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10 Things to Accept Before You Can Love Unconditionally

We spend so much time building relationships with others that we often forget the most important relationship is the one we build with ourselves. Putting other’s needs before our own is setting a precedent that chips away at the core of who we are. It represents the epitome of the human capability to love unconditionally.

Moreover, we do it not realizing that loving ourselves for who we are is the best present we can give to those people that matter most to us. With that in mind…

Here are 10 things to accept before you can love unconditionally.

unconditional love

1. You can’t say yes to everyone and “no” is a necessity

We want to say yes because we want to make others happy. The reality is when we say yes to others we are often saying no to us and we are the last person we should be saying no to. In fact, we are the only ones we are obligated to say yes to. We must set firm boundaries and know that doing what is right for us is what allows us to do for others.

2. Creating a fictitious life just to please other people does not honor your authentic self.

Making up stories about ourselves to be looked upon favorably is wrong on so many levels. First, we are not honoring our true self and what’s more, we say our true self isn’t worthy. Secondly, we are building relationships on a lie that will eventually crumble. And finally, when we feel the need to make ourselves look better in someone else’s eyes, it should be obvious we are hanging out with the wrong people.

3. You need to stop agreeing with everything everyone says because you are afraid of losing relationships.

Our relationships should be built on more than the fact that we agree with everything the other person says. Be brave and voice opinions, honestly and with respect. Open the dialog to great discussion and our relationship with the other person and ourselves will grow.

4. Taking care of yourself is a priority and better equips you to serve others.

We so often put our needs behind those of our family and friends, and because we do, we often have nothing left to give ourselves. Yet, when we dedicate time towards self-care, what we give to others is plentiful and more valuable.

5. There is no guilt when making decisions that are right for you even if they are wrong for someone else.

The decisions we make for ourselves won’t always be the right decisions for others and that is okay. We don’t need to justify it or feel guilty because of it. We just need to be intentional and thoughtful while making and discussing the decision with others. Stay true to what you need.

6. You have the courage to speak up for yourself because you realize no one else will.

When there is an elephant in the room it doesn’t do any good to ignore it. And ignoring it won’t make it any less pleasant. If we aren’t able to stand up for ourselves and our needs, then they will often go ignored. We owe it to ourselves and the people around us to be heard and honored.

7. You need to stop keeping your pain to yourself and denying those that love you an opportunity to support you.

Being vulnerable to those people around us that we know support us deepens relationships, provides support and encourages us to move forward through difficult times. Asking for what we need in challenging times is one of the best things we can do to heal.

8. There is no need to drastically alter your behaviors to get attention because the best kind of attention comes from merit.

We are attention-seeking human beings and as such we may do drastic things to get it. We may not even realize we are seeking it, but if we are doing things out of character in order to fit in, then we should stop. The best kind of attention comes from living in our truth and serving others and we do that by loving ourselves unconditionally.

9. To love unconditionally, make sure you are living the example instead of trying to make everyone else happy.

As much as we want the people around us to be happy and live their best life, the only person we can change is ourselves. It is much more important to be the example other people can look to, then to try and inflict our way of life on another person. We shouldn’t allow others to do it to us and we shouldn’t’ allow us to do it to others.

10. The depth of your relationships with others and yourself comes from nurturing and shared values.

We must be clear on the things that are important to us, the things that make our heart sing. When we accept those things for ourselves and surround ourselves with people who are like-minded we are free to love, not only ourselves but our life and the beauty that surrounds it.

love unconditionallyFinal Thoughts: The Ability to Love Unconditionally Starts Inside Ourselves

We show love unconditionally to ourselves, first. That sounds like an easy task, but we often get led astray. Stay true to what matters most, listen to your inner guide and trust what it is telling you. Do that and you’ll be honoring and loving yourself unconditionally.

11 Life Lessons to Learn From Robin Williams

The death of Robin Williams touched everyone. It’s hard to find anyone who wasn’t touched by this man through his acting and humor.

His death brought depression into the national spotlight and created a discussion around this silent disease and suicide prevention. That alone is something to be grateful to Robin Williams for, but we are lucky because he left us with many more life lessons to learn from.

Looking back over his interviews and his movies, there was so much to be learned from this creative, thoughtful and wildly intelligent man. Watch his performances, read his words and listen to him speak and you will see a man who cherishes what really matters and puts into perspective the things that don’t make a difference in the end.

It was hard to narrow down the lessons he left us through his work and his words to just eleven, so we decided to focus on the lessons from his life. If you want more lessons than you just need to watch “Dead Poet’s Society” again. It’s hard to find anyone who has seen this movie who doesn’t recognize the impact it had on a generation.

Williams said this about the film:

“I think ‘Dead Poets’ was probably my favorite, just to get started with the idea of doing a movie that people treated as more than a movie.”


Here are eleven life lessons we can all learn from Robin Williams – in his own words:

1. Do what feeds your creative spirit.

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering – these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love – these are what we stay alive for.”

2. Do whatever it takes to make meaningful connections.

“I basically started performing for my mother, going, ‘Love me!’ What drives you to perform is the need for that primal connection. When I was little, my mother was funny with me, and I started to be charming and funny for her, and I learned that by being entertaining, you make a connection with another person.”

3. Everyone has story that we know nothing about.

“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.”

4. Pursue relentlessly the things you believe in.

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”

5. There is a lesson to be found in everything.

“You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren’t paying attention to.”

6. Relationships matter.

“I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

7. Sometimes the best response is no response at all.

“Even fools seem smart when they are quiet.”

8. Find the silver lining in every experience.

“Sometimes over things that I did, movies that didn’t turn out very well – you go, ‘Why did you do that?’ But in the end, I can’t regret them because I met amazing people. There was always something that was worth it.”

9. Keep alive the things that make you feel alive.

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”

10. Even the most brilliant, confident, and most successful people are insecure at times.

“The essential truth is that sometimes you’re worried that they’ll find out it’s a fluke, that you don’t really have it. You’ve lost the muse or – the worst dread – you never had it at all. I went through all that madness early on.”

11. The is always a need for hustle.

“Winning an Oscar is an honor, but, between you and me, it does not makes things easier.”

Final Thoughts: Fond Farewell to Robin Williams

Robin Williams taught us about the importance of self-love and the healing benefits of laughter. The loss of such a great talent and human is still felt today. There is much to learn from this beautiful spirit and it starts with finding the humor in everything. Laughing at something that makes you want to cry makes that thing much less scary.

It is still hard to fathom that this brilliant, talented, funny and somewhat tortured soul left this world so tragically.

We’ll leave you with this quote from “Dead Poet’s Society”:

“Seize the day. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.”

“Oh captain, my captain,” we honor you.

10 Signs You’re Disrespecting Yourself

Are you disrespecting yourself? The relationship rules that exist are just as important for our relationships with ourselves as they are for our relationships with others. Trusting, listening, communicating and most of all respecting ourselves is important to living in our truth.

You can’t be the best version of you without giving yourself the same respect we demand of others. The problem is that we don’t often see how we treat ourselves as either respectful or disrespectful. These signs will certainly help:

You may be disrespecting yourself if. . .

disrespecting yourself

1. You’re saying yes to things that are unimportant to you or that you don’t have time for.

Respect your time and energy by spending it on projects and with people that matter most. We aren’t doing ourselves any favors by over-scheduling our days and taking time away from the necessary self-care that makes us whole.

2. You present yourself as something you’re not to gain favor.

We’ve all felt the need to give our life a bit of a facelift to impress someone. We also know that we shouldn’t have to do it, yet we do it anyway. It’s the ultimate sign of disrespect to ourselves to think who we are isn’t good enough. And if we aren’t good enough for them, the real truth is they aren’t good enough for us.

3. You often agree with what someone says only because you don’t want to offend them.

Our opinions matter and when we don’t express them, we are basically saying to ourselves and everyone around us that they don’t. If someone is offended by our honest and thoughtful opinions, then they weren’t seeking advice, they were seeking a “yes” man. Show respect for you and others by expressing how you feel honestly and with kindness.

4. Disrespect yourself by putting your needs behind the needs of others.

We don’t do anyone any favors by ignoring what we need regarding rest, relaxation and overall self-care. We operate better, are more productive and emotionally stable when we are taking care of ourselves.

5. When you feel guilty for doing what is right for you even if it goes against the advice you’ve received.

Seeking advice has a place in our lives for sure, but it’s important to remember it’s only advice. Whether giving or receiving it, there shouldn’t be a personal affront when it isn’t followed. It only means it wasn’t quite right at that time. Don’t feel guilty for going against the advice you received and making a decision that feels right to you.

6. You don’t defend yourself by setting the record straight.

Nobody thrives on conflict, and sometimes it is easier just to let things go. We have to balance that with defending ourselves. To respect ourselves, it’s important that people know the truth about us and our role in certain situations. Sometimes it’s correcting a wrong, and other times it’s correcting a right. Either way, painting a clear and accurate picture is the ultimate sign of respect.

7. You regularly hide how you’re feeling.

We are creatures of feelings and emotions, but society has taught us to keep them hidden so as not to make others uncomfortable. You disrespect yourself whenever you say things are fine when they aren’t. Be true to who you are and, more importantly, how you feel.

8. You overtly seek outside attention.

The only attention that truly matters is the attention we give ourselves. When we seek attention from others, we look for outside validation of something we probably already know. If you find yourself seeking someone else’s approval, look within and figure out what’s missing. Then go to work on filling the gap.

9. You constantly try to make others happy, becoming their doormat.

We only can affect our happiness, and when we are happy, we want others to be happy too. The problem with trying to make others happier is that is we usually end up leaving them wanting, and as a result, we create a greater void on the inside. We can affect the greatest change by focusing on ourselves. As a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi says, “be the change we want to see in the world.”

10. By surrounding yourself with bad company.

It is hard to be authentic when hanging out with people who do not appreciate and share beliefs and values that help promote our true selves. Take the time to find and grow with like-minded people that support who you are. It’s hard not to respect yourself when you are loved and supported.

Nobody sets out to be disrespectful to themselves, but so many automatic behaviors end up doing just that. Automatic responses to how we feel, not speaking our minds to avoid hurting feelings, and seeking validation from an outside source instead of within, while seemingly harmless, are forms of disrespect.

Stop Disrespecting Yourself

So stop disrespecting yourself. Know that you don’t have to take the path to least resistance by ignoring your wants and needs. Stand up for who you are and what you believe in a kind, but firm manner. That is the ultimate sign of respecting yourself.

25 Benefits of Lemon You Didn’t Know About

Ancient civilizations believed that lemon has the power to ward of poisons and some recent research has supported this view.

Specifically, a study done at University California Davis found the biological activity of citrus, bioflavonoids were effective in anti-cancer activity in the body.

This citrus fruit has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and provides a significant boost to the immune system. It is effective in fighting infection thanks to its levels of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.

Most people have heard that starting your day with warm lemon water is a natural energizer that hydrates and oxygenates the body.

Here are 25 other benefits of lemons that you didn’t know about.

1. It helps break a fever.

Its juice increases perspiration which in turn can help force a fever to break.

2. Lemons help improve our mood.

The refreshing smell of citrus fruit can help lessen symptoms of depression while increasing energy levels.

3. Lemons help us breathe better.

They can aid asthma sufferers by thinning mucus and clearing the airways.

4. Lemon helps relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

It flushes out toxins and bacteria thanks to its diuretic properties. The reduction in toxins helps to reduce inflammation in the joints.

5. They can help prevent kidney stones.

Lemons are responsible for stimulating the production of the chemical compound, urinary citrate, a key compound in the prevention of kidney stones.

6. Lemons are effective as a topical disinfectant.

Use the juice from this zesty citrus on scrapes and cuts to disinfect the area.

7. Lemon preserves clothing.

The juice, along with salt, can help remove mold and stains from clothing.

8. They can treat acne and problem skin.

These are natural cleansing agents for the skin. That’s because of their antibacterial and antifungal properties.

9. Lemon lightens age spots.

The citric acid contained inside helps to even skin tone and fade dark spots.

10. They help oily skin.

The juices can cut through oil while helping to curb excess oil production in the skin.

11. Lemon will strengthen your nails.

Some of the juice mixed with olive oil will strengthen and whiten weak and brittle nails.

12. This citrus fruit is a natural insect repellant.

Wipe baseboards with a mixture of a squeeze of its juice and some water to keep ants, flies, and cockroaches at bay.

13. Lemons help with the signs of aging.

The bioflavonoids in this fruit are responsible for the reduction of free radicals which can cause skin damage and premature aging.

14. They help relieve headaches.

A mixture of green tea and lemon can be as effective as aspirin in relieving headaches.

15. Lemons are good for oral health.

They can help with infected and bleeding gums and can reduce tooth pain.

16. They fight against bad breath.

The citric acid in a lemon helps to balance our body’s pH which will aid in destroying the bacteria in the mouth.

17. Lemons whiten teeth.

Mix some of this fruit’s juice with baking soda for a natural teeth whitener.

18. They naturally exfoliate.

Rubbing a lemon directly on chapped and dry skin will aid in the removal of dead skin.

19. This fruit can detoxify the blood.

Our blood accumulates toxins and regular consumption of lemon acts as a detoxifying and purification agent for our blood.

20. Lemons can help ward off or heal infections.

Lemons are in antibacterial properties which can help heal and even prevent infection.

21. Lemons can provide natural highlights.

Add a little freshly squeezed juice to your hair conditioner and sit in the sun for awhile. After rinsing your hair, you will notice your natural highlights beginning to appear.

22. It can help prevent dandruff.

Massage a little lemony juice and warm olive oil into your scalp to relieve itchiness and dryness.

23. Lemons cleanse the body.

Mix a squeeze of this juice with a little milk or yogurt and massage over your skin. It will cleanse, exfoliate and soften in one step.

24. This fruit can improve your digestive system.

Warm water with lemon can help prevent constipation and improve your overall digestive system.

25. Lemons are an effective cleanser.

The juice mixed with water can act as a cleaning and disinfectant for your counters. Also, they can help remove pesticides from your fruits and vegetables.

The benefits of citric acid are far-reaching because they are effective both in healing and prevention. There is even promising research that says they can aid in weight loss.

How much lemon is enough?

It is recommended to ingest at least ½ of a lemon daily. The most simple way to start is by adding some lemon to your water.

A few words of caution. First, citric acid can be hard on the enamel of your teeth. So if when drinking lemon water or eating any citrus fruits, rinse with your mouth with plain water to remove the acid from your teeth. Also, if applying to the skin, they can make the skin more sensitive to the sun so make sure and wear sunscreen.

Even so, the benefits of lemon can’t be dismissed and adding it to your daily nutrition plan is wise.

If You See Someone With a Semicolon Tattoo, This Is What It Means

Have you ever noticed a person who displayed a semicolon tattoo? It turns out that they probably have quite a story.

Tattoos have exploded in popularity over the past decade and have become an essential and artistic way for people to express themselves. Most people get tattoos to tell a story, or to showcase the pain, triumph, and obstacles they have faced throughout their lives.

Every tattoo means something different to the wearer of it. But in the case of the semicolon tattoo, the meaning is universal.

When Amy Bluel tragically lost her father to suicide, she wanted to commemorate him in a special way. However, she also wanted to raise awareness of mental health problems. She founded Project Semicolon, which allowed her to meet her goals. Project Semicolon aims to “present hope and love to those struggling with depression, suicide, addiction, and self-injury.”

Why a Semicolon Tattoo?

tattoo meanings

Read about the tattoo meanings that most people don’t realize.

We use the semicolon in writing when we join together two closely related sentences. The first part of the sentence could be a complete thought. However, the author decided to keep the sentence going. In other words, the sentence isn’t over.

In the context of mental health, the sentence is your life. Thus, the semicolon is the decision to continue living. The semicolon tattoo represents the fact that you have complete power over yourself. Moreover, you can choose to keep fighting, even if you feel like giving up and putting a period at the end of your life. 

The entire movement aims to bring people together, to empower one another, and show that we can all overcome the obstacles we face, no matter the size. You can always rewrite your story, start a new chapter, and recreate your life even if you feel you have nowhere to turn.

Your story doesn’t have to end if you believe in your ability to create new beginnings. For many, the semicolon represents a new beginning of their life. The first half of the sentence has come to a conclusion, and they are now starting a new sentence – a new life – with a different perspective.

This can be accomplished by visiting with a mental health professional, exchanging poor habits for better habits, reading self-help books, forcing yourself to be with your friends, and more.

Depression, Suicide, and the Semicolon Tattoo

According to WHO, more than 350 million people globally suffer from depression. People with mental illnesses often feel embarrassed to talk about their issues or feel like they will become a burden to others by voicing their problems. Many of these people suffer in silence, not knowing who to go to or where to turn. Project Semicolon invites people worldwide to share their stories, and wear the semicolon tattoo on their skin to show that they’ve committed to their lives and will keep marching onward, despite the adversities that come their way.

Wearing the semicolon tattoo is also a comforting reminder that you don’t have to face your issues alone, and many people all over the world have been in your shoes.

They know the hardships you have faced because they themselves have had to cross the same bridges. No matter how lonely you feel, someone out there can relate to your struggles.

The movement also aims to increase compassion toward mental health issues. Amy even wrote on her website that her organization “envisions a community that comes together and stands together in support of one another.” She encourages people to start conversations with others about their mental health issues, rather than resorting to self-harming, drugs, alcohol, or other destructive behaviors that do not serve people’s best interests.

While talking to others about your mental health can be difficult, it gets easier over time. The more you talk about your mental health, the easier it is to continue talking about it, and the better you begin to feel. Now, don’t tell everyone you meet you have depression. But speaking with people whom you trust is both healthy and relieving. Getting a semicolon tattoo is an easy way to start those difficult conversations.

You Are NOT Alone

Do you currently suffer from any mental illness? Remember that you do not have to face your problems and fears alone. Many people struggle with mental health all over the world, and many choose to see the silver lining in the clouds and make a conscious choice to live a positive, fulfilling life. Project Semicolon aims to support and inspire others to share their stories and get help when needed, but they are not a 24-hour hotline.

In an emergency situation, please call your local authorities, a mental health professional, or 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) for immediate help.

semicolon tattoo

Final Thoughts on The Choice to Wear a Semicolon Tattoo

We leave you with this inspiring quote from Amy herself:

“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.”

Remember, you are LOVED, cherished, and created by the universe to fulfill a special purpose. No one can offer exactly what you can to the world, so let your light shine. Your life matters. More importantly, you can create a wonderful, happy existence. You never know who needs your smile, words, laughter, and kindness, so please remember this whenever you feel unwanted or lonely.

Being here on Earth makes a permanent imprint, and the Universe is a better place because YOU exist. Thanks for being with us on this beautiful, crazy ride we know as life.

10 Habits That Keep Couples Happy

Some couples seem happy all the time. No matter what they go through, they stay happily in love. What is their secret? It’s not a secret. They have learned to incorporate certain habits into their relationship. Here are ten habits that keep couples happy.

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes couples unhappy.” ~Power of Positivity

1. Happy couples practice good listening

Displaying good listening skills says to your partner, I care about you. Happy couples care enough to stop what they’re doing and give their full attention to what their partner is saying. Attentive listening when your partner is talking improves your relationship satisfaction. Happy couples believe that listening is essential, and they practice healthy listening skills. Some good listening skills  include the following:

  • Get rid of distractions: Turn off your phone, the television and find a quiet location to talk.
  • Use total body language: Look at your partner’s eyes, lean forward, and don’t fidget while they talk.
  • Ask questions: After they finish, be sure to ask questions to clarify what they said. Please don’t assume you understand what they’re saying. Ask good questions that tell them you want to understand.

happy couples

2 – Happy couples assume the best about one another

A couple who believes the best about one another displays a level of trust. They don’t behave jealously or with mistrust.  That’s because they don’t base their union on a flimsy hope, but because they know each other’s character. Over time, they have gained one another’s trust and confidence. Happy couples have mutual trust without jealousy or accusations.

To build trust in a relationship, you should practice the following good habits:

  • Honest, open communication
  • Keep your word in small and big things
  • Show respect
  • Being vulnerable enough to express your feelings
  • Consistent behavior
  • Being humble
  • Admit when you make mistakes

3 – Happy couples laugh together

Happy couples know how to laugh together. They see the funny side of life’s everyday difficulties. They’re self-effacing, meaning they know how to laugh at themselves. This is because they don’t take themselves too seriously. These couples use humor with kindness rather than using sarcasm or mean put-downs. Laughter in a romantic relationship has a positive effect on the quality and closeness the couple feels. How can a couple learn to laugh together?

  • Here are some suggestions.
  • Watch a funny television show together
  • Crack funny jokes about the silly things you do or say
  • Create funny jokes that only the two of you understand
  • Tease one another
  • Be silly together

4 – Happy couples practice good communication

Good communication is essential for a happy relationship. These couples can be vulnerable with one another. They share their fears, hopes, and dreams without fear of ridicule. Good communication helps their relationship go deeper. Happy couples have meaningful conversations. This openness means you can freely share things they did that were hurtful or made you feel angry. The two of you can talk through your conflicts using good communication skills. These include

  • Talk about how you feel.
  • Avoid saying words like “you always” or “you never.”
  • Pick your battles
  • Listen to your partner
  • Be willing to admit you are wrong
  • Refuse to be easily offended. Your partner may have some insight that will help you.
  • Agree to disagree on some subjects

5 – Happy couples give one another emotional support

Emotional support is necessary for a happy, healthy relationship. When you have emotional support in a relationship, you feel like your partner understands you and wants the best for you. Supporting your partner could mean encouraging them when they’re discouraged or having a hard day at work or school. Happy couples ask each other what they can do to help or support one another. They try to improve their relationship by reading books together, attending seminars, or listening to podcasts.

6 – Happy couples don’t blame shift

Happy, healthy couples resist the urge to blame each other when they’re feeling upset.

It’s easy to slip into blaming, especially when you’re angry. Typically, there isn’t one thing that contributes to you feeling a certain way. It can be a hard day at work, the kids causing trouble, and then your partner does something that pushes you over the edge. It’s easy to see them as the problem. Happy couples sit down and unravel what is going on instead of lashing out at one another.

7 – Happy couples show one another respect

Happy couples show respect for each other by respecting one another’s feelings, opinions, and rights. They avoid things that show disrespect, such as the following actions:

  • Sarcastic put-downs
  • Eye rolling at what the other partner says
  • Snarky comments to questions
  • Public disrespect
  • Irritable comments
  • Manipulation
  • Happy couples display healthy respectful habits towards one another, such as
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Compassion
  • Apologizing
  • Taking responsibility
  • Forgive quickly
  • Allow their partner to contribute their ideas without critiquing them
  • Show respect in public

happy couples

8 – Happy couples encourage each other

Encouraging words build up a relationship. It’s easy to fall into a bad habit of not expressing encouragement to your partner because you assume they know how you feel. You can encourage your partner in simple ways every day.  Saying things like these can build the relationship:

  • I appreciate how you handled that situation
  • Thanks for caring about that as much as I do
  • I appreciate your thoughtfulness
  • I’m so glad we’re together
  • You make me feel loved
  • I missed you today
  • Thanks for being such a great listener

9 – Happy couples are committed to the relationship

A common habit of happy couples is a commitment to their relationship. They both want the relationship to succeed and will work towards that goal. They use language and do things that show their commitment to the relationship. These things include

  • These couples say “we” instead of “I.”
  • They build up rather than tearing one another down.
  • They are willing to do the hard work for their relationship like reading books on relationships, attending couples’ seminars, or getting counseling if necessary.
  • These couples aren’t looking around for other potential partners.

10 – Happy couples don’t always feel “in love” with one another

Contrary to popular opinion, being in a relationship doesn’t mean you always have lovey-dovey feelings. Sometimes the other person makes you mad. This doesn’t cancel out your love for them. All relationships have their ups and downs. Being “in love” generally means having butterflies in your stomach or a strong physical attraction. You may still feel attracted to your partner, but it may not have the same intensity. Love means commitment and keeping your promises. It’s more than a feeling. It’s an emotional connection to the other person and the best companion you can be to them.

People in Successful Relationships Avoid These Behaviors

Happy couples have positive habits that contribute to the happiness of their relationship. But what are some things they don’t do? Here are a few things they avoid.

They don’t gossip about one another:

It can be tempting to discuss personal things about your partner with your friends. You may not even realize you’re gossiping about them. A good question to ask yourself before you say something is, “Would I like it if my partner shared this information about you with their friends?” Your close friends don’t need to know stuff about your partner unless they’ve told you it’s okay to share it.

Keeping score of mistakes:

Everyone makes mistakes. Keeping track of your partner’s mistakes serves no purpose other than to point the finger at them. It does little to help your relationship. Instead, it will tear it down. Keeping track of your partner’s mistakes lifts you as if you’re superior to them, so you look as if you’ve never made a mistake. Happy couples don’t keep track because it takes away their happiness.

Keeping their relationship first and the kids second

Couples with kids know that it’s easy to focus on their kids all the time. Your kids have plenty of needs, but it’s essential to keep your relationship first and foremost. You can keep your relationships first by incorporating simple habits into your week, such as the following relationship-strengthening activities:

  • Scheduling a date night every week.
  • Cuddling together on the sofa to watch a show.
  • Go for a walk without the kids after dinner.
  • Smile at one another across the dinner table.

happy couples

Final Thoughts on the Things That Keep Couples Happy

Those couples that seem so happy aren’t perfect. But they have learned the secret of practicing habits that help their relationship grow strong. They understand that feeling “in love” isn’t necessarily as important as showing respect, encouraging each other, and giving one another emotional support. They know how to avoid gossiping about one another, letting the kids take center stage in their lives, and keeping track of one another’s mistakes. Most of all, these couples know that being happy together doesn’t just occur. It takes lots of work and a wholehearted commitment to being a happy couple.

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