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This Is What Sitting Too Long Does To Your Body

Today, we live in a world where modern machines do much of our work. This fact dramatically eliminates the need for manual labor. Not to mention, over 34 million Americans have an office or sales jobs. These careers force them into sitting for eight or more hours a day.

According to a report published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the average person spends more than half of their waking hours in an inactive state. These include sitting at a computer, watching TV, commuting to and from work, etc.

So technology brings obvious benefits, such as getting more done in less time, consolidating our efforts, and connecting us to others at lightning speeds. However, it has many drawbacks, as well.

Sitting down for prolonged periods can cause chronic back pain, poor posture, and even potentially deadly diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

If you spend a lot of time sitting down for your job, take a look at how this can negatively impact your health, according to four experts in the industry.

Problems That May Result from Sitting Too Long

strong person

1 – Brain, Neck, And Shoulder Issues

Moving our bodies means more blood and oxygen flowing throughout the brain, which helps us maintain clarity and keeps our minds sharp. However, sitting for long periods slows the flow of oxygen and blood to our brains. That reduced flow inhibits our ability to think clearly.

Also, slumping forward at work to stare at a computer screen puts tremendous strain on the neck, particularly the cervical vertebrae, which connect the spine to your head. Poor posture also damages the back and shoulder muscles, as they become overextended due to leaning over a keyboard for long periods.

2 – Back Problems From Too Much Sitting

One of the most apparent problems occurs for most people in their backs, as bad posture contributes greatly to back pain, inflexible spines, and disk damage. Moving around causes soft disks between vertebrae in the spine to expand and contract, allowing blood and nutrients in. The disks become uneven and compact by sitting too long, even causing collagen to build up around tendons and ligaments.

Also, herniated lumbar disks occur more frequently in people who spend prolonged periods in front of a computer.

3 – Muscle Degeneration

Sitting doesn’t require using your ab muscles, and if they go unused for too long, this can cause you to develop what’s called swayback or the unnatural overextension of the spine’s natural arch. Plus, sitting too long decreases overall flexibility, particularly in the hips and back. Flexible hips aid in balancing the body, but the hip flexor muscles become short and tense by sitting too long.

The glute muscles also become soft after prolonged periods of disuse. And this hinders your ability to take long strides and keep the body stable.

4 – Deterioration of Organs

Remaining seated for long periods can cause heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer. In short, these problems are caused by the overproduction of insulin due to inactivity and sluggish blood flow to the organs. Regular movement helps kill cancer-causing cells, boosting antioxidants that eliminate these free radicals from taking over the body.

Overproduction of insulin also causes weight gain, contributing to diabetes and obesity.

5 – Leg Disorders

Sitting too long will hinder circulation in the legs. This causes blood to pool around the ankles, which then results in swollen ankles, varicose veins, and even harmful blood clots. Another more subtle issue caused by prolonged sitting is that bones become weaker and less dense. Regular activity, such as running or walking, helps keep bones strong and thick. This might explain why so many older adults today have osteoporosis, as society becomes more and more sedentary.

According to the study, people who watched the most TV over 8.5 years had a 61% greater risk of dying prematurely than those who watched less than one hour per day.


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First of all, if you DO have to sit for long periods for work or other purposes, make sure you sit up straight and avoid slouching or leaning over your keyboard. If you have to, buy an exercise ball. That tool forces your ab muscles to work and will naturally keep your body straight. You can also use a backless stool if you want something more stable than an exercise ball.

Secondly, make sure to get up regularly to stretch. How often should you do this? At least once every thirty minutes, according to experts. Get up and walk around your office for a few minutes as well. That short break from sitting will keep the blood flowing and allow your brain and muscles to function optimally.

Thirdly, yoga can help immensely keep the muscles flexible and allow the mind to relax and decompress from the workday. You can also buy a standing work desk, which will force you to do your work in an upright position. This helps blood and oxygen flow more freely through the body. Thus, it reduces the risk of blood clots and other dangerous health problems.

6. Sitting Too Much Can Contribute to Dementia

Many things can increase your chances of developing dementia, but who would have thought sitting too much would be one of them? Understandably, having a sedentary lifestyle would increase the chances of growing conditions like diabetes, but it also dramatically impacts the brain. If all you need to do to keep your mind sharp and intact is to move more, it should be effortless to push yourself to get sufficient exercise.

7. Increases Anxiety and Depression

The mental effects of sitting too much are not as understood as other aspects, but there are risks to your mental health. People who sit for long periods are more apt to have conditions like depression and anxiety. Improving your mental health requires exercise to get those feel-good chemicals rushing, so it only makes sense that your brain lacks those powerful neurotransmitter surges when you’re not moving.

Another theory is that when you’re sedentary, like playing a video game for hours on end, it can disrupt your sleep cycle, according to the BMC Public Health. You know how terrible it is to function the next day when you’ve not had a good night’s rest. So, it’s easy to see that anxiety will be higher when your brain hasn’t had time to restore and repair damage from the previous day from insufficient sleep.

8. Weakened Bones

You’ve heard throughout your life that you need milk and calcium to have healthy bones. However, sitting for extended periods can make you susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis caused by compromised bones. Even a shower can be a real chore when your bones have become brittle and weak.

9. Sitting Too Long Could Undo All the Exercise You’ve Done

It doesn’t matter how much exercise you do during the day if you sit for hours. It’s impossible to erase the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on you. Even if you make it to the gym three times a week, you can undo all your hard work by sitting all evening and watching TV. While you need some downtime, don’t sit for long periods. It can have a dramatic effect on your waistline and your overall health.

10. Joint Pain

Have you ever noticed that if you sit too long, your joints are stiff when you get up? The stress put on your joints from sitting will cause the muscles to tighten, and you will have pain in both areas. Over time, you could be dealing with situations like osteoarthritis. Your joints are sensitive and need to move to lubricate, and when you park on a couch for hours, they’re not getting lubricated and can seize on you.

Have you ever had a car door that creeks and drives you crazy when you open it from the loud noise? A little shot of lubricant and the noise is gone. Your joints are much like this car door that needs lubrication, and when you sit, you’re only making matters worse.

11. Poor and Compromised Posture Can Result from Sitting

How many times did your parents tell you to sit up straight? They weren’t just telling you this to make you angry, and there’s a real disadvantage to having poor posture. When you sit too long, your pelvis can rotate backward, and it puts an additional strain on your lumbar area, according to the National Library of Medicine.

A sedentary lifestyle can cause your pelvis to rotate backward, and as a result, it may strain your lumbar area.

12. Digestive System Issues

Sitting on your bottom causes this area to decrease blood flow. While you know many areas of your body are compromised from a sedentary lifestyle, you probably didn’t consider that your gut would be affected.

When you’re sitting, your body’s weight compresses your organs and the blood flow to this area. It can lead to problems like constipation as the bowel isn’t getting the blood it needs to function correctly.

13. Lowered Blood Circulation

When your muscles are weary, and you’ve sat so long that you feel your legs and toes going numb, it’s a sign of circulation issues. Blood can pool in the lower parts of your legs, that’s caused by compressing certain vessels. This can lead to the feeling of pins and needles, blood clots, and varicose veins.

14. Weaken Immune System

You need to move your body to be healthy, as nutrients need that extra surge of blood flow to ensure everything works as it should. However, when you’re not working out and living a sedentary lifestyle, you’re causing great harm to your immune system. You’re more apt to get sick and have other ailments when you live life in a chair.

15. Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a syndrome alone, but it’s also a significant component of many illnesses. However, those who work out more tend to have more energy and less fatigue. Have you ever slept in on Saturday far beyond your usual wake-up time and felt horrible?

The more sleep you get, the more your body will crave. So, if you’re feeling fatigued and there’s no other medical reason behind it, it could be from a sedentary lifestyle.

16. Obesity

Those who play video games, surf the web and watch many TVs are more apt to have a problem with their weight than those who are active. Exercising every day is a great place to start, but this doesn’t guarantee you won’t have a weight problem. Too much screen time wreaks havoc on your body.

17. Higher Risk of Mortality

An eye-opening study from the American Journal of Epidemiology states that people who sit more than six hours each day are more than 40 percent likely to die in just over a decade. Those who spend under three hours sitting fared much better. If you want to live a longer life, you must move your body to keep it healthy.

18. Sitting Too Much Contributes to Brain Fog

Brain fog is no joke, and it’s a real problem that can occur when you sit for extended periods. Though it’s another aspect that’s not truly understood, you may feel unable to focus, have poor memory, and be unable to learn new things. When you’re not moving and in a sedentary position, your blood flow is reduced, and your feel-good chemicals aren’t surging, contributing to this hazy and lack of focused feeling.


Final Thoughts on Not Sitting Too Long

Sitting for long periods can dramatically affect your health. It can impact how you live your life and make you more susceptible to illness. It can increase your risk of untimely death, dementia, or cancer.

If you must sit for your job, make sure you get an ergonomic chair. It will help with posture and prevent degeneration of your discs and vertebrae. Do you know how many hours you sit each day? Maybe it’s time to track your sedentary habits to protect your future health.

10 Ways to Be Happier Before Getting Out of Bed

Do you wake up feeling like a zombie, mindlessly repeating yesterday’s process? Today we will share tips on how to feel happier before your feet hit the floor.

It’s not uncommon to wake up to an alarm and immediately start the day following the same routine that guided us yesterday. We are busy after all, and using habits helps us stay on track.

However, there are a few simple habits that can take us into our day feeling happier and more optimistic. Adjusting your morning routine can make you happier before you even get out of bed. Soon, you’ll notice your day benefitting from a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

These 10 morning habits will make you happier before you get out of bed.

1 – Make sure you’ve had enough sleep

Your day will always be better following a good night’s sleep, and that means going to bed early enough the night before to get it. Good sleep helps us start our day rested and recovered from the day before. It’s been repeatedly reported in the news that sleep deprivation is growing in the United States, and it’s affecting our happiness.

The Institute of Medicine says more than 35 percent of Americans sleep less than seven hours a night, the recommended amount of sleep necessary to be our most productive. They also estimate that 50 million to 70 million adults in the U.S. have chronic sleep disorders. It’s hard to have a happy day when we are dragging our feet and dreaming of a nap.

Bottom line: Get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

2 – Set Your Alarm 15 minutes Earlier

The thought of setting the alarm 15 minutes earlier might be too much to bear, but it’s well worth it. Having the luxury of time before we have to jump out of bed and start our day will help slow the pace of our normally hectic lives.  Besides, if we are going to be early enough, it shouldn’t be an issue.

Bottom Line: Start the day more gradually.

3 – Breathe

Now that we’ve have awakened early enough to enjoy some leisurely time in bed before starting our day, we can take a few minutes to bring our body back to life with some deep breathing. Breathe in and out, slowly paying attention to the body as it comes alive. We will feel any anxiety or stress towards the coming day subside, and we’ll be better positioned to enjoy what lies ahead.

Bottom Line: Deep breathing fuels your mind and body.

4 – Forgive and Let Go

We should spend some a few minutes forgiving ourselves for any blunders from the day before. Today is a new day, and we should begin it by letting go of our past mistakes and focusing on making this day a better one.

Here are 5 Ways to Forgive and Let Go

Bottom Line: Be kind to yourself.

5 – Express Gratitude

We’ve made it to another day and for that we should express gratitude. Starting our day in a place of gratitude for the abundance in our life will attract more abundance throughout the day. Even if life isn’t perfect right now, there is always something to be grateful for.

Bottom Line: Be grateful for what you have.

6 – Set Your Intentions

When we step forward into our day with intention, we are more likely to end our day satisfied. We often set goals, have to-do lists and know where we need to be when, but how often do we set an intention to be happier, be kinder and be more mindful? Chances are not that often.

Setting intentions as to how we want to act and feel throughout the day, will help us respond better to challenging situations and can help keep our emotions in check.

Bottom Line: Be mindful.

7 – Drink Some Water

Keep a glass of water near the bed and then drink it up in the morning. Our body gets dehydrated while we sleep and getting liquids back into it as soon as possible not only keeps us healthy but energizes us as well.

Bottom Line: Take care of yourself.

8 – Stretch

Before our feet hit the floor, our body will benefit from some movement, fidgeting and stretching in bed. Get the blood flowing and lose some of the stiffness from the night before. As blood begins flow, there will be a feeling of energy build that will make getting out of bed more attractive.

Bottom Line: Get your blood flowing.

9 – Cuddle

Cuddling feeds our need for human connection. Spend some time cuddling your partner, kids or even your favorite stuffed animal. Start the day spreading love.

Bottom Line: Practice love and strengthen your connections.

10 – Smile

We’re here to see another day, and that is worth smiling about. Wearing a smile, even in private, has a tremendous impact on our mood and it will last well into the day.

Bottom Line: A smile makes the world go ‘round.

Final Thoughts on Feeling Happier When You Wake Up Each Day

It isn’t necessary to do all ten things every morning, but it certainly can’t hurt. The more gratitude, intention and self-love you start the day with, the more likely you are to feel accomplished and happier when the day ends.

Take the time necessary to start your day off on the right foot before your right foot even hits the ground. You deserve it, and so do the people around you.  

What are your favorite morning habits? Share in the discussion below!

10 Quotes to Remember When You Feel Stuck

Do you ever feel as if you’re “stuck” in life? We’ll share quotes that motivate you to dig out of that rut.

We all experience getting stuck at some point in our journey. Yes, even the happiest, most successful and creative people get stuck from time to time. It’s something that everyone experiences. What differentiates the happiest, most successful people from those that remain stuck is the ability to find the strength and will to keep moving anyway. When you think about it, if you’re moving you’re not that stuck after all.

Down deep everyone wants to make the necessary changes to live a better and happier life. The problem is we end up stuck in the minutiae of day to day living that leads us to do more of the same because it’s what we know.

Being stuck is not so much a circumstance as it is a choice. We need to dig deep to find the will and courage to make change even when it’s hard, and there is no doubt about the fact that change is hard.

You might get inspired by a person, a speech, a book or even a good read from your favorite inspirational quotes. Wherever you find your inspiration, the goal is to take one small action to get the ball rolling.

Remember these quotes when you feel stuck:

“The chains that keep you bound to the past are not the actions of another person. They are your own anger, stubbornness, lack of compassion, jealousy and blaming others for your choices. It is not other people that keep you trapped; it is the entitled role of victim that you enjoy wearing. There is a familiarness to pain that you enjoy because you get a payoff from it. When you figure out what that payoff is then you will finally be on the road to freedom.” ~ Shannon L. Alder

“But there was a difference between being stuck and choosing to stay. Between being found and finding yourself.” ~ Martina Boone, Compulsion

“Choices may be unbelievably hard but they’re never impossible. To say you have no choice is to release yourself from responsibility and that’s not how a person with integrity acts.” ~ Patrick Ness, Monsters of Men

“I believe having a vision in mind, a goal let’s say, is a good thing. Unfortunately, so many of us are blinded by the greatness of our vision that paralysis and inaction sets in. What I try to do is focus on the individual steps, the moments if you will, and let them lead one to the next. The vision that eventually appears may not be exactly what you had in mind, but it will be the right one for you, because you did the work and you took the necessary action.” ~ Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

“As long as you’re moving, it’s easier to steer.” ~ Anonymous

“Most of the things that stop us aren’t things that we can’t do, but things we refuse to learn.” ~ James Woosley, Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite: Simple Strategic Planning for You and Your Business

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~ Steve Jobs

“If you’re stuck in the past, you go forward in reverse” ~ Josh Stern

“There are two paths of which one may choose in the walk of life; one we are born with, and the one we consciously blaze. One is naturally true, while the other is a perceptive illusion. Choose wisely at each fork in the road.” ~ T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

“If we stay where we are, where we’re stuck, where we’re comfortable and safe, we die there. We become like mushrooms, living in the dark, with poop up to our chins. If you want to know only what you already know, you’re dying. You’re saying: Leave me alone; I don’t mind this little rathole. It’s warm and dry. Really, it’s fine. When nothing new can get in, that’s death. When oxygen can’t find a way in, you die. But new is scary, and new can be disappointing, and confusing – we had this all figured out, and now we don’t. New is life.”  ~ Anne Lamott, Help Thanks Wow: The Three Essential Prayers

Whether you find inspiration in one of these quotes or not, the goal is to find it somewhere to keep moving. Life’s too short to remain stuck in the same place, especially when that place doesn’t feed your soul. Make the choice to get unstuck and do whatever it takes to take a step. Sometimes it’s that first step out of the mud; that is the most rewarding.

Which one of these quotes do you like best? Share in the discussion below…

The Leading Cause of Pain Everyone Should Know About

Did you know that the foremost cause of physical pain can actually be overcome, and prevented by directing your thoughts?

Our overall physical health is a reflection of the energy that we give off. In this way, we literally become what we think about most. If we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, this creates disease within the mind. And that carries over into the body as well.

Plenty of scientific literature can attest to this. Indeed, one groundbreaking global study performed by Canadian researchers in 2004, found that “psychosocial factors,” such as stress, anxiety, and depression, posed as much risk for a heart attack as smoking cigarettes.

It’s true that some level of stress can benefit a person’s life. However, chronic stress or anxiety can impair many functions in your body. This causes digestive problems, heart disease, weight gain, memory problems, depression, and insomnia, to name a few.

“Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.” – Soren Kierkegaard

In today’s modern society, we’re exposed to almost constant stressors, which leads to the overproduction of the hormone cortisol, which is a stress hormone that enables us to respond quickly to a perceived threat. In pre-industrial times, this hormone would’ve signaled our flight-or-fight response, designed to help us survive in times of peril or hardship. However, our modern world can sometimes cause this hormone to go into overdrive, leaving us with a weakened immune system and frazzled mind.

The Studies on Physical Pain

On the other hand, when we turn our attention to the things that make us feel good, our brains release chemicals such as serotonin and oxytocin to help us relax and feel joy. According to a study performed by Randy Blakely, Ph.D., director of Vanderbilt University’s Center for Molecular Neuroscience in Tennessee and John Gordon, Ph.D., a professor of cellular immunology at the University of Birmingham in England, positive thinking can indeed impact the immune system, reducing the risk for diseases such as cancer.  

In test-tube experiments, the scientists studied the effect of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood, on a type of cancer called Burkitt’s lymphoma, which impacts the immune system. In high concentrations, they found that serotonin entered the cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.

Another professor from the University of Birmingham, Dr. Michael Frenneaux, discovered that depression doubles an otherwise healthy person’s risk of having a heart attack.

What About Emotional Pain?

Although emotional pain does eventually manifest physical pain in some manner, it can be managed and even reversed with relaxation techniques and becoming aware of predominant thoughts. According to Gregg Braden, a scientist, author, and speaker about how thoughts can change human DNA and other “New Age” topics, just two to three minutes a day of practicing mindfulness can drastically reduce cortisol levels in the body.

“Studies documented by the Institute of HeartMath (IHM), a pioneering research organization based in Boulder Creek, California, have shown that cortisol levels can decrease as much as 23 percent, and levels of DHEA, a life-affirming precursor to other vital hormones in the body, can increase 100 percent if we spend as little as three minutes using focused techniques designed to produce such responses,” according to Braden’s website.

As we’ve stated before, negative thinking can wreak havoc on your mind and body. That makes you energetically imbalanced and prone to a slew of diseases. In order to keep your immune system functioning properly, maintaining positive thinking patterns can determine your overall health just as much as eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of rest. All of these lifestyle factors and habits work together as a team to keep you healthy, and when one player starts to show signs of weakness, it brings the whole team down in flames.

So, how can you ensure that your mindset doesn’t become clouded with toxic thoughts that cause pain and disease?

Try these practices out in your daily life:

  • Write down positive quotes, affirmations, or mantras, or speak them aloud if you prefer.
  • Meditate for at least 10-15 minutes each day. Practice becoming the awareness behind your thoughts, meaning that you shouldn’t attach yourself to anything that enters your mind; rather, just let the thoughts come and go without judgment.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes at least 4 times per week. This releases endorphins, giving your brain clarity and making you feel more positive.
  • Smile at strangers.
  • Make sure your friendships make you feel excited and inspired, not depressed and tired.
  • Make time each day to exercise your creative muscles. That’s because you benefit from yoga, writing, drawing, pottery, etc.

The Connection Between Pain and Our Brain

The connection between our thoughts and how we feel has been scientifically proven time and time again. Plus, it shows that we can literally transform our lives through the power of positive thinking. If you don’t feel very vibrant either emotionally or physically, tune into your thoughts and see what they’re telling you. Then, make sure to practice some of the positive practices in your life. Then watch how your health improves over time. Our minds have such incredible power. Moreover, we as a species have so much potential to lead fulfilling, productive, and meaningful lives.

Through our thoughts, we can map out a life that far surpasses our wildest dreams. And that leads us into lives of abundance and great health.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Buddha

5 Things Reading Your Birth Chart Will Teach You

Have you ever read your birth chart?  It’s actually pretty interesting.

Our birth charts, or natal charts, can deliver important messages to us about our strengths, weaknesses, relationships, and anything else that serves our souls in this lifetime. Learning about how the stars and planets aligned when you were born and how those placements affect your soul can help you greatly along your spiritual path.

Everyone’s birth charts are unique, and take into account all the planetary alignments on the exact day and time you were born. Many people find them to be astoundingly accurate and helpful, because you can uncover so much about who you are and why you came to Earth in the first place.

Here are 5 incredible things you can learn from reading your birth chart:

1. Your birth chart will teach you what career path suits you best.

Our birth charts can also point us down the right road as far as a career choice goes. If you’re more of a drifter, your natal chart can help you determine how you best fit into the working world, and what you can do to illuminate your path further. It all depends on the alignment and positions of the planets and stars, which means that your career path could be entirely different than anyone you know. Our birth charts help us to recognize our individuality and feel comfortable within our own skin.

Also, knowing what you should do to make an income will help alleviate any stress you might feel about a possible career for you.

2. Your birth chart will teach you your unique strengths and weaknesses.

In your birth chart, you can uncover what types of activities and work come naturally to you, and what you need to work on more. The detailed information included in your natal chart can help you understand what types of experiences shape you into a stronger person, and what people and places you should avoid. The best part about the chart is that it’s completely honest, and will tell you both the positive and negative aspects of your personality. Don’t take it too personally, though; it’s only there as a tool to help you grow spiritually and allow you to learn important lessons.

3. Your birth chart will show you that you actually have three signs…

Your birth chart will show you that you are not just your Sun sign, but you also have a Moon and Rising Sign as well.

Our Sun signs quite literally describe the zodiac sign that the Sun occupies during the time we were born. So, if you were born on May 24, for example, you are a Gemini in terms of your Sun sign. However, your Moon and Rising, or Ascendant, signs are equally important.

Your Moon sign represents your instinctual self, which you might keep hidden from others. This can be interpreted as the “darkness” in you, and where you go to find peace and a place to rest your head from the pressures of the world. It also governs emotional development, and can greatly explain your behavior. Some astrologers believe our Moon signs more accurately describe who we are, although the culmination of your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign should encompass your true essence.

Finally, your Rising sign describes how people see you upon first glance, and how you appear to the world around you. It can either be the same as your Sun sign or completely different. Our rising signs help us determine how we will take action in the world, and what sort of help we can offer to others.

4. Your birth chart explains how the planetary alignments and positions affect your personality and energy.

Just learning about the traits of your Sun sign won’t give the proper depth when it comes to discovering all the secrets about your soul; this is where your birth chart comes into play. It describes the position of each planet and which Zodiac sign it was in at the time of your birth. You will see this listed on the left side of the chart.
Make sure you also pay attention to your North Node, because this represents the experiences you need to have in order to grow spiritually. Your South Node, on the other hand, shows the qualities that come second-nature to us that we have likely mastered.

In addition, the Earth’s 24-hour rotation about its axis determines which Houses the 12 zodiac signs will fall under. The Houses govern different aspects of life, and the placement of the Zodiac signs and planets at the time of one’s birth explain the great variations between even twins who are born moments apart. You can read here about what the Houses mean and how they affect your personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

5. Your birth chart reveals the big soul lessons you will face in life.

Your natal chart can also reveal the types of experiences you will have on the Earthly plane that will test your will and transform you from a caterpillar into a butterfly. This is important information to know because the lessons you learn while here will help you heal past karma and show others the way to the Light as well. It can also help you know what’s coming in your soul path, so that you may manifest what you need in order to bring those experiences to you.

Mayan birth chart

Learn about the Mayan birth chart.

How to read your birth chart:

There are many free birth chart calculators online that you can use to read your birth chart. After finding one you prefer, follow these steps:

First, you will need to input your name, gender, date and time of birth, and the city and state in which you are born. Then, you will see a table listing the positions of the planets in your chart, ordered by sign and degree. You will also see your Ascendant sign, or how you appear to others, as well as the signs on the cusp of each house in your chart. We will cover that in further detail below.

After looking at the chart, you will see very detailed descriptions about your Sun sign, as well as what all the planetary alignments mean for you.

10 Signs You May Have Parasites In Your Body

In reality, we all have certain parasites that live on the inside and outside of our bodies, but most are harmless. However, more dangerous parasites can enter our bodies when we don’t take proper care of them, and this provides an easy opening for hungry parasites to enter and start feeding off our organs.

Sounds like some sort of sick and twisted horror movie, right? Don’t worry, though; most parasites can be easily treated and removed from the body with the remedies listed below.

Here are 10 common parasite symptoms in your body:

  1. You have frequent fatigue, exhaustion, depression, feelings of indifference and boredom, or severe anxiety
  2. You have IBS, with symptoms including, but not limited to, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
  3. Frequent skin rashes, including eczema, hives, lesions, sores, and dry skin in general.
  4. You have a mood disorder or acute mental issues, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, restlessness, and forgetfulness.
  5. You have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. In general, have problems relaxing. Additionally, you might even grind your teeth during the night or suffer from frequent nightmares.
  6. You have a history of weight problems and have trouble losing weight and keeping it off. Common signs of an intestinal parasite include problems gaining or losing weight, rapidly or unexplainably gaining or losing weight, or having an uncontrollable appetite, or none at all.
  7. Regularly occurring muscle and joint aches, including arthritis, heart pains, and numbness in the hands or feet.
  8. You recently traveled internationally and recall having traveler’s diarrhea while overseas.
  9. You have been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia.
  10. In general, you have poor digestion and never feel satisfied after meals.

Here’s how you can remove parasites safely:

To start off with, we need to discuss how you can pick up a parasite in the digestive system in the first place.

Typically, people get intestinal parasites from undercooked meat, contaminated water sources, and heavily processed foods that contain large amounts of refined sugar. To prevent yourself from contracting a parasite in the first place, try not to eat meat from questionable sources, make sure to filter your water, especially in third-world countries or rural areas, and eliminate processed sugar and other refined foods.

Parasites feed off of weakened immune systems, so it’s very important to keep your mental and physical health in check. Many people forget that having a negative mindset causes a weakened immune system, which creates a parasite paradise. Stress and anxiety can cause a person to overeat. So with this frame of mind, people tend to binge on the wrong kinds of foods. For purposes of preventing parasites, take care of your mind by meditating, practicing mindfulness, and making time for self-care.

As far as removing parasites once you already have them, you can use certain blends of herbs, such as magnesium caprylate, berberine, and extracts from Tribulus, sweet wormwood, grapefruit, barberry, bearberry, and black walnut. Increasing fiber in the diet also wards off parasites. That’s because fiber naturally cleans out the gut. Remember, parasites thrive in a toxic, unhealthy environment. So by keeping yourself healthy, parasites won’t be as likely to take up residence.

Final Thoughts: Know When to Seek Help From Your Physician

If the parasites persist and natural remedies do not eliminate them, you can always visit your wellness practitioner to see about getting an anti-parasitic medication to get rid of parasites quickly.

Keep in mind that the key to achieving optimal health lies within your gut. Health starts here, because our intestines are essentially our second brains. By giving our bodies the proper nutrition, we can boost our immune systems naturally and ward off any ailments and diseases that could potentially harm us.

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