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7 Ways to Defrag Your Mental Hard Drive

7 Ways to Defrag Your Mental Hard Drive

Do you ever wish you could just plug your brain into your computer so you can capture all the stuff and release its hold over you? Well, you can. Maybe not literally, but certainly there are steps we can take to defrag our mental hard drive.

Defragging is consolidating data on a disk (in this case our brain) so it works more efficiently. Sounds a little daunting, right? Well, when we don’t take the time to defrag our brains, we can become overwhelmed and more anxious. We start having the constant feeling as if we are forgetting something, and many times we likely are.

Our brains are only capable of holding so much information in short-term memory. Once it exceeds its limits, it starts deleting stuff to make room for more. Defragging our brains helps us keep track of the stuff that really matters, and will also lessen overwhelm and calm anxiety.

Here are seven ways to defrag your mental hard drive:


1 – Write Things Down

As mentioned, our brains can only hold on to so much information at one time. Getting into the habit of writing things down can alleviate the pressure on our brains. Our brain will try and figure out where to store things and it may not always make sense or be in a place where it is easily recalled.

Writing things down, however, can keep our thoughts and information organized and in one place. Writing it down serves a dual purpose. First, it will help us remember. And second, it will alleviate the pressure on our brain to remember. Just think about how well we perform under pressure – our brain acts the same way. Help it do its job better by writing things down.

2 – Make Schedules–You’ll Find the Time to Defrag

We should keep a working schedule and segment it into areas of our life. Create a schedule for the family, work, projects, etc. Instead of creating a list of everything we need to do, actually schedule a time for it even if it’s way into the future. Knowing it is on the schedule helps to reduce that nagging “what am I forgetting” feeling.

3 – Draft a To-Do Today List

Where most people go wrong is creating the never-ending to-do list. If it’s never-ending what’s the point of starting? Instead create a to-do list for one day, the night before. It will organize everything that may keep us up at night worrying about and will make sure our most important tasks have priority.

4 – Create Space

It’s hard to have a neat and compartmentalized mental hard drive when we are surrounded by physical clutter. One of the best ways to eliminate overwhelm and anxiety is to declutter space around us. Make sure everything has a place so it can be put back, get rid of unnecessary clutter and keep counters clear.

Bringing a sense of calm and organization to the spaces we spend time in will help us bring a sense of calm and organization to our thoughts and feelings. It will help defrag our brain. Thus, we can operate more efficiently by focusing on the things that matter, not the chaos that surrounds us.

5 – Know When to Let Go

We are creatures of habit. And as creatures of habit, we hold onto things longer than necessary. This is true for physical stuff as well as emotional stuff. Knowing when something isn’t serving us is important to let it go and make room for what we need right now. Don’t be afraid to recycle the physical stuff that doesn’t serve a purpose and attack thoughts the same way.

6 – Step Away

Sometimes the best way to help our mental hard drive operate more efficiently is to step away from what is causing it to get bogged down. Spend more time doing things that add value to your life. Spending more time with our family and friends and learning something new is just like investing in a new hard drive when our old one wears out.

Once you force yourself to step away, the name of the game is to have some fun. Just plain old silly kinds of fun. Let your hair down as they say. When you spend time doing things that make you laugh, the kind of laughing that leaves your sides hurting a bit, you release all the corrupt portions of your hard drive.

be quiet to refresh7 – Just Breathe

And at the end of all, just breathe. It will give our hard drive new life. Think of mindful breathing as a reboot. It clears all the data that is holding on and creates the necessary space for the information we will be recalling most frequently.

Quieting our brain can seem as if it isn’t working. The reality is just like a hard drive, it is working most efficiently when you can’t hear the motor running.

How do you defrag your “mental hard drive”?  Share in the discussion below!

15 Quotes That Will Make You Believe In Yourself Again

In our society that sends mixed signals on who and what we should be, we can easily feel defeated by listening to these messages. We can feel like we will never measure up as if we will never become the version of ourselves that we envision. However, you must realize that this motivation to have faith in yourself and follow your heart from start to finish must come from within. We all possess that power that no one can ever steal from us. Indeed, we create it based on our own thoughts about ourselves. Therefore, we provide the momentum to bring those thoughts into actualization.

Remember that what you think, you become, so if you have been struggling to believe in yourself and all that you are lately, these quotes will help you reset your mind.

15 Quotes That Will Make You Believe In Yourself Again

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” –Walt Disney

“If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.” –Anonymous

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” –Helen Keller

“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.” –Denis Waitley

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” –Maya Angelou

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.” –Dale Carnegie

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

“A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle”. – Buddha

“Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Magic is believing in yourself; if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Chistian D. Larson

“I am the greatest; I said that before I even knew I was.” – Muhammed Ali

“Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time. Not all at once.” – Unknown

maya angelou quote

Did these quotes uplift you and encourage you to believe in yourself? If you have any more quotes that you use to motivate yourself to live the best life possible, please share it with us in the comments below!

How to Survive Venus Retrograde Without Losing Your Love Life

Most of us have heard of the Mercury Retrograde that temporarily turns our lives and brains into slow-motion, but the Venus Retrograde can affect our lives as well, just not in the same ways.

The Venus retrograde phase began on July 25th this year. And then, it happens every 18 months. With it comes dealing with any issues in your love life that you’ve brushed under the rug one too many times, as well as examining your own emotions and feelings.

The retrograde might call for totally revamping your relationship, and even if it feels like you are going through a time warp that you can’t seem to find a way out of, these tips will help you get through Venus Retrograde without completely losing your mind (and love life)…

How to Survive Venus Retrograde With Your Love Life Intact:

1. Make sure to take time for yourself and reflect on your inner self.

Any retrograde calls for us to venture inwardly and examine our innermost thoughts and feelings. During the Venus Retrograde, these emotions will likely center around your relationship, so let them flow. Don’t let any corner of your soul go untouched as you make the journey within to uncover any hidden feelings you may have overlooked before.

It might feel uncomfortable at first, but honoring and recognizing your emotions will go a long way in helping you understand yourself and connect on an even deeper level to your partner.

2. Expect communication with others to be a bit turbulent, but try your best to create harmony.

During retrogrades, communication with other people can seem a bit awkward or unpleasant. Expect disagreements and misunderstandings, but do your best to exercise patience and compassion when listening to others (aka your partner). He or she might seem more on edge or just not in the mood to verbalize clearly, but you don’t have to let this take away your mojo. Respond rather than react, and make sure to have rational, civil discussions before jumping to any conclusions.

Patience and understanding are crucial for making it through the Venus Retrograde, and these are wonderful virtues to apply in every area of your life, anyway.

3. Take this time to find the gorgeousness within yourself, as well as the natural beauty we all possess outwardly.

Feeling less than perfect and lacking self-esteem lately? The Venus Retrograde will pull you back into yourself and make you realize that your supposed imperfections make you unbelievably beautiful. It doesn’t matter what size jeans you wear, how many pimples you have on your face, or the fact that you just can’t seem to tame that hair of yours.

While people do see your physical self first, your true beauty lies within. No one can ever take that away from you, just like no one can wipe away your confidence in both your inner and outer beauty.

4. Talk through any relationship struggles with your partner, and be open to their point of view.

Right now, talking through any sort of problems can feel like World War III, but don’t let this stop you from hashing things out if you need to. Also, just because you might disagree on something, doesn’t mean you can’t listen to your partner’s opinions fully and openly before stating your case.

While this time doesn’t provide the best energy for dealing with conflict and finding resolutions, you can still have meaningful conversations with your partner – it might just take more effort to find a middle ground.

5. Now isn’t an ideal time to welcome an old flame back into your life, so resist the temptation.

Maybe an old flame has recently gotten back in contact with you and wanted to find that spark with you once again. However, the Venus Retrograde isn’t the best time to rekindle romance with an ex, simply because your mind won’t be operating at full capacity. In general, any retrograde doesn’t give us the best hand of cards when it comes to making big decisions; it’s best to avoid making any sort of commitment during these times, if at all possible. Otherwise, you might make a decision looking through distorted lenses, and you will have to deal with the repercussions of that choice once the retrograde passes.

You will likely realize that your mind temporarily left the building when you decided to get back with an old flame, but at least you can blame it on the retrograde, right?

Are you experiencing any of these events through this period of Venus retrograde?  Share your experience below…

5 Amazing Ways Chocolate Can Benefit Your Health

I’ll bet you can’t think of even one person who doesn’t like chocolate, probably because it’s one of the most delicious foods known to man. But, did you know that raw, dark chocolate provides many health benefits along with that decadent flavor?

That’s right; you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying your favorite treat anymore, because you’re actually providing your body with essential nutrients and antioxidants. Dark chocolate also has been found to increase the levels of endorphins and serotonin in your brain, which can help you relax and de-stress from your day.

However, when you buy it, check the cacao or cocoa percentage carefully. The highest quality dark chocolate contains around 70-99% cacao or cocoa. Try to find raw, organic chocolate as well, without added sugar, chemicals, or milk products. These will only counter the health benefits otherwise found in dark chocolate.

So, what other benefits does dark chocolate provide?

Here are 5 amazing ways that chocolate can improve your health:


1. It’s a natural stress reliever.

Dark chocolate contains so many antioxidants, which have a calming effect on the body and can even act as an antidepressant.

A study performed by scientists in Switzerland actually confirmed this after giving 30 people with reportedly high levels of stress 1.4 oz of dark chocolate for a two week time period. The scientists took urine and blood samples at the beginning of the study, at the halfway point, and at the end to measure the results. They found that the levels of stress hormones cortisol and catecholamine had lowered significantly by the end of the study.

So, if you’ve been overly stressed dealing with life’s pressures lately, grab a bar of dark chocolate. It might just do the trick!

2. It lowers cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition to lowering stress levels, it can also reduce the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol within the body. This type of cholesterol can clog up the veins and inner walls of the arteries. Therefore, those conditions can eventually lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health ailments. Dark chocolate contains a very important naturally occurring chemical called flavonoids, which aid in lowering bad cholesterol.

In addition, science proves chocolate useful to raise the “good” (HDL) cholesterol within the body. According to a study published in the journal Gut, people with higher levels of HDL cholesterol had a much lower risk of developing colon cancer. Having a healthy amount of good cholesterol also protects against heart disease and other serious health problems.

3. It can boost your brain’s power.

If you can’t seem to concentrate or focus on things for long periods of time, chocolate can come to the rescue once again. A study performed by scientists at the University of Nottingham found that eating dark chocolate can increase blood flow to the brain for up to three hours after consumption. This increase in blood flow consequently improves short-term memory, attention span, concentration abilities, response time, and memory recall.

The same study also suggested that the cocoa flavanols found in chocolate could enhance brain function for those who suffer from fatigue, sleep deprivation, and could even slow the effects of aging.

4. Chocolate contains a very high level of antioxidants and essential minerals.

Dark chocolate is most definitely considered a superfood, containing more antioxidants than almost any food in the entire world! Antioxidants act as a shield from free radicals that can cause cancer. So chocolate serves an important purpose, especially with all the cancer-causing chemicals and devices we use today. Chocolate contains many essential minerals. Additionally, it offers up iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, and fiber.

coffee and chocolate
Can chocolate and coffee positively impact your cognition? Here’s the science.

5. It can lower the risk of heart disease.

According to the EPIC-Norfolk study, people who ate more chocolate over a 12-year span had an 11% lower risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease) and a 25% lower risk of death associated with that disease. They also had a 23% lower risk of suffering a stroke and a 9% lower risk of hospital admission.

Do you love chocolate as much as we do?  Share your love for this little bean below!

5 Ways Being Too Nice Can Become Negative

Obviously, this world could benefit greatly from more kindness and compassion because frankly, we live in pretty egocentric times. Nice people bring so much light into the dark places of this world. This behavior helps to elevate the vibration of the planet. However, sometimes kindness can be taken to the opposite end of the spectrum, where it becomes negative. In fact, it may look almost self-destructive rather than helpful.

Kindness should, of course, be encouraged and celebrated, but not when it comes at the expense of your own well-being and happiness.

Here are 5 negative things to expect by being just a little too nice:

1. People will view you as a pushover and take advantage of your kindness.

The moment you start putting others’ needs above your own, people will start to notice. Plus, they’ll expect the royal treatment from you at all costs. Having a backbone doesn’t mean you don’t have sympathy for others. Instead, it means you have struck a perfect balance between looking out for people while also taking care of your own needs. It’s okay to say no sometimes if you feel overwhelmed or simply don’t agree with others. Remember that you have every right to stand up for yourself without being labeled as cruel and unfeeling.

If you don’t think your opinion or well-being matters, people will start to treat you like a doormat. If you don’t believe in your worth, people will walk all over you. It’s important to remember that you have an obligation to look after your own self first because no one else will fill that role for you.

2. You may have unrealistically high expectations of others.

By bending over backward for everyone you meet, you may start expecting others to treat you the same way. Unfortunately, not everyone will exude that level of kindness and compassion toward you, and it might leave you disappointed in the end.

Try to remember that you are only responsible for your own karmic energy, and others will have to take ownership of theirs. You can continue to care about others while eliminating expectations about their behavior toward you – this way, the world won’t miss out on all the amazing things you have to offer, and you will free yourself from the burden of expectations.

3. Negative people will start coming to you only when they need something.

Perhaps this is the most draining and saddening aspect of being a truly kind-hearted person. Some people will only see you as a means to an end, or a tool in order to fulfill a goal in their storybook. However, you can easily sniff these people out after a short time and nip this behavior in the bud before it gets out of hand. Being nice does sometimes feel like more of a curse than a blessing, but remember that people cannot take advantage of you unless you allow it to happen.

Make sure you set clear boundaries with people and let them know when they have crossed the line. You can still provide for others without sacrificing every waking moment for their happiness.

4. You will forget about offering that same kindness to yourself.

When you devote all of your time to caring for others, you might pass yourself up for a good dose of TLC. Make sure to let others know when you just can’t pencil something into your schedule; only commit to obligations that you feel certain you can follow through with. You deserve just as much love and attention as you give others; in fact, without enough self-care, you can easily fall into a state of disarray and depression. Spend time helping others, but don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

kindness and inner beauty intertwine5. You will start attracting needy, demanding, and desperate people into your life.

Remember that in this universe, like attracts like, So not surprisingly, being overly nice will attract those who also seek attention from others. In a way, becoming a doormat for others is a negative. That’s because deep within, you look to others to fill a void that you have not filled yourself. You have not discovered your true self-worth. Therefore, others can’t possibly recognize it, either.

Final Thoughts: Being Overly Kind Can Turn Negative if You Allow It

Be sure to spend time developing yourself and practicing assertiveness when you need to. You’ll then attract people who are also kind-hearted but don’t demand your love and affection.

11 Ways to Support Someone With Anxiety

It’s normal for us to feel on edge from time to time. The demands that are placed on us – from our work, families, finances, etc. – can sometimes feel overwhelming. For people with chronic anxiety, a persistent unease is a day-long event. The tendency of anxiety-ridden people to mask their illness for fear of being “discovered” often makes the experience more difficult – both for the individual and those who care for them.

If someone that you care for has anxiety, you may feel a loss of control – this is entirely normal; just understand that simply being there for your loved one can make a difference.

Here are 11 ways to compassionately support someone with anxiety:


#1 – Be accepting and open.

Simply let the person know you’re there and willing to listen without judgment or criticism. If they do open up to you, refrain from giving feedback or advice on what they should or shouldn’t do unless they ask. It’s important to understand that simply allowing them to talk about their thoughts and feelings can bring a sense of relief. It isn’t necessary to analyze everything that they say. Just be present, look them in the eyes, and acknowledge their concerns.

#2 – Educate yourself.

Understanding the medical reasons for anxiety is a great asset and will help you to be part of a better support system. It’s important to remember that an anxiety disorder is not a thought disorder but a chemical imbalance. A person with chronic anxiety innately understands this, because as hard as they try to stop the thoughts, the more they realize that this is extremely difficult. Even a basic understanding of the disorder and its symptoms can make you a better, more knowledgeable person to be around.

#3 – Spend time with them.

Just because someone you love has anxiety doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend time with you. In fact, your being around your loved one is often an excellent source of comfort. This is for two reasons: (1) they thoroughly enjoy your company, and (2) your presence makes it more difficult for them to think about their anxiety. Also, try to best to recognize their need for space. If they say things like “I want to be alone” or “I just need time to myself,” make sure you oblige accordingly.

#4 – Don’t bring it up if unasked.

The affliction can often be a source of embarrassment for a person with chronic anxiety. While anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of (they can’t help it, after all), it’s still a touchy subject for them. Trying to rationalize an often irrational disorder will only subject the person to more uncertainty and shame. Instead, just be present and talk about what they want. If you talk about sports, talk about sports. If you talk about movies, talk about movies, and so on.

#5 – Get active.

If you are available and the opportunity presents itself, take the person outside. Exercise is a well-known remedy for anxiety and can bring an almost magical effect on a person’s mindset. Do something fun, like a hike, bike ride, or shoot some baskets. Even a quick stroll at the local park can help alleviate some of the symptoms caused by anxiety. The reason why exercise is so effective is that it causes the release of endorphins – hormones that can create euphoric feelings.

#6 – Remain hopeful.

Anxiety is a treatable condition; it just takes time. Plenty of free resources are available for people who suffer from the disorder. If they ask for advice, suggest something helpful; for example, mindfulness meditation, yoga, exercise, or something else. If you understand that they are in a desperate condition, suggest (don’t recommend) that they see a medical professional for a consultation.

#7 – Be yourself.

There is no need to change who you are because your loved one has anxiety. Chances are they appreciate you for being you and don’t expect anything different. In fact, a sudden change of demeanor – especially to a more “therapeutic” or sullen one – can bring up some sense of guilt in them. Instead, just be yourself. The only exception is if you feel negative or particularly vulnerable to anger; in this case, it is better to be elsewhere.


#8 – Be resilient.

A person you love being afflicted with anxiety can cause emotional distress. When you feel this way, it can take its toll on your quality of life. It’s important to remember that you’re doing the best you can and that everything will likely turn out just fine. This situation with your loved one is temporary, so stay tough and take it just one day at a time. That’s all you can do.

#9 – Don’t take things personally

For the person affected, managing anxiety is a difficult and often exhausting task. This is because the constant inner monologue that comes with anxiety often drains them of mental and physical resources. As such, it is essential not to take it personally if they suddenly drift out of a conversation, seek solitude, or act standoffish; the acts are simply a byproduct of anxious thoughts.

#10 – Separate the person from the anxiety.

A person’s whole is greater than the sum of their parts, which is valid for someone with anxiety. While someone you love battles with the disorder, separating the anxiety from the individual can be tough. The last thing they want you to think of when you see them is “anxious.” Remember, this is still a human with various complex thoughts and emotions. Don’t allow the affliction to define the person as you know them. Approach each encounter with a non-judgmental and open mind.


#11 – Be available.

Even if it may not feel like it at times, you are a blessing to a person with anxiety. Being available to discuss their thoughts and feelings is often a sanctuary for them. Remind your loved one that you are no more than a phone call away and that you’ll be there for them no matter the time. Even though they may have difficulty expressing it, they appreciate and love you beyond comprehension.

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