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21 Things to Expect When Dating a Strong Woman

<strong>A strong woman works hard to create the life they want to live. Living authentically is the key characteristic they share. It’s this trait that makes them who they are. Furthermore, they aren’t willing to jeopardize what they have worked for.

As such, they often come off as independent women that don’t need a man to be happy. And this might be true on some level. However, most do want a relationship that compliments what they stand for and what they have accomplished so far.

Don’t let the tough exterior fool you. An empowered woman is capable of loving deeply and fully and wants a meaningful relationship in her life. She is not, however, willing to compromise her ideals, her goals, or her life-long ambitions for it. She believes her wants and her relationship can coexist with the right man.

Here are 21 things to expect when you date a strong woman.

  1. Strong women are on a mission. Expect the mission to be an important theme in the relationship. Both will be equally important to her but don’t make her choose.
  2. Strong women like to be self-sufficient. Expect things to be difficult for her to take a step back and relinquish some control. Don’t worry, she will eventually become more comfortable taking a back seat when the time is right.
  3. Empowered women are creative and have an open mind so expect new ideas and potential change to be a constant topic of conversation.
  4. Strong women do not waste time on other people’s drama so do not try to engage in gossip or talking badly about others.
  5. Strong women are comfortable asking for what they want and need. So expect open and direct lines of communication with little sugar-coating.
  6. An independent woman takes care of themselves, so expect them to spend time and money on things that make them feel and look good.
  7. Empowered women recharge alone, so don’t expect them to be available every waking moment.

  8. Strong women surround themselves with other empowered women and these relationships are important. Expect her to devote time and energy to these relationships as equally as she does yours.
  9. A Strong woman seeks information so expect her to question your feelings, where the relationship stands, and where it’s headed.
  10. Strong women are very clear on their visions, goals and want they want to accomplish in life so expect her to want to see similar ambitions in you.
  11. Strong women believe in the possibility, so expect her to look for solutions rather than giving up.
  12. Independent women recognize when things are not working and will immediately make the necessary changes to correct the course. You should expect action instead of endless discussion.
  13. Strong women let few people into her inner circle so expect her to put up some walls until she is sure you can be trusted and are comfortable with her headstrong ways.
  14. Empowered women have a strong sense of morality so expect your values to be questioned. She will not feel comfortable pursuing a relationship if your values do not align or are in conflict with hers.
  15. A strong woman thrives on doing many things that matter to them, so expect activities and projects to have a purpose.

  16. Strong women don’t feel they need anyone else, that they alone are enough. Expect her to be conflicted about wanting to need you at first, but give it time and she will come around.
  17. Strong women are grateful for the abundance in their life and you can expect to actively practice gratitude throughout your relationship.
  18. An independent woman tends to focus on the positive and keep negativity at bay, so expect your negative thoughts to be questioned and challenged.
  19. Strong women accept responsibility, refuse to blame and won’t accept excuses so expect to be honest about your role in a situation. Once a situation is dealt with, consider it in the past because she doesn’t hold grudges.
  20. Strong women display a strong persona so expect to be a little intimidated. She will be slow to show her vulnerabilities.
  21. Strong women hold their fears of being hurt, being left, and becoming too dependent close to their heart so expect to work hard to win her love.

strong womenFinal Thoughts on Dating a Strong Woman

Of course, an independent woman is much more than the things listed here. Thus, the important takeaway is to expect a relationship, not a dalliance. Today’s enlightened women rarely engage in a relationship that doesn’t serve her. So expect her to fully commit until you prove yourself.

Empowered ladies are tough yet vulnerable. Indeed, they love openly. But they will hold their feelings close and trust wholly only if you earn it. You have to be willing to peel back the layers to get to her heart. If you can get through the outer layers of a strong woman, you will be rewarded with a loving, honest and fulfilling relationship.

10 Remarkable Ways Nature Can Heal Your Mind

We face the growing use of technology and an ever-increasing fast pace of modern life. Thus, people spend less time in nature than ever before.

According to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, people today spend 25% less time outdoors than they did 20 years ago. Instead, most people use their free time to play video games, watch TV, or scroll through their social media accounts.

Many of us have gotten used to the instant gratification that entertainment provides. But many forget about the sheer pleasure that comes from just sitting with Mother Nature for a while.

Nature can do wonders for your mental health. So if you have neglected your time with Earth lately, these incredible examples of nature healing the mind might encourage you to hit the trails again.

10 Remarkable Ways Nature Can Heal Your Mind:

nature mental health quote

1. Nature boosts energy and happiness levels.

After spending time outside, have you ever noticed that you feel more lively, cheerful, and refreshed? Well, there’s actually a scientific reason behind that. Several studies suggest that spending time in nature increases vitality. Furthermore, the research finds that just 20 minutes a day out in nature can significantly boost energy levels. Richard Ryan, the lead author of the scientific studies mentioned above and a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, says:

“We have a natural connection with living things. Nature is something within which we flourish, so having it be more a part of our lives is critical, especially when we live and work in built environments.”

2. Nature boosts creativity.

A study published in the journal PLOSone indicated that immersion in nature can boost creativity by as much as 50%! Participants in the study had to spend four to six days in nature. They completely disconnected from all technology. Psychologists explained that because of the gentle, more relaxing stimuli in nature, people’s attentional system becomes rejuvenated and able to function correctly. Whereas, in modern society, we constantly have to switch between tasks. That’s not to mention we expose our ears to loud, sudden noises.

If you have been struggling to bring out your creative energy or inner peace, try spending more time in nature!

3. Nature takes away stress.

Numerous studies have found that time spent outside can greatly reduce stress. For example, a study published in 2012 in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning revealed that out of 25 healthy adults living in Scotland, those who lived in areas with the most greenery had lower levels of cortisol.

Stress can increase your risk of mental and physical illnesses, but among all remedies, nature is one of the easiest ways to heal the mind and recharge the soul.

4. Nature can actually improve dementia symptoms.

Along with all the other benefits of nature, a bit of greenery can go a long way in helping those who suffer from dementia. Researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School discovered that when administrators installed gardens in nursing homes, the patients showed less agitation. Plus, they enjoyed more relaxation and appeared to be more stimulated mentally.

The researchers believe that the gardens triggered past memories that brought the patients pleasure and relaxation. They may have tended to a garden in the past, so putting one in their nursing home unearthed happy memories for them. Also, the stimulation from natural elements helped to lessen dementia symptoms.

5. Nature can enhance short-term memory.

By either looking at an image of nature or going for a nature walk, you could improve your short-term memory by 20%. In a study performed by researchers from the University of Michigan, they placed participants in two groups: one that would walk around an arboretum and another that walked down a busy street. Before going for the walk, each group had to repeat random numbers to the researchers in reverse order.

Upon getting back, the groups performed the test again, but the group that walked in nature improved its performance by 20%, while the group that walked on the street showed no improvement.

6. Nature will give you a better connection to the world around you.


A study published in the Journal of the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, found that kids who were outdoors playing for between 5 to 10 hours a week had a stronger spiritual connection to the Earth (Van Wieren & Kellert, 2013). The researchers of the study also interviewed the parents of the children and discovered that the children who spent a lot of time in nature had parents who also loved the outdoors.

This study proves that nature can help both adults AND children feel more connected to the Earth.

7. Nature dramatically improves the mental health of people living in cities.

City life can disrupt many aspects of a person’s mental state, but living in a more ‘green’ urban area can boost mental health for up to three years. The fact that the people in the study showed a consistently positive mental state throughout a three year period lends even more credibility to the immense power of Mother Nature on the human spirit.

8. Exercising in nature can increase your self-esteem.

Did you know that just five minutes of exercising outdoors can improve your self-confidence? Out of 1,252 participants who took part in 10 separate studies, researchers found that those who exercised near water showed the most improvement. However, any sort of natural setting helped boost the volunteers’ self-esteem.

Related Article: 10 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem

9. Nature can ease ADHD symptoms.

A study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being followed400 children who suffered from ADHD. They found that those who spent more time outdoors had better concentration and appeared more relaxed and content. Interestingly, the study also revealed that the children who sat indoors looking out at greenery showed less severe symptoms than those who played outside in a man-made structure with no nature around.

10. Nature can greatly improve mental clarity and performance.

Have you ever heard that placing a plant in your room can help you concentrate better? Science reveals that the presence of nature induces a feeling of tranquility, which allows the brain to function properly. Nature allows you to reflect and restore your cells. But man-made environments disrupt the natural rhythm of your mind and body. If you don’t have time to get outdoors as much as you’d like, buying a few plants to place around your house can still make a big difference in your mental clarity.

10 Little Known Uses for Coconut Oil

The health claims and benefits of coconut oil are being widely touted as a path to greater health. While coconut oil has a lot of good things going for it, the studies linking it to weight loss, cancer prevention, and heart health are in their infancy and conclusions should still be left to your own judgment.  That being said, it does not mean coconut oil should be dismissed as another fad.

In fact, coconut oil has a variety of uses that can benefit you and your body. The only true way to know if something works for you is for you to try it and see.

Know This First: Is it Refined or Unrefined

The first question most people need to have is whether to use refined or unrefined coconut oil. Using an ingredient as close to its natural form as possible is always recommended, but many people are put off by the smell of coconut. If you do not appreciate the smell of coconut, then refined coconut oil is the right choice. Refined coconut oil can be used topically while it is suggested to use unrefined oil for both internal and external use.   (NOTE: Refined coconut is exposed to high heat that eliminates the smell, but be aware that refining any oil produces trans fats which have its own set of considerations for your health, hence the reason unrefined oil is recommended for consumption.)

Whether refined or unrefined, there are plenty of ways to introduce coconut oil into your daily routine, and some are more surprising than you may think!

Here are 10 surprising uses for coconut oil:


1. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic mouth-cleansing technique that is said to draw toxins from your body to improve oral and overall health. It requires you to take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Then spit out the oil and brush your teeth as normal. It is suggested to be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, although there are plenty of people that swear by its benefits from an evening practice as well.

2. Natural Deodorant

Use coconut oil in a simple yet effective natural deodorant recipe. Combine one part coconut oil, one part baking soda, and one part arrowroot powder or cornstarch. You can add a few drops of deodorizing essential oils like peppermint or any citrus oil to your liking.

Note: when changing to a natural deodorant your body may take a few days to adjust so be prepared to reapply as needed. Best used immediately following a shower for quicker absorption and make sure to wait a few minutes before dressing.

3. Makeup Remover

A little coconut oil on a cotton ball and you have an instant, nourishing makeup remover that won’t dry or strip the skin of its natural moisture.

4. Facial Moisturizer

Simply rub coconut oil onto clean, warm and damp skin. After a few minutes, take a tissue and wipe any excess oil from the surface. The skin will only absorb what it needs, and the rest will remain on the surface.

Many people fear using oil on their face. Well, our face produces oil to combat dryness and the stripping of oil when we wash our face. Using oil to moisturize reduces the production of oil in our face because it is properly moisturized.

5. Hair Conditioning Mask

Put your bottle of coconut oil in a sink of warm water and when the oil is melted, pour into your hands and apply to dry hair. Add more to the ends of your hair and less at the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and let sit for 15 minutes.

Before getting your hair wet, add shampoo to your hair. This is very important to help remove the oil from the surface of your head without leaving an oily mess. Once you work the shampoo through your hair, rinse and shampoo again.

6. Hair-Smoothing Serum

Rub a very small amount of coconut oil in your palms until almost absorbed and then lightly rub through your hair starting at the ends and working your way up. Be careful not to use too much as you want a nice sheen and not an oil slick. Starting at the tips helps put most of the oil where it is needed most.

7. Body Lotion

Coconut oil is light enough to act as a body lotion. It is best used on slightly warm and damp skin following a shower or bath. It will take a few seconds to absorb completely, so wait a few minutes before getting dressed.

8. Toothpaste

A natural toothpaste recipe is as simple as combining one part baking soda to one part coconut oil. Try adding peppermint essential oil one drop at a time until you get to your desired taste.

9. Insect Repellent

Simply add lemongrass essential oil to some coconut oil for a natural, non-toxic insect repellent. Add 25 drops of the essential oil to 1/4 cup coconut oil and slather on the skin to keep the critters away.

10. Shaving Cream

Coconut oil is moisturizing and light enough to be used as a shaving cream. Just keep a bottle in the shower and the heat of the shower will melt it and then spread a small amount on your legs (or wherever you are shaving). Using coconut oil as a shaving cream will leave enough moisture in your skin that you won’t need additional lotion afterward.

These ten suggestions for coconut oil only taps the surface of what this natural resource can do for us and our bodies. Pick one and try it on for size. Then add more as you grow comfortable with its use.

Now it’s your turn to add to the list, what unique ways do you use coconut oil?

Beauty benefits of coconut oil

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3 Reasons Sleeping In Can Save Your Life

It’s widely reported that we are a sleep-deprived society where only about half of the population is getting adequate sleep. This is becoming a significant problem in our communities because sleep deprivation can impact our economy, in addition to our overall health and safety.

The European Society of Cardiology just reported on a study of people that consistently led a healthy lifestyle and who were not smokers, regularly exercised, ate a healthy diet and limited their alcohol consumption. As expected, they had a lower risk of heart disease and even more importantly a lower risk of a fatal event linked to a heart condition.

What made the study even more interesting is they included good sleeping habits and were encouraged when the same risks lowered significantly. Those that included the fifth healthy lifestyle habit of sleep had a 65% lower risk of cardiovascular disease up from 57% and an 83% lower risk of fatal events, up from 67%.

The study concluded that proper slumber is as impactful on our heart health as giving up smoking. So it seems appropriate to say that sleep can indeed save your life. In case there is any doubt, here are three reasons why sleeping in could save your life.

3 Reasons Sleeping In Can Save Your Life:


1 – Sleep Affects Your Ability to Focus

When we continue to deprive ourselves of much-needed slumber, it becomes harder to remember things, our thoughts become more muddled, and it takes longer to process information and make decisions.

Think about the burden of a delay in processing information and making decisions can have. It can impact everything from driving to operating machinery and even influence more extreme situations like reacting to a fire. These are situations where even a few seconds if inaction can change the outcome.

There are some studies that show driving while tired is as dangerous and driving drunk.

Let that sink in for a minute.

According to the CDC, there are around 6,000 fatalities each year attributed to traffic accidents involving a sleep-deprived driver. That right there is 6,000 reasons when enough sleep could have saved a life.

2 – Sleep Affects Your Mood

We have all experienced a moody morning after a less than good night’s sleep. Well, there are studies to prove what we already know that lack of sleep can make us more irritable, stressed and anxious.

The study also shows that once someone gets adequate rest again, their mood is significantly improved.

So how does our mood save our life? Well, chronic sleep deprivation can cause or increase depression and depression can lead to poor choices made out of desperation. Those choices can have a huge impact on life.

Depression can also affect our overall health by compromising the immune system and attacking heart health. In fact, depressed people are three times more likely to experience a life-threatening cardiac event than people who are not depressed.

This isn’t to say that all people suffering from sleep-deprivation will become depressed, but it is fair to say that it negatively affects our mood. And our mood affects the decisions we make.

3 – Sleep Affects Your Lifespan

Many experts claim that our brain and our body recover and recharge while we sleep. Of course, we know that our body requires rest and, in fact, our body prepares for it each day. When we listen to our body and sleep when it tells us to, we are allowing our body to do what it does best, optimize our bodily functions, cardiovascular systems, and hormone levels.

There are approximately 50-70 million Americans that are not getting adequate sleep every night, and it can affect these important functions. When our bodily functions decrease in efficiency, our lifespan shrinks, and it certainly contributes to the quality of life as we get older.

Final Thoughts: How Much Slumber Does a Person Need?

But what is adequate sleep? Well, of course, it differs by the person, and it differs by stage of life. The mistake most of us make is thinking we need less rest when we are older. The opposite is true. Our elders who rest nine or more hours a night are more vital, active, and live longer.

Of course, the natural aging process can hinder our sleep because our melatonin levels decrease as we age. There are natural remedies that can help. The important message here is to not assume you don’t need sleep; you do. If you aren’t sleeping, then investigate the reasons.

When we are busy, often the first thing that suffers is our sleep. We often think that sleep is a luxury and that giving up a few hours of this precious commodity will benefit us because we can get more done. Hopefully, this article has proven slumber is not a luxury.

It’s important to stop ignoring how poor sleep impacts our bodies, our mood, and our overall health. It is an important risk factor and should be taken seriously. While this may sound dramatic, it can be a matter of life and death.

Eating This ONE Food Can Help Calm Anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 40 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. And worldwide, anxiety afflicts 1 in 13 people, according to the Global Burden of Disease study.

The numbers only seem to be growing. Moreover, people want to find alternative remedies rather than relying on pharmaceutical drugs that only mask the problem.

Many turn to exercise, breathing techniques, aromatherapy, herbs, or other types of holistic medicines to cure their stress and anxiety. But did you know that you can actually help conquer anxiety by simply eating fermented foods such as pickles?

Time and again, research proves that the probiotics in fermented foods such as pickles proved to help alleviate social anxiety.

Science Daily reported the same outcome in a study of 700 students who completed a questionnaire that asked them about their consumption of fermented foods, how many fruits and vegetables they ate, and also how often they exercised.

They found that the students who ate more fermented foods had less social anxiety. But, how do the two connect?

The Second Brain

So here is the deal. Doctors often call the gut the “second brain.” That’s because so much of the aforementioned research directly links the foods you eat and how you feel. Probiotics in fermented foods have the power to restore healthy gut bacteria. Therefore, they influence how your brain responds to those bacteria. There are over 100 million neurons in the gut, and over 100 trillion microorganisms living in the intestines. So it’s no wonder that the food we ingest so heavily impacts how we feel.

“It is likely that the probiotics in the fermented foods are favorably changing the environment in the gut, and changes in the gut in turn influence social anxiety,” said Professor Matthew Hilimire, a leader in the study.

“I think that it is absolutely fascinating that the microorganisms in your gut can influence your mind.”

Related article: The surprising link between gut health and mental health

Your gut and brain are connected by a direct neuronal connection called the vagus nerve. That nerve sends and receives messages to control the digestive system, heart, and lungs. There are ongoing studies regarding the vagus nerve. But the direct connection it makes between the heart and brain is quite clear.

To provide more evidence to this claim, scientists transplanted the fecal microbiota from an anxious strain of mice to a calm mouse to see what would happen. Not surprisingly, the calm mouse became anxious, and the bacteria from the calm strain of mice helped relax those with anxiety. This study shows that neither genetics nor brain chemistry affected their behavior, but simply the bacterial makeup of their gut!

If you don’t particularly care for pickles, you can also eat other fermented foods. Some include yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, tempeh, tofu, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled garlic, beets, radish or cucumbers. Or, simply take a probiotic supplement with your meals.

Since humans are composed of approximately 90% bacteria, it’s essential that we provide our bodies with enough good bacteria for them to perform their jobs properly. It seems that most anxiety treatments center around pills and therapies for the brain. But with these groundbreaking studies coming out about how gut bacteria can ease or even cure anxiety, we may start seeing a drastic change in how anxiety disorders are treated.

4 Studies That Show How Your Thoughts Can Make You Sick

We have long thought that our mind plays a big part in our health and wellness. In general, when we think we are healthy, we tend to be healthier. And when we think we are sick, we tend to exhibit symptoms in line with our thoughts.

Is there any truth to the fact that our thoughts can make us sick?

Here are 4 studies that show how our thoughts can make us sick:

The Placebo Phenomenon

In a study of 270 patients seeking relief from arm pain, Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard Medical School, divided the patients into two groups. Half the participants would receive acupuncture treatments and the other half would receive pain-reducing pills.

Soon after the study began, patients from both groups called in with side effects of feeling sluggish and increased pain. Most of the patients from both groups, however, reported real pain relief and the acupuncture group felt better than those on the pain-relief pill.

The important findings from this study come not from comparing two different treatments, but by studying the placebo effect. The pill was cornstarch, and the acupuncture needles were retractable and never pierced the skin. The study was actually measuring how patients would respond based on the side effects told to them.

The patients that called in with side effects expressed they had the side effects that researchers mentioned. However, the group that felt relief did not hear about any potential side effects. This study shows that what we think and what influences our thoughts can have the power to make us sick, or better as the case may be.

Other studies have shown that the expectation of receiving treatment can stimulate real physiological improvements including positive changes in blood pressure, a decrease in depression and fatigue. It proves successful in improving chemical activity in the brain and some symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Negative Thoughts Can Make You Ill

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences links positive thinking with improved health and brain activity from negative thoughts with a weakened immune system.

Dr. Richard Davidson, who led a team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,d measured the brain activity in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain of a small group of people. They were each instructed to recall one happy, joyous event and one event that left them feeling sad or afraid.

Then each participant was given the standard flu vaccine. They monitored the levels of antibodies in the group for six months and found the strongest immunity to the flu in those with the strongest activity in the left pre-frontal cortex, the side associated with happy thoughts.

Davidson goes on to say, “emotions play an important role in modulating bodily systems that influence our health. We turn to the brain to understand the mechanisms by which the mind influences the body.”

The Science of Positive Thinking

Barbara Fredrickson, a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina, conducted an experiment by dividing a group of people into five smaller groups. Two groups were shown film clips that created positive emotions, one group was the control group and shown clips that produced no emotional reaction, and the remaining two groups were shown clips the elicited negative emotions.

After being shown the clips, the participants were asked to write down how they would respond in similar situations. Those exposed to positive emotions were able to write a significant number of responses. Translated, the results indicate positive emotions open the door to a wealth of possibility while negative thoughts limit our ability to see potential solutions.

What is even more significant is the amount of time these negative and positive emotions impact our thinking. Our thoughts can influence how we handle adversity later in life. The way we think now helps us see (or not see) the possibilities today and well into the future.

Sick Rumors

Fabrizio Benedetti at the University of Turin Medical School took 100 students up into the Italian Alps. A few days before the trip he told one person in the group that the thin air in the Alpine altitude could cause migraines.

On the day of the trip, the rumor spread to about ¼ of the group. Furthermore, those that heard the rumor experienced the worst headaches. And a saliva test showed symptoms of low oxygen conditions.

Benedetti said the following:

“The brain biochemistry changed in the ‘socially infected’ individuals. Negative expectations can be communicated to your friends, neighbors, and the like, and they spread very quickly, producing social nocebo effects in a large population of subjects.”

Researchers aren’t necessarily going to suggest you forgo medical treatment in favor of positive thoughts. These studies show, however, that how you think can induce sickness and can help to heal you as well.

The important takeaway is to understand how your thoughts and the thoughts of those around you can impact your health. Whether positively or negatively, and the choice lies within your mind.

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