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Do You Think With Your Head or Your Heart?

Do You Think With Your Head or Your Heart?

Have you ever thought about whether you are thinking with your head or your heart? Of course you have! There have certainly been moments in all of our lives when we have stopped and pondered just which part of us was making a decision.

Is thinking with one better than the other?

To find the answer, we need to consider the types of decisions we make. In many ways, it does not matter what the decision relates to, a new love, a new jacket or a new fridge; the decision process is largely the same.

Let’s take a look at dinner. What’s for dinner on a Sunday night is probably a heart decision. We sleep in and get up late, have a leisurely breakfast, then later on see what you feel like eating. Monday on the other hand, after a hard day’s work; is most definitely a decision of the head, with the decision often being made at the door of the freezer!

Technologically, let’s say you’re buying a new laptop computer. You weigh all of the options: RAM, gigabytes, screen size, and you think about what you need it for, etc. The white one has all of the specs you need, and it is the right price. But there’s a blue one over there, and it’s lovely – and only $30 more! Hmmm, you decide.

head or your heart

So, do you think with your head or your heart?

A recent study questioned people about where their decision-making was: the head or your heart. The results are interesting but, initially may not shed too much light on your personality. In a nutshell: The ‘heart’ people are emotional, and the ‘head’ people are logical. They also suggest that: “we might expect people, overall, to be more head-located while in class or studying, and heart-located while interacting with friends or family.”

While this makes sense on paper, it’s how we use this understanding to help us make more balanced decisions. Generally, the ‘heart’ person looks at most things from an emotional standpoint. They will weigh all the options, and it may take a little bit too long to decide.

This becomes complicated as many small decisions require a lot of effort, which ends up just putting the decision off until another time. As Will Ferrell once tweeted: “I’ve got 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I’m stressing about for absolutely no logical reason.”

Ask yourself these questions to determine if you think with your head or your heart:

It should come as no surprise to learn that ‘heart’ people tend to like being part of groups with plenty of opportunities for discussion and opinion. Some of the questions they might ask include:

  • How will it look?
  • How will it feel?
  • What will it match?
  • Is he or she my type?

The ‘head’ person, on the other hand, is usually the more logical of the two. This person prefers to be autonomous and has little difficulty rationalizing many options to come to a decision. There’s a plan in place and whether or not it is in motion, many decisions are made based on this plan.

That is not to say that the ‘head’ person does not value the opinions of others, they certainly do; but after all is said and done, it was always going to their decision.

Remember the plan is their central focus and just because they are out dancing tonight does not mean they won’t be in class tomorrow and won’t blow the week’s budget on clothes. Speaking of class, the ‘head’ person also tends to do well academically and is at risk of occasionally coming across as cold; even though rational does not mean unfeeling.

Head thinkers also tend to be less stressed out, and you can easily imagine the kind of careers they are drawn to.

head or your heart

So which one are you?

Do you identify more with Oprah Winfrey or Warren Buffet? Are you Mr. Spock or Captain Kirk?

Or maybe you’re like Albert Einstein, who said, “Logic will get you from A to B; Imagination will take you everywhere.” He clearly had time for both thinkers of the head and of the heart.

Identifying whether you are a head or heart thinker is probably easy. The real balance comes when you listen to what both your head and your heart are telling you.

Finally, remember this. There will be times when you are torn and don’t know what to decide. These are times when neither your head nor your heart can help you. You ponder and pause and ponder again, examine all the angles, and still can come to a decision, neither logically nor emotionally. That’s when we ask what our gut is telling us.

5 Ways To Find Your Life Purpose Today

One of the very basic definitions of a happy life is a life full of meaning. There is a reason we exist, and everyone has talents that are theirs to share with the world. It’s those talents that give our life purpose. One of the biggest reasons people stay stuck in a life they don’t love is because they have yet to discover the meaning of their life and find their purpose.

Our life purpose is unique to us. What’s not unique is taking on someone else’s purpose. We are beings influenced by the happenings around us. As a result, it is not unusual to take on the things that matter to those around us. This happens because of the pressure around us to find and live our purpose. It can make us feel like we are not measuring up if we are struggling to find our life purpose.

Here are some things to consider as you set about discovering your purpose:

  • Our life purpose is found through our curiosity. Try new things, read books, experiment with life and see what happens.
  • Our purpose can change. As we evolve and grow as human beings, so do the things that bring us joy and feed our soul.
  • Our life purpose is something we will steal time for. It doesn’t matter how tired we are; we will find the time.
  • We are on this earth to support our life purpose; our purpose is not designed to support us.

So how do you know if you are living your life purpose, someone else’s life purpose or living with no purpose?

Here are five ways to find your life purpose today:

(Fair warning, these exercises while appearing simple on the surface, can be challenging as we begin to dig deep. We will get out of them what we put into them. So find some space where you can quiet the world around you and contemplate the big questions).

Exercise #1: The Three Lists

Make three lists. List #1 includes all of the things we are good at; list #2 includes all the things we enjoy doing; list #3 includes everything we do that is meaningful and feeds our soul. List as many things as possible on each list and then look for common themes among them.

Exercise #2: But, Why?

Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. The first column in the “what” and the second column is the “why.” We’ll begin by writing all the things we spend time doing in the what column – work, hobbies, errands, interests, chores, etc. When we have a list that adequately represents our daily life, we’ll go to the second column and start writing why we do it. When we have all the whys, go back over the list and circle the five things that bring us joy and are most important. Our purpose will begin to present itself, but don’t be afraid to keep questioning why.

Exercise #3: The “Four Aims”

In the Hindu tradition there are four aims to progress in life:

  • Dharma or duty
  • Artha or prosperity
  • Kama or pleasure
  • Moksha or freedom

Think of what each of those four aims means and write down five things that would be enjoyable to do in support of each one. Look at the four aims and the lists and rank them in order of enjoyment and personal fulfillment. As we start to prioritize what we enjoy and what brings meaning, we will begin to uncover our purpose.

Exercise #4: Visualize Your Future Self

Let’s start by asking questions about what the future version of ourselves looks like. It might take several days to create our true vision, and we should let it take shape in its own time.

Start by answering these questions:

  • What does she like to do?
  • How does she spend her time?
  • How does she relax?
  • What is important to her?
  • What gives her life meaning?
  • What makes her happiest?

We are creating the man or woman we want to become, and more importantly, the person we want to guide us. When we have a solid vision of this future self, we can begin to seek guidance from her with questions like these:

  • What do I need to know to get from where I am to where you are?
  • What are the biggest lessons you have learned over the past ten years?

It’s okay if our future self evolves and changes over time because we are evolving and changing, and so are our needs. Keep coming back to this exercise to make sure our future self is growing with us.

Make a vision board to envision your future self
click here to learn how to create one

Exercise #5: Watch TED Talks

There is so much inspirational and motivational content on TED, that it isn’t hard to quickly learn what topics we enjoy, which ones we seek out, and what lights the fire within. Not only will we find the things that light us up, but we will also see living with purpose modeled on a large scale.

We shouldn’t put too much pressure on ourselves to find our “one purpose.” We can have more than one, and none of them has to be the reason we go to work each day. Work has its place, but our life purpose is something bigger. Give it time, respect and honor it by not forcing it to do anything other than make us feel whole.

3 Reasons Lonely People Stay Lonely

Loneliness can cause aches and pains far greater than the worst physical ailment you could possibly imagine. A study by Brigham Young University confirmed that loneliness increases a person’s risk of early death just as much as obesity, smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and being an alcoholic.

More people live alone and feel alone than ever before, and if we don’t grasp the causes, we could be headed for a loneliness epidemic in the future. Luckily, researchers of this loneliness outbreak have begun to narrow down why lonely people stay lonely, so that these people can start to make friendships and feel connected to others once again. Because loneliness threatens one’s longevity just as much as obesity, scientists want to get to the root of the problem so that more people can understand their loneliness and break out of the habit.

Like anything you repeatedly do, it forms new pathways in your brain, and you simply act on those impulses. You can create new experiences by changing your mindset first, but many lonely people don’t know where to start with this process. You can beat loneliness and have healthy relationships, but you must do the dirty work first to get to the heart of the problem.

Here are 3 reasons why lonely people stay lonely:


1. You don’t believe in yourself.

Many people believe the theory that people become lonely because they have inadequate social skills, which makes them self-conscious and leads them further down the road of isolation. Then, they lose their few social skills, making them even more lonely and out of touch. However, new research suggests that lonely people actually have a wonderful grasp on social skills and understand how to connect with people; they just overthink and criticize. themselves. In other words, they don’t put their skills to use in social situations.

Four scientists led different experiments that tested how lonely people would perform when under social pressure, and the study was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. First, all the students participating in the experiments completed a survey measuring their loneliness. Then, these 86 undergraduates were tested when they had to identify the emotions of 24 different faces on a computer screen.

In short, the lonelier students performed worse on the test than the non-lonely participants, but only when they were informed that they were being tested on their social skills. When the scientists told the lonely students that they were just taking a general knowledge test, they did better than the less lonely students. This confirms the findings in previous studies: lonely people have a keen ability to read people’s emotions, probably because they long for human connection. However, when they actually go out to talk to people and put those social skills to the test, they end up choking and letting their nerves get in the way of forming relationships.

How perspective matters.

Everyone feels lonely at some point, but what exactly discerns temporarily lonely people from those who remain lonely? Perspective.

Could it really be that simple that you could just change how you look at social situations and yourself to overcome loneliness? Precisely. Research by Allison Wood Brooks of Harvard Business School reveals that by simply telling yourself to get excited rather than telling yourself to calm down in scary situations can make a world of difference. Brooks and her colleagues told participants to perform several scary tasks in a series of studies, including solving math problems and singing karaoke. Before they performed the tasks, they were either told to calm down or to get excited. The people told to get excited did better on both tasks than those told to calm down.

These two separate studies show that lonely people can overcome loneliness by simply getting out of their heads more and believing in themselves. Easier said than done, we know, but having more social interactions and getting excited about talking or performing in front of people can get you on the road to recovery.

2. Lonely people often overanalyze themselves.

These studies suggest that lonely people usually lack confidence in their social skills. They have a distorted view of themselves, for some reason believing they’re inferior to others in social settings. At the heart of loneliness lies a lack of self-esteem and a belief that you have something to hide from other people. The more you isolate yourself from social situations, the harder it will become to get back out there and form connections. Lonely people remain lonely because they continue to analyze themselves to such a degree that it becomes simply unhealthy and in many cases, inaccurate.

Realize that you don’t need labels or identities to make it in this world. Don’t worry so much about what others think of you if you stutter or turn red in the face or forget what you wanted to say. Remember, we all are human here, and everyone has more similarities than differences. Start putting your “flaws” on display for others to see; once you realize that your imperfections make you beautiful, you won’t want to hide them any longer. You’ll want to show them off.

3. You always think of the worst case scenario.

Lonely people tend to think of things in black and white. They either think a situation will go fantastically or it will go down in a wall of flames. Usually, they think of the latter scenario, unfortunately. As discussed in the first point, you need to change your perspective. You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind, so you obviously can’t progress with social skills if you constantly think something will go wrong. Lonely people remain lonely by living too much inside their minds and believing all the tales their brain conjures up. In reality, you just need to focus on having more fun and letting go, and all the right people will start to come into your life.

Give yourself a chance to shine, and you’ll start to see that neither you nor other people can put out your light.

11 Signs Your Inner Goddess Is Coming Out

For thousands of years, the logical, headstrong masculine energy has ruled the planet, but now people worldwide have started to get in touch with their emotional, feminine side. No single energy must rule the planet alone, and this convergence will restore balance to uncover the beautiful, nurturing, loving inner goddess.

During this particular time in your life, you might feel a dramatic shift in energy as we once again recognize and celebrate the Divine Feminine within us all. The analytical and passionate masculine energy does serve a strong purpose and will be preserved during these times even while people on Earth tap into their divine goddess energy.

Here are 11 signs you’ve tapped into your inner goddess:


1. You feel more sensitive and caring to yourself and others.

With the arrival of the inner goddess energy being revealed comes intense feelings of compassion for yourself and others. You will suddenly want to help everyone you meet, and may even put the feelings of others before your own sometimes. You have realized that only caring about yourself in life will lead to despair and isolation, so you’ve stripped away your Ego and found true love in yourself and everything around you. The goddess within also wants you to nurture and help others remember who they are.

2. Your inner goddess wishes to make more female friends.

Of course, males serve a very important and sacred purpose on Earth too, but as the Divine Feminine energy returns to the planet, you will have a deep desire to connect with more females. You know that you need to band together with women in order to stay strong during these turbulent times, and as a group, you can count on one another to get through it. Also, you can practice healing techniques with your female friends, such as Reiki, massage, meditation, and other types of energy work.

3. You know that you came here to be a healer of some sort.

As you have awakened to your inner goddess, you recognize your calling to help people somehow. You know that you manifested on Earth during these times in order to help balance the energies on the planet and bring about peace and love. No matter which path you choose, you know that your destiny as a healer will soon be revealed to you.

4. Your inner goddess wishes to express herself in a creative way.

As you tap into your inner goddess, you will start to notice huge spikes of creative energy. You feel more drawn to the arts, and seek solace in quiet expressions of the soul such as drawing or writing.

5. You have a strong desire to be a part of a loving community.

Since you have started your journey to awakening, you wish to seek out others who resonate with your beliefs and goals in life. You know that you can’t change this world alone, and wish to make friends with people who have discovered the divine goddess within, also. You just long for others who see the world as you do, and know that becoming part of a community could open more doors for you to help others heal.

6. You have no desire to compete with or judge anyone.

The divine goddess feels strong and able to carry herself without tearing others down or feeling jealous of others’ accomplishments. You can stand on your own two feet without having to knock someone else off their own pedestal and simply want everyone in the world to feel happy and fulfilled. You realize that we all play on the same team here, and know that competition only creates separation while collaboration unites a divided tribe.

7. You have realized the importance of self-love and self-care.

Perhaps the most significant sign of awakening to the inner goddess is learning how to love and take care of yourself truly. Before, you may have had toxic habits or thoughts about yourself that inhibited your growth as a spiritual being, but now, you realize that loving yourself is paramount in your journey here. Without self-love and care, you will always feel incomplete because you seek them elsewhere. You have realized your own power and know that you can accomplish anything if you just love yourself first.

8. Your inner goddess energy requires you to clear out old pain.

To advance on your journey, you must clear out heavy energies that no longer serve you. The divine goddess within you will urge you to sit with your pain and let it move through you, while recognizing what those feelings and experiences taught you. Then, as you thank them for the lessons they’ve shown you, you can move on and welcome love and light back into your life.

9. You start to manifest what you want at rapid speeds.

You have witnessed things you simply cannot explain, as the people and places you need in your life simply show up at exactly the right time. Your dreams are starting to come true right before your eyes, and all you did was start to believe in yourself and your connection with the universe.

10. You have a newfound sense of confidence and purpose.

You’ve honored your inner goddess and understood that she will carry you through from here on. You no longer need to feel ashamed of yourself or threatened by others. As a result, you can walk boldly into any situation and feel assured that you can make it through and come out as an even stronger person.

inner goddess

11. You no longer feel afraid of what life will throw at you.

Old energies and thoughts melt away as you continue to develop the divine goddess energy; life suddenly becomes a playground rather than a war zone to you. You have become excited about life instead of scared and unsure of the unknown.

8 Ways To Revive Your Relationship

Naturally, routines become a part of our lives in some way. There are many reasons routines become ingrained in our day – it helps us be more efficient and prevents decision fatigue. The problem with routines is that they become easy and comfortable and spill over into all areas of our lives, including our relationships.

We take our partner for granted and go through the motions until, one day–we realize we’re bored.
If you feel this has happened to you and your relationship, here are eight ways to revive your relationship and help get that spark back.

1. Talk about your relationship honestly.

It happens that routines cause a little stagnation in our lives and relationships. Breakfast is spent looking at the phone, lunch is spent at work, and dinner is separate because of other commitments. Our conversations are short and not meaningful, and even bedtime is different because of our routines.

The crux of it all; we’re tired, and our routines can do that for us. To fix it, it needs to be brought out into the open, and that happens when we talk about it. Relationships go stale because we stop doing what we used to do – communicating is one of the first to go. ?Find the time to talk. Make a date and put it on the calendar and during your date, make more dates to break up the routine.


2. Don’t talk about it. Make a plan to fix the relationship.

Actress Audrey Hepburn wisely noted:

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

If your love is worth fighting for, then it’s time to make a plan to hold on and thrive!

Sometimes we can talk about an issue to death, but talking without action is pointless. Make a plan, organize it, and tell your partner it’s on. They’ll thank you for it. Then, to keep it going – make it a game. Tell your partner that the next event is all down to them, it must be their idea, and they must do the planning.

It doesn’t have to be a huge thing or even expensive. It can be as simple as making a picnic dinner or going on a hike. We should schedule activities we used to love to do together but somehow forgot about in the shuffle of our daily routine. It’s time to bring back the fun.

3. Go on a date.

There was a time when our conversations were about plans and dreams. We used to talk about the things we would do together, the places we wanted to see, and the things we wanted to do. Bring back those discussions and start planning again. Set dates, keep them, and enjoy them to the fullest!

4. Go to bed at the same time.

Bedtime is a routine for all of us, but our morning and work schedules often overlap with those of our partners. If your partner is always in bed before you, follow them at least a few nights a week. Read together, lie together, “and tell me about your day!”

5. Do things together.

As we settle into daily life, we often look for ways to divide and conquer our chores to get them done faster. All that does is heighten the separateness of a couple. It may sound silly but wash the dishes, fold the clothes, or do some gardening. Anything is a chance to chat and be together. Do more things together and use it this time to make chores more fun and to stay close.

6. Think differently about the people you love in various relationships.

It’s not only the relationship with our partner that may need reviving; it may be true for the other important relationships in our lives and for similar reasons. Every relationship benefits when we begin to pay attention to the people that matter most. So take the time to foster all of your relationships by showing how much you care through written notes and random acts of kindness.

7. Think differently about yourself.

It takes two to tango, but only one to change. No one can blame couples for a little stagnation creeping into their relationship; it happens to most couples at some point. Will we blame ourselves, though, if nothing is done about it? Will we look back and think we could have done more? Do that something ‘more’ now!

Being the instigator of change does not make us wrong or anyone else right; it means we care and that we’ll do anything to bolster the foundations of the relationship. We’ll never regret trying!


 8. Live life the way you think you should.

Becoming a couple happens when two people share similar visions for a life together. As each person grows and evolves, that vision may get lost and forgotten. When a relationship lacks passion and purpose, it’s important to revisit those initial visions and dreams and start living the life you thought you would be living. The initial vision may have changed a bit, but it will be surprising how valid those original hopes for the relationship will still ring true. Celebrate them and make them a priority. Nothing can revive a stagnating relationship better than living the dream.

5 Things That Happen When You Start Loving Your Body

Life can be challenging sometimes, but that has rarely been in doubt. There are both good challenges and bad challenges, and how we rise to meet them is both a true measure of who we are and an indicator of where we find ourselves.

The world around us, though, never stops running, making noise, never stops asking, never stops making demands, and never runs out of energy. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for us. There is no shame in it, but over time, life can wear us down and tire the very best of us. As a result, we often let one thing slip, just one thing – ourselves, leading to poor choices, bad habits, and a lack of self-love.

Remember, life is a marathon and not a sprint, take just one step at a time. Soon you will be back to that beautiful, confident person you can see in your mind.

5 Positive Outcomes When You  Start Loving Your Body

If you need a little encouragement, here are five things that will happen when you start loving your body and yourself.


1. Things will get clearer.

We can’t be who we want to be until we know who we are today. To find out, we have to stop and take stock of the person we are right now and consider who and what we wish to be tomorrow. We want to be that upright, confident, fit and happy person that we can visualize; it all starts with loving yourself and your body.

We can start by listing the things that are keeping us down, at work, at home, socially, or wherever—give them due consideration and be prepared to let go or just say no!

Just pick one thing to work on this week. Be prepared to consider that it is not always other people who are the problem, sometimes, it’s us. ??A little exercise and fresh air is a wonderful way to clear the head; it gives you time to think properly and separate the issues.

Let’s make a decision today that we are going to get out into nature three or four times every week. Mark the days on a calendar or put it in your planner. Make sure it is noticeable and in a place that you will see it every day.  The “when I have a chance” method is a recipe for failure; writing it down is at least the beginning of a plan.  Just getting outside more will help you learn to appreciate life and yourself as it is today and get you on the right path to loving your body.

2. You’ll eat better.

When we get more air, we get more exercise, making us feel better. When we feel better, we want to eat better. We begin to crave more goodness. Commit properly to that exercise, and it won’t be long before you see poor food choices for what they are – bad choices that offer you no real benefit, internally or externally.

Better food choices also mean less of those predictable ‘slumps’ that drain energy from our mind and body. Now, that’s not to say there is no room for occasional treats; they will taste better and make you feel good—because you earned them. Everything in life tastes a little sweeter when it’s earned, and loving your body becomes much easier when you really care for it.

 3. You will sleep better.

When you get in the mindset of loving your body, you’re more willing to get proper sleep. And when you get a good night’s rest, loving your body becomes almost second nature. Self-care and sleep go hand in hand; you can’t have one without the other.

It’s important to get a full night’s sleep of seven to eight hours. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you don’t need it. Proper sleep also means more rational thoughts, better health, and a more optimistic personality.

Ideally, we’ll create a bedtime routine to get enough sleep before having to wake up in the morning. Waking up before the alarm is set to go off is beneficial to our mood and will start the day off on the right side of the bed.

4. You’ll have more energy.

More energy is the by-product of getting outside, eating better, and proper sleep. And when we have more energy we make better decisions and do better work.  Loving your body is hard when running around on an empty tank. So we must start fueling our bodies properly to sustain a positive mood.

5. You will care less what others think.

This is a natural side effect of bodily love and better health. When we feel good – we look good; simple as that. Feeling good on the inside means better care of the outside, we’ll want to dress it up and show it off. Remember, inner confidence and satisfaction have a glow visible to others, and loving your body will come naturally.

While the above may seem a little obvious, life does not need to be complicated or groundbreaking, it needs to be simple. Simpler choices are good choices. What we are trying to do is highlight the interconnectedness of better habits.  So choose one and get started. Start loving your body; it will show!


Final Thoughts on Loving Your Body Right Now

Your body deserves your love. More importantly, you deserve self-love. Focus on the positives and reach for these healthy outcomes. You should ask nothing less of yourself than loving your body for all it does for you right now.

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