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10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

As you continue to journey on your spiritual path, you will probably hear the term  “twin flame” somewhere along the way. Twin flames possess the same soul, just in two different bodies, and may or may not incarnate at the same time here on Earth. When twin flames reunite, the entire energy of the universe shifts due to the immense power generated by both souls coming back together as one.

Twin flames seem to converge throughout many lifetimes here on Earth and on other planets, so when they meet again, it feels like they’ve known one another forever. If you need some reassurance and guidance to know if you have indeed crossed paths with your twin flame these signs will help bring you clarity.

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame


1. You feel an overwhelmingly powerful connection with them, unlike any you’ve ever felt before.

You feel like you have walked into a lighter vibration in their presence, and don’t feel as affected by the troubles in our Earthly realm right now. Finally, you feel perfectly balanced and aligned with Source energy when you’re with them.

2. You have had intense dreams or visions of them reappearing in your life, and felt their presence long before they manifested physically.

You also experienced other synchronicities, such as seeing 11:11 on the clock, feeling waves of good energy wash over you for no particular reason, hearing a song playing frequently on the radio, or other signs from your angels or messengers.

Things in your life seem to manifest much more quickly than before, and your partner or love interest experiences these phenomena as well.

3. You have past life memories with this person and can recall vivid details from your previous experiences together.

Seeing your partner in person felt like “coming home,” and they trigger strong emotions in you because of the intensity of the connection.

4. Though you and your partner share the same soul, you have significant differences in your personality, demeanor, likes, dislikes, and other traits.

Your twin flame understands you at a deep soul level as no one else can, but on the surface, you seem to be polar opposites. You complement one another’s strengths and weaknesses, perfectly exemplifying the yin/yang energies.

5. You have an extremely telepathic or psychic connection with your partner, and can, therefore, sense when something is amiss, when they’re thinking or talking about you, or when they distance themselves from you.

Because both of you have such a profound connection to one another, you experience the same emotions and illnesses at the same time quite often. Their pain is your pain; their happiness is your happiness.

6. It’s likely that the first time both of you met, you were in relationships already, or just didn’t feel prepared to come together and serve the universe through the love you both had for one another.

Twin flame relationships are the most powerful on Earth, and both people have to feel spiritually, mentally, and emotionally ready to handle such a passionate, meaningful connection.

One of you may have run from the other, shielding yourself from the vulnerability you would inevitably feel in the relationship. Years may have passed before you met up again, but now you both have healed old wounds and have grown on your individual paths. Now, you both feel capable of enduring life’s challenges together, and serving humanity in a similar way.

7. Despite all of the hardships you may go through in life, you both continue to evolve together and make one another better people.

While you may feel unbearable pain at times in the relationship, you come out stronger, wiser, and better able to navigate the Earthly realms.

You realize that both of you were meant to be together in order to raise the vibrational frequency of the Earth, and aid humanity during these turbulent times as we shift into a new paradigm. You know that you couldn’t accomplish the same goals with anyone else, as you and your twin flame share the same visions for your future.

8. Being apart from your twin flame for any lengthy amount of time feels unendurable, and you function best in their presence.

While you can go about your days on your own, you feel a deep sense of longing for your twin flame, and may even suffer physical symptoms during times of separation.

9. You understand more about yourself and this human experience than you ever have before when united with your partner; he or she takes you to new depths of your soul that you didn’t even know existed before meeting them.

Exciting plans continue to unfold for the two of you, and at lightning speed. You finally know what it feels like to ride the rollercoaster of life. And for once, you let your hands wave wildly in the air because you know you’re safe in your partner’s hands.


steals your heart

10. No matter what annoys you about your partner, you can overlook these unappealing habits or personality traits, because you have unconditional love for them.

You couldn’t imagine yourself expanding your consciousness so deeply with anyone else. Plus, you know that you both belong together on this soul journey.

5 Ways To Connect With Angels

Signs of Angels have increased dramatically in recent years, but even if you cannot see them physically, they can still communicate with you through other methods.

Even if you have never had encounters with otherworldly, divine beings before, we all have our own spirit guides or angels, that can help us here on Earth if we simply do our part to connect with them. Beyond the veil of the 3D reality, we can access celestial beings in the higher realms that want to guide us through any adversity we face during these times.

If you want to start connecting with your angels, here are 5 ways you can get through to them:

Are angels or spirit guides around you? Look for these signs.

1. Pay attention to any physical sensations you feel.

Angels like to communicate with us through the physical realm, so you don’t need to do anything with this method other than taking note of your surroundings. For example, if the temperature in the room suddenly changes, or you start noticing goosebumps on your skin or an unexplainable presence near you, these could all be signs of an angelic being making itself known to you.

Angels operate on a different frequency than humans, so they usually like to connect with us in non-verbal ways.

2. Meditate and ask for your angels to make themselves known to you.

Because angels communicate through a higher vibration, meditation provides an excellent way to get in touch with them since it heightens your own frequency. During your meditation, ask for your angels to give you a sign of their presence at some point during the day. They normally don’t respond immediately; since we operate on a lower frequency here on Earth, it can take time for them to receive your message.

However, sitting in silence will block out all the other noise and distractions in our current reality, and will give you the perfect opportunity to hear your angels communicate with you.

3. Make note of any times you see repeating numbers or hear a song frequently played on the radio.

According to Doreen Virtue, seeing the numbers 11:11 frequently means that your angels are trying to send you a divine message and that your thoughts are manifesting almost instantly into physical form. The more you see numbers repeat themselves, especially 1’s, the stronger the connection between you and your angels. Start to slow down and pay attention to what’s around you; more and more people seem to notice repeating numbers today, which means our angels desperately want us to hear their messages. Also, if you hear a song played often on the radio that seems to have relevance in your life at the moment, your angels might be trying to send you a direct message through that medium.

4. Before you go to bed at night, ask for your angels to appear in your dreams.

Angels also love to send messages through dreams, because you technically enter an alternate reality in your dream state, making it easier for them to communicate any necessary information with you. Before going to sleep each night, simply send out a loving message for your angels, telling them that you wish to see them in your dreams.

Even if they don’t appear that exact night, they have heard your message and will make themselves known to you in the coming days. In your dream, they will likely reiterate the thoughts you regularly pay attention to in your waking state or possibly warn you of any upcoming dangers or roadblocks.

5. Pray for their assistance in your life.

Doreen Virtue, a renowned psychic, angel healer, and motivational speaker says that “No angel shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked, with the sole exception of a life-threatening emergency” in her book, Angel Therapy. To receive help, we must ask for it first, because the angels will always respond to our cries for help.

Even if we don’t speak the words aloud, they can tune into our internal pleas for guidance and comfort, and offer that to us instantly as long as we have a true need for the angels in our lives. They want to help you, so don’t hesitate to call on them for support when you need it most.

10 Things Intuitive People Do Differently

Whether you realize it or not, everyone relies subconsciously on being intuitive when making decisions, because we all are born with this mystical sixth sense. It warns us of approaching dangers, helps us make important choices in our lives, and can guide us in uncertain situations. Some experts believe that our gut instincts are more efficient and effective than logical analysis in our decision-making process, according to a study performed by researchers from Boston College, Rice University, and George Mason University.

Even Steve Jobs, one of the most successful businessmen and innovators of all time, said, “intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.”

While we all have this uncanny ability to make important decisions based on our gut feelings, some of us have mastered this skill more than others. If you are deeply connected to your intuition, you probably do these things differently:

10 Things Intuitive People Do Differently


1. Intuitive people honor their inner voice.

Highly intuitive people never dismiss or ignore their instincts – they listen fervently to the voice in their head trying to steer them in the right direction and have learned over time that their gut usually knows best. While many still classify intuition as pseudoscience, the mystery surrounding it is slowly disappearing.

If you still are skeptical, consider this story: While a lady cleaned her house, she called her mom to check on her. A voice inside told her that she had taken pills and that she should go see her right away. Sure enough, she hopped in a cab and found that her mom had overdosed on a whole box of pills. She called an ambulance and saved her mother’s life, all because she listened to her intuition.

Pay attention to what that inner voice is saying – it could mean the difference between life and death, in some cases.

2. Intuitive people enjoy quiet time alone.

According to Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of the book “The Art of Intuition,” intuitive people are often classified as introverts.

Related: Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

Because introverts draw energy mostly from themselves and their creativity, they tend to go within more, cultivating a close relationship with their intuitive sense. However, even extroverts can enjoy solitude. Regardless, time alone allows you to tap into that all-knowing, universal energy trying to steer you in the right direction.

Highly intuitive people don’t get bored or feel lonely in their own company; they actually relish it and look forward to getting reconnected to themselves and the universe.

3. Intuitive people let their creative passions come to life.

Musicians, artists, fire-breathers, dancers, writers, and the like all have one thing in common: they allow their creativity to guide them effortlessly through life, and never question if it makes sense or not. It just comes naturally to them, and they don’t know what else to do but to nurture their passions. As a deeply intuitive person, you likely have a knack for creative endeavors, and may even earn a living through your innovations.

Your method of self-expression serves as an outlet for you, and you know that by staying in tune with your intuition, you allow your highest self to come to the surface.

4. Intuitive people have a high-level of self-awareness.

Highly aware of themselves and their inner world, intuitive people practice mindfulness in their own special way, whether through meditation, yoga, or some other peaceful practice.

As you become the silent observer of your own thoughts and actions, you come to understand yourself on a spiritual level, which can increase your intuitive abilities even further. Mindfulness also helps to relieve mental fog, allowing you to focus on the inner voice that may have been previously silenced by all the other noise in your mind.

5. Intuitive people are very observant of their surroundings.

They notice many things that most people simply ignore.  This greatly aids the intuitive person in listening to their inner voice. That’s because when the outer world is observed so thoroughly. Thus, it will likely give the same attention to their inner world as well.

6. Intuitive people pay attention to how they feel.

They don’t attribute every ache and pain to intuition trying to tell them something, but they also know that the intuition wants to make itself heard in whatever way it can. They don’t call intuition a “gut feeling” for no reason; in fact, some scientists call our gut a second brain because of the vast number of neurons lining the intestinal walls.

If you have a bad feeling in your stomach, for example, you may notice your palms begin to sweat, your heart starts to race, and your legs become wobbly and unstable. You may not be able to pinpoint the cause of these feelings. However, your body often warns you ahead of time of impending dangers.

7. Intuitive people relate well with how others feel.

Highly intuitive people have a strong sense of empathy, understand how other people feel and offer support and comfort. If you are an intuitive person, you may notice that strangers often open up to you very quickly about stressful or saddening events in their lives. That event happens because you make them feel at ease without even trying.

They also use intuition to read how other people feel even if they don’t utter a word; this allows a deeper bond with others and helps them gauge how someone else may be feeling.

8. Intuitive people take note of subtle messages from the universe.

Repeating numbers on the clock, a song playing every time you turn on the radio, or simply a sentence in a book that jumps out at you, you take all of these signs to heart and try to decode what they mean. You know that the universe speaks to us in mysterious ways. Therefore, you keep your eyes and ears open for any indirect messages from your spirit guides or angels.

9. Intuitive people don’t overwork themselves.

Intuition can’t do its work if you become so busy that you have no time to acknowledge your inner voice. Highly intuitive people know that peace and quiet are essential for getting in touch with their intuition. Plus, they create enough downtime each day to decompress and reawaken their internal guidance.

10. Intuitive people don’t become attached to negative emotions.

You know that your intuition becomes stifled by clinging to anger, sadness, grief, or frustration. Then, you’ll observe your feelings and let them slide off your shoulders without becoming attached to them. To keep the doors to your innermost voice open, you constantly assess your feelings. Plus, you will do away with any that inhibits you from remaining conscious of your highest self.

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

An energy vampire, or psychic vampire, literally feeds off the energies of those around them. They attach to a host and attempt to suck the person dry. When the person supplying the energy comes into the full realization of the situation at hand, they will usually either ignore the person or let them go. Then, the cycle continues, as the energy vampire survives off of other people’s emotions.

Now you know why happy, vibrant people can sometimes attract those with self-serving motives. Energy vampires operate on such a low frequency that they must turn to people with high energy levels to survive.

In today’s society, you have likely encountered people like this numerous times, but you may not have known how to best deal with them in order to shield yourself from their own draining energies. Next time you come across an energy vampire in the flesh, try these tactics to ensure that you maintain a healthy frequency:

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires


1. Maintain positive energy by trying to uplift the energy vampire’s own vibration.

Not every psychic vampire steals other people’s energy knowingly or maliciously; maybe they just need a little guidance and support along their journey. In a short excerpt from Dr. Judith Orloff’s New York Times Bestseller, “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life,” she says,

“Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. For example, you’re at a party talking to a perfectly nice person, but suddenly you’re nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend for the tenth time? Eventually, she feels better, but you’re spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy level these people suck you dry.”

So, for these types of energy vampires, often called “poor me” types, you could easily change the subject or offer a few positive words about her relationship. This type of energy vampire usually doesn’t have underlying intentions, but may just need some assistance in getting back on a path toward uplifting their own energy. We all need help from time to time, so don’t automatically dismiss those who exude negative vibes. They may have just had a bad day, and need someone to talk to. As long as you can reach within and easily access your own positivity, this person’s energy should not affect you psychically.

2. Say a few positive affirmations when in the presence of an energy sucker.

Sometimes when you walk in a room full of people, you instantly feel blanketed by the overwhelming negativity in the room. It can feel suffocating when in the company of so many unconscious people. So just remember to silently cite some of your favorite positive quotes or mantras to keep yourself balanced. You can also imagine yourself being bathed in white light from the Divine. Or picture being shielded in a protective bubble of positive energy to not be brought down by the discomfort of others.

3. Distance yourself from the person.

If they continue with the manipulative or self-pitying behavior without making any indication that they want to take responsibility for their own energy, you will need to contemplate letting the person go. Even if it’s a close friend or family member, you cannot have a healthy relationship with someone who refuses to take control of their life and at least work on becoming a more positive, independent person. Don’t feel guilty for wanting to leave an unhealthy relationship; sometimes, no other options are available, and you can’t carry their burdens on your shoulders forever. Allowing the behavior to continue only enables them to keep functioning as a victim, but cutting ties with them will force them to find the strength within to both uplift themselves and others.

You will be doing them a favor, so try not to feel too much remorse, especially if you’re an empath.

4. Make sure to meditate daily, if even for 10-15 minutes.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from emotional manipulation and being taken advantage of is to go deep within and channel more Source Energy into your body and mind. That way, you have a higher tolerance for dealing with the wide variety of energies you will encounter, and won’t be phased by the clever, devious tactic of energy vampires.

As you tap into more of your own spiritual powers and the universal consciousness grid, you will notice that other people’s behaviors won’t affect you as much.

energy vampire squash positive vibes5. Smile at them.

How will this benefit you? Well, a smile carries with it a high vibration, and when you share it with others, they too feel the effects of your positive energy. Think of how you feel when a stranger smiles at you on the street or in the grocery store; you instantly feel happier, right? Well, it works in the same fashion when you pass the smile on to others; ripples create waves, so make sure to keep the positive energy flowing by giving away your own happiness to others!

This doesn’t mean to let others walk all over you and deplete your energy stores. But just give off good vibes so that others may benefit from them, and even start to use these tools to enrich their own lives.

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

Our mind is designed to protect us. It is good at painting the picture it thinks we want to see, not knowing if that is helpful or harmful. While painting the picture, the mind comes up with all sorts of thoughts designed to give us an out.

It is up to you to decide how important something is and then question the excuses that are preventing it from happening. Chances are when you begin to question the excuse, you will realize there isn’t one that should stand in your way.

You can overcome your mind’s tendency to make excuses by recognizing the sabotaging thoughts your mind is trying to tell you. Here are some common ones.

10 Sabotaging Thoughts Your Mind is Trying to Tell You

1. It’s not possible.

It’s like you’ve given up before you started which is the mind’s way of trying to protect you from failure. Remember, failure is often a necessary step towards success. Tell yourself, “it is possible.” You might need to do some research and foster positive thoughts but “where there is a will, there’s a way.”

2. I’m not capable.

This excuse is fear talking. It is trying to help you save face.

Steven Pressfield said the following in his book The Art of Work:

“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear, and then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there’s no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread­free artist.”

Don’t let fear win. Keep telling yourself you are capable, and you are able and do the work to make it so.

3. It’s easier for them because they have money and know the right people.

Everybody has to start somewhere, and it is often those that start something with very little resources that make the biggest differences. Why? Because when you have to figure things out, you think creatively. And creative thinking leads to innovation.

4. I don’t have the time or money.

This is just your way of trying to talk yourself out of doing it. Time and money are rarely the real reasons keeping you from doing what you want to do. There is usually some other underlying issue. Figure out what that issue is and you will have already won.

5. One day, when (insert negative thoughts).

One day when … the kids are grown, the house is paid off, or you get that promotion are common excuses preventing you from taking the next step.

You can “one day, when…” yourself right out of achieving your dreams. There is never a perfect time to take a chance, so you might as well take the first step today.

6. It’s just not working.

This is a way of giving up. Sure, there are times when closing a business or stopping work on an idea is appropriate but it is very rarely because it isn’t working.

It is time for a real assessment of the situation, remembering that success usually follows some dip in momentum. Find the real reasons for why it isn’t “working” and then evaluate your next steps.

7. It’s too late.

Too late for whom? It is NEVER too late.

According to the Kauffman Foundation’s annual Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, just over one ­quarter of all entrepreneurs in 2017 were between the ages of 55 and 64, and that number is on the rise.

So, if a 60­ year old is willing to do all that is necessary to start a business, what is it that is too late for you to start?

8. I need a paycheck.

Don’t use your existing job as an excuse to stop doing the things that matter to you. Yes, it is important to put food on the table but if something resonates with you, you owe it yourself to find the time.

You can accept the status quo, or you can spend a little time every day doing something that feeds your soul. The choice is yours, make sure and choose wisely.

9. It will take too long.

What is too long, really? Sure everyone wants happiness, abundance and tranquility right now, but all good things are worth the effort and the process. Anything worth having is worth pursuing, regardless of when it will arrive.

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.”  –A.A. Milne, Winnie­ the ­Pooh

10. I won’t have any free time.

It’s time to figure out what you value most. Whenever you take on something new, it will infringe on your free time. If that something new is important enough though, you realize giving up your free time is only temporary. If the risk is worth the reward, then your free time is best spent on making something great happen.

positive thinkingFinal Thoughts on Freeing Your Mind of Excuses

It’s time to stand up to the “excuse ­making” machine called your mind. Challenge it and take back control. So, what excuses does your mind give you?

10 Things to Look for in a Life Partner

We enter into a relationship because of chemistry, but we should stay in a relationship because it feeds our soul. It’s often hard to overlook the passion of a new partner and focus on the qualities needed to help the relationship last beyond the intense physical attraction phase.

We may not exactly know who we are going to marry, but we should have a good idea of the characteristics our future spouse should have. These characteristics have nothing to do with looks and status and everything to do with what is needed for you and your partner to live happily ever after.

There are definite characteristics that indicate your partner may be a keeper…

Here are 10 things to look for in a life partner:

spouse or partner

1 – They Believe in Something

Whether they pray to God, honor the Universe or is a scientist at heart, it is important that your future spouse believes in something. And that something should be compatible with your beliefs. Our beliefs are who we are at the core, and we can’t build a long-term partnership when our beliefs are in conflict.

2 – They Demonstrate Compassion

Being able to empathize with people says a lot about the character of a person. Showing compassion shows kindness and caring. If our partner treats others well, there is a good chance that kindness and compassion will be evident in our relationship. A kind heart tells us that our partner’s priorities are in order and that our relationship will be honored.

3 – They Love Openly

Our future spouse should be proud of our relationship and if he (or she) is then he will respectfully demonstrate his love for you openly and without reservation.

There will be no hiding, no shaming, and no secret love affair. Your partner enthusiastically introduces you to his friends and family and feels like the luckiest guy (or gal) in the world.

4 – They Fight Fair

Fighting fair is a necessary component of successful relationships. It is inevitable that disagreements will happen. Knowing we can work through them respectfully and honestly will allow us to communicate from a place of truth. Fighting fair requires listening and accepting feedback with the intent of solving disagreements not placing blame.

5 – They are Forgiving

Nothing erodes a relationship like holding a grudge around past mistakes. A future spouse is someone who can understand that mistakes happen and be willing to let it go. Moving past the mistake and leaving it in the past, where it belongs, is important to the growth of any relationship.

6 – They Exercise Emotional Intelligence

Being emotionally stable means being secure in the relationship, being content at work and basically limiting the amount of drama and chaos they allow into their life. Surely, everyone has moments where emotions run amok, but being able to handle such times in a healthy way is essential.

Living in a state of chaos and out of control feelings means the relationship will be in a state of roller-coaster emotions. A graceful recovery from an emotional situation is a clear sign of a healthy, well-adjusted partner.

7 – They Have Ambition

Having ambition is as vital to a relationship as it is to a career. Ambition happens when you really want something. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who is happy with the status quo. For the relationship to evolve, the people in it need to evolve as well, and that takes ambition.

8 – They are Financially Mindful

Money might not be able to buy happiness, but money can certainly cause unhappiness, discontent, frustration, and anger. Entering a relationship with clear financial awareness benefits everyone. Understanding debt, prioritizing spending and saving for the future is meaningful and necessary. Aligning financial goals helps to provide a sense of security to the relationship so it can thrive.

9 – They are Non-Judgmental

Nobody wants to be in a relationship where they fear being judged. Being able to be truly authentic and feeling safe doing so will only strengthen the bonds that are holding the relationship together. Knowing we are loved and cherished for who we are, not how we look or how we dress is fundamental.

10 – They Practice Gratitude

It’s important to align our practices with those of our future spouse. There isn’t a better practice to set as a foundation for a relationship than that of gratitude. When partners practice gratitude together, they are making a happy life together a priority, one that will stay focused on the positive and creating an abundant future together.

Be smart when it comes to determining what you need from a future spouse. What are the characteristics that you know someone must have to make you happy and make you want to build a life with them?

Create this list from a logical place that speaks to your heart. Using pure logic or pure emotion and feeling will not be able to give you a complete picture. Once you create the picture, honor it. Remember, every wrong partner brings you one step closer to the right one.

And remember: These traits are not only important to find in someone else, but are also important to practice in your own life.  Your partner will ultimately be a reflection of you, and it’s essential to also be someone who has lasting potential.

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