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7 Tips to Raise Your Vibration

Did you know that you can influence your energy, and therefore your reality, based on your thoughts, actions, and feelings? The more in tune you become with yourself, the better your connection will become to the entire universe. Ongoing scientific studies have proven that your existence extends beyond just your physical body; you have an “energy body” that others can feel and respond to. The events, people, and places you encounter in life directly represent your current vibration levels.

If you want to begin to raise your vibration, consider the following tips:

Feed your body nourishing foods.

If you fill your body with highly processed, chemically enhanced, unhealthy foods, your energy body will have a very low frequency vibration. This simply means that your connection to yourself and the divine will become blocked by these toxic foods. If you want to feel light and vibrant, try eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables; these foods have an abundance of nutrients that go directly to your cells, allowing you to connect more deeply to yourself and the world around you.

Quiet your mind.

Our thoughts govern almost all aspects of our lives because these thoughts directly influence the reality you experience. However, if you let your mind run on autopilot, you won’t even realize your predominant thought patterns that subconsciously create your reality every single day. In order to gain control of your life, you have to learn to take charge of your mind.

Meditation greatly helps with this, but you don’t have to set aside time each day to silence your mind. You can do this throughout the day, in your car, office, at the gym, or even the grocery store. Anytime you catch your thoughts running wild, just take a few deep breaths and tell your brain to slow down. Master your mind, and you will begin to master your life.

Walk outside barefoot.

Try to spend a little time outside each day with no shoes on – you will absorb Earth’s healing energies, which will, therefore, permeate your cells and fill them with life. We have become very detached from the natural order of things in modern society, and many people crave more time in nature as a result of this. Luckily, you can easily incorporate the great outdoors into your life by removing the barrier between you and the Earth.

walk barefoot

Take off your shoes, get a little dirt on your feet, and let the Earth transform your DNA. This practice, called earthing, will help strengthen your root chakra, which represents safety and stability. Become one with the Earth, and you will feel more grounded and secure in your daily life.

Start your day with positive affirmations.

If you have a negative mindset, your aura will become dimmed, and your outer experiences will start to reflect your inner state. When you flood your mind with positive thoughts and images, your reality will become a lot brighter, and you will probably start to attract uplifting things and people.

positive affirmations - vibration

Begin your day with something like “I am a beautiful being of light, and I am powerful beyond measure.” You can even write these positive affirmations on sticky notes and place them on your mirror or desk so that you can read them every morning and start each day on the right note. Positive thoughts alter your brain chemistry, therefore changing your perception, which determines your reality.

Get excited about life!

As you increase your vibrational frequency, your atoms begin to move more rapidly, and life around you starts to respond to your new energy. Think about the speed of light; it travels at 186,000 miles per second. In just the same way, your own cells will begin to travel at a faster speed when you become excited about your life! If nothing in your life excites you, your energy will start to become dull and heavy.

Get excited about life - vibration

However, if you start to live life authentically and honor your highest calling as a spiritual being, you will start to buzz with enthusiasm and a newfound appreciation for life. Love your life, and it will start to love you back!

Smile every chance you get.

Anything positive that you do will affect your energy in a positive way. Most people don’t smile enough these days, even though smiling uses fewer facial muscles than frowning! Smile at strangers, at your parents, at your dog, at the flowers growing near your door, or even at yourself. Even if you don’t feel particularly happy at the time, just the sheer act of smiling will raise your vibration.

Smile, laugh and enjoy your life as much as possible. See beyond the veil and realize that you have infinite potential as a light being, and don’t take life so seriously. You came here to be victorious, not to let life beat you down. Smile more often, and life will give you even more things to smile about.


Give more, take less.

Life presents copious opportunities for us to give, in the form of possessions, food, words, or even hugs, to name a few. As the famous saying goes, “Give, and you shall receive.” You could volunteer at the local homeless shelter or animal sanctuary, or even just write uplifting letters and pass them out to strangers. Anything you do from the heart will have a huge impact on those around you, and may even inspire those people to give as well. Giving to others will also make you feel better because you will improve someone’s day or even their life.

You may find that you don’t desire as many material items these days, so give them away to someone in need. When you give, you increase the compassion on this planet, which will help transform you into the divine being you were meant to be!

Join the discussion in the comments or on Facebook. What practices can you share to help the community raise their overall vibration?

5 Daily Disciplines that Reprogram Your Mind to Stay Positive

Did you know there are simple ways to override default negative thoughts, essentially hypnotizing your mind to think positively?

There is no getting around the fact that negativity is all around us, which significantly impacts our minds. The brain is innately programmed with a “negativity bias” – the tendency for your brain to be more sensitive to unpleasant stimuli.

Scientists believe the tendency to react more strongly to negative input had a good reason – our distant ancestors had to deal with danger constantly; thus, their survival relied on being able to detect and avoid dangerous situations. In short, the bias has evolutionary roots.

Then, there is the incomprehensible complexity of the human mind, with approximately 100 trillion neural connections. This unfathomable number of synapses explains our complex way of thinking. It also explains why we have negative thoughts that replay themselves repeatedly without us understanding why.

The good news is that you can control what your mind produces. While you may never be able to rid your brain of negative thoughts completely, you can drastically reduce them. With patience and the willingness to discipline yourself, you can reprogram your mind to stay positive.

Here are 5 daily disciplines that will help you reprogram your mind to positive…


1. Keep a gratitude journal

Research has shown that practicing gratitude regularly makes your brain healthier and happier. Some benefits of being grateful include more motivation, better sleep, and a better mood throughout the day.

One gratitude study involved assigning a group of young adults to keep a daily journal of things they were grateful for. The other group was instructed to keep a daily journal of things that annoyed them or why they were better off than others. The group that kept the gratitude journal demonstrated greater increases in attention, determination, energy and enthusiasm.

This study demonstrated three important takeaways: (1) gratitude has great psychological benefits, (2) thinking that you are “better off” than another person is not gratitude, and (3) true appreciation is an important aspect of being grateful.

Gratitude is not a comparative practice. It is honing in on the positive aspects of your life that make you more appreciative.

2. Repeat positive affirmations

In numerous studies, positive affirmations have been shown to change how the brain is wired effectively. This rewiring changes how the brain filters incoming stimuli, effectively resulting in a more positive mood.

Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, neuroscientist and author of various books on the subject of affirmations and the brain explains:

“We can rewire the patterns in our brain with cognitive behavior therapy or affirmations. Affirmations change the way our brains are wired and the brain lights up differently. So it’s not just this flow, woo-woo stuff…(affirmations) have a bio-chemical, neuro-chemical, and neuropharmacological affects just as effective, if not more effective, than Prozac, Zoloft, or whatever else you have.”

Here’s a quick 4-step method to create positive affirmations:

– Take some time to think about areas of your life you’d like to improve or how you’d like your life to be.

– Write down a list of the most important improvements you’d like to make.

– Write down a few positive statements for each item on your list. Jot them down in the present tense, and focus on what you want, not what you don’t.

– Post these affirmations around your home and read them frequently.

3. Associate and surround yourself with supportive people

Positive people have a positive effect on your thinking. Embrace the company of individuals who display a positive mindset. Doing so will inspire, empower, and motivate you to be your best.

As mentioned earlier, the brain has a default setting that remembers and holds onto negative events. Negative people are no different. They will alter your way of thinking, and you will, consciously or unconsciously, begin to mirror their behaviors, words, and thoughts. This makes it all the more important to mind the company that you keep.

supportive people - stay positive

Refuse the company of negative people by keeping in mind your end goal – developing habits that allow your brain to stay positive. Your mindset is more important than accommodating people that negatively affect your brain and slow your progress.

4. Ignore negative thoughts

Remember this: you are not your negative thoughts, period. Our negativity bias makes it probable that negative thoughts will surface throughout the day.

Negative thinking is simply tabloid material for the mind. There is no substance to tabloid material…it’s designed to attract the curious shopper into paying for useless and intellectually dishonest information. Publishers of tabloids rely on the impulses and misguided curiosity of people who see them.

negative thoughts

The brain is the same way. It may be clever to present the information, but in the end, it’s void of anything representing the facts. The facts are these: you are a person dedicated to improvement, you are positive in your outlook, and you innately know that you are a positive person.

When negative thoughts present themselves, don’t acknowledge them. Don’t wage a thought war by attempting to rationalize with them. You observe them, sure, that’s natural. Observation doesn’t indicate acknowledgment.

When you don’t engage negative thoughts, they fade away; in the same way, the desire to buy that tabloid magazine diminishes when you leave the store…and you’re better off.

5. Stay active

Idleness gives ample time for the brain to overanalyze and overthink. The easiest solution is recognizing when your brain is taking you down this road and diverting the course.

There are many ways to become active, but exercise is the best (by far). Exercise releases endorphins, the hormones that are responsible for feelings of euphoria. It’s a natural antidepressant that far exceeds the capabilities of any prescription drug. Its positive effects are also long-lasting, remaining with you throughout the day.

stay active - positive

Other benefits of exercise on the brain include:

– Oxygenizes the brain, improving its function

– Releases a plethora of hormones, aiding and providing nourishment for brain cells

– Stimulates brain plasticity by stimulating the growth in critical areas of the brain

– Improves learning and memory

– Reduces the risk of brain-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and dementia

5 Ways to Make Happiness a Habit

In today’s society, happiness can seem like some elusive state of mind that only certain people can attain. However, anyone can cultivate a happy attitude, and keep it for the rest of their life. Happiness starts from within, no matter your current circumstances.

Happiness simply means finding joy in this very moment, regardless of what you have or what you’re doing. Everybody possesses the capability to choose happiness because every attitude we have is a choice.

“Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.” – Author Unknown

Make happiness a habit with these 5 tips:

1. Be happy with who you are.

Not surprisingly, the current state of the world reflects the collective consciousness, which means the planet needs a good dose of happiness to turn things around. That transformation begins with you because when you become happy within, that energy ripples out far beyond your physical body, affecting the entire universe. No matter where you live, what job you have, or how much money you make, choose to feel happy with who you are on the inside.

But how do you become happy with yourself? Simple – just choose happiness in any given moment. See yourself as the perfect, limitless being that you are, and let your true nature shine through. When you start to love yourself and reveal your unique, raw essence to the world, you encourage others to do the same. Remember, happiness is contagious, so spread it as much as you can!

2. Ask someone what made them happy today.

At the checkout counter at the grocery store, or while you wait in line at the bank, strike up positive conversations with strangers. Invite them to engage in an encouraging conversation that will make them think about what made them happy that day. Not only will this help them forget about anything negative they may have encountered, but it will make them realize how much better they feel focusing on the positive aspects of their life. Make happiness a part of your daily conversations, and it will naturally become a habit after a while!


3. Find an exercise regimen you love.

Whether you enjoy yoga, running, biking, swimming, or hiking, just find something you genuinely love to do that doesn’t even feel like exercise. Cultivate a regular routine so you don’t get sidetracked or discouraged, and maybe find some friends who enjoy similar activities and can tag along with you. Whatever you do, just choose to get active often. Exercise releases endorphins, which will give you a natural high, promoting feelings of well-being and vitality. It also makes you more confident, which will help increase your overall happiness.

Exercise to stay happy

4. Get uncomfortable often.

Unhappiness often arises when people give into normalcy and mundane routines, not allowing themselves to get out of their comfort zone. If you want an adrenaline rush, try something new. Go base jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, or sing karaoke in front of a crowd. Conquer your fears, and you will conquer yourself. Plus, you will get to know a whole new side of yourself, and gain confidence from your accomplishments.

Happiness - comfort zone

Make trying new things a habit, and you will soon find that your life feels more exciting and unpredictable again. It can be easy to get stuck in a rut and hide under the familiar blankets of security, but as they say, “variety is the spice of life.” You can choose what kind of life you live, so choose one that makes you come alive, not one where you feel under-stimulated and unhappy.

5. Think happy thoughts.

A happy life and happy thoughts go hand in hand; you can’t have one without the other. Negative thoughts will inevitably enter your brain from time to time, but you don’t have to give into them. Just observe them, let them pass, and reinforce happy thoughts. Even in highly stressful and undesirable situations, you can still choose to look at the bright side of things. For example, if you get into a car accident where your car is totaled, but you and the other driver come out with just a few minor scratches, keep your attention tuned to the fact that you made it out alive.

You can avoid a lot of unnecessary inner turmoil by staying focused on the positive aspects of life, and avoiding any drama that you might create for yourself and others. Life becomes a lot simpler when we simplify our thoughts and realize that we must strive to maintain happiness if we want to thrive during our time on Earth.

being happy

What do you to to keep a happy heart? Join us on Facebook and tell us! We would love to hear.

10 Ways to Show Gratitude in a Relationship

If you’ve been in a long-term relationship or marriage, or are aiming to attain one, you come to understand that the initial infatuation and lust period eventually fades a bit. This is normal human behavior. After all, the person who would eventually become your significant other was completely new to you – a novel, attractive, interesting person. Of course, they still personify these characteristics…it’s just not as fresh in your mind. Showing gratitude can renew that spark.

As our relationship grows, so does our love for one another. Unfortunately, so does complacency. We just sort of expect the other person to be there, which can affect our thoughts and behaviors. Among the behaviors affected is our gratitude for the man or woman that we love.

Despite the tendency to take one another for granted, we should do the exact opposite. In fact, research shows that displays of gratitude make your partner more attached, pleased, and satisfied.

The benefits do not end with the recipient of the admiration, however. The person that gives any type of gratitude will not only feel more appreciated but satisfied with their good deed. This is because a display of gratitude initiates a physical, emotional and mental connection between two lovers – no matter how long the relationship!

Simply put: acts of gratitude elevates relationships. Expressions of appreciation are, in essence, expressions of love and thoughtfulness. Relationships are strengthened and empowered when the one you love makes a conscious decision to show you how much they truly care. Further, acts of gratitude continually renew the feelings that brought two people together in the first place.


Here are 10 ways that you can show gratitude to that special someone…

1 – Say “Thank You”.

It’s easy to forget how powerful a simple “Thank You” is. There is no need to wait until a birthday, anniversary, or Valentine’s Day to demonstrate how thankful you are to have them in your life.

Giving thanks to your partner is one of the best ways to demonstrate gratitude. Thank him or her for a prepared meal, spontaneous kiss, doing the laundry, or something else. Aside from saying it, you can leave a quick note on their nightstand, give them a card, or do something around the house that shows your thankfulness.

2 – Appreciate them for their efforts.

If your partner works extra hours, cooks dinner, brings home groceries, or otherwise demonstrates their effort in providing for you, make sure to thank them for their time spent taking care of things. Even if they happen to mess something up while trying, still shower them with love and appreciation to demonstrate your gratitude for their efforts.

3 – Use some creativity to express gratitude.

Saying “Thank You” is nice, but if you are constantly saying the same words to express appreciation it can lose its well-intended meaning after a time. Use phrases such as “I appreciate when you…”, “I love it when you…”, “I am thankful for…”, “I am grateful for…” or some other similar phrase. You’ll find that your partner is a little more receptive and appreciative when you mix it up a bit.

show gratitude

4 – Praise them, both privately and publicly.

Giving praise to your partner is wonderful in private, but it’s also perfect in front of other people. Even if your partner is a bit shy, they will appreciate the fact that you’ve made a bold statement about them while among the company of others.

Your loved one wants to feel that you are proud of them when it’s just you together and when you have other people around. It’s bold, it’s confident, and it’s incredibly attractive…especially when you are a man praising your woman… don’t you agree, ladies?

5 – Flowers…or chocolate (for men!)

Admittedly, flowers can be a bit cliché but that doesn’t mean they’re not appreciated. Women really do like flowers, even if it’s just a tangible expression of thoughtfulness. To make this a little more special, give her flowers when there is no reason other than showing your love. An outward display of gratitude via a flower arrangement is great when it’s spontaneous.

Of course, if your Goddess isn’t a fan of flowers, buy her something that nearly every other woman on the face of this planet adores…chocolate. Buy them in a heart-shaped box for an added effect. A chocolate bar is not really desirable in this case…or maybe it is. How about chocolate “kisses”? That kind of makes sense…okay, we’re done.

6 – Pay attention to the little things

Try to pick up on subtle hints that indicate wishful action on your part. Maybe it’s a softly spoken word about having the dishes put away, the garage cleaned, the laundry folded, or the car washed. Perhaps it’s a date night for two out of town, or maybe something that would add to their wardrobe. Whatever it is, pick up the cue and take some action. This is an incredibly powerful form of gratitude. Attention to detail!

7 – Disrupt the established routine

If you’re a woman, does your man usually take the garbage out? If you’re a man, does your woman usually go grocery shopping? These are clearly established roles where a bit of switcheroo can get the gratitude flowing to (and from) your partner… not to mention how great you’ll feel afterward.

Sure, these may seem like tedious chores to take on, but imagine the look of surprise and genuine appreciation on your partners face when they realize you’ve done something you hate!

(The author of this article is a married man and can testify how much he adores seeing his bewildered, loving wife react in surprise to him doing the laundry or making breakfast).

8 – Show gratitude when you succeed

If you’re a woman who received a promotion, state how you couldn’t have done it without your man’s support. If you’re a man who received a promotion, state how you couldn’t have done it without your woman’s support. Get the idea here?

The truth is it doesn’t matter what the success is; it is a shared success if you’re in a committed relationship. You support one another, you have different responsibilities, and each of your efforts makes it possible for the person you love to make strides in their life.

9 – Be there when they need help

Circumstances arise when the other partner’s normal “routine” is interrupted – sickness, work, family issues, etc. A truly grateful partner will combat anything that stands in their way of being there and assuming whatever responsibilities are necessary. Do the chores, help with the kids, clean the house, give a massage…do whatever is needed until your partner is able to get back in the saddle.


10 – Consistency is key

Most of us are capable of showing gratitude from time to time. The real value lies in being able to display your gratefulness on a consistent basis. Know this: he or she loves you with their entire being. The willingness to show your appreciation for them is well worth the effort. In fact, you’ll likely see some form of gratitude coming right back at you.

How do you show your significant other how much you appreciate them? Share your thought in the comments or on our Facebook page.

Need to clear your mind? Ask yourself these 20 questions

It is nothing new to say that we are overstimulated, overworked, and constantly distracted. As a result, our minds have become wired for constant stimulation. This is not a healthy way of being, however, and scientists constantly churn out research that reiterates this fact.

Through the redirection of your attention, you can clear your mind and discover what truly matters in life. One way to do this is by asking yourself some important questions. Keep in mind, there are no right or wrong answers – just questions that may provide some insight in how you live your life.

Here are 20 questions to help clear your mind from the daily grind:

  1. Is it worse to fail or never try? Some people are more afraid of failing than giving themselves the opportunity to fail – the question is why?
  2. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? We all have things we’re passionate about but what are we doing about it? Think about what you’d like to change in the world and do something, even if it’s something small.
  3. Do you truly believe that your career is a calling, or are you just settling? If you’re not making a living out of your passion, perhaps there is some other outlet that would enable you to do so – even if it doesn’t involve money.
  4. If you could offer one piece of advice to a child, knowing that they will follow it, what would it be? The knowledge and advice that we share with children can have a definite impact on the world. Try to give this advice where and when you can.
  5. What’s holding you back from doing the one thing that you truly want to do? Again, this doesn’t have to be career-related. Perhaps it’s the trip you haven’t taken, the family member you haven’t visited, or the book that you haven’t taken the time to read.
  6. If you had to move to another country besides the one you currently live, where would you go and why? The country that you grow up in often impacts how you think and live. If possible, try to visit this place at least once and see if there’s anything you can take away from the experience.
  7. Have you been the type of friend that you would want as a friend? We are all happy to receive the company of a good friend, but are we returning the favor? We should all be loyal, kind, supportive, affectionate, and reliable to those that we call friends.
  8. What are you most grateful for? Even though we are all extremely busy, it’s good practice to think of one or two things each day for which to be grateful. You’ll also find that making a habit of this positively affects your disposition throughout the day.
  9. Do you tend to base your opinions in how you feel or how you think? Human beings are unique in that we can be both emotional and rational. There are times in which to follow your heart and there are times in which to follow your head.
  10. Would you rather do work that you love or work that provides a good income? No wrong answer here. We all have different priorities, and some have people who rely on them. However, it’s still worth examining if only for your own knowledge and future choices.
  11. How do you try to make each day count? It’s no secret that our days on this planet are limited. When looking back on your life, will you be able to say that it was lived to the fullest?
  12. What is the difference between feeling truly alive and just living? I think we all want to feel as alive as possible without the complacency that daily life can bring…but what does this mean to you?
  13. How would being rich change your life aside from being able to acquire a bunch of possessions? Our world is very materialistic – we want money to buy stuff. If you are seeking a big payday, do you have another reason other than buying things?
  14. When was the last time that you focused on your breath? Chalk up another reason why a hectic world and lifestyle is bad for us – it makes it nearly impossible to be present. Focusing on your breath can have a positive, calming effect on your mood. Try it!
  15. When you have time alone, what do you do? What do you do with the precious few moments of solitude that you have throughout the day? Consider the importance of solitude and make this valuable time count.
  16. What actions have you taken on a cause that is important to you? Our world is filled with problems – problems that require a solution. You likely have some cause near and dear to your heart. Consider contributing in some way. Volunteer, donate, organize…you can make a difference my friend.
  17. Who do you truly love in your life? How have you demonstrated this recently? Speaking of precious moments – how are you showing love to people that are important to you? Visit, call or send a quick text to someone who’d love to hear from you!
  18. When you make a mistake, how do you treat yourself? Some of us hold ourselves to high standards and that’s okay! But do you beat yourself up for making a small mistake? How we react to a setback is often more important than the setback itself.
  19. What are you doing to further understand yourself and your place in the world? Complacency is another reason why our hectic lives are not good. On the other hand contemplation, about yourself and your place in the world, is very good.
  20. When living your life, do you truly make the decisions or does someone else make them for you? If there are any married men reading this, you are given a pass – we all know who makes those decisions! (Just kidding, just kidding). On a serious note, we should all consider to whom we’re giving the authority in regards to our decision making – is it you or someone else?

3 Ways to Improve Your Prayers for Healing

Many civilizations and cultures throughout history have utilized different forms of meditation or prayers for healing. In the modern world, people still incorporate prayer into their daily lives to find peace, hope, comfort, or even remedies for illnesses.

Unfortunately, many people become frustrated when their prayers aren’t answered immediately and sometimes give up the practice altogether. Do you still believe in the power of prayer and want to experience true divine healing? Then you will definitely want to read on for some powerful advice!

Praying Provides Substantial Health Benefits

Most people know that offering prayers for healing can help them grow spiritually. But many don’t know that you can also manifest physical benefits, too!

Note that these benefits do not point to any specific religion. Instead, they affirm your spiritual being and your faith. So whether you worship God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, or any other being, these truths are universal. The name or label you assign to your deity does not matter in terms of the outcomes.

stress1 – Improvement in Heart Health

A 2014 study published by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine tracked thirty Muslim men during their prayers. They took electrocardiogram feedback tracked before, throughout, and after they prayed. They found that the heart rate was reduced during their worship. Besides that, their heartbeat sounded stronger. The researchers noted that this could help decrease their odds of developing cardiovascular disease.

2 – Help Overcome Depression and Trauma

In addition to physical benefits, prayers can have a positive impact for mental health. Specifically, an article in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that people who have depression rooted in childhood trauma engaged in worship as a form of meditation.
The research team noted that the meditative state spurred activity in the prefrontal cortex, which seems to help with emotional regulation. Additionally, they believe that praying seemed to help the subjects disassociate from the root trauma.

3 – Increased Optimism Helps You Bounce Back

Having an optimistic outlook can help someone navigate even the most stressful days with poise and a good attitude. But how do they do it?

Positivity helps contribute to learning to overcome those unexpected daily obstacles while remaining unruffled. As it turns out, the science backs up that claim!

Original research published in 2016 rounded up over three hundred articles that cited connections between prayer and wellness. Of those articles, 21 studies noted that praying had a two-pronged impact: decreasing depression (as mentioned in #2) and improving optimism. Optimism, they noted, relates directly to developing more advanced coping skills.

So when you say your prayers for healing, you are getting more than you bargained for.



life karma - prayer for healing

Here are 3 Ways to Improve Your Prayers for Healing

All you need to do is ask. Have faith that your requests will be granted to manifest them into reality.

Include Chants or Mantras for Healing in Your Daily Practice

In reality, everything in life represents sound through vibrations and energy. Some sounds give off positive energy, while others operate at lower frequencies. Many ancient cultures and indigenous people believed in the power of chanting to heal themselves and others. Also, they used sacred instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls and gongs to capture the full spectrum of sound and combined these with their intention to instill healing within themselves or others.

As you sit down to pray, try putting on some relaxing music that includes such instruments, or you could even find a recording online of someone chanting certain mantras or sounds that resonate with you. Sounds have a potent effect on the mind and body and have even been known to eliminate tumors and other serious ailments within the physical self. By eliminating the negative energy that has built up over time, you will be in a much better position to receive physical and spiritual healing.

Set Your Intention Clearly in Your Prayers for Healing

Before you begin your practice, remember what you want to pray for. Or think of what messages you would like to receive from the higher realms. You may have many things on your mind. However, it helps to break them up into individual prayers so that you can deliver the prayer more clearly.

This will prompt your angels and spirit guides to offer you specific advice and knowledge. This guide will help you overcome the current challenge you face. If you pray for twenty different things at once, the universe will not know which of these takes priority over others. Therefore, you may not receive the full spectrum of healing.

Also, think of how you can offer your help in order to get what you’re asking for. For example, if you want more money, think of ways you can utilize your talents and skills in order to bring about peace and healing in the world. The universe wants to help you. But you must be willing to put in the effort and meet it halfway.

Imagine that Healing Has Already Taken Place

If you truly want healing and peace in your life, you must consider it already done. You must believe that you have the capacity to heal yourself through the power of prayer and then picture what it would feel like to accept that gift into your life.

Picture yourself as already healed, and then it will be so. Don’t think of yourself as a broken, incomplete being that will never reach your full potential, but rather, think of yourself as a powerful part of the universe that can accomplish extraordinary endeavors beyond your comprehension.

It’s a paradox; even if you don’t feel you have been healed yet, you must picture it as already so, and the metaphysical vibrational realm will slowly work to match the physical realm if you hold your intention long enough.

prayers for healing

Final Thoughts on Putting Your Prayers for Healing Into Effect

Our thoughts and intentions have a genuine and significant role in how our physical realities play out, so you must pay attention to what your thoughts tell you and transform them to match the reality you want to see.

If you want to heal, you must think peaceful, transformative thoughts in order to see them manifest before your eyes. You have to wholeheartedly believe in the power of what you cannot see to make your vision come to life. After all, believing is seeing. If you believe in something long enough, you will inevitably see it.

Remember that prayer represents something different for every person. Thus, these tips only serve as a guideline to help you in your spiritual practice. If you have any other tips or advice to help others in their prayer for healing, please join in the discussion below!

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