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10 Things Creative People Do Daily

Creative skills are unique in advancing society’s essential and joyful facets. Without the ability to conceptualize ideas and create something unique, there would be nothing of value. Think about this: nearly everything we take for granted began with the spark of creativity – roads, phones, computers, video games, food, books, paintings, electricity…and so on.

All great inventors, writers, painters, composers and designers possess incredible creative talent. Strangely enough, our children are increasingly preparing themselves for a lifetime of work that doesn’t fall within the creative realm. Outside of the traditional art and writing classes one takes in a course of study, there’s just not much else. To this end, we should encourage our children to pursue something that will enhance their creativity.

Whether or not you consider yourself to be creative, there are some great ways you can enhance this skill. From creating a PowerPoint presentation to constructing the next Pulitzer Prize winning novel, following these ten tips will ensure that you’re at your creative best.

10 Things Creative People Do Without Even Realizing It

“Logic will get you from ‘A’ to ‘B’. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ­Albert Einstein

1 – Keep an open mind

This is number one for a reason – creative discoveries happen when the mind is relaxed and open. While logic and analysis demand intense concentration and staying power, creative thinking cannot be forced using these ways of thinking.

An open mind is a foundation for innovation and creative insight. This is very simple: keeping your mind open means keeping your options available. The more attuned you are to the options at your disposal, the more you can make connections and create something of value.

creative brain

2 – Listen to ambient noise

Turns out that there is a reason many of us find it easier to pluck away on our laptops in coffee shops. In a Journal of Consumer Research study, scientists used five different experiments to determine if and how noise level affects cognitive cognition. Here is a synopsis of the study:

“Compared to a relatively quiet environment (50 decibels), a moderate level of ambient noise (70 dB) enhanced subjects’ performance on the creativity tasks, while a high level of noise (85 dB) hurt it. Modest background noise, the scientists explain, creates enough of a distraction to encourage people to think more imaginatively.”

3 – Exercise regularly to stay sharp and creative

The benefits of exercise are numerous and have been meticulously documented through various studies and experiments. We can add one more thing to this list: exercise enhances creative ability.

According to a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, regular exercise seems to be connected with enhanced divergent (thinking of multiple solutions to a problem) and convergent (thinking of one solution to a problem) thinking – two foundational components of creative thought.

4 – Get (a little) tired

While analytical thinking is highly difficult with even a slightly sluggish mind, creative thinking seems to improve. The reason is that a tired brain struggles to ignore distractions and solve complex problems. However, this is not the goal in creative thought. The goal in creative thought is to allow our brains to wander off on tangents.

The easiest way to implement this tip is to determine your “non-optimal” times of day. For example, if you’re a night owl, you may consider conducting your creative work during the day. If you’re a rise-and-shiner, you should do most of your creative thinking at night.

5 – Make those brain connections

Consider the words of Steve Jobs:

“Creativity is just connecting thing. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really DO it, they just saw something.”

In a slightly more scientific explanation:

“Several brain regions and the connections between them, (are the areas) most important to general intelligence.”

To implement this somewhat abstract proposal, make sure you continue in your creative endeavors. If you’re a writer, then write. If you are a painter, then paint. In doing so, your brain does not remain stagnant and will sometimes provide some excellent creative insight.


6 – Disconnect

While it is an absolute that mild forms of distraction can be good for creative thinking, it is important to understand that constant distractions, especially of the tech variety – email, cell phone, and internet – are not.

If great writers like Tolkien, Hemingway, Angelou, Dickens, or Twain were constantly distracted, would they have produced the work that they did? Maybe, but they may have also found it more difficult and time-consuming. Distractions, especially with technology use, are so commonplace that they’ve become acceptable, even in the workplace.

Consider a “digital detox” on your next creative project. Shut down the cell phone, close the web browser, and focus on your craft. You may find some creative flashes that really make a difference in the finished product.

7 – Dim the lights

Among the more interesting findings: dimming the light around your workplace can boost creativity. This can surprise us, who love plenty of natural light when doing our work.

Consider this study from the Journal of Environmental Psychology; here are a couple of the studies’ findings:

  • Dim illuminations and priming darkness improve creative performance.
  • Perceived freedom and a creativity-supportive processing style explain the effect.
  • Light setting and the stage of the innovation process alter the effect’s emergence.

8 – Change the scenery for creative inspiration

Working at home is necessary for those who create while holding jobs or raising a family. While some of us may do absolutely fine with this arrangement, it is worth considering that an occasional change in scenery can boost our creative thinking.

The rationale is simple: our surroundings sometimes become stagnant and boring. Stagnation and boredom are not a good recipe for creative cognition while switching it up by visiting the library, coffee shop, or local parks can be just what our creative juices need.

9 – Expand your cultural and artistic knowledge

Novelty is the essence of creative thought. As such, it is necessary for those of us with creative inclination to expand our cultural reach.

This doesn’t mean that you need to book a thousand dollar flight to some far-away place (well…if you can, do it!), but expanding your knowledge through simple (read: affordable) measures – reading a book on different art forms studying a new poet, watching a movie on different cultures, and so on.

We’ve established that connections in the brain are important to creative discovery. To this end, plenty of new connections can be made by expanding upon our cultural knowledge.

10 – Embrace uncertainty and adventure

On a personal note, this author loves this quote by German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”

As creators, we likely have a daring and adventurous aspect of our personality. In a world that encourages the nine-to-five “working for the weekend” culture, this side of us can feel distant and even foreign after a while. However, you are different!

In being someone who creates and, in doing so, chooses to share your creations with the world, you already open yourself up to some level of uncertainty. Good! Uncertainty is growth for the soul, and adventure is its soil.

Uncertainty is adventurous, and being adventurous expands upon those “connections” we discussed earlier. The bottom line? Never lose your sense of adventure – it makes life less fun and dulls your creative side.


Final Thoughts on Some of the Habits of Creative People

Of course, this list is all-encompassing. Furthermore, it may not apply to every creative thinker. Every genius has their own ways of supporting and driving even more creativity. That uniqueness makes artists and creators so fascinating to others–they’re always a surprise!

10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Buddhist Teachings

Buddhism is a very peaceful religion and Buddhist teachings center around releasing oneself from attachments and feelings of dissatisfaction and embracing liberation through following simple truths and regular meditation practice.

At the core of Buddhism is the development of mindfulness; Buddhists believe that by becoming more mindful and present in everything you do, say, and think, you will eventually enter a state of what’s known as “Nirvana,” or the ultimate liberation and awakening of the soul. In studying Buddhist teachings, we can learn many important life lessons that will help all of us along this sometimes difficult but rewarding journey on Earth.

Here are ten life lessons we can learn from Buddhist teachings:


1. Give generously to others

“If you knew what I know about the power of giving you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”

“Give, even if you only have a little.”

“If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.”

“In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery; in compassion lies the world’s true strength.”

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

2. Free yourself from attachments

“See them, floundering in their sense of mind, like fish in the puddles of a dried-up stream — and, seeing this, live with no mind, not forming attachment for states of becoming.”

“Whatever precious jewel there is in the heavenly worlds, there is nothing comparable to one who is Awakened.”

“Pain is certain, suffering is optional.”

“The root of all suffering is desire.”

“All conditioned things are impermanent’ — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.”

3. Take the journey within to find answers

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you.”buddhist-teachings

4. Walk a humble path

“Know from the rivers in clefts and in crevices: those in small channels flow noisily, the great flow silent. Whatever’s not full makes noise. Whatever is full is quiet.”

“Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.”

“Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you.”

5. Conquer the ego (mind) and free the soul

“To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.”

“Wear your ego like a loose-fitting garment.”

“A mind unruffled by the vagaries of fortune, from sorrow freed, from defilements cleansed, from fear liberated — this is the greatest blessing.”

“There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.”

6. Release feelings of hate, resentment, and fear

“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.”

“It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person free from remorse.”

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”

“If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good.”

“Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone.”

“Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.”

7. Be here now

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”

“The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live.”

“As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise, you will miss most of your life.”

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

8. You are the writer of your own destiny

“Purity or impurity depends on oneself. No one can purify another.”

“You yourself must strive, The Buddhas only point the way.”

9. Nourish your body with the right foods

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

10. Don’t resist reality

“The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world.”

“Happiness or sorrow, whatever befalls you, walk on untouched, unattached.”

“You only lose what you cling to.”

5 Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Unhappy

Do you feel unfulfilled or unhappy in your relationship? It turns out that you are not alone.

A Daily Mail survey shows six out of ten people report feeling unhappy in their relationships.

However, many stay in unhappy relationships due to comfort, safety, stability, or even fear of leaving. People remain in relationships that don’t bring them happiness because they fear being alone, but staying in a relationship with someone who makes you unhappy doesn’t seem any better.

In life, we all have to make choices at some point. In fact, it’s sometimes true that the most challenging and the right things are the same.

You deserve a relationship that will excite you about life, and encourage and support you; any relationship that makes you feel less than ecstatic isn’t worth having.

Here are five signs your relationship is making you unhappy:


1. You would rather spend your time with friends or family.

If you don’t even want to spend time with your partner, this should speak volumes to you about your unhappiness in your relationship. A solid relationship must have trust, communication, and, most importantly, the desire to stay with one another despite the obstacles. If you have grown tired of your partner and find yourself hanging out with friends or family in your spare time, you probably are in an unhappy relationship.

You need to communicate your feelings to your partner and either work on the things that make you feel unhappy or go your separate ways if the problems can’t be resolved. Unhappy partnerships can drag on for years, but they don’t have to.

2. Your relationship feels more draining than satisfying.

If you always feel exhausted around your partner and don’t feel that connection with them any longer, this points to an unhappy situation. A relationship should make you feel motivated, overjoyed, and alive, not lethargic and uninspired. Maybe you two just don’t click anymore, or you might have different life goals requiring you to go down separate paths. This doesn’t mean either person should be blamed for the lack of chemistry; just have a civilized, rational conversation and check in with them about their feelings. You might be able to work through these issues, but if not, you’re much better off on your own than staying in an unhappy relationship.

3. You don’t feel sexually attracted to your partner anymore.

Of course, you might not have sex as often as you did at the beginning of your relationship, but the desire to have sex with your partner should never go away entirely. If you find yourself saying no to sex more often, deeper issues might need to come to the surface. To have a sexual attraction to someone, you must also feel emotionally and mentally connected to them. Sex doesn’t define a relationship, but it is vital to having a healthy one.

If you and your partner don’t have sex regularly anymore, you should sit down with them to figure out the actual problem. A happy connection requires physical and emotional intimacy, and these two aspects must stay balanced to make a relationship thrive.

4. You don’t enjoy your time with your partner.

When you do spend time together, what feelings do you get? Do you feel excited to go out with them, watch movies at home, or dread hanging out with them? Your heart will always guide you to the best decision for yourself, so if you genuinely don’t enjoy your partner’s company anymore, you need to reevaluate your relationship. Why stay in a relationship that doesn’t bring you joy anymore?

It might seem scary to leave a relationship behind, especially if you have been with the same person for years, but your heart will thank you in the long run because you will finally feel free again. You deserve to be with someone who will light a fire within your soul, not extinguish it.

unhealthy relationship

5. You feel trapped or suffocated in your relationship.

A relationship shouldn’t make you feel tied down or like you’re missing out on life; if you feel this way, you’re unhappy. Your partner should add value to your life, teaching you new things and giving you unforgettable experiences. A relationship should never feel like a prison cell; if it does, you need to escape and find someone who will liberate you.

A relationship should never feel like a burden; it should just be an extension of your connection with yourself. If you maintain a good relationship with yourself, the person who reflects you will add love to your life, not subtract from it.

5 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

When we find someone we truly admire and adore, we sometimes overlook or ignore warning signs of certain behaviors and personality traits that can actually harm us emotionally and even physically. Most people in a relationship just want a happy, healthy, thriving union between themselves and their partner. But when something doesn’t feel right, they sometimes choose to look past these feelings and pretend like everything’s fine.

Of course, no one is perfect. But you should never have to put up with any sort of behavior that makes you feel small, unimportant, or even fearful of your partner.

Here are five things you should never tolerate in a relationship:

fix a relationship

1. Emotional or physical abuse in the relationship

According to Click to, 1 in 4 women report experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime. These staggering statistics reveal a very serious problem in relationships and society today, so if you currently are in a relationship with a violent or abusive partner, or feel threatened in any way, don’t think twice about leaving them. No one on this Earth deserves a relationship where they constantly feel unsafe or unworthy of love. So you should never tolerate any sort of abuse in a relationship, including emotional abuse. This kind of behavior might seem less harmful than physical abuse, but even though no one can see the scars on your heart, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

*If you feel you have experienced abuse in your relationship, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline for support and guidance.

2. Someone who doesn’t listen to you

Your thoughts matter, and they deserve to be heard by your partner, especially the one person who you should always be able to count on to listen to you. However, these insensitive and self-absorbed behaviors sometimes don’t surface until months into a relationship. So don’t feel bad if you didn’t spot this right away. People who talk over others and don’t want to listen to what they have to say usually have low self-esteem. Furthermore, they feel they must control their partner to feel validated. They can’t control themselves, so they must look around them for ways to remain significant.

You should never tolerate someone who doesn’t know how to communicate with you, and a huge part of communication in a relationship actually involves listening. If your partner can’t give you that respect, they don’t deserve you. Period.

3. A controlling relationship

As we stated in the last point, controlling people have low self-confidence. They want to know where you will be at all times and who you will be with and want to dictate every aspect of your life, so you have no room to make your own choices. They want you all to themselves and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. This behavior might not seem too harmful at first, but most people who end up harming their partner emotionally or physically have an incessant need for control. Please don’t stay in a relationship with someone who feels the need to direct every part of your life; they need to work on their insecurity and dig deep to figure out why they can’t trust other people.

4. A person who constantly shoots down your aspirations

If you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t believe in your goals and dreams, you probably feel pretty unsupported and alone. And is that how you think you should feel in a relationship? Ask yourself this next time your partner tears you down or mocks you for your career or life goals. A relationship should make you feel fulfilled and supported, not the opposite. Someone who belittles you and makes you incapable of achieving your goals is jealous and insecure. They don’t want to watch you rise above obstacles and achieve greatness. That’s because they don’t have the courage to do the same for themselves.

You should never tolerate a relationship with someone who doesn’t believe in you and doesn’t want to see you advance your life. Choose a relationship with someone who uplifts you and will stand behind your dreams and goals 150%.

5. Someone who doesn’t take responsibility for their life

A relationship with someone who doesn’t take charge of their life will start to drain and unmotivate you after a while because they will look to you for everything they choose not to see within themselves. People who avoid developing themselves and would rather take the easy way out have no place in your life; a real relationship requires two people committed to becoming the best version of themselves and supporting each other along the way. Someone who exhibits no motivation or drive to accomplish something greater than themselves will only hinder their own self-development–and yours. So choose to avoid relationships with people who would rather take the backseat in life.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Dangers of a Harmful Relationship

You might feel trapped–you committed to love your partner despite all the flaws. But when a relationship takes a dangerous turn for your physical or mental well-being, it is time to reevaluate. You matter. Your emotional and physical safety matters. Do not tolerate a partner that does not give you the safety you deserve.

How to Balance Your Yin and Yang

We all have a strong and sensitive side. For some of us, one is much stronger than the other. But, it’s very possible to balance the two and still stay true to who you are.

This idea of the strong and sensitive, often referred to as Yin and Yang energies or Male and Female, that we possess dates back to ancient civilizations, such as the Mayan, as well as eastern ideologies like Buddhism. These opposing characteristics encompass our predominant thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about life.

Keeping these energies in balance is vital to our happiness and success; otherwise, disparity will manifest in the form of physical illnesses, depression and/or anxiety, and general unfulfillment in one’s journey. To get a better idea of how to balance our energies, let’s first look at the different characteristics associated with each energy:

 Yang/ Strong/Male Energy– Logic/analysis, confidence, dominant, action, protect, discipline, firmness, speaking, thinking, air/fire elements, warmth.

 Yin/Female/Sensitive Energy – Emotional, apprehensive, passive, feeling, nurture, understand, compassion, softness, listening, earth/water elements, coolness.

To dive in deeper,  our Yang energy is associated with the mind, while the Yin energy is linked to the heart.

To keep your overall energy balanced, you have to learn to merge the mind and the heart so they work in tandem, not against one another.

If you live too much in your mind, you may develop anxiety as you try to control and dominate your life, while living too much in your heart can result in depression and lethargy.

Our Yang side brings logic and momentum, while the Yin side must carry emotion and aid in the action.

We all have this Ying and Yang energy within, but unfortunately, many people walk around in a state of imbalance, not realizing their true potential. We must keep these energies properly stabilized in order to live our best lives, but how do you keep these energies balanced, exactly?

Balance Your Yin and Yang

Here are a few ways to keep your Yin and Yang Energies balanced:

  • Develop a regular yoga practice. Yoga does more than just help you stay in shape and keep your body working; it literally connects your mind and body to Spirit, aligning the mental, emotional and physical aspects of yourself. It takes you beyond yourself, providing a direct gateway to the purest form of your Soul, allowing you to merge the mind, heart and body into one.
  • If you don’t care for yoga, meditation works just as well. In fact, meditation might be the most important practice you will ever do in order to balance your energies, because it allows you to quiet your mind and see yourself for who you really are. When you go past the confines of your mind and reach into your heart, you will understand that you have both the courage and power associated with the male energy, as well as the nurturing and understanding associated with female energy.
  • Other wonderful ways to balance your energies include: Reiki, Chakra balancing, and other forms of Energy Work.

10 Ways To Protect Your Energy

Let’s face it. Life can be draining. From the moment we rise to the minute we fall back into bed, life is a series of demands on our time, our attention, our motivations and ultimately, our energy.

It’s sad to say, we don’t have to seek negativity, it finds us; remember, opposites attract! If we find ourselves drained, there are a few simple steps we can take to regain our positive energy and keep it for good.

Here are Ten Ways to Protect Your Energy:

Stop and listen.

It’s up to us to try to figure out what’s draining our energy.

Find some quiet space and time without the demands of daily life to just observe what is going on around you. Set aside a few minutes each day where it is just you, no coffee, no magazines, no phone, no book, no distractions. Give yourself time to hear your thoughts.  You may even want to create a daily meditation practice. Meditation is so beneficial in helping us maintain balance.

Get out and get some fresh air.

Walk, run, jog, swim! It doesn’t matter what it is. Do it every day – fill your lungs with air, it’s a free, natural anti-depressant that’s abundantly available and will add joy and years to your life.

Make a list.

Lists help keep you focused on your goals and keep you from straying too far. Break your day down into bite-sized chunks and organize them a little bit better. For example, those bites you hate to take, the bitter, boring jobs – tackle them first. Do the jobs you like least early in the day when your energy and motivation is highest; that leaves the rest of the day for the stuff you enjoy, which feeds your energy levels when they tend to dip.

Get a hobby.

As strange as it may seem, doing nothing will wear you out. Empty space and empty time are draining on the body and soul. Fill your time with something you like to do. It’s rewarding, and at bedtime you’ll feel fulfilled and looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.

Find positivity.

Negative energy is draining and sadly, it’s all around us: negative people, places, and environments.

Find positive people and positive places to be. Positive people provide positive energy, and they will get the same from you, a classic win-win scenario. That hobby you started, is there a club or are there others who share your interests? Find them!

Learn to say No!

We often agree on things we don’t want to do because it has become a pattern in our lives. Saying no is not hard to do, and it’s even easier if you practice. It’s not unusual to feel awkward and pretty awful right before you say “no.” But those feelings won’t last long because after, it’s not that a load will suddenly lift from your shoulders, it’s that a load won’t land on them; and that feels good. Think of it as ‘positive negativity.’


A clean and tidy space is a peaceful space, where you will better find the time for real relaxation. It has one or two other, less obvious benefits too. When we declutter, we often come across photographs and objects from happy times we had or spent with others – they always bring a smile to the face. That list you made earlier? Incorporate a decluttering schedule into it.

Take a bath.

And not just any bath. Add some Epsom salts and essential oils. Not only will it help remove toxins from your body, but the process will help remove toxic energy and thoughts as well.

Eat better!

How we nourish our bodies has a direct impact on our energy. Adding whole foods and water while eliminating processed and sugary foods will help promote positive energy. It will affect our mood, how we move and how we feel.

Here’s a simple test, does your ‘crash’ come after lunch? It does for many people. As an experiment, change the type of food you eat for lunch. For example, if lunch is traditionally a sandwich, change to a salad. Experiment with your food choices and see how your body reacts.

Go to bed.

You can’t maintain constant energy without some form of routine and your bedtime is a part of this. Create a night-time routine that includes a full night of sleep and stick with it. Make sure and go to bed early enough so you can get up without having to set an alarm. Waking up naturally is a great way to protect your natural energy.

Like everything in life—it’s baby steps. Try one, just one at a time. Make one tiny change in your life starting today. These things are quickly habit forming and they simply feel good.


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