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10 Ways to Take Your Life Back

Ask yourself this question. If you had to relive your life all over again, without being able to change anything…would you want to? If you cannot answer yes, then perhaps it’s time to take your life back!

Most people believe that life just happens to them, and they have no control over how it all plays out. However, you CAN take ownership of your reality and shape it based on your predominant thoughts and actions. If you have felt frustrated and unhappy with the direction your life is going in, the following actionable tips can help you take charge of your life starting today.

10 Ways to Take Your Life Back:

1. Realize that life is not happening to you; it’s responding to you.

The energy that you give off begins within your own mind; if you think positive thoughts, you will start seeing positive things happen, and vice versa. Think of your mind as the factory where your reality gets manufactured based on what you order – every time you have a negative thought and let it play on repeat in your brain, you order that reality, and it has no choice but to exist.

You manufacture your reality based on what thoughts you repeatedly think and what realities you order from your own factory. Start cultivating more positive thoughts so you can manufacture a much higher-quality reality.

2. Don’t ever give your power away to anything outside yourself.

Instead of taking responsibility for our lives, many of us find it easier and more convenient to place blame on things or people outside ourselves. If we don’t like our job, we blame our boss, rather than ourselves for choosing a job we don’t enjoy. If we get sick, we blame others for spreading the illness rather than ourselves for not taking care of our immune systems.

Just note how many times a day you give away your power to things outside yourself – you might be astounded at what you find. Once you accept your role as the captain of your own ship, no people, places, or events outside yourself will ever have the ability to steer your vessel again.

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ~A.A. Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh

3. Listen to your own heart.

Other people can offer their opinions about what direction you should take your life, but you get to make the ultimate decision. You know your heart better than anyone else, so don’t let others dictate your life. The only way to live an authentic, purposeful life is through your own heart, so start listening to what it tells you.

4. Learn to say no to things or people that don’t resonate with you.

Taking command of your life means getting honest with yourself about what friends and activities bring out your best self, and which ones no longer serve you. This way, you will give yourself room to say yes to people and activities that actually serve your best interests and elevate your consciousness.

5. Take charge of your own health.

As long as you have your health, you have everything. Make a pact with yourself to practice a healthier, more wholesome lifestyle that includes lots of whole foods, fruits and vegetables; clean, fresh water; adequate sleep; and moderate exercise. By making small changes each day, you can transform your health and consequently increase your vitality and vibrational frequency. Honor your body and choose foods and drinks that will give you life.


6. Look for a new job if it makes you unhappy.

None of us came here just to pay bills and taxes; we came here to change the world. If your job makes you feel like just another cog in the wheel and doesn’t allow you to follow your true purpose, don’t think twice about leaving it behind.

While we do live in a monetary system where we must pay to survive at the moment, plenty of people create their own jobs that support their highest mission. With a little elbow grease and commitment, you can do this too – think about how liberating it would feel to do something you love and still get paid for it.

7. Forget about “the norms”.

If you really want to take command of your life, you will have to get comfortable with living to the beat of your own drum. Too many people fall in line just because it feels safe, not because it feels right. They fear others judging them, and don’t want to become alienated or ridiculed. However, even if the uncharted path seems lonely at first, you will never know what lies ahead if you never make the journey. Create your life on your terms and don’t worry what others think – you didn’t come here to blend in, you were born to stand out!

8. Do more of what makes you happy.

Many people shy away from new opportunities or activities because they fear failure. Or, they live in fear of what others think. However, both of these fears can feel like prison if you allow them to stand in the way of things that really make you happy. The longer you wonder about the outcome, the more time you waste ruminating instead of living. Living intentionally means taking charge of your own happiness, so take action and start following your bliss.

9. Live within your means.

This one can totally renovate your life because you will have to look at what you truly need to survive…do you really need to go shopping for new clothes every week? Do you absolutely need that new iPhone, or can you still use the one you currently have? Many people spend way more than they earn and then feel stressed because of their subsequent financial situations. Sell what you don’t really need, and only buy things that add to your well-being.

10. Become more mindful.

Meditation can greatly help with this; becoming more aware of yourself and the universe will teach you to take full responsibility for yourself and what happens to you. It will give you more discipline and mental strength, and take you out of the habit of living on autopilot. As the master of your reality, you must take full responsibility for the quality of life you lead. Cultivating more awareness will allow you to move into a space of actively creating your life instead of watching passively from the sidelines.

life advice Are you ready to take your life back? Affirm it now:  I’m in control of my own destination. I am making a positive transformation!

10 Signs You’re In A Relationship With An Old Soul

You may have heard the term “old soul” in the well-known English nursery rhyme, Old King Cole. Today, they characterize an old soul as someone with more experience and knowledge than most people their age. You may wonder if your partner is an old soul because they seem mature and grounded uniquely. Here are ten signs your partner is an old soul.

Signs You Are in a Romantic Relationship With an Old Soul

These behaviors and habits might indicate that you love someone with an old soul.

1 – An old soul is an authentic person

Your partner could be an old soul if they are incredibly authentic and honest in how they relate to you and others. They don’t like to pretend or hide things from you. The idea of being genuine is desirable. Inauthentic individuals conceal their true identities and act one way in public while acting differently in private. Authentic people are viewed as morally superior beings. Research says there is a connection between authenticity and higher levels of self-esteem and psychological well-being. So, if your partner is authentic in the way they live and act, good chance they are an old soul.

old soul

2 – Not materialistic

Old souls aren’t enamored by wealth or materialism. They are content with very little. As their partner, you may find it frustrating if you want to buy a new sofa, but your old soul partner is very content with the old beat-up one. They may enjoy thrift store shopping more than buying new things. They’re hard workers, but money isn’t that important to them, and things don’t bring them happiness.

3 – Simple person

If your partner is an old soul, they’ll be simple in their preferences. You won’t need to buy them a fancy gift for their birthday. Instead, they will be happy to take a long walk around a lake with you. They may love visiting an old book store or playing a board game with you instead of going to a party on the weekends. Their simplicity may be refreshing to you. They seem to have a calming effect on everyone around them.

4 – An old soul likes to be alone

Does your partner love being alone? Old souls are selective about who they’re with and what they do with their time. They will enjoy their own company most of all because they find things to do that are meaningful to them. For an old soul, spending time alone enhances their creativity and helps them relax. They may enjoy reading a book, drawing, watching a show, or writing in a journal when they’re alone. As their partner, you must respect their need for alone time. Their desire to be alone has nothing to do with you, but it’s something they need.

5 – Wise beyond their years

If your partner is an old soul, they will often quote ancient writings or sayings from books they read. If you have a problem, they’ll be ready to give you some good advice. They are empathetic about what you’re going through. Their compassion and ability to provide wise advice make them more discerning than they should be for their age. It may surprise you at the influence your old soul partner has with co-workers or neighbors. These individuals will come knocking on your door asking for advice and help from your partner. If your partner displays wisdom in this way, good chance, they are an old soul.

6 – Spiritual life is important to an old soul

An old soul believes that people are mind, body, and soul. They believe in God or a supernatural being who oversees the world. If your partner is an old soul, they will feel essential to pursue spiritual growth. They may enjoy talking to you about spiritual things and sharing excerpts of the spiritual books they’re reading. Your old soul partner may pray, meditate or sing worship songs around the house. They’ll talk about what they believe with others. Curiosity about what other people believe will motivate them to ask questions without being offended when they think differently.

old soul

7 – Good listener

A good listener focuses on you and what you’re saying. They don’t interrupt you but hear you out entirely before they respond. If your partner is an old soul, they will be a good listener. They’ll be slow to speak but quick to listen. When they answer you, they’ll take a few minutes to think before they answer. Your friends may envy you for being in a relationship with someone who is such a good listener.

8 – An old soul is content at home

If your partner is an old soul, good chance, they’ll be content to stay at home rather than go out on the weekends. Old souls enjoy the quiet and comfort of home. While most of your peers are out partying, an old soul will love sitting on the patio enjoying a glass of wine and looking at the stars. If you’re not ready for this kind of lifestyle, you may need to rethink your relationship. Having an old soul as a partner will be a quieter, calmer life than you prefer.

9 – Don’t care about trends

Old souls aren’t into the latest trends. They know about the newest smartphone or computer, but they don’t feel the need to buy one. They’re content with their old phone and slow working computer. You probably need to urge your old soul partner to buy new clothes because they’ll wear them until they’re frayed and faded. Old souls have strong convictions about buying used clothing or books. They’re conscientious about conserving the planet’s resources. Living with an old soul may require that you change your beliefs or learn to accept their convictions while you live differently.

10 – Others often seek advice from an old soul

If your partner is an old soul, they’ll have people coming to them for advice. People will admire how your partner takes the time to listen to them. They’ll seek wisdom on parenting, real estate, or spiritual things. It may surprise you how much your partner knows. It may tempt you to have people wanting your partner’s attention all the time. You may feel you need to schedule an appointment with them because they’re so available to others. It’s all part of being in a relationship with an old soul.

What are the challenges of being in a relationship with an old soul?

  • They like to hang out with older people: Old souls enjoy the company of older folks because they have a lot in common. They want to talk about similar things, and their view of life is often more similar to an older person. On the other hand, you may prefer to be with your peers and do things that people your age do. If you’re not ready to hang out with older people all the time, then this will be challenging for you.
  • They don’t value things: Old souls aren’t materialistic. This can be good, but if you enjoy the finer things in life, you’re going to find it challenging to live with an old soul. They won’t like the fancy restaurants you like or enjoy buying new clothes as you do. Old souls are content with very little. You may find it challenging to live with a person who opposes the things you enjoy.
  • They can be intense: Living with an old soul could be hard for you if you like to keep things upbeat. Old souls are prone to reflect on the past and on the problems of the world that need fixing. Your partner won’t want to go out dancing or partying. They rather sit at home and read poetry. If that’s not for you, then it could be a problematic relationship.
  • Your friends may not “get” your partner: Your old soul partner may be of a relational “black sheep.” Your friends may find it hard to relate to your partner, who talks about profound truths. While your partner prefers to delve deep into world issues, your friends may want to have fun. You may find yourself in the middle of trying to help your friends and your partner get along.
  • They may not want to spend time with you: Because your partner is an old soul, they will enjoy lots of time alone. Sometimes you want to be with them, but they prefer to be alone rather than be with you. It’s not rejection, but it can feel like it. If you’re not prepared for this, it can be a point of contention in your relationship. It’s one challenge to consider when you live with an old soul.

old soul

Final Thoughts on Being in a Relationship with an Old Soul

An old soul is a unique person who displays the qualities of someone who has lived for a long time. They’re known for their wisdom, knowledge, and calm demeanor. These folks are content with very little, simple in their desires, and share their wisdom in a winsome way. As their partner, you may feel blessed and sometimes not so blessed because of their preferences. You may tire of doing things by yourself because your old soul partner needs to be alone. If you think your partner could be an old soul, there are positives and negatives you’ll need to consider in your relationship.

11 Things to Remind Yourself Before 11 AM

Every morning, when you wake up and look in the mirror, what words come to your mind? Do you hear words that build up or tear down? What you say to yourself each morning could change the entire course of your day. Here are 11 things to remind yourself before 11 am.

 Why are words so important?

Words are a big part of your life. You talk to your family, your co-workers, and you talk to yourself. You may regret saying certain things to others. Did you know that what you say to yourself can be harmful? An ancient proverb confirms the power of your words. It says,

 A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Proverbs 15:4 ESV

 Don’t believe everything you tell yourself when you look in the mirror, because it could break your spirit. Instead, tell yourself what to believe using uplifting, positive words.

What can words do?

Self-affirmation can decrease your stress and affirm your sense of self-worth. It helps you think about your core values in life in a broader sense, which strengthens you as you make life choices.

remind yourself

11 Things to Remind Yourself Before 11 AM

So many words come to your mind in the morning. It takes purposefulness to control negative thoughts. Here are eleven things you can remind yourself of and turn your day around.

1 – Remind yourself to be grateful

Being grateful is a healthy way to start your day. Gratitude comes from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, or gratefulness. Being thankful has a positive effect on your heart and mind. Grateful people are happier and healthier individuals. They’re better at dealing with adversity and are better able to build strong relationships with others. Every morning, practice this simple exercise. Set a goal to think of ten things you’re grateful for today. Write them down or just say them out loud to yourself. Sometimes the everyday things in your life are worth being grateful for.

Be thankful for some of these basic things:

  • Food in your fridge
  • Clothes you wear
  • Heat or air conditioning
  • Running water
  • A warm bed to sleep in
  • The ability to hear, see or smell

It may surprise you that your list of ten things grows longer. Even on your most difficult day, there is always something to be thankful for, so start your day off this way.

2 – Remind yourself to be kind

They define kindness as being friendly, considerate, or generous. Interestingly, when you choose to be kind to others, you receive emotional benefits. Being kind lowers your stress and helps you feel calmer. You’ll be less prone to depression, less lonely, and you’ll feel happier with your life. It doesn’t take much to be kind to someone. Your kind act could be

  • Sending a quick text to cheer up a friend
  • Dropping off a coffee to your child’s school secretary
  • Raking your elderly neighbor’s leaves
  • Taking your teen out for a smoothie after school

3 – Remind yourself to have a healthy lifestyle

Mornings can be tough. You may feel like staying in bed buried under the covers, but it can make you feel worse about yourself and your life. Being physically active improves your mindset. It eases depression and makes you feel happier and healthier. Eating a healthy diet keeps your weight down and makes you feel more comfortable in your clothes. When you tell yourself that you’re going to be healthy today, it motivates you. You are choosing to take control of life rather than letting life happen to you. Whether you choose to take a brisk walk, take your dog for a walk, or eat a healthy lunch, these all contribute to choosing to live a healthy lifestyle today.

4 – Remind yourself to be positive

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson

Positive people believe in themselves and others. They’re more resilient and able to stand up under the pressures of life. Positive feelings help you be more creative and find solutions to problems. Negativity pulls you down, causing you to worry and feel overwhelmed. Today, when you look into the mirror, tell yourself you are going to be positive rather than negative.

5 – Remind yourself to help others

“The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. “~ Richard Bach

Keeping it simple is often the best way to move forward. Choosing to help others is one of the simple practices in life that benefits you. Helping others makes you feel happier. It’s suggested that individuals who help others are more productive, have a more meaningful life, and are wealthier. Being selfish won’t bring you joy. Resist the urge to just take care of yourself today and reach out to help someone else. How can you help someone today? Here are some suggestions.

  • Bake cookies for a neighbor with children
  • Write a thank-you note to your child’s teacher
  • Give a gift card to the homeless man standing at the corner
  • Help unload groceries for the young mom with a toddler who lives next door

6 – Remind yourself you are loved

As you look into the mirror today, remember that you are loved. So many people benefit from having you in their life. Even if you don’t feel loved, there is someone who loves you. Whether it’s your mom, your sister, brother, or your best friend, they love you! Whether you feel it today, remind yourself that you are loved. If you’re struggling to feel loved today, be sure to reach out to someone who loves you, and enjoy their love.

7 – Remind yourself to be wise

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” ~ Maya Angelou

When you choose to be wise, you’re choosing to be someone that others can trust and seek out for advice. It doesn’t mean you think you know everything, but you’re probably a good listener and make people feel you care. A wise person treats people with respect and wants to help them. Of course, being wise doesn’t just happen. It’s usually something you attain over the years. You can grow in wisdom by doing these things:

  • Reading non-fiction books
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Watch others who are wise
  • Study habits of successful people
  • Read wisdom books like Proverbs or Psalms
  • Skip watching television
  • Take trips to different places so you can learn about the customs of other people groups
  • Surround yourself with wise people

remind yourself

8 – Remind yourself to stay connected to others

“Surround yourself with the right people, and realize your worth. Honestly, there are enough bad people out there in the world – you don’t need to be your worst enemy.” ~ Lucy Hale

Staying connected to other people makes you feel happier and gives more meaning to your life. Individuals with strong social connections are happier and healthier. These people live longer and have a lower risk of death. Strong family ties increase your self-confidence and self-esteem. Loneliness adds to depression. Today, choose to stay connected to family or friends. Reach out with a text, email, or phone call. Talk to someone dear to you and see if you don’t feel a little bit better about your life.

9 – Remind yourself to learn new things

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

When you commit time each day to learning new things, you exercise your brain and broaden your horizons. Seeing the world as your classroom will energize you and motivate you to ask questions and seek out information. Being a learner helps you

  • Improve your brain function
  • Strengthen your concentration
  • Improve your memory
  • Improve your problem solving
  • Reduce your chances of dementia
  • Increase your attention to detail

So today, tell yourself you’re going to be curious and learn something new you didn’t know.

10 – Remind yourself that you are strong

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Sometimes life is hard. It can weigh you down so much so that it’s hard to get up in the morning. Despite the hard stuff, you can remind yourself to be strong. Choosing to be strong sets your mindset to not give up. It helps you do things you don’t feel like doing. Well-loved A. A. Milne character, Christopher Robin, said it best when he said:

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

Today, as you look into the mirror, tell yourself you will be strong. If you don’t believe what you’re saying, then try to believe what Christopher Robin says about you.

11 – Remind yourself to be happy with who you are

Being happy with who you are will help you feel content with your life. It takes away the stress of comparing yourself with others. This happiness with whom you are makes you more resourceful, purposeful, and self-confident. Every morning, when you look in the mirror, be sure to tell yourself that you are happy with who you are and with who you are becoming.

remind yourself

Final Thoughts on Self-Reminders to Think About Before 11 am

Words affect your life. The words you tell yourself affect you more than you may realize. As you look in the mirror each day, remind yourself about what’s true, what’s real, and what’s important in life. Remind yourself that you can be grateful, kind, healthy, and wise. You can help others, be strong, and you can be happy with who you are. How you begin your day will change the entire day, so start it with positive words that build you up, not tear you down.

10 Signs It’s Time to End Your Relationship

Relationships are tricky. It is easy to spot a toxic entanglement from the outside looking in, but to recognize our toxic relationships can be difficult. Sometimes we are so deep in the middle of the drama that we can’t see the damage it is doing until it is too late. There are some that are lucky to learn from past relationships, but others might be repeating the cycle, not even realizing that they are doing so. 

Being in love is powerful. When we’re in love, our partner seems more attractive and more desirable in our eyes than they really are. Think about it, we’ve all dated someone only to look back years later and wonder what we were thinking. That is the power of love.

We want to hold on to our relationships at all costs. We’ve invested our heart; we don’t want to end up alone, or we feel there is no way out. Whatever the reason it’s enough to keep us in a relationship that isn’t in our best interests.

So we stay and try to make the best of a not so good situation. We hope things will improve and maybe even go to extremes thinking we can save what we have. We do these things knowing our romantic lives will not improve, but we continue to try anyway.

Is there ever a right time to end a relationship and if so, when is it? 

Here are 10 signs it’s time to end your relationship:

toxic people negative thoughts

1. Physical Abuse

This might seem obvious, but when someone is deeply entrenched in a relationship, it is easy to explain away the behavior. They offer up a variety of excuses that justifies the abuse as if any justification would make it okay. Whether it’s the first time or the tenth, physical abuse is never acceptable and is only an indication of future trouble and heartache.

Do you feel unsafe leaving? Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for assistance at 1?800?799?7233. Help for domestic violence victims is a call or click away

2. An Unequal Partnership

If one person seems to be more in control inside the relationship, then it isn’t really in a relationship. A relationship is an exchange of give and take. Indeed, each person contributes or supports the relationship in different roles, at different times. If one person remains on a pedestal, it may be time for the other to find a relationship where they are valued as an equal partner.

3. The Lines of Communication Are Blocked

A strong relationship can’t exist without solid, free-flowing communication. It’s important to be comfortable talking about the tough subjects. It is a clear signal that it’s time to end a relationship if communication is being avoided for fear of certain types of reactions.

4. Addictive Behavior

It doesn’t matter the type of addiction, if it has infected the relationship, and they aren’t willing to stop the behavior, then the relationship is over. There is another relationship getting in the way, and that is between the other person and their addictive behavior and it’s in both parties best interest to walk away.

5. Patterns of Deceit

Whether it’s lying, cheating, or omitting information, a pattern of deceitful behavior is an indication that there is trouble. Of course, everyone makes mistakes, but when a pattern becomes evident, that’s when questioning the partnership should begin.

6. Your Feelings Have Changed

As we grow and evolve as individuals, the goal is to grow and evolve as a couple as well. But, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. If one person’s feelings are moving from romantic to platonic, it’s time to change the status of the relationship. 

7. A Lack of Respect

Mutual respect for each other, even in the face of disagreement, is necessary to keep the lines of communication open and for both parties to feel safe, secure and loved. If respect is lacking, and there is a constant feeling of being under attack, it might be time to call it quits.

8. There is An Absence of Emotion

If the relationship is based on physical attraction without an emotional investment, the relationship will eventually come to an end. It’s important that both partners are invested equally for the relationship to survive. 

9. There’s Excessive Drama

If there is always an issue or crisis, stop feeding into it and consider that this may not be the healthiest of situations. Excess drama happens when someone is seeking attention, and that means they are looking for something that they most likely will not find in any relationship, much less the one they are in.

10. It Takes Too Much Effort

If everything about the relationship requires too much effort, you may have already given up on it. If date nights, celebrations, and even staying in feels like an inconvenience, it may be that the relationship is inconvenient.

love advice quoteFinal Thought: Ending an Unhealthy Relationship Might Be Better Than Unhappiness

While all romances encounter bumps in the road from time to time, if there is a nagging voice that says something isn’t right, then it probably isn’t. It’s difficult to do, but when we take a step back and look at our relationships through our friends’ eyes, it will become much clearer what we should do.

10 Ways to Attract More Positive Relationships

Our relationships are important to our overall well-being and life satisfaction. There is no upper limit on the number of positive people we can have in our lives. It has even been shown that people who live the longest and happiest lives are often surrounded by a positive support network.

Here are 10 ways to attract more positive relationships into your life.

1. Move out of negative spaces.

Moving out of negative spaces could refer to literally or figuratively. Sometimes it means physically leaving a location and other times it might be moving away from the negative space in our heads.

Negativity is all around us and by itself is not detrimental to our happiness or our relationships. The real harm is done when we stay in negative spaces. Moving out of it will look different in different situations, but do what you can to move away from it so you can attract the right people into your life.

2. Stop complaining and stop allowing others to complain to you.

We all need safe places to vent and air our grievances – that isn’t the issue. It is, however, draining on any relationship when the same grievance is a topic of conversation for significant periods of time.

The complainer isn’t the only one at fault either, the person listening to the complaining is equally responsible. Set boundaries for you and the people in your life about complaining. Venting is good and acceptable when followed by accepting the situation for what it is or by taking action to change it.

3. Love yourself first and spread that love around.

You can’t attract positive relationships into your life without loving yourself for exactly who you are. Once you become a priority in your life, you will be well-positioned to attract positive, nurturing relationships that support you and your goals.

4. Honor the past but do not live in it.

There is a lot of talking out there about letting go of the past. We have a hard time with this concept because it happened, and it is part of who we are. Letting go isn’t about forgetting, it’s about releasing the emotional hold it has on us. We should honor the past for the lessons it taught us but step out into the freedom of making choices independent of it.

5. Hold on to your power.

Our power comes from a solid belief in what we can do. When we begin to believe what others perceive we can do, we relinquish our power. It’s not something someone can take away; it’s something we give away – sometimes too willingly.

Stand up for what you know to be your truth. Listen to what other people have to say, but don’t always believe it as truth. Only you know your value and it isn’t found in someone else’s opinion of you.

This goes for praise as much as it does for criticism. We are so ready to accept praise as fact, but that is also a false sense of your value. Once you are standing firm in your truth, you will attract the right people into your support network.

6. View “no” as a relationship positive.

Whether you are on the giving end or receiving end of “no,” view it as a gift. No, even though negative in connotation, is moving you through an experience that is not right for you. “No” allows you to support and honor those things that matter most and it keeps those things that can drain your energy and power at bay.

7. Find the joy in every experience.

Admittedly, finding the joy in every experience can be challenging at times, but to attract the right people into your life it must be done. The bottom line is positive people are attracted to other positive people. Look for the bright side, the silver lining if you will, to the situation. Not only will help you with your mindset, but it will also bring more positive people into view.
How to be positive

8. Eliminate the worry.

If you think about worry objectively, then it’s easy to say it serves no purpose. It’s safe to say that there isn’t a challenge that was solved because someone worried more than another. Unfortunately, when we are in the midst of worry, all logic goes out the window. The best way to eliminate worry is to take some action because doing something productive shifts your thoughts from worry to solving a problem.

9. Be mindful of each moment in your relationship.

Mindfulness is a gift to any relationship. It allows us to be fully present and focused, and that shows the importance of the relationship to you. We aren’t the only ones looking for positive relationships; everyone is looking for them. So when we encounter someone who is mindful and present, we recognize it as something special.

quotes about love relationships

10. Live from a place of gratitude.

There is no better way to attract more positive relationships than by living in a state of gratitude. Gratitude allows you to appreciate the relationships in your life which in turn will attract more like-minded people. If gratitude is the common denominator, then you know your relationships are serving you, and you are serving them.

5 Signs You Need To Drink More Water

Do you drink enough water each day?

Did you know that 25% of kids and teenagers don’t drink ANY  as part of their fluid intake?

A surprising number of adults don’t drink enough of this resource, with one study finding that half of Americans don’t get their recommended daily intake of water. Many people down numerous caffeinated beverages throughout the day to stay awake but forget to drink the one liquid that is vital to our survival. Not drinking enough water can pose serious threats to your health, including digestive issues, urinary tract infections, premature aging, and anxiety.

Water makes up anywhere from 55-65% of your body, which means you need a lot of it to stay hydrated. The water in your body becomes depleted when you exercise and do other activities, so replacing it is crucial. Water aids in almost every bodily function, so it gives us life.

As the dehydration epidemic continues to grow, people have been searching for ways to drink more, such as bringing a gallon to work or making smoothies with water as the base. However, even with these attempts to drink more fluids, it’s crucial to recognize the signals from your body that you need more water.

These 5 Things Happen When You Need to Drink More Water

Here are five signs that you need t to hydrate:

infused water

1. Your mouth, skin, and eyes feel dry.

One of the most prominent signs you need to up your intake appears on your skin, believe it or not. If you don’t drink enough water, you won’t sweat out all the toxins accumulated on your skin, which means you will be prone to clogged pores, resulting in breakouts. Sweat also helps get rid of internal toxins, and since the skin is our largest organ, many toxins can be removed through it.

Also, if you have trouble producing tears, a lack of hydration could be the culprit. This could be incredibly uncomfortable for those who wear contacts, so make sure you bring a water bottle with you on errands or to work if you have trouble drinking enough water. Getting that dry mouth signals to your brain that you need more hydration, also. Water does so much for our bodies, and in general, that parched feeling you get in your mouth can be felt in other areas of the body.

2. You’re not using the bathroom often, and when you do, your urine is dark yellow or brown.

This one is a massive sign that you need to drink more water. Frankly, many people do not use the bathroom enough times throughout the day, which means toxins are just sitting in their bodies. Water helps flush out these toxins and keep your renal system running smoothly. If you make trips to the bathroom only a couple of times a day, you should consider boosting your intake.

Also, the color of your urine will paint an accurate picture of how much water you’re consuming. If your urine isn’t clear at the end of the day, this shows that you need to guzzle down some more water. Yellow or brown urine is a big sign that you’re dehydrated and means that your body retains fluids to maintain vital bodily functions.

3. You have frequent back and joint pain.

Since your body’s cartilage comprises nearly 80% water, replenishing water after sweating is essential for keeping bones and joints healthy. Water keeps joints lubricated to lessen the effects of strenuous activities or unexpected exertion, such as falling or tripping. In addition, back pain could indicate a kidney infection due to dehydration, so if you have frequent backaches, drink more water throughout the day.

4. You feel overly tired and have wild mood swings.

Water brings oxygen into the body. The more oxygenated your cells, the more alive you will feel. However, if you don’t drink enough water, the body must get oxygen from your blood, creating a deoxygenated environment. When your body doesn’t get adequate oxygen, it starts to operate slower, which means it must work harder to keep functioning. This will inevitably make you more tired, moody, and downright lazy.

5. You’re insatiably hungry, even if you’ve just eaten.

This might seem confusing since hunger pangs usually indicate that you need to eat more food. However, it can also mean that you haven’t had enough water. Dehydration tricks the body into thinking it needs to eat when you feel thirsty. Hunger and thirst cues come from the same part of the brain, explaining this confusion. The best way to differentiate hunger from thirst is to try drinking a glass of water to see if the pain is gone. If it persists, it probably means you need to eat something.

Why Is Water So Important?

Water keeps your body functioning correctly. It’s essential to stay healthy and feel your best–significant for all living things. It covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface, primarily as oceans or seas.

In school, you learned that water goes through a constant cycle of evaporation, transpiration, condensation, and precipitation and runs off into the ocean.  You may also remember realizing that water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, or H2O.

Back then, you probably didn’t realize the importance of staying hydrated. Water is vital to your body for several reasons, including:

  • Flushing bacteria out of your bladder
  • Carrying oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells
  • Aiding your digestive system
  • Preventing constipation
  • Maintaining a regular heartbeat
  • Protecting your tissues and organs
  • Cushioning for your joints
  • Maintaining your body’s temperature
  • Keeping your sodium (electrolyte) balance
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Severe Dehydration

Severe dehydration is life-threatening. If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, they need medical treatment immediately. Signs of severe dehydration include:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Not urinating for eight hours
  • Sunken eyes
  • Not sweating
  • Inability to make tears
  • Extreme confusion or disorientation
  • Lethargy

10 Hacks To Drink More Water

To stay completely hydrated, most people should drink around four to six cups of water every day. If you have a medical condition that causes you to dehydrate quickly, drink extra water to prevent dehydration. Try these tips to get you over the finish line.

how to stop leg cramps

1. Keep your water bottle handy

No doubt, you have several water bottles sitting around your house. Remember to fill them regularly and put them in the fridge. Then, when you’re thirsty, they’ll be chilled and ready for you to use. If you like to carry your water bottle to work or school, remember to refill it during the day to have water when you need it.

2. Drink a little water after each bathroom trip

Start a regular habit of taking a few sips after each bathroom trip. This is a simple way to drink more water every day. It’s easy to forget to drink water until you’re suddenly thirsty. At that moment, it’s tempting to grab a soda. Maintaining a regular habit of drinking water after you go to the bathroom prevents the urge to grab a sugary soda.

3. Ask for a glass of water when you eat out

When eating at your favorite restaurant, opt for a glass of water instead of a soda. You not only reduce your calories but save money because water is usually free at most restaurants. Dropping the soda habit can be instrumental in helping you lose weight.

4. Serve water at meals

Another simple way to increase your family’s and your water intake is to serve water at meals. You may have gotten into drinking something else with your meals. That’s okay, as long as you also include water at each meal. This is especially significant for your kids since kids often forget to drink water during the day. They get so busy playing; that they don’t want to stop for rehydrating. When you include water at every meal, you’ll be sure that your kids are hydrated.

5. Eat water-filled foods

You can increase your fluid intake by eating a wide variety of water-filled foods.  Even though drinking water is essential, eating these foods contributes to staying hydrated.

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple
  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Tomatoes
  • Skim milk
  • Soups
  • Yogurt

6. Eat salty foods, especially in the summer heat

Over the past few years, salt has gotten a bad rap. Sodium is necessary for your body to function correctly. A recent study concludes that several health organizations’ recommendations for a low-sodium diet for the entire population aren’t healthy or necessary. These organizations suggest everyone should eat only  2.3 grams of sodium a day, which, according to this study, is below a healthy range of three grams to five grams of sodium daily.

Researchers say they developed these guidelines without actual evidence that reducing salt on a long-term basis for the entire population would lower cardiovascular disease and death. Surprisingly, no study has proven fewer cardiovascular events with sodium intake as low as 2.3 grams compared to the average amount of three grams to five grams a day. Until more studies prove otherwise, the study suggests that most people should consume three grams to five grams of sodium every day.

So, it makes sense to eat salty foods to increase your fluid intake, especially during the hot, humid months of the summer heat. When it’s hot outside, you sweat more. This fluid loss causes you to lose fluids. You need to drink more water to replace your fluids. Salty foods make you thirsty, so you drink more in the hotter months of the year.  The healthiest salty foods include foods such as:

  • Salted nuts
  • Sardines
  • Olives
  • Sweet potato chips (homemade)
  • Goat cheese dip
  • Veggie chips
  • Avocado slices salted
  • Popcorn with sea salt
  • Kale chips with sea salt

7. Drink herbal teas

Herbal teas come from dried flowers, herbs, or seeds of plants. They are caffeine-free, so don’t dehydrate you as caffeinated drinks do. A cup of herbal tea is the same as a cup of water. Herbal teas are delicious hot or cold. They are great ways to increase your fluid intake.

8. Drink water after your workout

When you work out, you lose fluids through sweat. Drinking water after you exercise replaces these fluids. You’ll sweat even more if you exercise outside, especially on humid summer days. Be sure to drink enough throughout your workout and after your workout to ensure you replace the fluids you lost.

9. Set water intake goals

Most people should drink anywhere from four to six cups of water daily. If you take certain medications or have a health condition that causes you to be susceptible to dehydration, drink extra water. These conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Addison’s disease
  • Having an infection that causes fever
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Cancer treatments like radiation or chemotherapy, or surgery
  • Certain medications

Other sudden reasons that cause you to become dehydrated:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increase in urinating

10. Keep track of your progress

You can evaluate at the end of each day to see if you drank enough water. There are numerous tracking apps for your smartphone to monitor how much water you drink every day. You can set goals, check your status, and keep a chart of your 30-day progress.

Some sport infuser bottles indicate ounces and times of the day. So, at every hour, you drink several ounces of fluid. The gauge on the outer portion of the bottle shows your progress.

Many other gadgets help you keep track of your intake, such as hydration watches, smartphone alerts, and hydration reminders that you stick inside your water bottle.

water intoxication

Final Thoughts On Drinking Enough Water

It’s easy to forget how important water is for your body. You may have learned a lot about water when you were young, but you probably didn’t fully understand the significance of staying hydrated. Of course, today, you know how water affects your body. Staying hydrated helps your body to function correctly and prevents health problems. If you have a hard time remembering to drink water during the day, we hope this information will help you. Even if you implement only a couple of these hacks, you’ll see a difference. Staying healthy and feeling your best is worth the extra effort it takes to drink water throughout your day.

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