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This Is What Happens If You Stare Into Someone’s Eyes For 10 Minutes

Are you looking for a way to experience a shift in consciousness without using drugs? Then all you have to do is stare into someone’s eyes for 10 minutes.

That’s according to a study performed by Giovanni Caputo, a vision researcher from the University of Urbino in Italy.

Here’s how staring into someone’s eyes can alter your consciousness:

Caputo asked 20 volunteers to stare into their partner’s eyes for 10 minutes. He noted astounding results. The volunteers reported having out-of-body experiences and seeing hallucinations of monsters, their relatives, and even themselves in their partner’s face.

This experiment included 20 young adults, of which 15 were women. The participants paired pair off and sat in a dimly lit room 1 meter away from each other. They had one simple task. They stared into their partner’s eyes for 10 minutes. And, they could make out the facial features of their partners in the dim lighting. However, they had a decreased perception of color.

In addition to this group of adults, a control group consisting of 20 more people also sat and stared for 10 minutes as well. One difference–their chairs faced a blank wall. Giovanni told them little else about the study except that it involved a “meditative experience with eyes open.”

After the ten minutes passed, all the participants filled out questionnaires and answered questions about what the volunteers experienced during and after the experiment. One of the questionnaires asked about any dissociative experiences that the participants had during those ten minutes. And other questions asked them what they saw in their partner’s face or their own faces.


Disassociation describes any psychological experiences that make a person feel disconnected from their immediate surroundings. This could include hearing sounds at a different frequency than they actually vibrate at, seeing distorted colors, or feeling like reality doesn’t exist. Most people report having these experiences when under the influence of drugs and alcohol. But now, you can get the same experience by simply staring into someone’s eyes!

In the journal Psychiatry Research, Caputo revealed that the eye-staring group scored higher than the control group in both questionnaires, proving that staring into someone’s eyes for even a short period of time can alter one’s consciousness in a measurable way.

According to a report written by Christian Jarett published in the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest, the participants “gave the strongest ratings to items related to reduced colour intensity, sounds seeming quieter or louder than expected, becoming spaced out, and time seeming to drag on. On the strange-face questionnaire, 90 percent of the eye-staring group agreed that they’d seen some deformed facial traits, 75 percent said they’d seen a monster, 50 percent said they saw aspects of their own face in their partner’s face, and 15 percent said they’d seen a relative’s face.”

A previous study by Caputo

Back in 2010, Caputo performed a similar experiment in which 50 volunteers stared at themselves in a mirror for 10 minutes. He wrote the results in a paper entitled “Strange Face In The Mirror Illusion.”

In that paper, Caputo reported findings very much like this more recent experiment. After about one minute, the participants in the former study reported seeing what Caputo calls the “strange face illusion.”

What did they see, exactly?

Everything from their deceased relative’s faces, distortions of their own faces, old women or children, and even animals and monsters. They somehow felt that their face had become deformed, or suddenly became foreign to them. They reported it as being a very profound, powerful experience.

eyesSo, how does this phenomenon happen, exactly?

According to an article on Scientific American, Martinez-Conde and Macknik attribute it to something called Troxler fading and neural adaptation, In this, our neurons slow down significantly or even stop in the presence of constant, unvarying stimuli. So after staring at the same thing for a number of minutes, the unchanging stimulus away from the point of fixation will start to fade away. And that shift alters your perception.

After doing this long enough, your mind will start to project images onto the point in space that you’re staring at. That phenomenon further proves that our minds are immensely powerful when it comes to creating our own realities. Researchers have yet to be done to fully understand why this strange event occurs during periods of fixating on an object. But one thing is certain. We, indeed, do hold the power to alter our consciousness. And once we master it, we can share this incredible gift with others, as well.

5 Reasons We Need To Take Faith More Seriously

According to an article by the Washington Times, 84 percent of the world follows some sort of faith or religion.

There are approximately the following:

  • 2.2 billion Christians
  • 1.6 billion Muslims
  • 1 billion Hindus
  • 500 million Buddhists
  • 400 million followers of folk or traditional religions
  • 14 million Jews.

Recently, many people have become involved in the New Age movement as well, which can still be considered a faith because it requires believing in something.

Even though the world seems divided on what religion it chooses to follow, could our beliefs have more similarities than differences? Could we find some common ground and find a way to coexist while respecting each other’s individual faiths and ideologies? The major world religions listed above speak many of the same messages. Plus, they teach a lot of the same lessons if you look past the variations of each.

First, we’ll look at the belief systems of the most popular world faiths, and then get into why we all need to take these teachings more seriously and what these different religions have in common with one another.

“The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different.” – Mahatma Gandhi 

The Major World Religions And Their Main Beliefs

1 – Christianity

Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah that God promised in the Old Testament. They believe that God embodies three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, even though Christians acknowledge the Holy Trinity, they still believe in only one God. Christianity teaches that by giving your life over to Christ, you can be released from your sins and be accepted into Heaven. At an early age, Christians can learn more about Christianity through Sunday School and Kids Church Classes.

2 – Islam

People who believe in the Islamic faith are called Muslims, and believe in one almighty God, called Allah. Islam means submission to One God, who created the heavens, Earth and every living being in it. Islam teaches that there have been many prophets, staring with Prophet Adam going down to Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus, and the last Prophet being Muhammad. By giving up their life to Allah, Muslims hope to enter the kingdom of Paradise upon death. Muslims worship Allah through performing good deeds and taking part in devoted rituals each day.

3 – Hinduism

Though Hindus believe in many manifestations of God, they recognize the supreme being as Brahman, a culmination of all gods and goddesses. They believe steadfastly in the laws of karma, so if you did wrong in a past life, your goal now is to become free from that karma in this life and correct your wrongdoings. All followers of Hinduism seek one ideal way of life, called dharma. All life is sacred according to Hindu teachings, so there is some freedom within the religion in regards to what the believer chooses to worship. What you reincarnate as is determined by your actions and devotion to your faith.

4 – Buddhism

Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha, in 500 B.C. in India. Contrary to popular belief, Buddhists do not worship the Buddha, but rather, look up to him because he achieved what they strive for: spiritual enlightenment. One of the most popular teachings from Buddhism is: “Desire is the root of all suffering.” So, they believe by freeing yourself from desire, you can reach the highest state of enlightenment.

They do not believe in any gods, but simply believe that through disciplined meditation, they can reach “nirvana” or the highest state of consciousness. Like Islam, Buddhism teaches that a person will have countless rebirths unless they let go of all attachments and delusions.

5 – Judaism

Judaism is the oldest religion in the Western world, and followers of this faith believe in the teachings of the Old Testament. Jews believe in a Messiah, but do not recognize or believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They believe that God, or Yahweh, chose them to lead humanity and be an example of God’s way of life. Judaism teaches that God is the true Creator of all life, and transcends both life and death.

6 – New Age

The New Age movement doesn’t have any concrete teachings or practices, but rather, it’s left to each individual to decide what spirituality means to them. Many followers of the New Age movement meditate, do yoga, and otherwise try to increase their own consciousness in order to become more Godlike. They believe in their own power to control and dictate their destiny, and believe God exists in everything and everyone, including themselves. They believe in creating their own reality through the state of their consciousness, and connecting with the Oneness present in all of the universe.

5 Reasons We Need To Take Faith More Seriously

1- Something to believe in

Have you ever heard the phrase “believing is seeing?”

Essentially, this means that by putting all your faith into some power. So whether you believe it exists within you, nature, or a higher being, this energy will begin to manifest what you’ve envisioned right before your eyes.

Faith only works if you believe it will, and many people all over the world can attest to the powers that God, Source, Spirit, or Allah. Whatever you wish to call it, millions have enacted it in their lives. For instance, take these near-death experiences and the common spiritual intervention the following people experienced into account. These types of stories are becoming more and more common as people awaken to their own personal spiritual journeys here on Earth and discover the wonders that exist beyond the veil.

In another powerful example, this woman had a 3″ tumor in her bladder. It disappeared within minutes after she went to a holistic hospital in Beijing. There, a group of practitioners simply applied conscious positive thoughts and feelings, set their intentions, and said a specific chant in order to facilitate healing.

This perfectly demonstrates how having faith can heal not only yourself but others around you. It shows the amazing miracles that can happen as a result of simply believing in something with all your heart. Thus, you can focus entirely on love and peace.

2 – Conquers fears

Having some sort of faith allows you to see past this man-made world into a reality much greater. You’ll tear down boundaries, depression, or fears. No matter your beliefs much can be learned by opening yourself up to new teachings and letting faith begin to work in your own life.

3 –  Leading a more meaningful life

Faith restores a sense of purpose and meaning to life. Many people contemplate our existence and wonder why we came here. However, only in silence can you engage with all of Creation and find those answers.

4 – Tranquility and peace

Having faith instills that inner peace that we all search for in life. You might just believe that you create your own power and destiny. However, you learn that you can always lean on yourself for guidance and wisdom.

5 – For the sake of pure and simple faith

No matter your beliefs, all the religions mentioned have one overarching thing in common. Faith in SOMETHING. That faith can be in yourself, a greater being, or simply the abundance of love present in the universe. At the root of all these religions, before any corruption by the media or other sources took place, is peace, love, and compassion.

By remembering this ultimate truth, we can all coexist and learn to thrive as a species, rather than using our egos to defend our faiths and arguing against anyone who believes differently. Oneness is a truth that none of us can escape from, and one that will set us free if we choose to unite in our commonalities instead of letting perceived differences divide us further.

9 Ways to Harness the Romantic Energy of a Full Moon

Many aspects of life are ruled by the full moon. Romance in relationships and human sexuality is not to be excluded.

While a full moon mostly affects women’s hormones and sex drive, men can also fall under the spell of a powerful full moon. Did you know that more babies are born under a Full Moon than at any other time? This might seem a bit farfetched, but if you study the natural laws of the universe, you know that the moon influences our behavior and hormone levels, which explains the timing of many childbirths. 

Going back to the times when we lived among the trees and under the stars, pretty much all women had their menstruation and ovulation cycles at the same time. The very word “menstruation” comes from the prefix “mens-“ which literally means “moon,” so of course women will especially have a very close relationship with the moon and its phases.  

The history of the moon cycles and human behaviors

Women living in ancient times would menstruate during the New Moon and ovulate during the Full Moon, which makes sense when you compare these cycles to those of other animals in nature. For example, Crustaceans make the trek to beaches all around the world to release their eggs under the light of a Full Moon, because they instinctively know that they’ll have less of a journey to make due to the high tide. Plus, when the tide is highest, animals can assure that their eggs will never get washed away by laying them behind the high tide line. 

While humans don’t lay eggs, we have the same intuitions and sexual behavior under a Full Moon. We have more energy, feel more extroverted and connected to our partner, and have more interest in sex due to the gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth, and the consequent energy released during this time. 

Our bodies are made up mostly of water, so the pull of the moon acts as a catalyst in childbirth due to the rising tides, according to Discovery Health. Also, rising estrogen and testosterone levels make a Full Moon the perfect time for love-making and connecting intimately to the partner, and ultimately, the universe. 

So, armed with this knowledge about how the full moon affects your sexual energy, what can you do to truly capture the essence of a brilliant full moon? 

    • Plan a date night or some sort of romantic activity with your significant other.

      After all, a full moon signals a time for mating and expressing ourselves sexually with the person we love, so make sure to take out some time to honor the Divine and connect back to Source energy with your partner. 

    • Spend as much time out in nature as possible a few days before the Full Moon.

      Fluorescent lights and too much technology can negatively affect hormone levels, so to feel most connected to the moon, you should limit your time with artificial light sources, and instead bask in natural light from the sun and moon. 

    • Use grounding techniques.

      Walk barefoot outside, meditate, and any other ritual you prefer to help you stay balanced. Depending on what sign the Full Moon falls under, your emotions can run high, thereby interrupting the natural flow of sexual energy the moon provides. This especially holds true during a Full Moon in Cancer, where emotions can easily become imbalanced if you don’t pay close attention to them. 

    • Allow your creative juices to flow!

      The Full Moon governs our creativity and uniqueness, and wants us to nurture and express ourselves in a way that comes most naturally to us. Maybe go to a couples’ workshop or do couple’s yoga together; this is a great time to unleash your originality and share in new experiences with your partner (or yourself). 

    • Let yourself be vulnerable.

      We often hide some parts of ourselves away out of shame or fear of rejection, but the Full Moon illuminates all. It sits boldly in the sky for all to see, and brings light into an otherwise dark world. As we move into the Full Moon phase, make sure you let old skeletons rise to the surface, and put everything on the table. Use this time to explore and unearth parts of yourself that you have been hiding, or just didn’t even know existed before. 

    • Honor thyself.

      Recognize your true beauty, and reconnect to the Divine Feminine. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, go outside and dance under the Full Moon, or just smile at yourself in the mirror. Make sure to stay active and avoid retreating into your shell – the Full Moon wants us to pull ourselves out of introspection and instead look at all the wonder surrounding us. It’s a great time for connecting with others and rejoicing in the treasures that Nature offers us. 

    • Practice Tantra.

      While the Full Moon gives off a lot of exuberance, make sure to hone that in and slow down a bit to fully connect with your partner. Don’t move too fast and miss each precious moment; allow the pull of the moon to take you to new cosmic heights together. 

    • Don’t resist; just go with the flow.

      Any resistance you feel will manifest itself elsewhere in your life, so just use this time to celebrate love, life, and the connection you have with the universe. Open your heart and let the Divine flow through you uninhibited.

    • Create a space in your home for intimacy.

      Light your favorite-scented candles, buy some roses to place around your room, take a relaxing bath with a few drops of Lavender or Jasmine essential oils, and make sure your bed has comfortable sheets and pillows. Create a sacred space for connecting with yourself or your partner, and make sure to cleanse the energy in the room around the time of a Full Moon to allow for the best connection to the Divine. 

3 Perfect Exercises For Poor Body Posture

With the majority of Americans working sales and office jobs today, according to reports, that means a lot of time spent hunched over the computer, which puts immense strain on the spine and back. Add to that, hunching over our desks often cause us to develop poor body posture.

Working and living in highly overstimulating environments puts an equal or greater amount of stress on our minds as well, as we try to process all the sounds and sights before us. This diminishes our energy levels, which might explain why so many people have bad posture today. Having good posture actually takes energy, and many people have so many other things on their minds that maintaining a healthy posture doesn’t exactly top their list of priorities.

However, having poor body posture can wreak havoc on all areas of the body, even restricting air and bloodflow and causing impairments to the nerves that send signals between our brains and bodies. Hunching over a computer at work puts a lot of strain on the neck as well because it must hold up the weight of your head as it’s tilted downward toward the computer. Having poor posture can decrease flexibility as well, as the muscles become tight and tense.

If you want to correct bad posture, increase flexibility, and just feel better overall, you can actually perform some simple, yet effective exercises either in your office or at home to obtain good posture. According to yoga teacher Willow Ryan, clients leave her yoga classes with less tension in their necks, better posture, more energy when speaking, and can inhale more deeply due to these exercises.

Here are 3 exercises you can do to reverse poor body posture:

1. Cobra Pose


First, you’ll want to lay down flat on your belly, with your palms facing down, torso upright, and elbows bent in line with your shoulders. Next, breathe in deeply and envision your front ribcage opening up, releasing tension in your back and improving your posture. Breathe out, then take another deep breath, lift your chest and torso up as much as possible, and make sure your elbows come off the ground at least 3 inches.

Exhale and contract your glute muscles, which will help lengthen your lower back. Inhale once again and release any more tension you may feel, and pull your chest even more forward, which will increase flexibility in your sternum. You should also feel your abdominal muscles widening and lengthening, which will allow you to draw deeper breaths into your diaphragm as a result.

Keep your head in an upright position as well; you should feel a nice stretch in your neck by doing this. Don’t lean your head forward, backward, or twist it in any way. This could lead to a pinched nerve in the neck, which makes bettering your posture a bit difficult. Try to hold this posture for at least 5 breaths, and eventually work your way up to 10.

2. Bruegger’s Exercise

This is a very simple exercise to do, and can be performed while standing. Start with your elbows bent at ninety degrees by your sides, and put your forearms forward with your palms up and your hands open. Synchronize your breathing with the subtle movements of your body, and when you inhale, breathe deeply into your mid back, pressing the shoulder blades down. When you exhale, relax your arms, but keep your elbows tucked near your ribs. Upon inhaling again, bring your forearms back to the starting position, and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Repeat this exercise 5 times.

3. Physioball Stretches


All you will need for this exercise is a physioball, which you might also know as an exercise or stability ball. Start with your feet squarely on the floor with your knees bent. You can place your hands on your hips or at your sides until you feel balanced, and then reach your arms all the way back to the other side of the stability ball. It should look sort of like a backbend, only across the stability ball. Breathe all the way down into your belly and pubic bone, releasing any tension you may feel.

Notice your chest muscles, neck, head and spine stretching during this exercise, as the stability ball helps to increase flexibility and stretch out any tight or tense muscles in the body.

The Fascinating Connection Between Color And Your Mind

You may not think twice about the colors of certain objects you see throughout the day. But colors have a very powerful effect on human behavior. Indeed, they influence mood and even buying habits.

Marketers study which colors will convert shoppers into buyers. And psychologists use color in order to diagnose mood disorders and even attempt to improve the moods of their patients. 

Think about this. When you go outside and look up at blue skies or relax on the beach and stare out at blue waters, you probably feel relaxed and peaceful. 

On the other hand, the color red makes your heart may beat faster and might invoke feelings of passion, anger, or even danger. Color influences many aspects of our lives. However, not many people question how color affects our minds and bodies.

There’s a fascinating connection between color and our behavior. Furthermore, we will share the studies to prove it!

How Color Influences Mood And Behavior

Consider this example. When children held in the detention center at the San Bernardino County Probation Department in California exhibit violent behavior, workers place them in an 8- by 4-foot cell with bubble gum pink walls. Most of the children become relaxed and stop shouting and pounding on the walls. Indeed, that quiet happens within 10 minutes or less. 

Scientists still debate whether color’s impact is physiological or just psychological.

But Harold Wohlfarthpresident of the German Academy of Color Science, and a photobiologist at the University of Alberta can prove it. 

The proof or color’s power on the psyche

Dr. Wohlfarth said, “Color very definitely has a physiological effect.”

He backs that up with an experiment he conducted at the Elves Memorial Child Development Centre. That facility is a private school exclusively for handicapped children in Edmonton, Alberta. 

In the experiment, he found that when exposed to light, the blood pressure, pulse and respiration rates of two blind children and also seven students with normal sight were identical. 

In the study, published in the International Journal of Biosocial Research (Volume 3, No. 1), the wallof the schoolroom were repainted royal and light blue from their original colors, orange, and white. Gray carpeting replaced an orange rug. Also, fluorescent lights and diffuser panels were substituted with full-spectrum lighting.

As a result, Professor Wohlfarth reported that the children’s mean systolic blood pressure dropped from 120 to 100, or nearly 17 percent. The children also became more attentive and less antsy and aggressive, observed by the teachers and independent observers. When the room was converted back to its original color scheme and lightinghowever, the readings gradually increased and the children once again became rowdy.

Professor Wohlfarth explained that several experiments on small mammals have confirmed that when light passes through the retina, it impacts the pineal gland’s synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that affects the body’s production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter. 

Another study on the impact of color

Alexander Schauss, director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research, explained that the electromagnetic energy of color affects the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus in the brain in some still undiscovered way. However, what’s significant about this finding is that these organs regulate the endocrine system, responsible for controlling many basic bodily functions and emotional responses. 

How Color Influences Marketing And Purchasing Habits

Numerous studies have been performed surrounding the importance of color in branding and marketing, and in one titled Impact of Color on Marketing, researchers discovered that around 90% of impulse judgments made about products can be made on color alone. 

Psychologist and Stanford professor Jennifer Aaker conducted comprehensive studies about the topic of colors and “brand personality.”

She found that a brand can be perceived by five core dimensions: 

  • Sincerity
  • Excitement
  • Competence
  • Sophistication
  • Ruggedness

For a product manufacturer, choosing a color that aligns with what they want their products to represent is crucial in marketing and branding strategies. In other words, the perceived appropriateness of the color used for a specific brand determines buyer behavior

Let’s use the example of an outdoor recreation company selling products. They make products for camping, fishing, and other activities in nature. Thus, they want earthy tones. So they would not choose a bright pink or purple theme.

On the other hand, let’s imagine a manufacturer of toyfor young girls. Purple and pink would be ideal for their intended audience. 

As you can see, color plays a huge role in how we feel and behave and how we buy products.

Research continues to emerge about the power of color in our daily lives. But one thing remains certain: our perception of color triggers a profound reaction within our minds and bodies that sheds light on the complexities of the human species. 

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