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16 Secrets to Stop Mindless Eating

16 Secrets to Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating often manifests as consuming enough snacks for a week during one sitting. You might do it while watching TV or working at your computer, and each episode adds up. A frequent issue is planning to stop after a serving but continuing to reach for more. In other words, you might not be mindful of your consumption habits.

Mindless eating can be common because your brain’s metabolic, cognitive, and reward systems interconnect. The interconnection can disrupt appetite regulation and make it hard to resist temptation. Some of the things that affect appetite regulation include:

  • stress
  • emotions
  • hormones
  • stored body fat
  • gut health
  • senses
  • body composition
  • food preferences

Your mind uses food to maintain energy and find pleasure, which is why it’s so hard to eliminate entire food groups. Finding healthy foods you love to eat can make all the difference because you’ll receive nutrition and pleasure simultaneously.

Mindless eating means you don’t pay much attention to your food, eat too quickly, and have too much. It might start as an occasional occurrence, but it can trigger areas of your brain that make you crave it more often. Before you know it, it can become a frequent habit.

What is Mindless Eating?


Mindless eating means you eat without being aware of it and not paying attention to how you feel. It typically starts with a trigger when you begin consuming, and everything seemingly becomes a blur. Before you know it, the food is almost gone or already finished.

Overeating often gets followed by negative emotions and self-talk. You might not feel good about who you are and spend time beating yourself up about it. Even with these negative feelings, it often happens again.

Why Are Some People Less Mindful About Food?

There are a few reasons you might eat mindlessly, including:

  • being distracted
  • keeping food within reach
  • choosing to overindulge

How Mindless Eating Affects Hormones

Mindless eating when you’re bored, stressed, sad, or enjoying the food can interfere with your hormone production. Consuming food or drinks for pleasure affects appetite cues as it interferes with ghrelin, leptin, and insulin. These hormones regulate your appetite and are affected by your diet.

Ghrelin gets released when your stomach is empty, signaling when you’re hungry. Leptin is produced by fat cells and signals to your brain when to stop consuming. Insulin gets released by the pancreas to help your cells take in and use glucose as energy or store it in the liver.

Mindless eating can lead to fluctuating hormones, affecting your natural ability to recognize hunger and satiety. Consuming too many carbohydrates or sugary treats doesn’t allow your stomach to stretch much. When this happens, it affects the release of ghrelin and makes you feel like you still need to eat.

Additionally, taking in more calories than you burn can cause a surplus that affects leptin and insulin production. Your brain won’t be as likely to receive cues telling you when to stop, influencing overindulging.

Sixteen Secrets to Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating can lead to weight gain and an overall feeling of being unwell. It can also cause medical issues. These tips to increase mindful thinking can help you stop overindulging and live a healthier life:

1 – Prepare for Eating

When you do something exciting, you likely don’t zone out and occupy yourself with something else. Prepare your meals the same way. Think ahead about what you’ll eat, and then sit down without distractions to focus on what you’re consuming.

2 – Switch Out Your Food Groups

If you overindulge in specific food groups, try taking some of it off your plate. Get a healthier portion size and replace the rest with vegetables. It’ll help you feel full and prevents overconsuming.

3 – Stay Hydrated to Feel Fuller

When you’re dehydrated, it can make you feel hungry, potentially leading to mindless eating. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and have a glass about 30 minutes before your meal. It’ll help you feel full as it takes up space in your stomach, encouraging you to eat less.

4 – Identify What You’re Eating and Why

Plan for mindful habits. Knowing what and why encourages you to stay focused rather than overindulging in things you didn’t plan.

This mindfulness can help you have a better relationship with food, allowing you to use it as a nutritional tool. You can also tell yourself that you’re consuming those foods to feel better, be healthier, or save space for a favorite treat later.


5 – Be Mindful of Suggested Portion Sizes

Mindless eating is easy when you put too much food on your plate. Try following portion sizes as you make your plate, using smaller dishes if necessary. That way, you’ll eat less and not feel bad for overdoing it. When you don’t have so much food in front of you, you’re more likely to recognize your hunger and satiety cues.

6 – Stop Eating When You Feel Satisfied

Paying attention to your hunger cues also means noticing when you feel satisfied. If you can stop when you’re no longer hungry, you can avoid mindless eating. It also prevents the uncomfortable feeling of being too full.

7 – Keep a Visual

You’re less likely to keep going when you visualize how much you’ve consumed. Keep unhealthy beverage containers on the counter so you can keep track.

Additionally, track how many snack or candy wrappers you have as a reminder to stop. When you see how much you’ve eaten, you’ll be more aware of what you eat and stop mindlessly consuming.

8 – Change When You Go Grocery Shopping

When you go grocery shopping feeling hungry, sad, or excited, you’re likely to buy more than you need. You’re also more likely to choose unhealthy options and your favorite junk food.

Try shopping when you feel content during a calm part of the day. It’ll help you make better choices that reduce the risk of mindless eating.

9 – Try Not to Eat in Groups

Everyone eats at different paces, so it’s best to dine alone. It takes longer to eat in groups, tempting you to keep indulging even after you feel satisfied. If you dine alone, you don’t have to wait for anyone to finish, encouraging you to stop sooner.

10 – Learn from Your Mindless Eating Mistakes

No one is perfect, and you might have some setbacks on your journey to stop mindless eating. It’s all about practicing being better, with each experience as a chance to better yourself.

If you realize you mindlessly eat while watching TV, stop having snacks during that time. Likewise, if you lose focus and overindulge, consider when you should have stopped and implement it next time.

11 – Ignore Potential Distractions

Watching TV, scrolling through social media, or reading a book can all distract you during meals. When this happens, it’s easier to eat mindlessly and overindulge. Instead, pay attention to the food and consider how it feels, tastes, and smells.

12 – Attractively Plated Food Helps to Increase Mindfulness

Take the time to make your food look nice before you eat it. When you arrange it nicely, you’ll enjoy it more, meaning it takes longer to eat, and you’ll feel full easier. You can make snacks look nice by pouring them into small bowls rather than consuming them straight from the container.

13 – Do Something That Doesn’t Make You Think About Eating

If you tend to eat mindlessly during certain times or activities, do something else. Go for a walk or organize part of your home to stop you from thinking about mindless munching. When you draw your attention away from your food and the things you do when you indulge the most, it helps you avoid overindulging.

14 – Avoid All-You-Can-Eat Menus

While you might get more food when it’s all-you-can-eat, you will also engage in mindless eating. You’ll want to taste all the options, leading to overindulging and feeling bad about it later. Avoid these events and restaurants because they can set you back on your journey.

15 – Be Mindful of Hunger and Satiety Cues

Learning what hunger and satiety feel like can help you stop mindless eating. It encourages you to tune into your hunger cues and regulate hormone levels.

You can identify hunger by waiting for a rumbling stomach or other signals to begin. Sometimes you might feel tired or irritable, and at other times, you’ll have trouble concentrating. If these things happen to you, try only having enough to feel satisfied.

Satiety means feeling satisfied or full. You might notice that you no longer have the urge to eat if you feel comfortably full. When you reach this feeling, it’s time to stop if you don’t want to overindulge.

16 – Eat Slower

When you eat fast, you’ll likely consume more than if you slowed down. Take time to chew your food and enjoy it because it will increase mindful eating. Slowing down allows you to recognize satiety cues sooner and still gain the experience of your meal.

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to signal that you’re full. Slowly enjoying your food gives you time to get the cue before you keep consuming it.


Final Thoughts on Secrets to Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating can lead to weight gain, health problems, and a general feeling of being unwell. Learning how to stop can help you improve your health and feel better.

Making better food choices and being mindful takes practice. Don’t beat yourself up or give up when you make mistakes. Instead, you can learn from them and continue your journey to stop mindless eating.

10 Causes of a Metabolism Hangover

A metabolism hangover can leave you feeling drowsy. Sometimes it reflects your health and fitness levels. But it can also occur because of other issues, like eating too much sugar or unhealthy foods.

Many people experience a metabolism hangover because of the foods they eat. Your body reacts differently depending on your food choices, potentially affecting your productivity. It makes it hard to focus throughout the rest of the day.

Sometimes your metabolism hangover isn’t the result of what you eat. Instead, it could signify a health concern.

While it might ease with some dietary changes, that’s not always the case. It could reflect an underlying health issue that needs professional treatment. Understanding the potential causes of a metabolism hangover can help you address the problem and feel better.

What is a Metabolism Hangover?

A metabolism hangover is often referred to as a “food coma” because it can make you feel like you need a nap shortly after eating. The scientific term for it is postprandial somnolence, and the experience indicates how hard your body must work to digest food. It typically occurs thirty to sixty minutes after eating.

You might notice it occurs when you eat something sweet or consume a heavy meal for lunch. It’ll likely make you feel great for a while, but you suddenly feel like you need a nap. It’s common, but you don’t have to experience it all the time.


Signs of a Metabolism Hangover

Experts indicate that signs of a metabolism hangover often occur after lunch. You may notice the following:

  • sudden low energy levels
  • struggling to focus
  • lethargy
  • physical exhaustion
  • the urge to take a nap
  • unexplainable irritability
  • mood swings
  • specific food cravings

How it Works

When you eat a meal, your parasympathetic nervous system works to digest the food. It helps produce and release digestive hormones and enzymes, detoxification, and stomach acid. The parasympathetic nervous system also encourages the mechanical churning of the foods you eat.

When these functions don’t occur as expected, it could lead to irregular fluctuations in your blood sugar and blood pressure. Overeating carbs or taking in too much sugar can lead to a crash after eating, making you feel overly tired.

Food coma often occurs due to the blood pressure drop after your meal. It signifies dysfunction of your nervous system because it means blood floods the vascular system of your digestive tract. This issue leads to fatigue, dizziness, and sometimes fainting if you can’t lie down.

While increased blood flow to the digestive tract is expected immediately after meals, your nervous system typically maintains the balance. However, when a metabolism hangover occurs, the system can’t keep up with the blood flow.

Ten Causes of a Metabolism Hangover

The foods you eat might contribute to a metabolism hangover, but that’s not always the case. Understanding all the potential causes can help you identify what causes you to feel that way.

1 – Your Digestive System Uses Lots of Energy

You might feel sluggish after eating because your digestive system works harder. Your small and large intestines use lots of energy to burn calories.

If your meal contains lots of calories, it could cause your digestive system to deplete your body of energy. Your body’s energy focus shifts to the digestive system, and the rest of your body relax.

It makes you feel drowsy and unable to focus on your tasks. Spicy foods can cause this issue, too. Your body uses more energy than usual to digest spicy food.

2 – Eating High Amounts of Carbohydrates

Eating rice, potatoes, or bread for lunch can make you feel tired afterward. The high amounts of high-glycemic index carbohydrates trigger the release of too much insulin. Your body will store the sugar as glycogen, causing a drop in your blood sugar level.

3 – Lacking Nutrients

Nutrient deficiency can make it hard for your body to process the foods you eat. If your body can’t process the nutrients from foods, you won’t gain energy from them, making you feel drowsy after eating. You might notice undigested food in your feces if this is an issue.

4 – Diseases or Disorders with Low Blood Pressure

Some disorders or diseases can cause you to feel tired after a meal, including Parkinson’s disease. Sometimes, low blood pressure and sleepiness after meals are early signs of the disease. It occurs before the tremors, walking changes, and other effects.

Low blood pressure and drowsiness after meals are indicators of neurological stress. It signifies changes in dopamine function and hints at higher oxidative inflammation.

Other disorders can cause low blood pressure and make you feel sluggish after eating, including:

  • adrenal insufficiency
  • diastolic heart failure
  • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  • multiple sclerosis
  • other autonomic nervous system disorders

Diseases and disorders causing low blood pressure can make you feel tired after eating because the effort of digestion overwhelms the system. Your blood pressure is already low, and digestion leads to debilitating fatigue.

5 – Eating Sugar

Your body reacts to what you eat, whether healthy or unhealthy. If you eat too many sweets, you’ll likely feel tired afterward. Too much sugar triggers serotonin, making you feel sleepy and like you can’t keep your eyes open.


6 – Food Allergies or Intolerance

You might have food allergies or intolerance if you feel tired after eating specific foods. Other symptoms you may notice include diarrhea, constipation, and allergic reactions. Try avoiding the food you think causes your symptoms and see if you have more energy after meals.

7 – Not Getting Enough Exercise

If you sit most of the day or have an inactive job, it could deplete your energy. Physical activity can make you feel more energetic, even after heavy meals.

8 – Being Overly-Stressed

Being overly stressed can make you feel tired after eating. When you’re already mentally and emotionally tired from stress, it can deplete your energy.

Then, when your body begins digesting a meal, you feel even more depleted. It leads to you craving a nap and struggling to focus.

9 – Diabetes

If you have diabetes, your body doesn’t produce insulin properly, disrupting the regulation of blood sugar levels. When it isn’t properly regulated, it isn’t stored as glycogen or transformed into glucose. This situation can cause your blood sugar to spike, causing fatigue and other issues, including headache and dizziness.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can also lead to a drop in blood pressure after meals because of autonomic nervous system injury. The injury can occur because of excess sugar intake or autoimmune inflammation.

10 – Dumping Syndrome

Dumping syndrome can occur after gastric bypass surgery because of changes in gut motility. It can also happen without surgery, but it isn’t as common.

Dumping syndrome causes rapid food movement from the stomach into the small intestine. When this happens, it causes a sudden blood sugar drop, leading to fatigue. You might also feel weak or faint, and it can also cause diarrhea.

How to Avoid a Metabolic Hangover

If you experience frequent metabolism hangovers, you can improve the situation. You don’t have to live with the feeling each day, and making some changes can help you.

Address Your Eating Habits

Evaluating and addressing your eating habits is one of the best things you can do to avoid a metabolic hangover. For starters, the size of your meal can make a difference.

If you load up on large portions of unhealthy food, you’re more likely to feel tired. Reduce the portion size of your meal if there aren’t any healthy options available.

When you’re eating healthy foods, you aren’t as likely to feel tired after, and you can eat more. If you want a large meal, aim to choose nutritious options that aren’t full of carbohydrates or sugar.

Consider the snacks you eat because many snacks are full of sugar and carbohydrates, contributing to your fatigue. Some healthy options for meals and snacks that can help you avoid feeling tired after eating include:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • whole wheat bread, pasta, crackers, and brown rice
  • eggs
  • chicken breasts
  • chickpeas
  • tofu
  • tuna
  • turkey breast
  • mushrooms

Drink More Water

You might want an alcoholic beverage or coffee, but water is the better option. Alcohol isn’t a good idea because it is a sedative, making you feel more tired than before.

Coffee is known to make you stay awake, but it can do the opposite. It blocks adenosine, a chemical that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Additionally, putting sugar in your coffee can cause a crash after you enjoy your cup.

On the other hand, water will keep you hydrated, helping you feel more alert throughout the day. Dehydration can make you feel tired, so choosing water as your beverage of choice can make a difference.

Stay Active

Staying active during the day promotes blood flow, preventing you from getting tired. Regular exercise is the best option, but adjusting your day can help too. Consider the following ideas:

  • walking to and from work
  • using the stairs instead of elevators
  • stretching mid-day after sitting for a while
  • doing jumping jacks in your office


Final Thoughts on Causes of a Metabolism Hangover

Experiencing a metabolism hangover can interfere with your productivity and well-being. Understanding the potential causes can help you address the issue and start feeling better.

Sometimes feeling better and avoiding food coma takes only a few changes to your diet. However, it could stem from a disease, disorder, or other health condition. If changing your diet doesn’t help, visit a professional for advice and possible treatment options.

6 Signs of a Woman with Quiet Strength

Although women are often (and unfairly!) perceived as overly sensitive and maybe even weak, they can display a calm and quiet strength that would take anyone around them by surprise. The problem is that society defines strength as something noticeable, almost obnoxiously. Also, the qualities generically associated with strength are always masculine.

Strong people should always be confident and assertive, or that’s what people seem to think. And women tend not to display these qualities. It’s not that they don’t have them; they choose to keep to themselves and be more subtle. Sure, some women are traditionally strong both emotionally and physically. But just because you can’t tell that a woman is strong simply by looking at her doesn’t mean she isn’t.

Personality traits traditionally associated with softness, such as calmness, are a sign of strength more often than not. And people should learn to appreciate these qualities more. All women have value and roles in society, so you shouldn’t dismiss anyone because you don’t think they are strong enough. If you look closely, you’ll find that quiet strength can be more fierce than traditional strength.

NOTE: We address the traits of a man with calm and quiet strength in a separate article due to differing behaviors.

6 Signs of a Woman with Quiet Strength

quiet strength

1.     Quiet Strength is Kind

Society has become increasingly more individualistic in the last few decades. So, people are encouraged to be selfish and only do things for themselves. Even couples share less and less, especially on the financial side. And, if you walk past a homeless person on the street, chances are you’ll look down on them instead of helping them. People don’t do these things because they are inherently bad.

They do it because individualism is seen as a sign of strength, whereas kindness is associated with gullible people. This is especially true for women, who are looked down on if they display any signs of kindness. But a kind woman is someone who likely has a quiet strength. So even though society will always view them as weak, she is stronger than anyone gives her credit for.

Life is hard, and people are meaner than they should be. So, being able to help someone without expecting anything in return is remarkable. It shows that, no matter how hard the world tries to bring her down, she still sees the beauty in everything and wants to make others’ lives easier.

2.      She is Calm

Calmness is a quality that is often associated with non-confrontational people, and for obvious reasons. But being calm doesn’t mean you aren’t ready to stand your ground. It means you don’t see the point in adding fuel to the fire. But another issue is associated with this quality: women are always expected to be calm. And that’s because society expects them to let things go without ever being affected.

When women aren’t calm, they are criticized and labeled as hysterical. When women are too calm, they are labeled as weak. So, there’s no way to win. With all these misconceptions, it can be hard to understand whether calmness indicates maturity and strength or shows weakness.

The truth is that calmness is a sign of quiet strength. Sure, you can be calm without actually being strong. But, for most women, staying calm is a monumental task. Women have to deal with misogyny and misunderstandings all day long. Whether they are at work or walking down the street, there’s a possibility someone will judge them or pick a fight.

But strong women stay calm through all these issues, even when they are more than entitled to get mad. This is because they know that blowing up the fight will help no one, especially themselves. So, they would much rather find a solution than enter a screaming match with someone.

3.      Quiet Strength is Graceful

Being graceful is something that has historically been considered a strictly feminine attribute. Or in other words, it’s something that society expects only weak people to do. So in the past, members of the so-called weaker sex (the women) were always supposed to carry themselves with dignity and grace. And members of the stronger sex (the men) were always supposed to be brash and courageous.

They were never supposed to act with grace, which was considered unbecoming. Sure, that’s not the case in modern society. But that doesn’t mean that some misconceptions haven’t passed through time. For example, the idea that being grace is a sign of weakness is something people still believe.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Society has evolved into something that can be evil and vile sometimes. That doesn’t mean all people are bad because that’s not the case. It just means that the world is harsh and easier to get by if you are brash and straightforward.

But choosing to be graceful even though the world is harsh is a sign of quiet strength. Especially when it’s a woman doing that. A graceful woman chooses to stay true to her values even though that might make life a little more complicated. She chooses the help others and be elegant even though she might be the only one doing that.


4.      She is Sharp

Being strong isn’t just about your physical attributes, as we’ve established thus far. That being said, mental strength can be defined by many things, and they are all usually related to strength somehow. But mental sharpness is a quality that’s often overlooked or that people refuse to acknowledge it’s a sign of strength. Moreover, mental acuity isn’t exactly synonymous with being smart.

You can be sharp without being academically smart, for example. In this context, being sharp relates more to how well you can get by. Men are usually taught the importance of being sharp. But no one takes the time to teach this to women. Instead, they are constantly pushed to be traditionally smart. Society believes that women should be well-read and they should have a degree. But women are rarely supported if they are resourceful and clever.

It’s often considered unbecoming of a woman to choose an unorthodox way to solve an issue. But being sharp is a sign of silent strength. It should be that a woman is ready to do what it takes to care for herself, even when others would give up. It also shows that she can get by alone without needing anyone’s help. A woman who can get by in life completely on her own merits is a woman who’s stronger than many other people.

5.      Quiet Strength is Ambitious

Historically, women have not been allowed to have big dreams and pursue their ambitions. They were supposed to take care of the household, and women only got the right to work about a hundred years ago. Sure, women can now theoretically become anything they want. But societal dynamics are set up to discourage women from pursuing certain goals.

For example, women aren’t raised with the idea that they can become CEOs. When boys are little, they are encouraged to play and pretend they are managing a company. But girls aren’t encouraged to do that. Instead, they are told they should play with dolls, walk around with a pink stroller, and pretend to take care of a baby.

This is relevant because all these factors make it so that women aren’t inclined to be ambitious. Instead, they are raised to be lenient. So, when a woman does have the courage to be ambitious, that’s a sign of quiet strength. It’s important to remember that society will not be quick to accept an ambitious woman. So, this only makes it much more impressive when a woman shoves all those opinions to the side and decides to look out for herself.

6.      She is a Great Friend

Nowadays, it’s easy to meet a lot of people and have a lot of acquaintances. But it has become increasingly more difficult to create true, meaningful connections with people. And it can be hard to be someone’s friend in this environment. Life is hard, and people often need to be individualistic to succeed. Not to mention that emotional intelligence is something that no one wants to touch on.

For example, parents will focus on their kids’ academic pursuits and completely overlook their emotional growth. And many people grow up with a minimal understanding of how emotions work. With that being the case, it can be hard to find true friends and even be someone’s friend.

But women are special in this regard because they are naturally much more empathetic. That’s not the case for all women, but it seems to be the case for most of them. But that doesn’t automatically mean they’ll be good friends. And it’s hard to be there for someone all the time.

So, a woman is always there for you signifies quiet strength. It shows that she can be there for you no matter what. Even if she has her stuff to deal with, she is strong enough to help her friends.

quiet strength

Final Thoughts on Some Signs of a Woman with Quiet Strength

Traditional feminine qualities, like grace and poise, have always been associated with weakness. But that’s mainly because people seem to think that strength is only physical and overlook the importance of quiet strength. That is why you’d be surprised to hear that many women are stronger than they seem.

Contrary to popular belief, being kind, calm, and graceful are some of the strongest qualities someone can have. It shows that they can be focused on helping others even if no one would help them if they needed a hand. But quiet strength is not defined only by these stereotypically feminine qualities. Being ambitious and sharp indicates how strong a woman can be.

Those qualities show that she can care for herself without needing anyone else. But, above all, a strong woman can be there for the people she loves. A strong woman is one of the greatest friends you could have.

6 Signs of a Man with Quiet Strength

Strength is often considered to be something strictly physical. But it doesn’t have to be strictly related to your muscles’ size. Quiet strength has nothing to do with the physical aspect; instead, it is about dealing with challenges with quiet and calm. So even though men may want to appear strong, this definition of strength is still misleading. And it can make men feel bad about themselves and their self-worth.

Even when strength is not defined as strictly physical, it only encompasses certain stereotypically masculine traits. For example, being assertive and bossy are qualities often associated with strength. But these are not qualities that all men have, nor should they. And they are not the only qualities that indicate a man’s strength.

Unfortunately, we live in a society filled with stereotypes and assumptions about people. And while women tend to get the brunt of it, men are also often mischaracterized. And, if they don’t measure up to arbitrary standards, they will be considered weak. This might not seem like such a big deal, but it’s one of the worst insults you can direct toward a man.

It implies that you think he is unfit and doesn’t live up to the expectations that were imposed on him. But unfortunately, we still live in a society where men are expected to provide and work their hardest to reach top positions. And, if that doesn’t happen, they are looked down on. But, as a society, we should start appreciating the quiet strength that men are capable of, as opposed to the male stereotypes.

NOTE: We cover the signs of women of quiet strength in a companion article because females display slightly different behaviors.

6 Signs of a Man with Quiet Strength


1.      Strength in a Man is Calm

Men are expected to be firecrackers and assert their will wherever they go. But, more often than not, this attitude isn’t natural. For most men, it comes from a sense of obligation. Men fake being assertive because they are afraid of being judged otherwise. For example, it’s expected of a man CEO to manage the company using fear and to keep employees on a tight leash.

But it’s seen as a weakness to do the same job by being calm and understanding. So, unfortunately, a calm man will be considered weak. Not to mention that it can be hard to stay calm, considering how hectic the world is. However, calmness should never be considered a weakness. On the contrary, it’s a sign of quiet strength. As a man, to be able to ignore all societal pressure and stay calm during conflict is remarkable.

If a man does that, he can put what’s morally right above his image. Even if others tell him he can’t cut it, he’ll stay true to himself. And in fact, being calm is a much better way to handle conflict and manage different situations than always being up for a fight. Strength comes from knowing that it’s better to back off sometimes.

2.      He is Self-Confident

Confidence isn’t necessarily a trait you wouldn’t have expected to be listed. But it’s essential to remember that we’re specifically talking about the kind of confidence that isn’t arrogant. Many men can be raised with the idea that they are destined to change the world. When they are little, they play with toy trucks and tools, indicating that they are meant to innovate and build.

And, of course, parents want their kids to believe they are meant for great things. The problem is this environment usually makes boys think they are better than everyone else. Sometimes, this even has a misogynistic angle, as boys grow up to believe they are better than girls. Because of this, men can become arrogant instead of learning to be confident.

They blindly believe they are the best since sliced bread without a reason to believe it. A self-confident man has faith in his abilities and knowledge. But he doesn’t need to prove that to anyone. His quiet strength comes from knowing just how good he is, so he doesn’t need validation from anyone.

3.      Strength is Modest

Modesty is a quality that could often be misinterpreted as a weakness. For example, when a man doesn’t parade his accomplishments around, people tend to believe that it’s because he has nothing to be proud of. But this misconception only makes people feel the need to be arrogant, as we discussed previously.

To avoid being considered weak, many men put up a façade and forget about being modest. But modesty is one of the biggest signs of strength out there. Sure, on the outside, it might not look like it. A modest person doesn’t boast or show off in any way. They might seem like the blandest person ever.

But, being able to keep to yourself and stay humble when society almost forces you to be arrogant to succeed is a sign of quiet strength. It shows that he cares more about being true to himself than how others perceive him. Because when push comes to shove, he knows that modesty is a sign of integrity and a quality that will help him when it matters most.


4.      He is Empathetic

Society is harsh, and people often need to be individualistic. This is especially true for men, who are expected to only look out for themselves, even at the expense of others. Not to mention that empathy is a quality that’s traditionally considered feminine. Women are expected to help others and have a high emotional intelligence.

But, when men display empathy, they are automatically considered weak. For example, many men get weird looks when taking their kids to the park. That’s because they aren’t expected to be emotionally mature. Instead, many people picture dads as having a distant, cold role. And a man who decides to be warm and present is considered weak and weird.

Many other examples support this idea. But it’s enough to understand that empathy is not usually associated with a strong man. This is a big misconception, as empathy signifies quiet strength. An empathetic man understands the need to be kind and help people in need, even if they get nothing out of it.

Even when it comes to the workplace, empathy is still vital. Understanding why people think and feel the way they do is the key to creating strong connections, which can help you in all areas of life.

5.      He Shows His Emotions

One of the men’s biggest issues is their inability to reveal their true emotions. Men are expected to be angry, annoyed, or emotionless, but that’s about it. But society doesn’t allow them to express themselves in any other way. So, they are told to get over it whenever a man is going through something and is affected.

Responses like these make men shut the world off and distance themselves from people. This seemingly stoic attitude is, unfortunately, considered a good thing. If a woman isolates herself, her friends and family will immediately become worried. But, when a man does the same, he is seen as quiet, strong, and independent. All these societal factors make it so that men have the highest rates of mental health disorders.

So, when a man can show his emotions, that’s a true sign of quiet strength. It shows that he has healed from all these negative societal expectations and learned to focus on himself. Even though he risks being judged, he’ll still do what’s best for him. He knows bottling things up is the worst decision they can make in the long run.

6.      Strength is Balanced

Being ambitious and focused on work is vital in everyone’s life. But men are taught from a young age that they should value nothing more than their professional achievements. So if a man doesn’t spend all his time at the office, he’ll probably be considered weak and distracted. But life isn’t all about work.

And true strength comes from understanding that you need to relax and focus on other aspects of life as much as you need to work. So, a man who understands the importance of balance is a man who displays quiet strength.

Women will never be judged for caring for themselves and finding hobbies outside work. But the moment a man uses a face mask or starts to crochet as a hobby, he will immediately be labeled weak. For him, it can be hard to turn a blind eye to the critics and focus on himself.

So, if he does, that shows he is too interested in his well-being to risk listening to outdated, mean opinions. Having a balanced lifestyle also means he can focus on what’s truly important to him. If he puts family first, this balanced lifestyle will allow him to spend time with the ones he loves. But, if he wants to invest fully in his career, he can do that too.


Final Thoughts on Some Signs of a Man with Quiet Strength

For a man to be considered traditionally strong, he needs to be assertive, brave, and outspoken. Of course, it also helps if he is physically strong. But that’s demeaning to men, especially the ones who don’t fit in this traditional box. Not to mention that people don’t understand that strength doesn’t need to be displayed obnoxiously.

Most people have a quiet strength that isn’t easily noticeable if you don’t look closely. Most qualities that make a man strong are things people usually associate with weakness. But it’s important to understand that nothing is stronger than an empathetic man who understands his and others’ emotions. Plus, being calm shows that you can face pressure while staying respectful and not adding fuel to the fire.

Being self-confident is also a sign, as long as he is modest. No one likes an arrogant man, nor is such a man truly strong. Lastly, being balanced shows that he can organize his life to ensure he can do everything he wants. If he wants to stay home in a calm environment and relax, he’ll do that. If he wants to work, that’s what he’ll do. And he won’t be interested in impressing or convincing anyone of his qualities.

Science Explains How Meditation Can Lower Stress and Help You Sleep

Meditation may sound like a mental exercise, but scientific studies prove it can also have positive health benefits–like reducing stress and improving sleep.

Here are just a few of the many volumes of science that prove the effectiveness of meditation:

  • One study investigated the effects of a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program on well-being, which included body scan meditation exercises. Researchers found that participants who practiced body scan techniques had lower anxiety levels and reduced reactivity.
  • Another study in Thailand examined how deep breathing exercises and body scan meditations impacted older adults’ sleep quality. Researchers discovered that participants in the body scan meditation group had significantly improved sleep quality and duration. Their reported quality of life also increased.
  • The NIH National Library of Medicine reviewed multiple studies and concluded, “Meditation programs, in particular mindfulness programs, reduce multiple negative dimensions of psychological stress.”

Body Scan Meditation Can Achieve Positive Health Outcomes


Body scan meditation involves scanning the body and observing any sensations that arise. It’s similar to progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) but differs since it doesn’t include clenching and releasing the muscles. The idea of body scan meditation stems from ancient concepts like mindfulness, a core tenet of Buddhism.

The best part about the exercise is that it doesn’t require the meditator to do anything. To perform the technique, you only need to focus on the present moment. The meditator should remain calm no matter what arises in the body, whether it’s pain, pleasure, or a sensation in between.

This exercise helps to increase the meditator’s resiliency by reminding them of impermanence. In other words, even if pain occurs during meditation, it will not last forever. Sitting with the sensations helps reduce suffering in the long run.

By increasing our awareness of the mind and body, we can potentially reach our highest selves, the main goal of all meditation practices. However, body scan meditation can offer other, more attainable benefits, such as increased relaxation and improved sleep.

Below, we’ll show you how to achieve deep relaxation and tranquility with the body scan meditation.

How to Perform Body Scan Meditation in Ten Steps

  1. Start by getting into a comfortable, relaxing position. Take several deep breaths and close your eyes to help calm your mind and body. Feel the weight of your body beneath you and notice any sensations that arise. Release any worrying or stressful thoughts before you begin.
  2. We’ll start the body scan meditation by bringing awareness to the head. This area of the body holds a lot of stress, giving rise to tension headaches. However, we can reclaim our power by letting go of negative or intrusive thoughts. Feel the area around the eyes and forehead, imagining a white, healing light passing over this area.
  3. Next, bring your attention to the back and sides of the head and neck. Also, pay attention to any sensations or blockages in the throat, as many people bottle up emotions here. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing the energy to flow evenly with each breath.
  4. Now, notice any sensations or tension in the shoulders. Remember, you don’t want to tense the muscles in body scan meditation. Simply acknowledge how you feel as you mentally scan each body part.
  5. Then move your awareness down to your upper arms, forearms, palms, and fingers. As you meditate, observe anything you feel or experience without judgment. We naturally hold a lot of anxiety in our arms and palms since we frequently use them. Again, you can imagine a white light healing any areas of tension or discomfort you may feel.
  6. The next step of the body scan meditation involves shifting your attention to your chest. We also carry a lot of tension in this area since emotion comes from the heart. Whatever you feel here, become the silent observer and watch the feelings rise and fall. As you breathe, imagine the stress and anxiety leaving your chest. Notice how much lighter you feel after letting go of these emotions.
  7. Next, bring your awareness to the stomach and hips. Breathe in slowly, inhaling until your belly becomes full. Now, release the breath along with any tension in your abdomen. Believe it or not, this body region holds stress and fear since our guts have an intricate connection to the brain. Picture all apprehension leaving the stomach area, making you feel calmer and more centered.
  8. Now, it’s time to bring our attention to the upper thighs, knees, and calves. Our legs also tend to hold much of our tension due to the sheer size of the muscles. So, scan both legs and identify any areas of discomfort. Imagine healing energy permeating every muscle and unraveling all your pent-up stress. Feel your legs getting lighter and calmer during this exercise.
  9. Finally, shift your awareness to your feet, ankles, and toes. Since we’re on our feet most of the day, we must relax this body part. Feel your foot muscles, tendons, and joints, sending calming energy to them with each breath.
  10. Lastly, finish the body scan meditation by bringing attention to your whole body. Picture the body as one energy field, starting with the top of your head, down into your legs and toes. Stay here for at least five minutes, simply watching the body and breathing deeply. Continue sending healing energy to areas of discomfort. When you feel ready, open your eyes slowly and shift your attention back to the room.

If you’re feeling more relaxed and limber, congratulations! That means you had a successful body scan meditation session. You may find a more profound sense of peace with this meditation exercise. It may take a few sessions to notice a difference, but you will undoubtedly feel more aligned with your higher self after a while.


Final Thoughts on How to Do Body Scan Meditation for Less Stress and Better Sleep

Many people experience benefits from practicing body scan meditation, including greater peace and reduced anxiety. Most meditation practices require action, but a body scan involves only your awareness. You don’t even need to sit in a meditation pose to practice; lying down will have the same effect. That means almost anyone with comfortable furniture can practice in the comfort of home.

As you scan your body, remember not to pass judgment on the sensations you experience. Accept anything that arises and watch as it eventually disappears from your consciousness. This exercise will help remind you that you’re not the doer but the silent observer behind your thoughts and actions.

Breathwork May Lower Blood Pressure, According to Study

Most people know that breathwork can reduce stress, but a new study found it can lower blood pressure. Researchers found that performing breathing techniques daily for just five to ten minutes marked blood pressure.

The study by University of Colorado and University of Arizona researchers involved 128 healthy adults aged 18 to 82. Researchers instructed participants to do breathing exercises for at least ten minutes daily using an over-the-counter breathing device. They told participants to take thirty breaths while the handheld machine provided resistance. The trial lasted for six weeks.

Breathwork refers to stress-reduction techniques which involve intentional control of the breath. Breathing more consciously and mindfully provides mental clarity, improved energy levels, and reduced blood pressure. Many types of breathwork can affect blood pressure when performed regularly for at least 30 minutes daily.

Daniel Harrison Craighead, Ph.D., a University of Colorado assistant research professor of integrative physiology and co-author of the study, said participants engaged in a specific type of breathwork called high-resistance inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST). He explained that this type of breathwork involves taking 30 resisted breaths daily for five to ten minutes using the breathing device.

Craighead said the deep, slow breathing performed with the device inhibits sympathetic nervous system activity responsible for the fight-or-flight response. People with hypertension tend to have high cortisol levels, which causes blood vessels to constrict.

However, the breathing device helps strengthen lung function and improve blood vessel health. In turn, it widens the arteries for enhanced blood flow and reduces hypertension.

The breathing device features an electronically controlled ‘tapered flow resistance’ that uses a computer-controlled rotary valve to create inhalation resistance. As a result, resistance fluctuates since the machine automatically reduces resistance toward the end of each breath. It does this to compensate for declining oxygen availability and muscle strength.


Breathwork May Have Long-Lasting Impact on Blood Pressure

After just two weeks of breathwork, researchers noticed significant improvements in participants’ blood pressure. At the study’s conclusion, participants had an average decrease of 9mmHg in systolic blood pressure. The only unwanted side effects reported were temporary lightheadedness and sore muscles.

Researchers noted that blood pressure reductions using breathwork rivaled traditional forms of exercise, which often take longer to have any effect.

Researchers observed that participants’ blood pressure remained relatively stable even six weeks after the study ended. They added that using the device could lower BP levels even further.

The team believes that IMST breathing could effectively reduce blood pressure in most people. They saw improved BP levels regardless of participants’ age, sex, or body weight. Even young, healthy participants had reduced blood pressure after using the breathing device.

You can find various breathing devices online that add resistance during inhalations. Craighead said they used the Powerbreathe K3 device in the study. Participants breathed in through the mouthpiece quickly and forcefully to make the fullest breaths possible. When they breathed into the machine, it created resistance, making inhalations more difficult.

They performed five sets of six consecutive inhales, taking a one-minute break of normal breathing between each set. Craighead said participants mainly struggled with the last breaths as the lung muscles strained to produce enough oxygen.

He noted that anyone interested in the breathwork technique should consult their doctor. Researchers still don’t know how IMST impacts people with severe chronic conditions. Most people can perform it safely in the comfort of their homes, though.

The findings from the study appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology on September 15, 2022. The National Institutes of Health funded the research.

Other Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure Besides Trying New Breathing Techniques

As the study above proves, breathwork can remarkably impact blood pressure. About half of Americans suffer from hypertension, making it a significant public health concern. Unfortunately, research shows that Americans’ blood pressure increased further during the coronavirus pandemic.

Although we can’t control most aspects of life, we shouldn’t allow these external stressors to affect our health. More than ever, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve our well-being. We’ll review a few tips to keep your blood pressure at reasonable levels.

  • Exercise regularly. Research shows that daily movement helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily. Therefore, it reduces stress on the arteries and lowers your blood pressure. However, it doesn’t require much exertion to experience the benefits. One study found that brisk walking can increase oxygen levels and blood flow. Aim to get at least thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Reduce intake of processed, salty foods to lower your hypertension risk. Too much sodium in your diet can cause BP spikes and increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. It’s best to consume whole, fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and plant-based proteins.
  • Reduce your stress. Excessive, unmanaged stress is arguably the biggest reason for the explosion of diseases worldwide. Try yoga, meditation, Tai chi, or other mindfulness techniques to keep your stress in check.
  • Quit smoking and minimize or abstain from alcohol consumption. Both cigarettes and alcohol increase blood pressure by constricting blood vessels and putting strain on the heart. Try to swap these habits for healthier ones, such as exercising or walking in nature.

breathing techniques

Final Thoughts on Lowering Hypertension Risk With Breathwork

Mindfulness, breathwork, and other meditative techniques have become wildly popular in the last decade. As stress levels increase worldwide, people want a way to cope with the pressures of modern life. Many have found relief and improved health with breathing techniques such as high-resistance inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST).

One study aimed to determine how this breathing exercise would impact participants’ blood pressure. They gave the volunteers breathing devices to add resistance during their inhalations. After a six-week trial, researchers observed that participants’ blood pressure decreased by almost ten points. Even people without hypertension can benefit from the breathing technique, as it reduces stress and increases oxygen levels.

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