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20 of the Most Memorable Quotes About Romance

20 of the Most Memorable Quotes About Romance

When you’re in a deep romance, finding the right words to express the love you feel can be challenging. Quotes about romance can help you get your point across, and they’re a romantic gesture for your partner. There are many ways to show someone how much you care, and inspirational quotes are one of the best.

You want to share a message that shows the depth and meaning of how you feel about them. You might not know exactly what to say unless you’re a poet. Luckily, these quotes about romance can help you, and your partner will cherish the meaning.

You can memorize the lines and share these quotes with your partner in person. Or, you can send it in a text message or write it out in a note. No matter how you choose to share the quotes about romance, your partner will get butterflies and remember why they care for you.

Romance can be intense, and its feelings are sometimes difficult to explain. These quotes about romance can help you explain to your partner just how you feel, allowing them to understand. As you read through these inspirational quotes, keep your loved one in mind and share the ones that resonate the most.

Inspirational Quotes About Romance That Withstand the Test of Time

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  1. “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

When you’ve found someone special, don’t hesitate to let them know. If they are the person for you, tell them there is no one else for you. You connect on a deeper level, and your partner will be happy to know how you feel.

  1. “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” – Leo Christopher

Your feelings continue to grow, even when you think you couldn’t feel any deeper about someone. This quote about romance is sweet and shows your increasing feelings about the person you care about.

  1. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” – Pablo Neruda

Sometimes you can’t explain how or why you fell for someone, but you know you did. When that happens, this is the perfect quote for you.

  1. “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë

When you’ve met your soulmate, they’ll seem to be more like you than you are. They’ll know you intimately, and you’ll feel connected as one.

  1. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.” – Oscar Wilde

This quote by Wilde reminds you of how much light romance brings to your life. It enriches every part of your being and allows you to embrace life fully.

  1. “I can no longer think of anything but you. In spite of myself, my imagination carries me to you. I grasp you, I kiss you, I caress you, a thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me.” – Honoré de Balzac

Telling your partner that you can’t stop thinking about them is sweet, but this quote says it in a much deeper way. Romance can be all-consuming, as described in the details of Balzac’s imagination.

  1. “Because of you, I can feel myself slowly, but surely, becoming the me I have always dreamed of being.” – Tyler Knott Gregson

Your person will make you feel like the best version of yourself yet. You’ll strive to become better and live the life of your dreams when you have a loving partner by your side.

  1. “Don’t ever think I fell for you or fell over you. I didn’t fall in love, I rose in it.” – Toni Morrison

Saying you fell for someone makes it sound like you didn’t have a choice. However, using the words of Morrison make it sound much more wonderful.

When you rise instead of falling, it implies that you knew what was happening every step of the way. It also shows that you cherish the experience as it was a moment that rose you up as an individual.

  1. “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim

You think your partner is perfect when you first meet someone and start falling for them. As time goes on, you’ll see their flaws and imperfections. However, Lim explains that those imperfections make you care for your partner more.

  1. “Love, whether newly born or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

Romance should bring you joy and happiness each day, no matter how long you’ve felt it. This quote about romance by Hawthorne will tell your partner that their presence does this to you. It’ll bring a smile and fill their world with sunshine, too.

quotes about romance

  1. “I have for the first time found what I can truly love – I have found you. You are my sympathy – my better self – my good angel – I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wrap my existence about you – and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.” – Charlotte Brontë

These words are passionate and truly explain what it’s like to be in an intense romance for the first time. Your partner becomes your world, and you don’t see a thing wrong with them. You become part of your partner, and they become part of you.

  1. “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” -Marilyn Monroe

It doesn’t take much to make your partner feel giddy and excited when you’re in a deep romance. Monroe explains that a forehead kiss or meaningful smile can entice those emotions.

  1. “Deep within us — no matter who we are — there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable, of wanting to be the kind of person that others like to be with. And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved and capable of loving.” – Fred Rogers

Everyone wants to be lovable and have people who want to spend time with them. This quote reminds you to tell your romantic partner how much they mean to you whenever you can. It’ll make them feel good and allow them to share their feelings with you, too.

  1. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

Strength and courage can get you far in life and improve your relationship. Don’t be afraid to fall for someone and accept the same in return. Romance can improve your life as long as you’re willing to open up to your partner.

  1. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” – Alfred Tennyson

When someone seems to be on your mind, don’t be afraid to let them know. Make it clear that thoughts of them fill your mind and make your life more beautiful.

  1. “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” – Sarah Dessen

You can’t pick when or where you will fall for someone. It happens unexpectedly and quickly, as Dessen explains.

  1. “Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones

Life goes on even if you’re not in a relationship, but it might not be as meaningful. Romance makes the experience exciting, bringing light to your life each day.

  1. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” – Bruce Lee

The flame will be fresh and shocking at the beginning of a romance. It’ll glow for everyone to see, but eventually, the intensity wears off. Then it becomes a part of you, always present and untouchable.

  1. “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known, and even that is an understatement.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

This quote about romance is sure to send chills through your partner’s body. It is flattering and expresses deep feelings, bringing inspiration to your relationship.

  1. “You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.” – William Faulkner

When you fall for someone, you embrace their negative qualities and faults. You enjoy everything about them, not just the things they’re good at.


Final Thoughts on Inspirational Quotes About Romance That Withstand the Test of Time

These quotes about romance will allow you to find the right words to explain your feelings for your partner. It’ll improve your relationship and help your partner understand how you feel. They might even reply with quotes, allowing you to share meaningful messages.

Whatever way you choose to share the quotes will be meaningful to both of you. You might want to keep some of the passages where you’ll often see them. It’ll bring a smile to your face whenever you think of your partner.

How To Live a Fuller Life Without Losing Yourself

Your goal is to live a fuller life and be true to yourself. If you constantly try to mold yourself into the person others want, you will be someone you’re not proud of who never makes progress. How can you be happy if you’re living according to everyone else’s standards for your life?

When you were born, your parents taught you morals and principles to help you become the person they envisioned. However, when you reached adulthood, you felt lost as you tried to rediscover yourself. So many teens become rebellious at eighteen, trying to take what they were taught and mingle it with their beliefs and freedom.

Let Go of The Opinions of Others to Have a Fuller Life

As a toddler, your parents told you how you were to talk to others, how to sit correctly, and how to behave. Want an example that you’re still doing some of the things you learned in your younger years? Well, how often do you say “I’m fine” when people ask you how you’re doing, but you know that inside, you’re nothing of the sort.

You don’t mean you’re good, but you try to hide your truths because you want to be a different person who doesn’t have all the burdens. One of the ways that you lose your true self is by not being honest with yourself and those around you.

Have you ever considered what your life would be like if you could be who you are without hesitation? What would happen if you took off the mask and spoke your truths without reservations? Would others celebrate and respect you, or would you lose some friends?

In a perfect world, others would accept you regardless of all your flaws and imperfections, and you wouldn’t need to hide from others.

fuller life

Acknowledge and Accept Your Feelings for a Fuller Life

The world around you is infused with negativity, and it’s hard to remain positive when there’s so much chaos. When someone asks you how you’re doing, giving the standard response of “I’m good” can cause harm to your emotional and mental well-being. It’s called false positivity, which inhibits you from living a fuller life and being confident.

It’s challenging to acknowledge your feelings and accept that you’re not perfect. Conversely, when you admit that there’s a problem, you can take steps to fix it. When you go out of your way to hide these emotions, you will suffer from feelings of sadness rather than acceptance.

Do you have courage, or do you think you tower when people want to talk about emotions and feelings? It takes courage to stand up and speak the truth, but you can do it. When you accept that you have faults and things aren’t perfect, you can become more confident and assertive.

You’re a unique individual who isn’t perfect, so it’s high time you stop pretending. While you need to be respectful of others and always be polite, you don’t have to live by what others think is suitable for your life. You get to call the shots in your life, as it’s yours alone.

Are You Being Honest with Yourself?

When you consider dishonesty, you probably think of someone lying to another person. However, you can be just as dishonest with yourself and cause distress. To live a fuller life, you must have self-discipline and value honesty above all else.

The chances are that you lie to yourself every day and don’t even realize it. Here are some classic ways that you’re dishonest:

  • You fake a smile because you don’t want anyone to see your true feelings.
  • You live your life seeking the approval of others.
  • You’re unhappy when others don’t like your choices, so you conform.
  • Your emotional state is not good, and you find your days sad than happy.
  • It’s common for you to feel cornered and like you have no other choices.
  • You don’t feel that people listen to you or value your opinions.
  • Gaining the approval of others is one of the most important things to you.
  • The things that once made you happy don’t bring any joy anymore.
  • You’re grumpy, moody, and often feel exhausted.

How does life look if you’re true to yourself and living according to your desires? Here are a few things that will occur when you have the self-discipline to live in truth:

  • You set goals, crush them easily, and believe in yourself.
  • Negativity doesn’t bother you anymore, as you’ve learned to be flexible and keep an open mind.
  • You no longer let fear dominate your life, and you’ve learned to embrace the unknown.
  • Taking risks isn’t as scary, and you trust your inner voice and gut feelings.
  • You embrace mindful living and find joy in the smallest of things.
  • Rather than pushing your problems under the rug, you face them head-on.
  • Expressing yourself has become much more manageable.
  • You like yourself and enjoy the person you’ve become.
  • You’re able to have deep and meaningful conversations and enjoy them.
  • You don’t care about the opinions of others as you know that your opinion is the only one that counts.
  • You’re grounded and secure and love sitting outside, hearing the birds sing, and being in nature.

Five Ways You Can Be True to Yourself as You Pursue a Fuller Life

Perhaps you want to set goals and start the journey to be more true to yourself to live a fuller life, but you don’t know how to start. That’s okay. The key is to take baby steps in this new journey. There’s no rush to get anything done, as slow and steady always wins the race.

fuller life

1. Understand It’s Okay to Feel the Way You Do

To start your journey to being more faithful to yourself, you must learn to accept the things you can’t change. While you can change your clothes, hairstyle, weight, and other physical characteristics, other things take much work. Your emotions are part of you, and you need to learn that it’s okay to have the feelings you experience.

You must be authentic and have confidence in yourself that’s unbreakable. When someone asks you how you’re doing, you must be honest and courageous and speak the truth.

2. You Must Take Charge of Your Attitude to Have a Fuller Life

If you want to progress and live a fuller life, you need to know that you can’t always be in charge. Life is constantly changing, and you must learn to roll with the punches. Changing your attitude can alter everything.

It’s easy to develop a bad attitude when things don’t go your way, but this is where you need to focus on the positive aspects more than the negative ones. Stop being so caught up in the “should” and “what ifs” and focus on there here and now. Don’t keep turning around and looking at the past but look to a brighter future.

3. Do What You Want Without Fear of Judgement

Everyone has an opinion about your life and how you should live it, but you must realize that the only person who truly matters is you. Sure, you can consider the thoughts and feelings of your spouse, children, and parents, but you can’t let them dictate your choices. To live a fuller life, you need to realize you’re enough and that your opinions are essential.

4. Learn To Forgive Yourself as Well as Others

According to Dr. Helen Brown from Positive Psychology, you must practice self-compassion exercises to ensure you forgive yourself. You’re your worst critic, and you blame yourself every time you fail. Stop crying over spilled milk, pick yourself up, and keep going.

When you do fall, and you will, you need to learn not to blame others. Accept that you made a mistake and find a way to learn from it. Dr. Brown further states that you must balance taking responsibility for your actions and keeping a positive sense of self.

5. Know Your Limits

Learn why you should set boundaries with other people–and for yourself. Do you often take on more than you can handle?

It’s a common problem when people don’t know how to say no. The boundaries you set for your life can be multifaceted, and they can include these types:

  • Emotional
  • Intimacy
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Digital

If you always find yourself exhausted, you must evaluate your boundaries. Examine the times you’ve said “yes” when you should have said “no.” When it comes to living a fuller life and the boundaries of others, never be afraid to stand up for yourself.


Final Thoughts on How to Live Life by Staying True to Yourself

Things change for the better when you begin becoming more faithful to yourself. You will start to recognize your genuine emotions and become stronger. You will learn that the opinion of others matters very little, as you’re living your life for yourself.

Taking off the mask of the fake version of you is freeing. It’s hard to live behind the shadows of what others expect and your failures but cut yourself some slack. Today can be a new day and a fresh start. When you’re true to yourself, you live a fuller life with sweet contentment.

20 Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

If you want to love yourself, you must decide to do so. It’s not always easy, especially when times get hard, but these daily affirmations can make all the difference. The positive phrases can help you refocus and shift your mindset as you remember to love yourself always.

Protecting your mental health and wellbeing requires self-love to get you through each day. You must take care of your mind, body, and soul to live the most fulfilling life possible. Learning to embrace who you are is a journey you must continually work on.

While you take steps to improve who you are each day, it’s still essential that you practice self-love right now. Embrace who you are today, and use these daily affirmations to help you get there. These phrases can encourage positive thoughts as you change how you treat yourself.

Think of the ways you’d speak to a friend or loved one, and then use those same concepts on yourself. Stay positive, forgive yourself, and celebrate your successes. Use these daily affirmations as a reminder to love yourself every day.

Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

Affirmations can change your life as they promote a positive mindset. They give you the motivation to live your best life while allowing you to embrace all of the good around you. Using daily affirmations to remind you to love yourself can give you a new understanding of self-love, improving all areas of your life.

daily affirmation

1 – I will evolve into the best version of myself, and I love myself every step of the way.

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you can’t improve areas of weakness. You can always learn more and develop into an even better person than you are right now. Use this affirmation as a reminder that you’re amazing the way you are, even if you haven’t achieved your goals yet.

Loving yourself through all of the steps of your transformation will help you enjoy life as you go along. Plus, it’ll help you identify the areas of your life that need work, too, allowing you to grow even more.

2 – I love my body for all it has done for me.

Your body protects you and keeps you alive, so it’s only fitting that you love it. Take care of yourself so that your body can continue doing its job. When you acknowledge how extraordinary you are, it’s easier to love yourself each day.

3 – I believe in myself and trust my instincts.

When you believe in yourself, you’ll have the confidence to love who you are. Believing in yourself also means trusting your instincts because they’re usually correct.

If you don’t feel right about something, believe in your gut and make some changes. Living this way allows you to love yourself enough to walk away from potentially detrimental situations.

4 – I am worthy of love every day.

There will be days when you feel like you don’t deserve love, but you must push those thoughts away. Use this daily affirmation to remind yourself that you are worthy of love no matter what. Don’t let your negative thoughts convince you that you aren’t worthy, and use this affirmation to shift that thought process.

5 – I embrace everything about this present moment.

When you embrace the present, it helps you love yourself right now. It allows you to see that everything is okay and that it’ll all work out. Then, you can focus on making the most of it and taking care of yourself as you move forward.

6 – I recognize change for the gift that it is.

Life inevitably changes, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can let the change overwhelm you and disrupt your peace, or you can recognize it as a gift. When things change, it’s a new beginning for this time in your life.

Embracing it will help you put your best effort into making it work for you. Plus, it’s an excellent time to make other necessary changes to better your life, too.

7 – I appreciate my mind, body, and soul.

Your mind, body, and soul are your expressions of individuality. Embrace what makes you different because it’s what makes you who you are. The world wouldn’t be the wonder that it is if everyone was the same, so appreciate everything about yourself.

8 – I plan to make a positive impact on the universe.

If you ever feel like you don’t make a difference in the world, this affirmation is for you. Even when it doesn’t seem like you did much, you positively impacted those around you. You are valuable to the world, and recognizing your impact can improve your wellbeing and mental health.

9 – I love my mind and positive thoughts.

Your mind does impressive things continually, so don’t hesitate to remind yourself of it. As you learn to love your mind, you’ll recognize a shift in your thinking patterns. Negativity won’t take over as often, and you’ll see that you love yourself much more, too.

10 – I promise to let go of pain and permitting myself to heal.

When you hold onto pain and ruminate about the past, it can stand in the way of loving yourself. Holding onto pain won’t do you any good, so it’s best if you let go of it. Use this affirmation each morning to remind yourself that you can let go and move forward. Once you start believing it, you’ll find that you love yourself much more and can fully embrace life.

daily affirmations

11 – I will build the life I want for myself.

This life is yours to live, and you can make it whatever you want it to be. There is no limit to what you can do, but you must believe in yourself first. This affirmation can help you remember that you’re in control, allowing you to love yourself for the life you’re creating.

12 – I am confident and recognize my self-worth.

Being confident and recognizing your self-worth is essential if you want to love yourself. With confidence, anything is possible, and you’ll feel good about the skin you’re in. You won’t doubt yourself as often, and you’ll stop unfairly comparing yourself to others. This affirmation can impact your overall life and wellbeing, so don’t leave it out of your routine.

13 – I celebrate my achievements, no matter how small.

As you work toward your dreams, you’ll want to set smaller goals along the way. These smaller goals are just as essential as the overall picture, and they deserve celebration. When you celebrate your small achievements, it helps you love yourself as your confidence and motivation increase.

14 – I accept who I am at this moment.

You’re constantly changing, even if you don’t notice it every day. As you gain wisdom, you become a better version of yourself. However, that doesn’t mean you should wait to love yourself. Learn to accept who you are right now, and you’ll have an easier time identifying your self-worth.

15 – I am enough, and I don’t have to be like anyone else.

You’re enough as you are right now. This daily affirmation reminds you to stop comparing yourself to others because you don’t need to be like them. You are the person you were meant to be, and you are more than enough.

16 – I am a better version of myself right now than I was in the past.

You might not be where you want to be yet, but you’re getting better every day. When you remember your progress, you’re sure to experience self-love and confidence each day, too.

17 – I am kind to myself in all situations.

Being kind to yourself is the most critical aspect of self-love. You must treat yourself with respect and push away negative thoughts. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend because you deserve the same level of kindness.

18 – I embrace my failures because they are opportunities for growth and learning.

Everyone fails sometimes, but it’s not something to beat yourself up over. Instead, learn to recognize these situations as opportunities for growth. When you learn from your mistakes, it helps you love yourself and embrace your mistakes.

19 – I deserve happiness and good things at all times in my life.

If you repeat this affirmation each morning, you’ll be open to new opportunities and experiences. It reminds you that you deserve good things, and you’ll love yourself more because of it.

20 – I am at peace with this stage of my life.

Even if you aren’t where you want to end up, you can find peace in your life right now. When you tell yourself that you’re at ease, you’ll feel calmer and happier. This all leads to loving yourself a little more each day.

daily affirmations

Final Thoughts on Daily Affirmations to Remind You to Love Yourself

These daily affirmations remind you that you are worthy of love and should be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, and recognize your failures as learning opportunities.

You become a better version of yourself each day, but you can love yourself as you are right now. When you love yourself, your life will drastically improve, allowing you to experience meaningful opportunities.

15 Things to Expect When Dating an Extrovert

Experts say that people are either introverts or extroverts. Whatever side of the spectrum you find yourself on may be confusing when you’re dating someone with the opposite personality. For instance, an introvert dating an extrovert presents unique challenges. That’s because the extrovert isn’t the individual that wants to stay home and watch movies, as they have places to go and people to see. On the other hand, their introverted partner loves nothing more than spending quality time together in peace and quiet.

People are drawn to extroverted folks as they tend to be the life of the party. They thrive by going from one social gathering to the next. It’s hard to understand this personality if you’re introverted and need your batteries recharged. Their tenacious spirit makes them live by different rules, and they don’t like to spend time alone.

Dating an extrovert is a massive adjustment for the introvert. While you crave time alone, they can’t imagine wasting an evening relaxing. Sure, it can baffle you when you have your opposite, but you know that opposites can make a beautiful pairing.

Fifteen Things to Expect When Dating an Extrovert

You must keep an open mind in your relationship, as you will need to understand the needs of this personality. Dating an extrovert will come with challenges, but you need to embrace the diversity of their personality.

You can have a rewarding relationship with the extrovert, but you need to learn a few things to understand them truly. Here are some things to consider before getting involved with the fun-loving extrovert.

dating an extrovert

1. Conversations Come Natural

Due to the outgoing nature of the extrovert, conversations come very easy to them. You don’t need to worry about breaking the ice or having long pauses between the dialogue. They will engage with you and can chat the night away.

They tend to be experts at keeping the conversation going, and they can talk about anything to anyone, so it puts you at ease.

2. It’s Easy for Them to Be Overextended

Introverts tend to pack their schedule tight to avoid any wasteful downtime. The only problem with this is that they can cram too much into their lives and become overwhelmed. When dating this person, you might need to help them learn to relax and chill.

3. Staying Home is Not an Option if You Are Dating an Extrovert

While you may have a night of lounging in pajamas and watching Netflix in mind, they have something else on the itinerary. They want to be out and about and couldn’t imagine wasting a whole night at home couch surfing. Learning a healthy balance that suits both of you may be a challenge, but dating an extrovert requires you to step out of your comfort zone a bit.

4. They Live for Stimulating and Exciting Activities

The extrovert is very adventurous and loves to try new things. They don’t focus on the inside as their focus is more outward. They’re looking for stimulating activities that excite them, so things like an adrenaline-rushing amusement park would be perfect.

If you’re planning dates for this person, why not choose a new restaurant with a food type they’ve never tried, or take them on something adventurous like rock climbing? Remember, the more exciting the activity, the more they will love it.

5. They Like to Talk

This person has a lot to say. They want to share their day and tell stories about things in their life. Remember that they talk when they’re happy, sad, or mad, so you may not have a moment’s peace.

The unique thing about this person is they often talk to think out loud, so don’t be surprised if your partner is chatting away in the grocery store checkout line.

6. They’re About More Than Partying

It’s easy to think that extroverts are more about partying and getting the next thrill than considering work. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to Psych Reel, the extrovert is often very successful in life because of their ability to interact with ease socially.

These folks have deep values and want to be successful, but they show it in different ways. Extroverts can be very smart, serious, and considerate of other folks. You might have to be the man behind the woman or vice versa, and you need to be comfortable with their successes.

7. You Always Know Where You Stand if You’re Dating an Extrovert

Don’t you hate those relationships where people play mind games, and you’re constantly guessing if they like you or not? Well, when dating an extrovert, you won’t have that problem. These folks are outgoing and assertive enough to tell you exactly how they feel. They won’t beat around the bush and keep you guessing as they shoot from the hip.

dating an extrovert

8. It’s Easy to Get to Know Them

Since these individuals don’t play mind games, please don’t put up walls and have no problem opening up. They’re easy to get to know. You won’t feel like you’re pulling teeth to get them to talk. You’ll probably know their entire life story by date number two, but they might get a little upset at your inability to tell your tale.

9. They Like to be The Center of Attention

The extrovert thrives on thrill-seeking and being on center stage. They would have no problem volunteering in an audience to help with a demonstration. They’re the person that can sing karaoke at the local club, whether they have a gift for singing or not. They don’t embarrass easily, and if something looks like fun, then they’re all in.

10. If You’re Dating an Extrovert, You’ll Realize How Stimulating They Find Other People

The extroverted person needs to be around others. Unlike the introvert that recharges their batteries by being alone, the extrovert must have people around. They feel energized by social events, and if they’re sad and lonely, being with friends can cheer them up.

11. They Live By “The More, The Merrier” Philosophy

There may be times in your relationship when you feel like you want time alone with your partner. It’s hard to do that sometimes with extroverts as they love to have people around them.

If entertaining guests for dinner, you may think that four or five friends are acceptable, but they’ve already invited 20. They see things very differently and live by the philosophy “the more, the merrier.”

12. They’re Not Clingy and Don’t Need You

It would help if you learned balance with the extrovert, as there will be times when you feel that you’re not needed. If you’re looking for someone who is clingy and will give you their undivided attention, then you’re with the wrong person. They have no problem ditching you for a friend if you refuse to go to a concert or movie they want to see.

13. They’re Not Flirtatious – It’s Just Their Personality

You’re going to have to accept the fact that they like people, and this includes both women and men. There will be times that their personality comes across like they’re being flirtatious, but it’s just their natural, bubbly way. If you’re the jealous type, you need to understand their practices, as it can cause much confusion.

It’s not uncommon for the extrovert’s ways to be misinterpreted, but it’s just their warmth and friendly nature that’s shining through. They will strike up a conversation and smile with the waitress or your grandpa, and it doesn’t mean anything to them as they see it as being friendly.

14. Dating an Extrovert Can Be Easy Because They’re Adaptable

One thing you will love about dating an extrovert is how they’re very adaptable. They know life will throw unexpected curveballs, but they’ve learned to go with the flow. Since they’re so adventurous, they can change plans without getting all upset.

15. Their Inner Circle is Massive

Since this person is the life of the party, they don’t need their partner as much as the introverted person. They won’t beg you to go to a concert or movie with them. If you don’t want to go, they have tons of other people they will ask instead.

You must realize that you have to share with the extrovert as they have a large inner circle, so you may find yourself alone if you refuse to go out and mingle.

dating an extrovert

Final Thoughts on What to Expect When Dating an Extrovert

When dating an extrovert, you must be a strong person, as their personality will outshine you at times. Licensed social worker Tracey Ross contributed to a piece stating that it’s not uncommon for introverts and extroverts to be attracted to one another.

The extroverted person wishes they knew how to settle down and have a night at home, while the introvert wants someone to make them feel freer and step outside their comfort zone. You can have a beautiful relationship if you take time to understand one another, but it’s not going to be easy.

As with all relationships, there’s give and take. You must be willing to go out and be among the people some, and they must be willing to stay at home and couch surf on occasion.

It’s possible to have a thriving relationship if you both give a little. Meeting in the middle and understanding each other’s needs is the key to thriving.

15 Signs of Social Anxiety Most People Don’t Understand

Social anxiety is a severe mental health disorder that can paralyze you. You may find that you’re nervous and prefer your alone time, as being around people sends your anxiety into an uproar. However, the signs of social anxiety are not often understood by those who’ve never experienced them.

While the core symptoms are the same for most, there are always some variations in your condition. For instance, one person may have social anxiety that makes getting behind the wheel impossible, as they’ve developed claustrophobia along with it. In contrast, another person may struggle to go to the doctor’s office to get help because of the crowded waiting room.

According to the Mayo Clinic, social anxiety disorder is similar to the feelings of butterflies in your stomach before a presentation. It’s also called social phobia, and it can cause significant limitations on your life if you do not seek treatment.

Fifteen Signs of Social Anxiety

It’s challenging for folks who don’t suffer from anxiety to understand the debilitating nature. They may tell you that you need to go shopping anyway as it will help you get better. Well, while exposure therapy can help, it’s not always so cut and dry. Here are some signs of social anxiety that many people don’t understand.

signs of social anxiety

1. Turning Down Invitations Can Be a First Sign of Social Anxiety

People with social anxiety turn down invitations to birthday parties and other events. It’s not that they don’t want to go, but their fear won’t allow such mingling with other people. Some folks can easily take this wrong and think that the person is coming across as snobbish, but nothing could be further from the truth.

2. Refusing to Leave the Home

The person with these high levels of anxiety finds comfort in their home. It’s imperative to seek help as people who isolate can quickly have their social anxiety turn into a more severe condition called agoraphobia. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, agoraphobia affects around one-tenth of the population.

3. Panic Attacks Go Hand-in-Hand With Social Anxiety

When a person suffering from anxiety reaches a boiling point, the body sends powerful hormones into protect. While these hormones are vital in dangerous situations, the body feels that every social situation is precarious. Having a panic attack in a public place only acerbates the issues, as the person with signs of social anxiety won’t want to return there.

4. Sweating Profusely

When you’re in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, you may begin to sweat. This response is another sign of the overproduction of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Most people don’t understand why you sweat so much, but it’s your anxiety in overdrive.

5. Skipping Grocery Stores

To someone who needs a gallon of milk, they think nothing of stopping at the supermarket and picking up what they need. However, to a person with social anxiety, that trip into the store might be worse than having a tooth pulled. Going to big box grocery stores with wide-open spaces and large crowds can be a nightmare.

6. Refusing Treatment

When you’re sick, you go to the doctor for help. However, when a person suffers from social anxiety, the doctor’s office brings much discomfort. Many people go without treatment simply because they’re afraid of the waiting room and the people there.

7. Social Anxiety Often Stems from Fearing Judgment

Part of the signs of social anxiety comes from the fear of judgment. Many folks are afraid that others will judge them harshly or unfairly. Remember, anxiety puts all sorts of thoughts into your mind and will make you think about things that aren’t true.

8. Waiting for Impending Doom

The number one reason people don’t want to go to the stores and other places where there are many people is that they fear a panic attack. You may be afraid that you will pass out, cause a spectacle of yourself, or have all eyes on you. Your anxiety can turn you into a hermit because it’s making you deliberate stuff that’s not likely to happen.

signs of social anxiety

9. Avoiding Driving

One of the signs of social anxiety that isn’t easily recognized is the fear of driving. Other things can also cause driving concerns, but it’s likely caused by being in a situation where you feel there’s no escape. Some people can drive on a two-lane highway, but they will have a full-blown anxiety attack if you put them on the interstate.

10. Body Language Can Reveal Social Anxiety

The body language of a person who has social anxiety is undeniable. For instance, have you ever seen someone jiggle change or keys constantly in their pockets? Nerve problems likely cause this, and it’s a way they cope. Someone who fidgets in their chair is probably suffering from anxiety too.

11. Need for Isolation

Once anxiety levels reach a particular peek, you’ll naturally use whatever coping skills you can find to get relief. Some people will take a nap to reset their brain, while others dunk their heads in ice-cold water. Others do not understand the need for isolation, but this time allows you to cool off and bring your anxiety back down to a manageable level.

12. People Who Have Social Anxiety Avoid Places with Loud Noises

Did you know that loud noises can also drive your anxiety through the roof? If you’re in a grocery store, the sound of the wheels on the carts, the registers clanging, and the children screaming can make you want to jump out of your skin. Some people with social anxiety find that their situation is worse when it’s in an environment where there’s noise.

According to Calm Clinic, noise anxiety often accompanies other types of anxiety, and it’s a challenge to manage. It’s similar to PTSD because the person who has it is often startled when the noise levels get above their comfortable baseline. Going to something like a parade or the fireworks on the 4th of July wouldn’t be possible for someone with social anxiety.

Not only would the crowd and the fear of not being able to escape become too much to handle, but the noise would undoubtedly make them uncomfortable.

13. Dizziness

One of the signs of social anxiety that most people don’t understand is dizziness. When your anxiety is high, your body will react in many different ways. While some people might sweat, others will find themselves dizzy and feel like their head is spinning in circles.

Oddly enough, you might be dizzy one time and not have the same symptoms during the next attack, which makes things even harder to gauge.

14. Having a Small Circle of Comfort

Dating or having any social life is a challenge with social anxiety. For instance, the other person will quickly pick up that there are only a few places you can go where your anxiety doesn’t make the event unbearable. Some folks can go to the movies, but they need to sit in the back row for a quick escape.

Others may go out to eat, but only if they sit close to the door and have a planned escape route. Your anxiety levels dictate what you can and can’t do, so you develop a circle of safety that includes people and places. You can’t go beyond this safety net, or it will cause significant discomfort and a possible full-blown panic attack.

15. Social Anxiety Might Cause Rapid Speech

Do you tend to talk fast when you’re in social situations? You’re nervous, and your speech rate increases because you’re having a challenging time articulating. The incapacitating fear that you feel can make your voice squeak like a mouse, or you can talk so fast that people have a hard time keeping up. It’s certainly a sign that folks don’t understand, but you must think hard and try your best to slow down when you speak.

signs of social anxiety

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Primary Signs of Social Anxiety

There are many things about an anxiety disorder that people won’t understand until they experience it for themselves. No matter how hard you try to explain things, it just doesn’t make sense to someone who’s never had their heart racing, sweating profusely, and needed alone time to calm down.

The good news is that you don’t have to suffer from this mental health condition, as there are many treatment options available. Many folks will have social anxiety problems when they have other issues in their lives, but it will quickly leave as soon as it comes. However, others may struggle with it for life, but they learn effective ways to manage it.

First, exposure therapy is a great way to combat these feelings. However, it’s recommended that you don’t do this alone. You need a therapist or support person to help you should your anxiety reach its peak. Second, meditation is a great way to calm the body and mind and release some pressure to build your tension.

Lastly, you might want to avoid listening to the news and reading social media news highlights if your fears are trauma-based. If you suffered a horrific event, anything that triggers such memories could increase your anxiety. You don’t have to suffer from this condition, and there are trained professionals that want to help.

12 Habits for a Happier Life

Focusing on all the bad things that have left you downtrodden is easy. However,  you must change your mindset to be happier and feel more fulfilled in your life. The things that you do every day can affect your overall happiness.

Have you ever heard the old saying that a life with many regrets is no life? Think about that profound statement and use it to evaluate your life.

Do you have a bucket list of things you’ve been waiting to do, or are you so tied to a desk at the office that work has become your life? Use your past experiences to write your future and ensure your future is fulfilled.

Be Happier and More Fulfilled with These Habits

Now is the time to start living and enjoying everything you have been given. Stop wishing for a happier life and put action behind those thoughts. Here are twelve things you can do to improve your life to make it happier and more fulfilled.


1. Focus on Relationships and Not Possessions

Is your focus off-kilter? Are you putting all your energy into storing wealth and possessions when you should be focused on people and relationships? Your obituary will never discuss all the boats, cars, and homes you’ve owned.

Rather, it will talk about how loving and kind you were to others. When you focus on people, you will reap the rewards of good friendship and love. To have friends, you must show yourself friendly, and it’s hard to do when you’re married to your job.

2. Give Back to the Community to Be Happier

There’s no better feeling than the one where you help someone in need. It’s not something you need to post on social media to get accolades, but it’s a gesture of kindness that you feel inside.

If you have two shirts, give your brother one. It’s an old principle that still rings true. If you want to find true happiness, you will find ways to give back to others.

3. Use Accountability

Every word or action you do can have consequences attached to it. If you do something wrong, then you need to own it. Don’t hurt others’ feelings, nor should you ever do something amiss without owning it and rectifying the issue.

If you’ve lied, then make sure that you fix your untruthfulness. You will find that your lies and other issues will snowball if you have no accountability.

4. Be Disciplined

Have you seen the difference between a person with great discipline and one without it? A disciplined person knows that sheets change on Mondays, and the trash must be taken to the curb on Tuesdays.

They live by a structure so that they are accountable and dependable to all. Having discipline doesn’t mean you’re perfect, but you have the mindset to accomplish the necessary tasks.

5. Free Your Mind and Heart of Hate

If you allow it, hate will consume every fiber of your being. Even if someone wrongs you, you must learn to let it go.

Freeing your heart from hatred helps you focus on happiness and fulfillment. You don’t need that negativity anyway.

6. Be Eager to Forgive (It Makes Your Heart Happier!)

Do you hold grudges? Do you harbor feelings for people who have done you wrong in times past? You must allow forgiveness to penetrate your being if you want to be forgiven.

Unforgiveness is the breeding ground for hate, and you already know that malice can fester to the point of making you miserable. You don’t want to be known as a grumbling, mean person who holds grudges. Rather, let your legacy be one of happiness and love.

Here are six things that make you surprisingly unique.

7. Put Your Loved Ones First

You must work and maintain relationships outside your job, but nothing is more important than your family. Forbes shared an article regarding how workaholism can destroy marriages.

Sadly, addiction to work is a marriage killer, and it can ruin other relationships, too. Your family and friends must come for you to be first to be truly fulfilled. There are plenty of other jobs, but you only get one family.

8. Live A Purpose-Driven Life

At the core of fulfillment and happiness comes purpose. Going to work and raising kids is part of that picture, but finding purpose goes way beyond that traditional day. What is your reason for being on the earth?

You need to find something that makes you happy at the end of the day, even if it’s something small. Finding a purpose is key if you want to live in contentment.

9. Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams of Being Happier

How long has it been since you sat back and dreamed? Have you ever written those dreams down on paper? Your dreams are the driving force behind your happiness in life. Your existence would be dull if you didn’t have a vision for the future.

Maybe it’s time you stop worrying about your nine to five and get the kids to all their after-school functions. It would be best if you made time to dream again. Do you want to be a pilot, travel to a faraway land, or hold a position in your company that seems unachievable?

Dreaming gives you hope for tomorrow and a reason to keep going.

10. Stretch Your Comfort Zone

This step might be hard for many people. Your comfort zone is there to protect you, and stretching its boundaries can be scary. However, if you don’t challenge yourself or your limits, you will never know how great your life can be.

Have you ever been offered a position or asked to do something in life, but you doubted your abilities? It’s a boat trip where people jump for a nice swim. If you don’t put your toes in the water and feel the water below’s amazing sensations below, how will you know if you won’t like it?

If you stay in the same position, then you will stagnate. The movers and shakers in life are the ones that take chances and jump even when there’s nothing to catch them.

11. Count Your Blessings

Before laying your head on the pillow at night, be thankful for all you have been given. There’s someone out there who would do anything to have a nice, warm bed to sleep in. Did you eat today?

According to Action Against Hunger, over 690 million people across the globe don’t have sufficient nutrition, and they go to bed hungry each night. It’s depressing when you see how much food is wasted around you. You have problems and may feel like you’re drowning in depression or other matters.

However, someone always has it worse off than you. Taking time out of your day to be happy about all you have changes your attitude to gratitude. Someone somewhere would do anything to have a fraction of what you do.

12. Make Improvements Everyday

Each day has valuable lessons if you only take the time to learn them. To be fulfilled, you should strive to make little improvements daily. What if you could improve yourself by just one percent each day? At the end of the year, you would be 37 times better than you were when you started.

So many people get caught up thinking they must make drastic changes. While that’s all fine and good if you can make such alterations, many times, those changes aren’t long-lasting. However, if you can learn to make small daily changes, the chances of sticking with those adjustments are more significant.

fulfilledFinal Thoughts on Being More Fulfilled and Happier in Life

According to News Scientist, there are more than 7.7 billion people on Earth. Amazingly, there is only one you. You are unique, and will never be anyone else quite like you. You owe it to yourself and your family to live your life fully.

Part of being fulfilled is to live with no regrets. A powerful poem states that when your time on earth is through, you don’t want to be like the people who fear leaving the world because they want to redo all the bad in their lives.

Rather, you should feel happier and fulfilled that you’ve lived your life to the best of your ability. When you go home at the end of your journey, you can die with dignity and pride like a hero.

What changes can you make today to make you and the world around you a better place? Start incorporating a few of these things into your life, and you will be amazed by the changes you feel. You can’t correct yesterday’s mistakes, but you can stop the ones of tomorrow.

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