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9 Ways to Increase Creative Thinking in Children

9 Ways to Increase Creative Thinking in Children

Creative thinking often comes naturally to children as they explore the vast world. Youngsters have an innate curiosity about life and may gravitate toward art and music to express themselves. Kids with a proclivity for science and math can benefit from creative endeavors. For instance, a child interested in building things may become an engineer or architect.

Creativity helps a child grow and encourages them to think about the world in new ways. We live in a very logic-driven world, but the arts also have a special place in society. Many people find an outlet in listening to music, for instance, as it helps them process emotions and releases stress. Parents should try to instill an appreciation for creativity in their children at a young age. It will benefit them greatly in the future as they learn how to navigate the world in adulthood.

Eight Benefits of Creative Thinking

  1. Creativity promotes self-reflection and introspection.
  2. It encourages risk-taking and confidence.
  3. Creative thinking allows you to let go and enjoy the process of creating.
  4. Creativity puts you in a flow state where movement and thought become one.
  5. It gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  6. Studies show it enhances problem-solving and learning.
  7. Creativity reduces anxiety and stress.
  8. It can help young adults process difficult emotions and overcome traumatic experiences.


Nine Ways to Encourage Creative Thinking in Children

Creative development improves every facet of society, from humanities to science to engineering. After all, the Earth without art would be “eh.” Nothing could even exist without creativity because it’s an essential component of our intelligence. Everything you see around you comes from the mind of a human being, representing the merging of thought and willpower.

People passionate about creating something become wholly absorbed in the imaginative process. They give their entire being to a project because they work from the heart rather than pure intellect. That massive burst of energy allows them to work hours without losing focus.

Time seems to stand still in a flow state, and only pure love and joy exist. Therefore, encouraging creative thinking in young adults allows them to connect with their most authentic selves.

Below, we’ll go over a few ways to teach children creative thinking so they can thrive in life.

1. Observe your child.

If you want to encourage creativity in children, it helps to know what piques their interest. Watch your child explore the world around them and notice what they gravitate towards. Simply observing them will help you guide them on their creative journey.

2. But let them explore at their own pace.

In parenting, too much oversight can feel stifling and overbearing to young adults. A child needs a healthy sense of autonomy to learn and grow independently. So, please encourage your child to have curiosity about the world while giving them space to flourish.

3. Get them out into nature to develop creative thinking.

Sadly, many kids today don’t have a connection to the natural world. They spend far too much time on tablets and phones, fully immersed in an artificial reality. But encouraging children to spend time outdoors can unlock their creative thinking abilities. Try to get them outside at least a few times per week in a natural area, such as a forest or beach.

creative thinking

4. Give your child the tools they need to grow.

Does your child show a particular interest in something, such as painting or writing? If so, get them books or programs on the subjects they are passionate about exploring. That will give them direction in the creative process and provide them with goals.

5. Set limits on technology.

We have universal knowledge at our fingertips, but creativity has taken a nosedive. Smartphones do so much of our thinking that we have become mentally lazy. So, it’s essential to give young adults boundaries with technology so they don’t become too dependent on it.

6. Encourage your child to read to promote creative thinking.

Many little ones today don’t read books anymore, only searching online articles for information. However, children might find it easier to absorb information by reading books the old-fashioned way. Without all the distractions that come with smartphones, children can focus on the subject more easily. Please encourage them to read books about topics that interest them, which will stimulate creative thinking.

7. Please help your child find an activity that builds on their strengths.

Children do best when working on challenging tasks that don’t frustrate them. Entering the flow state becomes more accessible when a child is neither bored nor overwhelmed. By knowing your child’s abilities, you can assist them in finding activities that foster personal growth.

8. Give your child constructive feedback.

Young adults need the freedom to explore creative thinking in their own way without someone micromanaging them. Yet, giving them too much leeway can make them overly sensitive to criticism. Give your child constructive feedback every so often to help them monitor their progress. Also, get teachers or mentors involved who can give your child direction in their creative endeavors. Children need to know if they’re improving and how they can continue growing in their craft.

9. Urge your child’s teachers to give lessons on creative thinking.

The arts have never been more critical to a child’s development. We’re living in a time of rapid technological advancements and societal upheaval. Children need an outlet to help them adapt to all these changes and process their emotions. Creative thinking in school can provide a foundation for them to build on their creative interests. With skyrocketing mental illness rates in teens, many educators also explain that art classes help young adults destress and relax.

creative thinking

Final Thoughts on Promoting Creative Thinking in Children

Children need a healthy balance of logic and creativity to thrive in this ever-changing world. Too much creativity can make them ungrounded, but relying on reason stifles emotional expression. Therefore, teaching children creative thinking at a young age is essential to help them grow into healthy adults. You can do this in several ways, including urging your child to play outdoors to buying them books about things that interest them. If you support their curiosities early on, it will help give their life direction and purpose.

10 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re an Aries

More than any other zodiac sign, Aries knows how to keep life exciting and fun. As a cardinal sign, Aries takes life by the horns and does everything with passion. They have fearless, confident energy that quickly catches people’s attention.

The ram represents this zodiac sign, a perfect symbol for the go-getters of astrology. They plunge ahead without thinking twice and never doubt their abilities or skills. And they don’t mind butting heads with anyone who stands in their way.

As the first sign in the zodiac, they feel most comfortable in leadership positions. They’re the visionaries and trendsetters, never afraid of taking the initiative and breaking the mold. Aries take risks, follow their hearts, and have an insatiable drive to succeed in every endeavor.

 “Aries is known for an explosive temper, and although their outbursts don’t last long, it’s definitely best to avoid fiery rams until the steam has dissipated.” — Aliza Kelly

Here Are Ten Things Only An Aries Will Understand

If you know an Aries or have this sign in your horoscope, you will relate to these traits about them.


1. They act first and think later.

The saying “crawl before you walk” doesn’t apply to an Aries. This sign only knows how to dive headfirst and never look back. They believe in acting first and thinking later, allowing things to unfold naturally rather than forcing them. Aries know that life moves quickly, so they don’t want to get left behind.

This sign believes in spontaneity, as overthinking can make you miss the perfect opportunity. They prefer sprinting full speed ahead and thinking on their feet.

2. Aries always start a million projects but never finish them.

A cardinal zodiac sign like Aries makes an excellent pioneer and leader. Their fierce independent streak allows them to stray from the crowd and think differently. They don’t follow the herd and prefer to do things their way. However, they tend to burn brightly and fade relatively quickly. Their intense energy gives them the ambition to start a project, but they usually leave them unfinished.

They have a million ideas running through their head at any given time. Their impulsive nature makes them jump from one task to the next without following through. It’s a rare occurrence when they complete a project, and they typically need help from fixed and mutable signs with better organizational skills.

3. They treat everything as a competition.

Aries live for competition and view life as a series of tests they must pass. The ram plays to win and doesn’t back down from any challenge. Some might call them sore losers because they take everything so seriously. Aries love the feeling of victory and give their all in every aspect of life. They don’t trample on others to get ahead, though — they believe in hard work and determination to achieve their goals.

4. Aries feel comfortable talking to anyone they meet.

Aries folks do not have a shy bone in their bodies; they will walk up to anyone, even strangers. They enjoy starting conversations with people they don’t know and have charismatic personalities. Their charm and outgoing nature make them a magnet for people from all walks of life.

As extroverts, Aries thrive in social situations and have plenty of friends to keep them engaged. The ram believes in being a friend to all and opening their heart to everyone around them.

5. This zodiac sign always speaks their mind.

Aries have no idea how to hold back and always say exactly what they think. Their friends have learned to love their honesty, but acquaintances may not tolerate this side of them as well. However, the ram doesn’t believe in shrinking to make others around them feel comfortable. They show their true colors and know the right people will appreciate their self-confidence.


6. Aries change their minds at the drop of a hat.

Aries have strong, assertive personalities and only know how to do things at full throttle. However, they’re also extremely scatterbrained and can’t seem to concentrate their energy on one task. Many people find them indecisive because they often change their opinions or desires.

Since Aries have so much enthusiasm and zest for life, they want to experience everything they can. Their inner fire is a double-edged sword; on the one hand, they’re driven and passionate, but they find it difficult to channel their intense energy. Their mind moves quickly, so they can never stay in one place too long without feeling restless.

7. They have tough shells but are secretly teddy bears.

At first glance, an Aries may seem loud, combative, and domineering. However, people who know them well get to see their softer side. Underneath their aggressive, strong-willed shell, they have sensitive hearts and incredible empathy.

They don’t like to show this side to just anyone, though. Aries present a tough exterior to the world to protect their true feelings. Once people earn their trust, they quickly spill their guts and reveal their gentler side.

8. They have an adventurous spirit and love experiencing new things.

Aries see the world as their oyster and don’t set any limits for themselves. They will try almost anything once and keep their eyes peeled for new opportunities. The ram believes in living life to the fullest and experiencing everything the world can offer. An Aries wants to explore everything from delicious foods to exotic countries to different cultures. They don’t label themselves and allow life to happen rather than trying to control or limit what comes their way.

9. They have a self-assuredness that anyone can spot a mile away.

Even if they feel insecure, they don’t let it show. An Aries will fake it until they make it because they know people take advantage of any weakness. Therefore, they project self-confidence to everyone they meet and put their best self forward. Their bold, dynamic personalities shine through in every situation, and people naturally flock to them because of these qualities.

10. They don’t commit to people easily in relationships.

But Aries don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing. They would rather date around until they find someone worthy of their time, energy, and love. Since they don’t beat around the bush, they never lead someone on if they’re not feeling a connection. After all, they don’t want to waste the person’s time by stringing them along just to break their heart later.

Aries crave committed relationships, but only with someone they can envision spending their future with and will accept them wholeheartedly.

zodiac signs

Final Thoughts on Personality Traits of Aries

Aries is probably one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac. They come across as brash and intimidating to some people, which can create a negative first impression. However, their ambition and energy make them remarkable leaders who take calculated risks to ensure their team’s success.

In addition, they have a loving, compassionate side and protect their loved ones fiercely. Anyone lucky enough to know an Aries will have a dependable, trustworthy friend for life.

10 Red Flags of Emotional Detachment

When someone experiences emotional detachment, they’re unable or unwilling to connect emotionally with others. It might make you struggle with intimacy and become detached, and other people will have trouble reading you. Sometimes it’ll cause you to push people away or develop barriers when things get deep.

Sometimes emotional detachment can prevent or help you avoid drama, stress, or anxiety. However, when it’s involuntary, it can cause you to miss out on parts of your life. It can interfere with your friendships, romantic connections, and professional life.

Emotional detachment can make it hard to be open and honest about your feelings. Recognizing emotional detachment may help you address it and make positive changes. The changes can help you live a fulfilling life and bond with the people you care about.

What is Emotional Detachment?

It is likely emotional detachment when someone disconnects from others and the world around them. It’s a form of dissociation, making you emotionally and mentally detached even when you’re physically present. You might feel like you can’t or desperately don’t want to connect emotionally with others.

This detachment can develop in response to stress or trauma. Other times, it occurs because of an underlying psychological condition.

When you can control emotional detachment, it can be a helpful tool in setting boundaries. It can help you address people who take advantage of you or cause an emotional drain.

However, if the detachment is uncontrollable, it can be harmful to your well-being. You might feel numb or like you lack all emotion, sometimes referred to as emotional blunting. It is a problem and can indicate an attachment disorder.

emotional detachment

Ten Red Flags of Emotional Detachment

If you think you or someone in your life might be emotionally detached, these signs can help you identify it. Once you know the signs, you can work on overcoming the situation.

1 – Struggling to Identify and Discuss Feelings

Having trouble identifying feelings is a sign of detachment. You might recognize that emotions are unpleasant but struggle to label them. It’s hard for you to differentiate between anger, fear, or grief. When you’re alone, you’d prefer to distract yourself than think about how you feel.

You’ll also struggle to share your struggles and emotions. Rather than tell others what you’re going through, you might suppress your feelings and downplay the situation. You’ll avoid letting anyone see you get emotional, even if it means going through everything alone.

Dealing with other people’s feelings will be uncomfortable for you, too. You’d prefer it if people didn’t come to you with their problems because you feel awkward in the situation. It indicates detachment if consoling someone makes you feel uncomfortable or on edge.

2 – Being Self-Critical

Frequently criticizing yourself signifies emotional detachment. It can cause you to lose motivation and avoid completing tasks because you think you won’t do well anyway. You might also be a perfectionist, leading to the belief that you’re not good enough.

3 – Depersonalization

Depersonalization causes you to feel like you or your surroundings aren’t real. People you know, events you attended, and other experiences might seem foggy in your mind. You might also feel removed from what’s happening around you and lack emotions regarding the situation.

4 – Lacking the Ability to Express Empathy

When someone wants to talk about something upsetting or your partner wants to discuss an argument, you might not want to. You may lack the ability to express the empathy it takes to offer comfort and words of support. While you might care and understand what they’re going through, your inability to show it can make them think you’re rude or uncaring.

Sometimes you’ll even want to be there for the other person but can’t find a way to connect. When that happens, you might shut down and detach instead.

5 – Having Trouble Setting and Enforcing Boundaries

For someone experiencing emotional detachment, setting and enforcing boundaries might be difficult. You might notice that you strive to please others instead of doing what’s best for you.

The inability or unwillingness to advocate for yourself causes you to miss out on self-care. It interferes with your needs and emotional desires, disrupting your overall well-being.

6 – Lacking Relationship Skills

You might find it hard to bond with people even when you care about them. Your lack of discussing emotions or handling deep conversations can make you dread spending time with them. You also might avoid being alone with someone so that you don’t have to engage as much.

Sometimes you might end relationships if you think they’re getting too deep. It can leave you lonely, even as you tell yourself you don’t need anyone.

7 – Feeling Uncomfortable with Compliments and Praise

Struggling to receive compliments and praise could be a sign of emotional detachment. It shows that you can’t accept the positive aspects of yourself, and it might make you feel awkward and tense. You might prefer to avoid the comments or deflect them, pointing out how you think it’s not true.

8 – Disconnecting During Conflict or Social Gatherings

You might find yourself reaching for your phone in social situations or a moment of conflict. It can make you struggle to keep up in social settings because you feel like you can’t offer what people want from you. Sometimes you’ll even respond inappropriately, such as laughing at painful or sad stories.

9 – Struggling to Identify Your Needs and Wants

Struggling to identify your needs and wants shows emotional detachment. If someone asks you what you want, your mind might go blank. You also might have trouble understanding how you feel in the present, interfering with your ability to identify these things.

10 – Using Sarcasm to Hide Feelings

Deflecting on serious topics, especially regarding your feelings, might be a sign of detachment. Making a sarcastic comment helps you feel protected from emotions. During moments of grief or disappointment, you’ll act unfazed to avoid turning the attention to yourself.

While you might think your sarcasm protects you, it can cause further issues. It can lead to missing the opportunity to eliminate your negative thoughts.


Five Causes of Emotional Detachment

Sometimes it’s hard to identify what causes emotional detachment, but there are a few things to consider. Some of the causes of becoming detached include these:

1 – Past Experiences Contribute to Emotional Detachment

Past abuse, neglect, or trauma could lead to detachment as a coping mechanism. The effects can stay with you into adulthood, affecting your relationships and well-being.

Growing up in an environment where you had to hide your feelings can also lead to dissociation. Rather than addressing or expressing your feelings, you’ll be more likely to disconnect and suppress your emotions.

2 – Mental Health Conditions May Cause Emotional Detachment

Some mental health concerns can contribute to emotional detachment. These conditions include the following:

  • bipolar disorder
  • personality disorders
  • depression
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

3 – Specific Medications Can Worsen Emotional Detachment

Some medications can have emotional detachment as a side effect. It can occur with antidepressant medications, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). If this happens to you, discuss your feelings with your doctor so they can adjust your dosage or prescribe a different medication.

4 – Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Experiencing a substance use disorder can lead to detachment. You might feel disconnected from the people around you and the world itself. Discussing treatment options with a professional can help you overcome the symptoms of SUD.

5 – Purposeful Behavior

Sometimes emotional detachment is purposeful and used to cope or protect you from stress or trauma. You might detach if you feel anxious or want to develop boundaries with people in your life. It can be a positive method, but it can become a problem if you use it often instead of figuring out your situation. It can also interfere with your relationships.

How to Overcome Emotional Detachment

If you recognize the signs of emotional detachment in yourself, you don’t have to live with it. You can overcome the situation and learn to accept, process, and discuss feelings. These tips can also help you relate to others without detaching.

Treat Underlying Conditions

If you have a mental health condition, treating it can help you stop detaching. You can visit a therapist to help you work through it, helping you find new ways to cope. They can also help you overcome trauma or negative experiences.

Identify Your Emotions

Identifying your emotions is the first step to overcoming detachment. You must acknowledge and embrace emotions if you want to learn to feel present. Start slowly so that you don’t overwhelm yourself but spend some time each day thinking about your feelings.

Practice Grounding

Grounding can help bring your body and mind to the present, allowing you to feel and interact. It also allows you to feel connected to the world around you.

Turn to Your Support System

You don’t have to go through life alone, even if you struggle to stay in the present. Turning to your friends and loved ones can help you overcome the situation. It might be hard, but sharing your feelings with them can help you feel heard and understood.

emotional detachment

Final Thoughts on Red Flags of Emotional Detachment

Emotional detachment can interfere with your relationships and ability to cope with feelings. If you deal with this experience, you don’t have to deal with it forever. You can learn to acknowledge and process your emotions and begin connecting with others on a deeper level.

No matter the detachment occurs, there is a way for you to move on from it. Sometimes it can be beneficial, but it typically interferes with your chance to live a meaningful life. Consider using these tips to help you live a better life full of joy and contentment.

7 Activities Healthy Couples Do Together

Do you ever wonder what makes healthy couples so successful in their relationships? While no partnership is perfect, they make love seem effortless and blissful. Maybe you want to create a more harmonious relationship with your special someone but don’t know where to start. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, so most of us have to learn by trial and error.

Every relationship requires both people to contribute equally and support, even on the toughest days. Life moves so rapidly in our modern world that many feel the strain in our relationships. We simply don’t take the time for each other anymore amidst our myriad responsibilities. However, even the busiest people can learn the secrets of healthy couples to create a more fulfilling relationship.

7 Things Healthy Couples Do Differently

These seven positive behaviors strengthen relationships.


1.             Healthy Couples Practice Mindfulness.

Healthy couples make time for one another to enjoy each other’s company. Even if they have to pencil in quality time together, they do whatever it takes to keep the connection alive. After all, how can you maintain the relationship if you never see your partner?

Couples who have strong relationships enjoy making one another happy. They go out of their way to ensure their partner feels appreciated and content. When they spend time together, they turn off all distractions and focus on strengthening their relationship.

Healthy couples put aside electronics and anything else that takes away their time together. They practice mindfulness by forgetting about the world and tuning back into their partnership. And they don’t necessarily plan extravagant activities during quality time. Simply cuddling on the couch and talking about life can bring more joy than going on a date.

2. They Plan Exciting Activities Sometimes.

Sometimes, couples feel perfectly content spending a cozy, lazy evening watching their favorite movie on the couch. When you finish the daily grind, you naturally want to recharge from a busy day. However, getting up, working, and watching TV can become monotonous. Most couples feel the need to spice things up every so often.

Studies reveal that planning an adventure with your partner can help keep the spark alive. Taking an exciting trip together or sampling food from a new restaurant in town can quickly reignite the flames in a relationship. Healthy couples know when to put responsibilities on the back burner and focus on enjoying life’s many pleasures.

3. Healthy Couples Communicate Effectively.

Unfortunately, many people today have forgotten the art of active listening. This form of listening involves allowing the other person to speak without interjecting. It also means listening to understand rather than reply and expressing empathy toward the speaker.

Studies show that healthy couples who communicate effectively practice active listening whether they realize it or not. They look one another in the eyes and shut out all distractions. If couples disagree, they don’t view each other as the enemy. Instead, they work together to solve problems and remain open to compromise.

In relationships, we all want to feel seen and heard by our partners. Couples who share their deepest thoughts and make their partners feel comfortable doing the same have the most fulfilling relationships.


4. Happy Couples Work As A Team.

No couple enjoys arguing, but it does happen in even the healthiest relationships. After all, no one can agree on everything, even if they have similar personalities and values. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to fight fairly in relationships so that problems don’t become overblown.

Approaching problems as a team rather than individuals keep things from escalating. If couples accuse one another rather than work on solutions together, they naturally become defensive. However, healthy couples see the relationship as one entity that involves two people. To keep the partnership afloat, they put aside their egos and make decisions that benefit each of them.

5. They Express Appreciation For Each Other.

Happy couples express gratitude for one another often. They don’t hold grudges and feel truly thankful to have each other, even during difficult times. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in a relationship and can help people feel validated. No matter how long they’ve been together, the happiest partners find small ways to appreciate each other.

6. They Have Clear Boundaries and Spend Time Apart.

The longest-lasting partners realize the importance of creating boundaries in a relationship. Everyone needs time to explore their interests and build connections outside a romantic relationship. Couples who spend too much time together can become codependent and have an unhealthy attachment style.

Have you ever met couples who seem to be joined at the hip? They do everything together and seem completely entangled in one another’s lives. These types of relationships tend to fizzle out quickly because couples simply grow tired of each other. Everyone needs room to breathe and have an identity of their own.

So, healthy couples try to maintain a balance between independence and intimacy.

7. Healthy Couples Speak Partner’s Love Language.

We all give and receive love differently based on our unique personalities and preferences. Not all couples speak the same love language, but that doesn’t mean the relationship can’t work. Each partner should try to understand how their significant other experiences love. That way, the relationship flows more smoothly when both people are attuned to one another’s needs.

Marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman devised Five Love Languages to describe how couples offer and receive love. These include acts of service, words of affirmation, gift-giving, quality time, and physical touch. Some people prefer to hear loving words, while others enjoy acts of kindness. Learning your partner’s love language can help you understand them more deeply and create a stronger bond.


Final Thoughts on Seven Habits of Healthy Couples

Most people see a happy couple and assume they have a perfect partnership. However, you can never know what happens behind closed doors. You may also not realize that it takes years to build an intimate bond with someone. Healthy couples didn’t get that way overnight; their relationship gradually blossomed after many trials and tribulations.

Many couples spend years trying to communicate effectively and learn more about each other. After they’ve built a solid foundation, they begin to relax in the relationship and feel a renewed appreciation for one another. So, if you want to enjoy a successful relationship, remember the basics: honesty, respect, and compassion.

6 Signs That Reveal Someone Is an Extroverted Intuitive

Until recently, people didn’t know that being an extroverted intuitive is a thing. People will always try to put themselves and others into neat little boxes. There are many reasons why we do it, and it would take ages to go into all of them. But the main one is that we like things to be safe and predictable. That’s why we take all those personality tests, even though we know they aren’t accurate.

That’s why we believe in astrology, even though being a Sagittarius probably has nothing to do with what you chose to eat yesterday. People want to understand what happens around them so they can be prepared for anything. And that’s why we would have never thought that being an extroverted intuitive is a thing.

Unfortunately, this desire to categorize everyone also has its drawbacks. The most obvious one is that we make inaccurate generalizations to fit everyone in just one box. And one of the most accepted ones is the idea that extroverts, being so outgoing and loud, tend to be less intuitive. That’s because we think of them as always being the center of attention and never the one who sits quietly, analyzing people.

That role is traditionally associated with introverts. You wouldn’t bat an eye if someone told you that introverts are empathetic and intuitive. But you might be more skeptical if you heard these characteristics associated with extroverts. Still, there are many extroverted, intuitive people, but they are often written off as something else. We either consider them extroverts, disregarding the possibility of them being intuitive.

Or we see that they are intuitive, so we automatically assume they are introverted. Both of those characterizations would be wrong. So, if you want to understand what an extroverted, intuitive person is, keep reading.

What Does It Mean to Be Intuitive?

extroverted intuitive

Before getting into details about extroverted, intuitive people, let’s discuss what intuition is. Intuition is not a process that can be described by looking at a logical set of steps. That’s what sets it apart from most other cognitive processes. Instead, intuition is something you feel without being able to explain why you feel that way.

You might have heard people talking about gut feelings. Well, those are the same thing as intuitive feelings. You experience these gut feelings when you just know something but can’t figure out why you do. So, for example, you might feel that you should bring a jacket with you even if the sky is not cloudy. And a few hours later, that jacket might come in handy.

Many people seem to think that intuition is just based on luck. But it’s based on information. So, while there might not be any logical steps you can trace to figure out what made you feel that gut instinct, that doesn’t mean there was any logic involved. It’s not just something you did consciously; that’s why you can’t analyze it.

Intuition and Subconscious Mind

Intuition comes from your subconscious mind. Your brain is constantly taking in your surroundings and gathering information. That way, it can create certain patterns that help you make decisions without thinking. It’s a survival instinct. For example, you don’t need to think when crossing the road because you subconsciously check to see if any cars are coming.

In the same way, you might intuitively feel like you need to hurry home because the road doesn’t seem safe. That’s not just a coincidence. To conclude, your subconscious gathers and analyzes information that lets you know about different dangers around you.

Some people are naturally more intuitive than others, and that’s not exactly something you can change. You can’t train your subconscious mind to be more or less alert. So some people aren’t intuitive, while others can accurately base major decisions on intuition. And this doesn’t have anything to do with your personality type.

Sure, introverts tend to be more intuitive on average. But the fact that they are introverted doesn’t lead to them being more intuitive. Instead, their subconscious mind is more alert and usually determines body personality traits. But that doesn’t mean other types of people can’t also be intuitive. And, as it so happens, many extroverted, intuitive people are out there.

6 Signs That Reveal Someone Is an Extroverted Intuitive

1.      Extroverts Are Dreamers

Extroverted intuitive people are dreamers. And they are not afraid to show that. Even though they spend a lot of time in their head, that doesn’t stop them from sharing all their wildest dreams with the people around them. And they aren’t afraid to dream big. No matter how unattainable the goal might be, they will still yearn for it to happen.

But, because of their intuition, their dreams are often pragmatic. Unlike people who aren’t intuitive, they know what their limits are. And they are very in tune with what they are good at. So instead of dreaming about things they could never achieve, they focus on developing what’s already there. And they will not be afraid to ask for their peers’ support when trying to achieve those goals.

2.      Extroverted Intuitive People Don’t Give Up Easily

The fascinating thing about extroverted, intuitive people is that they don’t like to give up. Not only that, but they can’t imagine letting an obstacle stop them. Their intuition allows them to see potential in every curveball life throws at them. And they will keep going even when most other people would have given up. For them, obstacles are a normal part of the journey.

Because of how intuitive they are, they understand that there is no easy path to success. So, they even welcome obstacles, as they know those are the best opportunities for them to learn. They will find a way to create something good out of the bleakest situation. Their extroverted side will also allow them to ask for help in situations where others wouldn’t. So, don’t be surprised if an extroverted intuitive person gets a promotion faster than any of your colleagues.

3.      They Live in the Future

Most extroverts like to focus on the present. They are used to being at the center of attention and like to reap the benefits of their bubbly personalities. While extroverted intuitive people also have excellent social skills, they don’t rely much on them. And, even if they do, it’s not their only source of joy. They like living in the future more than focusing on the present.

Don’t be surprised if you find such a person daydreaming. Even though they are usually happy with their life, they understand that the real potential is in the future. So, they are constantly looking for ways to unlock their true potential. They always hunt for new opportunities and continuously work on bettering themselves. But, sometimes, they forget to stop and enjoy the little things the present holds.


4.      Extroverted Intuitive People Are Creative and Innovative

For such a person, there’s no such thing as something being good enough. Their intuition is constantly telling them that things could be improved. Maybe it’s good enough that their company holds meetings in which they share all department tasks, but they know the process could be more efficient.

Instead of being complacent, they will suggest that this information be sent via email to make the process more efficient. Don’t be surprised to see such people holding creative jobs. They are always attracted to domains that challenge their imagination and creativity. They make for great artists, writers, and architects. But they are also determined enough to succeed in climbing the corporate ladder.

5.      They Thrive in Groups

Being that they are extroverts, these people have great people skills. But they don’t just know how to make themselves liked. They also know how to manage other people. And that’s why they thrive in group settings. Whatever task they have to perform, they will do it great. But they will do even better if they are tasked to lead the group.

Whereas most people describe group projects as worse than a trip to the dentist, extroverted intuitive people love them. Especially when they can work with people who have various different personality traits. They will do a great job managing everyone while ensuring all members get the necessary resources and support. They are great leaders mainly because of others like them. In addition, everyone tends to listen to them, so you can be sure they’ll get the job done in no time.

6.      Extroverts Are Great Friends

Most people like having at least one extroverted friend. But, let’s face it, some extroverts can be a handful to deal with, mainly because they have a harder time empathizing than introverts. Sure, they want to listen to you and help. But their advice will likely be very subjective and not at all tailored to your needs.

So, while they are fun to hang with, they aren’t always a reliable friend. But extroverted intuitive people are different. They have a unique way of processing what they hear. And, while they might not always empathize, they’ll always intuitively know what advice to give. So, in many ways, they are some of the best friends you can get.

extroverted intuitive

Final Thoughts on Signs That Reveal Someone Is an Extroverted Intuitive

Extroverted intuitive people are harder to decipher and fit in a box. They might not always be the most predictable people. But that’s what makes them so fun to be around. They are genuinely some of the most interesting and creative people out there.

They are dreamers who like living in the future. Even though they have big plans, somehow, they are always pragmatic. They know what they want and aren’t afraid to go out and get it, even if that means tackling big obstacles. That can sometimes mean they neglect the present, but they always manage to get back on track. They thrive in group situations, being great leaders.

With an extroverted intuitive coordinating a team, you can be sure everything will run smoothly. Plus, they make great friends. They can listen to you when you need comfort but are also the people who will drag you to the dance floor on a night out. So, if you want a fun, reliable friend, be on the lookout for an extroverted, intuitive person.

5 Sensitive Skin Care Tips Most People Ignore

Many people use sensitive skin care products to keep their skin looking young and vibrant. However, choosing the best one can be challenging with many available options. Some skin care creams and lotions may have hidden ingredients that irritate your skin. Others may make delicate skin feel itchy and dry or leave blemishes. That’s why it’s essential to test various products before choosing one for your skincare regimen.

But sensitive skin care isn’t only about choosing the right cosmetics. You must also drink plenty of water daily to keep your skin hydrated. In addition, it helps to be mindful of how much sun exposure you get each day. Too much time in the sun can cause sunburns and redness for people with sensitive skin. Finally, it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist yearly for a general checkup.

Below, we’ll go over a few common sensitive skin care tips most people overlook. That way, you’ll know the proper techniques for optimal skin care.

5 Sensitive Skin Care Tips For Healthy Skin

sensitive skin care

Did you know around 60-70% of women have sensitive skin? While this skin type is prevalent, many women still struggle to find cosmetics that don’t irritate them. Even if you discover a decent product, it can still cause a breakout days after you’ve applied it. So, how can you differentiate between false advertising claims and genuine products?

Board-certified allergist and immunologist Anjuli Mehrotra, M.D., has found the answer. She made it her life’s mission to help patients with sensitive skin and created a specially designed beauty product. She noticed that many of her patients had itchy, inflamed skin even after using hypoallergenic products without fragrances. Sadly, these cosmetics contained hidden toxic ingredients, creating an adverse reaction days later.

She offered tips for people with sensitive skin to choose high-quality products.

1. Take marketing claims with a grain of salt.

Sadly, many companies use false advertising to sell their products, but they’re not totally to blame. Poor regulations and oversight have led to numerous cosmetics hitting the market that don’t meet expectations. For instance, many sensitive skin products are labeled ‘hypoallergenic,’ which doesn’t mean much at face value.

No defined regulations exist for this term, so companies can still sell products with major allergens and get away with it. They might contain hidden essential oils and fragrances, which can cause rashes for some people. So, reading every ingredient and research before buying skin care cosmetics is best.

2. All-natural products aren’t always better.

A product that contains natural ingredients doesn’t make it free of allergens. Synthetic products often have a poor reputation in today’s world as more people want environmentally friendly options. However, some natural sensitive skin care products can still cause harm to the planet and your skin. For example, many hypoallergenic creams contain lanolin (derived from sheep’s wool) and propolis (or beeswax).

While these all-natural ingredients can increase moisture in the skin, they can cause an adverse reaction for some people. So, if you have sensitive skin, keep an open mind to cosmetics with synthetic ingredients. You might have better luck with these beauty items than the natural options.

3. Patch test for at least a few days for sensitive skin care.

Some people like to try a new product on a section of skin before applying it all over their bodies. Doing a patch test ensures that if you have a bad reaction, it won’t cause a full-body breakout. Keeping it isolated to a small area helps you recover faster if you don’t react well to a cosmetic. It also makes any discomfort easier to bear if the product doesn’t cover a large area.

Most people like to patch test on the inside of their wrists or bend of their elbows. Then, they will try it out on their face if they don’t have an adverse reaction. This might seem like a logical approach to applying skin care products, but not necessarily for those with sensitive skin. People with reactive skin should first patch test on their jawline and continue for several days.

Applying a dime-sized amount of the cosmetic in this area for two to three days should do the trick. Then, if you notice any bumps, irritation, or redness, you’ll know to avoid using the product. After four or five days without any reaction, you can continue using the cosmetic. It might seem annoying or inconvenient to wait long before using a product. However, it beats dealing with a nasty rash on your face!

4. Avoid sunscreens with certain chemicals.

You might think little about sunscreen since it protects your skin. However, sensitive skin care requires paying more attention to the ingredients in your sunscreen. People with sensitive skin react more strongly to certain chemicals in traditional sunscreens. For instance, most dermatologists suggest avoiding the following ingredients: oxybenzone, avobenzone, homosalate, ensulizole, octocrylene, and octinoxate.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that all these chemicals penetrate the skin and cause allergies. Also, they remain on the skin weeks after being applied, leading to hormone disruption.

5. Choose products with soothing ingredients.

As we said earlier, some people might break out when using products with natural ingredients. However, you can always perform a patch test to see how you react. In general, you should choose cosmetics with gentle, mild ingredients, such as the following:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Aloe vera
  • Vitamin E
  • Olive oil
  • Chamomile
  • Shea butter
  • Sunflower seed oil
  • Coconut oil

These ingredients add moisture and healthy fats to the skin, creating a youthful effect.

skin care

Final Thoughts on Best Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Sensitive skin care involves a bit of trial and error to find what works for you. Some people react strongly to common, natural ingredients, while others find that synthetic cosmetics disagree with them. People with sensitive skin should investigate marketing claims closely and read labels thoroughly. It helps to research and read other consumers’ reviews before buying new products.

Also, avoid harsh chemicals and sunscreens that can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Finding effective sensitive skin care products might seem daunting, but it’s possible with patience and research.

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