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5 Natural Treatments for Depression You Can Start Right Now

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (AADA) reports that 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from depression. That number represents over 18 percent of our adult population. Many people cover up the root cause of depression with prescriptions and other medical treatments that may cause additional issues.

Some cases of depression do need professional medical treatment, even if temporary. However, if you suffer from depression, you’ll be happy to know that you can often approach treatments for depression with safer, and effective options that you can start right now.

These five natural treatments for depression will help you combat depression in a positive, healthy way:

1. Exercise regularly

For many years, researchers have studied the correlation between exercise and depression. As a result, they found the regular movement of the body to aid in healing depression in most cases. Most psychologists recommend some sort of aerobic exercise at least three days a week for twenty to thirty minutes at a time. Regular exercise can cause the neurotransmitters in your brain to rewire themselves. Additionally, they might have a positive effect on your serotonin levels.

Many people who struggle with depression do not produce enough serotonin, which helps you feel relaxed. However, exercise will naturally boost serotonin, as well as release endorphins, which minimize stress and give feelings of happiness. If you don’t have a regular exercise routine, consider joining classes at the gym where you will have an opportunity to socialize and surround yourself with supportive people.

2. Meditate daily

A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, found that just thirty minutes of daily mindfulness meditation could have a more substantial effect on anxiety and depression than antidepressants. Meditation calms the nervous system and helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, teaches you to observe your body and mind without judgment. You just relax into your own being.

In addition, researchers have found that meditation helps quiet nerve receptors in a region of the brain known as the default mode network. Many studies have linked depression and anxiety with overactivity in this area of the brain. Try to meditate for at least ten minutes a day to start, and you can even put on relaxing music to help your mind ease into the practice.

3. Take St. John’s Wort

(Editor’s note: If you are currently taking prescription medication, consult with your physician before taking this natural herb)

You can find this natural herb in the form of capsules, teas, and extracts such as essential oils. For centuries, it has been used as a holistic treatment for a variety of nervous system disorders, including depression and anxiety. While research is still ongoing regarding how exactly this herb works within the brain, many scientists have found that St. John’s wort offers better treatment than antidepressants in people with mild to moderate depression.

Similar to standard SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, St. John’s wort is believed to increase serotonin levels in the brain, and may also boost other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. Make sure to find organic supplements if you choose to take these, and make sure not to mix them with prescription antidepressants, as this could cause an overload of serotonin in the brain.

4. Avoid caffeine, and drink non-caffeinated green tea instead.

Most people turn to coffee not just because of a caffeine addiction, but because of the warm, calming effect it has on the body. However, in people with moderate to severe depression, caffeine can limit serotonin production in the brain. Not to mention, coffee gives you a temporary spike in energy, but you then come crashing down as your blood sugars decrease.

Indeed, caffeine is notorious for wreaking havoc on the body’s ability to stabilize blood sugars. Instead of pumping your system with caffeine, drink non-caffeinated herbal teas or coffees instead. Herbs can help heal depression in the long-term, and you will avoid the blood sugar volatility that caffeine inevitably causes.

green tea for depression

5. Get adequate sunlight.

As you all probably already know, regular exposure to sunlight helps us produce a vital nutrient in our bodies: Vitamin D. This vitamin helps bolster our immune systems, promotes strong, healthy bones and teeth, and helps us absorb calcium.

In addition, an international team of researchers found that Vitamin D helped synthesize serotonin and dopamine within the brain, two chemicals that promote happiness, balance, and well-being. Do you live in an area where you can’t get adequate sunlight? Then take Vitamin D supplements or invest in a “light box. ” These measures will ensure that you get some exposure to sunlight, whether natural or synthetic.

21 Step Detoxification Guide

Every day when you walk outside, you get bombarded with an onslaught of invisible chemicals and radiation in the air. And all of that is completely aside from what you’d choose to put in your body. So, we are in dire need of detoxification.

When you take a shower or drink tap water, you most likely have absorbed dozens of chemicals, such as fluoride, and even pharmaceuticals. There’s no denying that we live in a very radioactive, chemical-filled world. However, you CAN actually lower, and help eliminate these dangerous substances. Just follow these natural remedies for detoxification.

Start taking a few of these 21 steps toward detoxification:

1 – Drink and bathe in non-fluoridated water, if possible.

Fluoride can greatly damage your teeth, bones, pineal gland, and even cause bone cancer. It has also been linked to serious brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Additionally, it can damage the liver and kidneys, lower your IQ, and weaken your immune system. If you can, buy a whole house fluoride water filter system to make sure you don’t ingest this toxic byproduct from the waste of industries.

2 – Take chlorella tablets daily.

This single-celled green algae has been used in Japan for years as a powerful detoxification supplement, and it’s becoming increasingly more popular in the U.S. as well. Since the human body doesn’t contain the enzymes to break down chlorella in its natural form, you can buy broken cell wall chlorella, sold in tablet form. Chlorella binds to the toxins in your body, carrying them through the digestive tract and eliminating them from your system. It’s one of the best methods for detoxification out there.

3 – Eat organic cilantro.

Many people actually don’t know about this herb’s natural ability to detoxify the body – it mobilizes heavy metals and carries them out of your system. Coupled with chlorella tablets as an added detox method, some people have eliminated over 80% of the heavy metals in their body in just 42 days!

4 – Take rock mineral zeolites.

Arguably the most effective detoxification method on the planet, this group of minerals can latch on to heavy metals and radiation in the body due to their negatively charged ions. The zeolite particles attract positively charged heavy metals, eliminating them through normal bodily functions. Instead of absorbing the toxic substances, the zeolites actually adsorb them, meaning they electronically bind to the heavy metals. Just make sure to read the labels and information online before buying zeolite – it works best in its raw form, not as a powder or liquid.

5 – Try some food-grade activated charcoal.

Mix 20-30 grams per day with purified water – this highly effective detox agent purges the body of environmental toxins by binding to them and carrying them out through the intestines. You can also buy it in capsule form as well, but try to choose the least processed option for optimal results.

6 – Consume mostly raw fruits and vegetables.

Raw fruits and veggies create an alkaline state in the body, which helps your immune system function at its highest capacity and eliminate unwanted substances from your system. Try to buy organic if you can – the pesticides on conventional produce will only create more toxins in the body. Better yet, grow some of your own fruits and veggies if you can! This way, you will know exactly where your produce came from and how it was grown.

7 – Take a bath in Bentonite or Kaolin clay, or put some in your drinking water.

In nature, many animals actually eat clay if they become ill or as an innate way to detox their bodies. You can do this too, through clay baths or putting some in your water each day. Put ½ to 1 teaspoon in your water every day; it will help you detoxify your system from chemicals, and improve your digestion as an added bonus.

8 – Get your sweat on!

It’s been proven that many toxins are eliminated through our pores when we sweat, so getting in some regular exercise is very important in keeping your system running smoothly. You can also go to a sauna at least once a month if you want a really thorough detox session.

9 – Drink herbal teas.

Herbs have been used for centuries for various ailments, and can help cleanse the colon of impurities.

10 – Eat sea vegetables.

Sea vegetables, such as seaweed, contain alginic acid which binds with toxic substances in the intestines and carries them out of the body. They also contain high amounts of vital minerals, which will help clean your blood and further detoxify the body.

11- Eat brazil nuts.

Eating just two of these nuts a day can greatly aid in the detox process because of the high amounts of selenium present in them. This mineral helps carry mercury out of the body and helps to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant found in certain plants and algae.

12 – Take sarsaparilla capsules.

Indigenous to Central and South America, this plant helps remove toxins from the blood and also serves as an effective anti-inflammatory and remedy for skin conditions. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals as well, which will give your body the tools it needs to continue warding off pathogens.

13 – Eat fruits high in pectin.

Pectin chelates heavy metals and forces them out of the body in the same fashion as all the other detox methods on this list – through the gut. All citrus fruits, as well as bananas, apples, and grapes, contain high amounts of pectin.

14 – Avoid acid-producing food and beverages.

On the pH scale, alcohol, meats, and dairy are highly acidic when compared to fruits and vegetables. Try to eliminate or greatly reduce them to keep your body free of toxins.

15 – Eat more garlic.

Garlic has been used to ward off and cure diseases in ancient cultures. And today, people still reap the benefits from it today. It boosts the production of white blood cells, which keep your immune system functioning properly.

16 – Eat root vegetables.

Dandelion, ginger, and licorice roots all support detoxification. This benefit stems from their anti-inflammatory properties, and contain a high level of antioxidants as well.

17 – Add turmeric to your food.

Known to prevent some cancers, this potent spice can also detoxify your gut and serves as a natural antibacterial agent as well.

18 – Oil pull with coconut oil.

Becoming more popular in the western world, this practice involves swishing the oil around in your mouth for up to twenty minutes at a time. It rids the mouth of harmful toxins from mercury fillings and root canals, and can even whiten teeth!

19 – Take oil of oregano.

Often used to ward off colds, 1-3 drops of this oil taken under the tongue or in a glass of water can also remove toxins from the body.

20 – Eat milk thistle.

Known by many as the king of detoxifying herbs, eating this every day in your salads or taking it in capsule form can provide your liver with a powerful, long-lasting cleanse.

21 – Avoid chemical-laced beauty and bath products.

One of the best ways to keep chemicals and toxins out of the body is to simply not use products that contain them. Use natural, organic products as much as possible, or you can make them yourself as a cheaper, more fun alternative!

20 Signs You’re Becoming Your Best Self

By now, you may have realized that you came here on a mission greater than anyone ever told you about growing up. Thus, you are trying hard to become your best self.

Some event or person may have woken you up out of a deep slumber, and now you see the world through new eyes. It may feel like you’ve stripped away your camouflaged skin to reveal your true colors – if you need some more clarity about whether you have begun to embody your best self, consider the following guidance.

20 Signs You’re Becoming Your Higher Self

1. You feel moved by some grand mission here on Earth.

You have awakened to your soul’s calling; you may have recently quit your job or even moved to a new city in order to facilitate your newfound calling. The old paradigm doesn’t resonate with you anymore, and you have released these outdated thoughts to accommodate your soul’s desires.

2. You feel physically and mentally lighter.

You might feel alive for the first time in years, because you have begun to accept your most genuine nature. During this time, you may even miraculously recover from chronic ailments, or be drawn to healthier, more nutritious foods to match your new vibration.

3. Things begin to manifest at lightning speed.

What you truly desire seems to come into your life almost effortlessly, and in much less time than before. The universe sends you assuring signs regularly, whether through songs playing frequently on the radio, meeting the right people at the opportune time, or even in your dreams. Your intentions have been made clear to the universe, and now it’s responding to your energy.

4. You attract exactly who you need to meet.

Some people call this your “Soul Family” or “Soul Tribe,” because you meet them and feel like you’ve known them for lifetimes before. In this life, they appear at various stages to help you along your path and reconnect with you to give you comfort and guidance.

5. You feel totally comfortable in your skin.

You don’t have to think about who you are, because you’re simply BEING it. What you act, think, and say form a perfect harmony, and you don’t feel the need to fight your inner self anymore. You let it shine proudly, and people notice.

6. You don’t try to repress any emotions, but instead, honor them.

You no longer feel that your thoughts and feelings own you; you simply observe them and allow them to move effortlessly through you. You realize that people experience many different feelings depending on their moods and situations they encounter, and nurture every emotion that washes over you.

higher self

7. You no longer seek love or attention outside yourself.

You know that you embody love in the flesh, and realize that love will come to you only when you find it within first. You practice self-love and self-care, and you’ve learned to accept yourself as you are at this moment.

8. You’ve given up the victim mentality.

Since we have all come here on Earth due to past life karma, you know that blaming anyone or anything outside yourself will only perpetuate bad karma. You accept all responsibility for your own happiness and choices in life.

9. You feel the interconnectedness of all life.

You see yourself in your fellow humans, lions, tigers, bears, dandelions, trees, and rivers. You know it’s all energy expressed in different forms, and you have learned to honor and respect all life on Earth.

10. You know how to balance your own energy.

As you continue to evolve, you may notice that you can attune your energy to the frequency you wish to emit. You have learned to remove any unwanted energies within your body, and may even assist others with balancing their energies as well.

11. You have tamed egoistic desires.

You no longer care to run the rat race of consuming and spending just to inflate your false self and impress others. You know what brings real meaning in life, and feel very detached from material possessions.

12. You don’t care what people think about you.

Now that you feel so confident in your own skin, you don’t need to rely on other’s opinions to bolster your ego. You don’t need anyone’s approval to be you, and you realize that people spread hatred only when they themselves feel insecure. You offer love to them instead of stooping down to their vibrational level.

13. You only listen to your own heart.

You appreciate the opinion of others, but know that only you can make necessary decisions about your life. Only you know what’s best for you, so you don’t let others lead you astray.

14. Fear doesn’t hold you back anymore.

You no longer let fear motivate your decisions, and instead feel driven by love and excitement. You realize that fear is only an illusion, and trust your highest self to guide you in the right direction.

15. You don’t idolize leaders.

You have become your own guru, and know that only you hold the answers which you seek. You may have learned from these leaders, but see the same potential within yourself to teach and be taught.

16. You speak your truth, even if it isn’t popular.

You know that the real truth has been buried beneath piles of lies for years now, and feel obligated to share the knowledge you’ve gained. People may laugh or dismiss your words as ludicrous conspiracies, but you press on without faltering. You have a duty to awaken the masses, and stand firmly in your beliefs.

17. You form better, deeper relationships.

As your relationship with yourself improves, so do all the other ones in your life. Communication gets easier, and you spend more time laughing and hugging with friends and family than you did before.

18. You have a newfound passion for life.

Maybe you once felt like a zombie, aimlessly walking through a dismal existence. Now, you feel vibrant, excited, and moved to live your best life with every breath you take.

19. You spread happiness and love to others.

Instead of putting people down to appease your ego, you lift others up so they will feel better about themselves. This does not hurt your ego, but it nourishes your soul. You have helped yourself, so you now know how to help others.

20. Abundance greets you in all areas of life.

You suddenly find ways of making money that you never saw before, which allows you to buy healthier foods and live a higher quality of life. The universe has rewarded you for living your truth, and this financial freedom enhances your own life as well as the lives of everyone around you.

Are you witnessing signs of embodying your best self?  Join Power of Positivity on Facebook, or share in the discussion below…

11 Lessons We Need to Learn to Find True Love

Many people think of chocolates and flowers and big teddy bears during this time of year. However, today we lose the story of love and lessons behind Valentine’s Day.

In ancient mythology, the cute, chubby boy with wings holding a bow and arrow, Cupid, represented the Roman god of desire, affection, and attraction. Today, we associate Cupid with romantic love as well, and his picture adorns many cards and candies for Valentine’s Day. Beyond his association with the holiday, Cupid can actually teach us many life lessons about the true nature of love.


1. Keep your heart open to love.

In all of the classic tales about love, Cupid mischievously draws his bow and shoots unsuspecting people with an arrow, which causes an uncontrollable desire for the object of his or her affection. From Cupid’s actions, we can learn that we never know when we might become struck by love again, and it usually happens when we least expect it.

No matter how many times you’ve been hurt in the past, remember to always keep your heart open, because someone you completely adore could be just around the corner.

2. Love through the spirit of your inner child.

Since Cupid is a small boy, he doesn’t have any barriers to love, and points his arrow at whoever he thinks might benefit from the spell of love. While he sometimes sought revenge on people and turned love into a game, he still saw love through the eyes of a child. He shows us that we can still look at love in a playful, innocent way without hurting or taking advantage of others. (Based on some of his actions, we can also learn what NOT to do as well).

3. Love is blind.

In some paintings and sculptures, Cupid wears a blindfold over his eyes, not because he is blind, but because sight doesn’t matter in love. Love looks through the eyes of the heart and mind, as Shakespeare describes so eloquently in A Midsummer Night’s Dream:

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Nor hath love’s mind of any judgement taste;
Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.
And therefore is love said to be a child
Because in choice he is so oft beguiled.”

In our very visual world, we often forget that we embody love and that our physical selves just house our loving spirits temporarily. We can learn from this that love exists beyond the boundaries of our sight.

4. Don’t let love’s sting cause you to hurt others, too.

One tale portrays Cupid as a honey thief, and he consequently gets stung by the bees in the hive when he reaches in for honey. He cries to his mother Venus that such a tiny creature shouldn’t inflict such terrible wounds. She laughs and points out the irony: he is just a small child, yet he creates even deeper wounds in the form of broken hearts.

He eventually turns himself into a bee so that he can prick the young maidens who come to take honey from the hive. This tale provides a powerful lesson: even if you find yourself hurt by love, don’t allow your hurt to spill over onto others. Help them instead, and you will find more solace this way than by seeking revenge.

5. Ride the waves of love, and enjoy the journey.

Both ancient and modern interpretations of Cupid show him riding a dolphin, which has many implications. A mosaic from the late Roman Britain shows a parade of animals coming out of the sea god Neptune’s mouth, eventually morphing into Cupid. Some people believe Neptune represents the soul’s origin, with Cupid demonstrates the soul’s final destination. Others say that him riding a dolphin expresses how fast love comes and goes, or how wild the ride can be.

These interpretations can teach us that no matter where love takes us in life, and what we go through during its course, we should savor the journey every second.

6. Don’t chase after people for affection.

In medieval times, some people thought that Cupid represented moral degradation and had malicious intent. Some called him the “demon of fornication,” believing he exploited people’s strongest desires in order to enslave them in a world of corruption. They believed his nakedness portrayed him appropriately so that all of his evil and underlying motives could be showcased.

While this is just one interpretation of Cupid, the lesson here is that we should never use love for selfish desires, or chase after it to satisfy base-level, egotistical wants. Even though romantic love and sex are very natural and serve their place in this world, we still should all seek to express that love in a way that will serve our highest interests.

7. Don’t become lazy with love.

In Renaissance poetry and art, cupid sleeping became a popular symbol of weakening, lethargic love. Maybe some artists from this time thought people didn’t work very hard at love anymore, and let it fade away because they stopped putting in effort. This still applies in our modern world, because every relationship requires us to put forth some work. The main takeaway here is to continue spreading kindness and to never give up on it.

8. Love conquers all.

An artist named Caravaggio painted Cupid in a new, bolder light in his painting Love Conquers All by showing Cupid trampling over many symbols of tradition and intellect, such as music, architecture, combat, and learning. He got his inspiration from a late 1st century BC poet named Vergil, who famously wrote:

“Love conquers all, and so let us surrender ourselves to Love.”

While Cupid’s actions might seem negative, they actually have a hidden uplifting message: Through the veil of the material world, the right partner awaits for us patiently, but we must see through the illusion to find it.

9. Use your wings to fly from situations or people that no longer serve you.

Cupid has wings to depict lovers’ wishy-washy, ever-changing minds about love. People rarely stay together for a lifetime, but sometimes that isn’t what the universe had in mind for you. If you feel stagnant or suffocated by a relationship, use your wings to fly to a new place or person that suits you better. Never stay in a relationship just because it feels comfortable.

10. Sometimes trying situations lead to happy endings.

In the love story between Psyche (“Breath of Life”) and Cupid, they both encounter enormous challenges and spend a great deal of time apart before they are brought back together in the end. Psyche even falls into a deep sleep, but Jupiter interferes and grants her immortality so that the couple can get married. This probably won’t happen in real life, but it can teach you that genuine and mutual affection can overcome many obstacles and reveal the sun where you once only saw clouds.

11. Never stop having fun in life.

This interpretation doesn’t directly relate to romance, but it can lead to loving relationships if you first find love and joy within yourself. In many depictions of Cupid, he entertains himself with hoops, darts, chasing butterflies, or playing an instrument. This can remind us to amuse ourselves with the simple things in life, and never hide our true creative talents from the world!

What life-changing lessons about love have you learned in this article?  Share in the discussion below!

Science Proves Yoga Helps Treat Depression & Anxiety

“Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one’s being, from bodily health to self-realization. Yoga means union – the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

The above quote manages to capture the essence of yoga. The person from whom this quote came, B.K.S. Iyengar, was a legendary practitioner and teacher of yoga. Iyengar lived a healthy 95 years. And, during that time, his teachings and philosophies became the core of how yoga is taught. Additionally, he is the individual we credit with bringing the practice of Yoga to the Western world.

An overview of Yoga

The word ‘yoga’ means ‘union’, with the intention of bringing together the individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness or spirit. Most people know that yoga involves a series of stretching and poses. However, yoga’s purpose is much, much deeper. There are many different teachings, all of which constitute the overall experience of the practitioner:

Hatha Yoga: a system consisting of various physical postures, with the purpose of purifying the body. Yogis teach individual awareness and control over the mind along with the physical aspects.

– Mantra Yoga: the centering of consciousness by repeating certain sounds meant to represent a specific aspect of the Spirit.

Karma Yoga: the practice of devoting oneself to the service of others without attachment or expectation of reward.

– Jnana Yoga: the path which emphasizes wisdom and the use of discriminative intelligence to achieve spiritual liberation.

– Bhakti Yoga: all-surrendering devotion and love to every living being, including nature.

What science proves

The practice of this discipline has been around for centuries – nearly 5,000 years. Yoga, as with mindfulness meditation, is becoming infamous for its many benefits to the practitioner. Many experts believe that these benefits are derived from one core element – the chemical changes in the brain that meditation produces.

Yoga and brain chemistry

In a study done at Boston University, researchers discovered something very interesting. Scientists scanned the brains of 19 participants, consisting of eight long-time yoga practitioners and 11 non-practitioners. The brain scans utilized state-of-the-art magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging to measure to levels of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) – known to be a primary brain chemical deficient in those suffering from depression and anxiety.

The scans were taken before the beginning of the experiment. After which, the yoga group engaged in a 60-minute yoga session while the other group read. Researchers than re-scanned the 19 participants.

“We showed a 27 percent increase in the brain GABA levels of those doing yoga – a really significant increase” said Dr. Chris Streeter, professor of psychiatry and neurology at Boston University School of Medicine. The 11 participants who simply read did not register any kind of GABA-level change.

“I think what’s important about this study is that it shows that by using really cutting-edge neuroimaging technology, we can measure real changes in the brain with behavioral interventions – changes that are similar to those that we see what pharmacologic treatments.” Dr. Streeter notes. Dr. Streeter concluded that other meditative-type practices could produce similar results.

Yoga and ‘emotional distress’

It is thought that this exercise is effective in counteracting or preventing depression and anxiety because the practice moderates stress response systems. As a result, it reduces physiological symptoms of disorders like high blood pressure and elevated heart rate. Evidence also exists that yoga effectively increases what is known as ‘heart rate variability’ – an indication of the body’s ability to effective manage stress.

Researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany wanted to conduct a comprehensive experiment to test yoga’s ability to ease emotional distress. The experiment consisted of 24 women – all who had experienced prevalent symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Half of the women took two 90-minute yoga sessions a week for three months. The other half continued their normal routine did no type of stress reduction or exercise program during the test period.

At the conclusion of the study, the women in the yoga group reported significant improvements in perceived stress – anxiety, depression, energy, fatigue and well-being. Overall wellbeing scores improved by 65%; while anxiety scores improved by 30% and depression scores by 50%.

Yoga and PTSD

Officially classified as a severe anxiety disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) causes many of the same physiological symptoms as those who suffer anxiety and depressive disorders. As such, researchers wanted to find out what effect, in any, that yoga would have on PTSD patients.

Vietnam War veterans, along with veterans from other wars, continue to struggle with PTSD. In one study, researchers undertook an experiment to determine the effects, if any, that Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) would have on lessening the symptoms of PTSD treatment-resistant Vietnam Veterans.

To test the premonition, researchers chose 50 male Vietnam veterans for the study. Qualified participants took a pre-experiment Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) assessment which tests the severity of PTSD symptoms in the individual. Researchers immediately placed 31 veterans into a SKY intervention program. However, they delayed treating the others for six weeks to form the control group (non-testing group) for the experiment.

The program consisted of 22 hours of guided group yoga instruction covering 5 days. The program proceeded to a 2-hour group yoga session held weekly for the first month, and for once a month thereafter for five months.

The scientists gave the CAPS assessment at pre-intervention, 6-weeks post-intervention, and at a 6-month follow-up. They later gave additional questionnaires to measure alcohol consumption, depression, PTSD and quality of life. Those that participated in the program showed significant improvement in CAPS scores, while there was no change in the non-testing group.

The group that did not test was then enrolled in the SKY program and experienced very similar benefits to the first group. Both groups then had a followup at the six-month timeframe and the benefits were well-maintained during the time period.

Final Thoughts on Yoga to Treat Depression

It astonishes many that ancient practices – such as yoga and mindfulness meditation – are showing scientific validity for their claims. Scientists are an inherently difficult group of people to convince, but as results like these are being demonstrated time and time again, the skeptics continue to fall by the wayside.

Perhaps B.K.S. Iyengar was absolutely right when he says that “Yoga is an ancient but perfect science.”

The legend of yoga has certainly been right about everything else.

5 Things To Do Before You Fall In Love

Having a partner you can share your life with and confide in can be very comforting and rewarding, but many people get into a relationship before they’re truly ready. Unfortunately, much of society looks to other people for happiness rather than looking within. Unfortunately, that tactic usually results in the couple splitting up after the initial excitement and newness has worn off.

If you want to have a deeply fulfilling relationship with someone, you need to make sure you’ve done these five things before jumping in.

5 Things To Do Before You Fall In Love


1. Figure out who you are and what makes you happy.

This one can’t be stressed enough…so many people get into relationships before exploring themselves fully and taking the time and effort to create their own happiness. It takes discipline and bravery to become your own best friend and discover what you enjoy, but it’s well worth it because you will then attract someone who also has found his or her own bliss.

Take advantage of your time as a single man or woman and do those things you always wanted to do but never had time for. Go on a cross-country road trip and hike up mountains and swim in rivers, make new friends, take yoga classes, and embrace freedom in all its forms. In a typical relationship, you would probably never get to do all these things, especially if you have kids.

Step into your own fire and figure out what makes you burn with enthusiasm for life. You will thank yourself later when you realize that you don’t need a man or woman to make you happy – a relationship should just be an added bonus to your already awesome life.

2. Find (or create) a job that really speaks to you to ready yourself for a relationship.

It’s no secret; most people despise their jobs and dread getting up for work each morning. If this sounds like you, starting up a relationship while you feel miserable with your career will only mask the underlying problem.

Getting a new boyfriend or girlfriend might feel wonderful and take your mind off things for a while, but the problem will still loom over you like a dark cloud. Instead of always taking out your umbrella to shield yourself from the storm, get yourself out of situations that cause such turbulence in your life in the first place.

Remove the dark clouds overhead by figuring out what you really want to do in life, and then go after it. Whether you want to write books, have a clothing line, run a blog, or own a restaurant, make it happen before you get into another relationship.

This way, you will feel more whole and accomplished all on your own, and probably attract someone ambitious and cheerful as well.

3. Make friends who encourage and inspire you.

A lot of people look to a romantic relationship to fill a void or take away loneliness, forgetting that friends can add so much value and laughter to their lives, too. Once you do get into a relationship, the inevitable will happen – you will eventually get bored around each other if you don’t also have other people to spend your time with.

Everyone needs multiple relationships in life to grow and learn; if you only have your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse to spend time with, you will miss out on a lot of other valuable and exciting connections.

Before you put yourself “back on the market,” try to make friends through activities you enjoy, or even in your workplace. This way, you will already have people in your life who you enjoy being around, and you won’t rely solely on one relationship for company.

4. Live with a roommate (it mimics a love relationship).

If you have never lived with anyone besides your family before, you might want to consider moving out and getting a roommate to get an idea of what it’s like to live with someone outside your comfort zone. Of course, you should ideally choose someone you feel somewhat comfortable with, like a close friend, because this will prepare you for all the ups and downs of sharing space with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

You will have to allocate chores and duties, like washing dishes, vacuuming, scrubbing the bathtub, etc. You will also have to respect each other’s space and learn to work out your differences when arguments arise. Maybe your roommate throws their clothes everywhere, but you like to keep things neat and orderly.

These types of issues will unavoidably come up in a relationship, so take some notes and learn from your friend about how to live with someone without wanting to rip their hair out from time to time. It will greatly benefit you to do this before getting involved in a serious relationship.

5. Travel solo.

Traveling alone is one of the scariest, most exhilarating things a person can do in life. You will gain so much confidence and independence from exploring new lands by yourself, plus you might discover where you want to settle down long-term.

Also, you will get to go where you want, when you want, without having to worry about calling your significant other to check-in, or feeling guilty because they want you to come home and you don’t feel ready yet. It will also give you more knowledge and experience in life, and maybe even make you a better problem-solver.

These traits can all come in handy in a relationship because problems will arise at the most inconvenient times and places. Not to mention, travel just makes you a more well-rounded, interesting person.  So, set your sails for new lands while you can – you will have more regrets in twenty years about what you didn’t do rather than what you did do.

Are You Ready For a New Relationship?

How many of these have you finished before getting into a relationship?  Join in the conversation below!

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