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5 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

We all have been enticed by the urge to compare ourselves to others from time to time; after all, we like to feel like we’re contributing positively to the world as a species and want to see how we measure up to others. However, this can become a potentially toxic, harmful practice if you compare your journey to others frequently. Nothing good comes from comparing ourselves to others; when we do this, we tend to feel defeated, worthless, and like we will never be good enough. It serves no purpose other than to bring us down into a state of misery, making us believe we lack certain traits that others somehow have to make them more successful, beautiful, exciting, worldly, etc.

If you compare yourself to others more often than not, you can nip this habit in the bud by following the tips below.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”  –Theodore Roosevelt

Here are five ways to stop comparing yourself to others:


1. Acknowledge the habit of comparing yourself to others.

We must first recognize these behaviors to stop this cycle of comparing ourselves to others, feeling down about ourselves, and falling into a continual trap of self-doubt. When you see yourself sizing others up and evaluating your “performance” compared to theirs, just remember that you will never feel good by doing this. Ask yourself, “Why should I keep comparing myself to other people if it will only bring me down in the end?” Then, redirect your thoughts to something that makes you feel good, like seeing your friends later in the day, or the recent school or work project you did that went well, or anything that makes your confidence soar.

No one else can make you feel inferior except you, so just remember that we all have been given the same opportunities, and every day is a new chance to change our relationships with ourselves.

2. Limit your use of social media.

Of course, social media sites have their perks, such as connecting people in two different parts of the world and enabling them to share parts of their day with each other. However, it can hinder your mental health if you log on every five minutes to check other people’s profiles and compare your life to theirs. You know the get on Instagram and see profiles of young, fit-looking women traveling the world, somehow earning money to do so, hanging out with tons of cool people, and suddenly feel useless and depressed. You want their life and no longer feel proud or happy with yours.

When you do get on social media accounts, make sure you post things that make you feel good about yourself so you don’t wallow in sorrow from comparing yourself to others. Also, remember that you don’t know the full details of people’s lives, and they usually only showcase the highlights of their days. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, so just consider that the next time you find yourself comparing them to you.

3. Focus on all the great qualities about yourself rather than what you believe you lack.

The sole reason that comparing ourselves to others is so dangerous is that it takes away our power and makes us believe we just can’t ever reach the same level as those people we idolize. However, remember that you don’t consist of just flaws and mistakes; you have many wonderful traits and strengths if you just focus on the good within you.

We are much harder on ourselves than we really should be and can even conjure up stories about ourselves in our heads that aren’t even true. A mind is a powerful tool, so use it to empower yourself, not destroy.

4. Realize that everyone has unique strengths, including you.

Building on the last point, your strengths will look different than someone else’s. Maybe they have always been good at math and science, able to solve problems at the drop of a hat. However, maybe you excel in the arts and have taken on painting or writing as a hobby or career. Our differences make us beautiful because no one can ever copy our true nature. Recognize and embrace your individuality, and continue to learn from others who excel in different areas of life than you. Rather than feeling threatened by them, see their abilities as an opportunity to learn new things, and teach them what you know.

We all came here to teach and learn, so remember that you have wonderful talents and gifts just waiting to be unwrapped and shared with others. Please don’t continue comparing your achievements to those of others.

5. Understand that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Like we said before, you don’t know the whole story behind someone’s life. They might show all the positive moments in their life and glorify them on social media, but what about the crippling self-doubt they sometimes feel? Or the fight they just had with their spouse? Or the nonstop hustle and bustle that they endure daily? You usually don’t see these things on social media. Even if you know someone in person, they may not reveal their life’s true picture.

Be grateful for the life you’ve been given, and instead of tearing yourself down by comparing yourself to others, lift yourself up by recognizing that you’re a beautiful being from the cosmos with a limitless ability to shape your life into whatever you want it to become.

Final Thoughts on Comparing Yourself to Other People

It is only natural to look up to others for inspiration. But it becomes unhealthy when that drive to succeed becomes a daily act of comparing yourself. You owe it to yourself to enjoy every moment of life–and comparison will only leave you feeling stuck in the mud. So be kind to yourself, free your mind from this harmful habit and live your best life according to YOU.

8 Reasons To Use More Ginger

For many centuries, ancient cultures have used ginger to heal a variety of health ailments due to the powerful antioxidants present in this amazingly versatile root.

Ginger originated in China, and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, which includes turmeric, cardamom, and galangal as well. The rhizome, or the part of the stem found underground, is the portion of the plant most commonly used in natural remedies. Apart from the zesty, delicious flavor of ginger, it can provide many health benefits that all of us should be aware of.

Here are 8 reasons to use more ginger:

1. It contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

First of all, ginger contains powerful antioxidants, which can eliminate the oxidation of cells and help prevent free radicals from populating in the body. Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, contains some of the highest levels of antioxidants on the planet.

2. It can help ease nausea, including morning sickness.

Ginger has long been touted as a wonderful remedy for many types of nausea. Just 1-1.5 grams of ginger could help prevent nausea, especially in pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of using ginger for nausea, including for seasickness, and in many cases it works just as well as prescription medications. In addition to preventing seasickness and morning sickness, ginger may also ease nausea and vomiting following surgery, as well as in cancer patients in chemotherapy.

If you feel nauseous, you can try drinking ginger tea or making a ginger soup in order to reap the benefits of this wonderful plant.

3. Ginger can aid with digestive issues.

Ginger appears to be a catalyst in emptying the gastrointestinal system in those who experience regular digestive issues. In one study, 24 participants who consumed 1.2 grams of ginger powder prior to a meal had a 50% faster rate of digestion than before. If you have regular stomach discomfort and digestion problems, ginger can greatly aid with these issues.

4. Ginger may give women relief from menstrual pain.

Many cultures have used ginger as a general pain reliever, but more specifically, it can help reduce painful menstrual cramps in women. In one study that included 150 menstruating women, they all were given 1 gram of ginger powder each day for the first 3 days of their period. Afterwards, they reported the same reduction of pain that they felt after taking ibuprofen or other pain relievers.

5. It contains powerful cancer fighting substances.

The substance gingerol that we mentioned in point #1 has been proven to be effective in fighting off cancerous cells in a limited number of studies. For example, in a study of 30 people, ingesting 2 grams of ginger extract per day proved to decrease the number of pro-inflammatory molecules in the colon. Other studies have shown that ginger extract can fight pancreatic, breast, and ovarian cancer, but more research must be done to further support these findings.

However, it’s clear that ginger can effectively lower inflammation, but the extent to which this occurs needs to be tested more thoroughly.

6. Ginger can help fight infections and boost the immune system.

Ginger can prevent the growth of many different types of bacteria, including bacteria found in the gums and gut. This helps to strengthen the immune system in the long run.


7. It may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

In some exciting new findings, studies have shown that ginger could improve brain function and memory in middle-aged women. A multitude of other studies have also shown that ginger could help prevent age-related decline in brain function, plus prevent inflammatory responses in the brain.

8. Ginger can help lower cholesterol and blood sugars.

Finally, ginger can improve your health by lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels, both of which can cause a significant deterioration in health if not taken care of properly. High levels of LDL cholesterol have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease; however, a 45-day study of 85 people with high cholesterol showed significant decreases in cholesterol levels after taking 3 grams of ginger powder per day.

In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, ginger may also reduce one’s risk of getting diabetes. A recent study of 41 individuals with Type 2 diabetes found that just 2 grams of ginger powder per day lowered their fasting blood sugar levels by a whopping 12%. Also, their HbA1c blood sugar levels decreased by 10% over a period of 12 weeks, along with a 23% reduction in levels of oxidized lipoproteins.

7 Signs It’s Time To Improve Your Relationship With Yourself

Over time, our relationships with ourselves can become distant and, in some cases, harmful if we don’t hear the alarm bells sounding off, trying to tell us to love ourselves like it’s our job. With the hurried pace of life today, many people don’t take the time to look after themselves or feel too tired after a long day at work or school to even think about their relationship. So, we trudge on, just trying to make it through the day but feeling empty and exhausted.

If this sounds like you, start taking small steps to improve your relationship with yourself. This doesn’t have to mean quitting your job or dropping out of school to make time for yourself, but just carving out ten or fifteen minutes a day to have “me” time.

Here are seven signs it’s time to better your relationship with yourself:


1. You feel disconnected from yourself.

With so many people pressed for time and under pressure to keep up with their obligations, it is no surprise that many of the population feel disconnected from themselves. We don’t spend nearly enough time in nature, allowing the sunlight to grace our skin and letting the breeze carry away all of our problems. In short, we feel detached from ourselves because we have a broken connection with nature. We ARE nature, so we can find ourselves again by connecting more with Mother Earth and less with our jobs, phones, and possessions.

If you feel like an alien in your own body, it might be time to do deep meditation or yoga or return to nature for even thirty minutes a day. This will significantly improve your relationship with yourself and all of humanity.

2. You’ve been having health problems recently.

Not feeling well should make the alarms go off in your head and tell you that you need to slow down, take deep breaths, and do some deep reflecting. Stress is the culprit behind many common health problems today, so to combat it, you need to go to the source of it.  Once you eliminate the major stressors, you can begin to take your health back into your hands by meditating regularly, exercising, eating clean, whole foods, and living a life you truly enjoy.

3. You have a negative self-image.

You can’t live a positive life seeing through a distorted lens, so you must correct how you view yourself if you want to see significant changes. Throw away all the man-made expectations of what and who you should be, and instead, see yourself as a manifestation of energy, perfectly worthy of occupying space on this Earth. Loving yourself and having a good relationship with yourself doesn’t have to be as challenging as some people make it out to be.

You don’t have to read every self-help book out there and meditate for twelve hours a day to gain acceptance from yourself. Make that choice every day to love yourself no matter what happens, your mistakes, or how your clothes fit you. None of this matters; the only significance is how you see yourself. Because this is the lens in which you will see the world.

4. You engage in self-harming behaviors.

Cutting, starving yourself, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, doing drugs often, and eating a poor diet all indicate that you need to work on your relationship with yourself. Would you be concerned if you saw your friend or relative engaging in these behaviors? You should have the same level of respect and care for yourself as you do for others, so treat yourself as you would want to be treated.

However, if you cannot stop these behaviors, please seek professional help immediately.


5. You always want to run from yourself.

Sometimes, we just feel restless and trapped inside our 3D selves and want to escape somehow. However, in this lifetime, we have been gifted with our vessel for a reason. Think of yourself as a little spaceship, traveling through life and having experiences that will help you lift off into another dimension after exploring this one. No one else gets to have the same ship as you, so you should see yourself as a rarity, a beautiful diamond that constantly gets polished with each new experience.

Instead of trying to run from your life, problems, or yourself, embrace the person you are. Feel blessed to have even landed on this giant rock spinning in space, and focus on the present moment. You will enjoy life much more and have a better relationship with yourself if you express gratitude for this miracle we call life.

6. The relationships in your life don’t serve your best interest.

You might wonder how your relationships determine your relationship with yourself, but remember: you attract what you are. If you don’t have high self-worth, you will attract people into your life who don’t love themselves, either. Everything starts with you, so if you want positive, inspiring relationships, look at the person in the mirror first.

7. You don’t feel inspired or passionate about life.

Motivation and inspiration must grow from within us before we can start seeing them branch out into other areas of our lives. If you don’t feel passionate about life, go into your heart and ask your Higher self for guidance. Sometimes it seems complicated to figure out what direction we must take, but you must first silence the Ego’s voice and listen to the one of your heart. It will always tell you what path will bring you where you need to go.


Final Thoughts: A Better Relationship With Yourself Equals a More Fulfilling Life

Fostering self-love and creating a better relationship with yourself means building a happier, more fulfilling life. It first takes recognition that you need to work on yourself–and then following through with the necessary self-care. It takes a lot of introspection and self-reflection, but falling back in love with yourself will be worth all the hard work.

5 Tips for Introverts to Thrive in An Extroverted World

Oftentimes, introverts feel that their disposition is something they must correct, rather than something to embrace. Let’s face it; we live in a highly extroverted world, where jobs, politics, and how quickly we make friends largely depends on how well we can communicate with others. More charismatic, extroverted people usually have more friends because of this reason, leaving introverts feeling that they must change something about themselves in order to feel accepted and welcomed in group settings. This doesn’t speak for all introverts, but rather, as an observation about society at large.

Introverts can sometimes be mistaken for being shy, uncaring, or otherwise uninterested in their surroundings, but their brains are simply wired differently than that of extroverts. Introverts feel most energized alone, whereas extroverts obtain their energy from external sources. Researchers estimate that extroverts make up anywhere between 50-74 percent of the population.

So, how can introverts survive in an extroverted world? Here are 5 tips to help you out:

1. Make enough time for yourself.

Introverts, you all know that you can become drained pretty quickly in big groups or other noisy social settings, so make sure you take the time you need to recharge in solitude. If you have a job that requires a lot of social interaction, make your home a haven of peace and quiet, where you feel you can come home after a long day and relax. Take a salt bath, light some candles, meditate, do yoga, draw, or whatever gets you in a “flow” state of mind after a stressful day. Self-care is essential, especially during these hectic, chaotic times, so don’t feel selfish for making that time for you!

2. Honor your creative drive.

Introverts need an outlet for their emotions, and usually feel driven by something artistic and creative in order to express themselves. Pick up some watercolors or paint, buy a journal, get a nice camera to practice photography, or whatever will make you feel most connected to yourself. Introverts like to do things that don’t require a lot of social exertion, and find solace in doing quiet activities in which they can create new worlds using their minds.

3. Accept your personality and love yourself as you are.

Don’t feel like you have to conform to the rest of society; as an introvert myself, I have struggled for years with feeling like I needed to change somehow. However, the world won’t benefit from you living inauthentically, and you certainly won’t feel happy with yourself. Don’t worry what others think; the greatest and most rewarding acceptance comes from within, and no one can give you the same amount of love and respect as you can. Plus, once you fully embrace your true nature, you will meet others who will help you along your journey and love you exactly as you are.

4. Choose work that fits your introverted nature.

Many introverts don’t feel comfortable with doing “normal” jobs that require them to take a position of authority or management, since this requires a lot of interaction with people. Introverts thrive doing more solitary work, so just choose a career that fits your interests and personality the most. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t enjoy regular corporate work; you get to create your life based on what feels the best to you, so choose wisely.

5. Be honest with people.

If you don’t feel like going out tonight, be up front with people. If you feel mentally drained after every outing with someone, let them know. Maybe you need to take more time for yourself, or simply choose a different group of friends that don’t exhaust you. While introverts and extroverts can certainly find common ground and enjoy a healthy, happy friendship or relationship, introverts need to express their boundaries clearly. You can leave a party early, or ask people to give you some space, or whatever you need to do to avoid feeling frazzled or overwhelmed.

True friends will understand and love you anyway, even if you don’t feel like being a party animal all the time.

Remember, this life is too short to pretend to be someone you’re not, so for all you introverts out there, be proud of who you are. You offer important gifts and talents to this world, and it wouldn’t be nearly as awesome without you!

5 Warning Signs of Depression

Depression is a term often thrown about when we’re feeling down – when things aren’t going according to plan.

Using depression to describe a mood that is fleeting isn’t an accurate description of the disease that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), affects over 350 million people globally. “Sadness is an emotion, whereas depression is an illness,” says psychiatrist Ken Robbins of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

So how do you know if you’re experiencing a bout of depression or are just feeling blue? There are two distinguishing factors between a normal emotional response to life’s events and a response that comes from the illness.

The first factor is the severity of the symptoms. Someone might be clinically depressed if the symptoms are so numbing that it makes performing everyday tasks difficult.

The second factor to consider is how long the symptoms last. If the symptoms last more than two weeks, there is a possibility that depression may be the cause.

WHO lists these other facts about depression that should be taken into consideration:

  • Depression is a relatively common mental disorder.
  • Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to disease.
  • More women are affected by depression than men.
  • At its most severe, depression can be a contributing factor to suicide.

The good news is there are effective treatments for depression when properly diagnosed. The bad news is less than half of the people suspected of suffering from depression seek treatment, and in some countries less than 10% seek help. One of the reasons why depression is so underdiagnosed is because the warning signs of depression are often mistaken for just ordinary emotional responses.

Here are five warning signs of depression:

1. A shift in sleep patterns.

Whether it’s sleeping longer than usual or suffering from bouts of insomnia, persistent, abnormal sleep patterns can be a sign of unresolved depression. Our energy levels suffer when we sleep too much or too little. Energy is what we need to navigate life’s daily challenges. When we aren’t equipped to face tough situations, the spiral down the emotional black hole is easily triggered, and it’s time to bring in some help.

2. Excessive anxiety and irritability.

There is a physical and mental toll of being in a depressive state that is undeniable. That toll will contribute and escalate what may be normal feelings of anxiety and irritability to a point that it becomes difficult to handle. This feeling of overwhelm can be dangerous when paired with anxiety. If things feel like they are too much to handle, then seek some guidance.

3. Frequent feelings of hopelessness and helplessness paired with uncontrollable bouts of tears.

A person suffering from depression can’t help but feel that everything is going wrong and that there is no hope. These feelings are heightened by the emotions of the situation and often bring the tears with them. Constant crying without the ability to stop may be an indication that we should talk someone.

4. A lack of interest in activities and hobbies that once were exciting.

When depression creeps in, it affects everything including the things we enjoy doing most. It is not uncommon to lose the desire to do things we once couldn’t live without when we are in a state of depression. We choose instead to hole up in the house, refusing to go out or see friends and family. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to seek some help.


5. The inability to focus, concentrate or make decisions for lengthy periods of time.

We’ve all experienced a period when there was a fog in the brain that kept us from doing our best work. But when the fog persists and isn’t solved by a nap, relaxation or a good night’s sleep, it usually says there is more going on. When we experience trouble trying to get back into the groove, and can’t figure out why, it’s time to examine what is happening around us and seek advice outside our immediate social circle.

It is really important to recognize the signs of depression early on. Psychologist, Dr. Michelle London of Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, says, “Depression is a cruel disease that can affect anyone. It is very easy, once the symptoms begin, for a person to slide down the black hole of depression where the symptoms spiral and feed off of each other, increasing in severity.”

The five signs listed above are some of the most common ones, but they are not the only ones. Please refer to the two factors that distinguish between an emotional response and one of illness, which are: the duration and severity of your symptoms. Even if your symptoms are not on this list, if they are severe or long-lasting, then seek professional guidance.


5 Things That Happen During A Spiritual Awakening

“Enlightenment is not the byproduct of avoiding the darkness in favor of the light. It is the byproduct of taking the light of consciousness and diving deep into the darkness with it. To make the darkness conscious, is to turn the shadow into light.” – Teal Scott

No matter what the words spiritual awakening means to you, waking up to your authentic self inevitably involves some steps that many of us don’t want to take. Leaving behind deep-rooted beliefs, thought processes, and even outdated relationships isn’t remotely easy, but all of us must spend some time in the dark corners of our souls in order to discover our true selves.

Many people avoid confronting their emotions or egos because doing so comes with a great deal of pain and vulnerability, but to reach our full potential and evolve into our highest selves, we must face our demons head-on and release any attachments to negative emotions and people.

During a spiritual awakening, you will probably experience these five things.

1. The dissolving of the ego/false self

When we begin to awaken, we realize that our egos have been running the show our entire lives, but our egos don’t represent our true selves. They just act as a mask, if you will, over our authentic selves, covering up our true identity. What we and others have defined us as don’t even begin to cover who we really are; our job titles, social status, level of wealth, and all of these worldly labels don’t define us as spiritual beings.

They only distract us from the truth – we have limitless potential as the cosmic miracles we are, but society doesn’t want you to know this. On your path to enlightenment, you will encounter the ego many times, and it will beg for acknowledgment and power – however, starving the ego and feeding the soul will help you get in touch with your true self. This step in enlightenment is often the toughest for people, because everything you once knew yourself as suddenly slips away.

Don’t let this scare you though; stripping away your false self allows you to live as you were meant to – a spiritual being having a human experience, not the other way around.

2. The cleansing and purging of past emotional wounds

On your journey to enlightenment, a lot of emotional baggage will come to the surface, and clearing it out will allow you to live in the present moment and let go of past pain. Opening your wounds up once again won’t feel very healing in the moment, but to truly restore your soul and get to know your higher self, you must revisit the past and accept it. You must close old chapters in your story if you want to write new ones.

Meditation and spending time alone can help greatly with this, because you will understand that everything that happened to you along your journey shaped you and helped you reconnect with your true identity.

3. Forgiving people who have hurt you

This goes along with the previous step, but forgiving those you have caused you pain will also seem scary at the time. Your ego will not tolerate this very well, and will constantly fight for the top spot in your mind. Don’t listen to it though; realizing that the people who have wronged you actually helped you is a huge step in your journey to enlightenment, and you should feel proud of yourself for getting to this point.

When you step outside of the realm of revenge, resentment, and the victim mentality, you remove the burden of holding a grudge from your consciousness, and make room for beautiful relationships to flourish.

4. Feeling vulnerable and questioning everything you thought you knew

You will definitely feel exposed, confused, and isolated at times on your spiritual journey. The walls of safety, familiarity, and false knowledge of our world will begin to crumble, and you will see a mysterious, hidden world beyond those walls full of truth and understanding. However, this will leave you torn between hanging on to the world you once knew, and diving headfirst into uncharted waters.

Once you make your way into this new paradigm, though, you won’t ever want to go back to the old one. You will at first feel much like an alien on this planet, full of others who have not yet understood what you do, but eventually, you will find your place and stand strong in your truth. Just relax and trust the process; you are not alone here.

5. Letting go of anything that doesn’t match up with your highest truth.

During this phase of awakening/enlightenment, your intuition will probably inform you of relationships, places, jobs, or any other aspect of your life that no longer serves you. In order to evolve into your highest self, you must thank everyone and everything for being a part of your journey, but also not feel ashamed or guilty for leaving them behind if necessary.

As you raise your vibration, you will naturally seek out experiences and people that match yours, and want to let go of anything that doesn’t serve your best interests.

What have you noticed on your path to a spiritual awakening? Share in the discussion below…

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