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5 Memory Exercises That Boost Your Brain Power

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost people think their ability to remember things is static – either you are good at it or you aren’t. Well, the good news is memory can be improved. Building your memory is like any skill you develop, it takes some effort and continual practice.

This next statement might seem obvious, but your memory is a function of the brain and anything that supports brain health will help boost memory too.

There are two types of memory, long-term and short-term. The short-term memory stores information you learn or need right away like the items you need to complete dinner. While long-term memory is the memory you don’t need to access right now but will access over time like birthdays and phone numbers.

Studies show that your short-term memory is capable of holding about seven items. As you keep filling your short-term memory with information something is going to be forgotten. And that explains forgetting one of the items on that short-term shopping list.

Are you ready to improve your memory? Here is an easy and effective memory exercise you can do right before bed that will help boost your brain’s power.

One Simple Exercise to Boost Your Memory

At the end of your day while lying in bed but before lights out, review your entire day. Try to remember everything thing you did from the moment your feet hit the ground in the morning until you jumped into bed at night.

As you go through your day in chronological order, try to remember visually as many details as possible. Initially, you might be surprised by how few details you remember. Over time, though, you will begin to remember more and more.

Of course, there are other brain-boosting exercises that will help improve your memory. Remember, anything you can do to improve your brain health will also improve your memory. Here are some more tips to help you remember better.

4 More Tips for Improving Your Memory

1. Use Your Senses

When you use as many senses as possible, memories can form more easily. When we are learning something new, it is helpful to notice what is seen, smelled, heard, touched and tasted. Of course, it is not always appropriate to use all the senses, but use as many as possible.

For instance, when you are meeting someone and learning their name, shake their hand, look them in the eye and notice what is around you. What do you hear, is there music playing?

Using four of the five senses and creating a visual picture will help you cement the meeting into memory.

2. Chunk It Up

As mentioned earlier, our short-term memory can only hold seven pieces of information at a time. So how do we remember things that have more than seven pieces of information? We break it down into chunks of information.

Take a phone number for instance. Instead of seeing ten numbers, we break down into three separate chunks of information, the three-digit area code, the three-digit prefix and the four-digit number making it easier to remember.

Chunking works for all types of information, just divide the bigger picture into smaller chunks and memorize the chunks versus the individual pieces.

3. Repeat It

An obvious memorizing technique is to repeat the information over and over again until it is easily recalled. Most people repeat the item in a short period, but it has been proven that repetition spaced over a longer period is most effective. For optimal memorization, it is advised to repeat, wait a bit, repeat, wait a bit and repeat.

4. Form a Connection

It is easier to memorize when you associate information to other pieces of information you already have learned. Find some commonality between what you are learning and something you have already learned. Research has shown that memory for the new and already learned information is enhanced when you link them together and form a connection in your mind.

As an adult, the way we memorize, recall information and solve problems automatically happens because we have already established our mental habits. In order to continue to improve our memory, we must continue to stimulate our brain by developing new habits to keep the mind sharp.

The best thing anyone can do for their brain is to shake things up by trying new things, solving problems differently, taking different routes home and doing anything that forces you to put some thought into your actions. Keeping your brain sharp will help your memory.

Improving your memory is something anyone can achieve using some simple techniques and giving your brain a workout. Whether you are stay-at-home mom, working outside the home, a retired person, or a student, putting the time in now to enhance and build on your memory skills, will continue to serve you throughout all stages of life.

What techniques do you use to improve your memory? Share in the comments below!

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Ending A Relationship

We’ve all been there at some point or another. We wonder if we should call quits on a relationship, or just stick it out in hopes that things will improve eventually.

Ultimately, it comes down to asking yourself a few key questions first before you make a firm decision; a little introspection and talking through the situation with yourself can go a long way in helping you make the right choice for your life.

Here are 10 important questions to ask before ending a relationship:

1. Does this relationship bring out the best in me?

Do you feel like the best version of yourself, or a less-than-stellar version of yourself? The right person should encourage you, support you, and feel a shared happiness when you reach a new goal or simply evolve more on your life path.

If the person drags you down, brings out negative emotions in you, or just doesn’t fulfill your needs and desires, you really need to stop and ask yourself where things are headed between the two of you, and if you would be better off flying solo for a while.

2. Do I feel happy or upset the majority of the time?

Of course, no relationship comes without some trials and tribulations, and oftentimes the struggles that people face together make their relationship stronger. However, the dark clouds shouldn’t totally mask the sun – meaning that you should still feel overall happiness in the relationship, even when life throws you a curve ball. According to Mark D. White, Ph.D., you should never stay in a relationship just because you feel you “should” out of a sense of obligation – if you don’t feel happy, you have every right and responsibility, actually, to disclose your feelings to your partner.

“No relationship is terrific at every moment; one reason commitment is so valuable is that it carries us through the less-than-terrific times. It’s when the less-than-terrific times become the norm, and you don’t anticipate any terrific ones in the near future, that you naturally (and justifiably) start to think of alternatives. Commitment can carry the weight of keeping a relationship together once in a while, but it can’t do the job on an ongoing basis—there has to be something of value to a relationship itself to support the partners’ commitment to it,” says White.

3. Am I having to sacrifice more than I should for the relationship?

A relationship should never feel like a burden in your life; if it does, you need to question what they’re bringing to the table, and how much you have to sacrifice in order to make the relationship work. You can only give so much in a relationship before you feel taken advantage of and neglected, so you really need to ask yourself if you feel satisfied in the relationship or not.

If the other person doesn’t pull their own weight and make you feel special and wanted, you should probably go your separate ways.

4. Do we share the same passions and goals for our future?

In any committed relationship, talk of the future will inevitably come up at some point. In most cases, two people going in completely opposite directions won’t have much of a chance at keeping the flame alive way down the road, so you need to ask yourself this question early on.

Two people can absolutely have different goals in life, but if you feel that your visions for the future just don’t mesh well together, you might need to wait it out for someone who shares more of your own passions.

5. Are we fighting more than we’re laughing?

Relationships shouldn’t feel like a chore or dreadful part of your life; they should inspire you, uplift you, and just make you feel alive in general. Disagreements will occur in any relationship, but if you spend the majority of your time arguing rather than enjoying life in one another’s presence, this should be a red flag for you.

Keep the company of those who ignite the light within your soul, not those who put a damper on your spirit.

6. Do we make time for one another?

All of us have many obligations in the modern world, and life can get pretty hectic from time to time. However, no responsibility should take precedence over the love you have for one another. People either make time, or excuses, so if it seems that your partner often makes the latter, do you really want to continue the relationship feeling like you’re constantly put on the back burner?

7. Do I really love him/her, or just the person I want them to be?

Oftentimes, we convince ourselves that people will change as long as we give them time and support, but honestly, people will only change if they truly want to. Plus, if you can’t love the person as they are right now, will you really love them at some point in the future once other conditions have been met?

If you can’t say with certainty that you really love them, you owe it to your partner to tell them the truth – it might hurt, but the pain of staying in a false relationship is far greater – for both of you.

8. Would I regret it later if I didn’t end the relationship today?

Five years from now, would you look back and wish you had moved on from the relationship? Living with regrets will always leave a deeper wound than getting out of an unfulfilling relationship, even if that means you have to be single for a while. Stay true to your heart, and never stay in a relationship just because it feels comfortable, or because you feel like you’d be letting the other person down.

9. Do they add value to my life?

Do they truly enhance your life, adding color and vibrancy, or make you feel drained and uninspired? If you start seeing everything in black and white once you’re with them, is the relationship really worth sacrificing your happiness for?

10. Would my life be better without them in the picture?

This is really the million-dollar question – what would your life look like without them around? If you imagine yourself as a happier, freer, more peaceful person, you need to sit down with your partner and come clean about your feelings. Breakups can cause a temporary upheaval and emotional tidal wave in your life, but you will feel much better following your heart and cleansing your life of any negativity.

10 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life

There is usually some catalyst (or several of them) that leads someone to decide that some profound change is in order. Unfortunately, it is easy to live with these signs for a long time before even noticing what they are trying to say. The key to understanding what is going on in our life is recognizing how we feel. If we are feeling anxious, discontent, or bitter, it could be our body’s way of telling us it’s time to try to change our lives.

Here are ten signs it’s time to change your life:

Watch for these red flags.

1. You dread going to work more days than you don’t.

So much of our day and week is spent at work. That feeling of dread when you wake up or as the weekend nears its end is a sure sign that something is not right. Take some time to figure out what it is about your day at work that you dread and devise a plan for changing it.

change your life

2. You are living in the past or dreaming about the future.

Staying focused on better times, whether the past or the future, might be a sign of trying to escape the now. It is not uncommon to dream about a better life, and dreaming can be good. It’s when dreaming takes the place of doing that a problem exists.

3. People are constantly telling you to relax.

If the same message keeps appearing from friends and acquaintances alike, it might be time to figure out what is behind it. “You need to relax” is slang for “get over it” in today’s world. So when we hear it repeatedly, we are probably holding onto something we need to let go of.

4. You are jealous of other people’s successes.

Jealousy is a sign of discontent with our lives and has nothing to do with the other person’s accomplishments. It is hard to be happy about other people’s successes when we are feeling stuck in our life. It is time to ask ourselves what jealousy is telling us.

5. You wake up tired.

Waking up tired is a sign of discontent, not necessarily with work but with life in general. It is hard to get proper rest with worry and angst in our lives. When we live in a constant state of tiredness, it can signify struggle and strife in our life. It also indicates we are tired of fighting and are ready to admit defeat. Instead of giving up, figure out what you can do to get back on track. Life is meant to be lived happy, and happy isn’t tired.

6. If you are restless, it’s time to change your life.

The feeling of the need to do something or go somewhere is a clear sign that creativity is being stifled, and something must change. The inability to be content and sit still can suggest there is something else you are meant to be doing. If you are antsy, it’s your job to figure out what your body is telling you.

7. You gossip.

Gossiping is a way of deflecting the work we need to do in our lives to someone else. It is avoidance at its best. When we find ourselves gossiping, it is important to ask what we are avoiding in our life and then realize that facing it is the best thing we can do.

8. Everyone seems to annoy you.

Having a hard time living by the “don’t sweat the small stuff” motto might indicate some extra angst and negativity around. Nitpicking and always finding something wrong with what everyone is doing is a hint that there are some underlying issues. The issues can be anything, but it usually somehow indicates unhappiness with your life.

9. You have a constant sense of foreboding.

Waiting for something terrible to happen will eventually lead to something wrong happening. The other shoe doesn’t always have to drop, and knowing that can go a long way. Stop the worry and the predictions and start focusing on what you are doing right now.

10. You keep thinking, “there has to be something more than this.”

Thinking there is something more or something bigger usually means new opportunities are on the horizon. Be open to the things stirring up passion and creativity and follow them. The destination will most likely be precisely what you need.

15 Hacks to Create New Habits to Change Your Life

If you identify with any of the signs, it’s time to change your life. There are plenty of new habits you can form. Everyone needs a little motivation to keep their good habits going, and these tips will help. These hacks will help you create new habits that will change your life for the better.

1. Identify Triggers and Other Things Getting in the Way

Figuring out what’s getting in the way of sticking to good habits can make a difference in your life. Determining what’s hindering your progress allows you to decide what your first step must be. You can change your life to help avoid or ignore the things that could interfere.

Additionally, identifying triggers helps you interrupt your conditioned reactive response. You can develop new ways to handle triggers, making the best decisions for your new habits.

Sometimes the trigger can be as simple as needing a soda when you feel tired and thirsty. When you have the thought, your brain might think caffeine will help. Whatever your habit is, there will be at least one trigger linked to it.

However, implementing new habits means you’ll ignore your typical response and choose something helpful and healthy. Whatever your routine regarding cues, you must learn to reward yourself differently. As you identify your triggers and reward yourself differently, you’ll quickly change your life for the better.

change your life

2. Schedule Your New Habits on a Calendar

Life gets busy, making it hard to stick to new habits. When you run on autopilot, you’ll resort to your old habits instead of your new ones. By scheduling your new practices on a calendar, you’ll be more likely to stick to them.

Every hour of your life should have a purpose, including scheduled time for self-care and other things. When you want to implement new habits, put them on your schedule, and don’t bump it for anyone else. Plan at least a week ahead to ensure you accomplish everything and build discipline.

3. Focus on Things You’re Grateful For

Spend some time each morning thinking about why you are grateful. When you start your day with gratitude, it’ll help you make better choices throughout the day. It might help if you take a few minutes to write down what you’re thankful for.

When you have the good things in your life on your mind, you’ll feel more relaxed and healthier. You’ll be happier, and research shows that happiness changes your brain for the better.

4. Get It Over with Early On

If you do hard things first, you’re sure to get them done. If you struggle to stick to beneficial habits, make sure you save the easy tasks for last. Procrastination stands between developing better habits, but you can easily change your life.

When you want to stick to new habits, get them over with instead of saving them for the end. Take the action that improves your life before doing anything else. It might be challenging, but it’ll become easier as you practice doing the daunting things first.

 5. Don’t Give Up If You Make a Mistake

Sometimes you’ll forget or give into temptation, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. If you miss an opportunity to implement your new habit, you can still stay on track. Start again at the next opportunity because research shows that it won’t hinder your progress.

6. Make Time for Meditation

When you meditate, it promotes mental health. Take a little time each day to focus on your breathing and draw your attention to the present. It’ll dramatically improve your life, reducing stress and negative emotions.

Meditation also improves your memory, promotes emotional control, and changes your brain for the better. With these positive changes, you’ll have an easier time sticking to new habits.

7. Only Compare Yourself to Who You Used to Be

Comparing yourself to others is detrimental, but comparing who you are now to who you used to be is beneficial. Think back a year or two and acknowledge how far you’ve come. It’ll give you more motivation to stick to positive habits.

Your goal in life should always be to become a better version of yourself. The only way to make it happen is to change your life.

8. Hold Yourself Accountable

Holding yourself accountable is one of the best hacks for creating new habits. Create a tracking system and set goals to help you stay motivated. Tracking your progress will help you want to accomplish your goals.

When you hold yourself accountable, it sometimes helps to include other trusted people. Set up regular check-ins with people who want what’s best for you.

9. Determine Your Reason

Start by figuring out why you have bad habits right now. Think about why you turn to unhealthy options when you could make another choice. When you know your reasoning, it’s easier to change your life.

Identifying why you want to improve your life can help you stick to the changes. Before deciding to change your life, determine your reason. It gives you motivation, and you can easily recall it during moments of weakness.

You don’t want your reasons to be vague or revolve around what you think you should do. Instead, they should revolve around specific ways you can improve your life. Make your habit part of a bigger goal worth the struggle and effort.

Without a focused reason, you’ll only force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. This method isn’t usually effective because it’s hard to find motivation. Instead, determine why you want to change your life, and you’ll have something to work toward.

10. Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential to your overall well-being and ability to form new habits. Don’t skip out on a night of sleep, even when you have things to get finished. It’ll help you think clearer, promoting productivity and beneficial habits.

11. Use Visualization to Change Your Life

When you want to buy something you don’t need, use visualization to reel in your frivolous spending. Imagine the item you wish to buy on the one hand in the money it costs in the other. It helps you determine if the money is worth the thing, giving you a chance to decide against spending.

When you figure out if you’d rather have the money or the item, it can help you cut back on impulse purchases. If your new habits revolve around spending, this is the perfect hack. No matter what practice you want to form, visualization can help make it happen.

Another way you can address the issue is by visualizing the amount of work you must do to pay for the item. Determine how many hours you’d have to spend working to regain the amount you’d spend. When you think of your spending this way, it’ll help you determine if each purchase is worth your time.

12. Mentally Practice

Research shows that mentally practicing a task can improve your performance. Mental practice can help you implement new habits because it makes your brain stronger. When you mentally practice, you can also give yourself a pep talk. Remember that you can do anything you set your mind to, and encourage yourself to give your best effort.

13. Use a System

Stopping a bad habit and implementing a better one both require a plan. You can’t rely on willpower and motivation because it won’t always make it happen. If willpower and motivation are your only plans, you’ll give in during moments of weakness.

Instead, develop and use systems to help you stick to your life changes. Your routines should include outside forces, making it easier to build new practices.

One system you can implement includes removing steps necessary to complete bad habits. Or make it harder to give in to temptation by adding additional steps to accomplish your bad habit. Additionally, you can eliminate steps to make beneficial habits easier to get done.

Other systems include:

  • Adding positive habits to your daily calendar
  • Tracking your daily progress
  • Journaling your journey

14. Give Yourself Time

Many people falsely believe that it takes 21 days to form new habits. However, studies show that it can take two months or longer to make a habit stick. Everyone is different, and you never know how long it will take to form automatic behaviors.

Be patient with yourself if it doesn’t happen right away. It’s hard work to change your life, but stick to it, and it’ll all pay off. Expecting immediate change or striving for the 21-day mark can set you up for failure, so remember that it could take longer.

15. Create Smaller Goals

You likely have your long-term goal in mind, but you must focus smaller than that. Break your goal down into smaller goals that are easier to accomplish because each victory will make a difference.

For example, if you want to eat healthier, set your first goal is to buy healthy foods. Determine which healthy foods you enjoy and how you can make them into a meal. Then, your second goal could be to prepare the food.

Setting these smaller goals makes you more likely to accomplish your long-term desires. You can use this method for any habit because there are always steps to take when achieving your dreams.

change your life

Final Thoughts on Knowing It’s Time to Change Your Life

Deciding to change your life can be immediate, but the change itself doesn’t always happen that fast. Don’t let that stop you from moving forward. Even the most minor steps can help reduce the negative feelings and keep the motivation for change high.

The important thing is to do something right now because your only options are to embrace change or accept things.

Either way, it is crucial for us to pay attention to how we feel and do more of what makes us feel good.

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” ~ Joseph Campbell

101 Ways to Make Others Feel Blessed

Want to be happier? Help make someone else feel special.

“Your greatness is measured by your kindness, your education and intellect by your modesty; your ignorance is betrayed by your suspicions and prejudices, and your real caliber is measured by the consideration and tolerance you have for others.” – William J.H. Boetcker

It is easy to get lost in what we need to do to get through our day. Our to-do list often takes center stage but it is when we look towards serving others that living our life goes to the next level.

Here are 101 random acts of kindness that surely will make someone feel blessed.

Random Acts of Kindness To Make Your Community Feel Blessed

  1. Become an organ donor.
  2. Pick up some trash.
  3. Serve food at a food bank.
  4. Donate blood.
  5. Donate to a charity
  6. Offer to teach a life skill at your local school.
  7. Give a homeless person a clean blanket.
  8. Plant a tree or some herbs at a community park or garden.
  9. Share important causes on social media.
  10. Buy a newly-released book for the library.
  11. Start a drive for school supplies.
  12. Leave blankets where the homeless hang out.
  13. Offer to collect donations from your neighbors and take to a local charity.
  14. Donate your time to story hour at a local hospital.
  15. Organize a graffiti clean up crew.
  16. Volunteer at a polling place.
  17. Compliment a service worker to their boss.
  18. Donate adoption and service fees to a local shelter.
  19. Pick a favorite trail and adopt it by keeping it clean and raising funds to preserve it.
  20. Pull weeds during a walk.
  21. Thank city workers when you see them.
  22. Bring dinner to first responders during an emergency.
  23. Start a kindness bartering system.
  24. Become a mentor.
  25. Volunteer at the local College Resource Center.
  26. Create a community board to help solicit volunteers for local causes.

Random Acts of Kindness That Make Family and Friends Feel Blessed

  1. Send a photograph to a grandparent.
  2. Forgive someone.
  3. Take your neighbor’s trash bins in.
  4. Tell a friend she’s beautiful.
  5. Be quick to apologize.
  6. Find ways to help someone.
  7. Put a love note in someone’s lunch or in their coat pocket.
  8. Invite a friend to dinner.
  9. Offer to babysit.
  10. Give a friend of framed photo of the two of you.
  11. Write someone thank you for being a friend note.
  12. Borrow a friend’s car and get it cleaned.
  13. Hug someone for no reason.
  14. Send a postcard.
  15. Drop a meal off at a friend’s house.
  16. Call and tell someone you love them.
  17. Tell someone what you like about them.
  18. Send someone a care package with things you made by hand.
  19. Send a gift card to someone who needs cheering up.
  20. Tell your boss why you like working with them.
  21. Create a family and friends cookbook.
  22. Buy two books, one for you and one for a friend.
  23. Put a family story to paper and frame it.
  24. Organize a week’s worth of meals for friends going through a tough time.
  25. Do a chore for someone without asking.
  26. Upon return from a trip, fill someone’s refrigerator with some necessities.
  27. Rake your neighbor’s yard.
  28. Organize a neighborhood potluck.

Random Acts of Kindness That Make Strangers Feel Blessed

  1. Smile at the people you pass.
  2. Add money to an expired meter.
  3. Leave your change.
  4. Start a conversation with someone new.
  5. Hold the door.
  6. Pay for someone behind you.
  7. Allow someone to go ahead of you.
  8. Tell a stranger their child is beautiful.
  9. Give up your seat.
  10. Use your server’s name.
  11. Take your mom, dad or both out to dinner.
  12. Compliment someone for no reason.
  13. Leave your mail carrier a thank you note and a bottle of water.
  14. Wave hello to as many people as you can.
  15. Say hello and make eye contact.
  16. Stop and offer help to someone on the side of the road.
  17. Offer to help load groceries.
  18. Pay for a stranger’s meal.
  19. Buy a bunch of balloons and hand them out at a park.
  20. Buy an extra meal and give it to a homeless person.

Random Acts of Kindness … Just Because

  1. Say please, thank you and you’re welcome all day.
  2. Be happy for someone else’s achievements.
  3. Stop and pet a dog.
  4. Tape a coupon to a product.
  5. Hang a bird feeder outside our neighbor’s window
  6. Smile when talking on the phone.
  7. Leave a book behind.
  8. Make art and give it away.
  9. Pick up the tab.
  10. Bring cookies to work.
  11. Leave a big tip.
  12. Buy an extra treat in the vending machine and leave it.
  13. Put your phone away and look at the other person when talking.
  14. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  15. Let someone cut in front of you in line.
  16. Let cars merge into your lane.
  17. Genuinely compliment others.
  18. Listen and be a kind voice.
  19. Change the tone of a negative conversation.
  20. Defend someone when they are being gossiped about.
  21. Offer your friendship to some new in town.
  22. Bring in your neighbor’s trash cans.
  23. Have a real conversation with someone who is serving you.
  24. Help out at your child’s school.
  25. Keep an extra umbrella handy to loan out on rainy days.
  26. Be on time.
  27. Let someone else steal your parking spot.

In the end, the very best way to make others feel blessed is to bring a positive outlook to every encounter, to think of how you can serve others, and most importantly to be kind. All of these things will leave a positive impact on people you know and even those you don’t, but the biggest impact will be on you.

5 Ways to Repair Burned Bridges

“Be careful when burning bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.” – Unknown

There are times in life when our emotions get the best of us. We say things we don’t mean, we take a stand that really isn’t important, and we leave a relationship unattended all because we can’t figure out how to approach a challenging situation.

Burning a bridge might be necessary sometimes, but in most cases, it can seriously impact our life by closing doors and limiting certain opportunities.

Whether it’s a friend, a family member or even an acquaintance, life is too short, and we need all the friends we can get. It is rarely a good idea to cut someone off forever.

Burning bridges doesn’t accomplish much. Everyone involved is damaged, and no one leaves the situation unscathed. In the end, what does burning a bridge accomplish? Nothing at all. Instead, take the energy spent trying to burn the bridge and try repairing it instead.

Here are five ways to repair burned bridges.

1 – Make The First Move

The hardest part of repairing a damaged relationship is making the first move. Neither person wants to be the first, and that’s because it is scary being vulnerable by reaching out and beginning the healing.

Be aware that it might take more than making eye contact or smiling in their direction. Take the time to arrange a meeting and make your intentions clear. Many times, making the first move can be seen as an apology and be okay with that.

No one is blameless in a damaged relationship. Be intent on making amends and not determining fault. We must recognize our part in it and be willing to do what it takes. Making that intent known will go a long way to opening the lines of communication.

2 – Seek Forgiveness

Forgiveness must happen on both sides to move forward through a difficult situation. Ask forgiveness and grant it, recognizing both parties played a role.

It is important to realize that forgiveness looks different for everyone. The goal is to walk away with no hard feelings and the commitment to keep the situation in the past.

It is important to be honest, not only about the responsibility of each person to the situation but as to what the expectations are going forward. Use bridge repairing as a time to take the lessons learned and strengthen your relationship moving forward.

3 – Communicate Openly and Honestly

The bridge can only be repaired if everyone involved agrees to communicate openly and honestly. There may be things that are difficult to say and to hear, but without the commitment to communicate, those things will continue to fester giving a false sense of hope.

A solid relationship is not built on lies or false hopes. Everyone deserves the truth, and when given in love, it will help bring the relationship to a new level and demonstrate a willingness to make it work.

4 – Listen to and Accept Feedback

Talking is only one-half of the communication plan. We must also be willing to listen and accept the other person’s perceptions of the situation. We base our understanding of what happened on our perceptions, but the other person may have a completely different view.

It is with this knowledge that listening and accepting feedback can repair the bridge. It’s important that we know how we feel and respect the feelings of the other person. When we open our hearts to allow the other person’s perceptions, we can move forward with respect and grace.

Listening and knowing you are heard is a critical piece of any conflict resolution, and no bridge can be rebuilt without it.

5 – Be Willing to Compromise

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” ~ John F. Kennedy

To repair a burned bridge, compromise is the best way to move forward through the conflict. It’s impossible to put the bridge back together if someone feels they are doing all the giving.

By the time the bridge is burned, there is usually more than one situation that contributed to it. Be willing to stand up for what is important and then be willing to compromise. Let the stuff that doesn’t matter go.

Go forward knowing routines may need to change, habits will be altered and new expectations will be set. Approach repairing the bridge with eyes wide open.

Final Thoughts on Your Efforts to Repair Burned Bridges

Know there is work to be done and the first step is being focused on making the relationship work. We must enter committed to repairing the hurt and putting our egos aside, knowing the relationship matters, and it’s worth the effort.

In what ways have you repaired burned bridges? What have you found to be the most effective tool in reaching a compromise and strengthening your relationships?

12 Life Lessons Learned From B.B. King

Throughout his life, B.B. King released over 50 albums and was considered the “king of the blues” for more than six decades. He influenced countless musicians with his staccato guitar-picking style and smooth, yet powerful voice, and though he passed away just yesterday, his legacy will never be forgotten.

He won 15 GRAMMY Awards® throughout his career as a blues musician and made an everlasting mark on the music industry, as well as the lives of people he touched through his songs. We can learn valuable lessons from all those who have come before us, including the legendary B.B. King.

Here are some of his most memorable quotes and lessons he taught us:


1. “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”

He learned the fundamentals of blues from his cousin, Bukka White, and once he mastered the art of blues, he put his own unique spin on blues music. He taught us that it’s important to learn from others, but also to stay true to your heart and express what you’ve learned in your own special way.

2. “We all have idols. Play like anyone you care about, but try to be yourself while you’re doing it.”

Yet again, he showed us that you can share a talent with many others in the world, but to honor yourself and never stray from what feels right in your own heart. Never sacrifice your individuality for fortune or fame – those come as a byproduct of simply being yourself.

3. “I don’t think it’s meant for man to know everything at once.”

4. “Growing up, I was taught that a man has to defend his family. When the wolf is trying to get in, you gotta stand in the doorway. He has to get through you first before he gets into the house to get your family. I’m one of those guys who wants to be in that door.”

A very poignant quote from the blues icon himself, he showed us that above all, we must protect those we love, and stand by them no matter what comes knocking at the door.

5. While he didn’t say this directly, he taught us to never give up and never get complacent even when we’ve reached our goals. He remained on tour well into his 80s, showing us that when you truly love something and feel it deep within your bones, it becomes a part of you that you can’t ever give up.

6. Any time that people think enough of you to put up something that’s everlasting is only going to make you feel good.”

7. “I don’t think anybody steals anything; all of us borrow.”

He knew that all of us come to Earth with nothing, and leave with nothing. Therefore, we all share the resources we have during our time here; even if it’s not a popular viewpoint, he expressed it openly and honestly anyway, making him even more memorable as a blues artist.

8. “I never wanted to be like other blues singers. I might like hearing them play, but I’ve never wanted to be anyone other than myself. There are a few people I’ve wished I could play like, but when I tried, it didn’t work.”

9. “If there was no ladies, I wouldn’t wanna be on the planet. Ladies, friends, and music – without those three, I wouldn’t wanna be here.”

10. “I never use that word – retire.”

11. “There are so many sounds I still want to make, so many things I haven’t yet done.”

He showed us to never let your excitement and desire for life fade away; always find something to stay passionate about, and do things that make you feel thankful and honored to be here.

12. “You only live but once, and when your died your done, so let the good times roll.”

Though he may not have written these lyrics, he certainly lived them and showed us to take life by the horns and give our best effort at each new sunrise. He truly appreciated every day he spent on Earth, and we will always remember him for his contagious smiles, positive attitude, and willingness to live each day like it was his last.

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