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15 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Rumi

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

Rumi left us so much wisdom and insight through his beautiful, yet powerful poetry that applies just as much today as it did in the 13th century. A Persian poet, Islamic scholar, theologian, and spiritual teacher, Rumi is a best-selling poet in the United States and gave us a unique perspective about the universe and life that we can all take something from.

Here are 15 life changing lessons to learn from Rumi:

Here are some of the most profound observations by Rumi.

rumi quotes

1. Don’t avoid tough experiences; they are wonderful teachers.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”

“The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night.”

“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”

“Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.”

2. Don’t allow things outside yourself to control your emotions.

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?”

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”

3. Leave behind a legacy worth remembering.

“Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.”

4. Don’t act so small when you have the whole universe inside of you.

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”

“Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape.”

5. Focus on changing yourself, and the whole world will appear differently.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

6. Always follow your heart; it will take you where you need to go.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.”

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

7. You have a purpose here far beyond what you’ve been told.

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?”

8. Love is everything.

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”

9. Rise up to meet your potential.

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”

“Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others’ faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.”

10. Find people who will shine light on your path.

“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.”

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames”

11. Don’t take your thoughts so seriously; they do not own you.

“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison When the door is so wide open?”

“Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.”

“This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor…Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honorably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”

12. Sit in silence for a while; everything will make more sense.

“In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves.”

“Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.”

13. We all are visitors of this planet, because we come from elsewhere.

“All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.”

“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.”

14. Open your eyes to what you already have within you.

“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”

“I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I’ve been knocking from the inside.”

“You wander from room to room Hunting for the diamond necklace That is already around your neck!”

“Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?”

“There is a fountain inside you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.”


15. Don’t seek anything outside yourself; the answers are contained in your heart.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

“That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.”

“What you seek is seeking you.”

“Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.”

10 Reasons You Feel Lost In Life

As the world tries to pull us in so many different directions with jobs, money, responsibilities, and everything else in between, we can start to feel a bit weathered, a tad broken, and just utterly lost after a while. This planet serves as a place for us to all learn and grow, but the trials and tribulations we must endure here certainly can seem overwhelming at times. We all go through periods where we just don’t know where to turn or how stop feeling lost, but if you look a bit deeper, even these dark, lonely times can unearth important information about our journeys.

Here are some common reasons for feeling lost in life, and what you can do about it:


1. You let other people’s opinions influence decisions.

One surefire way to feel lost and alone is to let other people dictate your life and forget about your own wishes and dreams. Other people can never live your life for you or know the inner workings of your heart and soul the way you do, so don’t let their voices drown out your own. Stand tall and strong in your viewpoints, and don’t allow people to walk all over you. They can have an opinion, but it doesn’t have to determine the direction of your life.

2. You rarely, if at all, listen to the inner voice.

This one happens to many of us, more often than we would like. Many people only listen to their rational minds when making decisions about their lives, forgetting that the imagination holds many of the answers we all search for. We have lived in a world controlled largely by the mind for far too long now, so we must reverse this trend and look deep within to find solace and direction. When we silence the constant string of thoughts that run through our minds, we can hear our souls’ voices, guiding us and reminding us of our true nature and potential.

3. You have a negative self perspective.

Unfortunately, many people simply don’t love themselves or even remotely like themselves. If you live on this planet currently, you should have a tremendous amount of love and respect for yourself because it isn’t an easy ride. You have come here to fulfill a divine purpose and find any parts of yourself you lost along the way. For committing to such a feat before incarnating here, you deserve the utmost respect and love from yourself. Remember that each day you wake up, you can choose to either love or hate yourself, so choose the one that will make you feel the best in the end. 🙂

4. You haven’t discovered a true purpose.

Many people can’t understand what they have really come here to do, or may not even believe we have a soul purpose at all. However, if you have ever looked outside and noticed the state of the planet, or wondered if you came here to do more than sit at a desk 9 hours a day working at a job you don’t like, you have already awakened to the fact that you DO indeed have a grand mission here on Earth. You don’t have to know exactly what that is in order to feel like a complete being; just recognizing that you are a walking miracle made up of pure energy should make you feel pretty darn special.

5. You live through the mind more than the heart.

Like we said in a previous point, a world dominated by logic can never accomplish what a world run by heart-based living can. You have answers to life’s most pressing questions in your heart, but the mind will always cover them up in favor of rational, linear thinking. To find yourself, you have to be willing to cut ties with your Ego that controls your mind, and instead enter the space of your heart, which doesn’t judge, demand, criticize, or ridicule. Take that journey, and you won’t feel lost and depressed any longer.

6. You surround yourself with people who don’t share your goals.

You have to find people who have the same goals and desires as you, and they will appear once you commit to the path your soul wants for you. Make sure to surround yourself with people who lift you up, not those that drag you down and make you feel uninspired or lost in life.

7. You look to others for answers that only you can provide.

Don’t rely on anyone else for anything; that only creates dependency and inhibits you from the liberation that comes from only looking to yourself for guidance, comfort, and the ultimate answers. Decide to figure out life for yourself and see the world through your own lens rather than always asking others what they think or see. You will truly begin living as soon as you decide to depend on no one but yourself and understand that feeling lost is a blessing in disguise.

8. You live in the past or the future, not the present.

Any state of discontentment or feeling lost can usually be corrected by living in the now. Don’t worry about planning out every last detail of your future or make yourself depressed by reliving the past. Surrender yourself to what is, so you may find what could be.


9. You don’t spend enough time in nature.

You might ask, “How will nature make me feel less lost?” Well, YOU are nature. So, by disconnecting yourself from nature, you have really disengaged from yourself. Just twenty minutes of time in nature a day can make you feel more relaxed, happy, and optimistic about life. So, get outside; you might just find yourself there. 🙂

10. You don’t allow the universe to help guide you.

By controlling every aspect of our lives, we leave no space for opportunities to find us. The universe already knows what you need to do, but you must allow yourself to let go and embrace your journey.  Let the universe step in and help you so that you may live in a way that illuminates your soul and makes the darkness conscious.

10 Things Confident People Never Do

If you have confidence, you can walk into any room in the world and feel self-assured without needing approval from others. Confident people don’t need to justify themselves or explain themselves to others; they express their individuality and flow through life without overthinking it. Confident people have learned to accept themselves. Additionally, they share their authentic self with other people without feeling self-conscious.

Thankfully, we can learn self-confidence if we feel uncomfortable or unhappy. But, to get to that point, we must first understand the behaviors that confident people avoid.

Ten Things Confident People Avoid Doing

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson

1 – They don’t ask other people for approval.

Confident people don’t need permission from others to make a decision. They feel comfortable and worthy of making choices independently without asking others first. They will listen to other people’s opinions and consider them. But they don’t put those opinions above their own in decision-making. They live their lives congruently with their hearts and don’t care if others accept them.

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2 – Confident people don’t blame anyone for their circumstances in life.

They take full ownership of everything that happens to them. Confident people don’t blame the barista at the coffee shop if they’re late to work or blame their boss if they can’t pay rent. They take full responsibility for their actions and realize they must navigate their lives. They might be unable to control everything that happens to them, but they can choose how to respond. Confident people take constructive action and don’t wallow in self-pity or play the blame game.

3 – They aren’t scared of things that will challenge them, mentally or physically.

Confident people don’t hesitate to accept a challenge or get outside their comfort zone; they willingly charge ahead toward new experiences. They get a thrill out of being uncomfortable and don’t set limits on themselves. Indeed, they have self-worth and know that every unique experience presents an opportunity to grow and learn.

4 – They don’t second-guess themselves.

Confident people don’t mull over their thoughts endlessly after deciding; they watch life unfold and stand behind their choice. Even if it didn’t work out according to plan, confident people still don’t second-guess themselves because they know that they made a specific decision for a reason. They have faith in themselves to take the proper steps to reach their goals and achieve success.

5 – Confident people don’t tear others down to boost their self-esteem.

One of the most defining characteristics of a confident person is their ability to feel completely comfortable with themselves without needing to belittle other people in the process. They can stand in their truth and express themselves openly without squashing every person in their path.

6 – They don’t care what other people think of them.

Confident people show up to any situation in life as their authentic selves without putting on a mask or concealing any “imperfections.” They know they have flaws, as everyone does, so we should all feel comfortable showing those to people. They understand that they incarnated into their bodies for a reason, so why waste their time hating themselves or wishing for someone else’s life? Confident people love themselves whether others share that sentiment or not.

7 – They don’t give up on their dreams and goals.

Confident people see their dreams through to the finish, no matter how many roadblocks they encounter along the way. Being confident doesn’t mean that they don’t have doubts, but they push past their insecurities and keep the faith no matter what. They know that no one else can achieve their goals for them, so they must put in the effort to see the results.

8 – Confident people don’t try to impress others.

They couldn’t care less how much money they have, what brand of clothing they buy, or what kind of car they drive. They know that possessions don’t define a person. Thus, they feel confident in themselves because of their character.

They realize that someone’s true essence comes from their soul. So they don’t waste time impressing other people with things they don’t even care to own. They only want to impress themselves and work on having the best possible relationship with themselves.

9 – They avoid putting things on the back burner.

Confident people don’t procrastinate; they get things done as needed. They dive headfirst into life and won’t let outside forces knock their persistence. Confident people don’t just watch life happen; they create it.

10 – Confident people don’t conform to make others comfortable.

They don’t mind a healthy debate to get a fresh perspective or maybe teach the other person something. They don’t allow people to walk all over them or treat them as a doormat. Confident people remain steadfast in their beliefs, regardless of who agrees with them.

feeling confident

Five Tips to Help Build Self-Confidence

If you need some guidance on feeling more self-assured, remember these tips to boost your confidence.

1 – Smile more often (like confident people do!)

Smiling offers incredible benefits for you and everyone in your vicinity as well. A smile gives off the vibe that nothing in this world can bring you down, and others will notice this powerful energy! Not to mention, smiling boosts your immune system and triggers the release of brain chemicals that reduce stress and heart rate. So, smiling as often as possible is in our best interest!

When others see you smile, it encourages them to smile back, releasing feel-good hormones in their brains. Smiling shows the world you feel happy, drawing people into your energy field and boosting confidence. Imagine what kind of ripple effect it would create in our world of nearly 8 billion people if everyone smiled more!

Workplace studies reveal that positive emotions invigorate employees and lead to higher productivity. Performing well at your job boosts confidence and enhances your relationships with coworkers, benefiting everyone involved.

2 – Keep your head up!

We mean this literally, in case you were wondering. Holding your head up when you walk gives off an aura of self-confidence and opens your energy field. Holding your head down and keeping your eyes on the ground, you close yourself off the world. So, if you want to increase your self-esteem instantly, look around your environment. Others will feel more comfortable in your presence as well.

When you walk past people, remember to smile and make eye contact with those around you. Seeing a warm, friendly face makes people feel at ease and releases tension in the air. It also signals that you’re approachable and comfortable in your skin.

3 – Visualize yourself fitting in with confident people.

Many people utilize the power of visualization to manifest their goals and desires. You can also visualize yourself as the person you wish to become soon. We’ll go over a few crucial tips for effective visualization below.

Our thoughts become a reality, so imagine what you already do if you want more confidence! This version of yourself already exists; you have to believe it and act the way you want to feel. It will eventually manifest if you view yourself positively and continually remind yourself of this possibility.

Positive affirmations such as “I love myself” or “I am enough” can powerfully affect your psyche. Eventually, you begin to rewire your brain to become conditioned to this new thinking. If you practice affirmations daily, your confidence will soar before you know it.

4 – Keep yourself busy.

If you have too much time, you will likely create problems that don’t even exist in the first place. The mind likes to stay busy, so make sure to live an active lifestyle that complements your unique talents.

Having a career that you feel passionate about will automatically make you more self-assured. Choosing a job that aligns with your interests increases your energy and zest for life. Plus, being good at what you do naturally boosts your self-esteem and ability to handle work-related stress.

We derive a sense of self from our work, but engaging in other activities is essential. Try to connect with others who enjoy similar hobbies, such as birdwatching or hiking in your free time. Being in a group with like-minded people will boost your self-esteem, giving you a feeling of belonging and camaraderie among confident people.

5 – Remove negative influences from your life.

As they say, misery loves company, so choose your friends wisely. People who have a negative outlook on life will influence yours, which can lower your self-esteem. On the other hand, happy people with clear goals for their life will inspire and uplift you.

If you want to become more confident, seeking out like-minded companionship makes sense. Find friends who will make you feel better about yourself and give you a new perspective on life. Remember that real friends want to see you succeed and care about your happiness.

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Final Thoughts on Confident People

Feeling more confident boils down to our daily habits and thoughts about ourselves. The most self-assured people don’t set any limits and avoid seeking others’ approval. They also set goals for their life and don’t care about impressing others. If you want to feel more comfortable in your skin, focus on accepting yourself and realizing your strengths. You’re already enough; your mind tricks you into thinking otherwise.


5 Reasons You Keep Having The Same Problems

Have you ever had the experience of encountering the same problems repeatedly? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

The Law of Attraction governs our lives; our thoughts and feelings build our reality, including our problems! Now the Law of Attraction doesn’t just work by dropping things into your lap because you think about them or ask for them. The Law of Attraction only works if you take action, too.

At times, we have a negative focus that is so strong that it leads to attracting the same problems over and over again. And because we don’t take action to make it stop, it keeps reappearing.

Here are five reasons why you keep having the same problems:

law of attraction

1. You act out of fear.

If taking action is an essential part of the Law of Attraction, then acting out of fear attracts more fear.  Recognizing that a bit of fear is normal when we try new things might help us to move through the fear into new territory. The bottom line is that having SOME fear doesn’t stop us from moving forward in life. It’s letting that fear stop us from pursuing solutions that is harmful.

We should try to take action with confidence and optimism. Believing the action will succeed with the proper mood and attitude is half the battle. This works simply because our moods and actions come together in unison.

Changing our moods will alter our behaviors, and changing our behaviors may also alter our moods. This will help change how we view the issue and how the problems manifest themselves in our reality.

2. You worry obsessively about the problem.

While we believe worrying is a helpful tool for working through a problem, nothing can be farther from the truth. When we focus completely on our problems, we create more energy around them.

Though many people know that negative thinking results in problems, altering our thoughts is still easier said than done. Our thinking moves at a fast pace and just happens without any planning or effort, so thought control could be a little tough sometimes – especially when we are in the middle of the challenge.

It’s very important to remember that even though we can change our conscious thinking, we will always have some unwanted and unintended thoughts.  Allow them to happen, because they often signal when something is wrong. A few negative thoughts will not ruin our life, but dwelling on them can.

3. You consistently complain or talk about the problems.

Much like worrying, the more our problems are the topic of conversation, the more energy from the Universe they receive.

For many of us, complaining is the biggest reason we encounter the same problems. We talk about them too much and stay focused on the problem, not the solution.

In theory, choosing to stop complaining sounds easy, but it is often a habit that needs a little thought to break. The best way to stop it is to find someone who can call us out when we complain. I think we will be surprised at much complaining has infiltrated our day.

4. You have become best friends with misery.

You know what they say, “misery loves company.” Well, it might be accurate, but it doesn’t help if you want to stop having the same problems. The Universe will act not only on what you think and what you say, but it responds based on your intentions.

Sometimes though, we are confused and aren’t clear about what we want, so unintentionally, we are creating more problems to go along with our existing ones. This happens when we overlook the signals sent, and the Universe can only respond by sending louder signals or more misery.

The best thing we can do is try to quiet the world around us through meditation and mindfulness. These tools will help us understand the challenges and show us the direction to take when we reach the fork in the road.

full potential

5. You are too hard on yourself.

We are sometimes our worst critics. We can be unforgiving and unkind to ourselves when we find ourselves in similar situations over and over again. Besides that, we keep making the same mistakes and keep thinking the same thoughts.

Let’s take it easy on ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we made yesterday and begin to look at our problems differently today. Our goal is not perfection; it should just be to do our best and learn a little along the way.

Taking small actions is the way to slow the momentum while avoiding getting overwhelmed when things seem spiraling out of control. In the end, just putting your awareness behind a recurring problem is a big win because you will then learn why you keep encountering this problem and what you can do about it.

7 Strategies for Dealing With A Bad Day

Let us face it. Regardless of how much progress we make, we will still have bad days.

Everyone experiences tough times, bumps in the road and an abundance of negative thoughts from time to time. With so many outside influences affecting our mood, it’s no wonder it’s hard sometimes to stay in a place of positivity. At times, a bad day can seem like the end of the world, and it’s up to us to pull ourselves out of the funk.

Listed here are some quick steps you could take to help you overcome a bad day:

1. Get in touch with your support network.

When we are having a bad day, it is tempting to go and hide out. Research shows that contact with others, especially people that are supportive of us and are happy enhances our mood. So we must make sure we see or talk to other people, particularly people you that are important to us.

2. Listen to music.

Get out your favorite playlist. Music has a way of elevating our mood. Catchy beats, good lyrics and an artist we resonate with can turn our bad day around with just a song or too. So put on the tunes. Oh and a little dancing won’t hurt.

If part of your bad day includes a lot of angst and drama, then maybe switch gears to some calming music. Research has found that hearing classical music for only 10 minutes a day reduced participants’ bad moods. And in another study, scientists found that hearing music dropped blood pressure, heart rate and levels of anxiety hormone cortisol.

3. Play dress up.

Put on some fancy or pretty clothes. Sometimes, dressing the part can help elevate our day. At times we can get very stressed by clothing; it can feel limiting and can cause anxiety, and we might not even be aware of it. Changing clothes to something more comfortable or appropriate will help us feel better about ourselves and the situation.

4. Exercise.

Make sure you exercise because it is a natural and automatic mood booster. Whenever we’re feeling down, heading outside for a run (or walk) or hitting the treadmill will produce a shift in how you feel and how you are looking at things. Even something as simple as a stretching routine or a few yoga postures can create a big change in your bad day.

5. Eat better.

When we are having a bad day, it will serve us well to look at our nutrition habits. Are we eating and staying properly hydrated? If the answer is yes, then are we eating foods that are good for us, or are we driving through somewhere? Choosing good fuel for our bodies not only nourishes us and gives us energy, but it also feeds our mind so we can rationally approach our challenges.

5. Do nice things for somebody else.

Do good deeds and allow the good to overtake the bad. When we are giving of ourselves without an agenda, our mood automatically shifts into a place of kindness and gratitude. It is a powerful prescription for a day that is draining our energy.

6. Assume control.

When we feel like we have little control of over our lives, even if we are happy, this lack of control leaves us feeling powerless. When a certain situation is bothering us, we need to identify the parts we can control. For example, when we wake up late, we can’t change the fact that our schedule is off, but we can look at how to reconfigure our morning to arrive on time. We can also choose to be late and explain the situation honestly and thoroughly to our boss. What we don’t need to do is start our day off by beating ourselves up because we woke up late. We just need to move on.

7. Get outside.

Being in nature and breathing fresh air in natural light is an automatic mood enhancer and can help calm the chaos around you. When we get outside, we see the best of our world. The plants and trees, the architecture, and even other people can all help put things into perspective so you can go back to your day with a better outlook.

So when we find ourselves waking up on the wrong side of the bed, the first step is to find a way to shift our perspective and calm our mind. It’s in that state of calm that you can recognize why you are feeling what you’re feeling and start to take the right kinds of action towards setting your day back on the right track.

There are plenty of other ways to combat a bad day: meditation, practicing mindfulness or even sitting in quiet to help step out of the drama and put things into a more rational perspective. When we take action instead of reacting to the challenges we face, we can turn a bad day around on a dime.

5 Ways to Start A New Life Today

“Every new day is another chance to change your life.” – Unknown

Oftentimes, people think they need to make radical changes in their lives in order to see big results. However, sometimes just a shift in our thinking can provide a catalyst for the change we wish to see in our realities. After all, we become what we think, and we attract what we are, so we must utilize our own power if we want to start living a different life.

You hold the key to a new reality, and one thought could flip your world upside down if you simply believe in your own ability to create positive change.

If you want to change your life TODAY, here are 5 simple things you can start doing now:

1. Give up the “all or nothing” mentality.

Even the most positive, self-confident people in the world have spells of insecurity and negative thinking sometimes, but it can become debilitating if you actually believe these thoughts. For example, let’s say you want to get a higher paying job. You might tell yourself “If I don’t land this job, then I will never find anything else and that means I just don’t deserve anything better.” See how damaging this type of thinking can be? By telling ourselves we won’t find happiness and fulfillment unless a certain event occurs, then we have vested all our faith and energy in an outcome. This means that if something different happens, our rigid way of thinking will prevent us from seeing the bigger picture, and realizing the universe simply had different plans for us.

Rather than thinking in absolute terms and conjuring up the worst case scenario in your mind, start thinking more realistically. Self-defeating thoughts can really prevent you from living up to your full potential, and trick you into thinking you can never change your life due to one event or situation.

2. Stop labeling yourself.

When you label yourself, you limit yourself. You place yourself in a box full of stereotypes and society’s preconceived ideas of what people should act like, which inhibits you from recognizing your Higher self outside of worldly labels. You don’t have to assume any identity in order to express the real you; we all are simply energy that manifested into form, and don’t need labels to separate us from our Oneness. Simply say “I am” and don’t feel the need to finish the sentence. Go out and live your life and do things that make you feel like more of yourself, without becoming attached to words that describe your personality or lifestyle.

For example, let’s say you tell yourself that you’re shy, so you can’t go to a party with people you don’t really know. Or maybe you identify as a New Age hippie, so you think you can’t go shopping for new clothes if you want them. These labels just serve to bar you from new experiences in life, and can really take hold of your mind if you let them. Release your need to fit into a certain group, and just accept yourself as never-ending, free-flowing energy. This is when you can change your life, when you can realize that you’re already a free and limitless being.

“Give up who you are to become who you might be.” – Unknown

3. Don’t value the opinions of others over your opinion of yourself.

Most of us still live in some degree of fear of other people’s opinions. We second guess ourselves and end up doing things we don’t really enjoy to impress other people. We desperately want to fit in and feel accepted, so we rely on other people to provide us with that security and comfort. However, if you live your entire life caring about what other people will think of you, then you will never experience life at all. You will only see the world through other people’s eyes and wear a mask over your true identity. You possess all the power and confidence you need already; you must rise above the chatter and judgments of others, and reclaim your soul by simply going within for answers. Look to yourself for acceptance and love, and it won’t matter then if others approve of you or not. Once you learn to value your own opinion more than those of others, you will start to see the leaves of change in your life.

4. Replace the “I can’ts” with “I cans.”

Another form of degrading thoughts, the “I can’t” mentality can stop you in your tracks before you’ve even taken a step forward. If you don’t think you’re good enough or deserving of something, then of course, it won’t show up in your life because you’ve created a blockage. You have put up walls to keep out potentially amazing things from manifesting in your reality, and told yourself you can’t achieve what you want before you even try. The universe works with the Law of Attraction, so whatever you think will show up in your life, regardless of if you want it or not.

If you don’t like what you see in your life, the primary culprit here is your mind. Change your thoughts, change your life!

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Comparison does nothing for you, except make you doubt yourself and feel inferior to others. It can make you feel worthless if you expect your life to look exactly like someone else’s, and will most certainly only pave the road to disappointment. Or, you could use it in the opposite way, in order to feel better about yourself and where you’re at in life. It helps to remember that everyone here is on their own journey, and no one is inherently better than anyone else. We all have our own roads to take, our own destinies to fulfill. Your path will look differently than your neighbor’s, your sister’s, and your friend’s, and this doesn’t mean you have chosen the wrong route.

It means you have certain lessons you need to learn here that might differ from others, so stop comparing your journey to everyone else’s. Focus on how you can become a better person, and everything will start to fall into place.

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