The ego thrives on weakness, so if you stand up to it, it knows that you’re the boss. Lost souls give into their egos far too quickly, but you block out true love by doing so. You put up a wall that says, “Love isn’t welcome here.” And without passion, not much can be accomplished, including allowing your highest self to run free at last.

4. You’re Living in the Past or the Future.

If you’re a lost soul, you avoid the present moment because you don’t feel content within yourself. You may associate yourself with the past or future to dodge the pain of daily life. After all, you probably have fond memories of your past and enjoy reminiscing about them. It’s also fun to imagine the future and all of the possibilities it may hold for your life. Those who have trouble finding themselves may identify with the past because it comforts them in a confusing, uncertain world.

5. You Don’t Know Who You Are.

Feeling astray in life can make you question everything, including your own identity. Those who feel confused or disoriented don’t know what they stand for or where they belong and can easily fall into despair. It’s painful to feel alone in this world despite billions of people inhabiting the planet with you. However, a lost soul they’re pretty used to the feeling and may find it easier to accept a lack of identity than contemplate their place in life.

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6. You Feel Stuck in Life.

If you’re a lost soul, you may have no idea what direction to turn or how to steer your life. Perhaps you’ve been working in the same job for years now and suddenly feel disenchanted with it all. However, when you think about other options, your intuition doesn’t call toward anything. You may feel trapped or stagnant as you try to think of what to do next.

Just know that this feeling creeps upon us all at some point, and you’re not alone. If you feel stuck, your soul needs a new path to learn a different lesson or gain a new perspective. Life isn’t a linear process; it’s full of twists, turns, and curveballs, but it makes it exciting! Sit back, enjoy the ride, and allow your inner voice to guide your path.

7. A Lost Soul May Disconnect From Their Intuition.

Our intuition acts like an internal GPS, guiding us through life and helping inform our decisions. Studies show that intuition plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, increasing our confidence and accuracy. Feeling lost means you’re out of touch with this higher guidance and somehow need to reconnect with it.

Several ways to tune into your inner world include meditation, yoga, and other body-mind awareness exercises. Allowing yourself to become the observer behind your thoughts and feelings will teach you to trust this intuitive voice more often. Our intuition comes from the heart, but we have learned to rely on only logic and reason in our modern world.

However, this narrow-minded approach can only take us so far. Perhaps if we learned to live more through the heart, our world would seem softer and more compassionate.

By reconnecting to your higher self, you will remember your connection to all life, not just the little self staring at you in the mirror. We’re all connected, but we have forgotten our sacred roots. If you feel lost in life, try thinking about how you can extend a helping hand to others, as this will strengthen your intuition. It will also take your mind off your problems and give you a purpose in uplifting others.

8. You Practice Negative Self-Talk.

If you feel lost in life, you may talk down on yourself often, telling yourself you’ll never find a way out. In this state of hopelessness, it isn’t easy to credit yourself for all the positives in your life, such as your career, family, or home. This negative self-talk will only cause a downward spiral as you can’t see the silver lining in the dark clouds. There’s always something to feel grateful for or happy about, but you may take it for granted when you’re hurting emotionally.

So, make sure to practice positive affirmations or meditate regularly, as these have been shown to increase wellbeing and satisfaction. Please don’t give in to the demons in your mind because they don’t paint an accurate picture of your life. Plus, being lost isn’t all bad, because it gives you a chance to find yourself again.

9. You Engage in Unhealthy Habits.

If you’re a lost soul, you may attempt to drown your feelings in alcohol, drugs, food, or other addiction. However, this will only temporarily mask the pain in your heart; once you come down from the high, it will all start flooding back. It’s natural to search for happiness in external things, but you will always need more of it to feel satisfied. If you want everlasting contentment, you will have to search within and block out the phenomenal world for a while.

10. You Don’t Have Any Goals.

People who feel confused about their life path may not have any goals since they’re unsure what steps to take. They may have a few interests but don’t know how to turn this into a career or side business. Some may not have any desires and prefer to wander through life with no direction.

If you’re a lost soul, people have probably told you that you have no ambition or drive in life. It’s painful to hear this, especially when they can’t relate to your feelings. Remember that it’s okay to take time for yourself when you feel this way – the world can wait while you recharge.

lost soul

Final Thoughts on Recognizing You Might Be a Lost Soul

While the journey into one’s soul isn’t the easiest or most comfortable thing in the world, you must take the ride to unearth your authentic self hiding behind the mask. Lost souls need to be reminded that the persona they’ve shown the world isn’t them; it’s just their hurt ego putting on a show.

Lost souls, remember that you get to decide how you will feel at any moment, and you can choose to reinvent yourself starting today. You don’t have to give in to feelings of despair because you have more power than you could ever know. Realize your inner strength, and the whole world will start to look like a brighter, more inviting place.

5 Reasons To Stop Chasing Perfection

Perfectionism on the surface seems like it would be a good thing. What if we want to do and present our best work to the world? That’s a good thing, right?

Well, what if that same sense of perfectionism causes you to turn in your “perfect” work late, or you missed your child’s play while creating this work? That’s a bad thing, right?

The question then becomes, “Is perfectionism good, or bad?” The answer is, it can be both. The difference between “good” and “bad” perfectionism is how well we can manage our daily life. If the need for perfect work comes with the sacrifice of other work, or more importantly, the people in our lives, then learning how to handle perfectionism should be a priority.

On the other hand, if the fear of failure drives a perfectionist to be more methodical in their work to alleviate stress, make clear goals, and recognize when enough’s enough, then it can be considered a good thing.

It is not unusual for perfectionism to rob us of a significant amount of time doing things we love with the people we love. Even when a perfectionist is present in body, they are rarely present in mind. They exist in a state of tunnel vision and are not allowing themselves to recognize all that they have to be grateful for and offer outside of their work.

Chasing perfectionism isn’t allowing us to live our best lives. The goal of achieving the perfect vision limits our ability to see the possibility in everything around us.

“Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.” ~ Brené Brown

5 Reasons to Stop Chasing Perfection

1. Perfection Promotes Procrastination

Perfectionists will often procrastinate while trying to find the “perfect” solution to the task at hand. Before they know it, the deadline is fast approaching. Overthinking the problem usually ends up with an over-complicated plan of attack that can derail the best of intentions.

2. Perfection Creates a False Sense of Awareness

Perfectionists are so focused on the thing that’s in their sight that they don’t see what’s happening around them. When someone puts their entire focus on one thing, it can provide a false sense of awareness that will prevent them from achieving their idea of perfection.

3. Perfection Prohibits Personal Growth

Perfectionists live their life establishing habits that support a daily routine. And while a routine is good, routines that are so rigid that flexibility is discouraged will end up preventing new experiences and opportunities.

A perfectionist thinks they know what they need and aren’t open to new ways of doing things. Being open to new ideas, new habits, and new options is what allows us to grow and evolve into the people we are capable of being.

4. Perfection Lowers Productivity

The excessive attention spent on the tiniest of details can lower productivity levels and result in doing less work. On the surface, this doesn’t sound all that bad, but most businesses base their operating costs on productivity numbers. The lower the productivity, the worse it is for business. Besides being bad for business, perfectionism can also lead to becoming a workaholic and can even prevent forward motion and personal growth.

5. Perfection Can Impact Your Health

Studies show that perfectionism can be bad for your health. It can lead to earlier mortality even after controlling other health risk factors. It’s not surprising that there is a link between perfectionism and serious illness.

The mere definition of perfection can increase stress levels while leading to poor nutrition, lack of exercise and loss of sleep all in the quest of “perfect.” Consistently operating under these conditions will compromise the body’s immune system, making it much more susceptible to illness.

Being a perfectionist might seem like a good choice, but knowledge is power, and the knowledge points to perfectionism doing more harm than good.

It’s one thing for a perfectionist to push themselves to be the best they can be. It’s entirely another matter for them to push themselves at the expense of their health, relationships, and personal growth.

Remember, “perfect” doesn’t truly exist, and instead, we should strive for appreciating our lives and celebrating all the good in them. To move away from the perfectionist tendency is to adopt the mindset of doing the best we can with the information we have.

It’s important to stop chasing the “bad” kind of perfection and harness the good kind in a way that helps us to create a more mindful existence that celebrates both the perfect and the imperfect.

5 Signs You’re Dealing With An Energy Vampire

An energy vampire, or psychic vampire, literally feeds off the energies of those around them, attaching to a host and attempting to suck the person dry. Energy vampires literally cannot survive without feeding off the energy of others, so they do exactly that.

They may not mean to act this way, but they have relied on other’s energies for so long that they know no other way of living. An energy vampire represents someone who feels vulnerable and lost and doesn’t think they can survive on their own.

They also may not feel motivated enough to increase their own vibration, so they take to lowering the energies of those around them in order to boost their frequency. Sometimes, an energy vampire can conceal their ulterior motives quite well, but in general, they stand out like a sore thumb.

Here are 5 ways to spot an energy vampire:

Do you see these signs in someone you know?

According to Psychology Today, you have three ways to combat an energy vampire:

  1. Know the signs. Identify this negative person quickly and decisively.
  2. Avoid people you identify who deplete you of positivity.
  3. Refuse to be drawn into their negativity and drama.

This article focuses on step one, and you will learn how to spot people who cause mental and spiritual exhaustion.

energy vampires1. They always want someone to show them pity.

Energy vampires thrive off of attention, but they go about getting it in the wrong ways. They want other people to feel sorry for them, so they constantly give off a “poor me” vibe to get people to notice them. They likely haven’t had good relationships in the past, and so go to other people in order to get the attention they seek. Whether they just had a bad break-up, lost their job, or got in an argument with a family member, it always seems like they have some new sob story to share with you.

You can’t always trust them, though, because they simply don’t know how to discern between reality and the stories in their head anymore. They need to invent new methods of getting people to feel sorry for them constantly, because this energy transfers to them, which raises their own vibration. Watch out for people who always complain, because this is a clear sign of an energy vampire.

2. They look lethargic most of the time.

Despite sucking the energy out of people constantly, they never seem to have any. This makes sense, because the energy comes from an outside source, not from within. So, they continue to keep up their charade, even if it doesn’t seem to work any longer.

An energy vampire will likely have withdrawn, pale features, and simply exude a very off-putting, tired vibe. They lack motivation also. So whenever they need to get something done, you can rest assured they will run to you in order to get some inspiration, or even ask you to do the task for them.

3. An energy vampire doesn’t smile very often.

Energy vampires don’t feel happy most of the time, so they rarely smile. They can’t ever seem to create happiness within themselves and only smile when they have stolen energy from other people. They walk around this world aimlessly, feeling lost and threatened by everyone and everything.

That reaction happens when they don’t have any hope left to fix themselves, so they’ve taken to joining the dark side. An energy vampire hides behind their mask, hoping no one will notice. However, if someone seems unhappy a majority of the time, you can bet that you have an energy vampire on your hands.

4. They usually don’t have a lot of friends.

Energy vampires lead a very lonely life because no one would want to hang out with a person who chooses to live in such misery. An energy vampire wants to connect with people, but don’t remember how to genuinely do so without depleting people of their own life force. If you see someone who spends a lot of time alone, and also seems tired and unhappy most of the time, this is a clear sign of an energy vampire.

zig ziglar5. Energy vampires put others down quite frequently.

They don’t know how to operate without cutting someone else down, and never seem to have anything nice to say to someone else. If they do, they just want to pull people into their trap and make them feel safe and protected, when they really just want to give them a false sense of security in order to steal their energy.

An energy vampire might give someone a really nasty remark, only to say later that they were “just kidding.” This type of person wants to engage with people but doesn’t really know how. They only know how to trick other people into becoming their friends, just so they can serve their own interests.

What Color Is Your Aura?

An aura is an emanation of energy surrounding one’s body, and it varies throughout time depending on experiences and circumstances of each individual.

In short, it’s basically one’s essence, and can supposedly be captured using something called Kirlian photography, or electrophotography. While many people regard the study of auras as pseudo-scientific and unsubstantiated, it’s still a very popular activity nonetheless, and can help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses in your own energy field.

So, what color is your aura, and what does it mean?



The main traits of those with a predominantly yellow aura are intelligence, logic, and a quick wit. They think with their heads, not their hearts, and can quickly put their emotions aside to deal with problems that arise. They can sometimes work themselves too hard, however, as they are high achievers who thrive on reaching their goals. People with a yellow aura love to spend time alone, though they don’t feel lonely. They don’t have many friends because they choose them wisely, but they love and adore their close circle of companions dearly. People with a yellow aura crave highly intelligent conversations; they don’t do well with small talk. The main weakness of these people, however, is that they can sometimes be too judgmental of themselves and others.


As you might have guessed, people with a red aura have a fiery, feisty nature, and cannot be tamed easily. They love freedom, adventure, and excitement, and get bored quickly. People with a red aura have a high level of confidence in all areas of life, and don’t normally suffer from mental or physical illnesses. They love sports and doing anything active, and have a highly competitive nature. Additionally, they are natural born leaders, and don’t like people telling them what to do. They are open, honest people, and won’t hide anything from you. They get straight to the point. The only downside to people with a red aura is that their need to rise to the top may burn some bridges on their path.


People with a pink aura have generous, sweet, approachable energy. They give love freely, and tend to be hopeless romantics. They also are empathetic, with an uncanny psychic ability and creative talents. People with this color aura are idealists, which makes it hard for them to see the world as it is. They want to change it somehow, and feel like it’s their mission in life to do so. Just like people with red auras, people with pink auras are very honest, and give everyone a fair chance. However, they need to learn to stand up for themselves, because people tend to walk all over them due to their gentle nature.aura


If you have a green aura, then you have an unwavering love for the outdoors, and consider yourself a true nature lover. You also probably have a high level of health consciousness, and put only the most nutritious foods into your body. Likely, you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, and don’t sync with pie-in-the-sky ideals. You have a practical, realistic approach to life, and take care to keep yourself and your home polished and cleanly. You also enjoy safety and stability, and don’t like too many changes occurring in your life. If you find yourself being too rigid in your approach to life, you may want to try going with the flow more.


People with an orange aura love the spotlight, and don’t enjoy being alone too often. They are charismatic, funny, loud people, and always seem to be the center of attention. On the opposite end of that, however, they have an innate ability to sense other’s emotions, and care deeply for how people feel. Due to their passionate nature, they can sometimes lose their temper, but will quickly apologize if they’ve been out of line. People with an orange aura are confident, approachable, and amiable, but can sometimes make rash decisions and let their impatience get the best of them.


This color signifies great psychic abilities and high sensitivity to emotions and energies. People with a purple aura have a mysterious, quiet nature, and contemplate all the big questions in life. They never stop exploring, and love to learn about new subjects. They live a lot inside their own minds, but they have a beautiful soul. People with this color aura tend to spend a lot of time in nature and with other animals, as they feel misunderstood by most humans. They don’t have many friends, but they adore and cherish the ones they do have. Sometimes, people take advantage of their open, loving nature, so people with this aura need to practice a lot of self-care to protect their energy.


Having this color aura is quite rare, but it symbolizes strength in positive communication and a bold yet humble personality. As you might have guessed, this aura signifies a calm, gentle nature, and so these people make wonderful peacemakers and solvers of problems. They can smooth things over quickly in an argument, and have an honest, eloquent way of talking with people. These people seem to have the perfect balance of thinking and feeling, and always say the right thing at the right time. However, they can sometimes take on too much work and not make enough time for their relationships.


People with a gold aura have a love for all things beautiful and elegant in life. They thrive on being the center of attention, and have a very active social life. For example, they love to host parties, entertain people, and simply enjoy life in the moment. They have a strong independent streak, and don’t like asking for anyone’s help or advice. These people can sometimes come across as shallow due to their extravagant tastes, but they simply enjoy giving people nice things, and decorating their living space with them as well.


Highly talented, and flexible in all areas of life, people with this aura can adapt perfectly to any situation. It’s almost like they can mold themselves into whatever they need to be, and they excel in many different areas of life. They attract success left and right, and usually make very good leaders and teachers. People are drawn to them because of both their inner and outer beauty, but people with this aura need to take care not to let this get to their head.


People with a light or dark brown aura tend to be lost souls, trying to find their place in life. They might fall back into bad habits, and have a negative self-image. They tend to focus so much on other people’s flaws, that they forget to address and fix their own.


Rather than being an overall aura, black points to blockages in the energetic field. It can also signify deep, unresolved issues, depression, anger, rage, stagnation, discontentment, or any other negative emotion.

Take this test to find out the color of your Aura

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