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5 Signs You Spend Too Much Time Alone

The evidence continues to mount regarding loneliness and how damaging it can be to our health. In fact, being alone too much kills twice as many people as obesity. Besides that, the increased mortality risk compares to that of smoking cigarettes every single day.

According to a survey conducted by the Knowledge Networks, loneliness has doubled since the 1980s, with 40 percent of adults feeling lonely compared to 20 percent just a few decades ago. In the next few years, many scientists predict a loneliness epidemic to sweep America, and even the world, with the rising use of technology to communicate instead of face-to-face interactions.

However, just because you feel lonely now does not mean you can’t make meaningful connections with people and fill that emptiness in your heart. Many people fear they will remain lonely forever, so they give up on even trying to reach out to others and form positive relationships. Loneliness can cause numerous health problems, even death, if people don’t act to combat loneliness.

After isolating ourselves, it can almost feel normal, and we tend to stay inside our warm, safe shells instead of socializing with others.

Here are five signs you spend too much time alone:

talk to yourself

1. You long for meaningful, deep connections with people.

Many lonely people don’t enjoy spending so much time alone; they have just lost their connection to people and thus, don’t know how to get it back. If you find yourself craving social interactions and forming deep relationships with people, you probably spend too much time alone. Even if you have a few friends, you see from time to time. You can still feel lonely if you don’t feel deeply connected to them.

2. You use food, drugs, alcohol, or something else to forget about your loneliness.

Sadly, many people use harmful substances to fill a void in their lives, whether from loneliness, depression, anxiety, lack of purpose, or anything else that causes unhappiness. If you turn to your pantry or refrigerator for companionship more than other people, you likely spend too much time alone. While food and an occasional drink should be enjoyed, you shouldn’t turn to them for comfort or to escape your life. They won’t help you stop feeling lonely; they will mask the problem for a while.

3. You feel restless and bored a lot.

As mentioned above, when we feel bored, we numb our emotions through TV shows, video games, or food, drugs, or alcohol. But whatever happened to hang out with friends or family when we feel bored or restless? While you should enjoy your own company and be able to be alone without feeling lonely, doing this too much can enhance your feelings of loneliness. We are social creatures and need one another to get by in this lifetime. If you feel bored, call up an old friend and see if they feel like catching up. Or, check out local groups to form new connections and possibly find a new favorite hobby.

4. You have forgotten how to talk to people in a conversation.

Social isolation can damage our social skills, especially if we have isolated ourselves for long periods. The advent of social media and other forms of entertainment only accelerates our decline in social skills because we use the Internet as a safety net, going to it whenever we don’t feel like talking. However, this can quickly get out of control if we don’t find some balance. If you feel uncomfortable or don’t remember talking to people in social situations, you probably spend too much time alone.

before you speak meme

5. You have developed social anxiety as a result of isolating yourself.

Finally, the more you isolate yourself, the harder it will feel to go up to people and converse with them. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 15 million, or 6.8%, Americans suffer from social anxiety. The only way to overcome this is to start talking to people because you have to meet your fears head on if you want to beat them. However, people who spend most of their time alone eventually feel so comfortable doing this that they lose their desire to form relationships with others. If you feel socially anxious and have lost your motivation to talk to others, you probably spend way too much time by yourself.

Consider joining support groups for social anxiety to help you ease your way into talking to others, or maybe join an organization or activity you feel passionate about, so you can meet other like-minded people.

You shouldn’t feel embarrassed about loneliness; many people feel lonely, but don’t ever admit it to others in fear of being ridiculed or rejected. However, social isolation should be taken seriously; no one likes feeling alone, but sadly, a startling amount of people do in today’s world.

Remember to take baby steps to become social again and turn to trusted friends and family for support. As long as you believe in yourself and have the motivation to form connections again, you will get there. On the flip side, if you ever see someone while you’re out and about who looks lonely or depressed, make sure to reach out to them. A simple smile and a “How are you feeling?” can go a long way, especially for someone feeling isolated and alone.

8 Reasons You Need To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Most of us seem to be on a quest for a magic pill, the fountain of youth, or a cure-all solution to having more energy, better skin and a healthier body. We pin our hopes to super foods, the latest fad in oils, and the most recent supplements being touted as the answer to our prayers. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about apple cider vinegar. But the use of apple cider vinegar is anything but a fad. In fact, it has documented uses dating back to 400 B.C. when Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used it to manage wounds.

In the 1700s, medical practitioners used it for everything from indigestion to croup to poison ivy to diabetes. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is full of nutrition and rich in enzymes our bodies love, and that can help keep the germs in our bodies under control.

It has been used as a tonic, a poultice, taken straight and diluted in water to treat various ailments. Because of the acidity levels in ACV, taking it straight can be a bit harsh to your tooth enamel and your esophagus. Instead, try mixing two tablespoons into a glass of water before meals to help soften the effects on your stomach and throat.

Apple cider vinegar has been promoted as the cure-all to everything from detoxing the body to relieving arthritis symptoms. Studies on this folk remedy are ongoing, but experts say that adding some apple cider vinegar to your daily routine can have some noticeable health benefits.

Here are eight reasons you need to drink apple cider vinegar:

apple cider vinegar

1. Apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar levels.

A study conducted by the American Diabetes Foundation found that apple cider vinegar taken before meals significantly reduced insulin and glucose levels. The study was conducted on three groups of people, one group diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, one group with pre-diabetic symptoms and the last group was healthy.

All three groups improved their blood glucose levels. The pre-diabetic group improved their blood glucose levels by nearly 50% and the group with diabetes improved theirs by 25%. As an added benefit, it is thought that this increase in better glucose levels can contribute to some assistance in losing weight.

2. It can relieve sinus infections and soothe sore throats.

ACV helps detoxify our bodies by cleansing the lymph node, breaking up mucous, and even helping with allergy symptoms. As a result, it can help relieve sinus infections and soothe sore throats that are often caused by congestion.

3. Apple cider vinegar can regulate the pH of the skin.

Applying ACV directly to the skin with a cotton ball can help balance the skin. Use as a replacement for facial toner and it can even be left on the face overnight to lighten age-related dark spots or sun damage.

4. It can promote healthy-looking hair.

Use apple cider vinegar as a replacement for hair conditioner. Mix ½ tablespoon of vinegar with cold water and rinse hair with it after shampooing. Just a few times a week will boost shine, give the hair natural body and even eliminate dandruff.

5. Apple cider vinegar can whiten teeth.

Apple cider vinegar helps remove yellowing stains from the teeth. Simply gargle with it in the morning and then brush normally. You can boost the process by brushing your teeth with baking soda at least once week.

6. It can increase energy levels.

The amino acids in ACV act to combat excess lactic acid in our bodies that accumulate from exercise and other types of stress. Excessive lactic acid causes fatigue, and a tablespoon of vinegar added to a glass of water can help alleviate it. The extra potassium and enzymes contained in the vinegar are a bonus.

7. Apple cider vinegar can lessen joint pain due to inflammation.

Mixing apple cider vinegar with honey, lemon, and hot water twice a day may promote joint relief. This is especially helpful to relieve arthritis. The deficiency of certain minerals in our bodies can intensify joint pain, and vinegar contains the necessary minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, to help alleviate it.

8. It can diminish the appearance of bruises.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, ACV can help lessen the appearance of discoloration caused by bruising. Use a cotton ball to dab the vinegar directly to the bruise several times a day.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural, holistic remedy for many common ailments. As a preventative measure, add some organic apple cider vinegar to warm water in the morning. Try it out for a week or two and see how it works. There certainly won’t be any harm, and most likely it will be doing the body some good.

5 Ways To Cut The Strings Of Manipulation

As defined, a manipulator is someone who influences or attempts to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes or gain. We’ve all done it and have been a victim of it, maybe not knowingly or with malicious intentions, but it’s more common than most people think.

Being manipulated can often feel like we were violated and maybe even victimized. Manipulators find creative ways to make us feel guilty when we don’t agree to their request. They may lie, withhold information and even use emotional blackmail. They have a bag of tricks up their sleeves.

For some people, manipulation is a core strategy for getting what they want. They do it and get good results, so they continue. Manipulators manipulate because they can.

The problem with manipulation isn’t that people manipulate; it’s that people allow themselves to be manipulated. If the manipulator ran out of willing subjects, they would look to other people or even new ways of getting what they want.

What that means is we are entirely in control of whether we are manipulated or not, and it’s time to take back that control.

5 Ways to Cut The Strings of Manipulation

1. Recognize The Victim Mentality

Manipulation happens when we stand by and allow it to happen. There are some things in life that place us in the role of victim that we have no control over, but being manipulated isn’t one of them. Recognizing our role in the manipulation process is the first step to cutting the strings.

If we are being manipulated, then that is entirely on us, and it is up to us to stop it. That happens by recognizing that we have the ability to control our reactions. When something doesn’t feel right, we must stop ourselves before agreeing. If we aren’t comfortable saying no, at least make a commitment to avoid saying yes.

2. Figure Out What Matters Most

It’s easy to be manipulated and take up causes that support what is important to someone else when we don’t know what matters most to us. When we know what’s important, we are empowered to take a stand. It’s easier to align what we are willing to commit to with our values.

A “no” because you are working for something specific is easier for a manipulator to accept than a “just because” no. A no without substance only empowers the manipulator to wear us down. Let’s take back our power and fight for the right things.

3. Demand Clarity

Manipulators are good at what they do. They are masters at selling us on why we should do what they want us to do. A great way to start cutting the strings is for us to ask them how this benefits us. It will scare them when we begin to demand clarity on the request including what we expect to gain from helping him. Because manipulators are all about what’s in it for them, they will recognize we aren’t a good target anymore when we begin putting our needs out there.

4. Be Resolute

It’s hard sometimes to get out of the clutches of a master manipulator because they are so good and so experienced at what they do. It’s in a confrontation with this charming, yet, manipulative person that our determination, will, and a strong purpose will serve us. They will try to wear us down, but if we are resolute, we can beat them at their own game.

5. Practice Self-Compassion

It’s impossible to be resolute and stand for ourselves if we don’t believe in and love ourselves for who we are. We are strong and capable, and we need to know that about ourselves. Sure we make mistakes, but as long as we learn from those mistakes and vow to do better, then we are doing what we need to do. We deserve better than to be used by other people, and we can stop giving them the opportunity by staying true to our values.

We can stop ourselves from being manipulated by learning to recognize the tricks of the trade and by identifying those people in our life that are doing it. This is where it becomes important for us to recognize the people in our lives that truly need us and those that are using us.

When we begin to stand up for ourselves, a master manipulator will realize he has no use for us and will walk away from the relationship. If we were being manipulated by a friend who didn’t realize what they were doing, they would accept our “no” with grace and the friendship will remain intact. It’s time to find out who our real friends are.

3 Ways To Deal With Passive Aggressive People

Have you ever met someone who didn’t know how to express their emotions, and gave you the silent treatment when you did something wrong? If so, you have likely dealt with passive aggression before. Of course, this behavior can drain your energy over time if you surround yourself with these types of people often. They would rather leave you guessing about how they feel, sulking and withdrawing into their shell until you ask them how they feel.

This type of behavior most likely stems from childhood, where the parents may not have provided an open, nurturing environment for expressing feelings. According to Preston Ni, M.S.B.A., passive aggressive people usually have these four characteristics in common:

  • Reasoning with them is virtually impossible
  • Spending time with them is uncomfortable
  • They don’t express how they really feel often
  • They repeat these behaviors over and over again.

Indeed, they might not even realize how destructive their behavior is. That only makes it even easier for them to keep repeating the behaviors. Dealing with passive aggression comes with many challenges, especially if you have a close relationship with the person. However, you can take certain steps to make encounters with the person easier, and hopefully help them overcome their passive aggression.

Here are 3 ways to deal with passive aggressive people:

passive aggressive behavior

1. Let them know that they can openly express themselves with you.

Passive aggressive people have often been silenced in the past, so they don’t feel comfortable expressing themselves. Maybe their parents talked over them at the dinner table, or they didn’t seem interested in their child’s life. Understand that passive aggression stems from a complex set of situations and behaviors. Instead, passive aggressive people tend to cover up their feelings out of fear of the repercussions for expressing themselves.

Try to create a nurturing environment with them, and let them know that you won’t get upset or talk over them during a conversation. More than anything, passive aggressive people simply need a safe place to go to express themselves, and if you can provide that, it will make a relationship with this person much easier.

2. Keep asking questions if they seem hesitant to open up.

Sometimes, passive aggressive people will tell you they’re “fine,” when really, that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you suspect they’re hiding something from you, try to ask some more questions in order to get more of the story. Most of the time, passive aggressive people actually want others to show interest in them, because they likely didn’t get that sort of attention as a child. They might not open up to you at all, but simply showing you care can go a long way in the relationship.

However, don’t probe too deeply if you can tell they don’t want to talk. Ask a few simple questions to get the conversation moving. But if they continue to give you one word answers, or don’t talk at all, drop the subject and move on to something else. Passive aggressive people have a hard time opening up due to people in the past not listening to them. So self-expression doesn’t always come easily to them.

3. Remain calm, and listen to the person thoroughly before responding.

Passive aggressive people can’t stand being interrupted. Instead, they will likely either shut down completely, or blow up in your face for stifling their voice. With passive aggression, you get one of two types of extreme behavior: silent treatment, or a total onslaught of pent-up anger. While passive aggressive people usually don’t display violence, it can get pretty ugly when they finally decide to release their feelings they have harbored for a while. Whatever happens during the conversation, vow to stay calm and collected, and let them fully express themselves before you respond.

However, just because they lack communication skills and have emotional baggage does not give them the right to walk all over you. Stand your ground and communicate clearly. But don’t lose control and get mad at them. This will only cause things to escalate, and nothing good will come of it. Passive aggression can seem frustrating and unfair to deal with, but you can have a healthy relationship with these types of people if you just exercise a little patience.

passive aggressive

Final Thoughts on Coping With the Passive Aggressive People You Will Meet in Life

Remember, no one is totally perfect, and people can’t help what kind of childhood they had. Usually, people just want someone to listen and show interest in what they have to say. So by doing these two simple things, communication with a passive aggressive person will go a lot more smoothly.

If You See A Teal Pumpkin This Halloween, Here’s What It Means

If you just mention the word “Halloween,” kid’s faces light up with excitement and eagerness about getting their favorite candies and dressing up as a beloved princess or superhero.

Kids and Food Allergies

However, for kids who have food allergies, Halloween can seem like a nightmare, especially since they can’t eat most of the candy they got from trick-or-treating.

According to, an estimated 1 in 13 children under the age of 18 in the U.S. have a food allergy, which equates to two in every classroom.

For these kids and their parents, having to sift through all the candy and worry about having a life-threatening reaction from an allergen in the candy can take all the fun out of Halloween. Not only do the children feel left out while watching their friends gorge on all the delicious candy, but they also will have wasted hours trick-or-treating and collecting candy, only to have to throw it all away at the end of the night.

What if you could do something to help these kids have a happy, safe Halloween and not have to stress about food allergies for one night? teal-pumpkin

To help out, all you need is an extra pumpkin, a can of teal paint, and the willingness to spread awareness for the Teal Pumpkin Project.

You might be wondering how putting out a teal pumpkin will do anything to help children with food allergies have a better Halloween, but when you put the teal pumpkin on your porch, it signals to children that your house is safe to go to. It tells them that you will hand out non-food items, so they won’t have to worry about allergens in the candy.

But, what else can you hand out on Halloween? Well, you can go to pretty much any dollar store, Walgreens, or Target and pick up some activity books, colors, stickers, or small toys for children to play with. Just because it might stray from tradition to hand out something other than candy, does not mean kids won’t still enjoy what you have to offer.

Even if you can only hand out one item, this will ensure that they have something to do on Halloween while their friends eat piles of candy, which will help them feel included. Best of all, they won’t have to worry about having an allergy attack, all because you left a teal pumpkin on your porch and gave them a safe non-food treat on Halloween!

The Teal Pumpkin Project

According to, households from 50 states and 7 countries participated in the Teal Pumpkin Project in 2013. If you’d like to join 100,000 households across the world in showing your support and participation in the Teal Pumpkin Project, go here to take the pledge and get more information on how you can help!

Halloween should be a fun holiday for all children, regardless of if they have a food allergy or not. Luckily, you can do your part to make all children feel included, so simply buy an extra pumpkin, paint it teal, and leave a sign next to the pumpkin letting them know your house is safe!

If you do participate this year, make sure to use the hashtags #KeepItTeal and #TealPumpkinProject in order to keep spreading awareness for this worldwide movement!

This Is Why You Absolutely Need To Stop Wearing Shoes In Your House

You may never have considered taking off your shoes at the door a priority unless you have high standards of household cleanliness or follow an Eastern cultural practice.

Well, it might be time to consider taking up the practice. That’s because there are several health-related reasons to start kicking off your shoes at the door. The soles of your shoes carry dirt. But they also may carry bacteria, viruses, and other pests into your living space. Removing this source of contamination can make your home safer and healthier.

Your shoes come in contact with various dirty surfaces during your day. These may include the floors of public restrooms, restaurants, public transportation, sidewalks, fitness facilities and your workplace. In these spaces, we expect a certain level of cleanliness. But we often have no control over whether the floor is clean or whether a dog recently did his business on the grass you walked on.

In your home, you can control the contamination of dirt from these public spaces by removing your shoes at or inside your entryway. Although developing this new habit may take some adjusting to, it will be worth it for your well-being.

Our household floors are the depositories for debris from our shoes, as anyone who’s ever vacuumed or mopped knows. But the dirt on our shoes isn’t as concerning as the stuff we can’t see.

Bacteria on our shoes can live and grow from the nutrients we provide for them as we walk around picking up more debris. We don’t often clean and disinfect our shoes, so the hazards remain there over time and spread as we walk.

Here’s Why You Should Remove Your Shoes Inside Your Home


So, why exactly should you take off your shoes in the house?

Good Morning America exposed the truth about our shoes when they found the number of bacteria from shoes to be a thousand times greater than that on a toilet seat.

Another study from the University of Arizona found nine different species of bacteria on shoes. The same study also found that 90% of the time, these bacteria can transfer to tile floors. However, carpeting is even worse for harboring bacteria since you cannot disinfect it easily.

Children learning to crawl and spend a lot of time on the floor are the most vulnerable to the bacteria from our shoes. However, it’s not just children that can be affected. It seems applying the five-second rule to food dropped on the floor may be five seconds too long.

There is some debate about whether we are overly clean and causing more health problems due to our over-sanitizing efforts. The pro-dirt side of the debate claims that by removing bacteria from our home environments, our children’s immune systems aren’t able to develop the resistance to fight off allergens and bacteria.

The anti-dirt side might easily win this argument though since the antibiotic resistant bacteria Clostridium difficile (also called C. diff) was found on shoes and can cause painful and deadly intestinal infections. Of course, other bacteria can be on the shoes, the most common being E. coli, likely transmitted to shoes from animal feces.

Other non-bacterial residue that we can track in on shoes includes toxic chemicals from pesticides or poisonous insecticides we come in contact with outside the home. According to an EPA study, our level of exposure to these chemicals that are brought into our homes by shoes may be greater than the pesticides found by eating non-organic produce.

Should Visitors Remove Their Footwear?

Since you are not the only person in your home who has shoe contaminants, handling visitors will require some tact. Fortunately, many professional contractors require their service personnel who enter homes to wear protective booties.

When guests arrive, ask them to please remove their shoes and provide a place for them to sit, for example, a footstool or bench near the door. Consider providing a basket or footwear shelf under your coat rack for a convenient place for shoes. You may also want to provide some clean, one-size slippers or socks if visitors prefer not to be barefoot in your house or if colder temperatures are a factor.

You may find that slipping on a clean pair of slippers or flip-flops for indoor use only is preferable to walking barefoot in your home, depending on the temperature and your personal comfort level. An alternative to leaving shoes at the door would be to carry them to your closet. If you carry your shoes, be sure to wash your hands afterward.

You’re not only relaxing in your home space by going barefoot; you’re making it a cleaner place to live. Kicking off your shoes at the end of the day never sounded so good!

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