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10 Things You Should Never Sacrifice for a Relationship

Relationships can either bring mutual growth and happiness or feel suffocating and debilitating after a while. All relationships serve their purpose, whether you stay with someone for a few weeks or an entire lifetime. Any relationship should support, encourage, uplift, and challenge you to become a better person, not drain you of energy and make you feel bad about yourself.

If you have to sacrifice any of the following things for your relationship, you might need to reevaluate what value the person adds to your life.

10 Things You Should Never Give Up for a Relationship

Stay true to yourself.

1. Freedom.

If you always have to check in with your partner or feel guilty about going somewhere with friends or family, this shows that your significant other lacks confidence within him or herself. Possessive behavior almost always points to extreme internal insecurity, often from unhealed childhood wounds, such as abandonment or neglectful parents. Even though this person deserves love and kindness, you need to cut ties with the person to allow them to heal on their own. Controlling behavior suggests that the person does not feel comfortable with him or herself, and this needs to be worked out before he or she commits to any long-term relationships.


2. Yourself.

Never change yourself for someone else; the right person will love you for nothing less than your full, authentic self. Also, the right person would never want you to change, because they genuinely enjoy your genuine essence, without you having to change a thing. Granted, relationships all require small compromises, like maybe eating at a restaurant your partner wants to try instead of the one you wanted to go to. Still, you shouldn’t have to alter your personality or beliefs for someone else. Be yourself unapologetically, and if your partner can’t accept you, you need to go for someone who will.

3. Happiness.

If someone doesn’t enhance your life and add to your joy, then what purpose do they serve in your life? Bottom line: if your partner drags you down and makes you feel crappy about yourself and experience, then it’s time to call quits on the relationship. You need someone who will match your vibration and bring vibrant energy into your life, not someone who leeches the energy from your life. Of course, he or she won’t always feel completely blissful, but if they can’t seem to find happiness on their own or offer it to you at all, then let them go…they need to focus on inner healing, not a relationship.

4. Fun.

Do you enjoy the company of your partner; do you laugh, play, act like kids, and try new things together? A relationship always comes with disagreements from time to time, but even after a long time of being together, you still should be able to do activities that bring out the inner child in both of you. You should never give up fun in a relationship – without pleasure, life can become pretty mundane, and it will only cause tension if you remain with someone who can’t relax and let loose every once in a while.

5. Your dreams.

An ideal partnership consists of two people on the same mission, supporting each other every step of the way. Or, just two people who have different dreams, but still encourage and cheer each other on. If you don’t have someone on the same path as you or even someone who has your back, don’t hesitate to leave the relationship. What you want out of life makes up a large portion of who you are, and you don’t need someone who dismisses or bashes your goals.

failing relationship

6. Inner peace.

Your guy or girl should make you feel a deep sense of calm that makes you forget about the chaos around you. If they make you anxious, nervous, or angry a majority of the time, they will only weaken your vibration and cause you to become vulnerable to negative energy. Your partner should have peace within him or herself and reflect it onto you as well.

7. Your desire to explore.

Life is about having new experiences often, so if your partner is unwilling to try new things and holds you back from going on your adventures, you probably won’t find long-term happiness with this person. Your partner should encourage you to take risks so you can grow as a person, so it should be a red flag if he or she tries to inhibit your free spirit.

8. Your other relationships.

Your relationships with friends and family shouldn’t have to suffer just because you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, or spouse. This point ties in with possessive behavior a bit because this can significantly compromise the other relationships in your life. Your partner should allow you to have friends and family time without getting possessive and trying to control who you hang out with and when. Make sure you have an understanding, confident partner who doesn’t need you around all the time to be happy.

9. Your spiritual/religious beliefs.

Some people do change their religion for their partners. Still, it’s different if you truly desire to practice that religion rather than your partner trying to force you to adopt certain beliefs. No relationship is worth compromising deeply-held beliefs or practices. Your partner should enhance your spiritual life and, hopefully, grow with you as you evolve.

10. Communication.

Every relationship requires a deep commitment to truly listening to the other person and understanding his or her thoughts and feelings. A loving, open relationship comprises two people who value one another’s opinion and don’t judge each other.

If you continually feel that your partner doesn’t make an honest effort to communicate openly with you, let them know your needs aren’t met. It’s so important to have an emotionally available partner if you want a successful, happy relationship.

interpersonal relationship

Final Thoughts on Remaining True to Yourself in Your Relationship

Everyone wants a relationship, a special person to laugh with and with whom they can enjoy life’s precious moments. However, if you feel like you’re losing yourself a little bit at a time, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate. You deserve authentic, wholehearted love in your life.

Here’s food for thought from relationship expert, Dr. Phil McGraw:

“The only thing worse than being in a bad relationship for one year is being in it for a year and a day.”

If you feel like something is “off” in your relationship, trust that intuitive feeling from deep inside yourself.


8 Depression Rehab Tips That Can Work for Anyone

Right now, more people suffer from clinical depression and are attending depression rehab than ever before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reverse it with small, actionable steps. While depression does have a tendency to get passed down through genes, it largely results from the thought patterns you have over a long period of time. What you think about regularly, you become. Check insurance package before visiting NUMA recovery centers. They will guide you to cope with your problem.

By doing things that make you feel good and cultivating a positive mindset, you can more easily handle depression and learn what triggers it. If you have been trying to begin rebuilding a life you love, please take these depression rehab tips into consideration so you can get back on a path to living a happy, healthy life.

Here are 8 Depression Rehab Tips That Can Work for Anyone:

1. Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself.

Any discomfort or distress always originates within ourselves, which means good feelings start within us, too! How you see the world mirrors how you see yourself, so by learning to love yourself, you can love the world. It doesn’t matter where you live, what job you have if you have friends or not, or how much you make…if you love yourself and feel happy within, you have unlocked the key to true satisfaction.

Say this phrase over and over again every single day when you feel your mind going down a negative path: “I love myself.” Feel how these words change your outlook on life and even how you feel in your body. Then, you will inevitably start making loving choices like eating well, exercising, seeking positive relationships, and working at a job you love. Everything begins with how you treat yourself and what you think about yourself.

Choose love, because you don’t deserve anything less than that.

2. Spend time in nature at least thirty minutes a day.

It’s impossible to spend time in the sun and not feel those happy vibes radiate through your body. Even if you don’t live in a particularly sunny area, just feeling the wind on your face or breathing in fresh air from trees can help tremendously in treating depression. Most people don’t get have any sort of relationship with nature, which explains why most of us feel so disconnected from ourselves and each other.

Maybe you could take your lunch break outdoors instead of sitting in the break room at work – get into nature whenever you can; it works wonders in creating peace within the mind and body.

3. Channel negative energy into something positive.

Any time you start to feel your thoughts, or other people’s thoughts, drag you down, immediately think of something positive to do or say. If your friend had a bad day, ask him or her what made them smile that day. If you had a bad day, go do something that feels good. Go ride your bike, call a supportive friend, write in your journal, play a song that makes you happy…just do anything but wallow in negative energy.

Everything around us and within us is energy, we just have to learn how to direct it in order to live, not just exist.

4. Join groups or clubs in the area that promote positive thinking.

If you suffer from depression, surrounding yourself with inspiring people can slowly start to change your outlook. Also, doing activities you truly love will take your mind off of your mind, so to speak, and help you cultivate happiness again. Even if you don’t feel like socializing, talking with other positive people will stimulate your brain and help retrain it to think differently.

You can find several websites that cater to people looking for groups or clubs to join in their city, and a lot of these meetups don’t cost anything to take part in.

5. Ask yourself if you would treat others how you treat yourself.

Would you tell a friend what you tell yourself on a daily basis? If not, why do you treat yourself this way?

If you wouldn’t tell someone else that they’re ugly, don’t say it to yourself. Or, if you wouldn’t buy chemical-laced fast foods for your friend for dinner, why do you frequent those places? And, if you wouldn’t say to your friend “You’re not good enough,” why do you make it a habit of reinforcing that thought within yourself?

Pay attention to everything you say and do to yourself, and start asking yourself if you would replicate those thoughts and actions toward others.

6. Stop chasing perfection.

Depression usually stems from our belief that we just don’t measure up compared to others. That’s just it – you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, because they have their own unique path to follow. You have yours as well, so the only person you need to compare yourself to is who you were yesterday. Even if you don’t feel better than yesterday, don’t beat yourself up. Depression takes time to heal from, and it takes time to rewire your stream of thoughts.

Accept yourself now, as you are, and go from there. Accept yourself in every moment, and allow yourself to live and make mistakes. You’ll feel a lot more freedom in letting go than you will when you try to put yourself in a box of everything you think you need to be to love yourself.

7. Simplify your life.

Minimize stress by getting rid of anything superfluous that no longer serves you. This can include toxic relationships, clothing, and gadgets in your house you don’t wear or use, your old car that constantly requires repairs, the job that makes you feel miserable, and anything else that causes you anxiety.

Shape your life into something that reflects you and your interests, and eliminate what doesn’t. Most of the time, we put unnecessary stress on ourselves, so choose to end that habit today. Maximize your happiness by reducing your worries.

8. Volunteer.

Perhaps one of the most powerful methods for overcoming depression is helping someone else. When you give to people less fortunate, or just lend a helping hand or your heart to someone, you will instantly elevate your mood. This instills a sense of purpose and value within you because you have enhanced someone else’s life. You gave your time and effort to something outside yourself and chose to focus on making others feel good.

Sometimes, the best way to stop negative thinking is just to stop thinking about ourselves. So, get involved with your community. Or just rake your neighbor’s leaves or mow their lawn. Do something to make someone’s life better, and you will most certainly feel better yourself.

depression rehab tipsFinal Thoughts on Putting These Depression Rehab Tips to Work For You

We hope these depression rehab tips have helped your healing process.  Please add more valuable tips in the discussion below! Also, be sure to check out our Facebook group to join in on our conversations.

7 Signs You’re Sacrificing Too Much In Your Relationship

A healthy relationship should consist of two people committed to one another who meet each other halfway on any issues or decisions. If you feel drained in your relationship, or feel that your partner takes more than he or she gives, you are probably making too many compromises to make this relationship work.

Always stay true to yourself and never sacrifice yourself for anyone.

Here are 7 warning signs you’re sacrificing too much in your relationship:

1. Your partner’s happiness seems like a constant chore.

If your partner can’t create happiness within him or herself, he or she will most likely turn to you as their source of happiness. This means that you not only have to keep your happiness levels high for have to worry about maintaining someone else’s mood, too. Now, of course, people should aim to make one another happy, but it becomes a problem when they rely on everything outside themselves for their fulfillment. Furthermore, they don’t know how to cultivate it on their own.

2. You concede too often.

They never want to meet you halfway, and view the relationship as a one-way street. They expect you to bend over backward for them, but they aren’t willing to do that for you. Maybe it wasn’t like that in the beginning, but people can change their demeanor over time – especially if they have had a major promotion at work or gone through some other significant life change.

However, a healthy relationship requires give and take on both sides.

Here is a prime example. If your partner takes a new position at work that requires them to move out of state. But, they don’t consider your feelings first, so this should be a red flag that they don’t value your opinion very much. Or, maybe it’s smaller sacrifices, like always having to forgo your favorite vacation spot in favor of where they want to travel.

If they don’t make an effort to fulfill your desires, too, evaluate if this is a healthy relationship to be in or not.

3. You don’t feel happy on the inside.

You should never compromise your own happiness in order to make a relationship work. By staying in a relationship just because it feels comfortable, not because it feels right, you just prolong your discontentment. Make the courageous and optimal decision to leave any relationship that no longer makes your heart happy. It may hurt in the beginning, but it will pay off in the long run as you meet others who enrich your life.

4. You have to babysit their emotions too often.

Listening to your partner when they encounter tough situations in their life is different than having to boost their mood every single day. If your partner blows the smallest incidences out of proportion and can’t seem to find balance with their emotions, it’s probably time to let them work on themselves on their own without the responsibility of a relationship.

5. They have asked you to change major things about yourself.

Personal growth is terrific, but as we’ve said before, no relationship is worth changing yourself over upon your partner’s request. Even if you truly and deeply love the person, they obviously don’t genuinely love you if they don’t absolutely adore the person you already are.

Maybe you two clicked in the beginning, but people change over time, and maybe you don’t see eye to eye anymore on values or your outlook on life. Vow to step away from any relationship that doesn’t honor your highest self.

6. You don’t support their lifestyle.

Does your partner smoke, drink, do drugs, or just live an unhealthy lifestyle in general? While they can make their own decisions, it will unavoidably cause turbulence in a relationship if you don’t share their views.

Maybe you want to have a quiet night in on the weekends and watch movies, but your partner wants to go party with his or her friends late into the night. Or, let’s say you have adopted a plant-based diet and have started a workout routine, while they still eat fast food and don’t seem to care about their health. You deserve a partner who wants to go in the same direction as you, so don’t settle for anything less.

7. You always show your love and appreciation, but they don’t reciprocate.

While giving should be a selfless act without expectations, it just doesn’t feel good if your partner never shows how much they care about you. Maybe you always make dinner reservations or make them cute homemade gifts, but they don’t seem to care about doing the same for you.

Now, some people just don’t show affection or emotions as much as others, but your partner should still make you feel like you matter to them. If you have continually shown your appreciation for them, but they never make the effort to return the gestures, it might be time to walk away from the relationship.

Are you sacrificing too much in your relationship? Add your valuable experience in the discussion below…

10 Things to Remember When You Feel Alone

Many of us still feel so alone occasionally on this planet of more than 7 billion people. As paradoxical as that seems, almost everyone can relate to these feelings and experiences them at some point. Are these feelings unnecessary? Not always; every emotion we feel can unearth a hidden lesson and deeper meaning that we might have missed by not paying attention to our feelings.

However, next time you feel a wave of loneliness overcome you, remember the following advice to help you sift through those emotions.

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. – Wayne Dyer

10 Things to Remember When Feeling Alone

happiness quote

1. Feeling alone reflects your relationship with yourself.

How often have you gone out with new or old friends, wondering why you feel so alone in a group of people? It happens to the best of us. But, if you dig into those feelings a little deeper, you might find that you actually feel disconnected from yourself and therefore have trouble relating to others. Spend time nourishing your relationship with yourself, and give yourself the attention you deserve. Many people look for any distraction to avoid themselves, whether it be people, alcohol, drugs, food, or shopping. Learn to enjoy your company, and you will slowly improve your connection to yourself and the world around you.

2. There are always friends or groups with common interests out there.

Connecting with like-minded people can quickly dissolve isolation, so consider joining local groups to make new connections. Do you like hiking? Cooking? Painting? Running? Well, in most big cities, and even smaller ones, you can find many organizations that have weekly or monthly meetups for various interests. Maybe you need to make more new friends you have in common, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and introduce yourself to new experiences.

3. Most people have felt alone at some point.

Almost everyone on this planet experiences loneliness; we are just trying to figure things out together, so you’re not alone. This life is just an experiment; no one has the answers. To reassure yourself, you could even ask someone at the bus stop or at work if they ever feel alone. Most likely, they will answer “yes,” and you might even make a new friend. Don’t mask your feelings; embrace them and never doubt that someone out there can relate to how you feel.

4. By allowing yourself to get lost all alone, you will find yourself.

We all have grown up in a molded society that tells us who to be, what to buy, and what to believe. However, when you detach yourself from all the noise and expectations and create your path, you get to redefine yourself. Or, invent yourself if you never had the chance to. Don’t fear the unknown; take a few steps into new territory and let your curiosity replace any apprehension you may feel.

5. You originate from the same unseen force as everything else.

Every life form on Earth comes from the same place you did, which connects us all automatically. Our separateness is just an illusion, but a mighty one at that. Next time you feel isolated, go outside into nature and look at the flowers blooming, the birds chasing each other playfully through the forest, or even the clouds in the sky. Become still within yourself, and you will soon remember that you are an intrinsic part of everything surrounding you.

6. Learn to go with the flow in life.

Whatever happens, accept it and keep on walking your path. Everything you encounter, good or bad, will guide you on your journey back home and teach you valuable lessons. Oftentimes, we insulate ourselves from life out of fear or because we have the same old memories playing on a loop in our minds. Don’t let the past dictate your present; just let the universe carry you along effortlessly and allow your actions to proceed with your thoughts. The best things happen when we don’t overthink and live.

7. Helping others helps us, too.

If you long for attention and understanding, perhaps someone else craves these things too. Take your mind off your needs for a while, and offer your words or hands to someone else. This will help change your perspective and remind you of all the blessings others may not have. Plus, it will help you form a bond with a stranger, and give you a sense of satisfaction knowing you made someone else’s life a little bit better. When you’re helping someone else, you won’t be alone.

8. All is always well–even when you feel alone.

Sometimes, we all just need to reassure ourselves and be our rock when we feel depressed. Feeling human emotions should never cause anger or embarrassment; give into your feelings, and cry or get angry if you need to. Pick yourself back up, and tell yourself that you will always be there for you. You can’t be lonely if you love your own company; part of that means consoling yourself on bad days. It’s okay to be human.

9. This is an opportunity to evaluate what you can change.

What makes you feel stuck and isolated about your current situation? Can you change it? If so, come up with some solutions instead of dwelling on the problems. If you don’t get enough human interaction daily, consider doing something small, like going to your local coffee shop a few times a week. You can meet amazing people in any given place or time; you have to put yourself in situations that allow connections to happen.

10. You can always love yourself.

Don’t wait until you feel bouncing off-the-walls happy to love yourself. Don’t wait until you have lost thirty pounds, earned more money, get a new job, moved to a new place, made friends, or gone on a date to love yourself. Love starts and ends with you, so start loving yourself today. Love the pain and joy you experience, and remember to love your time alone, too.

10 Ways to Dedicate Alone Time to Self-Care and Reflection

Since you have some alone time, you may lessen the loneliness by using your time wisely. How? Use the opportunity to work on the best project ever–YOU!

1. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Take the time to sit in stillness and quiet your mind through meditation or mindfulness practices. Cultivate present-moment awareness and observe your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness and meditation promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness.

2. Engage in journaling and writing

Express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through journaling or writing. Use a journal to explore your inner world, gain clarity, and process your feelings. Writing allows you to reflect on your experiences, find meaning, and enhance self-expression.

3. Explore creative outlets and hobbies

Engage in activities that spark your creativity and bring you joy. Paint, play a musical instrument, write poetry, or engage in any creative pursuit that resonates with you. Creative outlets provide an avenue for self-expression, inspire new perspectives, and foster personal growth.

4. Read inspirational books or listen to podcasts

Immerse yourself in uplifting literature or listen to podcasts that inspire personal growth. Seek out books or podcasts that offer motivational stories, practical advice, or insights on self-improvement. Inspirational content nourishes your mind, expands your knowledge, and fuels positive change.

5. Take nature walks or engage in exercise

Spend time in nature or participate in physical activities to reduce stress and boost well-being. Take leisurely walks in natural settings, go hiking, or engage in exercises you enjoy. Being in nature and engaging in physical movement promote relaxation, improves mood, and enhances overall health.

6. Pamper yourself with self-care rituals

Indulge in activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Take luxurious baths, practice skincare routines, engage in relaxation techniques, or do things that bring you joy and relaxation. Self-care rituals rejuvenate your energy, promote self-love, and enhance overall well-being.

7. Disconnect from technology and embrace solitude

Take a break from constant digital stimulation and embrace moments of solitude. Set aside dedicated time to disconnect from technology, be present with yourself, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Solitude allows for self-reflection, introspection, and reconnecting with your own thoughts and emotions.

8. Set goals and reflect on personal growth

Use your alone time to set meaningful goals and reflect on your growth journey. Assess your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and define actionable steps for your future. Reflecting on personal growth fosters self-awareness, motivates progress, and helps you align your actions with your aspirations.

9. Practice gratitude and positive affirmations

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and reinforce positive self-beliefs. Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Engage in positive affirmations by repeating empowering statements reinforcing self-confidence and a positive mindset. Gratitude and positive affirmations nurture a positive outlook, resilience, and self-compassion.

10. Take a nap during alone time

Give yourself permission to rest and recharge through a nap. Find a comfortable spot, set an alarm if needed, and allow your body and mind to relax. Napping can boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, and enhance well-being. Taking a nap is an act of self-care that replenishes your energy and supports optimal functioning.

Final Thoughts on Alone Time

Loneliness is a common human experience that can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, it’s essential to recognize that being alone is a natural part of life. Instead of viewing it solely as a negative state, embracing alone time can offer tremendous opportunities for self-growth and contribute to a happier life. Self-reflection, self-care, exploring creative outlets, and setting personal goals are just a few ways to make the most of solitude. By acknowledging the potential for personal development and finding ways to utilize alone time effectively, we can transform moments of loneliness into valuable periods of self-discovery and fulfillment. Embracing solitude as an essential part of our journey allows us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and live a more content and meaningful life.

5 Habits That Stop Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can crush your soul and lead you down a dangerous path.

Contrary to traditional belief, life isn’t merely a random sequence of events that involuntarily happens to us. Our thoughts, words, and actions largely create what happens to us. We have the incredible power to help mold our lives based on our thought processes. Once you learn to master your mind, you can begin to master your life.

However, many people struggle with how to do this in the long-term. They might practice it for a while, then lose their luster and go back to old doubtful, negative thinking patterns. If you want to stop harmful, negative thoughts in their tracks and learn how to cultivate a positive mind, try out the following tips in your own life.

5 habits that stop negative thinking

1. Focus on one positive affirmation and say it repeatedly.

The mind can have trouble juggling ten different positive affirmations in one day, so try to give your mind a break and tell it one positive affirmation throughout the day. It can be something simple, such as “I love myself.” Any time you feel something negative come up, release it and replace the bad energy with that positive affirmation.

Try to do this throughout the day, when your mind tends to wander to bad memories or degrading thoughts about yourself. It takes practice, but incorporate this method every day for a month, and you will see a drastic difference in your thinking patterns.

2. Keep yourself busy with things that will enhance your life.


If you have too much idle time, your mind might wander simply because you have nothing to keep it busy. The mind needs to engage in tasks or activities in order to retain sharpness and vibrancy. You can work out, hang out with positive, uplifting people, volunteer at your local animal shelter or community garden, go to yoga classes, or anything you really enjoy that will promote positivity in your life.

Staying busy will keep toxic thoughts at bay, and put your mind into a state of “flow,” so you have something to do other than overthinking.

3. Keep a gratitude journal.

If you listen to almost any successful, happy person on the planet today, they usually have a grateful, humble attitude about life. They express gratitude each morning for seemingly insignificant things, like having headphones to listen to music, having a floor to walk on, eyes to see, or whatever comes into their stream of consciousness. They list out every little thing they feel thankful for and let that energy carry over into the rest of their day.

Before bed, every night or when you wake up each morning, just sit in silence and write out everything you feel blessed by in life. This can make a world of difference in how you perceive your world and yourself.

4. Transform negative thinking.

Looking on the bright side of the most tragic situations can really pay off at the end of the day. If you get in a wreck that totals your car, feel thankful you lived to see your loved one’s faces again. If you someone stole your wallet, look at everything else you still have that others may not. You can look at any situation you encounter and take away something positive from it, but you have to adjust your attitude first. How you see the world reflects the way you see yourself, so once you cultivate a positive outlook about yourself, you will see your environment entirely differently.

Colors will get brighter, people will seem friendlier, and the world will just seem like a thriving, happy place. Find the beauty within, and see the beauty without.

5. Ask yourself if your current thoughts are helping or hurting you.

Do your thoughts serve your best interest, helping you create positive results without resistance? Do they nourish your mind and spirit, or make you feel inadequate and powerless? Just observe your normal thinking patterns without judgment, and decide if you need to develop new thinking habits or not. Chances are, most of your thoughts are probably hurting you, not helping you. Most people’s thoughts run on autopilot until they learn to start paying attention to them. Once you do, you can retrain your brain to think positively by practicing affirmations and only repeating the uplifting, nourishing thoughts to yourself.

Final Thoughts on Squashing Those Negative Thoughts

Discard the negative thoughts after you’ve observed them and thanked them for their presence; they can still teach you lessons, but they should not have a permanent residence in your brain.
Do you practice these negative thinking stoppers?  Share your favorites in the discussion below.

11 Toxic Beliefs to Release Right Now

Who you become as a person is heavily influenced by what you think and believe. Positive thinking breeds the same, as does negative thinking. When these thoughts and beliefs continually repeat themselves, you become vulnerable to believing them on some conscious or unconscious level.

A common phrase that you will see throughout our content is: a negative thought is not you. Another phrase you will see is: negative thoughts are tabloid material for the mind. Both phrases are absolutely true and should be committed to memory. Yes, negative thinking is an unpleasant, even disturbing experience, but only if you engage with them. All of us experience varying degrees of negative thinking, often automatically, and then wonder why.

The fact is that your brain is fascinatingly complex. The most brilliant neuroscientists in the world still do not understand much of what the brain does or why it does it. You take in billions and billions of bits of information each and every day without noticing.

The most advanced supercomputer in the world cannot even touch the brain’s processing ability. This complex stream of neurochemical and electrical activity inevitably results in abstract, incomplete thoughts – even negative thoughts – from time to time.

Perhaps these repetitiously negative thoughts have resulted in negative beliefs about yourself. Not to worry…it happens. But now that you understand how negative thoughts and beliefs spawn, it’s time to rid yourself of them.

“What you believe is very powerful. If you have toxic emotions of fear, guilt and depression, it is because you have wrong thinking, and you have wrong thinking because of wrong believing.” – Joseph Prince

Here are 11 toxic beliefs to release now…


1.“I am not good enough.”

Oh, yeah – this is number one for a reason. The undisputed, heavyweight champion of false, toxic beliefs is the “not good enough” bit.

Good enough for what, exactly? A promotion? Wife or husband? Success?

How would you know that you’re not good enough? Is this because you haven’t gotten it, yet?

This is a loaded statement and one that requires further examination. Not having something in doesn’t indicate that you’re not good enough for it. Some of the most beautiful, successful people in the world struggle with this toxic belief. Don’t buy into it.

Here are 11 things to remember next time you feel like you’re “not good enough”.

2. “I have no purpose/lost my purpose in life.”

Do you have a designated purpose? If so, how did you come to this designation? Perhaps you have a heartfelt, undying passion for something that hasn’t materialized. If that’s the case, just keep trying. If not, keep searching.

Consider that you’re living your purpose without knowing. Are you a parent or caregiver to someone who needs it? Have you achieved something that few people have? If so, you’ve fulfilled a need or purpose in this life.

Further, by simply being you, you’re fulfilling a purpose on this Earth that no one ever will. Just be the best you can be.

3. “I can’t be fulfilled until I achieve…”

It’s natural to want to dream more, be more, and achieve more. These thoughts become toxic when that “next best thing” becomes an obsession. Some people continually strive for this, only to find that the empty spot in their soul remains.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” This often falls by the wayside in our achievement-driven society. Remember to live your life as a journey.

4. “My life is too hard.”

Life becomes difficult to handle at times for all of us. As with everything else, much of this depends on your mindset. Nothing can be too difficult to handle unless you allow it.

One thing that makes life difficult to deal with is constant stress – money, work, family, time, and other obligations and limitations. The most advantageous approach to dealing with these external stressors is to simply be present. Deal with one thing at a time with complete focus and then move on to the next.

5. “I must be in a relationship to be truly happy.”

Human beings are social creatures and it’s normal to want someone to share your life with. However, it is worth remembering that nobody and nothing can make you happy except you.

True happiness comes from within, always. Being dependent upon people to make you happy is to give away your power while leading to feelings of desperation and emptiness. Move past these feelings of dependency and create your own happiness, whatever that may be.

6. “I’m too old/it’s too late to pursue my dreams.”

As long as you are able to breathe, you are able to pursue your dreams. The only limitations to what you can dream and achieve come from those that you place.

Consider these people who’ve achieved the extraordinary:

– Dorothy Davenhill Hirsch, aged 89, is the oldest person to travel to the North Pole.

– Gladys Burrill, aged 92, is the oldest person to complete an entire marathon.

– James C. Warren, 87, became the oldest person to receive a pilot’s license.

It’s never too late to pursue anything unless you accept this fable as truth.

7. “I can’t trust anybody.”

This toxic belief is almost always the result of being deeply hurt by someone you trusted. While this may make it difficult to trust others, it should be accepted that most people are trustworthy and loyal.

When someone does betray your trust, learn from the experience and move forward. There are plenty of people willing to give and receive trust in exchange.

8. “I don’t need the help of anyone else.”

When you live in an individualistic society, the notion of asking for help is often associated with shame and weakness. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can concede that someone has helped us at one time or another. It’s important to remember that progress is rarely achieved alone. Further, it’s important to understand that those who love us will always be willing to extend a helping hand in a time of need.

There is nothing wrong with needing help. However, there is something wrong with needing help and not allowing it.

9. “Other people are to blame for my problems.”

Again, this is another toxic belief that dissipates your own strength. It is possible at one time that a person may have contributed to a problem. However, problems are not solved by, nor the responsibility of, anyone else but you.

Take a stand by refusing to give away your inner strength while taking responsibility for your life. You’ll feel empowered, free, and able to handle whatever problem comes your way.

10. “Vulnerability is worth avoiding.”

Life itself requires that we be vulnerable. When we get a job, we are vulnerable to losing it. When we get married, we are vulnerable for it not working out. When we achieve success, we are still vulnerable to failure.

To avoid vulnerability is to avoid life itself, which is no way to live. Nothing is ever guaranteed. However, you can guarantee that you’ll become a stronger, wiser, and more complete person for going through some tough times.

11. “I’m weird and an outcast because I’m different.”

If everyone thought this way, we wouldn’t have been graced with the likes of Einstein, Hawking, Freud, Dawkins, Lincoln, Gandhi, Emerson, Buddha, Jesus, or any other remarkable person in history. Outcasts are some of the most brilliant, revolutionary thinkers and teachers of our time.

Not to mention…could you imagine how utterly boring our world would be without the “outcasts” and “weird” people? Not only do they produce some of the most fantastic discoveries, beautiful art, and enthralling literature of our time, but they also do it with flair and eccentricity.

Embrace who you are. Society has enough people that follow the same beat. What we need are those people who take a different path and better our world.

How many of these toxic beliefs have you released?  How many do you still need to release? Join us in the  discussion below!

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